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\id REV Unlocked Dynamic Bible
\ide UTF-8
\toc3 Rev
\mt1 Revelation
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\id GEN Unlocked Dynamic Bible
\ide UTF-8
\toc1 The Book of Genesis
\toc2 Genesis
\toc3 Gen
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\c 1
\v 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
\v 2 When he began to create the earth, it was shapeless and completely desolate. Darkness covered the surface of the deep water. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the water.
\v 3 God said, "I command there to be light," and there was light.
\v 4 God was pleased with the light. Then he made the light shine in some places at certain times, while in other places there was still darkness.
\v 5 He named the light "day," and he named the darkness "night." This was an evening and morning, the first day.
\v 6 Then God said, "I command that there be an empty space like a huge dome to separate the water into two parts."
\v 7 And that is what happened. God made the empty space like a huge dome and it separated the water that is above it from the water on the earth that is below it.
\v 8 God named the space like a huge dome "sky." This was an evening and morning, the second day.
\v 9 Then God said, "I command the water that is below the sky to come together, and dry ground to appear and rise above it." And that is what happened.
\v 10 God gave to the ground the name "earth," and he gave to the water that came together the name "oceans." God was pleased with the earth and the oceans.
\v 11 Then God said, "I command the earth to produce many kinds of plants that reproduce themselves—plants that will produce seeds and trees that will produce fruit with their seed in it." And that is what happened.
\v 12 Then plants grew on the earth. Each kind of plant began to produce its own kind of seed, and each kind of tree produced fruit with its seed in it. God was pleased with the plants and trees.
\v 13 This was an evening and morning, the third day.
\v 14 Then God said, "I command many lights to shine in the sky. They will distinguish day from night. By the changes in their appearance they will indicate the time for various festivals and other things that people do at certain times and in certain years.
\v 15 I also want these lights in the sky to shine down on the earth." And that is what happened.
\v 16 God made two of them to be very big lights. The biggest one, the sun, he made to govern the day and the smaller one, the moon, he made to govern the night. He also made the stars.
\v 17 God set all of them in the sky to shine on the earth,
\v 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light of the daytime from the darkness of the nighttime. God was pleased with the lights.
\v 19 This was an evening and morning, the fourth day.
\v 20 Then God said, "Fill the waters with all kinds of living things that I have made, and fill the sky with birds that fly above the earth."
\v 21 So God created the very large creatures that live in the sea, and he created all the other living things that are found, in very great numbers, in the waters. He also created every kind of bird that has wings. All these creatures would be able to produce their own offspring. God looked at all that he had made and he was pleased with them.
\v 22 So God blessed them. He said, "Produce offspring and become very numerous. I want the creatures in the water to live throughout all the bodies of water, and the birds also to become very numerous."
\v 23 This was an evening and morning, the fifth day.
\v 24 Then God said, "I command the earth to produce various kinds of animals that reproduce themselves to live on the earth. There will be many kinds of domestic animals, creatures that crawl on the ground, and large wild animals." And that is what happened.
\v 25 God made all kinds of wild animals and domestic animals and all kinds of creatures that crawl on the ground. They could all produce more animals of their same kind. God was pleased with them.
\v 26 Then God said, "Let us make human beings to be like us. I want them to rule over the fish in the sea, over the birds in the sky, over all the domestic animals, and over all the other creatures that move across the surface of the ground."
\v 27 So God created human beings that were like him in many ways. He made them to be like himself. He created them as male and female.
\v 28 God blessed them, saying, "Produce many children, who should live all over the earth and rule over it. I want you to rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over all the creatures that move across the surface of the ground."
\v 29 God said, "Look! I have given you all the plants that produce seeds all over the earth, and all the trees that produce fruit. All these things are for you to eat.
\v 30 I have given all the green plants to be food for all the wild animals, for the birds, and for all the creatures that move across the surface of the ground, that is, for everything that has life-giving breath in it." And that is what happened.
\v 31 God was pleased with everything that he had made. Truly, it was all very good. This was an evening and morning, the sixth day.
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\c 2
\v 1 That is the way God created the heavens and the earth and the living things that filled them.
\v 2 By the time it was the seventh day, God had finished the work of creating everything, so he did not work anymore on that day.
\v 3 God declared that each seventh day would have his favor. He set those days apart to be special days, because on the seventh day God did not work anymore, after finishing all his work of creating everything.
\v 4 What follows is how God created the heavens and the earth.
\p God, whose name is Yahweh, made the heavens and the earth.
\v 5 At first there were no plants growing, because Yahweh God had not yet caused rain to fall on the ground. Furthermore, there was no one to plow the ground for planting crops.
\v 6 Instead, mist rose up from the ground, so that there was water all over the surface of the ground.
\v 7 Then Yahweh God took some soil and formed a man. He breathed into the man's nostrils his own breath that makes things alive, and as a result the man became a whole living person.
\v 8 Yahweh God made a park in a place named Eden, which was east of the land of Canaan. There he placed the man that he had formed.
\v 9 Yahweh God caused to grow from the ground every kind of tree that is beautiful to see and that produces fruit that is good to eat. He also placed in the middle of the park a tree whose fruit would enable those who ate it to live forever. He also placed there another tree whose fruit would enable those who ate it to know what actions were good to do and what actions were evil to do.
\v 10 A river flowed from Eden to provide water for the park. Outside of Eden, the river divided into four rivers.
\v 11 The name of the first river is Pishon. That river flows through all the land of Havilah, where there is gold.
\v 12 That gold is very pure. There is also a sweet-smelling gum called bdellium and valuable stones called onyx.
\v 13 The name of the second river is Gihon. That river flows through all the land of Cush.
\v 14 The name of the third river is Tigris. It flows east of the city of Ashur. The name of the fourth river is Euphrates.
\v 15 Yahweh God took the man and put him in Eden to plow it and take care of it.
\v 16-17 But Yahweh said to him, "I will not permit you to eat the fruit of the tree that will enable you to know what actions are good to do and what actions are evil to do. If you eat any fruit from that tree, on the day you eat it you will surely die. But I will permit you to eat the fruit of any of the other trees in the park."
\v 18 Yahweh God said, "It is not good for this man to be alone. So I will make someone who will be a suitable partner for him."
\v 19 Yahweh God had taken some soil and had formed all kinds of animals and birds, and he brought them to the man to hear what names he would give to them. And the man gave a name to every living animal that Yahweh had made.
\v 20 Then the man gave names to all the kinds of cattle, birds, and wild animals, but none of these creatures was a partner that was suitable for the man.
\v 21 So Yahweh God caused the man to become deeply asleep. While the man was sleeping, Yahweh took out one of the man's ribs. Then he immediately closed the opening in his body and healed it.
\v 22 Yahweh then made a woman from the rib that he had taken from the man's body, and he brought her to the man.
\v 23 The man exclaimed, "Finally, this is truly someone like me! Her bones came from one of my bones, and her flesh came from my flesh. So I will call her woman, because she was taken from me, a man."
\v 24 The first woman was taken from the man's body, so that is why when a man and a woman marry, they must leave their parents. The man will join very closely to his wife, so that the two of them will be as though they are one person.
\v 25 Although the man and his wife were naked, they were not ashamed about being naked.
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\c 3
\v 1 Now the snake was more cunning than all the other wild animals that Yahweh God had made. The snake said to her, "Did God really say to you, 'Do not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the park'?"
\v 2 The woman replied, "What God said was, 'Do not eat the fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the park or touch it. If you do that, you will die.
\v 3 But you can eat fruit from any of the other trees.'"
\v 4 The snake said to the woman, "No, you will certainly not die. God said that
\v 5 only because he knows that when you eat fruit from that tree, you will understand new things. It will be as though your eyes were opened, and you will know what is good to do and what is evil to do, just as God does."
\v 6 The woman saw that the fruit on that tree was good to eat, and it was very beautiful. She desired it because she thought it would make her wise. So she picked some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, and he ate it.
\v 7 Immediately it was as though their eyes were opened, and they realized that they were naked, so they were ashamed. So they picked some fig leaves and fastened them together to make clothes for themselves.
\v 8 Late that afternoon, when a cool breeze was blowing, they heard the sound of Yahweh God as he was walking in the park. So the man and his wife hid themselves among the bushes in the park, so that Yahweh God would not see them.
\v 9 But Yahweh God called to the man, saying to him, "Why are you trying to hide from me?"
\v 10 The man replied, "I heard the sound of your footsteps in the garden, and I was naked, so I was afraid and I hid from you."
\v 11 God said, "How did you find out you were naked? It must be because you ate some of the fruit from the tree that I told you, 'Do not eat its fruit.' Is that what you have done?"
\v 12 The man said, "You gave me this woman to be with me. She is the one who gave me some of the fruit from that tree, so I ate it."
\v 13 Then Yahweh God said to the woman, "Why did you do such a thing?" The woman replied, "I ate it because the snake deceived me."
\v 14 Then Yahweh God said to the snake, "Because you did this, of all the domestic animals and the wild animals, I will curse you alone. As a result, you and all other snakes will crawl on the ground on your bellies, and so what you eat will have dirt on it as long as you live.
\v 15 I will cause you and the woman to be enemies to each other, and I will cause your descendant and her descendant to be enemies toward each other. You will bite his heel, but he will crush your head."
\v 16 Then Yahweh said to the woman, "I will make you have great pain when you give birth to children. You will want to be with your husband, but he will rule over you."
\v 17 Then he said to the man, "You listened to what your wife said, and you ate some of the fruit of the tree about which I commanded you, 'Do not eat it.' So I will make it difficult to grow things in the ground because of what you did. You will have to work hard as long as you live to produce things from the ground to eat.
\v 18 Thornbushes and thistle plants and other weeds will grow and prevent what you have planted from growing. And for food, you will have to eat things that just grow in your fields.
\v 19 All your life you will sweat as you work hard to produce food to eat. Then you will die, and your body will be buried in the ground. I made you from soil, so your body will become soil again."
\v 20 The man, whose name was Adam, named his wife Eve, which means "living," because she became the ancestor of all living people.
\v 21 Then Yahweh God killed some animals and made clothes from their skins for Adam and his wife.
\v 22 Then Yahweh God said, "Look! Those two have become like us because they know what is good to do and what is evil to do. So now, it will not be good if they reach out and pick and eat some of the fruit from the tree which enables people who eat it to live forever!"
\v 23 So Yahweh God drove out the man and his wife from the park of Eden. Yahweh God had created Adam from the ground, and he forced him to plow the ground.
\v 24 After Yahweh God drove them out, on the east side of the park he placed cherubim and a flaming sword that flashed back and forth, in order to block the entrance, so that people could not go back to the tree that enables anyone who eats its fruit to live forever.
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\c 4
\v 1 Adam slept with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son whom she named Cain, which means "produce," because, she said, "By Yahweh's help I have produced a son."
\v 2 Some time later she gave birth to another son, and she named him Abel. After those boys grew up, Abel tended sheep and goats, and Cain became a farmer.
\v 3 One day it happened that Cain harvested some of the crops he had grown and brought them to Yahweh as a gift for him,
\v 4 and Abel took from his flock some of the first lambs that had been born and killed them and, as a gift, gave to Yahweh the fatty parts, which were the best parts. Yahweh was pleased with Abel and his offering,
\v 5 but he was not pleased with Cain and his offering. So Cain became very angry, and his expression became unpleasant.
\v 6 Yahweh said to Cain, "You should not be angry! You should not scowl like that!
\v 7 If you do what is right, I will accept you. But if you do not do what is right, the evil that you want to do will devour you, like a lion waiting outside your door to attack you. Your desire to sin wants to control you, but you must control it."
\v 8 But one day, Cain said to his younger brother Abel, "Come with me to the fields." So they went together. And when they were in the countryside, suddenly Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
\v 9 Then, even though Yahweh knew what Cain had done, he said to Cain, "Do you know where Abel, your younger brother, is?" Cain replied, "No, I do not know. My job is not to guard my younger brother!"
\v 10 Yahweh said, "What you have done is terrible! Your brother's blood that has soaked into the ground convicts you of your guilt.
\v 11 You have killed your younger brother, and, now that the ground has soaked up your younger brother's blood, you are not welcome on it and your efforts to produce crops on it will fail.
\v 12 When you till the ground to plant crops, the ground will produce very little for you. You will continually wander around the earth, and not have any place to live permanently."
\v 13 Cain replied to Yahweh, "You are punishing me more then I can endure.
\v 14 You are about to expel me from the ground that I have been tilling, and I will no longer be able to come into your presence. Furthermore, I will be continually wandering around the earth with no place to live permanently, and anyone who sees me will kill me."
\v 15 But Yahweh said to him, "No, that will not happen. I will put a mark on you to warn anyone who sees you that I will punish him severely if he kills you. I will punish that person seven times as severely as I am punishing you." Then Yahweh put a mark on Cain.
\v 16 So Cain left Yahweh and went to live in the land called Nod, which means 'wandering', which was east of Eden.
\v 17 Some time later, Cain slept with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, whom she named Enoch. Then Cain started to build a city, and he named the city 'Enoch,' the same name that his son had.
\v 18 Enoch grew up and married and became the father of a son whom he named Irad. When Irad grew up he became the father of a son whom he named Mehujael. Mehujael grew up and became the father of a son whom he named Methushael. Methushael grew up and became the father of Lamech.
\v 19 When Lamech grew up he married two women. The name of one was Adah and the name of the other was Zillah.
\v 20 Adah gave birth to a son named Jabal. Later, Jabal became the first person who lived in tents because he traveled from place to place to take care of livestock.
\v 21 His younger brother's name was Jubal. He was the first person who made a lyre and a flute.
\v 22 Lamech's other wife Zillah gave birth to a son whom she named Tubal-Cain. Later he learned how to make things out of bronze and iron. The name of Tubal-Cain's younger sister was Naamah.
\v 23 One day Lamech said to his two wives, "Adah and Zillah, my two wives, listen carefully to what I am saying. A young man struck me and wounded me, so I killed him.
\v 24 Yahweh said long ago that he would avenge and punish anyone who killed Cain seven times as much as he punished Cain. So if anyone tries to kill me, may he be punished seventy-seven times as much."
\v 25 Adam continued to sleep with his wife, and she again became pregnant and gave birth to another son, whom she named Seth. She said, "I name him Seth because God has given me another child to take the place of Abel, since Cain killed him."
\v 26 When Seth grew up, he became the father of a son whom he named Enosh. About that time people began to worship Yahweh.
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\c 5
\v 1 This is a list of those who descended from Adam. When God created humans, he made them to be like him in many ways.
\v 2 He created one man and one woman. He blessed them, and on the day that he created them, he called them 'human beings.'
\v 3 When Adam was 130 years old, he became the father of a son who was just like him. That was the son he named Seth.
\v 4 After Seth was born, Adam lived eight hundred more years, and during those years he became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 5 Adam lived 930 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 6 When Seth was 105 years old, he became the father of Enosh.
\v 7 After Enosh was born, Seth lived 807 more years, and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 8 Seth lived 912 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 9 When Enosh was ninety years old, he became the father of Kenan.
\v 10 After Kenan was born, Enosh lived 815 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 11 Enosh lived 905 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 12 When Kenan was seventy years old, he became the father of Mahalalel.
\v 13 After Mahalalel was born, Kenan lived 840 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 14 Kenan lived 910 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 15 When Mahalalel was sixty-five years old, he became the father of Jared.
\v 16 After Jared was born, Mahalalel lived 830 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 17 Mahalalel lived 895 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 18 When Jared was 162 years old, he became the father of Enoch.
\v 19 Jared lived eight hundred years after Enoch was born, and he became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 20 Jared lived 962 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 21 When Enoch was sixty-five years old, he became the father of Methuselah.
\v 22 Enoch lived in close fellowship with God for three hundred years after Methuselah was born, and he became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 23 Enoch lived 365 years.
\v 24 He was in close fellowship with God, and one day he disappeared, because God took him away to be with him.
\v 25 When Methuselah was 187 years old, he became the father of Lamech.
\v 26 Methuselah lived 782 years after Lamech was born, and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 27 Methuselah lived 969 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 28 When Lamech was 182 years old, he became the father of a son,
\v 29 whom he named Noah, because, as he said, "He will bring us relief from all the hard work we have been doing to produce food from the ground that Yahweh cursed."
\v 30 Lamech lived 595 years after Noah was born and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 31 Lamech lived 777 years altogether, and then he died.
\v 32 When Noah was five hundred years old, he became the father of sons whom he named Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
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\c 6
\v 1 When people began to become very numerous all over the earth, and many daughters were born to them,
\v 2 some of the heavenly beings saw that the human women were very beautiful. So they took whichever ones they chose to become their wives.
\v 3 Then Yahweh said, "My breath will not remain in people forever, to keep them alive. They are made of weak flesh. They will live not more than 120 years before they die."
\v 4 When these heavenly beings slept with human women, they gave birth to children. These were the giants who lived on the earth at that time and also later. These giants were heroic fighters; they were famous men from long ago.
\v 5 Yahweh saw that people on the earth had become very wicked, and everything they thought in their inner beings was evil continually.
\v 6 Yahweh was sorry that he had made people on the earth and it made him sad.
\v 7 So Yahweh said, "I will completely destroy the people I made. I will also destroy all the larger animals and the creatures that move close to the ground and the birds. None of them will remain on the earth, because I regret that I made them."
\v 8 But Yahweh was pleased with Noah.
\v 9 This is what happened: Noah was a man whose behavior was always righteous. No one who lived at that time could criticize him about anything. Noah lived in close fellowship with God.
\v 10 Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
\v 11 God could see that everyone else on earth was very wicked, and everywhere on the earth, people were acting cruelly and violently toward each other.
\v 12 God looked at everyone and saw how evil people were, because all people on the earth had begun to behave in an evil way.
\v 13 So God said to Noah, "I have decided to destroy all people, because all over the earth people are acting violently toward each other. So I am about to get rid of them as well as everything else on the earth.
\v 14 Make for yourself a large boat from cypress wood. Make rooms inside it. Cover the outside and the inside with tar to make it waterproof.
\v 15 This is how you must make it: It must be 138 meters long, twenty-three meters wide, and fourteen meters high.
\v 16 Make a roof for the boat. Leave a space of about half a meter between the sides and the roof to let air and light enter. Make it with three decks inside, and put a door in one side.
\v 17 Listen carefully! I am about to bring a flood that will destroy everything that lives beneath the sky. Everything on the earth will die.
\v 18 But I will make my covenant with you. You and your wife, your sons and their wives will enter the boat.
\v 19 You must also bring two of all living creatures, a male and a female, into the boat with you, so that they also may remain alive.
\v 20 Two of every kind of creature will come to you in order for you to keep them alive. They will include two of each kind of bird and two of each kind of larger animal and two of each kind of creature that moves close to the ground.
\v 21 You must also take some of every kind of food that you and all these creatures will need, and store it in the boat."
\v 22 So Noah did everything that God told him to do.
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\c 7
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Noah, "I have seen that from all the people who are now living, you alone always act righteously. So I want you and all your family to go into the boat.
\v 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of animal that I have said I will accept for sacrifices. Take seven males and seven females. Also take one male and one female from every kind of animal that I have said that I will not accept for sacrifices.
\v 3 Also take seven pairs of every kind of bird from to keep their descendants alive all over the earth.
\v 4 Do this because seven days from now I will cause rain to fall on the earth. It will rain constantly for forty days and nights. In this way, I will destroy everything that I have made that is on the earth."
\v 5 Noah did everything that Yahweh told him to do.
\v 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came on the earth.
\v 7 Before it started to rain, Noah and his wife and his sons and his sons' wives all went into the boat to escape from the flood water.
\v 8 Pairs of animals, those that God said that he would accept for sacrifices and those that he would not accept for sacrifices, and pairs of birds and pairs of all the kinds of creatures that move close to the ground,
\v 9 males and females, came to Noah and then went into the boat, just as God told Noah that they would do.
\v 10 After seven days had ended, it started to rain and a flood began to cover the earth.
\v 11 When Noah was six hundred years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, all the water that is under the surface of the earth burst out, and it began to rain so hard that it was as though a dam in the sky burst open.
\v 12 Rain fell on the earth constantly for forty days and nights.
\v 13 On the day that it started to rain, Noah went into the boat with his wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives.
\v 14 They and some of every kind of wild animal, and every kind of domestic animal, and every kind of creature that moves close to the ground, and every kind of bird, and every other creature that has wings, all entered the boat.
\v 15 Pairs of all creatures that breathed came to Noah and entered the boat.
\v 16 There were a male and a female of each creature that came to Noah, just as God had said they would do. After they were all in the boat, Yahweh shut the door.
\v 17 For forty days the water kept coming and the flood increased and lifted the boat up above the ground.
\v 18 The rushing water rose higher and higher on the earth, and the boat floated on the surface of the water.
\v 19 The water rushed higher and higher all over the earth until it covered all the mountains and everything under heaven.
\v 20 Even the highest mountains were covered by more than six meters of water.
\v 21 As a result, every living being on the surface of the earth died. That included the birds, the domestic animals, the wild animals, and all the other creatures that move around on the ground, as well as all the people.
\v 22 Everything that breathed, that was a creature of the land, died.
\v 23 In this way every living thing on the earth perished—the people, the larger animals, the creatures that crawl, and the birds. The only ones that remained alive were Noah and those who were in the boat with him.
\v 24 The waters remained at full flood like that on the earth for 150 days.
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\c 8
\v 1 But God did not forget about Noah, or about all the wild animals and all the kinds of domestic animals that were with him in the boat. So one day God sent a wind to blow across the earth, and the wind caused the water to begin to recede.
\v 2 God caused the water that was under the earth to stop bursting out, and he caused the floodgates of water from the sky to close so that it stopped raining.
\v 3 The water on the earth gradually receded. By one hundred fifty days after the flood began, much of the water was gone.
\v 4 On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the boat came to rest on one of the mountains in the region of Ararat.
\v 5 The water continued to recede until, on the first day of the tenth month of that year, the tops of other mountains became visible.
\v 6 Forty days later, Noah opened the window that he had made in the side of the boat, and sent out a raven.
\v 7 The raven flew back and forth to and from the boat until the water dried up from the surface of the ground.
\v 8 Then Noah sent out a dove to find out if the water had all receded from the surface of the ground.
\v 9 But the dove did not find any place to perch, so it flew back to Noah in the boat, because there was still water all over the surface of the earth. So Noah reached out his hand and took the dove back inside the boat.
\v 10 Noah waited seven more days. Then he sent the dove out of the boat again.
\v 11 This time the dove returned to him in the evening and, surprisingly, there was a leaf from an olive tree that the dove had just plucked in its beak. Then Noah knew that the water had truly receded from the surface of the ground.
\v 12 Noah waited again seven more days. Then he sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.
\v 13 Noah was now 601 years old. By the first day of the first month of that year, the water had completely drained away from the ground. Noah removed the covering on top of the boat, and he was surprised to see that the surface of the ground was drying.
\v 14 By the twenty-seventh day of the next month, the ground was completely dry.
\v 15 Then God said to Noah,
\v 16 "Leave the boat, along with your wife, your sons, and their wives.
\v 17 Bring out with you all the birds, the domestic animals, and all the kinds of creatures that move close to the ground, in order that they can spread all over the earth and become very numerous."
\v 18 So Noah left the boat, along with his wife, his sons, and their wives.
\v 19 Then all the creatures, including all those that move close to the ground, all the birds, and every animal that moves on the earth, left the boat. They left the boat in groups of their own kind.
\v 20 Then Noah built an altar to Yahweh. He took some of the animals and birds that were acceptable as sacrifices and killed them. Then he burned them whole on the altar.
\v 21 When Yahweh smelled the pleasant odor, he was pleased with the sacrifice. Then he said to himself, "I will never again devastate everything on the earth because of the sinful things people do. Even though all that people think in their minds is evil from the time they are young, I will not destroy all the living beings again, as I did this time.
\v 22 As long as the earth exists, the seasons for planting seeds and seasons for harvesting crops, the times when it is cold and times when it is hot, the summer and winter, the daytime and nighttime will continue."
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\c 9
\v 1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons. He said to them, "I want you to have many children who will live all over the earth.
\v 2 All the larger animals on the earth, all the birds, all the creatures that move close to the ground, and all the fish, will be very afraid of you. I place them under your authority.
\v 3 Previously I allowed you to eat green plants for food, but now you may eat everything that lives and moves.
\v 4 But you must not eat meat that still has the blood in it, because the life is in its blood.
\v 5 I punish any creature who kills a human being—that they answer to Yahweh—whether it be an animal or from a human being. I demand that murderers must suffer for their crimes and pay with their own lives. Even when an animal kills a person, that animal must also have their life taken because they have taken the life of a human being.
\v 6 For I made people to be like myself. So I insist that if someone murders another human being, another person must kill him. Anyone who pours another's blood out must himself lose his own blood.
\v 7 As for you, I want you to produce many children, in order that they and their descendants may live all over the earth."
\v 8 God also said to Noah and his sons,
\v 9 "Listen carefully. I am now making a covenant with you and with your descendants,
\v 10 and with every creature with you, that is alive—including the birds, the domestic animals, and the wild animals—every living animal creature on the earth that came out of the boat with you.
\v 11 This is the covenant that I am making with you: I will never again destroy all living beings by a flood, or destroy everything else on the earth by a flood."
\v 12 Then God said to him, "This is the sign to guarantee that I will keep the covenant that I am making with you and with all living beings, a covenant that I will keep forever:
\v 13 From time to time I will put a rainbow in the sky. It will be the sign of my covenant with you and with everything on the earth.
\v 14 When I cause rain to fall from the clouds, and a rainbow appears in the sky,
\v 15 it will remind me about the covenant that I have made with you and with all living creatures, my promise that there will never again be a flood that will destroy all living creatures.
\v 16 Whenever there is a rainbow in the sky, I will see it, and I will think about the covenant that I have made with every living being that is upon the earth, a promise that I will keep forever."
\v 17 Then God said to Noah, "The rainbow will be the sign of the covenant that I have made with all living beings on the earth."
\v 18 The sons of Noah who came out of boat were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham later became the father of Canaan.
\v 19 All the people on the earth are descended from these three sons of Noah.
\v 20 Noah began to farm the land. He planted grapevines.
\v 21 After they produced grapes, he made wine from them. One day, when he had drunk too much of the wine, he became drunk, and he lay naked in his tent.
\v 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father lying naked in the tent. So he went outside and told his two older brothers what he had seen.
\v 23 Then Shem and Japheth took a large cloth and placed it across their backs, and walked backwards into the tent. They covered their father's naked body with the cloth. Their faces were turned away from their father, so they did not see him naked.
\v 24 When Noah woke up and was sober again, he found out how badly Ham, his youngest son, had behaved toward him.
\v 25 He said, "I am cursing Ham's son, Canaan, and his descendants. They will be like slaves to their uncles.
\v 26 I praise Yahweh, whom Shem worships. May Canaan's descendants be servants to Shem's descendants.
\v 27 But may God make the Japheth's territory larger. May he allow Japheth's descendants to live peacefully among the descendants of Shem. May Canaan's descendants be their slaves."
\v 28 Noah lived 350 more years after the flood.
\v 29 He died when he was 950 years old.
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\c 10
\v 1 These are the descendants of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. They became the fathers of many children after the flood.
\v 2 The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras.
\v 3 The sons of Gomer were Askenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.
\v 4 The sons of Javan were Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
\v 5 The sons and their families who were descended from Javan lived in the islands and in the lands close to the ocean. Their descendants became people groups, each with its own language, clans, and territory.
\v 6 The sons of Ham were Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.
\v 7 The sons of Cush were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtah. The sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.
\v 8 Another one of Cush's sons was Nimrod. Nimrod was the first person on earth who became a mighty warrior.
\v 9 Yahweh saw that he had become a great hunter. That is why people say to a great hunter, "Yahweh sees that you are a great hunter like Nimrod."
\v 10 Nimrod became a king who ruled in Babylonia land. The first cities over which he ruled were Babel, Erech, Akkad, and Kalneh.
\v 11 From there he went with other people to Assyria, and there they built the cities of Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,
\v 12 and Resen. Resen was a large city between Nineveh and Calah.
\v 13 Ham's son, Egypt, became the ancestor of the Lud, Anam, Lehab and Naphtuh,
\v 14 Pathrus, Casluh and Caphtor people groups. The Philistine people were descended from Casluh.
\v 15 Ham's youngest son, Canaan, became the father of Sidon, who was his eldest son, and Heth, his younger son.
\v 16 Canaan was also the ancestor of the Jebus, Amor, Girgash,
\v 17 Hiv, Ark, Sin,
\v 18 Arved, Zemar and Hamath people groups. Later the descendants of Canaan scattered over a large area.
\v 19 Their land extended from the city of Sidon in the north as far south as Gaza near Gerar, and then east toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboyim towns, as far as the town of Lasha.
\v 20 Those are the descendants of Ham. They became people groups that had their own clans, their own languages, and their own lands.
\v 21 Shem, the older brother of Japheth, also had sons, and he became the ancestor of all the descendants of Eber.
\v 22 The sons of Shem were Elam, Ashur, Arphachshad, Lud, and Aram.
\v 23 The sons of Aram were Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash.
\v 24 Arphachshad became the father of Shelah. Shelah became the father of Eber.
\v 25 Eber became the father of two sons. One of them was named Peleg, which means "division," because during the time he lived, people on the earth became divided and scattered everywhere. Peleg's younger brother was Joktan.
\v 26 Joktan became the father of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,
\v 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,
\v 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba,
\v 29 Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.
\v 30 The areas in which the clans began to live extended from Mesha to Sephar, which is in the hill country in the east.
\v 31 They are descendants from the sons of Shem. They became people groups that had their own clans, their own languages, and their own land.
\v 32 All these clans descended from the sons of Noah. Each clan had its own genealogy and each became a separate people group. Those people groups formed after the flood and spread all around the earth.
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\c 11
\v 1 At this time, all the people in the world spoke the same language.
\v 2 As people moved around in the east, they arrived at a plain in the region of Babylon and began to live there.
\v 3 Then they said to each other, "Let us make bricks and bake them to make them hard, for building!" So they used bricks instead of stones, and used tar instead of mortar to hold them together.
\v 4 They said, "Let us build a city for ourselves! We also ought to build a very high tower that reaches up to the sky! In that way people will know who we are! If we do not do this, we will be scattered all over the earth!"
\v 5 One day Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower that the people were building.
\v 6 Yahweh said, "These people are one group that all speak the same language. If they have begun to do this, then there is nothing that they will decide to do that will be impossible for them!
\v 7 So, let us go down there and make the people speak different languages, so that they will not be able to understand what each other is saying."
\v 8 By doing this, Yahweh caused them to scatter all over the earth, and the people stopped building the city.
\v 9 The city was called Babel, because there Yahweh caused the people all over the earth to no longer speak only one language. And Yahweh caused them to scatter all over the earth from that place.
\v 10 These are those who descended from Shem. Two years after the flood, when Shem was one hundred years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.
