Characteristics of the ULB, Issues 361-368

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Appendix to the Unlocked Literal Bible
## Origin and Purpose of the ULB
## Origin and Purpose of the English ULB
The Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) is an open-licensed version of the Bible derived from The American Standard Version, and updated using the most reliable Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek copies of the Biblical texts available. It is intended to accurately reflect the meanings of those texts and to be used as a source text for Bible translators to translate the Bible into their own language.
The English Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) is an open-licensed version of the Bible derived from The American Standard Version, and updated using the most reliable Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek copies of the Biblical texts available. It is intended to accurately reflect the meanings of those texts and to be used as a source text for Bible translators to translate the Bible into their own language.
Some might call the ULB "relatively literal" because it retains many of the grammatical structures, idioms, figures of speech, and semantically complex vocabulary used in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek source documents. But when those grammatical structures, idioms, or figures of speech would be unintelligible or seriously misunderstood in English, the ULB minimally adjusts the grammatical structures and wording in order to express the same meanings in ways that are more clear in English.
@ -25,17 +25,15 @@ The ULB is intended to be used with other resources that help to clarify the mea
* Greek makes abundant use of participial clauses. For the English of the ULB to make sense, often these must be changed to relative clauses or adverbial clauses.
* In the ULB, the grammatical structures of the original languages are retained unless the English would be ungrammatical or easily misunderstood.
## Characteristics of the ULB
The ULB seeks to represent the language forms of the original in a way that also makes sense in English and other Gateway Languages.
* The ULB tends to reflect the grammatical structures of the biblical languages.
* The ULB tends to reflect the parts of speech of the biblical languages. For example, it seeks to use nouns where the original language uses nouns, adjectives where the original language uses adjectives, and so forth.
* The ULB tends to reflect the semantically complex vocabulary of the original languages.
* The ULB seeks to reproduce the form of the logical connections in the biblical languages. Thus, for example, the ULB has "the righteousness of faith" in Romans 4:13, and the logical relationship between righteousness and faith is not further specified. (Is it the righteousness that comes by faith? Is it the righteousness that vindicates faith?) All that "the righteousness of faith" explicitly signals is that there is some close association in the text between righteousness and faith, and that we can probably rule out a number of conceivable logical relationships between the two concepts, but not all possible relationships, as the foregoing example illustrates.
* The ULB usually reproduces the linear succession of ideas found in the original, even when English may prefer a different arrangement of the same ideas.
* The ULB does not normally present information that is only implied in the original. For example, in Matthew 26:5, "For they were saying, 'Not during the festival, so that a riot does not arise among the people.'" The implied information is, "Let us not arrest Jesus [during the festival]." The ULB does not overtly represent this implied information.
* The ULB reflects as much as reasonably possible the written style of the original. It has, for example, "Paul ... to Timothy..." instead of English's preferred, "Dear Timothy, this is Paul."
* The ULB departs from closely representing the structures of the original only when it must do so for the sake of clarity in English.
* Even when the ULB is ambiguous or not entirely clear (as is often true of the original), the ULB must never promote to the translator the wrong meaning.
## Characteristics of the Form of the English ULB
The English ULB translates the meaning of the original texts while seeking to use the language forms of those texts. **As long as the English is grammatical and reasonably understandable and graceful,** the following statements are true of the English ULB.
* The ULB reflects the grammatical structures that were used in the original language texts.
* The ULB reflects the parts of speech that were used in the original language texts. For example, when the original text has an abstract noun, the ULB usually expresses the same idea with an abstract noun rather than with a verb or adjective.
* The ULB reflects the semantically complex vocabulary of the original language texts.
* The ULB reproduces the form of the logical connections in the original language texts without explaining what the connection means.
* The ULB places clauses in the order that the original language texts placed them.
* The ULB leaves implied what was left implied in the original language texts.
* When expressions in the original language texts are ambiguous or unclear, the ULB often keeps the ambiguity or lack of clarity, instead of choosing a particular meaning.
## Decisions Concerning the ULB
The following are decisions that have been made concerning the ULB. This is not a comprehensive list, but it is here to help those who might wonder why the ULB is as it is.