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\toc2 First Timothy
\toc3 1Ti
\mt1 1 Timothy
\c 1
\v 1-2 I, Paul, am writing this to Timothy. God our Savior and Christ Jesus are those in whom we have confidence for the future, and Christ commanded me to be an apostle. You became a Christian when I told you about Jesus Christ, and you are my true son in the Lord. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord be kind to you, have mercy upon you, and give you peace.
\v 3 The reason that I urged you to remain in Ephesus while I traveled to Macedonia was so that you would command certain men not to teach what is different from what we teach.
\v 4 And command them not to give their time and attention to old useless stories and lists of ancestors that people never stop thinking about. These things only cause people to argue with each other, but do not help them to know God's plan to save us—a plan that we believe by faith.
\v 5 Instead, the purpose of what we command you to teach is to love God from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from faith that is sincere.
\v 6 Some men have stopped trying to do these good things; instead, they are now saying useless things.
\v 7 They want to teach about the law, but they do not understand it. Yet they insist that what they teach is true.
\v 8 But we know that law is good if we know how to use it according to what the law says.
\v 9 We know that the law is not made to control good people, but to control rebellious people and those who do not honor God, for sinners, and disrespectful persons, for murderers and for those who even murder their own parents.
\v 10 It is made also to control homosexuals and all people who practice improper sexual behavior, to control those who steal others and sell them as slaves, to control liars and false witnesses in courts of law, and to stop whatever is different from our good and healthy teaching.
\v 11 All of this agrees with the wonderful good news that God, whom we praise, has taught us, and that he trusts me to announce to others.
\v 1-2 I, Paul, am writing this letter to you, Timothy. You are like a son to me, for you believe the same things about God as I do. God who commanded me to be an apostle is God our Savior and Christ Jesus in whom we have confidence for the future. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord be kind to you, have mercy upon you, and give you peace.
\v 12 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, because he gave me the strength to serve him. He also relies on me to serve him.
\v 3 I urge you now, just like I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, that you remain in Ephesus so that you might command certain men not to teach false doctrines.
\v 4 And command them not to listen to old useless stories and endless lists of ancestors, which only cause people to argue with each other. But those things do not promote God's plan—that happens when we believe God.
\v 13 In past times, I insulted and persecuted the believers. I did violent deeds, but God had mercy on me because I did not believe, and I did not know what I was doing.
\v 14 God was extremely kind to me, for he made me able to believe in Christ Jesus and love him because he united me to him.
\v 5 And the reason that we command people to do these things is so that they will love from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from faith that is sincere.
\v 6 Some people have stopped doing these good things; instead, they are now saying useless things.
\v 7 They want to teach about the law God gave to Moses, but they do not understand what they are saying, nor the things about which they say with confidence.
\v 8 But we know that law God gave to Moses is good if someone uses it in the right way.
\v 9 We know that God did not give the law to Moses to control a good person, but to control people who act as though there are no laws and who refuse to obey anyone, those who sin and do not honor God, those who do not revere God and who sin, those who refuse to perform rituals that please God and who show no respect for religion, and those who murder their fathers and mothers and other people.
\v 10 God gave it to control homosexuals and people who who are sexually immoral, those who kidnap people and sell them as slaves, Those who are liars and false witnesses in courts of law, and to stop every other action that is contrary to our true teaching.
\v 11 All of this agrees with the wonderful good news that God, whom we praise, gave to me to announce to others.
\v 15 Everyone should accept this fact, because we can count on it completely: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. It is true that I am the worst sinner of all.
\v 16 But because I am the worst sinner, God had mercy on me before many others, so that they would see how patient he is. God is patiently waiting to give everlasting life to those who believe in him.
\v 17 The eternal king cannot be seen, and he cannot die. He alone is God. It is he whom everyone will honor and praise forever and ever. Amen.
\v 12 I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord who enabled me to do this work, because he considered that I could be trusted. So he appointed me in order that I would serve him.
\v 13 Formerly I said evil things about him, I caused his people to suffer, and I acted very cruelly toward them. But Christ acted kindly to me since I did not know that I was doing because I did not believe in him.
\v 14 Our Lord kindly did very much for me that I did not deserve, so that I now believe in Christ Jesus and I love him because I belong to him.
\v 18 Timothy, my child, I command you: Remember what certain believers prophesied about you. Do this in order to follow those things as you work hard for the Lord.
\v 15 Everyone should completely accept this fact, because we know that it is true: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinful people so that God would not punish them for their sins. As for me, I consider that I have sinned more than all others.
\v 16 Yet Christ Jesus acted mercifully to me who has sinned worse than all the others in order that he might demonstrate to people that he is perfectly patient with them. He wanted what he did for me to be an example to people who would later believe in him and as a result would live forever.
\v 17 No one can see the eternal king, and he cannot die. He alone is God. Everyone should honor and praise forever and ever. Amen.
\v 19 Trust God and keep a good conscience. Some people have not paid attention to their own consciences. So what has happened to their faith is a disaster.
\v 20 Hymenaeus and Alexander are two men like this. I have handed them over to Satan for him to attack them, so that they may learn not to insult God.
18 Timothy, you are like a son to me. So, based on what someone previously prophesied about you, I am instructing you to strongly oppose those who teach false doctrines. You should oppose them like a soldier fights strongly against those who attack his countrymen.
19 Continue to believe the true teaching and do only what you know to be right! Remember that some people have rejected the true teaching. So what has happened to their faith is a disaster.
20 Among the ones who have done that are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I put in the hands of Satan, in order that when Satan punishes them they may learn not to insult God.
\c 2
\v 1 Most importantly, because false teachers are dangerous, I urge all the believers to ask God and pray to him to help all people, and to thank him for them.