\v 11 After Arphaxad was born, Shem lived five hundred more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 12 When Arphachshad was thirty-five years old, he became the father of Shelah.
\v 13 After Shelah was born, Arphaxad lived 403 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 14 When Shelah was thirty years old, he became the father of Eber.
\v 15 After Eber was born, Shelah lived 403 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 16 When Eber was thirty-four years old, he became the father of Peleg.
\v 17 After Peleg was born, Eber lived 430 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 18 When Peleg was thirty years old, he became the father of Reu.
\v 19 After Reu was born, Peleg lived 209 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 20 When Reu was thirty-two years old, he became the father of Serug.
\v 21 After Serug was born, Reu lived 207 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 22 When Serug was thirty years old, he became the father of Nahor.
\v 23 After Nahor was born, Serug lived two hundred more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 24 When Nahor was twenty-nine years old, he became the father of Terah.
\v 25 After Terah was born, Nahor lived 119 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
\v 26 After Terah was seventy years old, he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
\v 27 This is what happened concerning the descendants of Terah: Terah's sons were Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran's son was named Lot.
\v 28 Haran's father was with him when Haran died in the city of Ur, in the country of the Chaldeans. This is the land where he was born.
\v 29 Abram and Nahor both married. Abram's wife was named Sarai, and Nahor's wife was named Milkah. Milkah and her sister Iskah were the daughters of Haran.
\v 30 Sarai was unable to have any children.
\v 31 Terah decided to leave Ur and go to live in the land of Canaan. So he took his son Abram and his grandson Lot son of Haran, and Abram's wife Sarai with him. But instead of going to Canaan, they stopped at the town of Haran and lived there.
\v 32 When Terah was 205 years old, he died in Haran.
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\c 12
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Abram, "Leave this country where you are now living. Leave your father's clan and his family, and go to a land that I will show you.
\v 2 I will cause your descendants to become a large nation. I will bless you and cause you to become famous. What I do for you will be a blessing to others.
\v 3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who do evil things to you. I will bless all the clans on earth through you."
\v 4 So Abram left Haran, as Yahweh told him to do. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left there along with his family and Lot's family.
\v 5 Abram took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot; he also took with himself all the possessions and slaves that they had accumulated in Haran. They left from there and went to the land of Canaan.
\v 6 In Canaan they traveled as far as Shechem and camped by a tall tree called the tree of Moreh. When this happened, the Canaanite people were living in that land.
\v 7 Then Yahweh appeared to Abram and said to him, "I will give this land to your descendants." Then Abram built an altar to offer a sacrifice to Yahweh, who had appeared to him.
\v 8 From Shechem, Abram and his family traveled to the hills that were east of Bethel. Bethel was to the west of where they set up their tent, and Ai was to the east. There he built another altar and offered a sacrifice and worshiped Yahweh there.
\v 9 Then they left there and continued traveling south to the Negev desert.
\v 10 There was a famine in that land, so they went further south to live for awhile in the land of Egypt, because the lack of food in the land where they were was very severe.
\v 11 When they were coming near to the land of Egypt, Abram said to his wife Sarai, "Listen, I know that you are a very beautiful woman.
\v 12 When the people in Egypt see you, they will say, 'This woman is his wife!' and they will kill me, but they will not kill you.
\v 13 So I ask you to tell them that you are my sister, so that I will be safe and so they will spare my life because of you."
\v 14 And that was what happened. As soon as they arrived in Egypt, the people in Egypt saw that his wife was indeed very beautiful.
\v 15 When the king's officials saw her, they told the king how beautiful she was. Then the king took her into his palace.
\v 16 The king treated Abram kindly because of Sarai, and he gave Abram sheep and cattle and donkeys and male and female slaves and camels.
\v 17 But because the king had taken Sarai, Abram's wife, Yahweh caused the king and the others in his household to be inflicted with terrible diseases.
\v 18 So the king summoned Abram and said to him, "You have done a terrible thing to me! Why did you not tell me that she was your wife?
\v 19 Why did you say that she is your sister, so that I took her to be my wife? You should not have done that! So now take your wife, leave here and go!"
\v 20 Then the king ordered his officials to take Abram and his wife and all his possessions out of Egypt.
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\c 13
\v 1 So Abram and Sarai left Egypt and went back to the southern Judean wilderness. They took along all their possessions, and Lot went with them.
\v 2 Abram was very rich. He owned a lot of livestock, silver, and gold.
\v 3 They continued traveling from place to place from the southern Judean wilderness toward Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where they had previously set up their tents.
\v 4 This is also where Abram had built an altar; there he worshiped Yahweh again.
\v 5 Lot, who was traveling with Abram, also had flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle and tents.
\v 6 The two of them had so many animals that they could not all stay in the same area. There was not enough land to provide water and food for all their animals.
\v 7 Furthermore, the men who took care of Abram's livestock started quarreling with the men who took care of Lot's livestock. The descendants of Canaan and Perez were also living in that area.
\v 8 Then Abram said to Lot, "Since we are close relatives, it is not good for us to quarrel, or for the men who take care of your animals to quarrel with the men who take care of my animals.
\v 9 There is plenty of land for both of us. So we should separate. You can choose whatever part you want. If you want the area over there, I will stay here. If you want the area here, I will go over there."
\v 10 Lot looked toward Zoar and saw that there was plenty of water all over the plain near the Jordan River. This was before Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah which were on that plain. In those days, it was like the garden of Yahweh, like the land in Egypt near the Nile River.
\v 11 So Lot chose for himself the land in the plain of the Jordan River. He left his uncle, Abram, and moved east.
\v 12 Abram stayed in the land of Canaan, and Lot went to live near the cities in the plain of the Jordan River, and he set up his tents near Sodom.
\v 13 Now the people who lived in Sodom were extremely wicked and sinned terribly against Yahweh.
\v 14 After Abram and Lot separated, Yahweh said to Abram, "Look around at this whole area where you are. Look north and south, look east and west.
\v 15 I will give to you and to your descendants all the land that you see; I will give it to you forever.
\v 16 I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as particles of dust! If a man tried to count the particles of dust, it would be the same as if he tried to count your descendants.
\v 17 Walk through the land in every direction, because I am going to give it all to you."
\v 18 So Abram took down his tents and moved to Hebron and settled by the big trees of Mamre. He built a stone altar there to make sacrifices to Yahweh.
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\c 14
\v 1 There were four kings who were allies. They were King Amraphel of Babylonia, King Arioch of Ellasar, King Chedorlaomer of Elam, and King Tidal of Goiim.
\v 2 They prepared to attack a group of five kings: King Bera of Sodom, King Birsha of Gomorrah, King Shinab of Admah, King Shemeber of Zeboyim, and the king of Bela, the city that is now called Zoar.
\v 3 Those five kings and their armies gathered together in the Valley of Siddim, which is also called the Valley of the Dead Sea, to fight against the four kings and their armies.
\v 4 For twelve years King Chedorlaomer had ruled them. But in the thirteenth year, they rebelled against King Chedorlaomer and refused to give him any more tribute money.
\v 5 The next year, King Chedorlaomer and the other kings that were with him gathered their armies and started coming toward the area of the five kings. They defeated the Rephaite people in Ashteroth Karnaim, the Zuzite people in Ham, and the Emite people in Shaveh Kiriathaim.
\v 6 They also defeated the Horite people in their hill area of Seir as far as El Paran near the desert.
\v 7 Then they turned around and went to En Mishpat, which is now called Kadesh. They conquered all the land belonging to the Amalekite people and the Amorite people who were living in Hazezon Tamar.
\v 8 Then the armies of the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboyim and Bela marched out to fight the armies of the four kings in Siddim Valley.
\v 9 They fought against the armies of Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, Tidal the king of Goiim, Amraphel the king of Shinar, and Arioch the king of Ellasar. The armies of four kings were fighting against the armies of five kings.
\v 10 TheValley of Siddim was full of tar pits. So when the armies of the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah tried to run away, many of the men fell into these pits. The others escaped and ran away to the hills.
\v 11 As they fled, their enemies seized all of the valuable things in Sodom and Gomorrah, including all the food.
\v 12 They also captured Abram's nephew Lot and his possessions, since he was living in Sodom at that time.
\v 13-14 At that time, Abram was living near the big trees that belonged to Mamre, who belonged to the Amor clan. Abram had made an agreement with Mamre and his two brothers, Eshcol and Aner, that they would help each other if there was a war. One of the men who escaped from the battle told Abram the Hebrew what had happened and that the enemy had captured his nephew, Lot, and taken him away. So Abram summoned 318 men who were his servants, men who had been with Abram since they were born and who knew how to fight as warriors. They all went together and pursued their enemies as far as the city of Dan.
\v 15 During the night, Abram divided the men into several groups, and they attacked their enemies from various directions and defeated them. They pursued them as far as Hobah, which was north of the city of Damascus.
\v 16 Abram's men recovered all of the goods that had been taken. They also rescued Lot and all his possessions and also the women and others who their enemies had taken.
\v 17 As Abram was returning home after he and his men had defeated the armies of King Chedorlaomer and the other kings who had fought alongside him, the King of Sodom went north to meet him in Shaveh Valley, which people also call the King's Valley.
\v 18 Melchizedek, the king of the city of Salem, was also a priest of the supreme God. He brought some bread and wine to Abram.
\v 19 Then he blessed Abram and said, "I ask the supreme God, the one who created heaven and earth, to bless you.
\v 20 I praise the supreme God, because he has enabled you to defeat your enemies." Then Abram gave to Melchizedek a tenth part of all the things he had captured.
\v 21 The King of Sodom said to Abram, "You can keep all the goods you recovered. Just let me take back the people from my city whom you captured."
\v 22 But Abram said to the King of Sodom, "I have solemnly promised Yahweh, the supreme God, the one who created heaven and earth,
\v 23 that I will not take even one thread or a thong of a sandal from anything that belongs to you. As a result, you will never be able to say, 'I caused Abram to become rich.'
\v 24 The only thing I will accept is the food that my men have eaten. But Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre went with me and fought alongside me, so let them have a share of the goods we brought back."
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\c 15
\v 1 Some time later, Abram had a vision in which Yahweh spoke to him and said, "Do not be afraid of anything, I will protect you and I will give a great reward."
\v 2 But Abram replied, "Lord Yahweh, how can you give me what I truly want, because I have no children, and the one who will inherit all my possessions is my servant Eliezer, from Damascus!"
\v 3 Abram also said, "You have not given me any children, so a servant in my household will inherit everything that I own!"
\v 4 Yahweh replied, "No! He will not be the one who will inherit it. Instead, you yourself will be the father of the one who will inherit everything you own."
\v 5 Then Yahweh took Abram outside of his tent and said, "Look up at the sky! Can you count the stars? No, you cannot count them because there are so many of them, and your descendants will be as numerous as the stars."
\v 6 Abram believed that what Yahweh said would happen. Because of that, Yahweh considered him as good.
\v 7 Yahweh also said to him, "I am Yahweh. I am the one who brought you from Ur in the land of Chaldea. I brought you here to give you this land to possess."
\v 8 But Abram replied, "Lord Yahweh, how can I know for sure that this land will belong to me?"
\v 9 God said to him, "Bring a three year old heifer and a three year old goat to me, and a dove and a pigeon."
\v 10 So Abram brought all of them. He killed them and cut each of the animals in half. He arranged the halves of each one, side by side. But he did not cut the pigeon and dove in half.
\v 11 Birds that eat dead animals came down to eat the carcasses, but Abram drove them away.
\v 12 As the sun was going down, Abram fell sound asleep, and suddenly everything around him became dark and frightening.
\v 13 Then Yahweh said to Abram, "I want you to know that your descendants will become foreigners living in a land that does not belong to them. They will become slaves of the owners of that land. The owners of the land will mistreat them for four hundred years.
\v 14 But then I will punish the people of that country where they are slaves. Then your descendants will leave that country, taking many possessions with them.
\v 15 But as for you, you will die peacefully and be buried when you are very old.
\v 16 After your descendants have been slaves for four hundred years, they will come back here. They will take control of this land and defeat the Amor people. This will not happen before that time, because the Amor people have not yet sinned to the degree that I would punish them like that for it."
\v 17 When the sun had set and it was dark, unexpectedly a blazing torch and a clay pot containing burning coals from which smoke was rising appeared and went between the halves of the animals.
\v 18 On that day Yahweh made a covenant with Abram. Yahweh told him, "I will give to your descendants all the land between the river that is on the eastern border of Egypt to the south, and north to the Euphrates River.
\v 19 That is the land where the Ken, the Keniz, the Kidmon,
\v 20 the Heth, the Perez, the Repha,
\v 21 the Amor, the Canaan, the Girgash, and the Jebus people groups live."
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\c 16
\v 1 Up to that time, Abram's wife Sarai had not given birth to any children for Abram. But she had a female slave from Egypt, whose name was Hagar.
\v 2 Sarai said to Abram, "Listen to me! Yahweh has not allowed me to become pregnant. So sleep with my slave Hagar. Perhaps she will bear children whom I can consider to be mine." Abram agreed to do what Sarai said.
\v 3 This happened ten years after Abram and Sarai went to live in Canaan land. In this way Abram took Hagar, Sarai's slave from Egypt, to be his second wife.
\v 4 So he slept with Hagar, and she became pregnant. When she realized that she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress Sarai.
\v 5 Then Sarai said to Abram, "It is your fault! I put my servant into your arms so that you could sleep with her. Now she is pregnant, and she despises me because I have no children. May Yahweh find you guilty for doing this to me!"
\v 6 So Abram said to Sarai, "Listen to me! She is your servant, so act toward her in the way you consider best." Then Sarai started to mistreat her, so Hagar ran away.
\v 7 The angel of Yahweh went to her as she was near a spring of water in the desert. It was the spring that was alongside the road to Shur.
\v 8 He said to her, "Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?" She replied, "I have run away from Sarai, my mistress."
\v 9 The angel of Yahweh said, "Go back to your mistress and continue to obey her."
\v 10 The angel of Yahweh also said to her, "I will enable you to bear so many descendants that no one will be able to count them!"
\v 11 The angel of Yahweh also said to her, "Listen to this! You are pregnant. You will give birth to a son. You must name him Ishmael, which means 'God listens,' because Yahweh has heard you crying because you feel so miserable.
\v 12 But your son will be as uncontrollable as a wild donkey. He will oppose everyone, and everyone will oppose him. He will live far away from all his relatives."
\v 13 Hagar said to herself, "I continue to live, even though Yahweh has seen me!" So she called Yahweh, "God, the one who sees me."
\v 14 That is why people call the well there "Beer Lahai Roi," which means, "the well of the living one who sees me!" It is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.
\v 15 So Hagar later gave birth to a son for Abram, and she named him Ishmael.
\v 16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar gave birth to Abram's son Ishmael.
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\c 17
\v 1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, Yahweh appeared to Abram again and said to him, "I am God Almighty. I want you to live your life in the way that I want. I want you to not do anything wrong.
\v 2 I will confirm my covenant between us, and I will cause you to have a very great number of descendants."
\v 3 Abram bowed down with his face on the ground. Then God said to him,
\v 4 "Listen to this! This is the covenant I am making with you: You will be the father of many groups of people.
\v 5 Your name will be Abram no longer. Instead, your name will be Abraham, because I will make you the father of many groups of people.
\v 6 I will cause you to have very, very many descendants, and I will cause nations and kings to be among them.
\v 7 I will make this covenant between me and you and the generations of your descendants after you forever. Because of this covenant, you will worship and follow me as God, and so will your descendants.
\v 8 I will give to you and to your descendants the land of Canaan, the whole land of Canaan, where you are now living. It will be an everlasting possession for them, and I will be their God."
\v 9 Then God said to Abraham, "Now you must keep your part of the covenant that I am making with you, and your descendants must also obey it, for all generations.
\v 10 This is a requirement of the covenant that I am making between myself and you and all your descendants: Every male among you must be circumcised.
\v 11 Cutting the foreskins of them will be the sign that you have accepted the covenant that I am making with you.
\v 12 Every male child among you must be circumcised when he is eight days old, in all future generations. That includes baby boys in your household and those born from slaves that have been bought, and foreigners who live among you but do not belong to your household.
\v 13 It does not matter whether their parents are members of your household or slaves that you have bought; they must all be circumcised. Your bodies will have this mark to show you have accepted this everlasting covenant that I am making.
\v 14 You must drive out from your community any male who has not been circumcised, because that person has disobeyed my covenant."
\v 15 God also said to Abraham, "As for Sarai, your wife, you must not call her Sarai any longer. I will change her name also. Her name will now be Sarah.
\v 16 I will bless her, and she will surely give birth to a son for you. And I will bless her so much that she will be the ancestor of people of many nations. Kings and people groups will be descended from her."
\v 17 Abraham lay down with his face on the ground in respect before God. But then he laughed as he said to himself, "Can a man who is a hundred years old become a father of a son? And since Sarah is ninety years old, how can she bear a child?"
\v 18 Then Abraham said to God, "Perhaps you will let Ishmael receive your blessing and inherit all I possess."
\v 19 Then God replied, "No! Your wife Sarah will bear a son for you. You must name him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him, one that will be an everlasting covenant with him and his descendants.
\v 20 As for Ishmael, I have heard what you asked me to do for him. I will bless him so that he also will have many descendants. Among his descendants will be the leaders of twelve tribes. And I will cause his descendants to become a great nation.
\v 21 But it is with Isaac that I will establish my covenant—Isaac, the son whom Sarah will give birth to at this time next year."
\v 22 When God finished talking to Abraham, God disappeared from his sight.
\v 23 On that same day, Abraham took his son Ishmael and all the males that were in his household, including the sons of all the slaves he had bought, and circumcised them. He cut off their foreskins, just as God told him to do.
\v 24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised,
\v 25 and Ishmael was thirteen years old when Abraham circumcised him.
\v 26 It was on that very same day that Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised.
\v 27 All the males in his household, the ones who had been born there and those Abraham had bought from foreigners, were also circumcised.
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\c 18
\v 1 One day during that year, at the time of day when it was hot, Yahweh appeared to Abraham again near the big trees that belonged to Mamre. Abraham was sitting in the entrance to his tent.
\v 2 Abraham looked up and was surprised to see three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran to meet them. He prostrated himself with his face on the ground in respect.
\v 3 He said to one of them, "Lord, if you are pleased with me, stay here for a little while.
\v 4 Allow my servants to bring a little water and wash your feet, and then rest under this tree.
\v 5 Since you have come here to me, allow me to bring you some food so that you can gain strength before you leave." The men replied, "All right, do as you have said."
\v 6 Then Abraham hurried into the tent and said to Sarah, "Quick, get twenty kilograms of our best flour and make some bread!"
\v 7 Then he ran to the herd of cattle and selected a calf whose meat would be tender and tasty. He gave it to one of his servants, who hurried to kill and cook it.
\v 8 When the meat was cooked, Abraham brought some curds, milk, and the meat that the servant had prepared. He placed them in front of them. Then he stood near them under a tree while they ate.
\v 9 After they ate, they asked him, "Where is Sarah, your wife?" He replied, "She is in the tent."
\v 10 Then the leader of the group said, "I will return to you in the springtime next year, and listen, your wife Sarah will have an infant son." It happened that Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent, which was behind the man who was speaking.
\v 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was far past the time of childbearing.
\v 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, "My body is worn out, and my husband is old. So how can I have the pleasure of having a baby?"
\v 13 Yahweh said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh? Why was she thinking, 'I am too old, so how can I bear a child'?
\v 14 Is there anything too difficult for me? I will return about this time next year in the springtime, the time I have fixed, and Sarah will have an infant son."
\v 15 Then Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, "I did not laugh." But Yahweh said, "Do not deny it! You did laugh."
\v 16 When the three men got up to leave, they looked down into the valley toward the city of Sodom. Abraham was walking with them to say "Farewell" to them.
\v 17 Yahweh said to himself, "It is not right for me to prevent Abraham from knowing what I plan to do.
\v 18 Abraham's descendants will become a great and powerful people group. And people of all people groups will be blessed because of what I do for him.
\v 19 I have chosen him in order that he will direct his children and their families so that they will obey me and do what is right and fair, so that I will do for Abraham what I have promised to do for him."
\v 20 So Yahweh said to Abraham, "I have heard the terrible things that some people have been saying about the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their sins are very great.
\v 21 So I will go down now, and I will see if all the terrible things that I have heard are true or not true."
\v 22 Then the two other men turned and started walking toward Sodom. But Abraham kept standing in front of Yahweh.
\v 23 Abraham came closer to him and said, "Will you really destroy people who have done nothing wrong along with the wicked ones?
\v 24 What will you do if there are fifty people in the city who have done nothing wrong? Will you really destroy them all, and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people who have done nothing wrong?
\v 25 Certainly you would not do such a thing, to kill good people along with wicked ones, and treat good people and wicked people the same way. You could not do that, because you, who are the judge of everyone on the earth, will certainly do what is right regarding the people of Sodom!"
\v 26 Yahweh replied, "If I find fifty people in Sodom who have done nothing wrong, I will spare the whole place for their sake."
\v 27 Abraham replied, "I should not be bold like this and speak to you, my Lord, because I am as worthless as dust and ashes.
\v 28 But what will you do if there are only forty-five people who have done nothing wrong? Will you destroy everyone in the whole city because there are only forty-five and not fifty good people?" Yahweh replied, "I will not destroy it if I find that there are forty-five good people."
\v 29 Abraham continued to speak to him like this, saying, "What will you do if you find that there are only forty good people there?" Yahweh replied, "I will not destroy them all, for the sake of the forty."
\v 30 Abraham said, "Please do not be angry now. Let me speak again. What will you do if there are only thirty good people?" He replied, "I will not do it if I find that there are thirty there."
\v 31 Abraham said, "I should not be bold and speak to you like this, my Lord. But what will you do if you find that there are only twenty good people there?" He replied, "I will not destroy the whole city, for the sake of those twenty."
\v 32 Finally, Abraham said, "My Lord, do not be angry now. Just let me speak one time more. What will you do if you find that there are only ten good people there?" Yahweh answered, "I will not destroy the city for the sake of those ten."
\v 33 Abraham said no more. As soon as Yahweh finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham went home.
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\c 19
\v 1 That evening, the two angels arrived in Sodom. Lot was sitting at the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to greet them and prostrated himself with his face on the ground.
\v 2 He said to them, "Gentlemen, please stay in my house tonight. You can wash your feet, and early tomorrow you can continue your journey." But they said, "No, we will just sleep in the city square."
\v 3 But Lot kept insisting strongly that they sleep in his house. So they entered his house with him, and he prepared a meal for them. He baked some bread without yeast, and they ate it.
\v 4 After they finished eating, before they went to bed, the men of the city of Sodom, all of them, from the young ones to the old ones, surrounded the house.
\v 5 They called out to Lot, saying, "Where are the men who came to your house this evening? Bring them out, so that we can sleep with them!"
\v 6 Lot went outside the house and shut the door behind him, so that they could not go inside.
\v 7 He said to them, "My friends, do not do such an evil thing!
\v 8 Listen to me. I have two daughters who have never slept with any man. Let me bring them out to you now, and you can do with them whatever pleases you. But do not do anything to these men, because they are guests in my house, so I must protect them!"
\v 9 But they replied, "Get out of our way! You are a foreigner; so you have no right to tell us what is right! We will do worse things to you than we will do to them!" Then they lunged toward Lot, and tried forcefully to break down the door.
\v 10 But the two angels opened the door carefully, reached out their hands, and pulled Lot inside the house. Then they quickly shut the door.
\v 11 Then they caused all the men who were outside the door of the house, young and old, to become blind, so that they could not find the door.
\v 12 Then the two angels said to Lot, "Who else is with you here? If you have sons or sons-in-law or daughters or anyone else in the city who is related to you, take them out of the city,
\v 13 because we are going to destroy this place. Yahweh has heard many terrible things that some people have said about this city, and he has sent us to destroy it."
\v 14 So Lot went and spoke to the men who had pledged to marry his daughters. He said to them, "Hurry! Get out of this city, because Yahweh is about to destroy it!" But his future sons-in-law thought he was joking.
\v 15 As it was about to dawn the next morning, the two angels urged Lot, saying, "Get up quickly! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here with you and leave! If you do not, you will be swept away when we destroy the city!"
\v 16 When Lot hesitated, the angels grasped his hand and his wife's hand and the hands of his two daughters. They led them outside the city safely. The angels did that because Yahweh was acting mercifully toward them.
\v 17 When they were outside the city, one of the angels said, "If you want to stay alive, run away quickly! Do not look back! And do not stop anywhere in the valley! Flee to the hills! If you do not, you will die!"
\v 18 But Lot said to one of them, "No, sir, do not make me do that!
\v 19 Please, listen. You have been pleased with me and have been very kind to me and spared my life. But I cannot flee to the mountain. If I try to do that, I will die in this disaster.
\v 20 Listen to me. There is a town nearby. Let me run there now. It is only a small town, and if you do not destroy it, our lives will be saved if we go there."
\v 21 One of the angels said to Lot, "I will allow you to do what you have requested. And I will not destroy the town you are talking about.
\v 22 But hurry! Run there, because I cannot destroy anything until you arrive." People later called the name of the town Zoar, which means 'not-important,' because Lot said that it was a small village.
\v 23 As the sun was rising, Lot and his family arrived in the town which is now called Zoar.
\v 24 Then Yahweh caused fire and burning sulfur to fall down on Sodom and Gomorrah like rain from the sky.
\v 25 In that way, he destroyed those cities and all the people who were living in those cities. He also destroyed everything in the valley, including all the plants.
\v 26 But Lot's wife stopped and looked back to see what was happening, so she died, and her body later became a pillar of salt.
\v 27 That morning, Abraham got up and went to the place where he had stood in front of Yahweh.
\v 28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and he was surprised to see that all over the valley, smoke was rising, like the smoke of a huge furnace.
\v 29 So when God destroyed those cities in the valley, he did not forget to help Abraham, and he rescued Lot from the disaster that occurred in the cities where Lot lived.
\v 30 Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar, so he left there and moved with his two daughters to the mountain, and they lived in a cave.
\v 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger daughter, "Our father is old, and there is no man in this area who will sleep with us, as people all over the earth do.
\v 32 Let us make our father drink wine until he gets drunk. Then we can sleep with him without him knowing it. In that way he will cause us to become pregnant and we can bear children who will be our father's descendants."
\v 33 So that night they caused their father to become drunk. And the older daughter went in and slept with her father, but he was so drunk that he did not know when she lay down with him or when she got up.
\v 34 The next day, his older daughter said to his younger daughter, "Listen to me. Last night I slept with our father. Let us cause him to become drunk again tonight! This time you can go and sleep with him. If he sleeps with you, you can become pregnant, and that way you can have a child, too."
\v 35 So that night, they caused their father to become drunk with wine again, and then his younger daughter went and slept with him. But again, he was so drunk that he did not know when she lay down with him or when she got up.
\v 36 So Lot caused his two daughters to become pregnant.
\v 37 The older one later gave birth to a son, whom she named Moab. He became the ancestor of the Moab people group.
\v 38 The younger one also gave birth to a son, whom she named Ben-Ammi. He became the ancestor of the people that are now called the Ammon people group.
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\c 20
\v 1 Abraham left Mamre and moved southwest to the Negev desert. There he lived between Kadesh and Shur. He lived as a foreigner in the town of Gerar.
\v 2 While he was there, he told people that Sarah was his sister, not his wife. Then King Abimelech of Gerar sent some of his men to get Sarah, and they brought her to him to be his wife.
\v 3 But God appeared to Abimelech in a dream during the night and said to him, "Listen to me! You are going to die because the woman you took is another man's wife."
\v 4 But Abimelech had not slept with her, so he said, "Lord, since the people of my nation and I are innocent, will you kill us?
\v 5 Abraham told me, 'She is my sister,' and she also said, 'He is my brother.' I did not intend to do anything wrong; neither have I done anything wrong."
\v 6 God said to him, "Yes, I know that you did not want to do anything wrong. That is why I prevented you from sinning against me. I did not allow you to touch her.
\v 7 Therefore, return this man's wife to her husband, because he is a prophet. He will pray for you so that you may live. But if you do not return her to him, you will certainly die, and all the members of your household will also certainly die."
\v 8 Early the next morning, Abimelech summoned all his officials and told them everything that had happened. When they heard that, his men were very afraid that God would punish them.
\v 9 Abimelech then summoned Abraham, and said to him, "You should not have done that to us! Did I do something wrong to you? Did I make you want me and my people to become guilty of a great sin? You have done things to me that you should not have done!
\v 10 Why did you do this?"
\v 11 Abraham replied, "I said that she was my sister because I thought, 'The people in this place certainly do not respect God. Certainly they do whatever wrong things they wish. So they will kill me to get my wife.'
\v 12 Besides, Sarah really can be considered my sister, because she is the daughter of my father, although she is not the daughter of my mother. She is the daughter of another woman, and I married her.
\v 13 Later, when God told me to move away from my father's household, I said to her, 'This is the way you can show that you are faithful to me: Everywhere we go, say about me, "This is my brother."'"
\v 14 So Abimelech brought some sheep and cattle and gave them to Abraham. He also gave him some male and female slaves. Then he returned Abraham's wife Sarah to him.
\v 15 And Abimelech said to him, "Look! My land is in front of you. Live in whatever place you wish!"
\v 16 And he said to Sarah, "Look! I am giving a thousand pieces of silver to your brother. This is to ensure that no one will bring up this matter again and say that you have done anything wrong."
\v 17 Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech's wife and his slave girls so that they could have children.
\v 18 This was because Yahweh had caused it to be impossible for any of the women in Abimelech's household to bear children, because Abimelech had taken Abraham's wife Sarah.
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\c 21
\v 1 Yahweh acted very kindly toward Sarah, just as he said he would do. He did for Sarah exactly what he promised to do,
\v 2 for she became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Abraham when he was very old, at the time God promised it would happen.
\v 3 Abraham gave the name "Isaac" to the son Sarah delivered.
\v 4 He also circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, just as God had commanded him to do.
\v 5 Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was born.
\v 6 Sarah said, "Although I was sad before because I did not have any children, God has now enabled me to laugh with joy, and everyone who hears about what God has done for me will laugh with me."
\v 7 She also said, "No one would have said to Abraham that some day I would nurse a child, but I have given birth to a son when Abraham is very old."
\v 8 The baby grew. The day came when he was taken off his mother's milk. On that day, Abraham prepared a large feast to celebrate.
\v 9 One day Sarah noticed that Hagar's son Ishmael was making fun of Isaac.
\v 10 So she said to Abraham, "Get rid of that slave woman from Egypt and her son! I do not want the son of that slave woman to take what my son Isaac will inherit."
\v 11 Abraham was very upset about the matter, because he was also concerned about his son Ishmael.
\v 12 But God said to Abraham, "Do not be upset about your son, Ishmael, and about your servant Hagar. Listen to everything that Sarah tells you to do, and do it, because Isaac is the one who will be the forefather of the descendants I promised to give you.
