Merge pull request 'Paula.Jeremiah12' (#990) from Paula.Jeremiah12 into master

Reviewed-on: WycliffeAssociates/en_ulb#990

Jeremiah 16-20 poetry formatting
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SusanQuigley 2021-10-27 18:56:51 +00:00
commit 484d095cf7
1 changed files with 193 additions and 92 deletions

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@ -1932,83 +1932,130 @@
\v 19 Yahweh, you are my stronghold and my refuge, my place of safety in the day of distress.
\q The nations will go to you from the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our ancestors inherited deceit.
\q They are empty; there is no profit in them.
\v 19 Yahweh, you are my stronghold and my refuge,
\q2 my place of safety in the day of distress.
\q The nations will go to you from the ends of the earth and say,
\q2 "Surely our ancestors inherited deceit.
\q They are empty;
\q2 there is no profit in them.
\v 20 Do people make gods for themselves? But they are not gods."
\v 20 Do people make gods for themselves?
\q2 But they are not gods."
\v 21 Therefore see! I will cause them to know in this time, I will cause them to know my hand and my power,
\q so they will know that Yahweh is my name.
\v 21 Therefore see! I will cause them to know in this time,
\q2 I will cause them to know my hand and my power,
\q2 so they will know that Yahweh is my name.
\c 17
\v 1 "The sin of Judah is written with an iron stylus having a diamond point.
\q It is engraved on the tablet of their hearts and on the horns of your altars.
\v 1 "The sin of Judah is writt
\q2 with an iron stylus having a diamond point.
\q It is engraved on the tablet of their heart
\q2 and on the horns of your altars.
\v 2 Even their children remember their altars and their Asherah poles
\q that were beside the spreading trees and on the high hills.
\v 2 Even their children remember their altars
\q2 and their Asherah poles
\q2 that were beside the spreading trees
\q2 and on the high hills.
\v 3 My mountain in the open country,
\q and your wealth and all your treasures I will give away as plunder,
\q2 and your wealth and all your treasures
\q2 I will give away as plunder,
\q together with your high places,
\q because of the sin you committed in all your territories.
\q2 because of the sin you committed in all your territories.
\v 4 You will, by your own actions, let go of the inheritance that I gave to you.
\q I will enslave you to your enemies in a land that you do not know,
\q for you have ignited a fire in my wrath, which will burn forever."
\v 4 You will, by your own actions,
\q2 let go of the inheritance that I gave to you.
\q I will enslave you to your enemies
\q2 in a land that you do not know,
\q for you have ignited a fire in my wrath,
\q2 which will burn forever."
\v 5 Yahweh says,
\q "The person who trusts in mankind is accursed;
\q2 he makes flesh his strength
\q2 but turns his heart away from Yahweh.
\v 6 For he will be like a small bush in the Arabah
\q2 and will not see anything good coming.
\q He will stay in the stony places in the wilderness,
\q2 barren land without inhabitants.
\v 5 Yahweh says, "The person who trusts in mankind is accursed;
\q he makes flesh his strength but turns his heart away from Yahweh.
\v 7 But the person who trusts in Yahweh is blessed,
\q2 for Yahweh is his reason for confidence.
\v 6 For he will be like a small bush in the Arabah and will not see anything good coming.
\q He will stay in the stony places in the wilderness, barren land without inhabitants.
\v 8 For he will be like a tree planted by water,
\q2 its roots will spread out by the stream.
\q It will not fear the heat when it comes,
\q2 for its leaves are always green.
\q It is not anxious in a year of drought,
\q2 and it will not stop producing fruit.
\v 9 The heart is more deceitful than anything else.
\q2 It is sick; who can understand it?
\v 10 I am Yahweh,
\q2 the one who searches through the mind,
\q2 who tests the hearts.
\q I give to each person according to his ways,
\q2 according to the fruit of his deeds.
\v 11 A partridge hatches an egg that she did not lay.
\q2 Someone may become rich unjustly,
\q but when half his days are over,
\q2 those riches will abandon him,
\q2 and in the end he will be a fool."
\v 7 But the person who trusts in Yahweh is blessed, for Yahweh is his reason for confidence.
\v 12 "The place of our sanctuary is a glorious throne,
\q2 elevated from the beginning.
\v 8 For he will be like a tree planted by water, its roots will spread out by the stream.
\q It will not fear the heat when it comes, for its leaves are always green.
\q It is not anxious in a year of drought, and it will not stop producing fruit.
\v 13 Yahweh is the hope of Israel.
\q2 All who abandon you will be put to shame;
\q2 those in the land who turn away from you will be written in the earth,
\q for they have abandoned Yahweh,
\q2 the fountain of living waters.
\v 14 Heal me, Yahweh, and I will be healed!
\q2 Rescue me, and I will be rescued. For you are my song of praise.
