Thu Oct 22 2020 10:36:14 GMT-0400 (SA Western Standard Time)

This commit is contained in:
tsDesktop 2020-10-22 10:36:14 -04:00
parent 11f4567411
commit 80a2772fca
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
Te namey k'inal jme'jtatik yich'ójik te nailpal, yu'un te tratoe ta bay te jochol takin k'inale, jich la yich' pasel te bit'il la yal Dios ta stojol te Moises te ak'bot yil señail te bi yilel ya spase.
Ja'in to ja snail pak'te chich mamtik namey ta ja'ik yich'ojiktel ta jochol tak'in kinal sok te Josueje. Jain to ja k'ot ta pasela te k'alal och spojbeyik te sk'inalik te muk'ul lumetike te janix la yich'ik lok'esel yu'un te Diose ta stojol te chich mamtike ,
Ja'in to ja snail pak'te chich mamtik namey ta ja'ik yich'ojiktel ta jochol tak'in kinal sok te Josueje. Jain to ja k'ot ta pasela te k'alal och spojbeyik te sk'inalik te muk'ul lumetike te janix la yich'ik lok'esel yu'un te Diose ta stojol te chich mamtike , ja to k'alalaytak'iinalate Davide.
Te macha' lek ilot