\v 13 But I will also cause the son of your servant Hagar to be the ancestor of a great people group, because he is also your son."
\v 14 So Abraham got up early the next morning. He got some food ready, put water in a bag, and gave it to Hagar. He put the bag on her shoulder, handed her Ishmael, and sent them away into the wilderness of Beersheba.
\v 15 After Hagar and her son had drunk all the water in the bag, she put the boy under one of the bushes there.
\v 16 Then she went and sat nearby, about as far as someone can shoot an arrow. She thought, "I cannot endure seeing my son die!" As she sat there, she began to cry loudly.
\v 17 Soon God heard the sound of Ishmael, so he sent one of his angels to call out from heaven to Hagar. He said, "Hagar, what is the matter with you? Do not be afraid, because God has heard the boy crying there.
\v 18 Go lift the boy up and help him be brave, because I will cause his descendants to become a great people group."
\v 19 Then God showed her a well of water. So she went to the well and filled the container with water, and gave the boy a drink.
\v 20 God helped the boy as he grew up in the wilderness, and he became a good archer.
\v 21 He lived in the wilderness of Paran. Hagar got a wife for him from Egypt.
\v 22 At that time, King Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, said to Abraham, "It is clear that God helps you in all that you do.
\v 23 So now, solemnly promise to me here, as God is listening, that you will not deceive me and my children, or my descendants. Act faithfully toward me and toward all the people here in the country where you are now living. Act faithfully toward me, as I have acted toward you."
\v 24 So Abraham swore an oath to do that.
\v 25 Abraham also complained to Abimelech about one of Abraham's wells of water that Abimelech's servants had taken control of.
\v 26 But Abimelech said, "I do not know who has done that. You did not tell me previously, and I did not hear about it until today."
\v 27 So Abraham brought some sheep and cattle and gave them to Abimelech, and the two of them solemnly agreed to have peace between themselves.
\v 28 Abraham went to his flock and chose seven female lambs from it.
\v 29 Abimelech asked Abraham, "Why have you taken these seven female lambs from your flock?"
\v 30 Abraham replied, "I want you to accept these female lambs from me. In this way, my gift to you will be proof to everyone that this well belongs to me because I dug it."
\v 31 So Abimelech accepted the lambs. Then Abraham named that place Beersheba, which means 'Well of the oath,' because he and Abimelech had sworn an oath there to be peaceful toward each other.
\v 32 After they made the treaty at Beersheba, Abimelech and his army commander, Phicol, left and returned to the land of the Philistines.
\v 33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree there, and there he worshiped Yahweh, the eternal God.
\v 34 Abraham stayed as an outsider in the land of the Philistine people for a long time.
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\c 22
\v 1 Several years later, God tested Abraham to find out whether Abraham would obey him. He called out to Abraham, and Abraham replied, "I am here."
\v 2 God said, "Your son, Isaac, whom you love very much, is the only son I promised to give you. Take him with you and go together to the land of Moriah, and go up a mountain I will show you, and offer him as a burnt offering."
\v 3 So Abraham got up early the next morning, put a saddle on his donkey, and took with him two of his servants along with his son, Isaac. He also chopped some wood for a fire for a burnt offering. Then they started traveling to the place God told him about.
\v 4 On the third day that they were traveling, Abraham looked up and saw in the distance the place where God wanted him to go.
\v 5 Abraham said to his servants, "You two stay here with the donkey while the boy and I go over there. We will worship God there, and then we will come back to you."
\v 6 Then Abraham took the wood to start a fire for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac for him to carry. Abraham carried in his hand something for starting a fire. He also carried a knife, and the two of them walked along together.
\v 7 Then Isaac spoke to his father Abraham, saying, "My father." Abraham replied, "Yes, my son, I am here!" Isaac said, "Look, we have wood and coals to light a fire, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"
\v 8 Abraham replied, "My son, God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering." So the two of them continued walking along together.
\v 9 They arrived at the place God had told him about. There, Abraham built a stone altar and arranged the wood on top of it. Then he tied his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.
\v 10 Then Abraham took the knife and reached out to kill his son.
\v 11 But the angel of Yahweh called to him from heaven and said, "Abraham! Abraham!" Abraham replied, "I am here!"
\v 12 The angel said, "Do not harm the boy, because now I know that you respect and obey God. I know this because you have not refused to sacrifice your only son."
\v 13 Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram nearby, in a thicket that had caught its horns. So Abraham went over and grabbed the ram and killed it, and sacrificed it on the altar as a burnt offering, instead of his son.
\v 14 Abraham named that place "Yahweh will provide." To the present day people say, "On Yahweh's mountain, he will provide."
\v 15 The angel of Yahweh called out to Abraham from heaven a second time.
\v 16 He said, "I, Yahweh, declare to you that you did what I told you, and you have not held back your only son. So I solemnly swear, with myself as my witness,
\v 17 that some day your descendants will be as many as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the seashore. Your descendants will defeat their enemies and capture their cities.
\v 18 You obeyed me, so by means of your descendants the people of all the nations on the earth will be blessed."
\v 19 Then Abraham and Isaac returned to where his servants were waiting, and they went back together to Beersheba, and Abraham and his people continued to stay there.
\v 20 After these things happened, someone told Abraham, "Your brother Nahor's wife, Milkah, has also given birth to children."
\v 21 Now the oldest son was Uz. The next was Buz. After him was Kemuel, the father of Aram.
\v 22 After Kemuel was Kesed, then Hazo, then Pildash, then Jidlaph, then Bethuel.
\v 23 Bethuel was the father of Rebekah. Those were the eight sons of Milkah, wife of Abraham's brother, Nahor.
\v 24 Nahor also had a concubine, whose name was Beumah. She gave birth to four sons: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Maacah.
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\c 23
\v 1 When Sarah was 127 years old,
\v 2 she died at the city of Kiriath Arba, which is now called Hebron, in the land of Canaan. Then Abraham mourned over her.
\v 3 He left the body of his wife and spoke to some of the descendants of Heth. He said,
\v 4 "I am a temporary settler living among you, so I do not own any land here. Sell me some land here so that I can bury my wife's body."
\v 5 They replied to him,
\v 6 "Sir, you are a powerful man among us. Choose one of our finest tombs and bury your wife's body in it. None of us will refuse to sell land to you for a tomb for your wife's body."
\v 7 Then Abraham stood up and bowed in respect in front of the people who owned the land, the descendants of Heth.
\v 8 He said to them, "If you say that you are willing for me to bury my wife's body here, listen to me, and ask Ephron son of Zohar,
\v 9 to sell me the cave in the Machpelah area, which is at the end of his field. Ask him to sell it to me for the full price he wants, and to sell it to me in front of you all. In this way I can have a burial ground."
\v 10 Now Ephron was sitting among the people at the city gate where many descendants of Heth had gathered. He had heard what Abraham said to them.
\v 11 Ephron said, "No, sir, listen to me. I will give to you the field and the cave in it, without charge, with the people here as witnesses. Please bury your wife there."
\v 12 Abraham again bowed before the people who lived in the land,
\v 13 and said to Ephron, as all the others were listening, "No, listen to me. If you are willing, I will pay for the field. You tell me what the price is, and I will give it to you. If you accept it, the field will become mine, and I can bury my wife's body there."
\v 14 Ephron answered Abraham, saying to him,
\v 15 "Sir, listen to me. The land is worth four hundred pieces of silver. But the price is not important to you and me. Give me the money and bury your wife's body there."
\v 16 Abraham agreed with Ephron about the price, and weighed for Ephron the four hundred pieces of silver he had suggested, as everyone was listening. He used the standard weights for silver used by people who sold things.
\v 17 So Ephron's field in the Machpelah area, near Mamre, and the cave in the field, and all the trees that were in the field and those marking the land's boundary, they all became Abraham's possession.
\v 18 This is how Abraham bought the property, as all the descendants of Heth were listening there at the city gate.
\v 19 After that, Abraham buried his wife Sarah's body in the cave in the field in the Machpelah area near Mamre, which is now called Hebron, in the land of Canaan.
\v 20 So the field and the cave in it were officially sold to Abraham by the descendants of Heth, for him to use as a burial ground.
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\c 24
\v 1 Abraham was now a very old man. Yahweh had blessed Abraham in many ways.
\v 2 One day Abraham said to the chief servant of his household, the man who was in charge of all Abraham owned, "Put your hand between my thighs to solemnly promise you will do what I tell you.
\v 3 Knowing that Yahweh, God who created the heavens and the earth, is listening, promise that you will not get a wife for my son, Isaac, from the daughters of the Canaan people among whom I am now living.
\v 4 Instead, go to my country and to my relatives. Get a wife for my son Isaac from among them."
\v 5 The servant asked him, "If I find a woman among your relatives, what should I do if she is not willing to come back with me to this land? Should I take your son back there to the country you came from, so he can find a wife and live there?"
\v 6 Abraham replied to him, "No! Be certain that you do not take my son there!
\v 7 Yahweh, the God who created the heavens, brought me here. He brought me from my father's household and from the land where my relatives lived. He spoke to me and made a solemn promise to me. He said, 'I will give this land of Canaan to your descendants.' He will send an angel who will go there ahead of you and enable you to get a wife for my son and bring her to live here.
\v 8 But if the woman you find will not come back with you, you are free to disregard the promise you are making. The only thing that you must not do is to take my son to live there."
\v 9 So the servant put his hand between Abraham's thighs and made a solemn promise about the matter.
\v 10 Then the servant took ten of his master's camels and loaded them with all kinds of goods that his master gave him to take along. Then he left to go to Aram Naharaim, which is in northern Mesopotamia. He arrived in the city of Nahor.
\v 11 When the servant arrived at Nahor, it was in late afternoon, at the time when the women go to the well to get water. He made the camels kneel down near the well, which was outside the city.
\v 12 The servant prayed, "Yahweh, God whom my master Abraham worships, enable me to be successful today! Keep faith with my master, Abraham!
\v 13 Listen to me. I am standing near a well of water, and the daughters of the people of the city are coming to get water.
\v 14 I am asking you this: I will say to one of the girls, 'Please lower your jar so that I may drink some water.' If she says, 'Drink some water, and I will draw some water for your camels, too,' I will know that she is the woman whom you chose to be a wife for your servant, Isaac, and I will know that you have kept faith with my master."
\v 15 Before he finished praying, a young woman named Rebekah arrived there, carrying a jar on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milkah, the wife of Abraham's younger brother Nahor.
\v 16 She was very beautiful and a virgin. No man had ever slept with her. She went down to the edge of the well, filled her jar with water, and then came back up.
\v 17 Abraham's servant immediately ran to meet her, and said, "Please give me a little water from your jar."
\v 18 She replied, "Drink some, sir!" She lowered her jar from her shoulder to her hands and gave him a drink.
\v 19 After she had finished giving him a drink, she said, "I will also get some water for your camels, until they have had enough to drink."
\v 20 She quickly emptied the water in her jar into the animals' water trough. Then she ran back to the well, and kept getting water for all the camels.
\v 21 The servant just watched her, without saying anything. He wanted to know if Yahweh had caused his trip to be successful or not.
\v 22 Finally, after the camels finished drinking, the servant took out a gold nose ring that weighed six grams, and two gold bracelets for her arms, each weighing about 110 grams, gave them to Rebekah, and told her to put them on.
\v 23 Then he said, "Tell me whose daughter you are. Also, tell me, is there room in your father's house for me and my men to sleep there tonight?"
\v 24 She replied, "My father's name is Bethuel. He is the son of Nahor and his wife Milkah.
\v 25 Yes, we have room where you all can sleep tonight, and we also have plenty of straw and grain to feed the camels."
\v 26 The servant bowed and worshiped Yahweh.
\v 27 He said, "I thank Yahweh, God whom my master Abraham worships. He has continued to show that he is faithful and trustworthy toward my master. Yahweh led me on this journey straight to the house of my master's relatives!"
\v 28 The girl ran and told everyone in her mother's household about what had happened.
\v 29 Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban. Laban went quickly to the servant, who was outside by the well.
\v 30 He was surprised to have seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sister's arms and to have heard Rebekah tell what the man had said to her. So he went out and saw the man standing near the camels, close to the well.
\v 31 He said to the man, "You who have been blessed by Yahweh, come! Why are you standing out here? I have prepared a room for you in the house, and a place for the camels to stay."
\v 32 So the servant went to the house, and Laban's servants unloaded the camels. They brought straw and grain for the camels, and water for him and the men with him to wash their feet.
\v 33 They set food in front of him for him to eat, but he said, "I will not eat until I tell you what I need to tell you." So Laban said, "Tell us!"
\v 34 So the servant said, "I am Abraham's servant.
\v 35 Yahweh has greatly blessed my master so that he has become very rich. Yahweh has given him many sheep and cattle, a lot of gold and silver, male and female servants, camels and donkeys.
\v 36 My master's wife, Sarah, bore a son for him when she was very old, and my master has given to his son everything he owns.
\v 37 My master made me solemnly promise, saying, 'Do not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaan people, in whose land we are living.
\v 38 Instead, go back to my father's family, to my own clan, and get from them a wife for my son.'
\v 39 Then I asked my master, 'What shall I do if the woman they give me will not come back with me?'
\v 40 He replied, 'Yahweh, whom I have always obeyed, will send his angel with you, and he will cause your journey to be successful. He will make you able to get a wife for my son from my clan, from my father's family.
\v 41 But if my clan refuses to allow her to return with you, you will be freed from being cursed because you could not obey me.'
\v 42 When I came today to the well, I prayed, 'Yahweh, God whom my master, Abraham, worships, if you are going to make me successful on this journey, please do this for me:
\v 43 I am standing alongside a well, where girls will come to draw water. I am asking you that if I say to a girl, "Please, give me a little water to drink from your jar,"
\v 44 and if she says to me, "Certainly, drink some, and I will also draw some water for your camels," then let that be the woman whom you have chosen for my master's son!'
\v 45 Before I finished praying, Rebekah approached with her water jar on her shoulder. She went down to the well and got some water. I said to her, 'Please give me a drink!'
\v 46 She quickly lowered her jar and said, 'Drink some! And I will draw water for your camels, too.' So I drank some water, and she also got water for the camels.
\v 47 Then I asked her, 'Whose daughter are you?' She said, 'The daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor and his wife, Milkah.' I had her put the ring in her nose and put the bracelets on her arms.
\v 48 Then I bowed and worshiped Yahweh, and I thanked Yahweh God, the one my master Abraham worships, the one who led me on the right road to get the granddaughter of my master's brother to be a wife for my master's son.
\v 49 Now, if you act faithfully toward my master as part of his extended family, tell me that you will do what I am asking. If you will not do that, tell me that also, so I may know what to do."
\v 50 Laban and Bethuel answered, "This clearly has come from Yahweh. So we two cannot say that it is the right thing or the wrong thing to do.
\v 51 Rebekah is here in front of you. Take her and go, and let her be a wife for your master's son, just as Yahweh has indicated."
\v 52 When Abraham's servant heard these words, he bowed down to the ground to Yahweh.
\v 53 Then the servant brought out silver and gold jewelry and clothes, and gave them to Rebekah. And he gave gifts to her brother Laban and to her mother.
\v 54 Then they ate a meal and drank. The men who were with Abraham's servant also slept there that night. The next morning, the servant said, "Allow me now to return to my master."
\v 55 But her brother and her mother replied, "Let the girl remain with us for about ten days. After that, you may take her and go."
\v 56 But he replied to them, "Yahweh has made my journey successful, so do not delay me. Let me take her back to my master now!"
\v 57 They said, "Let us call the girl and ask her to say what she wants to do."
\v 58 So they summoned Rebekah and asked her, "Will you go with this man now?" She replied, "Yes, I will go."
\v 59 So they sent Rebekah, along with the female servant who had cared for her all her life, to go with Abraham's servant and the men who had come with him.
\v 60 Then they asked God to bless Rebekah and said to her, "Our sister, we ask that Yahweh will cause you to have millions of descendants, and allow them to completely defeat all those that hate them."
\v 61 Then Rebekah and her servant girls got ready. They got on their camels and went with Abraham's servant. He took Rebekah and left.
\v 62 Now Isaac was living in the southern Judean wilderness. He had come from Beer Lahai Roi.
\v 63 One evening he went out into the field to meditate as he walked. He looked up and was surprised to see some camels coming.
\v 64 Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac. She got off the camel
\v 65 and asked the servant, "Who is that man who is approaching?" The servant replied, "That is Isaac, my master." So she took her veil and covered her face, in order to show modesty in front of him.
\v 66 The servant told Isaac all that had happened.
\v 67 Then Isaac took Rebekah into the tent that had belonged to his mother, Sarah, and she became his wife. He loved her. In this way Isaac was comforted about his mother's death.
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\c 25
\v 1 Some time after Sarah died, Abraham married another woman, whose name was Keturah.
\v 2 She later gave birth to six sons: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.
\v 3 Jokshan became the father of two sons, Sheba and Dedan. The descendants of Dedan were the people groups of the Assyrians, the Letush, and the Leum.
\v 4 The sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Hanok, Abida, and Eldaah. They were all descendants of Keturah.
\v 5 Abraham declared that after he died, Isaac would inherit everything he owned.
\v 6 But while Abraham was still living, he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines and sent them away to live in a land to the east, to keep them far from his son.
\v 7 Abraham lived until he was 175 years old.
\v 8 He died at a very old age and joined his ancestors who had died previously.
\v 9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried his body in the cave at Machpelah area, near Mamre, in the field that Abraham had bought from Ephron son of Zohar, a descendant of Heth.
\v 10 It was there that Isaac and Ishmael buried his body, where Abraham previously buried the body of his wife Sarah.
\v 11 After Abraham died, God blessed his son Isaac. Isaac continued living near Beer Lahai Roi.
\v 12 These are those who descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael, whom Sarah's female slave, Hagar from Egypt, gave birth to.
\v 13 These were their names, in the order in which they were born: Ishmael's oldest son was named Nebaioth. After him were born Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
\v 14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa,
\v 15 Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
\v 16 The twelve sons of Ishmael became the leaders of the tribes that had those names. They each had their own settlement and campsite.
\v 17 Ishmael lived until he was 137 years old. Then he died and joined his ancestors who had previously died.
\v 18 His descendants settled in the area between Shur and Havilah, near the border of Egypt as a person travels toward Asshur. But they did not live in peace together.
\v 19 This is what happened concerning Abraham's son, Isaac. Abraham became the father of Isaac.
\v 20 When Isaac was forty years old, he married Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel. Bethuel was one of the descendants of Aram from Paddan Aram. Rebekah was the sister of Laban, who belonged to the Aram people.
\v 21 For a long time after they were married, Rebekah still had no children. So Isaac prayed to Yahweh concerning his wife, and Yahweh answered his prayer. His wife Rebekah became pregnant.
\v 22 There were two babies in her womb, and they kept jostling each other. So she said, "Why is this happening to me?" So she asked Yahweh about it.
\v 23 Yahweh said to her, "Two nations will come from the twins within you. And those two nations will separate from each other, and one will be stronger than the other. And the older will serve the younger."
\v 24 When Rebekah gave birth, it was true! Twin boys were born!
\v 25 The first one born was red, and his body had hair all over it, like a garment made of hair. So they named him Esau.
\v 26 Then his brother was born, grasping Esau's heel. So they named him Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when the twins were born.
\v 27 When the boys grew up, Esau became a very good hunter of wild animals. He spent a lot of time out in the fields. However, Jacob was a quiet man who stayed close to the campsite.
\v 28 Isaac liked Esau more, because he enjoyed the taste of the meat of the animals that Esau killed. But Rebekah liked Jacob more.
\v 29 One day while Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came home from the field, very hungry.
\v 30 He said to Jacob, "Give me some of that red stew to eat right now, because I am starving!" (That is why Esau's other name was Edom.)
\v 31 Jacob said, "I will give you some if you sell me your right as firstborn to inherit most of our father's wealth."
\v 32 Esau replied, "Well, I am about to die from being so hungry. If I die now, my rights will not help me."
\v 33 Jacob said, "Swear to me that you are giving me your rights as firstborn!" So that is what Esau did. He sold his firstborn rights to Jacob.
\v 34 Then Jacob gave to Esau some bread and some stew made of lentils. Esau ate and drank, and then he got up and left. By doing that, Esau showed that he was not interested in his rights as firstborn.
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\c 26
\v 1 Some time later there was a severe famine in the land. That was different from the famine that occurred when Abraham was alive. So Isaac went southeast to the city of Gerar to talk to Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people.
\v 2 But Yahweh appeared to him and said, "Do not go down to Egypt! Live in the land that I tell you!
\v 3 Stay in this land, and I will help you and bless you, because it is to you and your descendants that I will give all these lands, and I will do what I solemnly promised to your father.
\v 4 I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as the stars in the sky. I will give to your descendants all these lands, and I will cause your descendants to be a blessing to all the people groups on the earth.
\v 5 I will do that because Abraham obeyed me. He obeyed all that I told him to do, all that I commanded him to do, all that I declared and all the laws that I gave him."
\v 6 So Isaac stayed in Gerar along with his wife and sons.
\v 7 When the men in Gerar asked who that woman was, Isaac said, "She is my sister." He said that because he was afraid to say, "She is my wife." He thought, "Rebekah is very beautiful, so they will want her. They will kill me to get her."
\v 8 When Isaac had been there a long time, one day Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people, looked down from a window in his palace and was surprised to see Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah.
\v 9 So Abimelech summoned Isaac and said to him, "Now I realize that she is really your wife! So why did you say, 'She is my sister'?" Isaac replied to him, "I said that because I thought that someone here might kill me to get her."
\v 10 Abimelech said, "You should not have done this to us! One of our people might have slept with your wife, and you would have caused us to be guilty of a great sin!"
\v 11 Then Abimelech commanded all his people, saying, "Do not harm this man or his wife! Anyone who does that will surely be executed!"
\v 12 Isaac planted grain in that land that year, and he harvested a very large crop, because Yahweh had blessed him.
\v 13 Isaac continued to acquire more and more possessions, until finally he became very wealthy.
\v 14 He had large herds of sheep, goats, and cattle, and many slaves. Because of that, the Philistine people envied him.
\v 15 So all the wells that the servants of his father Abraham had dug, the people filled up with earth.
\v 16 Then Abimelech said to Isaac, "You have become more numerous than we are, so I want you to leave from our area."
\v 17 So Isaac and his family moved from there. They went and set up their tents in the Valley of Gerar and settled there.
\v 18 There were several wells in that area that had been dug when Isaac's father Abraham was living, but Philistine people had filled them up with earth after Abraham died. But Isaac and his servants dug the wells out again, and Isaac gave the wells the same names that his father had given to them.
\v 19 Isaac's servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water.
\v 20 But the men who herded animals in the Valley of Gerar argued with the men who took care of Isaac's animals. They said, "The water in this well is ours!" So Isaac named the well Esek, which means "dispute," because they disputed about who owned it.
\v 21 Then Isaac's servants dug another well, but they quarreled about who owned that one also. So Isaac named it Sitnah, which means "opposition."
\v 22 They moved on from there and dug another well, but this time no one quarreled about who owned it. So he named it Rehoboth, which means "empty place," saying, "Yahweh has given us an empty place to live in, a place that is not wanted by other people, and we will become very prosperous here."
\v 23 From there Isaac went up to Beersheba.
\v 24 The first night that he was there, Yahweh appeared to him and said, "I am the God whom your father Abraham worshiped. Do not be afraid of anything. I will help you and bless you, and because of what I promised my servant Abraham, I will greatly increase the number of your descendants."
\v 25 So Isaac built an altar there and offered a sacrifice to worship Yahweh. He set up their tents there, and his servants started to dig a well.
\v 26 While they were digging the well, King Abimelech came to Isaac from Gerar, along with Ahuzzath, his advisor, and Phicol, the commander of his army.
\v 27 Isaac asked them, "You acted in a hostile way toward me before and sent me away. So why have you come to me now?"
\v 28 One of them answered, "We have seen that Yahweh helps you. So we said to each other, 'We should have an agreement between ourselves and Isaac.' So we should make a peace treaty with you,
\v 29 stating that you will not harm us, in the same way that we did not molest you. We always treated you well, and we sent you away peacefully. And now Yahweh is blessing you."
\v 30 So Isaac made a feast for them, and they all ate and drank.
\v 31 Early the next morning they all swore to each other that they would do what they had promised. Then Isaac sent them home peacefully.
\v 32 That day Isaac's servants came to him and told him about the well that they had finished digging. They said, "We found water in the well!"
\v 33 Isaac named the well Shibah, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "oath." To the present time the town there has the name Beersheba which means "peace treaty well."
\v 34 When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith, the daughter of Beeri, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon. Both of those women were descendants of Heth, not from Isaac's clan.
\v 35 Esau's two wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah.
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\c 27
\v 1 When Isaac was old, he became almost blind. One day he summoned Esau, his firstborn son,
and said to him, "My son?" He replied, "Here I am!"
\v 2 Isaac said, "Listen to me. I am very old, and I do not know when I will die.
\v 3 So take now your bow and quiver full of arrows and go out into the countryside, and hunt for a wild animal for me.
\v 4 Kill one and prepare the kind of tasty meat that I like. Then bring it to me so that after I eat it, I can give you a blessing before I die."
\v 5 Rebekah was listening as Isaac said that to his son, Esau. So when Esau left the tent to go hunting,
\v 6 Rebekah said to her son, Jacob, "Listen to me. I heard your father talking to your brother, Esau, saying,
\v 7 'Go and kill some wild animal and bring it here, and prepare the meat in a tasty way, so that I may eat it. Then before I die I will give you my blessing while Yahweh is listening.'
\v 8 So now, my son, do what I am telling you.
\v 9 Go out to the flock and kill two nice young goats and bring the meat to me. Then I will prepare some tasty food for your father, the way he likes it.
\v 10 Then you can take it to your father, in order that he can eat it, and then he will give you his blessing before he dies."
\v 11 But Jacob said to his mother Rebekah, "My brother Esau's skin has hair all over it, and my skin is not like that! My skin is smooth!
\v 12 What will happen if my father touches me? He will realize that I am tricking him, and I will bring a curse on myself, not a blessing!"
\v 13 His mother said to him, "If that happens, my son, let the curse be on me. You do what I am telling you. Go and get the goats for me!"
\v 14 So Jacob went and killed two goats and brought them to his mother. Then his mother prepared some tasty food, just the way his father liked.
\v 15 Then Rebekah took her older son Esau's best clothes that were with her in the tent, and she put them on her younger son Jacob.
\v 16 She also put the skins of the young goats on his hands and the smooth part of his neck.
\v 17 Then she put into his hands some bread and the tasty food that she had prepared.
\v 18 Jacob took it and went to his father and said, "My father!" Isaac replied, "I am here; which of my sons are you?"
\v 19 Jacob said to his father, "I am Esau, your firstborn son. I did what you told me to do. Sit up and eat some of the meat so that you can bless me."
\v 20 But Isaac asked his son, "My son, how is it that you were able to find and kill an animal so quickly?" Jacob replied, "Because Yahweh, whom you worship, enabled me to be successful."
\v 21 Isaac said to Jacob, "Come near to me, my son, so that I can touch you and find out whether you are really my son Esau."
\v 22 So Jacob went close to his father, Isaac. Isaac touched him and said, "The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands feel hairy, like the hands of his older brother, Esau."
\v 23 Isaac did not recognize him, because he was blind and because Jacob's hands were hairy, like those of his older brother, Esau. So Isaac got ready to bless him.
\v 24 But first Isaac asked, "Are you really my son Esau?" Jacob replied, "Yes, I am."
\v 25 Isaac said, "My son, bring me some of the meat that you have cooked, so that I may eat it and then give you my blessing." So Jacob brought him some, and he ate it. Jacob also brought him some wine, and he drank it.
\v 26 Then his father, Isaac, said to him, "My son, come here and kiss me."
\v 27 So Jacob went to him, and his father kissed him on the cheek. Isaac smelled the smell of the clothes Jacob was wearing. They smelled like Esau's clothes. So he said,
"Truly, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that Yahweh has blessed.
\v 28 I ask that God will send down to you dew from heaven to water your fields,
and cause you to have abundant crops from the soil,
and good harvests of grain, and grapes for wine.
\v 29 I ask that people of many people groups serve you and bow down to you.
I ask that you rule over your brothers, and that your mother's descendants also bow down to you.
I ask that God curse those who curse you, and bless those who bless you."
\v 30 After Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob had just left the room where his father was, his older brother, Esau, returned from hunting.
\v 31 Esau cooked some tasty meat and brought it to his father. He said to his father, "My father, please sit up and eat some of the meat that I have cooked, so that you can then give me your blessing!"
\v 32 His father, Isaac, said to him, "Who are you?" He answered, "I am Esau, your firstborn son!"
\v 33 Then Isaac began to tremble very violently. He said, "Then who is it that brought me some meat from an animal that he had hunted and killed, and I ate it all? He was here just before you came. I blessed him, and I cannot take back that blessing."
\v 34 When Esau heard those words of his father, he cried loudly. He was very disappointed. He said to his father, "My father, bless me, too!"
\v 35 But his father said, "Your brother came, tricked me, and took your blessing!"
\v 36 Esau said, "It is right that his name is Jacob, because he tricked me two times. The first time he took my rights as firstborn, and this time he took my blessing!" Then he asked, "Do you not have any blessing left for me?"
\v 37 Isaac answered and said to Esau, "I have declared that your younger brother will rule over you, and I have declared that all his relatives will serve him. And I have said that God will give him plenty of grain and grapes for wine. So, my son, what can I do for you?"
\v 38 Esau said to his father, "My father, do you have only one blessing? My father, bless me, too!" Then Esau cried very loudly.
\v 39 His father Isaac answered and said to him,
"The place where you will live will be far from the fertile soil and from the dew that God sends from heaven to water the fields.
\v 40 You will rob and kill people in order to get what you need to live,
\q and you will be as though you are your brother's slave.
\q But when you decide to rebel against him, you will free yourself from his control."
\v 41 Because of the blessing that his father had given to Jacob, Esau hated his brother. Esau said to himself, "After my father dies and we finish mourning for him, I will kill Jacob!"
\v 42 But Rebekah found out what her older son, Esau, was thinking. So she summoned her younger son, Jacob, and said to him, "Listen to me. Your older brother, Esau, is comforting himself by planning to kill you, to get revenge for you tricking your father.
\v 43 So now, my son, listen carefully to what I am telling you. Escape quickly and go and stay with my brother Laban, in Haran.
\v 44 Stay with him a while, until your older brother is no longer angry.
\v 45 When he forgets what you did to him, I will send a message to you to tell you to return from there. If Esau killed you, then others would kill him, and then both my sons would die at the same time!"
\v 46 Rebekah then said to Isaac, "These foreign women whom Esau has married, who are descendants of Heth, are making my life miserable. If Jacob also marries a woman from the descendants of Heth in this area, my life will be worthless!"
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\c 28
\v 1 Then Isaac summoned Jacob and gave him a blessing. He told him this: "Do not marry a woman from the women of the Canaanite people.