\v 9 The heart is more deceitful than anything else. It is sick; who can understand it?
\v 15 See, they are saying to me,
\q2 'Where is the word of Yahweh? Let it come!'
\v 10 I am Yahweh, the one who searches through the mind, who tests the hearts.
\q I give to each person according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.
\v 11 A partridge hatches an egg that she did not lay. Someone may become rich unjustly,
\q but when half his days are over, those riches will abandon him, and in the end he will be a fool."
\v 16 As for me,
\q2 I did not run from being a shepherd following you.
\q2 I did not long for the day of disaster.
\q You know the proclamations that came from my lips.
\q2 They were made in your presence.
\v 12 "The place of our sanctuary is a glorious throne, elevated from the beginning.
\v 17 Do not be a terror to me.
\q2 You are my refuge on the day of calamity.
\v 13 Yahweh is the hope of Israel. All who abandon you will be put to shame; those in the land who turn away from you will be written in the earth,
\q for they have abandoned Yahweh, the fountain of living waters.
\v 14 Heal me, Yahweh, and I will be healed! Rescue me, and I will be rescued. For you are my song of praise.
\v 15 See, they are saying to me, 'Where is the word of Yahweh? Let it come!'
\v 16 As for me, I did not run from being a shepherd following you. I did not long for the day of disaster.
\q You know the proclamations that came from my lips. They were made in your presence.
\v 17 Do not be a terror to me. You are my refuge on the day of calamity.
\v 18 May my pursuers be ashamed, but do not let me be ashamed. May they be dismayed, but do not let me be dismayed.
\q Send the day of disaster against them and shatter them with a double share of destruction."
\v 18 May my pursuers be ashamed,
\q2 but do not let me be ashamed.
\q May they be dismayed,
\q2 but do not let me be dismayed.
\q Send the day of disaster against them
\q2 and shatter them with a double share of destruction."
@ -2054,43 +2101,67 @@
\v 12 But they will say, 'This is no use. We will act according to our own plans. Each one of us will do what his evil, stubborn heart desires.'
\v 13 Therefore Yahweh says this,
\q 'Ask the nations,
\q2 who has ever heard of such a thing as this?
\q2 The virgin Israel has committed a horrible act.
\v 13 Therefore Yahweh says this, 'Ask the nations, who has ever heard of such a thing as this?
\q The virgin Israel has committed a horrible act.
\v 14 Does the snow in Lebanon ever leave the rocky hills on its sides?
\q Are the mountain streams coming from far away ever destroyed, those cold streams?
\v 14 Does the snow in Lebanon
\q2 ever leave the rocky hills on its sides?
\q Are the mountain streams coming from far away
\q2 ever destroyed, those cold streams?
\v 15 Yet my people have forgotten me. They have made offerings to useless idols and been made to stumble in their paths;
\q they have left the ancient paths to walk lesser paths.
\v 15 Yet my people have forgotten me.
\q2 They have made offerings to useless idols
\q2 and been made to stumble in their paths;
\q they have left the ancient paths
\q2 to walk lesser paths.
\v 16 Their land will become a horror, an object of everlasting hissing.
\q Everyone who passes by her will be astonished and shake his head.
\v 16 Their land will become a horror,
\q2 an object of everlasting hissing.
\q Everyone who passes by her
\q2 will be astonished and shake his head.
\v 17 I will scatter them before their enemies like an eastern wind. I will show them my back, and not my face, on the day of their disaster.'"
\v 17 I will scatter them before their enemies
\q2 like an eastern wind.
\qI will show them my back, and not my face,
\q2 on the day of their disaster.'"
\v 18 So the people said, "Come, let us make plots against Jeremiah, since the law will never perish from the priests, or advice from the wise men, or words from the prophets. Come, let us attack him with our words and no longer pay attention to anything he proclaims."
\v 19 Pay attention to me, Yahweh, and listen to the voice of my enemies.
\v 19 Pay attention to me, Yahweh,
\q2 and listen to the voice of my enemies.
\v 20 Will disaster from them really be my reward for being good to them? For they have dug a pit for me.
\q Remember how I stood before you to speak for their welfare, to cause your fury to turn away from them.
\v 20 Will disaster from them really be my reward
\q2 for being good to them?
\q2 For they have dug a pit for me.
\q Remember how I stood before you to speak for their welfare,
\q2 to cause your fury to turn away from them.
\v 21 Therefore give their children over to famine, and give them to the hands of those who use the sword.
\q So let their women become bereaved and widows, and their men be killed, and their young men killed by the sword in battle.
\v 21 Therefore give their children over to famine,
\q2 and give them to the hands of those who use the sword.
\q So let their women become bereaved and widows,
\q2 and their men be killed,
\q2 and their young men killed by the sword in battle.
\v 22 Let a distressed shout be heard from their houses, as you suddenly bring raiders against them.