\v 2 Pray for kings and for everyone who has power over others, so that we may live quietly and peacefully in a way that we can honor God and other people.
\v 3 God, who saves us, listens to us when we pray like this. He sees it as good.
\v 4 He wants to save everyone. He wants everyone to learn what is true about him.
\v 1 The most important thing that I urge believers to do is to continually ask God for what they need. They should also pray to God for all other people, and they should be thanking God.
\v 2 They should pray for kings and for everyone who has power over others, so that we can live very peaceably as we do all that God and others consider to be right and proper.
\v 3 It is good to pray like that, and it pleases God, who saves us.
\v 4 He desires to save all people. He wants everyone to fully know and accept his true message.
\v 5 The truth is this, that there is one God, and there is only one person who can make us acceptable to him. Christ Jesus, the man, is this one person.
\v 6 He gave himself to set all people free—and that was the proof of what God was doing through Christ's death.
\v 7 To declare this truth, God made me a messenger and an apostle. I speak the truth; I am not lying. I teach the Gentiles the things that they should truly believe.
\v 5 He is the only one true God! And there is only one person who talks to God on behalf of people. That person is Christ Jesus, who himself is a man!
\v 6 He gave his life as a sacrifice in order to ransom all people, which showed at the proper time that God desires to save all people.
\v 7 God appointed me to declare this message and to be an apostle. I am telling the truth and am not lying! I teach the Gentiles that they should believe God's true message.
\v 8 Therefore, I want men everywhere to pray and to lift up their hands to God in a way that he will accept. Believers should not pray to show anger or doubt about God.
\v 9 I also want the women to dress themselves carefully. They should control themselves so that they do not dress to show themselves off to others. Instead of braided hair, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing,
\v 10 women should dress themselves in what is right for women who do good works and who say that they honor God.
\v 8 Therefore, I want men everywhere to pray and to lift up their hands to God in a way that he will accept. They should not be angry with anyone and they should not quarrel with anyone.
\v 9 Women should wear modest and sensible clothing, and should not fix their hair in fancy/elaborate ways, nor wear gold jewelry, nor pearls, nor expensive clothing.
\v 10 Instead, they should be doing things that women who claim to worship God should do; that is, they should be doing good deeds.
\v 11 When men are teaching the believers, women should listen quietly, and they should give respect to their teachers and do all they can to learn from them.
\v 12 I do not allow women to teach or to tell men what to do. Women who honor God keep quiet when the believers come to learn.
\v 11 Women should learn quietly from the leaders of the congregation, and fully subject themselves to them.
\v 12 I do not permit women to teach a man, nor to have authority over a man. Instead, women should listen quietly during the worship services.
\v 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve after him.
\v 14 And it was not Adam that the snake deceived. It was the woman whom he completely deceived, so that she sinned.
\v 15 But God will save women as they bear children, if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.
\v 13 Keep in mind that God made Adam first, and afterwards he made Eve,
\v 14 and it was not Adam whom the snake deceived. It was the woman whom he completely deceived, so that she did what God had told her not to do.
\v 15 But now God will accept women as they bear children if they continue to believe God, and if they continue to love others, and if they continue to conduct their lives like God wants them to, and if they continue to be modest.
\c 3
\v 1 You should rely on what I tell you here: If someone desires very much to oversee believers, he wants to do something really excellent.
\v 2 For that reason, however, an overseer must be someone whom no one accuses of anything bad. He must have only one wife. He must not do anything to excess; he must think in wise ways. He must behave well, and he must welcome strangers. He must be able to teach others.
\v 3 He must not be an alcoholic and not quick to fight. Instead, he must be patient and peaceful with others. And he should not be greedy for money.
\v 1 Everyone should completely accept this fact: If anyone aspires to be an elder in the congregation, he desires to do a noble task.
\v 2 For that reason, an overseer must be someone whom no one accuses of anything bad. He must have only one wife. He must not do anything to excess; he must think in wise ways. He must behave well, and he must welcome strangers. He must be able to teach others.
\v 3 He must not be a drunkard and must not be quick to fight. Instead, he must be gentle and he must not be quarrelsome. He must not be greedy for money.
\v 4 He should control the people in his own home well. His children should obey him with respect.
\v 5 I say this because if a man does not even know how to control the people in his own house, how can he care for an assembly of God's people?
\v 4 He must lead and care for his own family well. For example, his children should obey and completely respect him,
\v 5 because if anyone does not know how he should lead well and care for well the people who live in his own house, he certainly cannot care for God's congregation!
\v 6 A new believer should not be be an overseer, because he might think that he is better than other people. If that happened, God might punish him like he punished the devil.
\v 7 Those outside of the church must also think well of him. Otherwise he might be shamed and the devil might persuade him to sin.
\v 7 An elder must also conduct himself in such a way that non-Christians speak well of him, so that people will not say bad things about him, and the devil will not capture him like people capture animals in a trap.
\v 8 Deacons, in the same way, should be people whom others respect. They should be sincere when they speak. They should not drink too much wine, and they must not be greedy for money.
\v 9 They should believe in the true things that God has told us, and at the same time know what is right, and then do it.
\v 8 Deacons, in the same way, should be people who are serious. They should be sincere when they speak. They should not drink too much wine, and they must not be greedy for money.
\v 9 They must believe the message that God has now revealed to us, always doing what it tells us to do.
\v 10 Like you do for the elders, you must first examine their character, and then let them serve as deacons if they are without fault.
\v 10 Find these qualities in them first, and then choose them to serve because no one can find anything wrong with them.
\v 11 In the same way, other people should respect deacons' wives. Their wives should not talk badly about other people. They must not do anything to excess, and they must be honest in everything they do.
\v 12 A deacon must have only one wife and must control his children and his possessions well.