\v 2 Instead, go right away to Paddan Aram, to the house of your mother's father Bethuel. Ask one of the daughters of your mother's brother Laban to marry you.
\v 3 I will pray that God Almighty bless you, and enable you to have many descendants, in order that they will become many different people groups.
\v 4 I also will pray that he bless you and your descendants by enabling you to possess the land in which you are now living as a foreigner, the land that God promised to give to Abraham and his descendants."
\v 5 So Isaac sent Jacob to Paddan Aram to live with Rebekah's brother Laban son of Bethuel, who belonged to the people group of the Arameans. (It was this Rebekah who would later give birth to Jacob and Esau.)
\v 6 Esau found out that his father Isaac had blessed Jacob and then sent him to Paddan Aram. He also found out that when his father blessed Jacob, he told him, "Do not marry a woman from the Canaanite people,"
\v 7 and that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother, and had gone to Paddan Aram.
\v 8 Esau also realized that his father Isaac did not approve of women from the Canaan people.
\v 9 Because of that, Esau went to see his relative Ishmael and married Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael. Mahalath was the sister of Nabaioth and the granddaughter of Abraham.
\v 10 Meanwhile, Jacob left Beersheba and started to go toward Haran.
\v 11 When he arrived at a certain place, he stopped there because the sun had gone down. He took one of the stones there and put it under his head to use as a pillow. Then he lay down and slept there.
\v 12 While he was sleeping, he had a dream in which he saw a stairway. The bottom of the stairway was on the earth and the top was in the sky. Jacob also saw that God's angels were going up and down the stairway.
\v 13 Then he saw Yahweh standing at the top of the stairway, saying "I am Yahweh God, whom your grandfather Abraham worshiped and whom Isaac worships. I will give to you and to your descendants the land on which you are lying.
\v 14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the particles of dust that are on the earth, and their territory will be very large. It will extend in all directions, to the east and to the west, to the north and to the south. I will bless all the clans and people groups on earth through you and your descendants.
\v 15 I will help you and protect you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you; I will do for you all that I have promised to do."
\v 16 During the night, when Jacob woke up from sleeping, he thought, "Surely Yahweh is in this place, and until now I was not aware of it!"
\v 17 He was afraid, and he said, "This place is terrifying! This is surely the place where God lives, and this is the entrance to heaven!"
\v 18 The next morning Jacob got up, took the stone that he had put under his head, and set it up on its end to mark the place where God had appeared to him. He poured some olive oil on top of the stone to set it apart for God.
\v 19 He named that place Bethel, which means "house of God." Previously its name was Luz.
\v 20 Jacob solemnly promised God, saying, "If you will help me and protect me while I am taking this journey, and if you give me enough food to eat and clothes to wear,
\v 21 in order that I can later return safely to my father's house, then you, Yahweh, will be the God that I will worship.
\v 22 This stone that I have set up will mark the place where you appeared to me. And I will give back to you a tenth of everything that you give to me."
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\c 29
\v 1 Jacob continued on the road, and he reached the land that was east of the land of Canaan.
\v 2 There he saw a well in a field, and three flocks of sheep were lying near the well. It was the well from which shepherds normally got water for their sheep. There was a large stone covering the top of the well.
\v 3 When all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would work together to roll the stone away from the top of the well and get water for the sheep. When they finished doing that, they would put the stone back in its place over the top of the well.
\v 4 On that day, Jacob asked the shepherds who were sitting there, "Where are you from?" They replied, "We are from the city of Haran."
\v 5 He asked them, "Do you know Laban, the grandson of Nahor?" They replied, "Yes, we know him."
\v 6 Jacob asked them, "Is Laban well?" They replied, "Yes, he is well. Look! Here comes his daughter Rachel with the sheep!"
\v 7 Jacob said, "But the sun is still high in the sky. It is not time for the flocks to be gathered for nighttime. Why do you not give the sheep some water and then take them back to graze in the pastures?"
\v 8 They replied, "No, we cannot do that until all the flocks are gathered here and the stone is removed from the top of the well. After that, we will give water to the sheep."
\v 9 While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep. She was the one who took care of her father's sheep.
\v 10 When Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, and Laban's sheep, he went over and by himself rolled away the stone that covered the top of the well, and he got water for his uncle's sheep.
\v 11 Then Jacob kissed Rachel on the cheek, and he cried loudly because he was so happy.
\v 12 Jacob told Rachel that he was one of her father's relatives, the son of her aunt Rebekah. So she ran and told that to her father.
\v 13 As soon as Laban heard that Jacob, his sister's son, was there, he ran to meet him. He embraced him and kissed him on the cheek. Then he brought him to his home, and then Jacob told him all that had happened to him.
\v 14 Then Laban said to him, "Truly, you are part of my family!"
\p Jacob stayed there and worked for Laban for a month.
\v 15 Then Laban said to him "You should not work for me for nothing just because you are a relative of mine! Tell me how much you want me to pay you."
\v 16 Now Laban had two daughters. The older one was named Leah, and the younger one was named Rachel.
\v 17 Leah had pretty eyes, but Rachel had a very attractive figure and was beautiful.
\v 18 Jacob was in love with Rachel, and he said, "I will work for you for seven years. That will be my payment for you giving me permission to marry your younger daughter, Rachel."
\v 19 Laban replied, "It is better for me to let you marry her than for her to marry some other man! You should stay here with us."
\v 20 So Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to get Rachel, but to him it seemed like it was only a few days, because he loved her so much.
\v 21 After the seven years were ended, Jacob said to Laban, "Let me marry Rachel now, because the time we agreed upon for me to work for you has ended, and I want to marry her."
\v 22 So Laban gathered together all the people who lived in that area and made a feast.
\v 23 But that evening, instead of taking Rachel to Jacob, Laban took his older daughter, Leah, to him. But because it was already dark, he could not see that it was Leah and not Rachel, and he slept with her.
\v 24 (Laban had already given his slave girl Zilpah to his daughter Leah to be her maid.)
\v 25 The next morning, Jacob was shocked to see that it was Leah who was with him! So he went to Laban and told him very angrily, "What you have done to me is disgusting! I worked for you to get Rachel, did I not? So why did you deceive me?"
\v 26 Laban replied, "In this land, it is not our custom to give a younger daughter to be married before we let someone marry our firstborn daughter.
\v 27 After we finish this week of celebration, we will let you marry the younger one also. But in return, you must pay for Rachel by working for me for another seven years."
\v 28 So that is what Jacob did. After the week of celebration was ended, Laban gave him his daughter, Rachel, to be his wife.
\v 29 Laban gave his slave girl, Bilhah, to Rachel to be her servant.
\v 30 Jacob married Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than he loved Leah. He worked for Laban for another seven years.
\v 31 When Yahweh saw that Jacob did not love Leah very much, he enabled her to become pregnant. But Rachel was not able to become pregnant.
\v 32 Leah gave birth to a son, whom she named Reuben. She said, "Yahweh has seen that I was miserable, and because of that he has given me a son. Now, surely my husband will love me for giving birth to a son for him."
\v 33 Later she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said, "Because Yahweh has heard that my husband does not love me, he has given me this son, too." So she named him Simeon, which means "someone who hears."
\v 34 Later she became pregnant again, and gave birth to another son. She said, "Now, finally, my husband will hold me close to him." So she named him Levi, which means "hold close."
\v 35 Later she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said, "This time I will praise Yahweh," so she called his name Judah. After that, she did not give birth to any more children.
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\c 30
\v 1 Rachel realized that she was not becoming pregnant at all. So she became jealous of her older sister, Leah, because Leah had given birth to four sons. She said to Jacob, "Make me pregnant so I can have children. If you do not do that, I will die!"
\v 2 Jacob became angry with Rachel and said, "I am not God! He is the one who has prevented you from becoming pregnant!"
\v 3 Then she said, "Look, here is my slave, Bilhah. Sleep with her so that she will have children in my place. In that way I will have legal children."
\v 4 So she gave him her slave, Bilhah, to be another wife for him, and Jacob slept with her.
\v 5 She became pregnant and bore Jacob a son.
\v 6 Rachel said, "God gave me justice. He has heard me when I prayed to him, and his justice was to give me a son." She named him Dan, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "he gives me justice."
\v 7 Later, Rachel's slave Bilhah became pregnant again and gave birth to another son for Jacob.
\v 8 Then Rachel said, "I have had a great struggle to have children like my older sister, but truly I have a son." So she named him Naphtali, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "struggle."
\v 9 When Leah realized that she was not having any more children, she took her slave, Zilpah, and gave her to Jacob to be another wife for him.
\v 10 Zilpah soon became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Jacob.
\v 11 Leah said, "I am truly fortunate!" So she named him Gad, which means "fortunate."
\v 12 Later Leah's slave, Zilpah, gave birth to another son for Jacob.
\v 13 Leah said, "Now I am very happy, and people will call me happy." So she named him Asher, which means "happy."
\v 14 During the time when they were harvesting wheat, Reuben went out into the fields and saw some mandrakes. He brought some of them to his mother Leah. But Rachel saw them and said to Leah, "Please give me some of those plants that your son brought to you!"
\v 15 But Leah said to her, "No! It was bad that you stole my husband! Now are you going to take my son's mandrake plants?" So Rachel said, "All right, Jacob can sleep with you tonight, if you give me some of your son's mandrake plants." So Leah agreed with Rachel.
\v 16 When Jacob returned from the wheat fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. She said, "You must sleep with me tonight, because I gave Rachel some mandrake plants to pay her for allowing us to do that." So Jacob slept with her that night.
\v 17 God answered Leah's prayers, and she became pregnant and bore a fifth son to Jacob.
\v 18 Leah said, "God has rewarded me for giving my slave to my husband to be another wife for him." So she named him Issachar, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "reward."
\v 19 Leah became pregnant again and bore a sixth son for Jacob.
\v 20 Leah said, "God has given me a precious gift. This time my husband will honor me, because I have given birth to six sons for him." So she named him Zebulun.
\v 21 Later she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah.
\v 22 Then God thought about what Rachel wanted. He heard her pray and enabled her to become pregnant.
\v 23 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She said, "God has caused me to be ashamed no longer for not having children."
\v 24 She named him Joseph, which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean, "Yahweh gave me another son."
\v 25 After Rachel had given birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, "Now allow me to stop working for you and let me return to my own land.
\v 26 You know the work that I have done for you. So let me take my wives and my children for whom I worked for you to get them, and leave."
\v 27 But Laban said to him, "If you are pleased with me, stay here, because I have found out by performing a magic ritual that Yahweh has blessed me because of what you have done for me.
\v 28 Tell me what you want me to pay you for continuing to work for me, and that is what I will pay you."
\v 29 Jacob said to him, "You know how I have worked for you, and you know that your livestock have increased greatly as I have taken care of them.
\v 30 You had only a few animals before I came here. But now you have a large number of animals and Yahweh has caused them to increase into an even larger number everywhere I have taken them. But now I need to start taking care of the needs of my own family."
\v 31 Laban replied, "What do you want me to pay you?" Jacob replied, "I do not want you to pay me anything. But if you will do this one thing for me, I will continue to take care of your flocks and protect them.
\v 32 Allow me to go and look at all of your flocks today and remove from them all the speckled sheep, all the spotted sheep, and every dark-colored lamb, all the goats that are speckled, and all the goats that are spotted. I want to keep them for myself. They will be my wages.
\v 33 In that way, in the future, you will be able to know whether I have been honest regarding what you have paid me. If any of my goats have no speckles or spots, and if any of my lambs are not dark-colored, you will know that I have stolen them from you."
\v 34 Laban agreed and said, "Yes, we will do as you have said."
\v 35 But on that same day, Laban removed all the male goats that had black and white stripes on them or were spotted, and all the female goats that were speckled or spotted, all the goats that were partly white, and all the dark-colored lambs. He separated them from the other animals and put his sons in charge of them.
\v 36 Then Laban and his sons took these animals and journeyed for three days from where Jacob was. Jacob continued to take care of the rest of Laban's flocks.
\v 37 Then Jacob cut some branches of poplar, almond, and plane trees. He peeled strips of bark from the branches. In this way, where he peeled the bark off, the branches were light in color.
\v 38 Then he placed the peeled branches in the troughs where they put the water for the animals to drink, so that the flocks saw them when they were drinking water.
\v 39 The animals also mated in front of the branches, and later they gave birth to animals that were speckled, or to animals that were spotted, or to animals that had black and white stripes on them.
\v 40 During the several years following, Jacob often separated the female sheep in Laban's flock from the other sheep and goats. When they mated, he made them look toward the animals that had black and white stripes, and toward the dark-colored animals. So they gave birth to animals with similar markings. Then he would separate these animals from Laban's flocks and keep them for his own.
\v 41 In addition, whenever the stronger female sheep were ready to mate, Jacob put some of those peeled branches in the troughs in front of them, so that they would mate in front of the branches.
\v 42 But when weak animals were ready to mate, he did not put the branches in their troughs. So they gave birth to weak lambs, which remained in Laban's flock, but the strong ones became part of Jacob's flock.
\v 43 As a result, Jacob became very rich. He owned many large flocks. He also owned many male and female slaves, camels, and donkeys.
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\c 31
\v 1 One day, someone told Jacob that Laban's sons were complaining and saying, "Jacob has become very rich by taking everything that belonged to our father."
\v 2 Jacob noticed that Laban was not acting friendly toward him as he had done before.
\v 3 Then Yahweh said to Jacob, "Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will help you there."
\v 4 So Jacob sent a message to Rachel and Leah, telling them to come out to the pastures where his flocks of sheep and goats were.
\v 5 When they arrived, he said to them, "I see that your father does not act friendly toward me as he did previously. But God, whom my father worshiped, has helped me.
\v 6 You two know that I have worked very hard for your father.
\v 7 He has cheated me many times by decreasing my wages. But God has not allowed him to do me physical harm.
\v 8 When Laban said, 'The speckled animals are the ones that I will give you to be your wages,' then all the animals gave birth to young ones that were speckled. When he changed his mind and said, 'The ones that have black and white stripes on them will be your wages,' then all the animals gave birth to young ones that were striped.
\v 9 In that way, God has taken away the livestock that belonged to your father and has given them to me.
\v 10 One time, when the animals were mating, I had a dream. In my dream I looked up and was surprised to see that some of the male goats that were mating with the female goats had black and white stripes on them, some were speckled, and some were spotted.
\v 11 In the dream, an angel came from God said to me, 'Jacob!' I replied, 'I am here!'
\v 12 He said to me, 'Look up and you will see that all the male goats that are mating have black and white stripes on them, or are speckled or spotted. This is happening because I have seen all that Laban has done to you.
\v 13 I am the God who appeared to you at Bethel, where you set up a stone, poured olive oil on it and made a solemn promise to me. So now leave this land immediately and return to the land where you were born.'"
\v 14 Rachel and Leah replied to him, "Our father will not give us anything more when he dies.
\v 15 He treats us as though we were foreigners! The work that you did for him all these years was a payment that you gave him for us, but we will not inherit any of the wealth you produced for him. He has spent it all!
\v 16 Certainly all of the wealth that God took away from our father belongs to us and to our children. So do whatever God has told you to do!"
\v 17 Then Jacob put his children and his wives on camels.
\v 18 He drove all his livestock just ahead of him as they went. He also took along all the other property and goods that he added to his own possessions while living in Paddan Aram. This is how they began their journey back to his father Isaac, who lived in the land of Canaan.
\v 19 Now Laban had left to go shear his sheep. In his absence, Rachel stole the small wooden idols that were in her father's tent.
\v 20 Furthermore, Jacob deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him that they were planning to leave.
\v 21 So Jacob and his family fled with all their possessions. They crossed the Euphrates River and then started traveling south toward the hill country of the region of Gilead.
\v 22 On the third day after they left, someone told Laban that Jacob and his family were gone.
\v 23 So he took some of his relatives with him and started to pursue Jacob. They walked for seven days and they caught up with him in hill country of the region of Gilead.
\v 24 Then God appeared to Laban in a dream at night. He said to him, "When you catch up to Jacob, be very careful what you say to him."
\v 25 The next day, by the time Laban caught up with Jacob, Jacob and his household had set up their tents in the hills of Gilead. So Laban and his relatives set up their tents there too.
\v 26 Then Laban went to Jacob and said to him, "Why have you done this? You have deceived me by carrying away my daughters as though you had captured them in a war!
\v 27 Why did you run away and deceive me? Why did you not tell me that you were going to leave, so that we could have rejoiced and sung while people played music on tambourines and harps before I said 'goodbye' to you?
\v 28 You did not even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters goodbye before they left! What you have done was foolish!
\v 29 My relatives and I have the power to harm you, but last night the God whom your father worships said to me in a dream, 'Be very careful what you say to Jacob.'
\v 30 Now I know you have left because you want to go back home. But why did you steal my idols?"
\v 31 Jacob replied to Laban, "I did not tell you that we were planning to leave, because I was afraid that you would take your daughters away from me by force.
\v 32 But if you find anyone here who has your idols, we will execute that person. While our relatives are watching, search for yourself to see if there is anything that belongs to you that is here with me. If you find anything, you can take it!" When Jacob said that, he did not know that Rachel had already stolen her father's idols.
\v 33 Then Laban went into Jacob's tent, next into Leah's tent, and then into the tent of the two female slaves and searched for the idols, but he did not find them. After he left their tents, he entered Rachel's tent.
\v 34 But Rachel had previously taken the idols and put them in the saddle of a camel, and she was sitting on the saddle. So when Laban searched all over for them inside Rachel's tent, he did not find them.
\v 35 Rachel said to her father, "Do not be angry with me, sir, but I cannot stand up in your presence to show respect for you, because I am having my menstrual period." So even after searching more, Laban, he did not find his idols.
\v 36 Then Jacob became angry. He said to Laban, "What crime did I commit? For what sin have you pursued me?
\v 37 Now you have searched through all my possessions, and you have found nothing that belongs to you! If you have found anything, put it here in front of my relatives and your relatives, so that they can decide who is right, you or me!
\v 38 I was with you for twenty years. In all that time, your sheep and goats have not miscarried. I have not killed and eaten any rams from your flocks.
\v 39 When one of your animals was attacked and mauled by a wild animal, I did not bring it to you. I replaced the dead animal with a living one of my own animals. Whenever one of your animals was stolen, during the day or during the night, you demanded that I replace it with one of my own animals.
\v 40 I suffered from the heat during the day and from the cold at night. I was often not even able to sleep!
\v 41 I lived in your household for twenty years. I worked for you for fourteen years to marry your two daughters, and for six more years to buy some of your sheep and goats. During that time, you changed and reduced my wages ten times.
\v 42 If God, the one whom my grandfather Abraham worshiped and before whom my father Isaac trembled in fear, had not been with me and helped me, you would have sent me away with nothing in my hands! But God saw how much I was suffering and how hard I was working, so last night he told you that what you have done to me was wrong."
\v 43 Laban replied, "These two women are my daughters, and their children are my grandchildren, and the animals are my animals. Everything you see here is mine!
\v 44 I cannot do anything in order to keep them, so we should make a peace agreement, you and I. It will serve as a witness between you and me."
\v 45 So Jacob took a large stone and set it on its end.
\v 46 Then Jacob said to his relatives, "Gather some stones." So they gathered some rocks and put them in a heap, and they ate some food there near the heap.
\v 47 Laban gave the heap the Aramaic name Jegar Saha Dutha, but Jacob gave the heap the Hebrew name Galeed.
\v 48 Laban said to Jacob, "This pile of rocks we have put here today will help us to remember our agreement." That is why Jacob called it Galeed.
\v 49 They also named the place Mizpah, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "watchtower," because Laban said, "We will ask Yahweh to watch you and me while we are separated from each other, so that we do not try to harm each other.
\v 50 If you mistreat my daughters, or if you take other women to be your wives, even if no one tells me about it, do not forget that God sees what you and I are doing!"
\v 51 Laban also said to Jacob, "You see this large stone and this pile of rocks that we have set up to be between us.
\v 52 Both this pile of rocks and this large stone will remind us, that I will not go past these rocks to harm you and you will not go past these rocks to harm me.
\v 53 May the God whom Abraham worshiped, and the god that Nahor worshiped, and the gods their ancestor Terah worshiped punish either one of us, if one of us harms the other." Jacob solemnly promised by the God whom his father Isaac feared to do what they said in their peace agreement.
\v 54 He offered a sacrifice to God there in the hill country, and he invited his relatives to eat with him. After they had eaten, they slept there that night.
\v 55 The next morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters, and he asked God to bless them. Then Laban and his men left and returned home.
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\c 32
\v 1 As Jacob and his family continued traveling, some angels came from God and met him.
\v 2 When Jacob saw them, he said, "This is God's army camp!" So he named that place Mahanaim.
\v 3 Jacob told some men to go ahead of him to his older brother Esau, who was living in Seir, that is, the land of Edom.
\v 4 He told them, "This is what I want you to say to Esau: 'I, Jacob, am your servant and you are my master. I have been living with our uncle Laban, and I have stayed there until now.
\v 5 I now own many cattle, donkeys, sheep, goats, and male and female slaves. Now I am sending this message to you, sir, hoping that you will be friendly toward me when I arrive.'"
\v 6 The messengers went and gave that message to Esau. When they returned to Jacob, they said, "We went to your older brother Esau. He is coming to you, and four hundred men are coming with him."
\v 7 Jacob was very afraid and worried. So he divided the people who were with him into two groups. He also divided the sheep and goats, the cattle, and the camels, into two groups.
\v 8 He was thinking, "If Esau and his men come and attack us, perhaps one of the groups will be left and will be able to escape."
\v 9 Then Jacob prayed, "O Yahweh God, whom my grandfather Abraham worshiped and my father Isaac worships, you said to me, 'Go back to your own land and to your relatives, and I will cause good things to happen to you.'
\v 10 I am not worthy for you to have kept your covenant in so many faithful and trustworthy ways with me, your servant. I had only this walking stick with me when I crossed the Jordan River on my way to Haran, but now I am so wealthy that there are two large groups of my family and possessions.
\v 11 So now I pray that you will rescue me from the power of my brother Esau, because I am afraid that he and his men will come and attack and kill me and the children and their mothers.
\v 12 But do not forget that you have said, 'I will certainly enable you to prosper, and I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore, which are so many that no one can count them.'"
\v 13 Jacob slept in that place that night. The next morning he selected some animals to give to his brother Esau.
\v 14 He selected two hundred female goats and twenty male goats, two hundred female sheep and twenty male sheep,
\v 15 thirty female camels and their offspring, forty cows and ten bulls, twenty female donkeys and ten male donkeys.
\v 16 He divided them into small herds, and put each herd into the care of one of his servants. He said to his servants, "Go ahead of me, one group at a time, and keep some space between each herd."
\v 17 He said to the servant who was going with the first group, "When my brother Esau meets you, he will ask you, 'To whom do you belong, and where are you going, and to whom do these animals in front of you belong?'
\v 18 Tell him, 'They belong to your servant Jacob. He has sent them to you as a gift, sir. And he is coming behind us.'"
\v 19 He also said the same thing to the servants who were taking care of the second and third groups, and to the other herdsmen. He said to them, "When you meet Esau, I want you to say to him the same thing that I told the first servant.
\v 20 Also be sure to say 'Your servant Jacob is coming behind us.'" Jacob told them to say that because he was thinking, "Perhaps these gifts that I am sending ahead of me will cause him to act peacefully toward me. Later, when I see him, perhaps he will act kindly toward me."
\v 21 So the men taking the gifts went ahead, but Jacob himself stayed in the camp that night.
\v 22 Some time during that night, Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female slaves, and his eleven sons, and he sent them across the ford at the Jabbok River.
\v 23 After he sent all his people across the Jabbok River, then he also sent over everything he owned.
\v 24 So Jacob was left there alone. But a man came and wrestled with him until dawn.
\v 25 When the man realized that he was not winning against Jacob, he struck Jacob's hip and caused the thigh bone to pull away from the hip socket.
\v 26 Then the man said, "Let me go, because it will soon be daylight." Jacob replied, "No, if you will not bless me, I will not let you go!"
\v 27 The man said to him, "What is your name?" He replied, "Jacob."
\v 28 The man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob. Your name will be Israel, which means 'he struggles with God,' because you have struggled with God and with people, and you have won."
\v 29 Jacob said, "Now, please tell me your name!" The man replied, "Why do you ask me what my name is?" But he blessed Jacob there.
\v 30 So Jacob named the place Peniel, which means "God's face," saying "I looked directly at God, but I did not die because of doing that."
\v 31 The sun was rising as Jacob left Peniel, and he was limping because of what had happened to his hip.
\v 32 The muscle on his hip joint had been injured. So to this present time, because of what happened to Jacob, the Israelite people do not eat the muscle that is attached to the socket of the hips of animals.
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\c 33
\v 1 Then Jacob joined the rest of his family. Later that day Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming, and there were four hundred men with him. Jacob was worried because of that, so he separated the children. He put Leah's children with Leah, Rachel's children with Rachel, and the two female slaves' children with their mothers.
\v 2 He put the two female slaves and their children in front. He put Leah and her children next. He put Rachel and Joseph at the rear.
\v 3 He himself went ahead of them all, and as he continued to approach his older brother, he prostrated himself with his face on the ground seven times.
\v 4 But Esau ran to Jacob. He hugged him, put his arms around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek. And they both cried.
\v 5 Then Esau looked up and saw the women and the children. He asked, "Who are these people who are with you?" Jacob replied, "These are the wives and children that God has graciously given to me."
\v 6 Then the female slaves and their children came near and bowed in front of Esau.
\v 7 Then Leah and her children came and bowed down. Finally Joseph and Rachel came near and bowed down.
\v 8 Esau asked, "What is the meaning of all the animals that I saw?" Jacob replied, "I am giving them to you, sir, so that you will feel good toward me."
\v 9 But Esau replied, "My younger brother, I have enough animals! Keep for yourself the animals that you have!"
\v 10 But Jacob said, "No, please, if you feel good toward me, accept these gifts from me. You have greeted me very kindly. Seeing you smile at me assures me that you have forgiven me. It is like seeing the face of God!
\v 11 Please accept these gifts that I have brought to you, because God has acted kindly toward me, and I still have plenty of animals!" Jacob kept on urging him to accept the animals, and finally Esau accepted them.
\v 12 Then Esau said, "Let us continue traveling together, and I will lead you on the road."
\v 13 Jacob said, "You know, sir, that the children are weak, and that I must take care of the female sheep and cows that are sucking their mother's milk. If I force them to walk fast for a long distance in just one day, the animals will all die.
\v 14 You go ahead of me. I will lead the animals slowly, but I will walk as fast as the children and animals can walk. I will catch up with you in Seir."
\v 15 Esau said, "Then allow me to leave with you some of the men who came with me, to protect you." But Jacob replied, "Why do that? The only thing that I want is for you to feel good toward me."
\v 16 So on that day Esau left to return to Seir.
\v 17 But instead of going to Seir, Jacob and his family went to a place called Succoth. There he built a house for himself and his family, and built shelters for his livestock. That is the reason they named the place Succoth, which means "shelters."
\v 18 This is how Jacob and his family left Paddan Aram and traveled safely to the land of Canaan. There they set up their tents in a field near the city of Shechem.
\v 19 One of the leaders of the people in that area was named Hamor. Hamor had several sons. Jacob paid the sons of Hamor one hundred pieces of silver for the piece of ground on which they set up their tents.
\v 20 He built a stone altar there and named it El Elohe Israel, which means "God, the God of Israel."
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\c 34
\v 1 One day Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, went to visit some of the women in that area.
\v 2 Shechem was one of the sons of Hamor, and he was descended from the people group of the Hivites. When he saw her, he took her and forced her to have sex with him.
\v 3 He was very much attracted to her, and he became attached to her. He loved her and he spoke very tenderly to the girl.
\v 4 So Shechem said to his father Hamor, "Please get this girl for me. I want her to become my wife!"
\v 5 When Jacob found out that Shechem had seized his daughter Dinah and slept with her, his sons were still in the fields with his livestock, so he said nothing about this until they returned home.
\v 6 In the meantime, Shechem's father Hamor went to talk with Jacob.
\v 7 Jacob's sons came in from the field, and when they had found out what had happened, they were shocked and very angry, because Shechem had brought much shame to Israel by forcing himself on Jacob's daughter. She was their sister! This was a terrible crime that should never be done.
\v 8 But Hamor said to them, "My son Shechem really likes this girl who is your daughter and your sister. Please allow him to marry her.
\v 9 Let us make an agreement: You will give your daughters to our young men to be their wives, and we will give our daughters to your young men to be their wives.
\v 10 You can live among us and live anywhere in our land that you wish. You can buy and sell things. If you find land that you want, then you can buy it."
\v 11 Then Shechem said to Dinah's father and brothers, "If you feel good toward me and do what I am asking for, I will give you whatever you ask for.
\v 12 Tell me what gifts you want and what bride price you want, and I will give you what you ask for. I just want you to give the girl to me to be my wife."
\v 13 But because Shechem had done a shameful thing to their sister Dinah, the sons of Jacob deceived Shechem and his father Hamor.
\v 14 They said to them, "No, we cannot do that. We cannot give our sister to be the wife of a man who is not circumcised, because that would be a shameful thing for us to do.
\v 15 We will do that only if you do one thing: You must become like us by circumcising all the males that are among you.
\v 16 Then we will give our daughters to your young men to be your wives, and we will take your daughters to be the wives of our young men. We will live among you, and we will become one people group.
\v 17 But if you do not agree to be circumcised, we will take our sister and leave."
\v 18 What they said pleased Hamor and his son Shechem.
\v 19 Shechem wanted very much to take Jacob's daughter as his wife; also, since he was the most respected person in his father's family, he quickly agreed to do what they suggested.
\v 20 Shechem went with Hamor to the meeting place at the city gate, and they spoke to the city leaders. They said,
\v 21 "These men are friendly toward us. We should let them live here and travel around. Certainly the land is big enough to support them and us. Our young men can marry their daughters, and their young men can marry our daughters.
\v 22 But these men will agree to live among us and become one people group with us only if all our males are circumcised, as they are.
\v 23 But if we do that, just think! Their cattle, their possessions, and all their animals will become ours! So we should agree to do what they suggest, and then they will live among us!"
\v 24 All the men who were at the city gate agreed to what Hamor and Shechem suggested. Every male in the city was circumcised.
\v 25 On the third day after that, when the men of the city were still sore because of being circumcised, two of Jacob's sons, Simeon and Levi, who were Dinah's brothers, took their swords and entered the city without anyone stopping them, and killed all the men.
\v 26 They even killed Hamor and his son Shechem. Then they took Dinah out of Shechem's house and left the city.
\v 27 Then the other sons of Jacob went into the city where all those dead bodies were. They looted the city to get revenge for the shameful thing that had been done to their sister.
\v 28 They took away the people's sheep and goats, their cattle, their donkeys, and everything else that they wanted from inside the city and from out in the countryside.