\q For they have dug a pit to capture me and have hidden traps for my feet.
\v 22 Let a distressed shout be heard from their houses,
\q2 as you suddenly bring raiders against them.
\q For they have dug a pit to capture m
\q2 and have hidden traps for my feet.
\v 23 But you, Yahweh, you know all of their plans against me to kill me.
\q Do not forgive their iniquities. Do not wipe their sins away from you.
\q Let them be overthrown before you. Act against them in the time of your wrath.
\v 23 But you, Yahweh
\q2 you know all of their plans against me to kill me.
\q Do not forgive their iniquities.
\q2 Do not wipe their sins away from you.
\q Let them be overthrown before you.
\q2 Act against them in the time of your wrath.
\c 19
@ -2140,51 +2211,81 @@
\v 7 "Yahweh, you deceived me, and I was deceived. You are stronger than I, and you overpowered me.
\q I have become a laughingstock all day long; everyone mocks me.
\v 7 "Yahweh, you deceived me, and I was deceived.
\q2 You are stronger than I,
\q2 and you overpowered me.
\q I have become a laughingstock all day long;
\q2 everyone mocks me.
\v 8 For whenever I have spoken, I have called out and proclaimed, 'Violence and destruction.'
\q So the word of Yahweh has brought me insult and mocking all the day.
\v 8 For whenever I have spoken,
\q2 I have called out and proclaimed,
\q2 'Violence and destruction.'
\q So the word of Yahweh
\q2 has brought me insult and mocking all the day.
\v 9 If I say, 'I will not think about Yahweh anymore. I will not speak any longer in his name.'
\q Then it is like a burning fire in my heart, held within my bones. So I struggle to contain it but I cannot.
\v 9 If I say, 'I will not think about Yahweh anymore.
\q2 I will not speak any longer in his name.'
\q Then it is like a burning fire in my heart,
\q2 held within my bones.
\q2 So I struggle to contain it but I cannot.
\v 10 I have heard rumors of terror from many people all around. 'Report! We must report it!'
\q Every one of my men of peace watches to see if I will fall. 'Perhaps he can be tricked.
\q If so, we can overpower him and take our revenge on him.'
\v 10 I have heard rumors of terror
\q2 from many people all around.
\q2 'Report! We must report it!'
\q Every one of my men of peace
\q2 watches to see if I will fall.
\q2 'Perhaps he can be tricked.
\q If so, we can overpower him
\q2 and take our revenge on him.'
\v 11 But Yahweh is with me like a terrifying warrior, so the ones pursuing me will stagger.
\q They will not defeat me. They will be greatly ashamed, because they will not succeed.
\q They will have unending shame, it will never be forgotten.
\v 11 But Yahweh is with me like a terrifying warrior,
\q2 so the ones pursuing me will stagger.
\q They will not defeat me.
\q2 They will be greatly ashamed,
\q2 because they will not succeed.
\q They will have unending shame,
\q2 it will never be forgotten.
\v 12 But Yahweh of hosts, you examine the righteous and see the mind and the heart.
\q Let me see your vengeance on them for I have committed my cause to you.
\v 12 But Yahweh of hosts,
\q2 you examine the righteous
\q2 and see the mind and the heart.
\q Let me see your vengeance on them
\q2 for I have committed my cause to you.
\v 13 Sing to Yahweh! Praise Yahweh!
\q For he has rescued the lives of those who are oppressed from the hand of evildoers.
\q For he has rescued the lives of those
\q2 who are oppressed from the hand of evildoers.
\v 14 Let the day when I was born be cursed.
\q Do not let the day that my mother bore me be blessed.
\q2 Do not let the day that my mother bore me be blessed.
\v 15 Let the man who brought the joyful news to my father be cursed,
\q the one who said, 'A male child has been born to you,' causing great joy.
\v 15 Let the man who brought the joyful news
\q2 to my father be cursed,
\q2 the one who said,
\q2 'A male child has been born to you,' causing great joy.
\v 16 Let that man be like the cities that Yahweh overthrew and he did not have compassion on them.
\q Let him hear a cry for help in the dawn, a battle cry at noontime,
\v 16 Let that man be like the cities that Yahweh overthrew
\q2 and he did not have compassion on them.
\q Let him hear a cry for help in the dawn,
\q2 a battle cry at noontime,
\v 17 because he did not kill me in the womb, making my mother to be my tomb,
\q a womb that was pregnant forever.
\v 17 because he did not kill me in the womb,
\q2 making my mother to be my tomb,
\q2 a womb that was pregnant forever.
\v 18 Why is it that I came out from the womb to see troubles and agony,
\q so that my days are filled with shame?"
\v 18 Why is it that I came out from the womb
\q2 to see troubles and agony,
\q2 so that my days are filled with shame?"
\c 21