\v 13 Good deacons are men whom the other believers highly respect. They come to trust in Christ Jesus very much.
\v 11 Their wives likewise must be serious, not talking badly about people, and not doing anything to excess. They must be faithful in everything that they do.
\v 12 Deacons must be faithful to their wives, and they must lead well and care well for their children and the rest of the people in their houses.
\v 13 Because if deacons serve well, people will respect them and they will be able to speak very boldly about what they believe concerning Christ Jesus.
\v 14 As I write to you these things, I hope to come to you soon.
\v 15 But if I do not come soon, I am writing to you now so that you may know how to act in the family of God, which is the group of those who believe in God, who gives life to all things. It is these who teach the truth and witness that it is true.
\v 14 Although I hope to come to you soon, I write these things to you now
\v 15 in order that if I do not come soon, you will know how believers should act in the family of God, which is the group of those who believe in God, who gives life to all things. They uphold the true message.
\v 16 And we say together that the truth that God has revealed to us is very great, and we honor him for it:
\v 16 And we say together that the truth that God has revealed to us is very great, for is shows us how to honor him:
\q "Christ was God revealed in a human body.
\q The Holy Spirit proved that he was genuine.
\q Angels saw him.
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\c 4
\v 1 Now the Spirit clearly says that in later times, some people will stop believing the truth about Christ and pay attention to spirits who deceive believers and demons who teach false things.
\v 2 These people will say one thing but do any evil thing they wish, as if a hot iron had burned and ruined their minds.
\v 1 Now God's Spirit clearly tells us that in later times some people will stop believing the teaching that all of us believe. Instead, they will listen to evil spirits who deceive people, and to the false teachings that they receive from these evil spirits.
\v 2 These people lie and yet do not feel guilty, as if a hot iron had burned and ruined their minds.
\v 3 They will try to stop believers from marrying. They will tell them not to eat certain things, even though God has created them, so that believers who have come to know the truth can share them with each other while thanking God for them.
\v 4 I say this because everything that God has made is good. We reject nothing that we receive from God while thanking him for it.
\v 5 For by praying to God and by believing his word we set it apart for him.
\v 3 They will try to stop believers from marrying. They will tell them not to eat certain things, even though God has created these things so that believers who have come to know the true teaching can enjoy them while thanking God for them.
\v 4 I say this because everything that God has made is good. We should not refuse to eat certain kinds of food if we thank God for it when we eat it.
\v 5 For by praying to God and by believing his word we make it acceptable to him.
\v 6 If you keep speaking this truth to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ. You will serve him well, because the message that we believe is strengthening you, as the good things God has taught you and that you have followed.
\v 7 But do not listen to the things that mean nothing and to the stories that only old women tell. Instead, train yourself to honor God.
\v 8 Physical exercise helps only a little, but if you honor God, this will help you with everything as you live now on earth and as you live in the future with God.
\v 6 When you keep teaching these things to your fellow believers, you will be serving Jesus Christ well. You will become strong spiritually by obeying the true message that we all believe.
\v 7 But do not listen to the godless, foolish stories that only old women tell. Instead, train yourself to honor God.
\v 8 For physical exercise helps you only a little, but if you honor God, you can be sure that this will help you with everything both as you live now on earth and as you live in the future with God.
\v 9 What I have just written is something that you can rely on. It is worth believing completely.
\v 10 For this reason we work very hard, as hard as we can, because our hope is in God who lives, the Savior of all humanity, but especially the Savior of those who believe.
\v 10 For this reason we work very hard, as hard as we can, because we confidently expect that God, who is alive, will do the things that he has promised. He is the Savior of all humanity, but especially the Savior of those who believe.
\v 11 Declare and teach these things to the believers.
\v 11 Command these things and teach these things.
\v 12 Do not allow anyone to say that you are useless because you are young. Instead, show other believers how to live. Show them this by how you speak, by how you live, by how you love, by how you trust God, and by how you keep from committing evil deeds.
\v 13 Until I come to you, see to it that you read God's word to the believers in public, and that you teach it to the believers and urge them to obey it.
\v 13 Until I come to you, see to it that you read God's word to the believers in public, and that you explain and teach it to the believers.
\v 14 Be sure to use the gift that is in you, what God gave to you when the elders laid hands on you and spoke God's messages to you.
\v 15 Be sure to do all these things and live according to them. In this way, all the believers will see that you are doing them better and better.
\v 14 Be sure to use the gift that is in you, what God gave to you when the elders laid their hands on you and told what God revealed to them about you.
\v 15 Be sure to do all these things that I have told you to do! Concentrate on them in order that everyone may see that you are improving in how you do them.
\v 16 Control yourself very carefully and do everything that we teach. Keep doing these things. If you do so, you will save yourself and the people who listen to you.
\v 16 Control yourself very carefully and do everything that we teach. Keep doing these things, so that God will save both you and the people who listen to you.
\c 5
\v 1 Do not speak harshly to a man older than yourself. Instead, encourage him as if he were your father. Do the same to younger men as if they were your brothers.
\v 2 Encourage older women as mothers, and younger women as if they were your sisters. Act toward them in a way that no one can criticize.
\v 1 Do not speak harshly to a man older than yourself. Instead, advise him as if he were your father. Do the same to younger men as if they were your brothers.
\v 2 Advise older women as mothers, and younger women as if they were your sisters. You must act in a completely proper way as you do that.
\v 3 Respect the widows if they are true widows.
\v 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should honor their mother at home and pay her back for everything she has done for them. If they do this, they will please God.
\v 3 Respect widows who are true widows.
\v 4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn that they are to care for their own family first. They should repay their parents and grandparents for all that they did for them when they were young, because doing that pleases God.