\v 29 They took away everything that was valuable, even the children and the women. They seized and took away everything that was in the houses.
\v 30 Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, "You have brought me big trouble! Now the Canaan people group, the Perez people group, and everyone else who lives in this land will hate me! I do not have many men to fight for us, so if they all gather together and come to me and attack us, they will destroy us and all our household!"
\v 31 But they replied, "Should we have allowed Shechem to treat our sister like a prostitute?"
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\c 35
\v 1 Some time later, God said to Jacob, "Go up to the city of Bethel and live there. Build an altar to worship me, God, who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your older brother Esau."
\v 2 So Jacob said to his household and to all the others who were with him, "Get rid of the idols you brought from the land of Mesopotamia. Also, bathe yourselves and put on clean clothes.
\v 3 Then we will get ready and go up to Bethel. There I will build an altar to worship God. He is the one who helped me at the time when I was greatly distressed and afraid, and he has been with me wherever I have gone."
\v 4 So they gave to Jacob all the idols that they had brought, and all their earrings. Jacob buried them in the ground under the big oak tree that was near the city of Shechem.
\v 5 As they prepared to leave there, God caused the people who lived in the cities around them to be very afraid of Jacob's family, so that they did not pursue them.
\v 6 Jacob and all those who were with him went to Luz, which is now called Bethel, in Canaan land.
\v 7 There he built an altar. He named the place El Bethel, which means "God of Bethel," because it was there that God revealed himself to Jacob when he was fleeing from his older brother Esau.
\v 8 Deborah, who had taken care of Isaac's wife Rebekah when Rebekah was a small girl, was now very old. She died and was buried under an oak tree south of Bethel. So they named that place Allon Bakuth, which means "oak of weeping."
\v 9 After Jacob and his family returned from Paddan Aram, while they were still at Bethel, God appeared to Jacob again and blessed him.
\v 10 God said to him again, "Your name will no longer be Jacob. It will be Israel." So Jacob was then called "Israel."
\v 11 Then God said to him, "I am God Almighty. Produce many children. Your descendants will become many nations, and some of your descendants will be kings.
\v 12 The land that I promised to give to Abraham and Isaac, I will give to you. I will also give it to your descendants."
\v 13 When God finished talking there with Jacob, he left him.
\v 14 Jacob set up a large stone at the place where God had talked with him. He poured some wine and some olive oil on it to dedicate it to God.
\v 15 Jacob named that place Bethel, which means "house of God," because God had spoken to him there.
\v 16 Jacob and his family left Bethel and traveled south toward Ephrath town. When they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel began to have severe childbirth pains.
\v 17 When her pain was the most severe, the midwife said to Rachel, "Do not be afraid, because now you have given birth to another son!"
\v 18 But she was dying, and with her last breath she said, "Name him Ben-Oni," which means "son of my sorrow," but his father named him Benjamin, which means "son of my right hand."
\v 19 After Rachel died, she was buried alongside the road to Ephrath, which is now called Bethlehem.
\v 20 Jacob set up a large stone over her grave, and it is still there, showing where Rachel's grave is.
\v 21 Jacob, whose new name was Israel, continued traveling with his family, and he set up his tents on the south side of the watchtower at Eder.
\v 22 While they were living in that area, Jacob's son Reuben slept with Bilhah, one of his father's concubines. Someone told Jacob about it, and it made him very angry.
\p Now Jacob had twelve sons.
\v 23 The sons of Leah were Reuben, who was Jacob's oldest son, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon.
\v 24 The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin.
\v 25 The sons of Rachel's female slave Bilhah were Dan and Naphtali.
\v 26 The sons of Leah's female slave Zilpah were Gad and Asher. All those sons of Jacob, except Benjamin, were born while he was living in Paddan Aram.
\v 27 Jacob went back home to see his father Isaac at Mamre, which is also named Kiriath Arba, and which is now named Hebron. Isaac's father Abraham had also lived there.
\v 28 Isaac lived until he was 180 years old.
\v 29 He was very old when he died and went to join his ancestors who had died previously. His sons Esau and Jacob buried his body.
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\c 36
\v 1 These are those who descended from Esau, whose other name was Edom, and what happened concerning them.
\v 2 Esau married three women from Canaan land: Adah, the daughter of Elon the Hittite; Oholibamah, who was the daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon the Hittite;
\v 3 and Basemath, who was the daughter of Ishmael and sister of Nebaioth.
\v 4 Esau's wife Adah gave birth to Eliphaz. Basemath gave birth to Reuel.
\v 5 Oholibamah gave birth to Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. All these sons of Esau were born while he was living in Canaan land.
\v 6-7 Jacob and Esau had very many possessions. For this reason, they needed more land for their livestock. The land where they were living was not big enough for all their livestock. So Esau, whose other name was Edom, had taken his wives and sons and daughters and all the other members of his household, his sheep and goats and his other animals, and all the other things he had obtained in Canaan land, and they had moved to an area that was away from Jacob.
\v 8 They went to live in the hill country of Seir.
\v 9 These are those who descended from Esau, the ancestor of the Edom people group who live in the Seir area.
\v 10 Esau's wife Adah gave birth to Eliphaz, and Esau's wife Basemath gave birth to Reuel.
\v 11 The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz.
\v 12 Esau's son Eliphaz also had a concubine. Her name was Timna. She gave birth to Amalek. Those six men were grandsons of Esau's wife Adah.
\v 13 Reuel's sons were Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. They were grandsons of Esau's wife Basemath.
\v 14 Esau's wife Oholibamah, who was the daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Zibeon, gave birth to three sons: Jeush, Jalam, and Korah.
\v 15 These are the chiefs among the descendants of Esau. The descendants of Eliphaz, his firstborn son, these were the chiefs: Teman, Omar, Zepho, Kenaz,
\v 16 Korah, Gatam, and Amalek people groups. These were chiefs that descended from Eliphaz who lived in Edom; they were grandsons of Adah.
\v 17 The sons of Esau's son Reuel were ancestors of the Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah people groups. They were descended from Esau's wife Basemath. They also lived in Edom.
\v 18 The sons of Esau's wife Oholibamah, whose mother was Anah, were ancestors of the Jeush, Jalam, and Korah people groups.
\v 19 That is the list of the sons of Esau, and the people groups who were their descendants.
\v 20 This is a list of the descendants of Seir, who belonged to the Hor people group, who were the first people group who lived in the region of Edom: Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah,
\v 21 Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan. Those seven men each became ancestors of a people group. Each of the people groups had the same name as the name of their ancestor.
\v 22 The sons of Lotan were Hori and Heman. Lotan's sister was Timna.
\v 23 The sons of Shobal were Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.
\v 24 The sons of Zibeon were Aiah and Anah. This Anah was the one who discovered the hot springs in the desert while he was taking care of his father Zibeon's donkeys.
\v 25 Anah had two children—a son named Dishon and a daughter named Oholibamah.
\v 26 Dishon's sons were Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, and Keran.
\v 27 Ezer's sons were Bilhan, Zaavan, and Akan.
\v 28 Dishan's sons were Uz and Aran.
\v 29-30 The people groups who were descendants of Hor lived in Seir land. The names of the people groups are Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan.
\v 31 These are the names of the kings who ruled in Edom before any kings ruled over the Israelites.
\v 32 Beor's son Bela became the first king in Edom. The city where he lived was named Dinhabah.
\v 33 When Bela died, Zerah's son Jobab became the king. He was from the city of Bozrah.
\v 34 When Jobab died, Husham became the king. He was from the region where the Teman people group lived.
\v 35 When Husham died, Bedad's son Hadan became the king. Husham's army fought the army of the Midian people group in the region of Moab and defeated them. The city where Husham lived was Avith.
\v 36 When Hadad died, Samlah became the king. He was from Masrekah.
\v 37 When Samlah died, Shaul became the king. He was from Rehoboth, that was beside the Euphrates river.
\v 38 When Shaul died, Akbor's son Baal-Hanan became king.
\v 39 When Akbor's son Baal-Hanan died, Hadad became king. The city where he lived was named Pau. His wife's name was Mehetabel. She was the daughter of Matred, who was the daughter of Me Zahab.
\v 40-43 Here is a list of all the people groups that were descendants of Esau: Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon, Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar, Magdiel, and Iram. They all lived in the land of Edom. The land where each people group lived got the same name as the name of the people group.
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\c 37
\v 1 Jacob continued to live in Canaan land, where his father had lived previously.
\v 2 This is what happened to Jacob's family.
\p When his son Joseph was seventeen years old, he was taking care of the flocks of sheep and goats with some of his older brothers. They were sons of his father's concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah. Joseph told his father about bad things that his brothers were doing.
\v 3 Jacob loved Joseph more than he loved any of his other children, because Joseph had been born when Jacob was an old man. Jacob had someone make for Joseph a beautiful piece of clothing with long sleeves.
\v 4 When Joseph's older brothers realized that their father loved him more than he loved any of them, they hated him. They never spoke kindly to him.
\v 5 One night Joseph had a dream. He told his brothers about the dream, who hated him even more as a result. This is in detail what happened:
\v 6 He said to them, "Listen to the dream I had!
\v 7 In the dream, we were tying up bundles of wheat in the field. Suddenly my bundle stood up straight, and your bundles gathered around my bundle and bowed down to it!"
\v 8 His brothers said to him, "Do you think that some day you will rule over us? Are you going to be our king?" They hated him even more than before because of what he had told them about his dream.
\v 9 Later he had another dream, and again he told his older brothers about it. He said, "Listen to this! I had another dream. In this dream, the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me!"
\v 10 He also told his father about it. His father corrected him, saying "What are you suggesting by that dream? Do you think it means that your mother and I and your older brothers will some day bow down to the ground in front of you?"
\v 11 Joseph's older brothers resented him, but his father kept thinking about what the dream might mean.
\v 12 One day Joseph's older brothers went to take care of their father's sheep and goats that were in fields near Shechem.
\v 13 Some time later, Jacob said to Joseph, "Your brothers are taking care of the sheep and goats near Shechem. I am going to send you there to see them." Joseph replied, "I will go."
\v 14 Jacob said, "Go and see if they are doing okay, and if the flocks are doing okay. Then come back and give me a report." So Jacob sent Joseph from the valley where they were living, the valley where Hebron is located, to go to find his brothers.
\p Then Joseph arrived near the city of Shechem.
\v 15 While he was wandering around in the fields looking for his brothers, a man saw him and asked him, "Whom are you looking for?"
\v 16 Joseph replied, "I am looking for my older brothers. Can you tell me where they are taking care of their sheep and goats?"
\v 17 The man replied, "They are not here anymore. I heard one of them saying, 'Let us take the sheep and goats and go to Dothan town.'"
\p So Joseph left there and went north, and found his older brothers near Dothan.
\v 18 But they saw him when he was still far away, and they decided to kill him.
\v 19 They said to each other things like, "Here comes that dreamer!"
\v 20 "Come on, let us kill him and throw his body into one of the pits! Then we will tell people that a wild animal attacked and killed him and ate him. And then we will find out whether his dreams come true!"
\v 21 Reuben heard what they were saying, so he tried to persuade them not to kill Joseph. He said, "No, we should not kill him.
\v 22 Do not take his life! We can throw him into this pit in the desert, but we should not harm him." He said that and then left them, planning to rescue Joseph later and take him back to his father.
\v 23 When Joseph arrived where his older brothers were, they seized him and ripped off his long-sleeved clothing.
\v 24 Then they took him and threw him into the pit. Now the pit was dry; there was no water in it.
\v 25 After they sat down to eat some food, they looked up and saw a caravan, descendants of Ishmael, coming from the Gilead area. Their camels were loaded with bags of spices and sweet-smelling resins. They were going down to Egypt to sell those things there.
\v 26 Judah said to his older and younger brothers, "If we kill our younger brother and hide his body, what will we gain?
\v 27 So instead of harming him, let us sell him to these men who are descendants of Ishmael. Do not forget, he is our own younger brother!" So they all agreed to do that.
\v 28 When those traders from the Midian area came near, Joseph's brothers pulled him up out of the pit. Then they sold him to the men from Midian for twenty pieces of silver. The traders then took Joseph to Egypt.
\v 29 When Reuben returned to the pit, he saw that his younger brother was not there. He was so grieved that he tore his clothes.
\v 30 He went back to his younger brothers and said, "The boy is not in the pit! What can I do now?"
\v 31 They did not dare to tell their father what they had done. So they decided to invent a story about what had happened. They got Joseph's piece of long-sleeved clothing. Then they killed a goat and dipped the clothing into the goat's blood.
\v 32 They took that piece of clothing back to their father and said, "We found this! Look at it. Is it your son's clothing?"
\v 33 He recognized it, and he said, "Yes, it is my son's! Some ferocious animal must have attacked and killed him! I am sure that the animal has torn Joseph to pieces!"
\v 34 Jacob was so grieved that he tore his clothes. He put on sackcloth. He mourned.
\v 35 All of his children came to try to comfort him, but he did not pay attention to what they said. He said, "No, I will still be mourning when I die and go to be with my son." So Joseph's father continued to cry because of what had happened to his son.
\v 36 In the meantime, the men from Midian took Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, who was one of the king's officials. He was the captain of the soldiers who protected the king.
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\c 38
\v 1 At that time, Judah left his older and younger brothers and went down from the hill country and stayed with a man who lived in Adullam. His name was Hiram.
\v 2 There he met a woman who was the daughter of a man from Canaan land named Shua. He married her and slept with her.
\v 3 She became pregnant and later gave birth to a son. His father named him Er.
\v 4 Later she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son, whom she named Onan.
\v 5 Many years later, when Judah and his family went to live in Kezib, Judah's wife gave birth to another son, and she named him Shelah.
\v 6 When Judah's oldest son Er grew up, Judah got a wife for him, a woman named Tamar.
\v 7 But Er did something that Yahweh considered to be very wicked, so Yahweh caused him to die.
\v 8 Then Judah said to Onan, "Your older brother died without having any sons. So marry his widow and sleep with her. That is what our customs require that you should do."
\v 9 But Onan knew if he did that, any children who would be born would not be considered to be his. So every time he slept with his brother's widow, he spilled his semen on the ground, so that she would not get pregnant and produce children for his older brother.
\v 10 Yahweh considered that what he did was wicked, so he caused him to die also.
\v 11 Then Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar, "Return to your father's house, but do not marry anyone else. When my youngest son Shelah grows up, he can marry you." But Judah really did not want Shelah to marry her, because he was afraid that then Shelah would die too, just as his older brothers had died. So Tamar obeyed Judah and went back to live in her father's house again.
\v 12 Several years later, Judah's wife, who was the daughter of Shua, died. When the time of mourning for her was finished, Judah decided to go up to Timnah, to the place where his men were shearing his sheep. His friend Hiram, from Adullam, went with him.
\v 13 Someone said to Tamar, "Your father-in-law is going to Timnah to help the men who are shearing his sheep."
\v 14 She realized that now Shelah was grown up, but Judah had not given her to him to be his wife. So she took off her widow's clothes and covered her head with a veil, so that people would not recognize her. Then she sat down at the entrance to Enaim, which is on the road to Timnah.
\v 15 When Judah came along and saw her, he thought that she was a prostitute, because she had covered her head and sat where prostitutes often sat.
\v 16 Judah did not realize that she was his daughter-in-law. So he said to her, "Let me sleep with you." She replied, "What will you give me in exchange?"
\v 17 He replied, "I will send you a young goat from my flock of goats." She asked, "Will you give me something now for me to keep until you send the goat?"
\v 18 He replied, "What do you want me to give to you?" She replied, "Give me the ring that has your name on it that is tied by a cord around your neck, and give me the walking stick that you are holding in your hand." So he gave them to her. Then he slept with her, and she became pregnant.
\v 19 After she left, she took off the veil and put her widow's clothes on again.
\v 20 Judah gave a young goat to his friend from Adullam, for him to take back to the woman, as he had promised. But his friend could not find the woman.
\v 21 So his friend asked the men who lived there, "Where is the prostitute who was sitting by the road at Enaim?" They replied, "There has never been a prostitute here!"
\v 22 So he went back to Judah and said, "I did not find her. Furthermore, the men who live in that town said, 'There has never been a prostitute here.'"
\v 23 Judah said, "She can keep the things that I gave to her. If we continued to search for her, people would ridicule us. I tried to send this young goat to her, but you could not find her to give it to her."
\v 24 About three months later, someone told Judah, "Your daughter-in-law Tamar has become a prostitute, and now she is pregnant!" Judah said, "Drag her outside of the city and burn her to death!"
\v 25 But as they were taking her outside of the city, she gave the ring and walking stick to someone, and told him to take them to Judah, and say to him, "The man who owns these things is the one who caused me to become pregnant." She also said to tell him, "Look at this ring, and the cord that is attached to it, and this walking stick. Whose are they?"
\v 26 When the man did that, Judah recognized the ring and the stick. He said, "She is more right than I am. I did not tell my son Shelah to marry her, as I promised that I would." And Judah did not sleep with her again.
\v 27 When it was time for her to give birth, she was surprised that there were twin boys in her womb.
\v 28 As she was giving birth, one of them put out his hand. So the midwife fastened a scarlet thread around his wrist, saying, "This one came out first."
\v 29 But he pulled his hand back inside the womb, and his brother came out first. So she said, "So this is how you break your way out first!" So she named him Perez, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "breaking out."
\v 30 Then his younger brother, the one who had the scarlet thread around his wrist, came out. And he was named Zerah, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "redness of dawn."
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\c 39
\v 1 Meanwhile, the descendants of Ishmael took Joseph down to Egypt. There Potiphar bought Joseph from them. Potiphar was an Egyptian who was one of the king's officials and the captain of the king's palace guards.
\v 2 Because Yahweh helped Joseph, he was able to do his work very well. He worked in the house of his Egyptian master.
\v 3 His master saw that Yahweh was helping Joseph and enabling him to be successful in everything that he did.
\v 4 Joseph's master was pleased with him, so he appointed him to be his personal servant. Then he appointed him to be the one who would take care of everything in his household and all of his possessions.
\v 5 From the time Potiphar appointed Joseph to take care of everything in his household and all that he owned, Yahweh blessed the people who lived in Potiphar's house because of Joseph. He also caused Potiphar's crops to grow well.
\v 6 Potiphar allowed Joseph to take care of everything that he owned. Potiphar needed to decide only about the food he ate. He did not worry about anything else in his house.
\p Now Joseph was well built and handsome.
\v 7 Because of that, after a while, his master's wife started to look fondly at Joseph. So one day she said to him, "Sleep with me!"
\v 8 But he refused, saying to his master's wife, "Listen! My master is not concerned about anything in this house. He has appointed me to take care of everything that he owns.
\v 9 No one in this household has more authority than I do. The only thing that he has not allowed me to have is you, because you are his wife! So how could I do this wicked thing that you are asking me to do? I would be sinning against God if I did that!"
\v 10 She kept on asking Joseph day after day to sleep with her, but he refused. He would not even go near her.
\v 11 One day Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the other household servants were in the house.
\v 12 Potiphar's wife grabbed his clothing and said, "Sleep with me!" Joseph ran out of the house, but his clothing was still in her hand!
\v 13 When she saw that he had run outside leaving his clothing in her hand,
\v 14 she called the household servants. She said to them, "Look! This Hebrew man that my husband brought to us is insulting us! He came into where I was and tried to force me to sleep with him, but I screamed loudly.
\v 15 As soon as he heard me scream, he left his clothing with me and ran outside!"
\v 16 She kept the clothing beside her until her husband, Joseph's master, came home.
\v 17 Then she told him this story: "That Hebrew slave whom you brought here came into where I was and tried to force me to sleep with him!
\v 18 As soon as I screamed loudly, he ran outside, leaving his clothing beside me!"
\v 19 When Joseph's master heard this story that his wife told him, and when she said, "This is how your slave treated me," he was very angry.
\v 20 Joseph's master took Joseph and put him in prison, in the place where all the king's prisoners were put, and Joseph stayed there.
\v 21 But Yahweh was kind to Joseph and helped him because of his covenant with his ancestors; he caused the prison warden to be pleased with him.
\v 22 So the prison warden put Joseph in charge of all those who were in the prison, and in charge of all the work that was done there.
\v 23 The warden was not concerned with anything that Joseph was taking care of, because Yahweh helped Joseph to do all his work well.
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\c 40
\v 1 Some time later, two of the king of Egypt's officials did things that displeased him. One was his chief drink server and the other was his chief baker.
\v 2 The king became angry with both of them.
\v 3 So he had them put in prison, in the house of the captain of the palace guards. That was the place where Joseph was being kept.
\v 4 The two men were in prison for a long time. During that time, the captain of the palace guards appointed Joseph to bring them the things they needed.
\v 5 One night the king's chief drink server and chief baker each had a dream. Each dream had a different meaning.
\v 6 The next morning, when Joseph came to them, he saw that both of them were looking sad.
\v 7 So he asked them, "Why do you look so sad today?"
\v 8 One of them answered, "We both had dreams last night, but there is no one who can tell us the meaning of the dreams." Joseph said to them, "It is God who can tell the meaning of dreams. So tell me what you dreamed, and God will tell me the meaning."
\v 9 So the king's chief drink server told his dream to Joseph. He said, "In my dream I saw a grapevine in front of me.
\v 10 On the vine there were three branches. The branches budded, then they blossomed, and then they produced clusters of grapes.
\v 11 I was holding the king's cup, so I took the ripe grapes and squeezed the juice into the cup. Then I gave the cup to the king to drink the juice."
\v 12 God immediately told Joseph what the dream meant. So Joseph said to him, "This is the meaning of your dream: The three branches of the vine represent three days.
\v 13 Within three days the king will release you from prison. He will let you do the work that you did before. You will take cups of wine to the king as you did before, when you were his drink server.
\v 14 But when you are out of prison and everything goes well for you, please do not forget me.
\v 15 People took me away by force from the land where my fellow Hebrews live. I did nothing wrong there, and also while I have been here in Egypt, I have done nothing for which I deserved to be put in prison. So be kind to me and tell the king about me, so that he will release me from this prison!"
\v 16 When the chief baker heard that the meaning of the dream of the king's drink server was very good for the chief drink server, he also said to Joseph, "I also had a dream. In the dream I was surprised to see three baskets of bread stacked on my head.
\v 17 In the top basket there were many kinds of baked goods for the king, but birds were eating them from the top basket that was on my head!"
\v 18 God again told Joseph what the dream meant, so he said, "The three baskets also represent three days.
\v 19 Within three days the king will command that your head be cut off. Then your body will be hung on a tree, and vultures will come and eat your flesh."
\v 20 The third day after that was the king's birthday. On that day the king invited all his officials to celebrate his birthday. During the celebration, while they were all gathered there, the king summoned his chief drink server and chief baker from the prison.
\v 21 He said that his chief drink server could have his previous job again, so once again he started to take cups of wine to the king.
\v 22 But he commanded that the chief baker should be killed by being hanged, just as Joseph had said would happen when he told the two men the meaning of their dreams.
\v 23 But the chief drink server did not think about Joseph. Instead, he forgot to do what Joseph asked him to do.
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\c 41
\v 1 Two complete years later, the king of Egypt had a dream. In the dream, he was standing alongside the Nile River.
\v 2 Suddenly seven healthy fat cows appeared. They started eating the grass that was on the riverbank.
\v 3 Soon seven other cows, unhealthy-looking and thin, came up behind them from the Nile River. They stood alongside the fat cows that were on the riverbank.
\v 4 Then the unhealthy thin cows ate the seven healthy fat cows. And then the king woke up.
\v 5 The king went to sleep again, and he had another dream. This time he saw seven heads of grain that were full of kernels of grain and ripe, and all growing on one stalk.
\v 6 After that, the king saw that seven other heads of grain sprouted on that stalk. They were thin and had been dried up by the hot east wind.
\v 7 Then the thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven ripe full heads. Then the king woke up. He realized that he had been dreaming.
\v 8 But the next morning he was worried about the meaning of the dream. So he summoned all the magicians and wise men who lived in Egypt. He told them what he had dreamed, but none of them could tell him the meaning of the two dreams.
\v 9 Then the chief drink server said to the king, "Now I remember something that I should have told you! I made a mistake by forgetting to tell it to you.
\v 10 One time you were angry with two of us. So you put me and the chief baker in the prison in the house of the captain of the palace guards.
\v 11 While we were there, one night each of us had a dream, and the dreams had different meanings.
\v 12 There was a young Hebrew man there with us. He was a servant of the captain of the palace guards. We told him what we had dreamed, and he told us what our dreams meant. He told each of us the meaning of our dreams.
\v 13 What happened after that was exactly the same as the meanings that he told us: You said I could have my previous job again, but the other man was killed by being hanged."
\v 14 When the king heard that, he told some servants to bring Joseph to him, and they quickly brought Joseph out of the prison. Joseph shaved and put on better clothes, and then he went and stood in front of the king.
\v 15 The king said to Joseph, "I had two dreams, and no one can tell me what they mean. But someone told me that when you hear someone tell about a dream he has had, you can tell that person what the dream means."
\v 16 But Joseph replied to the king, "No, I cannot do that. It is God who knows the meaning of dreams, but he will enable me to tell you their meaning, and they will mean something good."
\v 17 The king said to Joseph, "In my first dream I was standing on the bank of the Nile River.
\v 18 Suddenly seven healthy fat cows came up out of the river, and they started eating the grass that was on the riverbank.
\v 19 Soon seven other cows, ugly and thin ones, came up behind them from the river. I never saw such ugly cows in all the land of Egypt!
\v 20 The thin ugly cows ate the seven fat cows that came up first.
\v 21 But afterwards, no one would have known that the thin cows ate them, because they were just as ugly as they were before. Then I woke up.
\v 22 Then I had another dream. I saw seven heads of grain. They were full of kernels of grain and ripe, and they were all growing on one stalk.
\v 23 Then to my surprise I saw seven other heads of grain that sprouted. They were thin and had been dried up by the hot east wind.
\v 24 The thin heads of grain swallowed the seven good heads. I told these dreams to the magicians, but none of them could explain to me what they meant."
\v 25 Then Joseph said to the king, "Both your dreams have the same meaning. God is revealing to you in your dreams what he is about to do.
\v 26 The seven healthy cows represent seven years. The seven good heads of grain also represent seven years. The two dreams both have the same meaning.
\v 27 The seven thin ugly cows that came up behind them and the seven worthless heads of grain that were dried up by the hot east wind each represent seven years of famine.
\v 28 It will happen just as I have told you, because God has revealed to you what he is about to do.
\v 29 There will be seven years in which there will be plenty of food throughout the land of Egypt.
\v 30 Then there will be seven years of famine. Then people will forget all the years when there was plenty of food, because the famine that will come afterward will ruin the country.
\v 31 The people will forget how plentiful food was previously, because the famine will be very terrible.
\v 32 The reason God gave to you two dreams is that he has firmly decided that this will happen, and he will cause it to happen very soon.
\v 33 Now I suggest that you should choose a man who is wise and can make good decisions. I suggest that you appoint him to direct the affairs of the whole country.
\v 34 You should also appoint supervisors over the country, in order that they can arrange to collect one-fifth of all the grain that is harvested during the seven years when food is plentiful.
\v 35 They should collect this amount of grain during those seven years that are coming, when there will be plenty of food. Each of the cities should supervise and protect the food that is stored up.
\v 36 This grain should be kept so that it can be eaten during the seven years when there will be a famine here in Egypt, so that the people in this country will not die from hunger."
\v 37 The king and his officials thought that this would be a good plan.
\v 38 So the king said to them, "Can we find any other man like Joseph, a man to whom God has given his spirit?
\v 39 Then the king said to Joseph, "Because God has revealed all this to you, it seems to me that there is no one who is as wise as you and who can decide wisely about things.
\v 40 So I will put you in charge of everything in my palace. All the people here in Egypt must obey what you command. Only because I am king will I have more authority than you."
\v 41 Then the king said to Joseph, "I am now putting you in charge of the whole country of Egypt."
\v 42 The king took from his finger the ring that had his seal on it, and he put it on Joseph's finger. He put robes made of fine linen on him, and he put a gold chain around his neck.
\v 43 Then he arranged for Joseph to ride around in the chariot that showed that he was the second most important man in the country. When Joseph rode in the chariot, men shouted to the people who were on the road in front of him, "Bow down!" So the Joseph went out to supervise this work all over Egypt.
\v 44 The king said to Joseph, "I am the king, but no one in the whole land of Egypt will do anything if you do not permit them to do it."
\v 45 The king gave Joseph a new name, Zaphenath-Paneah. He also gave him Asenath to be his wife. She was the daughter of Potiphera, who was a priest in a temple in the city of On. In this way Joseph became known through all the land of Egypt.
\v 46 Joseph was thirty years old when he started to work for the king of Egypt. To do his work, he left the king's palace and traveled throughout Egypt.
\v 47 During the next seven years, the land produced abundant crops, so there was plenty of food.
\v 48 As Joseph supervised them, his helpers collected one-fifth of all the grain that was produced during those years, and stored it in the cities. In each city, he had his helpers store up the grain that was grown in the fields that surrounded that city.
\v 49 Joseph had them store up a huge amount of grain. It looked as plentiful as the sand on the seashore. There was so much grain that after a while they stopped keeping records of how much grain was stored, because there was more grain than they could measure.
\v 50 Before the seven years of famine started, Joseph's wife Asenath gave birth to two sons.
\v 51 Joseph named the first one Manasseh, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "forget," because he said, "God has caused me to forget all my troubles and all my father's family."
\v 52 He named his second son Ephraim, which means "to have children," because he said, "God has given me children here in this land where I have suffered."
\v 53 Finally the seven years in which there was plenty of food ended.
\v 54 Then the seven years of famine started, just as Joseph had predicted. There was also a famine in all the other nearby lands, but although the crops did not grow, there was food everywhere in Egypt, because of the grain they had stored up in the cities.
\v 55 When all the people of Egypt had eaten all of their own food and were still hungry, they begged the king for food. So the king told all the people of Egypt, "Go to Joseph and do what he tells you to do."
\v 56 When the famine was very bad over the whole country, Joseph ordered his helpers to open the storehouses. Then they sold the grain in the storehouses to the people of Egypt, because the famine was very severe all over Egypt.
\v 57 People from many nearby countries came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was very severe everywhere.
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\c 42
\v 1 When someone told Jacob that there was grain in Egypt that people could buy, he said to his sons, "Why do you just sit there looking at each other? We need some grain!"
\v 2 He said to them, "Someone told me that there is grain for sale in Egypt. Go down there and buy some for us, in order that we can stay alive!"
\v 3 So Joseph's ten older brothers went down to Egypt to buy some grain.
\v 4 But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph's younger brother, to go with the others, because he was afraid that something terrible might happen to him like what happened to Joseph.
\v 5 So Jacob's sons went down from Canaan to Egypt to buy grain, and others went too, because there was a famine in Canaan also.
\v 6 At that time Joseph was the governor of Egypt. He was the one who sold grain to people who came from all over Egypt and from many other countries to buy grain. So when Joseph's brothers arrived, they prostrated themselves before him with their faces to the ground.
