# Papuan Malay tN issues The correct .md file format is documented at https://www.techadvancement.com/community/train/how-to-format-translation-notes-for-publishing-v-mast ## File modifications: 1. Removed the first line of every note file other than the intro.md files. Also removed the second line if blank. * Consistently, notes files other than intro.md had two extraneous lines at the top. * RISK: might possibly have deleted some valid data. * 23,030 files affected 2. Removed the first two lines from intro.md files that start with some variation of "# Permulaan" * ~450 files affected 3. Removed lines containing empty HTML comments, and the lines following, if blank. * All HTML comment tags found were empty comments. * 469 files affected 4. Converted instances of & nbsp; to a single space. * 13,848 files affected 5. Removed top line of file if blank. Consolidated consecutive blank lines elsewhere in file. * ??? files affected 6. Removed "Kata-kata Terjemahan" section from files that had it. * Those are from an older tN version. * ~4550 files affected 7. Removed instances of and * They had no apparent purpose or meaning. * 620 files affected 8. Removed blank headers and the blank line following (if any). * 74 files affected 9. Fixed language code in tA links. Replaced rc://en/ with rc://*/ * uncounted 10. Removed blank lines between list items. * 416 files affected 11. Removed high level hash tags in files showing the first classic pattern of corrupted heading levels. Classic pattern means: * Classic pattern means: First heading at level 1. Subsequent headings alternate higher level to level 1. * Ends with higher level heading. No untagged text lines anywhere. * 1119 files affected 12. Promoted headings to level 1 in files showing the second classic pattern of corrupted heading levels. * Classic pattern means: At least one heading at level 2 or higher. * Plain text lines alternate with headings. Ends with plain text line. * 2802 files affected 13. Removed top two lines of files meeting these criteria: * At least 5 lines long * First line contains a verse reference (space followed by digits, colon, and digits) * Second line is blank, and third line starts with hash mark * 50 files affected 14. Renamed all folders and files in Psalms from 2-digit to 3-digit names. * 2483 files/folders affected 15. Consolidated multi-line references into a single line (Lihat: [[...]]) * 72 files affected 16. Converted v-mast links to regular note links. * 924 files affected 17. Removed explicit formatting from most level 1 headings. * 28 files affected 18. Removed high level hash tags in files showing a modified classic pattern of corrupted heading levels. The modified classic pattern is: * First heading and every other line is a level 1 heading. * Between level 1 headings are single lines that are either plain text or a higher level heading. * At least one heading is level 2 or higher. * Ends with higher level heading or text. * 702 files affected 19. Removed empty files. * ~20 files affected 20. Replaced commonly misspelled TA reference (figs-metonomy -> figs-metonymy) * 25 files affected 21. Manual edits by the volunteers in Orlando. * files not counted 22. Removed backslash-square bracket combinations. * 7 files affected 23. Remove html anchor tags * 36 files affected 24. Remove hard line breaks before a “(Liat:” OR “(Lihat:” * 733 files affected 25. Ensure ASCII space after Liat: or Lihat: * 6400+ files affected, mostly translation of non-ASCII space to ASCII space 26. Ensure space and left paren before Liat: or Lihat: * 720 files affected 27. Ensure spaces surround "dan" when "dan" or "and" occurs between two references. * 925 files affected 28. Removed blank line(s) at top of files (introduced in step 21). * 55 files affected 29. Manual edits by Larry * ~300 files affected 30. md_cleanup.py * 5756 files affected, majority of which were removal of extra blank lines 31. Further minor editing * only a few files