Wed Oct 27 2021 10:37:23 GMT-0500 (Hora de verano central (México))

This commit is contained in:
Michael A. Rodriguez 2021-10-27 10:37:23 -05:00
parent eadb4db287
commit 6c69137fb1
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@
\c 5 \v 1 Jich k'ot ta pasel, te k'alal la stsob sbaik tel te ants-winiketik ta stojol te Jesuse yu'un yakalik ta xch'amel yayel stojol te sk'op te Diose. \v 2 Te Jesuse tek'el ta bay sti mar yu'un Genesaret. La yil cheb barko te ay ta ti ja'. Te tsak chayetik lok'ik'tel lea sok yakalik ta sapel te stsakjibal xchayike. \v 3 Te Jesuse och bael ta bay barko, te ja yu'un te Simóne sok la sk'anbey te yakuk oxtajuk ochel tebuk ta ja'. Jich yu'un la snajk'ansba sok kaj sbijtes te ants-winiketike.
\c 5 \v 1 Jich k'ot ta pasel, te k'alal stsob sbaik te ants-winiketik ta stojol te Jesuse yu'un yakalik ta xch'amel yayel stojol te sk'op te Diose. \v 2 Te Jesuse tek'el ta bay sti mar yu'un Genesaret. La yil cheb barko te ay ta ti ja'. Te tsak chayetik lok'ik'tel lea sok yakalik ta sapel te stsakjibal xchayike. \v 3 Te Jesuse och bael ta bay barko, te ja yu'un te Simóne sok la sk'anbey te yakuk oxtajuk ochel tebuk ta ja'. Jich yu'un la snajk'ansba sok kaj sbijtes te ants-winiketike.