\v 7 As soon as Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them. But he pretended that he did not know them. He spoke harshly to them, saying, "Where do you come from?" One of them replied, "We have come from Canaan land, to buy some grain."
\v 8 Although Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him.
\v 9 Then Joseph remembered what he had dreamed about them many years previously. But he decided not to tell them yet that he was their younger brother. He said to them, "You are spies! You have come to find out whether we will be able to defend ourselves if you attack us!"
\v 10 One of them replied, "No, sir! We have come to buy grain.
\v 11 We are all sons of one man. We are honest men, not spies."
\v 12 He said to them, "I do not believe you! You have come just to see whether we would be able to defend ourselves if we were attacked!"
\v 13 But one of them replied, "No, that is not true! Originally there were twelve of us who were brothers, the sons of one man. Our youngest brother is with our father. One of them is no longer alive. "
\v 14 Joseph replied, "You are lying! I think it is just as I told you. You are spies!
\v 15 But this is how I will find out whether what you are saying is true. I think that as surely as the king lives, you are spies. So you will not leave this place until your youngest brother comes here!
\v 16 Send one of your group to go and get your younger brother and bring him here. I will put the rest of you in prison, in order that I may test what you have said to find out whether what you are telling me is true. If the one who goes does not bring your younger brother here, then, just as surely as the king lives, it will be clear that you are lying and that you are spies."
\v 17 Then Joseph put them all in prison for three days.
\v 18 On the third day after that, Joseph went to the prison and said to them, "I am a man who fears that God will punish me if I do not do what I promise. So do what I tell you, and I will spare your lives.
\v 19 If you are honest men, let one of you brothers stay here in prison, and the rest of you can take some grain back to your families who are very hungry because of the famine.
\v 20 But if you come back here again, you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that you can prove that what you told me is true, and as a result I will not have you executed." So they agreed to do that.
\v 21 They said to each other, "It is surely because of what we did to our younger brother that we are being punished! We saw that he was very distressed when he pleaded with us not to harm him. But we did not pay any attention to him, and that is why we are having this trouble!"
\v 22 Reuben said to them, "I told you not to harm the boy, but you did not pay attention to what I said! Now we are being paid back for killing him!"
\v 23 While they were talking with Joseph, they were speaking to an interpreter, but when they said these things among themselves, they were speaking in their own language. They did not know that Joseph could understand their language and that he understood what they were saying.
\v 24 Because of what they said, Joseph realized that they admitted that what they had done to him many years previously was wrong. But he knew that he could not keep from crying, and he did not want them to see him crying, so he left them and went outside the room and began to cry. But then he returned to them and talked to them again. Then he took Simeon, and while they were watching, he told his servants to tie him up. He left Simeon in the prison and told the others that they could go.
\v 25 Joseph told his servants to fill the men's sacks with grain, but he also told them to put the money that each one had paid for the grain in the top of his sack. He also told them to give them food to eat along the way. And his brothers received the food from Joseph's servants.
\v 26 His older brothers loaded the sacks of grain on their donkeys and left.
\v 27 At the place where they stopped to sleep that night, one of them opened his sack to get some grain for his donkey. He was amazed to see his money in the top of the sack.
\v 28 He exclaimed to his brothers, "Someone has returned my money! Here it is in my sack!" They started shaking with fear, and said to each other, "What is this that God has done to us?"
\v 29 When they returned to their father in Canaan land, they told him all that had happened to them. One of them said,
\v 30 "The man who governs the whole land of Egypt talked very harshly to us. He acted toward us as though we were spying on his country.
\v 31 But we told him, 'We are honest men! We are not spies.
\v 32 Originally there were twelve of us who were brothers, the sons of one father. One has died, and our youngest brother is with our father in Canaan.'
\v 33 The man who is the governor of the land did not believe us, so he said to us, 'This is how I will know if you are truly honest men: Leave one of your brothers here with me. Then the rest of you can take some grain for your families that are starving from hunger and go.
\v 34 But when you return, bring your youngest brother to me, in order that I will know that you are not spies, but instead, that you are honest men. Then I will release your brother for you. And then you can buy whatever you want in this country.'"
\v 35 As they were emptying their sacks, they were surprised that in each man's sack was his pouch of money! When they and their father saw all the pouches of money, they were frightened.
\v 36 Their father Jacob said to them, "You have caused two of my children to be taken from me! Joseph is dead, and Simeon is gone! And now you want to take Benjamin from me! It is I who am suffering because of all these things that are happening!"
\v 37 Reuben said to his father, "I will bring Benjamin back to you. Let me take care of him. If I do not bring Benjamin back to you, you may kill both of my sons."
\v 38 But Jacob said, "No, I will not let my son go down there with you. His older brother is dead, and he is the only one of my wife Rachel's sons who is left! If something harms him while you are traveling, you would cause me, a gray-haired old man, to die because of sorrow."
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\c 43
\v 1 The famine in Canaan got worse.
\v 2 Finally, when Jacob and his family had eaten all the grain they had brought from Egypt, Jacob said to them, "Go back to Egypt and buy some more grain for us!"
\v 3 But Judah said to him, "The man who sold us the grain warned us sternly, 'I will not let you see me again if you come and your younger brother is not with you.'
\v 4 So if you will send our younger brother with us, we will go down to Egypt and buy some grain for you.
\v 5 But if you will not send him, we will not go down there, because that man said to us, 'I will not let you see me again if your younger brother is not with you.'"
\v 6 Jacob asked, "Why did you cause me to have this trouble by telling the man that you had a younger brother?"
\v 7 One of them replied, "The man asked about us and about our family. He said, 'Is your father still living? Do you have another brother?' We had to answer his questions. We could not know that he would say, 'The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!'"
\v 8 Then Judah said to his father Jacob, "Send the boy with me, and we will go immediately, in order that we and you and our children may get grain and not die from hunger.
\v 9 I myself will guarantee that he will return. You can require me to do what I am promising. If I do not bring him back to you safely, you can say forever that I am to blame.
\v 10 If we had not wasted so much time, by now we could have gone there and returned two times!"
\v 11 Then their father Jacob said to them, "If there is no other way, do this: Put in your sacks some of the best things that are grown in this land, and take them down to the man as a gift. Take some balm and honey and spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts, and almonds.
\v 12 Take twice as much money as you took the previous time, because you must return the silver that someone put in the tops of your sacks. Perhaps it was a mistake that it was put in your sacks.
\v 13 Take your youngest brother and go back to that man.
\v 14 I will pray that God Almighty will cause that man to act mercifully toward you, so that he will let your other brother, as well as Benjamin, come back here with you. But as for me, if my sons are taken from me, then I will not have my sons!"
\v 15 So the men took the gifts that Jacob said that they should take, and twice the amount of money that the grain would cost. They also took Benjamin. They went down quickly to Egypt, and they stood in front of Joseph.
\v 16 When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the man who was in charge of things in his house, "Take these men to my house. Slaughter an animal and prepare a meal, because I want them to eat with me at noon." He told his servant in what order they were to be seated.
\v 17 The man did as Joseph said; he took them to Joseph's house.
\v 18 But they were afraid because he was taking them to Joseph's house. They were thinking, "He is taking us here because of the silver that was put in our sacks the first time that we came here. While we are eating, he will have his servants attack us and seize us and cause us to become his slaves, and also take our donkeys."
\v 19 They went with the man who was in charge of things in Joseph's house. When they arrived at the entrance of the house,
\v 20 one of them said to him, "Please, sir, listen to me. We came down here previously and bought some grain.
\v 21 But at the place where we stopped for the night as we were returning home, we opened our sacks. We were astonished to see that in the top of each of our sacks was the exact amount of silver that we had paid for the grain! So we have brought it back with us.
\v 22 We have also brought more silver with us to buy more grain. We do not know who put the silver in our sacks."
\v 23 The man replied, "Relax! Do not worry about it! I received the silver that you brought. Your God, the God your father worships, must have put it in your sacks." And then he brought Simeon to them from the prison.
\v 24 Then he took them into Joseph's house. He gave them water to wash their feet and gave them food for their donkeys.
\v 25 He told them that they were going to eat with Joseph at noon. So the men prepared their gifts to give to Joseph when he arrived.
\v 26 When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts that they had brought into the house. Then they bowed down to the ground in front of him.
\v 27 He asked them if they were well, and then he asked, "How is the health of your old father, the one that you told me about? Is he still living?"
\v 28 One of them replied, "Yes, your servant, our father, is still alive, and he is well." Then again they bowed down in front of him.
\v 29 Then he saw his younger brother Benjamin, his own mother's other son. He asked them, "Is this your youngest brother, the one whom you told me about?" After they said "Yes," he said to Benjamin, "Young man, I pray that God will act kindly toward you."
\v 30 Joseph quickly left the room. He realized that he was about to cry because he was full of emotion about his younger brother. He went into his private room and cried there.
\v 31 Then, after he washed the tears from his face, he came out, and controlling his emotions, he said to the servants, "Serve the food!"
\v 32 Now the people of Egypt thought that it was disgraceful for them to eat with Hebrews, so the servants served food to Joseph by himself, and served the other people of Egypt who ate with him by themselves, and they served Joseph's older brothers and younger brother by themselves.
\v 33 His brothers were astonished to see that their seats were arranged according to their ages, from the youngest to the oldest!
\v 34 When their portions of food were served to them from Joseph's table, Benjamin's portion was five times as much as anyone else's portion! So they ate food and drank wine with Joseph until they became very cheerful.
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\c 44
\v 1 When his brothers were ready to return home, Joseph said to the man who was in charge of things in his house, "Fill the sacks of those men with as much grain as they can carry on their donkeys. And put in the top of each man's sack the silver that he paid for the grain.
\v 2 Then put my silver cup in the top of the youngest brother's sack, along with the silver that he paid for the grain." So the servant did what Joseph told him to do.
\v 3 The next morning at dawn the men were allowed to leave for home with their donkeys.
\v 4 When they had not gone far from the city, Joseph said to the servant in charge of things in his house, "Pursue those men immediately. When you catch up to them, say to them, 'We did good things for you! Why have you paid us back by doing something bad to us?
\v 5 You have stolen the cup that my master drinks from! It is the cup that he uses to find out things that nobody knows! What you did was very wicked!'"
\v 6 When the servant caught up with them, he told them what Joseph had told him to say.
\v 7 But one of them replied to him, "Sir, why do you say such things? We are your servants, and we would never do anything like that!
\v 8 We even brought back to you from Canaan the silver that we found inside the tops of our sacks! So we certainly would not steal silver or gold from your master's house!
\v 9 If you discover that any of us has that cup, you can execute him, and the rest of us will become your slaves."
\v 10 The man replied, "I will do what you say. But the one who has the cup will not be executed. Instead, he will become my slave, and the rest of you may return home."
\v 11 Each of the men quickly lowered his sack down from the donkey to the ground and opened it.
\v 12 Then the servant started to search for the cup in each sack. He started with the oldest brother's sack and ended with the youngest one's sack. He found the cup in Benjamin's sack and showed it to them.
\v 13 The brothers tore their clothes because they were so dismayed. They loaded the sacks on the donkeys again and returned to the city.
\v 14 When Judah and his older and younger brothers entered Joseph's house, Joseph was still there. The servant told Joseph what had happened. Then the brothers threw themselves down on the ground in front of Joseph.
\v 15 He said to them, "Why did you do this? Do you not know that a man like me can find out things that nobody knows?"
\v 16 Judah replied, "Sir, what can we say? How can we prove that we are innocent? God has paid us back for the sins we committed many years ago. So now we will become your slaves—both we and the one in whose sack the cup was found."
\v 17 But Joseph replied, "No, I could never do anything like that. Only the man in whose sack the cup was found will become my slave. The rest of you can return to your father peacefully."
\v 18 Then Judah came near to Joseph and said, "Sir, please let me say something to you. You are equal to the king himself, so you could command that I be executed; but do not be angry with me for speaking to you.
\v 19 You asked us, 'Is your father still living, and do you have another brother?'
\v 20 We answered, 'Our father is alive, but he is an old man. He has a young son who was born after our father became an old man. That son had an older brother, who is now dead. So the youngest son is the only one of his mother's sons who is still alive, and his father loves him very much.'
\v 21 Then you said to us, 'The next time you come here, bring your younger brother down to me, so that I can see him.'
\v 22 We said to you, 'No, we cannot do that, because the boy cannot leave his father. If he leaves his father, his father will die because of sorrow.'
\v 23 But you told us, 'If your youngest brother does not come down with you, I will not let you see me again!'
\v 24 When we returned to our father, we told him what you said.
\v 25 Months later our father said, 'Go back to Egypt and buy some more grain!'
\v 26 But we said, 'We cannot go back by ourselves. We will go only if our youngest brother is with us. We will not be able to see the man who sells grain if our youngest brother is not with us.'
\v 27 Our father replied, 'You know that my wife Rachel gave birth to two sons for me.
\v 28 One of them disappeared, and I said, "A wild animal has surely torn him to pieces." And I have not seen him since then.
\v 29 If you take this other one from me, too, and something harms him, you would cause me, an old gray-haired man, to die because of my sorrow.'
\v 30 So please listen. My father will remain alive only if his youngest son remains alive.
\v 31 If he sees that the boy is not with us when we return to him, he will die. We will cause our gray-haired father to die because of his sorrow.
\v 32 I guaranteed that the boy would return safely. I told him, 'You can require me to do what I am promising. If I do not bring him back to you, you can say forever that I am to blame for not bringing him back to you.'
\v 33 So, please let me remain here as your slave instead of my youngest brother, and let the boy return home with his other older brothers.
\v 34 I cannot return to my father if the boy is not with me! I do not want to see how miserable my father would become!"
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\c 45
\v 1 Joseph was not able to control his feelings any longer. He did not want to cry in front of his servants, so he said to them loudly, "All of you go outside!" After they went outside, there were no Egyptians there with Joseph when he told his brothers who he was.
\v 2 He cried so loudly that even the people outside heard it, and even the people in the king's palace heard it.
\v 3 Joseph said to his brothers, "I am Joseph! Is our father still alive?" But his brothers were not able to reply, because they were frightened because of what he said.
\v 4 Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Come close to me!" When they came closer to him, he said, "I am your brother Joseph! I am the one you sold to traders who brought me here to Egypt!
\v 5 But now, do not be distressed, and do not be angry with yourselves for having sold me as a slave. It was God who sent me here ahead of you in order to keep you from dying in the famine.
\v 6 There has been a famine in this country for two years, and it will continue for five more years. During this time, no one will plow the ground, and there will be no crops to harvest.
\v 7 God sent me here ahead of you to keep you from starving, and to make sure that your descendants would survive.
\v 8 Therefore, it was not you who sent me here; it was God who sent me here! He has caused me to become like a father to the king. I am in charge of everything in his palace and the governor of everyone in Egypt!
\v 9 Now return to my father quickly and say to him, 'This is what your son Joseph says: "God has caused me to become the governor over the whole land of Egypt. Come down to me immediately!
\v 10 You can live in the region of Goshen. You and your children and your grandchildren, your sheep and goats and cattle, and everything that you own, will be near me.
\v 11 Since there will be five more years of famine, I will make sure that you have food. If you do not come here, you and your family and all of your servants will starve. "'
\v 12 If you—and Benjamin, too—look closely at me, all of you will see that it is really I, Joseph, who am speaking to you.
\v 13 Go and tell my father about how much honor I have here in Egypt. And tell him about everything else that you have seen. Bring my father down here quickly!"
\v 14 Then he threw his arms around his younger brother Benjamin's neck and cried. And Benjamin hugged him and cried.
\v 15 Then he kissed his older brothers on their cheeks, and he cried. After that, his brothers started to talk with him.
\v 16 Someone went to the palace and told the news that Joseph's brothers had come. The king and all his officials were pleased.
\v 17 The king said to Joseph, "Tell your brothers this: 'Put loads of grain on your animals and return to Canaan land.
\v 18 Then bring your father and your families back here. I will give you the best land in Egypt, and you will have the best food in the land to eat.'
\v 19 Also tell this to your brothers: 'Take some carts from Egypt to carry your children and your wives, and get them and your father and come back here quickly.
\v 20 Do not worry about bringing your possessions, because the best things in Egypt will be yours. Because of that, you will not need to bring things from Canaan.'"
\v 21 Jacob's sons did what the king commanded. Joseph gave them carts and food to eat along the way, as the king had ordered.
\v 22 To each of them he gave new clothes, but he gave three hundred pieces of silver and five sets of new clothes to Benjamin!
\v 23 This is what he sent to his father: Ten male donkeys, loaded with some of the best things that came from Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain, bread, and other food for his father's trip to Egypt.
\v 24 Then he sent his brothers on their way, saying to them "Do not quarrel along the way!"
\v 25 So the brothers left Egypt and came to their father Jacob in Canaan land.
\v 26 One of them told him, "Joseph is still alive! In fact, he is the governor over all of Egypt!" Jacob was extremely astonished; he could not believe that it was true.
\v 27 But they told him everything that Joseph had said to them, and Jacob saw the carts that Joseph had sent to carry him and his family and possessions to Egypt. Then Jacob's shock ended.
\v 28 He said, "What you have said is enough to convince me! My son Joseph is still alive, and I will go and see him before I die!"
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\c 46
\v 1 So Jacob left, taking with him all his family and possessions. When they arrived at Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to God, the one whom his father Isaac worshiped.
\v 2 That night, God called to Jacob in a vision, saying, "Jacob! Jacob!" He replied, "I am here!"
\v 3 God said, "I am God, the one your father worshiped. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, because I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation there.
\v 4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and later I will bring your descendants back to Canaan again. And Joseph will be with you when you die."
\v 5 So Jacob left Beersheba, and his sons took their father, their wives, and their children, in the carts that the king had sent for them to travel in.
\v 6 In this way, Jacob and all his family went to Egypt. They took with them the livestock and all the other possessions that they had acquired in Canaan.
\v 7 Jacob went to Egypt with all his sons, his daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters—his whole family.
\v 8 This is a list of the names of the members of Jacob's family who went with him to Egypt:
\li Reuben, Jacob's oldest son;
\li \v 9 Reuben's sons Hanok, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi;
\li \v 10 Simeon and his sons Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul, who was the son of woman who came from the Canaanite people group;
\li \v 11 Levi and his sons Gershon, Kohath, and Merari;
\li \v 12 Judah and his sons, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (his other sons, Er, and Onan, had died in Canaan land);
\li the two sons of Perez: Hezron and Hamul;
\li \v 13 Issachar and his sons Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron;
\li \v 14 Zebulon and his sons Sered, Elon, and Jahleel
\li \v 15 These were the sons of Jacob and Leah, who were born in Paddan Aram, in addition to Dinah his daughter. There were thirty-three sons and daughters altogether.
\li \v 16 Gad and his sons Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli;
\li \v 17 Asher and his sons Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah; and their sister Serah;
\li Beriah's sons: Heber and Malkiel;
\li \v 18 (Those were the children and grandchildren of Jacob and Zilpah, the slave woman whom Laban had given to his daughter Leah. These were sixteen people altogether.)
\li \v 19 Joseph and Benjamin, the sons of Jacob's wife Rachel;
\li \v 20 (Ephraim and Manasseh were Joseph's two sons. They did not go down to Egypt because they had been born in Egypt. They were sons of Asenath, the daughter of On, who was the priest in the temple in the city of On.)
\li \v 21 Benjamin and his sons Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard;
\li \v 22 (These were the sons and grandsons of Rachel and Jacob. They were fourteen people altogether.)
\li \v 23 Dan and his son Hushim;
\li \v 24 Naphtali and his sons Jahziel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem.
\li \v 25 (These were the sons and grandsons of Jacob and Bilhah, the slave girl whom Laban had given to his daughter Rachel. They were seven people altogether.)
\v 26 Altogether there were sixty-six descendants of Jacob who went to Egypt with him. That number does not include his sons' wives.
\v 27 Including Jacob and Joseph and Joseph's two sons who were born in Egypt, there were seventy members of Jacob's family when they were all there in Egypt.
\v 28 Jacob sent Judah to go ahead of the rest of them to talk with Joseph and to ask for directions on how to travel to Goshen. Then Judah returned to the rest of his family and they all traveled to the region of Goshen. When they arrived there,
\v 29 Joseph got his chariot ready and went to Goshen to meet his father. When Joseph arrived, he threw his arms around his father's neck and cried for a long time.
\v 30 Jacob said to Joseph, "I have seen you, and now I know that you are still alive! So I am ready to die."
\v 31 Then Joseph said to his brothers and to the rest of his father's family, "I will go to the king and say to him, 'My brothers and my father and the rest of his family, who were living in Canaan land, have all come to me.
\v 32 The men are all shepherds. They take care of their livestock, and they have brought with them their sheep, goats, and cattle, and everything else that they own.'
\v 33 When the king summons you and asks, 'What work do you do?'
\v 34 answer by saying, 'From the time when we were young, we have taken care of livestock, just as our ancestors did.' If you tell him that, he will let you live in the region of Goshen." Joseph told them to say that because the people of Egypt despised shepherds.
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\c 47
\v 1-2 Joseph chose five of his brothers to go with him to talk to the king. He introduced them to the king, and then he said, "My father and my brothers have come from Canaan land. They have brought all their sheep, goats, cattle, and everything else that they own, and they are living now in region of Goshen."
\v 3 The king asked the brothers, "What work do you do?" They replied to the king, "We are shepherds, just as our ancestors were."
\v 4 They also said to him, "We have come here to live for a while in this land, because the famine is very severe in Canaan, and our animals have no pasture there. So now, please let us live in the region of Goshen."
\v 5 The king said to Joseph, "So your father and brothers have come to you.
\v 6 They can live wherever you want in all of of Egypt. Give your father and your brothers the best part of the land. They can live in Goshen. And if you know that any of them have any special ability to work with livestock, have them be in charge of my own livestock, too."
\v 7 Then Joseph brought his father Jacob into the palace and introduced him to the king. Jacob asked God to bless the king.
\v 8 Then the king asked Jacob, "How old are you?"
\v 9 Jacob replied, "I have been traveling around for 130 years. I have not lived as long as my ancestors, but my life has been full of troubles."
\v 10 Then Jacob again asked God to bless the king and left him.
\v 11 That is how Joseph enabled his father and brothers to start living in Egypt. As the king had commanded, he gave them property in the best part of the land, in Goshen, which is now called Rameses.
\v 12 Joseph also provided food for all his father's family. The amounts that he gave them were according to how many children each of them had.
\v 13 There was no food growing in the whole country because the famine was very severe. The people of Egypt and Canaan became weak because they did not have enough food to eat.
\v 14 Joseph received all the money that the people in Egypt and Canaan paid for the grain he sold them, and he brought it to the king's palace.
\v 15 When the people of Egypt and Canaan had spent all their money for grain, they all kept coming to Joseph and saying, "Please give us some food! If you do not give us grain, we will die! We have used all our money to buy food, and we have no money left!"
\v 16 Joseph replied, "Since your money is all gone, bring me your livestock. If you do that, I will sell you food in exchange for your livestock."
\v 17 So they brought their livestock to Joseph. He gave them food in exchange for their horses, their sheep and goats, their cattle, and their donkeys.
\v 18 When that year was ended, the next year they came to him and said, "We cannot hide this from you: We have no more money, and now all our cattle belong to you. We have only our bodies and our land to give to you. We have nothing else left.
\v 19 If you do not give us some food, we will die! If you do not give us seeds, our fields will become useless. Buy us and our land in exchange for food. Then we will be the king's slaves, and he will own the land. Give us seeds so that we can plant and grow food, in order that we will not die, and in order that our land will not become like a desert."
\v 20 So Joseph bought all the farms in Egypt for the king. The people of Egypt each sold their land to him because the famine was very severe and they had no other way to buy food. So all the farms became the king's farms.
\v 21 As a result, Joseph caused all the people from one border of the country to the other to become the king's slaves.
\v 22 But he did not buy the priests' land, because they received their food from the king regularly. That is the reason they did not sell their land to him.
\v 23 Joseph said to the people, "Listen to me! Today I have bought you and your land for the king. So here are seeds for you so that you can plant them in the ground.
\v 24 But when you harvest the crop, you must give one-fifth of the crop to the king. The rest of the crop you can keep to be seed to plant in the fields and to be food for you and your children and for everyone else in your household to eat."
\v 25 They replied, "You have saved our lives! We want you to be pleased with us. And we will be the king's slaves."
\v 26 So Joseph made a law about all the land in Egypt, stating that one-fifth of the crops that are harvested belongs to the king. That law still exists. Only the land that belonged to the priests did not become the king's land.
\v 27 Jacob and his family started to live in Egypt, in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there. Many children were born to them there. As a result, their population increased greatly.
\v 28 Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years. Altogether he lived 147 years.
\v 29 When it was almost time for him to die, he summoned his son Joseph and said to him, "If I have pleased you, put your hand between my thighs to solemnly promise that you will be faithful to me as your father and do what I am now trusting you to do: When I die, do not bury me here in Egypt.
\v 30 Instead, when I die and join my ancestors who have died previously, take my body out of Egypt, and bury it in Canaan where they are buried." Joseph replied, "I will do what you have said."
\v 31 Jacob said, "Swear to me that you will do it!" So Joseph swore to do it. Then Jacob bowed down as he worshiped God, near the head of his bed.
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\c 48
\v 1 Some time after this, someone told Joseph, "Your father is ill." When Joseph heard that, he took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to see his father.
\v 2 When someone told Jacob, "Look, your son Joseph has come to see you!" Jacob, also called Israel, made an effort and sat up on the bed, even though it was difficult for him to do that.
\v 3 He said to Joseph, "When I was at Luz in the land of Canaan, God Almighty appeared to me. He blessed me
\v 4 and said to me, 'I am going to enable you to become the father of many children. You will have many descendants, and they will become many people groups. And I will give this land to your descendants to possess forever.'
\v 5 And now I will consider that your two sons, who were born to you here in Egypt before I came here, belong to me. Ephraim and Manasseh will be my sons, and they will inherit my possessions, just like my sons Reuben and Simeon and the others will.
\v 6 If you later become the father of any more children, they will not be considered to be my children, but instead as my grandchildren. They will receive as part of what they inherit some of the same land that is in the territory that their brothers will inherit.
\v 7 Many years ago, as I was returning from Paddan Aram, your mother Rachel sadly died in the land of Canaan, while we were still traveling, not far from the town of Ephrath. So I buried her body there alongside the road to Ephrath" (which is now called Bethlehem).
\v 8 When Jacob saw Joseph's sons, he asked, "Who are these boys?"
\v 9 Joseph replied to his father, "They are the sons that God has given to me here in Egypt." Jacob said, "Bring them close to me so that I can bless them."
\v 10 Jacob was almost blind because he was very old. He could not see well. So Joseph brought his sons close to his father, and Jacob kissed them and hugged them.
\v 11 Jacob said to Joseph, "I did not expect to see your face again, but look at this! God has allowed me to see you, and he has allowed me to see your children, too!"
\v 12 Joseph took the boys from Jacob's knees. Then he bowed down with his face to the ground.
\v 13 Then Joseph took both of the boys, putting Ephraim on his right side toward Jacob's left hand, and putting Manasseh on his left side toward Jacob's right hand, and brought them close to Jacob.
\v 14 But Jacob did not do what Joseph wanted him to do. Instead, he reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim's head, even though he was the younger son. He crossed his arms and put his left hand on Manasseh's head, even though Manasseh was the older son.
\v 15 Then he blessed Joseph and his sons, saying,
"My grandfather Abraham and my father Isaac conducted their lives as God desired,
and to this very day God has led me and taken care of me as a shepherd leads and cares for his sheep.
\v 16 The angel whom he sent has kept me from being harmed in any way.
\q I pray that God will bless these boys.
\q I pray that people will think about me and my ancestors, Abraham and Isaac, because of what God does for them.
\q I pray that they will have many descendants who will live all over the earth."
\v 17 When Joseph saw that his father had placed his right hand on Ephraim's head and not on Manasseh's head, he was distressed. So he took his father's hand to move it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head.
\v 18 Joseph said to him, "My father, that is not right! The one on whom you put your left hand is my older son. Put your right hand on his head."
\v 19 But his father refused, saying, "I know that, my son; I know what I am doing. Manasseh's descendants will also become a people group, and they will become important. But his younger brother's descendants will become greater than his will. His descendants will become many nations."
\v 20 So he blessed them both on that day, saying, "The people in Israel will use your names when they bless people. They will say, 'We pray that God will help you as he helped Ephraim and Manasseh.'" In that way, Jacob said that Ephraim would become more important than Manasseh.
\v 21 Then Jacob said to Joseph, "I am about to die. But I know that God will help you. Some day he will take your descendants back to the land of their ancestors.
\v 22 It is to you, who stands above your brothers that I will give the fertile hill in the area of Shechem. I captured that land from the Amor people group, fighting them with my sword and my bow and arrows."
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\c 49
\v 1 Jacob summoned all his sons and said to them,
\v 2 "Gather around close to me in order that I can tell you what will happen in the future.
My sons, come and listen to me.
I am your father, Jacob.
\v 3 Reuben, you are my oldest son.
You were born when I was young and energetic.
When I became a grown man, you were my first child. You are prouder and stronger than all the rest of my sons.
\v 4 But you were as unstable as ocean waves.
So now you will not be my most important son,
because you climbed up onto my bed and slept with my concubine. That caused me, your father, to have great shame.
\v 5 Simeon and Levi, you two brothers have both acted like criminals.
You use your swords to act violently.
\v 6 I do not want to be with you when you make evil plans.
I am too honorable to join you in your meetings,
because you killed people when you became very angry,
and you hamstrung oxen just to have fun.
\v 7 God says, 'I will curse them for being very angry,
for acting very cruelly when they were very furious.
I will scatter their descendants throughout Israel land.'
\v 8 Judah, your older and younger brothers will praise you.
They will bow down before you,
because you will thoroughly defeat your enemies.
\v 9 Judah is like a young lion that has returned to its den satisfied
after eating the animals that it has killed.
He is like a lion that lies down and stretches out after eating;
no one would dare to disturb it.
\v 10 There will always be a ruler from the descendants of Judah.
Each one will hold a scepter to show that he has authority as a king.
He will do that until nations bring tribute to him
and show that they will obey him.
\v 11 The grapevines of his descendants will produce grapes very abundantly.
As a result, they will not object to tying their young donkeys to the grapevines in order that they can eat the leaves of the grapevines.
Wine will be very plentiful, with the result that they will wash their clothes in wine;
they will wash their cloaks in wine that is as red as blood.
\v 12 Their eyes will be red because of drinking too much wine,
but their teeth will be very white because of drinking much milk from the cows.
\v 13 Zebulun, your descendants will live by the seashore
where there will be a safe harbor for ships.
Their land will extend north as far as the city of Sidon.
\v 14 Issachar, your descendants will be like strong donkeys
that are lying down between two groups of sheep.
so tired that they cannot get up!
