
971 B



  • This begins an account of Jesus calming a storm.
  • **entered a boat ** - entered a boat - "Jesus got onto a boat"
  • his disciples followed him - Try to use the same words for "disciple" and "follow" that you used in (:en:bible🎶mat:08:21) and (:en:bible🎶mat:08:21).
  • Behold - This marks the beginning of another event in the larger story. It may involve different people than the previous events. Your language may have a way of doing this.
  • there arose a great storm on the sea - "a great storm arose on the sea."
  • so that the boat was covered with the waves - "so that the waves covered the boat." (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_activepassive)
  • woke him up, saying, "Save us" - They did not wake him up with the words "Save us." They first "woke him up" and then "said, 'Save us.'"
  • we are about to die - "we are going to die"