\v 5 Now, a real widow is a widow who has no family members. So she depends on God and on what he gives her when she asks him and prays to him all day and night long.
\v 6 But a widow who lives for how she can please herself is dead, even though she is still alive.
\v 5 The widow who is really alone and have no one to help her confidently expects that God will help her. So night and day she prays and earnestly asks God to help her and others.
\v 6 But a widow who lives for how she can please herself is spiritually dead, even though she is still physically alive.
\v 7 You should announce these things so that these widows and their families will not do anything wrong.
\v 8 But anyone who does not try to help his own relatives, especially those who live in his own house, that person rejects what we believe. He is, in fact, worse than an unbeliever.
\v 7 You should announce these things so that no one can criticize the believers.
\v 8 If anyone does not take care of his own relatives, and especially those who live in his own house, he has rejected what we believe and we should consider that he is worse than a person who does not believe in Christ.
\v 9 Put a woman on the list of true widows if she is more than sixty years old. She also must have had only one husband, to whom she had been faithful.
\v 10 People must know that she does good deeds: Perhaps she takes care of children; perhaps she welcomes strangers; perhaps she helps the believers or people who are suffering; or perhaps she is known for doing a large variety of good things.
\v 9 Put a woman on the list of true widows only if she is more than sixty years old. She also must have had only one husband, to whom she had been faithful.
\v 10 People must know that she does good deeds: Perhaps she cared for children well; perhaps she welcomed strangers; perhaps she helped the believers; perhaps she helped people who were suffering; or perhaps she is known for doing a large variety of good things.
\v 11 But do not put younger widows on the widows' list, because they often want to marry again when they change their minds and put married love ahead of Christ.
\v 12 When they do this, then they become guilty of going back on their commitment to being widows.
\v 13 Also, they go from house to house and get into the habit of doing nothing. They also engage in foolish and trivial activities and say things that they should not say.
\v 12 When they do this, then they become guilty of going back on their prior commitment to being widows.
\v 13 At the same time, they also go from house to house and get into the habit of doing nothing. In addition, they also begin to talk about people and to meddle in other people's affairs and to say things that they should not say.
\v 14 So I prefer that younger widows get married, have children, and run their households, so that Satan, the enemy, gets no opportunity to accuse them of doing wrong.
\v 15 I write these things because some younger widows have already left the way of Christ to follow Satan.
\v 14 So I prefer that younger widows get married, have children, and manage their homes well, so they give Satan, the enemy, no opportunity to accuse them of doing wrong.
\v 15 I write these things because some younger widows have already stopped obeying Christ in order to obey Satan.
\v 16 If any believing woman has widows among her relatives, let her help them, so those widows will not be a burden to the church. In this way the church will be able to help real widows.
\v 17 Let the believers give double honor to the elders who lead them well, and especially to the elders who preach and teach God's word.
\v 17 Let the believers give double honor to the elders who lead them well, and especially to the elders who work hard at preaching and teaching.
\v 18 For the scripture says, "You shall not keep the ox from eating the grain that he is treading out" and "The laborer deserves to get his pay."
\v 19 Do not listen to anyone who accuses an elder of doing wrong, unless two or three people are testifying about the matter.
\v 19 Do not listen to anyone who accuses an elder of doing wrong, unless two or three people testify about the matter.
\v 20 Those who continue to sin, correct them where everyone can see you, so that the rest of the people will be afraid to sin.
\v 21 God, Jesus Christ, and the chosen angels see me as I solemnly command you to do these things. Be sure that you do not judge anyone before you should. Be sure that you do not favor one person over another when you lead the believers.
\v 21 God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels see me as I solemnly command you to do these things. Do not judge anyone before you should. Do not favor one person over another.
\v 22 When you want someone to begin to serve the believers, make no decision too quickly, so you do not choose them too soon. And do not be a partner with anyone in sinning. You must keep yourself without fault.
\v 22 Do not be in a hurry to put your hands on a man to appoint him as an elder. God will consider that you are responsible if you approve as an elder a person who sins. You must keep yourself without fault.
\v 23 No longer drink only water, Timothy. Instead, drink a little wine for your many stomach sicknesses.
\v 24 The sins of some people are clear to everyone, and the church does not need much time to judge them. But the church does not discover some sins until later.
\v 23 No longer drink only water, Timothy. Instead, drink a little wine, because that may cure your frequent stomach sicknesses.
\v 24 The sins of some people are clear to everyone, which makes it easy to judge them. But the sins of other people are hidden until later.
\v 25 In the same way, some good deeds are clear to everybody, but even the other good deeds will become clear at some time in the future.
\c 6
\v 1 As for believers who are slaves, they should honor their masters in every way, so that no one will insult God or what we teach.
\v 1 As for believers who are slaves, they should honor their masters in every way, so that people will not insult God or what we teach.
\v 2 Slaves who have believing masters should not respect them less, for they are brothers. Instead, they should serve their masters even better, because the masters whom they serve are their brothers whom they should love. Teach and announce these things to the believers.
\v 2 Slaves who have masters who believe in Christ should not be disrespectful to them, for they are fellow believers. Instead, they should serve their masters even better, because their masters believer in Christ, and God loves them. Teach these things and urge people that they do them.
\v 3 If anyone teaches false doctrines that do not agree with the reliable and true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ,
\v 4 that person is very proud and does not understand anything. They want to argue about unimportant matters and about certain words, and people who listen to them envy others. They quarrel with others and with one another. They say bad things about others. They suspect that others have evil motives.
\v 5 Their whole way of thinking has become completely wrong because they have rejected true things. As a result, they make the mistake of thinking that by doing religious things they will get a lot of money.
