Wed Apr 19 2023 13:24:16 GMT-0500 (hora de verano central)

This commit is contained in:
tsDesktop 2023-04-19 13:24:17 -05:00
parent afbfea1e6f
commit 1a3a313817
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@
\v 4 Jauk me to te k'alal yakix sakubel tel a te k'inale, te Jesús tejk'aj ta ti' ja', te nopojeletik yu'une ma la sna'ik teme ja te Jesuse. \v 5 Jich yu'un te Jesuse jich la yal: "Winiketik, ¿Ay ba beluk ya jwe'tik?" Jich la sutik: "Mayuk." \v 6 Jich la yal te Jesuse: "Ch'ojaik koel ta ja' te stsakjibal achayik ta banti swael te abarkoe, ya me ataik cha'ox kojt' te chaye." Jich la xch'ojik koel te stsakjibal xchayike, jauk me to ma juyunik slok'esel tel yu'un te yalale, ta skaj te bayal chay nojtel yu'une.
\v 4 Jauk me to te k'alal yakix sakubel tel a te k'inale, te Jesús tejk'aj ta ti' ja', te nopojeletik yu'une ma la sna'ik teme ja te Jesuse. \v 5 Jich yu'un te Jesuse jich la yal: "Winiketik, ¿Ay ba beluk ya jwe'tik?" Jich la sutik: "Mayuk." \v 6 Jich la yal te Jesuse: "Ch'ojaik koel ta ja' te stsakjibal achayik ta banti swa'el te abarkoe, ya me ataik cha'ox kojt' te chaye." Jich la xch'ojik koel te stsakjibal xchayike, jauk me to ma juyunik slok'esel tel yu'un te yalale, ta skaj te noj tel ta bayal chaye.