diff --git a/01-GEN/13.usfm b/01-GEN/13.usfm
index 4fde1d6f..f2c8dc50 100644
--- a/01-GEN/13.usfm
+++ b/01-GEN/13.usfm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 \c 13
-\v 1 So Abram left Egypt and went into the Negev, he, his wife, and all that he had. Lot also went with them.
+\v 1 So Abram went up from Egypt and went into the Negev, he, his wife, and all that he had. Lot also went with them.
 \v 2 Now Abram was very rich in animals, in silver, and in gold.