\v 3 If anyone teaches false doctrines, and does not accept the reliable teaching about our Lord Jesus Christ nor accept the teaching about how to conduct our lives in a manner that pleases God,
\v 4 that person is very proud and does not understand anything. Instead, they abnormally desire to argue about unimportant matters and about certain words. People who listen to these things envy others. They quarrel with others, say bad things about others, and suspect that others have evil motives.
\v 5 They constantly quarrel with people because their whole way of thinking has become completely wrong, and because they have rejected true teaching. As a result, they make the mistake of thinking that they will get a lot of money by doing religious things.
\v 6 Well, we truly do gain great benefit when we behave in a way that honors God and when we are content with what we have.
\v 7 Indeed, we brought nothing into the world when we were born, and we cannot take anything out of it when we die.
\v 8 So if we have food and clothing, we should be satisfied with these.
\v 6 But we do gain great benefit when we behave in a way that honors God and when we are content with what we have.
\v 7 Indeed, we brought nothing into the world when we were born, and we are not able to take anything out of it when we die.
\v 8 So if we have food and clothing, we should be satisfied with these.
\v 9 But some people strongly desire to be rich. As a result, they do wrong things to get money, and this will cause them to be caught as animals get caught in traps. They foolishly desire many things, and so they get hurt. God will completely destroy them!
\v 10 People do all sorts of evil things when they want to have a lot of money. Because some people longed for money, they have stopped believing the truth that all of us believe and they have caused themselves to be very sorrowful.
\v 9 But some people strongly desire to be rich. As a result, they do wrong things to get money, and this will cause them to be caught as animals get caught in traps. They foolishly desire many things that will hurt them. God will completely destroy those people!
\v 10 People do all sorts of evil things when they strongly desire to have a lot of money. Some people who longed for money have stopped believing the truth that all of us believe and they have caused themselves to be very sorrowful.
\v 11 But you, the man who serves God, keep completely away from such love of money. Decide that you will do what is right, and that you will honor God. Trust God, and love others. Endure difficult circumstances. Always be gentle with people.
\v 12 Fight a good fight for that faith that saves you! Take hold of this great gift of eternal life and cling to it through everything you experience, no matter where you go. Remember that God chose you to live with him forever. These gifts of God are in you, and you made a good confession about them when you stood before many people.
\v 11 But you, the man who serves God, keep completely away from such love of money. Instead, decide that you will do what is right, and that you will honor God. Trust God, and love others. Endure difficult circumstances. Always be gentle with people.
\v 12 Try with all your energy to live according to what you believe. Remember that God chose you to take hold of this great gift of eternal life, and you made a good confession about that when you stood before many people.
\v 13 God, who gives life to all things, knows everything that you do. Christ Jesus also knows everything that you do. He strongly declared what was true when he was on trial before Pontius Pilate.
\v 14 So as you remember those things, I command you to hold tightly on to what Christ has commanded us in every way. Hold fast to those teachings in a way that our Lord Jesus Christ will not need to criticize you about what is wrong, until he comes again.
\v 14 I command you to hold tightly on to what Christ has commanded us without doing anything wrong so that no one can criticize you. Keep obeying the teaching until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
\v 15 Remember that God will cause Jesus to come again at the proper time. God is awesome! He is the only Ruler! He rules over all other people who rule!
\v 15 Remember that God will cause Jesus to come again at the proper time. He is awesome and is the only Ruler! He reigns over all other kings and rules over all other people who rule!
\v 16 He is the only one who will never die, and he lives in heaven in light that is so bright that no one can approach it! He is the one whom no person has ever seen and whom no person is able to see! My desire is that all people will honor him and that he will rule powerfully forever! May it be so!
\v 17 Tell the believers who are rich here in this present world that they should not be proud, and that they should not trust in their many possessions, because they cannot be certain how long they will have them. Instead, they should trust in God. He is the one who abundantly gives us everything we have in order that we may enjoy it.
\v 18 Also, tell them to do good things. These are true wealth. Indeed, they should share with others very much of what they have.
\v 19 If they do that, it will be as though they were storing up for themselves many things that God will give them. When they do this, they will have the life that is the real life.
\v 18 Also, tell them to do good things. They should desire to have many good works instead of a lot of money. Indeed, they should be generous with their possessions and be willing to share what they have with others.
\v 19 If they do that, it will be as though they were storing up for themselves many good things in heaven. In the future, God will give them the life that is the real life.
\v 20 Timothy, faithfully proclaim the true message that Jesus has given to you. Avoid the people who want to chatter about things that are not important to God. Avoid the people who say that they have true knowledge but who say things that are against the true things we teach.
\v 21 Certain men teach these things and so they stop believing the truth. May God be kind to you all.
20 Timothy, protect the true message that God has given to you. Avoid people who want to chatter about things that are not important to God. Avoid also people who claim that they have true knowledge but who say things that oppose the true things we teach.
\v 21 Certain men teach these things and so they have stopped believing what we believe. May God be kind to you all.
@ -8,64 +8,66 @@
\c 1
\v 1 I, Paul, am writing to Timothy. Christ Jesus sent me as an apostle to tell everyone that if they are united with him, God promises to make them live both now and forever.
\v 2 Timothy, I love you like my own son. May God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord act kindly and mercifully and peacefully toward you.
\v 1 I, Paul, am writing this letter. I am an apostle because Christ Jesus chose me to do what God wanted. God has promised me that Christ Jesus will cause me to live both now and forever.
\v 2 I am writing to you, Timothy, whom I love as if you were my own son. May God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord act kindly and mercifully and peacefully toward you.
\v 3 I thank God and I serve Him because I truly want to do what he wants, just as my ancestors did. I have always remembered to pray for you, Timothy, night and day.
\v 4 I really want to see you because I remember how you cried for me. If I see you again, I will rejoice so much.