\v 15 They will see that their resting place is good
and that the land pleases them very much.
But they will bend their backs to carry heavy loads
and be forced to work for others.
\v 16 Dan, although your tribe will be small,
your leaders will rule their people just as the leaders of other tribes of Israel will rule their people.
\v 17 Your descendants will be like snakes at the side of a road,
like poisonous snakes lying beside a path.
They will strike the heels of horses that pass by,
causing the riders to fall backwards as the horses rear up on their hind legs."
\v 18 Then Jacob prayed, "Yahweh, I am waiting for you to rescue me from my enemies."
\v 19 Then Jacob continued telling his sons what would happen in the future. He said,
"Gad, your tribe will be attacked by a group of bandits, but your tribe will pursue and attack them.
\v 20 Asher, your descendants will eat good tasting food;
they will produce food that is delicious enough for kings to eat.
\v 21 Naphtali, your descendants will be like deer that run free, deer that have beautiful fawns.
\v 22 Joseph, you will have many descendants.
Their children will be as many as the fruit on a vine near a spring of water, whose branches extend over a wall.
\v 23 Their enemies will attack them fiercely,
and shoot at them with bows and arrows and pursue them.
\v 24 But they will hold their bows steady and their arms will remain strong,
because of the power of my mighty God,
because of Yahweh, who guides and provides for me,
as a shepherd guides and provides for his sheep.
The people of Israel will ask Yahweh to protect them,
as people take refuge on top of a high rock.
\v 25 God, the one whom I worship, will help your descendants.
God Almighty will bless them
by sending them rain from the sky
and by giving them water from deep below the ground.
He will give them many children and will nourish them.
\v 26 The blessings that I want God to give you are great ones.
They are greater than the blessings that come from the eternal mountains,
than the ones that come from the everlasting hills.
Joseph, I pray that these blessings will be given to you,
because you are the leader of your brothers.
\v 27 Benjamin, your descendants will be like vicious wolves.
In the morning they will kill their enemies
like a wolf devours its prey,
and in the evening they will divide among their warriors the spoils that they seized from their enemies."
\v 28 Those twelve sons are the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. That is what their father said to them as he blessed them, telling to each one words that were right for him.
\v 29 Then Jacob said to his sons, "I will soon die and join my ancestors who have already died. Bury my body where some of my ancestors are buried, in the cave that is in the field that was bought from Ephron, who belonged to the Heth people group.
\v 30 The field of Machpelah, was east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan. Abraham bought it from Ephron to use as a burial place.
\v 31 That is where they buried him and his wife Sarah. That is where they buried my father Isaac and his wife Rebekah. And that is where I buried my wife Leah.
\v 32 That field and the cave in it were bought from the Heth people group; so that is where I want you to bury me."
\v 33 When Jacob finished giving those instructions to his sons, he lay down on his bed again. Then he stopped breathing and died.
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\c 50
\v 1 Joseph fell on his father's face and he cried over him and kissed him.
\v 2 Joseph commanded his servants who prepared the dead for burial to embalm his father's body.
\v 3 It took forty days to embalm Jacob's body, because that is the amount of time that was always required for them to embalm a body. The people of Egypt cried for seventy days because of Jacob's death.
\v 4 When the time of mourning was finished, Joseph said to the king's officials, "If you are pleased with me, please take this message to the king:
\v 5 'When my father was about to die, he told me to solemnly promise that I would bury his body in Canaan land, in the tomb that he himself had prepared. So please let me go up to Canaan and bury my father's body. Then I will return.'"
\v 6 After they gave the king the message, he replied, "Tell Joseph, 'Go up and bury your father's body, as you swore that you would do.'"
\v 7 So Joseph went up to Canaan to bury his father's body. All of the king's officials, all the king's advisors, and all the elders in Egypt went with him.
\v 8 His family's small children and their sheep and goats and their cattle stayed in the region of Goshen. But all the rest of Joseph's family and his brothers and his father's family went with him.
\v 9 Men riding in chariots and on horses also went along. It was a huge group.
\v 10 They went to the east side of the Jordan River and arrived at Atad. There was a place there where people threshed the grain to separate the wheat from the chaff. There they mourned loudly for Jacob for a long time. Joseph performed mourning ceremonies for his father for seven days.
\v 11 When the Canaan people group who lived there saw them mourning like that, they said, "This is a sad mourning place for the people of Egypt!" So they named the place Abel Mizraim, which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean "mourning of the Egyptians."
\v 12 Then Jacob's sons did for him what their father had commanded.
\v 13 They crossed the Jordan River and carried Jacob's body into Canaan land. They buried it in the cave in the field at Machpelah, east of Mamre town. That was the field that Abraham had bought from Ephron, who was one of the Heth people group, to use as a burial place.
\v 14 After he had buried his father, Joseph and his brothers and all the others who had gone up to Canaan with him for the funeral returned to Egypt.
\v 15 After Jacob died, Joseph's brothers became worried. They realized what might happen. They said, "What will happen if Joseph is carrying hatred for us and wants to take revenge on us, because of all the evil things we did to him many years ago?"
\v 16 So they sent someone to tell this to Joseph for them: "Before our father died, he told us this:
\v 17 'Say to Joseph, Please forgive your older brothers for the evil thing that they did to you, for their terrible sin against you, because what they did to you was very wrong.' So now we, who are servants of your father's God, ask you, please forgive us for what we did to you." Joseph cried when he received their message.
\v 18 Then his older brothers themselves came and threw themselves on the ground in front of Joseph, and one of them said, "Please listen. We will be your servants."
\v 19 But Joseph replied to them, "Do not be afraid! God is the one who punishes people; am I God?
\v 20 As for you, yes, you wanted to do something very evil to me. But God caused something good to come from it! He wanted to save many people from dying of hunger, and that is what happened! Today they are alive!
\v 21 So I say again, do not be afraid! I will make sure that you and your children have enough to eat." In this way he reassured them as he spoke to them.
\v 22 Joseph lived with his father's family in Egypt until he was 110 years old.
\v 23 He lived long enough to see Ephraim's children and grandchildren. The children of Joseph's grandson Machir, who was Manasseh's son, were born before Joseph died, and they were recognized as being his descendants.
\v 24 One day Joseph said to his older brothers, "I am about to die. But God will certainly help you. Some day he will lead your descendants up out of this land and take them to Canaan, the land that he solemnly promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
\v 25 Then Joseph said, "When God enables you to do that, you must take my body up from here to Canaan." He made his older brothers solemnly promise to do that.
\v 26 So Joseph died in Egypt when he was 110 years old. His body was embalmed and put in a coffin there.
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\id EXO Unlocked Dynamic Bible
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\toc1 The Book of Exodus
\toc2 Exodus
\toc3 Exo
\mt The Escape from Egypt (Exodus)
\c 1
\v 1 These were the sons of Jacob (they all went to the land of Egypt with Jacob, their father, and with their own households). The sons' names were:
\v 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
\v 3 Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
\v 4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
\v 5 In all, there were seventy people who went with Jacob. His son Joseph was already in Egypt.
\v 6 After some time, Joseph and his brothers and everyone else in their family who lived in that generation died.
\v 7 But Jacob's descendants gave birth to many children. The number of his descendants grew very large. As a result, there were so many of them that they were everywhere in Egypt.
\v 8 However, many years later, a new king began to rule in Egypt. He did not know about all the good things Joseph had done for the people of Egypt long ago.
\v 9 He said to his people, "Look at what has happened! The Israelite people have become so many and so powerful that they are dangerous to us!
\v 10 We must find a way to control them! If we do not do that, there will be more of them. Then, if enemies attack us, the Israelites will join with our enemies and fight against us, and they will escape from our land."
\v 11 So the king and his leaders put masters over the Israelites to cause them to suffer very much by making them work very hard. They made the Israelite people build two cities to store goods for the king. Those cities were named Pithom and Rameses.
\v 12 But the more they treated the Israelite people badly, the more the number of Israelites grew, and they became so many that they filled the land. So the Egyptian people began to fear the Israelite people.
\v 13 They made the Israelite people work very hard.
\v 14 Because the Israelites were slaves, their lives were very sad. They had to build many buildings with cement and bricks. They also had to do work in the fields. In making the Israelites do all this work, the Egyptian masters treated them very badly.
\v 15 Now there were two Hebrew midwives. Their names were Shiphrah and Puah. The king of Egypt said to those two women,
\v 16 "When you help the Hebrew women give birth to their children, if the baby is a boy, you must kill him. If the baby is a girl, you may let her live."
\v 17 But the midwives feared that God would punish them if they obeyed the king. So they did not do what the king told them to do. They allowed the baby boys to live.
\v 18 So the king called the two midwives and said to them, "Why are you doing this? Why are you letting the baby boys live?"
\v 19 One of the midwives said to the king, "The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women. The Hebrew women are very strong. They give birth to their babies before we can get to them to help them."
\v 20 So God acted kindly toward the midwives, and the Hebrew people became very numerous and strong.
\v 21 Because the midwives feared God, God gave them children of their own.
\v 22 Then the king commanded all the Egyptian people, saying, "You must throw into the Nile River every Hebrew baby boy that is born! However, you can allow the baby girls to live."
\c 2
\v 1 Now there was a man who was a descendant of Jacob's son Levi. He married a woman who was also a descendant of Levi.
\v 2 She became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. When she saw that he was a healthy baby, she hid him for three months because she was not willing to do what the king commanded.
\v 3 When she was unable to hide him any longer, she got a basket made from tall reeds. She covered the basket with tar so it would float in water. Then she put the baby in the basket and put the basket in the water. It was at the edge of the Nile River in the middle of the tall reeds.
\v 4 His older sister was standing close by, watching to see what would happen to him.
\v 5 Soon the king's daughter went down to the river to take a bath. Her female servants walked along the riverbank. She saw the basket in the tall reeds in the river, so she sent one of her servants to get it.
\v 6 When the servant brought the basket to her, she opened it, and was surprised to see a baby inside that was crying. She felt sad for him, and said, "This must be a Hebrew baby."
\v 7 Then the baby's older sister walked up to the king's daughter and said, "Do you want me to go and find a Hebrew woman who will be able to nurse the baby for you?"
\v 8 The king's daughter said to her, "Yes, go and find one." So the girl went and found the baby's mother.
\v 9 The king's daughter said to the mother, "Please take this baby and nurse him for me. I will pay you for doing that." So the baby's mother took him and nursed him.
\v 10 Several years later, his mother brought the boy to the king's daughter. She adopted him as though he were her own son. She named him Moses, which sounds like the Hebrew words 'pull out' because she said, "I pulled him out of the water."
\v 11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out of the palace area to see his people, the Hebrews. He saw how they had to work very hard. He also saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew person.
\v 12 He looked around to see if anyone was watching. Seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian man and buried his body in the sand.
\v 13 The next day he returned to the same place. He was surprised to see two Hebrew men fighting each other. He said to the man who started the fight, "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?"
\v 14 The man replied, "Who made you our ruler and judge? Are you going to kill me just like you killed that Egyptian man yesterday?" Then Moses was afraid, because he thought, "Since this man knows what I did, other people will know, too."
\v 15-16 When the king heard that Moses killed an Egyptian, he ordered his soldiers to kill Moses. But Moses ran away from the king and left Egypt. He traveled east to the region of Midian and started to live there.
Now the man who was the priest for the Midian people, whose name was Jethro, had seven daughters. One day as Moses sat down beside a well, the seven daughters came to the well, got water, and filled the troughs in order to give water to their father's sheep.
\v 17 Some shepherds came and started to chase away the girls. But Moses helped the girls and got water for their sheep.
\v 18 When the girls returned to their father Jethro, who was also called Reuel, he asked them, "How is it that you were able to give water to the sheep and come home so quickly today?"
\v 19 They replied, "A man from Egypt kept other shepherds from chasing us away. He also got water for us from the well and gave water to the sheep."
\v 20 He said to his daughters, "Where is he? Why did you leave him out there? Invite him in so that he can have something to eat!"
\v 21 So they did, and Moses ate with them. Moses decided to live there. Later, Jethro gave Moses his daughter Zipporah to be his wife.
\v 22 Later she gave birth to a son, and Moses named him Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "foreigner" because he said, "I am a foreigner living in this land."
\v 23 Many years later the king of Egypt died. The Israelite people in Egypt were still crying out because of the hard work they had to do as slaves. They called out for someone to help them, and God heard them.
\v 24 When he heard them crying out, he thought about his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
\v 25 God saw how the Israelite people were being badly treated, and he wanted to help them.
\c 3
\v 1 One day, Moses took the flock of Jethro his father in law, priest of Midian, to the far side of the wilderness. He came to Mount Horeb, the mountain of God.
\v 2 When he was on the mountain, Yahweh appeared as an angel to Moses from inside a burning bush. As Moses looked at the bush, it was not destroyed by the fire.
\v 3 Moses thought, "I will go closer to see this strange sight! Why is the bush not burning up?"
\v 4 When Yahweh saw Moses come close to the bush, he called out to Moses, "Moses, Moses!" Moses said to God, "Here I am."
\v 5 God said, "Do not come close to the bush! Because I am God, the ground on which you are standing belongs to me. So take off your sandals to show respect to me."
\v 6 He said, "I am God, the one your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshiped." Moses was afraid that God would kill him if he looked at him, so he turned his head away.
\v 7 Then Yahweh said, "I have seen how badly the Egyptians are treating my people in Egypt. I have heard my people shouting in despair because of what the slave drivers are making them do. I know how my people are suffering.
\v 8 So I have come down from heaven to rescue them from the Egyptians. I will lead them to a good and large land, a land where they can grow many crops and raise much livestock, where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus live.
\v 9 Truly I have now heard my Israelite people crying. I have seen how badly the Egyptians treat them.
\v 10 So I am sending you back to Egypt to the king because you will lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt."
\v 11 But Moses said to God, "I am not important enough to go to the king in order to bring your people out of Egypt."
\v 12 God said, "I will be with you. When you bring my people out of Egypt, all of you will worship me right here on this mountain. That will prove to you that I am the one who sent you to them."
\v 13 Moses said to God, "If I go to the Israelite people and say to them, 'God, the one your ancestors worshiped, has sent me to you,' they will ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what should I say to them?"
\v 14 God replied to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. Tell the Israelite people that the one named 'I AM' has sent you to them."
\v 15 God also said to Moses, "You must say to the Israelites, 'Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God whom Abraham worshiped, whom Isaac worshiped, and whom Jacob worshiped, has sent me to you. Yahweh is my name forever, and this is what all generations should call me.'
\v 16 Go to Egypt and gather together the elders. Say to them, 'Yahweh, the God whom Abraham worshiped, whom Isaac worshiped, and whom Jacob worshiped, has appeared to me and said: I have seen what the Egyptian people have done to you.
\v 17 I promise that I will rescue you from being treated badly in Egypt, and I will take you to the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus live. It is a good land where you can grow many crops and raise much livestock.'
\v 18 The elders will do what you say. Then you and the elders will go to the king of Egypt, and you will say to him, 'Yahweh, whom we Hebrews worship as God, has met with us. So now we ask you to allow us to travel for three days to a place in the wilderness in order that there we may offer sacrifices to Yahweh, our God.'
\v 19 But I know that the king of Egypt will allow you to go only if he sees that he has no other choice.
\v 20 So I will use my power by performing many miracles there. Then he will allow you to leave.
\v 21 When this happens, I will cause the people of Egypt to honor the Hebrew people so that when you leave Egypt, they will give you what you need for the journey.
\v 22 At that time, each Hebrew woman will ask for what belongs to the Egyptian women living nearby. The Egyptians will give you all they have—silver and gold jewelry and clothing. You will put these things on your children. In this way, you will take everything from the Egyptians."
\c 4
\v 1 Moses said to God, "What should I do if they do not believe me or listen to me? What should I do if they say, 'Yahweh did not appear to you'?"
\v 2 Yahweh said to him, "What is that in your hand?" Moses answered, "A staff."
\v 3 Yahweh said, "Throw it down on the ground!" So, Moses threw the staff on the ground and it became a snake, and Moses ran away from it.
\v 4 But Yahweh said to Moses, "Pick up the snake by its tail." So Moses picked up the snake by the tail, and it became a staff in his hand again.
\v 5 Yahweh said, "Do the same thing in front of the Israelite people in order that they may believe that I, Yahweh, the God whom Abraham worshiped, whom Isaac worshiped, and whom Jacob worshiped, truly appeared to you."
\v 6 Yahweh said to Moses, "Put your hand in your robe." Moses put his hand in his robe. When he brought his hand out, it had a disease that made the skin look white as snow.
\v 7 Then Yahweh said, "Put your hand in your robe again." Moses put his hand back inside his robe. This time when he brought it out, the disease was healed, and it looked like his other hand.
\v 8 Yahweh said, "You can do that in front of the Israelite people, too. If they do not believe you or listen to you after seeing the first miracle, they will believe you when you perform the second miracle.
\v 9 But if they do not believe you or listen to what you say even after you show them these two miracles, get some water from the Nile River and pour it on the dry ground. When you do that, the water that you pour on the dry ground will become blood."
\v 10 Then Moses said to Yahweh, "Oh Lord, I have never been good at speaking to people. I am still that way even after you began talking to me. I speak slowly and never know what to say."
\v 11 Then Yahweh said to him, "Who made a man's mouth? Who is it who makes a man able to speak, hear, see, or not see? Is it not I, Yahweh?
\v 12 So now go, and I will help you speak, and I will tell you what to say."
\v 13 But Moses replied, "Oh Lord, I ask you, please send someone else in my place!"
\v 14 Then Yahweh became angry with Moses and said to him, "What about Aaron, your brother, the Levite? He is a good speaker. He is on his way here right now, and he will be very happy to see you.
\v 15 You can talk to him and tell him what to say. I will tell you both what you should do.
\v 16 He will speak for you to the Israelite people. He will be your spokesman, and he will think of you as if you were me.
\v 17 Be sure to take with you the staff that is in your hand because you will perform miracles with it."
\v 18 Moses went back to his father-in-law, Jethro, and said to him, "Let me go back to my people in Egypt to see if they are still alive." Jethro said to Moses, "Go, and may God give you peace."
\v 19 Yahweh said to Moses in Midian, "Go back to Egypt, for the men who were looking for you are now dead."
\v 20 So Moses took his wife and sons and set them on a donkey and walked back to Egypt, and he took the staff in his hand as God had told him to do.
\v 21 Yahweh said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, be sure to do all the miracles that I have given you power to do in front of the king. But I will make him reject you, and he will not let the Israelite people leave Egypt.
\v 22 Then say to him, 'This is what Yahweh says: Israel is like my first born son,
\v 23 and I say to you, "Let my son go, so that he may worship me." But you did not let my son go and because of this, I will kill your firstborn son!'"
\v 24 One night, as they were on the way to Egypt, Yahweh appeared to Moses in order to kill him.
\v 25 Then Moses' wife, Zipporah, took a knife and cut off the foreskin of their firstborn son. Then she touched the foreskin to Moses' feet and said, "You are a bridegroom of blood to me."
\v 26 Yahweh did not kill Moses. Zipporah said, "You are a bridegroom of blood to me" because of the circumcision.
\v 27 Meanwhile, Yahweh said to Aaron, "Go into the desert to meet Moses." So Aaron went and met Moses at the mountain of God and kissed him on the cheek.
\v 28 Moses told Aaron everything that Yahweh had said to him and all the miracles that he had instructed him to do.
\v 29 So Aaron and Moses went and gathered together all of the elders of the Israelites.
\v 30 Aaron told them everything that Yahweh had told Moses, and Moses performed all the miracles as the people watched.
\v 31 The Israelites believed Aaron and Moses. When they heard that Yahweh had seen how the Israelite people were being badly treated and that he was going to help them, they bowed down and worshiped him.
\c 5
\v 1 Then Moses and Aaron went to the king. They said to him, "Yahweh God, whom we Israelite people worship, says this to you: 'Let my people go to the desert in order that they may have a festival to honor me!'"
\v 2 But the king said, "Yahweh is no one important. I do not need to pay attention to what he says, or let the Israelite people go. I do not know this Yahweh! Furthermore, I will not let the Israelite people go!"
\v 3 Moses and Aaron replied, "Yahweh God, the one we Hebrews worship, has revealed himself to us and told us what to tell you. So we ask you to let us go for three days into the wilderness. We must offer sacrifices to Yahweh God there. If we do not do that, he will cause us to die from diseases or from attacks by our enemies."
\v 4 But the king of Egypt said to them, "Moses and Aaron, why are you preventing the Israelite people from working? Tell those slaves to return to work!"
\v 5 The king also said, "Listen to me! You people who now live in this land are more numerous than we Egyptians. Why are you stopping them from working?"
\v 6 That same day the king commanded the Egyptian slave bosses and the Israelite assistants who directed the slaves,
\v 7 "Do not continue to give straw to Israelite people for making bricks. Make them go into the fields and gather straw for themselves.
\v 8 However, still force them to make the same number of bricks that they did before. Do not lower the number at all. They do not want to work. That is the reason they are asking me to let them go into the wilderness to worship their god.
\v 9 Make the men work harder so that they will not have time to listen to lies from their leaders!"
\v 10 So the slave bosses and Israelite assistants went to where the Israelite people were and said to them, "The king has said that he will no longer give you any straw.
\v 11 So you must go and get straw where you can find it. But you must keep working to make the same number of bricks."
\v 12 So the Israelite people went all over Egypt to find straw.
\v 13 The slave bosses kept telling them, "Do all the work you are assigned each day. Make the same number of bricks as you did before when we gave you straw!"
\v 14 When they were not able to make enough bricks, the slave bosses working for Pharaoh beat the Israelite assistants with sticks. They asked them, "Why have all the men you are in charge of not been able to make the same number of bricks today as they did before?"
\v 15 Then the Israelite assistants went to the king and cried out, "Your Majesty, why are you treating us this way?
\v 16 Now they are not giving us any straw for making bricks, but they keep telling us to make more bricks. And they beat us. But it is because of your own slave bosses that we cannot make as many bricks as before!"
\v 17 But the king said, "You are lazy and do not want to work! That is why you keep saying, 'Allow us to go to the desert to worship Yahweh.'
\v 18 So get back to work! We are not going to give you any straw, but you must keep making the same number of bricks!"
\v 19 The Israelite assistants knew that they were having a bad time because they had been told, "We are not going to lower the number of bricks you must make each day."
\v 20 As they left the king's palace, they met Aaron and Moses, who were waiting for them there.
\v 21 They said to Aaron and Moses, "May Yahweh see what you two have done! May he punish you because you have caused the king and his officials to hate us! You have given them a reason to kill us!"
\v 22 Moses left them and prayed to Yahweh again, saying, "O Yahweh, why have you caused all these evil things to happen to your people? And why did you send me here?
\v 23 Ever since I went to the king and told him what you told me to say, he has treated your people very badly, and you have not done anything to help them!"
\c 6
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Now you will see what I will do to the king and his people. I will make him let my people go. In fact, by my power I will force him to chase them from his land!"
\v 2 God also said to Moses, "I am Yahweh.
\v 3 I am the one who appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and told them that I was God Almighty, but I did not tell them that my name was Yahweh.
\v 4 I also made my covenant with them, promising to give them the land of Canaan. That was the land in which they were living as foreigners.
\v 5 Furthermore, I have heard the Israelite people groan because of the hard work that the Egyptians have been making them do as their slaves. I have thought about the covenant that I made.
\v 6 So tell the Israelite people that I said this: 'I am Yahweh. I will free you from the burdens of heavy work that the Egyptians have forced upon you. I will free you from being their slaves. With my great power and by punishing them very harshly, I will save you.
\v 7 I will cause you to become my own people, and I will be your God, the one you worship. You will truly know that I am Yahweh God, the one who has freed you from the burdens of work as slaves of the Egyptians.
\v 8 I will bring you to the land that I swore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. You will live in it forever. I, Yahweh, am promising this.'"
\v 9 Moses told that to the Israelite people, but they did not believe what he said. They were very sad because of the hard work they were made to do as slaves.
\v 10 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 11 "Go and tell the king of Egypt again that he must allow the Israelite people to leave his land!"
\v 12 But Moses said to Yahweh, "Please listen to me. Even the Israelite people have not paid attention to what I told them. I am a poor speaker. So why should the king pay attention to what I tell him?"
\v 13 But Yahweh spoke to Aaron and Moses, "Tell the Israelite people and the king of Egypt that I have called you two to lead the Israelite people out of Egypt."
\v 14 Now here is a list of the ancestors of Moses and Aaron.
\p The sons of Reuben, who was Jacob's oldest son, were: Hanok, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. They were ancestors of the clans that have those same names.
\v 15 The sons of Simeon were: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul. Shaul's mother was a woman from the land of Canaan. They also were ancestors of clans that have those same names.
\v 16 These are the names of the sons of Levi, in the order in which they were born: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. Levi was 137 years old when he died.
\v 17 The sons of Gershon were Libni and Shimei. They were ancestors of clans that have those names.
\v 18 The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. Kohath was 133 years old when he died.
\v 19 The sons of Merari were Mahli and Mushi. All these were the ancestors of the clans that descended from Levi, in the order in which his sons were born.
\v 20 Amram married his father's sister, Jochebed. She was the mother of Aaron and Moses. Amram was 137 years old when he died.
\v 21 The sons of Izhar were Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri.
\v 22 The sons of Uzziel were Mishael, Elzaphan, and Sithri.
\v 23 Aaron married Elisheba. She was the daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon. Elisheba gave birth to four sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
\v 24 The sons of Korah were Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph. They were the ancestors of the Korahite people.
\v 25 Aaron's son Eleazar married one of the daughters of Putiel, and she gave birth to Phinehas. That ends the list of the families and clans that were descended from Levi.
\v 26 Aaron and Moses were the ones to whom Yahweh said, "Lead all the tribes of the Israelite people out of Egypt."
\v 27 They were the ones who spoke to the king of Egypt in order to bring the Israelite people out of Egypt.
\v 28 On the day that Yahweh spoke to Moses in Egypt,
\v 29 he said, "I am Yahweh. You must tell the king everything that I say to you."
\v 30 But Moses said to Yahweh, "Please listen to me. I am not a good speaker. So why should the king listen to what I tell him?"
\c 7
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Listen to me. I will cause the king to see you as a god, and Aaron will be like a prophet because he will speak for you.
\v 2 You must tell everything I command you to your older brother Aaron, and he will tell it all to the king. He must tell the king to let the Israelite people leave his land.
\v 3 But I will make the king stubborn. Because of this, even though I will do many kinds of miracles here in Egypt,
\v 4 the king will not believe what you say. Then I will punish the people of Egypt very severely, and I will lead the tribes of my Israelite people out of Egypt.
\v 5 Then, when I show my great power to the Egyptian people and bring the Israelite people out from among them, they will know that I am Yahweh, the all-powerful God."
\v 6 Aaron and Moses did everything that Yahweh told them to do.
\v 7 At that time, Moses was 80 years old, and Aaron was 83 years old.
\v 8 Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron,
\v 9 "If the king says to you, 'Show me that God sent you by performing a miracle,' then say to Aaron, 'Throw your staff down in front of the king in order that it may become a snake.'"
\v 10 So Aaron and Moses went to the king and did what Yahweh told them to do. Aaron threw his staff down in front of the king and his officials, and it became a snake.
\v 11 Then the king called his sorcerers and men who did magic. They did the same thing, using their magic.
\v 12 They all threw down their staffs, and the staffs became snakes. But Aaron's staff, which had become a snake, swallowed up all their snakes!
\v 13 But the king continued to be stubborn, just as Yahweh had said he would, and he would not believe what Aaron and Moses said.
\v 14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "The king is very stubborn. He refuses to allow my people to go.
\v 15 So tomorrow morning, go to him as he is going down to the Nile River to bathe. Wait for him on the riverbank. When he comes out of the water, show him the staff, the one that had become a snake.
\v 16 Say to him, 'Yahweh God, the one we Hebrews worship, sent me to you to tell you to let my people go in order that they may worship him in the desert. We told you that, but you have not listened to us.
\v 17 So now Yahweh says this: "This is the way you will know that I am Yahweh, the all-powerful God. I am going to strike the water that is in the Nile River with the staff that is in my hand. When I do that, the water will become blood.
\v 18 Then the fish in the Nile River will die, and the water in the river will smell bad. The Egyptians will not be able to drink water from the river."'"
\v 19 Yahweh said to Moses, "When you are talking to the king, say to Aaron, 'Hold your staff out as though you were holding it over all the water in Egypt—over the rivers, the canals, the ponds, and over the pools of water, in order that all of it may become blood.' When Aaron does that, there will be blood throughout Egypt, even in wooden jars and in stone jars."
\v 20 So Aaron and Moses did what Yahweh told them to do. As the king and his officials were watching, Aaron lifted up his staff and then struck the water in the Nile River with it. All the water in the river turned to blood.
\v 21 Then all the fish died. The water smelled bad, with the result that the Egyptians could not drink water from the river. Everywhere in Egypt the water became red like blood.
\v 22 But the Egyptian men who did magic did the same thing using their magic. So the king remained stubborn, and he would not listen to what Aaron and Moses said, just as Yahweh said would happen.
\v 23 Then the king turned and went back to his palace, and he did not think any more about it.
\v 24 All the Egyptians dug into the ground near the Nile River to get water to drink because they could not drink the water from the river.
\v 25 Then one week passed after Yahweh turned the water in the Nile River into blood.
\c 8
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go back to the king and tell him, 'Yahweh says that you must let my people go in order that they can worship me in the desert.
\v 2 But if you do not let them go, I will punish you by sending frogs to cover your country.
\v 3 Not only will the Nile River be full of frogs, but also the frogs will come up out of the river into your house. They will come into your bedroom and onto your bed. They will be in the houses of your leaders and all the rest of your people. They will even get into your ovens and your pans for mixing the materials for baking bread.
\v 4 The frogs will jump up on you, your officials, and on all the rest of your people.'"
\v 5 Yahweh also said to Moses, "Say this to Aaron: 'Hold your staff in your hand and stretch it out as though you were stretching it over the river, the canals, and the pools, and cause frogs to come up from all this water and to cover the land of Egypt.'"
\v 6 After Moses told that to him, Aaron stretched out his hand as though he were stretching it over all the water in Egypt. Then the frogs came up from the water and covered Egypt.
\v 7 But the men who did magic did the same thing, and they caused more frogs to come up from the water onto the land.
\v 8 Then the king called Moses and said, "Ask Yahweh to take away these frogs from me and my people. After that happens, I will allow your people to go to worship Yahweh."
\v 9 Moses said to the king, "I will be glad to pray for you, for your officials, and for the rest of your people. I will ask Yahweh to get rid of the frogs from all your houses. The only frogs left will be those in the Nile River. Just tell me when I should pray."
\v 10 The king replied, "Tomorrow." So Moses said, "I will do what you say, and then you will know that Yahweh God, the one we worship, is the only true god, and that there is no other god like him.
\v 11 The frogs will leave you, your officials, and all the rest of your people. The only ones left will be in the Nile River."
