
1.5 KiB



  • (Zechariah continues prophesying to his newborn son.)
  • because of his tender mercy - This could be translated as "because he is compassionate and merciful to us."
  • of our God - Note that throughout these verses "our" and "us" are inclusive. (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_inclusive)
  • like the rising sun - "like the sunrise" or "like the dawn." (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_simile)
  • He will shine upon - This is a metaphor that means "He will give knowledge to." This could be translated as "He will give spiritual light to." (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
  • people who sit in darkness - This is a metaphor that means "people who do not know the truth".
  • and (who sit in) the shadow of death - This is a metaphor that means "who are about to die" or "and who are afraid that they will soon die."
  • guide - This is a metaphor for "teach."
  • our feet - This is a synecdoche and refers to the whole person, not just the feet. It could be translated as "us." (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_synecdoche)
  • into the path of peace - This is a metaphor that means "into a peaceful life" or "into a life at peace with God." It could be translated as "to walk along a path that leads to peace" or "to live in a way that brings peace with God." Make sure your translation of this fits with how you translate "our feet."