\v 5 I remember that you truly believe in Jesus! First, your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice trusted their lives to Jesus Christ, and I am sure that you also trust in Jesus Christ just like they did!
\v 4 I really want to see you because I remember how you cried when we separated. If I see you again, I will rejoice so much.
\v 5 I remember that you truly believe in Jesus! First, your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice in Jesus, and I am sure that you also believe in him!
\v 6 Because you trust in Jesus, I remind you to start using again the gift God gave you when I put my hands on you and prayed for you.
\v 7 When God's Spirit came to us, he did not cause us to be afraid; instead, he caused us to have power to obey God, to love him and others, and to control ourselves.
\v 6 Because I am sure that you believe in him, I remind you to start using again the gift God gave you. You have this gift because I put my hands on you to show that he had chosen you to do his work.
\v 7 God did not give us his Spirit to cause us to be afraid; instead, he caused us to have power to obey God, to love him and others, and to control ourselves.
\v 8 So do not think that you will have shame if you tell others about our Lord Jesus. And do not think you will have shame if you are my friend, because I am in prison because I trust in Jesus. Instead, be willing to suffer hardship as you tell others about the good news. God will make you able to suffer all hardships.
\v 9 He will do this because he saved us and called us to be his own people. God did not save us because of any good works we did; instead, he saved us because he planned to give us this gift! God caused the Messiah Jesus to pass this gift to us, even before the world began.
\v 10 Now everyone can see that God can save them, because our Savior the Messiah Jesus came and destroyed death and showed everyone the Gospel, the truth that he causes people to live forever.
\v 11 It was for this reason that God decided to send me to be an apostle, preacher, and teacher.
\v 8 So do not be ashamed to tell people about our Lord. do not be ashamed of me, even though I am a prisoner because I preach about him. Instead, be willing to suffer hardship as you tell others about the good news. God will make you able to suffer these hardships.
\v 9 He will do this because he saved us and called us to be his own people. God did not save us because of any good works we did. Instead, even before the world began, he saved us because he planned to be kind to us as a result or what Jesus Christ would do for us.
\v 10 Now, as a result of our Savior Christ Jesus having come, everyone can see that he acts kindly toward us. Specifically, he has declared that we will not remain dead after we die! But he has shown us that because we believed the good news about Christ, we will live forever in bodies that will not decay!
\v 11 God decided to send me to be preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of this good news.
\v 12 In these tasks I suffer, but I am not ashamed, because I know and have trusted Jesus Christ, and I am convinced that he is able to protect my faith in him until the final day.
\v 12 So, I suffer here in this prison, but I am not ashamed of being here, because I know Christ Jesus, the one whom I have trusted. I am convinced that he is able to keep safe the good message that he has entrusted to me until the day when he returns.
\v 13 As you trust in Jesus Christ and love him, follow the meaning of true words, which you heard from me.
\v 14 God is relying on you, that you will preach the good message that he gave to you. Protect that message by relying on the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
\v 13 Be sure that you tell others the same correct message that you heard from me. And as you tell it, keep trusting in Christ Jesus and keep loving others as Christ Jesus enables you to do.
\v 14 Do not alter the good message that God has entrusted to you. Allow the Holy Spirit who lives in us to direct what you say.
\v 15 You know that almost all the believers in Asia have stopped being friends with me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes.
\v 16 But I pray that the Lord will be kind to the family of Onesiphorus. Often he helped me, and he was not ashamed that I am in prison.
\v 16 May the Lord be kind to the family of Onesiphorus, because he often helped me, and he was not ashamed that I am in prison.
\v 17 On the contrary, when he came here to Rome, he kept searching for me until he found me.
\v 18 May the Lord be kind to Onesiphorus on the final day. You know all the ways that he helped me in Ephesus.
\v 18 May the Lord be kind to Onesiphorus in that day when he, the Lord, will judge people. And how much he served me in Ephesus, you know very well.
\c 2
\v 1 You are like a son to me. So I urge also that you let God empower you as a result of Christ Jesus acting kindly toward you.
\v 2 Command and trust faithful men to teach the things you heard from me and from many others who have testified in the same way to others, too.
\v 1 You are like a son to me. So I urge also that you let God empower you spiritually as a result of Christ Jesus acting kindly toward you.
\v 2 Many other people can also testify about the message that you heard from me. Entrust this message to other people whom you can trust, because they will be qualified to teach others.
\v 3 Endure as I do what we suffer for Christ Jesus, like a good soldier endures what he suffers.
\v 3 Endure as I do what we suffer for Jesus Christ, like a good soldier endures what he suffers.
\v 4 You know that soldiers, in order to please their captain, do not become involved in civilian affairs.
\v 5 Likewise, athletes competing in games cannot win unless they obey the rules.
\v 6 And the farmer who works hard must receive his share of the crops first.
\v 7 Think about what I have just written, because, if you do, the Lord will enable you to understand everything that you need to understand.
\v 8 As you suffer hardships, remember Jesus Christ, the descendant of King David whom God raised him from the dead. This is the good news that I preach.
\v 8 As you suffer hardships, remember Jesus Christ, the descendant of King David whom God raised from the dead. This is the good news that I preach.
\v 9 For this good news I suffer to the point of being imprisoned as a criminal. But the word of God is not in prison.
\v 10 Therefore I willingly endure all that I am suffering for the sake of those whom God has chosen. I do this in order that Christ Jesus will save them, too, and that they will be forever with him in the glorious place where he is.
\v 11 You can depend on the words that we sometimes say:
\q "If we have died with Jesus, we will also live with him.
\v 11 You can depend on the message that we preach:
\q "If we have died with Jesus, we will also live with him.
\v 12 If we endure, we will also reign with him.
\q But if we deny him, he also will deny us.
@ -75,42 +77,44 @@ for he cannot deny himself."
\v 14 Those whom you appointed to teach others God's truth, keep reminding them about these things that I have told you. Warn them before God not to fight over foolish words, because doing so does not help anything and can ruin those who listen.
\v 14 Keep reminding the believers about these things that I have told you. Warn them before God not to fight over foolish words, because doing so does not help anything and can ruin those who listen.
\v 15 Do your best to cause God to approve you as a worker who has no need to be ashamed, who teaches the word of God correctly, for everyone can depend on the fact that it tells the truth.
\v 15 Do your best to cause God to approve you as a worker who has no need to be ashamed, who correctly teaches the word of God, which is true.
\v 16 Stay away from people who talk in ways that insult God, because this kind of talk dishonors God more and more.
\v 16 Stay away from people who talk in ways that insult God, because this kind of talk causes people to dishonor God more and more.
\v 17 This kind of words will spread like an infectious disease. Hymenaeus and Philetus are two examples of men who talk like this.
\v 18 These men have stopped believing. They say that the resurrection of the dead has already happened. In this way they convince some Christians to stop trusting in Christ.
\v 19 However, the truth about God still exists. It is like a firm foundation of a building, on which someone has written these words: "The Lord knows those who belong to him" and "Everyone who says he belongs to the Lord must stop doing wicked deeds."
\v 20 In a wealthy person's house there are not only utensils made of gold and of silver, but also utensils made of wood and of clay. The gold and silver utensils are used on special occasions. But the wood and clay utensils are used in ordinary times.
\v 21 Therefore, those who rid themselves of what is evil in their lives will be able to work well for the Lord. They will be like utensils ready to do any kind of good work. They will become very useful to the Master to do special work for him, every good deed, in fact.
\v 22 Do not keep on wanting the sinful things that young people usually desire. Instead, try to do right things. Try to trust in God and love him. Try to live in peace. Stay together with the people who worship the Lord sincerely.
\v 23 Do not talk with anyone who foolishly wants to argue about matters that are not important. Do not talk with them, because you know that when people talk about foolish things, they begin to quarrel.
\v 18 These men have stopped believing what is true. They wrongly say that the resurrection of the dead has already happened. In this way they convince some Christians to stop trusting in Christ.
\v 24 But those who serve the Lord must not quarrel. Instead, they should be kind to all people, they should be able to teach God's truth well, and they should be patient with people.
\v 25 That is, they should gently instruct the people who argue against them. Perhaps God may give them the opportunity to repent and come to know the truth.
\v 19 However, the truth about God still exists like . It is like a firm foundation of a building, on which someone has written these words: "The Lord knows those who belong to him" and "Everyone who says he belongs to the Lord must stop doing wicked deeds."
\v 20 In a wealthy person's house there are not only dishes made of gold and of silver, but also dishes made of wood and of clay. The gold and silver dishes are used on special occasions. But the wood and clay dishes are used in ordinary times.
\v 21 Therefore, those who rid themselves of what is evil in their lives will be like dishes that are ready for any kind of good work. They will be prepared and very useful to the Master to do every kind of good deed.
\v 22 You must avoid doing the sinful things that young people usually desire. Instead, to things that are right. Trust in God and love him. Live together in peace with the people who worship the Lord sincerely.
\v 23 Do not talk with anyone about matters that are foolish and not important. Do not talk with them, because you know that when people talk about foolish things, they begin to quarrel.
\v 24 But the one who serves the Lord must not quarrel. Instead, he should be kind to all people, he should be able to teach God's truth well, and he should be patient with people.
\v 25 That is, he should gently instruct the people who argue against him. Perhaps God may give them the opportunity to repent and come to know the truth.
\v 26 In that way they may think correctly and be like people who have escaped from a trap set by the devil. It is the devil who has deceived them in order to get them to do what he wishes them to do.
\c 3
\v 1 I want you to know this: In the final period of time before the Lord returns, it will be very dangerous.
\v 1 You need to realize that during the last days before Christ returns, it will be very dangerous.
\v 2 People will love themselves more than anyone else. They will love money. They will boast about themselves. They will be proud. They will insult others. They will not obey their parents. They will not thank anyone for anything. They will not honor God.
\v 3 They will not love even their own families. They will refuse to be at peace with anyone. They will slander others. They will not control themselves. They will be brutal toward others. They will not love what is good.
\v 3 They will not love others. They will refuse to be at peace with anyone. They will slander others. They will not control themselves. They will be brutal toward others. They will hate anything that is good.
\v 4 They will betray the ones they should protect. They will do dangerous things without thinking. They will be proud, and they will do what pleases them instead of loving God.
\v 5 They will seem to honor God, but they will refuse to accept the power that God truly wants to give them. Stay away from people like this.
\v 6 These men persuade foolish women to let them come into their houses. Then they deceive those women so that they control what they think. These are women who sin all the time, so they follow these evil men into doing all sorts of bad things that they enjoy doing.
\v 5 They will seem to honor God, but they will refuse to accept the power that God gives to those who honor him. Stay away from people like this.
\v 6 These men enter into the homes of foolish women deceive those women so that they control what they think. These are women who sin all the time, so they follow these evil men into doing all sorts of bad things that they enjoy doing.
\v 7 Even though these women are always wanting to learn new things, they are never able to learn what is actually true.
@ -120,17 +124,17 @@ for he cannot deny himself."
\v 10 Timothy, you have followed what I taught you. You have seen my way of living. You have seen how I want to serve God. You have seen how I trust in him. You have seen how I have peace even when I am suffering. You have seen how I love God and the believers. You have seen how I keep on serving God even when it is very hard to do so.
\v 11 You have seen how people persecuted me. You have seen every way in which I suffered when I was in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I suffered very much in those places, but the Lord has taken me out of all that suffering.
\v 12 Indeed, they will make suffer every one who wants to live in a way that he honors Christ Jesus.
\v 11 You have seen how people persecuted me, such as how I suffered when I was in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I suffered very much in those places, but the Lord has taken me out of all that suffering.
\v 12 Indeed, they will make suffer all the believers who want to live in a way that they honor Christ Jesus.
\v 13 Evil men and frauds will continue to become more evil. They will lead people away from what is true, and they will allow others to lead themselves away also.
\v 14 But as for you, keep on doing the things that you have learned to do, and the things that you have come to believe are right. Remember me, because I am the one who taught you these things.
\v 15 Remember also that even when you were a young child, you learned what God says in the scriptures. These can teach you how Christ Jesus saves us, when we trust in him.
\v 14 But you, in contrast, must continue to believe what you have learned and firmly believe. I know that you are confident about these things because I am one of the people who taught you these things.
\v 15 From the time when you were a child you have known what God says in the scriptures. These enabled you to understand how God saves us when we trust in Christ Jesus.
\v 16 All the scriptures come from God's Spirit, so we should read them in order to teach the truth about God. We should also read them in order to persuade people to believe the truth. Also to correct people when they sin. Also to teach people how to do what is right.
\v 17 We should do these things so that God can train every believer and give him what he needs in order to do every kind of good thing.
\v 17 The scriptures are useful to help the believer who serves God to have everything he needs to do every kind of good deed.
@ -138,16 +142,17 @@ for he cannot deny himself."
\v 1 When Christ Jesus comes soon to rule, he will judge those who still live and those who died. And now he and God are watching me as I command you
\v 2 to proclaim the message about Christ. Be ready to do this when it is easy to do so and also when it is not easy. Convince people about what is right when they have done wrong. Warn them not to sin. Encourage them to follow Christ. Do these things as you teach them, and always be willing to wait for them to do better.
\v 3 I tell you these things, because the time will come when people among us will not follow what God truly teaches. Instead, they will find many men who will teach that it is good to do anything they wish to do. In this way, they will always be looking for something new and different to learn.
\v 3 I tell you these things, because the time will come when people will not follow what God truly teaches. Instead, they will find many men who will teach that it is good to do anything they wish to do. In this way, they will always be looking for something new and different to learn.
\v 4 They will stop listening to the truth, and they will pay attention to foolish stories.
\v 5 But as for you, Timothy, control yourself no matter what happens. Be willing to endure difficult things. Do the work of preaching the Gospel. Complete the work you must do to serve the Lord.
\v 5 But as for you, Timothy, control yourself no matter what happens. Be willing to endure difficult things. Do the work of preaching the gospel. Complete the work you must do to serve the Lord.
\v 6 I tell you these things, because soon I will die and leave this world. I will be like the cup of wine that they pour out on the altar and sacrifice to God.
\v 6 I tell you these things, because I will soon be like the cup of wine that they pour out on the altar and sacrifice to God. That is, time has come for me to die and leave this world.
\v 7 I am like an athlete who has done his best in a contest. I am like a runner who has finished his race. I have done my best to obey God.
\v 8 Now a prize is waiting for me because I have lived in the right way for God. The Lord will judge me in the right way. He will give that prize to me when he comes again. And he will give it also to everyone who waits eagerly for him to come again.
\v 8 Now a prize is waiting for me because I have lived in the right way for God. The Lord will judge me in the right way and will give that prize to me when he comes again. He will not only give it to me, but also to everyone who waits eagerly for him to come again.
\v 9 Timothy, try to come to me soon.
@ -163,15 +168,16 @@ for he cannot deny himself."
\v 14 Alexander the metalworker acted very badly toward me. The Lord will punish him for what he has done.
\v 15 You also should be on guard against him because he did everything possible to stop our preaching.
\v 16 The first time I stood in court and explained my work, no believers stood by my side to encourage me. They all stayed away. May God not hold them responsible for this.
\v 16 The first time I stood in court and defended my work, no believers stood by my side to encourage me. They all stayed away. May God not hold them responsible for this.
\v 17 But the Lord stood with me and helped me. He made me strong, so that I fully spoke his word and so that all the Gentiles listened to it. In this way God saved me from dying.
\v 17 But the Lord was with me. He made me strong, so that I fully spoke his word and all the Gentiles heard it. God saved me from dying as if he had rescued me from a lion's mouth.
\v 18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil thing they do. He will bring me safely to where he rules in heaven. May people praise him forever. Amen.
\v 19 Greet Priscilla and Aquila. Greet the people in the home of Onesiphorus.
\v 20 Erastus stayed in Corinth city. As for Trophimus, I left him in Miletus city because he was sick.
\v 20 Erastus stayed in Corinth. As for Trophimus, I left him in Miletus because he was sick.
\v 21 Try to come before winter. Eubulus greets you, also Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers.
\v 22 May the Lord be with your spirit. May he be kind to all of you.
@ -220,4 +220,5 @@ The term listed first is the rendering in the ULB or the original language term,
* *saints* The ULB will use "saints" while the UDB will use "**believers**."
* *YHWH* Both the ULB and UDB will render God's name as **Yahweh**.
* *scribe* The ULB will use "scribe" while the UDB will use "**teacher of the Jewish laws**."
* *nomikos* The ULB will use "expert in the Jewish law" while the UDB will use "**authority in the Jewish laws**."
* *nomikos* The ULB will use "expert in the Jewish law" while the UDB will use "**authority in the Jewish laws**."
* *grace* The ULB will use "grace" while the UDB will use a form such as "**God will be kind**."
Reference in New Issue