\v 12 Then Moses and Aaron left the king. Moses prayed to Yahweh, asking him to take away all the frogs he had brought to the king's land.
\v 13 Yahweh did just what Moses asked him to do. As a result, all the frogs in the houses, in their courtyards, and in their fields died.
\v 14 The people gathered together all the dead frogs into big piles, and the land smelled very bad.
\v 15 But when the king saw that the problem was ended, he became stubborn again. Just as Yahweh had said would happen, the king did not do what Aaron and Moses told him.
\v 16 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Tell Aaron to strike the ground with his staff. When he does that, all the fine particles of earth will become gnats all over the land of Egypt."
\v 17 Moses and Aaron obeyed Yahweh. Aaron struck the ground with his staff, and all over Egypt the fine particles of earth became gnats. The gnats covered the people and all their animals.
\v 18 The men who worked magic tried to cause gnats to appear, but they could not do it. So the gnats stayed on the people and on their animals.
\v 19 The men who worked magic said to the king, "It is God who has done this with his power!" But the king continued to be stubborn, and he would not pay attention to what Aaron and Moses said, just as Yahweh had said.
\v 20 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Get up early tomorrow morning. Go down to the river and wait for the king. When he comes to bathe, say to him, 'This is what Yahweh says to you: "Let my people go, in order that they may worship me in the desert.
\v 21 I warn you that if you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies to you. They will come on you, on your officials, and on the rest of your people. The houses of all you Egyptians will be full of flies. They will even cover the ground on which you will be standing.
\v 22 But when that happens, I will treat the region of Goshen differently, because my people live there. There will be no swarms of flies there. In that way, you will know that I, Yahweh, am doing these things here in this land.
\v 23 I will show you how I act toward my people and how I act toward your people. This miracle is going to happen tomorrow!"'"
\v 24 Early the next morning, Moses told that to the king, but the king would not listen. So Yahweh did what he said he would do. He sent great swarms of flies into the palace of the king and into the houses of his officials. The whole country of Egypt was ruined by the flies.
\v 25 Then the king called Aaron and Moses and said, "You Israelite people can go and worship your god, but you must do it here in this land."
\v 26 But Moses replied, "It would not be right for us to do that because we will offer sacrifices that are very offensive to the Egyptian people. If we offer sacrifices that the Egyptian people do not like, they will kill us by throwing stones at us!
\v 27 We need to travel for three days into the wilderness. There we will offer sacrifices to Yahweh, the God we worship, just as he commands us."
\v 28 So the king said, "I will let your people go to offer sacrifices to Yahweh, your god, in the desert. But you must not go very far. Now pray for me!"
\v 29 Moses said, "Listen to me! After I leave you, I will pray to Yahweh, asking that tomorrow he will cause the swarms of flies to leave you, your officials, and the rest of your people. But do not lie to us again by refusing to let our people go to offer sacrifices to Yahweh!"
\v 30 Then Moses left the king and prayed to Yahweh.
\v 31 Yahweh did what Moses asked. He got rid of the swarms of flies from around the king, his officials, and the rest of his people. No flies remained.
\v 32 But the king was stubborn this time also, and he did not allow the Israelite people to go.
\c 9
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go to the king and say to him, 'This is what Yahweh, the one we Hebrews worship, says: "Allow my people to go, in order that they may worship me.
\v 2 If you still refuse to let them go,
\v 3 I warn you that I will punish you with my power by sending a terrible disease on all your livestock to make them sick and die—on your horses, on your donkeys, on your camels, on your cattle, and on your flocks of sheep and goats.
\v 4 But I, Yahweh, will not treat the livestock that belongs to the Israelite people the same as yours. You will see that none of the livestock that belongs to the Israelite people will die."
\v 5 Tell Pharaoh that I will do this thing in the land tomorrow."'"
\v 6 The next day Yahweh did what he said that he would do. A terrible disease came upon all of the Egyptians' livestock, and all of the livestock died. But none of the Israelite livestock died.
\v 7 The king sent men to look at what happened, and they were surprised to see that none of the Israelite animals had died. But after they told that to the king, he continued to be stubborn, and he did not let the Israelite people go.
\v 8 Then Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses, "Take a few handfuls of ashes from a furnace. Moses will throw them up into the air in front of the king.
\v 9 The ashes will spread all over the country of Egypt like fine dust. Everywhere in the land, the ashes will cause boils to be upon both the Egyptian people and their animals."
\v 10 So they got some ashes and went and stood in front of the king. Moses threw the ashes up into the air. The ashes spread all over, causing boils to be upon both the Egyptian people and their animals. All the boils became open sores.
\v 11 Even the men who worked magic had boils. Because of this, they were not able to face Moses because the men who worked magic had boils just like all the rest of the Egyptian people.
\v 12 But Yahweh caused the king to continue to be stubborn. He did not pay any attention to what Moses and Aaron said, just as Yahweh had told Moses would happen.
\v 13 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Get up early tomorrow morning. Go and stand in front of the king and tell him that Yahweh God, the one whom the Hebrew people worship, says this: 'Let my people go in order that they may worship me in the wilderness.
\v 14 If you do not let them go, this time I will punish with disasters, not only your officials and the rest of your people, but also you yourself in order that you might know there is no god like me anywhere in the world.
\v 15 By this time I could have used my power to strike you and your people with terrible diseases that would have killed you all.
\v 16 But I have let you live. The reason I have let you live is to show you my power so that people all over the earth will know how great I am.
\v 17 You are still acting proudly and refusing to let my people go.
\v 18 So listen to this: About this time tomorrow I will cause large balls of ice to fall in Egypt. From the time Egypt first became a nation, there has never been an ice storm as bad as this one will be.
\v 19 So you should send a message to all people to put under shelter their cattle and everything else that they own that is out in the fields. The ice will fall on every person and every animal that is out in the fields and that is not brought under a shelter, and they will all die.'" So Moses did what Yahweh said.
\v 20 Some of the king's officials who heard what Yahweh had said became very afraid. So they brought all their animals and their slaves under shelters.
\v 21 But those who did not listen to what Yahweh had said left their slaves and their animals in the fields.
\v 22 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Raise your hand up toward the sky, in order that balls of ice may fall all over the land of Egypt—on the people, on their animals, and on all the plants in the fields."
\v 23 So Moses lifted his staff up toward the sky. And Yahweh sent down balls of ice all over the land of Egypt. There was also thunder and lightning.
\v 24 While large balls of ice were falling, there was thunder, and lightning struck the ground. There had never been an ice storm like that since Egypt first became a country.
\v 25 The ice struck everything that was in the fields all over Egypt—every person and every animal. The ice destroyed the plants in the fields and stripped the leaves off the trees.
\v 26 Only in the region of Goshen, where the Israelite people were living, was there no ice.
\v 27 Then the king sent someone to summon Aaron and Moses. He said to them, "This time I admit that I have sinned. What Yahweh has done is right, and what I and my people have done is wrong.
\v 28 Pray to Yahweh! We cannot take any more of this thunder and ice! I will let your people go; they do not have to stay in Egypt any longer."
\v 29 Moses replied, "As soon as I go out of this city, I will lift up my hands and pray to Yahweh. Then the thunder will cease, and no more ice will fall. This will happen in order that you will know that Yahweh, not your gods, controls everything that happens on the earth.
\v 30 But as for you and your officials, I know that you do not yet fear Yahweh God."
\v 31 When the ice fell, the flax was ruined because the blossoms were forming, and the barley was ruined because its grain was ripe.
\v 32 But none of the wheat was ruined, because its shoots were still very small.
\v 33 So Moses left the king and went outside the city. He lifted up his hands toward Yahweh and prayed. Then the thunder and the ice storm stopped, and the rain also stopped falling on the land of Egypt.
\v 34 But when the king saw that the rain, the ice storm, and the thunder had stopped, he sinned again. He and his officials continued to be stubborn.
\v 35 So, just as Yahweh had predicted by what he told Moses, the king did not allow the Israelite people to leave.
\c 10
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go to the king again. I have made him and his officials stubborn. I have done so in order that I may have a good reason to do all these miracles among them.
\v 2 I have also done so in order that you would be able to tell your children and your grandchildren how I caused the Egyptians to act very foolishly when I performed all these miracles. Then all of you will know that I am Yahweh God."
\v 3 So Aaron and Moses went to the king and said to him, "Yahweh God, the one whom we Hebrews worship, says this, 'How long will you stubbornly refuse to do what I tell you? Let my people go in order that they may worship me in the wilderness!
\v 4 If you do not let them go, I warn you that tomorrow I will bring locusts into your country.
\v 5 They will cover the ground so that you will not even be able to see it. They will eat everything that the ice storm did not destroy. They will eat everything that is left on the trees that is still growing.
\v 6 They will fill your houses and the houses of all your officials and of all the rest of the Egyptians. There will be more locusts than you or your parents or your grandparents have ever seen from the time your ancestors first came to this land until now!'" Then Moses, along with Aaron, turned and left the king.
\v 7 The king's officials said to him, "How long is this man going to bring bad things upon us? Let the Israelites go in order that they may worship Yahweh, their god. Do you not yet understand that this man has ruined Egypt?"
\v 8 So they brought Aaron and Moses back to the king. He said to them, "All right, you can go and worship Yahweh, your god. But who are the ones who will go?"
\v 9 Moses replied, "We all need to go, everyone, including those who are young and those who are old. We need to take our sons, our daughters, and our flocks of sheep, goats, and herds of livestock because we must have a festival to honor Yahweh."
\v 10 So the king replied, "I never want Yahweh to help you, and I myself will never let you take your children and your wives with you! It is clear that you are planning not to return.
\v 11 So, no, I will not let you all go. The Israelite men may go and worship Yahweh if that is what you want." Then the king drove Moses and Aaron from his palace.
\v 12 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Reach out your hand as though you were stretching it over the land to welcome the locusts. They will come to the country of Egypt and eat every plant that is left in the land, every plant that the ice storm did not destroy."
\v 13 So Moses held out his staff as though he were stretching it over the whole land of Egypt. Then Yahweh caused a strong wind to blow from the east, and it blew over the land all that day and all that night. By the next morning, it had brought the locusts.
\v 14 The locusts swarmed all over Egypt. The swarm of locusts was larger than any that had ever been seen in Egypt, and there will never be a swarm of locusts like that again in the land.
\v 15 They covered the surface of the ground and made it appear black. They ate all the plants in the land and everything on the trees that had not been destroyed by the ice storm. Nothing that was green was left on any plant or on any tree anywhere in Egypt.
\v 16 The king quickly called Aaron and Moses and said, "I have sinned against Yahweh, your god, and against you two.
\v 17 So now I ask you to forgive me this one time for having sinned. Please pray to Yahweh, your god, to take away this terrible disaster that will cause us all to die."
\v 18 So Moses and Aaron left the king, and Moses prayed to Yahweh.
\v 19 Then Yahweh changed the wind so that it blew strongly from the west, and it blew all the locusts into the Sea of Reeds. There was not one locust left anywhere in the country of Egypt.
\v 20 But Yahweh made the king stubborn again, and the king did not let the Israelite people go.
\v 21 Yahweh said to Moses, "Reach your hand up toward the sky in order that there may be darkness over all the land of Egypt, a darkness so complete that people will have to feel around to know where to walk."
\v 22 So Moses reached his hand toward the sky, and it became very dark all over Egypt for three days and nights.
\v 23 People could not see each other. No one left his house during that whole time. But there was light in the area where the Israelite people lived.
\v 24 The king called Moses and said, "All right, you may go and worship Yahweh. Your wives and your children may go with you. But your flocks of sheep and goats and your herds of cattle must remain here."
\v 25 But Moses replied, "No, you must let us take along the sheep and goats in order that we may have some of them to sacrifice and give as burnt offerings to Yahweh, our God.
\v 26 Our livestock must also go with us; we are not going to leave one animal behind. We must take them to worship Yahweh. We will not know which animals to sacrifice until we get to where we are going."
\v 27 But Yahweh made the king continue to be stubborn. The king would not let the Israelite people go.
\v 28 The king said to Moses and Aaron, "Get out of here! Make sure that you never come to see me again! The day you see me again, I will have you killed!"
\v 29 Moses replied, "You are correct! You will never see me again!"
\c 11
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "I will bring one more disaster on the king of Egypt and on all his people. After that, he will let you leave. In fact, he will chase you out of Egypt.
\v 2 So now, speak to all the Israelite people. Tell them to ask all their Egyptian neighbors, both men and women, to give them their silver and gold jewelry."
\v 3 Yahweh made the Egyptians highly respect the Israelite people. In fact, the king's officials and all the rest of the people thought that Moses was a very great man.
\v 4 Then Moses went to the king and said, "This is what Yahweh says: 'About midnight tonight I will go through Egypt,
\v 5 and I will cause all the firstborn sons to die. From the king's oldest son to the oldest son of the slave woman who grinds grain, and the oldest son of everyone else. I will also kill the oldest males of your livestock.
\v 6 When that happens, people all over Egypt will lament loudly. They will lament more loudly than they ever have lamented before and more than they ever will again.
\v 7 But among the Israelite people it will be so quiet that not even a dog will bark! Then you will know for sure that I, Yahweh, am treating the Egyptians differently from the Israelites.'
\v 8 Then all these officials of yours will come and bow down before me and will say, 'Please get out of Egypt, you and all the Israelite people!' After that, we will leave Egypt!" When Moses had said that, he left the king very angrily.
\v 9 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "The king will not listen to what you say. So I will perform more miracles in the land of Egypt."
\v 10 Aaron and Moses did all these miracles in front of the king, but Yahweh made the king stubborn. The king did not let the Israelite people leave his land.
\c 12
\v 1 Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses in Egypt,
\v 2 "From now on, this month will be the first month of the year for you Israelites.
\v 3 Tell all the Israelite people that in each family, the man who heads the family must take a lamb or a young goat for his household.
\v 4 If there are not enough people in his family to eat a whole cooked lamb, then his family and the family that lives next door may share one animal. Decide how many lambs you need according to the number of people in each family and according to how much each person can eat.
\v 5 The lambs or goats that you choose must be males, one year olds, and they must not have any defects.
\v 6 You must take special care of these animals until the fourteenth day of the month. On that day, all the Israelite people must kill the lambs or goats in the evening.
\v 7 Then they must take some of the blood from the lambs or goats, and they must smear it on the two doorposts and on the tops of the doorframes of the houses in which they will eat the meat.
\v 8 They must roast the animals immediately and eat the meat that night. They must eat it with bitter herbs and with bread that is baked without yeast.
\v 9 You must not eat any of the meat raw, and you must not boil the meat. You must roast it whole without cutting off the head or the legs or without removing the internal parts.
\v 10 You must eat all the meat that evening; do not let any of the meat remain to be eaten the next morning. If any of the meat is left the next morning, you must burn it all.
\v 11 When you eat it, you must be dressed ready to travel. You must have your sandals on your feet and your walking staff in your hands. You must eat it hurriedly. It will be a festival called Passover to honor me, Yahweh.
\v 12 On that night I will go through all the land of Egypt, and I will kill all the oldest males in Egypt, both humans and animals. By doing this, I will punish all the gods in Egypt. It is I, Yahweh God, who am speaking to you!
\v 13 The blood that you smear on the doorways will be a mark to show me the houses in which you Israelites live. When I see the blood, I will pass over those houses, and I will not harm the people who live there when I come to punish the Egyptians.
\v 14 Each year, you must celebrate this festival on this day to remember what I, Yahweh, have done for you. In all the generations to come, each year you must celebrate this festival. It must continue forever.
\v 15 For seven days you must eat bread that has no yeast in it. On the first day of that week, you must get rid of all the yeast that is in your houses. During those seven days, if anyone eats bread that is baked with yeast in it, you must drive that person out from your people.
\v 16 On the first day of that week, you must have a holy meeting. You must do the same thing on the seventh day. People must not work on those two days. The only work they may do is to prepare food for you to eat.
\v 17 Every year you must keep celebrating this Festival of Unleavened Bread because it will remind you that it was on this day that I brought your tribes out of the land of Egypt. So every year, in all the generations to come, you must celebrate this day as a festival. It must continue forever.
\v 18 In the first month of the year, on the fourteenth day of that month, the only bread you may eat is bread that has no yeast in it. You must keep doing that each day until the twenty-first day of that month.
\v 19 For those seven days you must not have any yeast in your house. During that time, if anyone, either an Israelite or a foreigner, eats bread made with yeast, that person will no longer be an Israelite.
\v 20 In your houses, do not eat anything that has yeast in it during those seven days."
\v 21 Then Moses summoned all the leaders of the Israelite people. He said to them, "Each family should select a lamb and kill it, in order that you may eat it to celebrate the festival that will be called 'Passover.'
\v 22 Let the lamb's blood drain into a bowl. Get a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood. Then wipe some of the blood on the top of the doorframe and on the doorposts of your houses. The people in each house must stay inside the house until the next morning.
\v 23 When Yahweh goes through Egypt to kill the oldest male in each Egyptian family, he will see the blood on your doorframes, and he will pass over those houses. He will not allow the angel who causes people to die to enter your houses and kill your oldest sons.
\v 24 You and your descendants must celebrate this ritual forever.
\v 25 When you arrive in the land that Yahweh will give to you as he promised, you must keep celebrating this ritual every year.
\v 26 When your children ask you, 'What does this ritual mean?'
\v 27 you must tell them, 'This ritual is to remember how your ancestors sacrificed lambs on the night that Yahweh's angel passed over the houses of the Israelite people when they were in Egypt. He killed the oldest males in all the Egyptian houses, but he did not kill the sons in our houses." After Moses told them this, the people all bowed their heads and worshiped Yahweh.
\v 28 Then the Israelite people did exactly what Yahweh told Aaron and Moses to tell them to do.
\v 29 At midnight Yahweh killed all the oldest sons of the Egyptian people, all over Egypt. This included the king's oldest son, the oldest sons of the prisoners in the dungeons, and the oldest sons of everyone else. He also killed the oldest males of all the Egyptians' livestock.
\v 30 That night the king, all his officials, and all the rest of the Egyptian people awoke and discovered what had happened. They wailed loudly all over Egypt because in every house someone's son had died.
\v 31 That night the king called Aaron and Moses and said, "Get up, you and all the other Israelite people, and leave my country now! Go and worship Yahweh, as you requested!
\v 32 Take your flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle, and leave! And ask Yahweh to bless me, also!"
\v 33 The Egyptians asked the Israelite people to leave their country quickly. They said, "If you do not do that, we will all die!"
\v 34 So the Israelite people prepared to leave at once. They took the bowls in which they mixed the dough to make bread and the dough that was in the bowls without any yeast in it, and they wrapped the bowls in their cloaks. They put the bowls on their shoulders and left.
\v 35 Then the Israelite people did as Moses told them. They went to their Egyptian neighbors and asked them for silver and gold jewelry and clothing.
\v 36 Yahweh caused the Egyptian people to greatly respect the Israelite people, so they gave them what they asked for. In that way, the Israelites carried away the wealth of the Egyptian people.
\v 37 The Israelite people walked from the city of Rameses to the town of Succoth. There were about 600,000 men who went, in addition to the women and children.
\v 38 Many other people who were not Israelites went along with them. There was also livestock, including flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle.
\v 39 On their way, they baked bread with the dough that they carried with them when they had been told to leave Egypt. The dough did not have yeast in it because they were told to leave Egypt so quickly that they did not have enough time to get food ready to take with them or enough time to mix yeast in the dough.
\v 40 The Israelite people had lived in Egypt for 430 years.
\v 41 On the day that those 430 years ended, on that very day, all the tribes of Yahweh's people left Egypt.
\v 42 It was a night when the Israelites stayed awake as Yahweh brought them out of Egypt. So this same night every year is a night that is dedicated to Yahweh, a night when the Israelite people in every generation remember how Yahweh kept their ancestors safe.
\v 43 Then Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, "These are my instructions about the Passover ritual: Do not let foreigners eat the Passover meal.
\v 44 But any male slaves that you have bought may eat it after you have circumcised them.
\v 45 Do not let people who are living among you that are not Israelites, or servants whom you pay money to and who stay only for a while, eat the Passover meal.
\v 46 Each family must eat the Passover meal inside its own house. Do not take any of the food outside the house. Do not break the bones of the lamb.
\v 47 All the Israelite people must celebrate this festival.
\v 48 When someone from another country comes to live with you and wants to celebrate the Passover festival, circumcise all the males in his household. Then he can eat the Passover meal, and you should treat that man as though he had been born an Israelite. But do not allow men who have not been circumcised to eat the Passover meal.
\v 49 These rules apply to people who were born as Israelites and to foreigners who come and live among you."
\v 50 All the Israelite people obeyed Moses and Aaron and did what Yahweh had commanded.
\v 51 On that very day, Yahweh brought all the tribes of the Israelite people out of Egypt.
\c 13
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Set apart all the firstborn males in order that they may belong to me. The firstborn males of the Israelite people and of their animals will be mine."
\v 3 Moses said to the people, "Do not forget this day! This is the day that you left Egypt. This is the day you were freed from being their slaves. Yahweh has brought you out of Egypt by his great power. Do not eat any bread that has yeast in it whenever you celebrate this day.
\v 4 You are leaving Egypt on this day which is the first day of the month of Aviv.
\v 5 Later, when Yahweh brings you into the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Hiv, and Jebus now live, the land that he promised to give to you, a land that will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops, you must celebrate this festival in this month every year.
\v 6 For seven days the bread that you eat must not have any yeast in it. On the seventh day there must be a festival to honor Yahweh.
\v 7 Do not eat bread that has yeast in it for seven days. You should not have any yeast or bread made with yeast anywhere in your land.
\v 8 On the day the festival starts, you must tell your children, 'We are doing this to remember what Yahweh did for our ancestors when they left Egypt.'
\v 9 This ritual will remind you how Yahweh brought your ancestors out of Egypt with his great power. The ritual will be like something you tie on your forehead or on your wrist. It will remind you to recite to others what Yahweh has instructed you.
\v 10 So you must celebrate this festival every year at the time Yahweh has appointed.
\v 11 Yahweh will bring you into the land where the descendants of Canaan live, as he promised to you and your ancestors that he would do. When he gives that land to you,
\v 12 you must give to Yahweh the firstborn males of all your animals. These all will belong to Yahweh.
\v 13 You may keep the firstborn male donkeys, but you must buy them back by killing a lamb in the place of the donkey. If you do not want to buy back the donkey, you must kill it by breaking its neck. You must buy back every one of your own firstborn sons.
\v 14 In the future, when one of your children asks, 'What does this mean?' you must say to him, 'Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt with his great power, and freed us from being slaves there.
\v 15 The king of Egypt did not let them leave his land, so Yahweh killed all the firstborn males in Egypt, both the boys and the firstborn of their livestock. That is why we now sacrifice to Yahweh all the firstborn of our livestock, but we buy back our own firstborn sons.'
\v 16 This will remind you about how Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt by his great power; it will be like something you tie on your wrist or on your forehead to remind you of that."
\v 17 When the king of Egypt let the Israelite people go, God did not lead them to go through the land of the Philistines. That was a shorter road, but God said, "It would be bad if my people changed their minds when they realized that they will have to fight the Philistines to take their land. Then they would decide to go back to Egypt."
\v 18 Instead, God led them to go around through the wilderness toward the Sea of Reeds. When the Israelite people left Egypt, they were carrying weapons to fight their enemies.
\v 19 Moses had them take along the bones of Joseph with them because Joseph long ago had made the Israelite people promise that they would do that. He had said to them, "God will rescue your descendants out of Egypt. When that happens, you must carry my bones with you."
\v 20 The Israelite people left Succoth and walked to Etham at the edge of the wilderness, and they set up their tents there.
\v 21 When they walked during the daytime, Yahweh went in front of them in a tall white cloud to show them the way. During the night, he went in front of them in a tall cloud that looked like a fire. By doing this, he enabled them to travel in the daytime and also at nighttime.
\v 22 The tall cloud did not leave them. It was always in front of them, as a bright white cloud in the daytime and like a tall column of fire in the night.
\c 14
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelite people to turn around and go back and set up their tents in front of Pi Hahiroth. That town is between Migdol and the sea, near Baal Zephon. Set up your tents there close to the sea.
\v 3 When the king knows you have done that, he will think, 'The Israelite people are confused. They are wandering around, and the desert blocks their path.'
\v 4 But I will make the king stubborn again, and he will take his army and come after you. Then my people will praise me for winning a victory over the king and his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am Yahweh." So Moses told the Israelites that, and they did what he told them to do.
\v 5 When someone told the king that the Israelite people had left during the night, he and his leaders changed their minds and said, "What have we done? The Israelite people will no longer be our slaves!"
\v 6 So the king got his chariot and his army ready.
\v 7 Then he selected six hundred of the best chariots, and in each chariot he placed a driver, a soldier, and a commander, and they left.
\v 8 Yahweh made the king of Egypt stubborn, so he and his army went to pursue the Israelites. The Israelites marched out with confidence.
\v 9 The Egyptian army, with all the king's horses and chariots and horsemen, went after the Israelites. They caught up with them as they were camped near the sea close to Pi Hahiroth, in front of Baal Zephon.
\v 10 When the king's army got near, the Israelite people were surprised to see that the Egyptians were marching toward them. They were terrified, so they cried out to Yahweh to help them.
\v 11 Then they said to Moses, "Certainly you did not think that there was not enough room in Egypt for us to be buried. So why did you bring us here to die in this wilderness? Look what you have done to us by bringing us out of Egypt!
\v 12 That is what we told you when we were in Egypt. We said, 'Leave us alone, and let us work for the Egyptians.' It would have been better for us to be slaves for the Egyptians than to die here in the desert!"
\v 13 Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid! Stand strong and see how Yahweh will rescue you. He will save you today, and the result will be that the Egyptians that you are looking at today—you will never see them again.
\v 14 Yahweh will fight for you! Just stay calm. There is nothing else that you will have to do."
\v 15 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "You must not call out to me for help any longer in this situation. Instead, tell the people to go forward.
\v 16 Lift up your staff and stretch it out as though you were stretching it over the sea. The water will move away so that the Israelite people can go in the middle of the sea, walking on dry ground between the walls of water on each side.
\v 17 I will make the Egyptians stubborn so that they will try to follow the Israelites. Then because of what I will do to the king, his army, his chariots, and his horsemen, my people will praise me.
\v 18 When I have won a glorious victory over the king, his chariots, and his horsemen, the other Egyptians will know that I am Yahweh, the God who can do anything."
\v 19 Then the angel of God, who had been in front of the Israelite people, moved and went behind them. The tall, bright cloud that had been in front of them also moved behind them
\v 20 until it was between the Egyptian army and the Israelite people. The cloud caused the Egyptian army to be in the darkness, but it gave light for the Israelites. As a result, neither group could come near the other group during the whole night.
\v 21 That evening, Moses stretched out his hand as though he were stretching it over the sea. Then Yahweh sent a strong wind from the east. It blew all night and pushed the water apart, and it caused the land between the water to dry up.
\v 22 Then the Israelite people went on the dry land in the middle of the sea. The water was like a wall on each side of them, on the right side and on the left side.
\v 23 Then the Egyptian army went after them into the middle of the sea with their horses and their chariots and chariot drivers.
\v 24 Just before dawn, Yahweh looked down from the fiery cloud, and then he caused the Egyptian army to panic.
\v 25 He caused the wheels of the chariots to get stuck in the ground so that they could hardly move. So the Egyptians said, "Yahweh is fighting for the Israelites against us; let us get out of here!"
\v 26 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Stretch out your arm as though you were stretching it over the sea. Then the water will come back on the Egyptians, on their chariots, and their horsemen."
\v 27 So Moses stretched out his arm, and, as the sun was rising, the water returned to its normal level. The Egyptians tried to escape, but Yahweh hurled them back into the sea.
\v 28 The water returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and the whole Egyptian army that had tried to follow the Israelites into the sea. Every one of the Egyptians died.
\v 29 But the Israelite people had already crossed through the sea by walking on dry ground, with the water being like two walls, one on the right side and one on the left side.
\v 30 That is the way Yahweh saved the Israelite people from the Egyptian army on that day. The Israelite people saw the Egyptians lying dead. Their bodies washed up on the shore.
\v 31 The Israelites saw what Yahweh did to the Egyptians by his great power, and they were in awe of Yahweh. They trusted in Yahweh, and they also trusted in Moses.
\c 15
\v 1 Then Moses and all the Israelite people sang a song to Yahweh. They sang,
\q1 "I will sing to Yahweh because he has won a great victory;
\q2 He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea!
\v 2 Yahweh is the one who makes me strong, and he is the one I sing about.
\q2 He is the one who has saved me.
\q1 He is my God, and I will praise him.
\q2 He is the one my father worshiped,
\q2 and I will tell others how great he is.
\v 3 Yahweh is a warrior;
\q2 Yahweh is his name.
\v 4 He has thrown the king's chariots and his army into the sea;
\q The king's best officers all drowned in the Sea of Reeds.
\v 5 The water covered them like a flood;
\q2 they sank to the bottom like a stone.
\v 6 O Yahweh, your power is immense;
\q2 with that power, O Yahweh, you have crushed the enemy into pieces.
\v 7 We honor you greatly because you have defeated your enemies.
\q1 Because you were angry with them, you have destroyed them
\q2 like a fire burns up straw.
\v 8 You blew on the sea,
\q2 and the water piled up high;
\q1 the water stood up like two walls.
\q1 In the deepest part of the sea the water became thick,
\q2 as though it were frozen.
\v 9 Our enemies said, 'We will go after them
\q2 and catch up to them.
\q1 We will draw our swords
\q2 and strike them.
\q1 After we defeat them,
\q2 we will divide up everything we take from them.'
\v 10 But you blew on them with your breath,
\q2 and then the sea covered them.
\q1 They sank like lead in the big waves.
\v 11 Yahweh, among their gods, there is no god like you!
\q2 You are glorious, completely different from all that you made.
\q1 There is no one like you!
\q2 Everyone fears and praises you for all the miracles you do!
\v 12 When you stretched out your right hand,
\q2 the earth swallowed up our enemies!
\v 13 You never stop loving us, the people that you have rescued;
\q2 with your power you are leading us to the land where you yourself live.
\v 14 The people of other nations will hear what you have done,
\q2 and they will tremble.
\q1 The people in Philistia will be terrified.
\v 15 The chiefs in Edom will be dismayed.
\q2 The leaders in Moab will be so afraid that they will shake. All those who live in Canaan will faint.
\v 16 They will be terrified and fearful because of your great strength.
\q2 But they will be as silent as stones
\q2 until we, your people, march past them,
\q2 the people you freed from being slaves in Egypt.
\v 17 You will bring us into the promised land of Canaan.
\q1 You will enable us to live on your hill,
\q2 in the place that you, Yahweh, have chosen to be your home,
\q1 in the holy place, our Lord,
\q2 that you yourself will build.
\v 18 O Yahweh, you will rule forever!"
\v 19 When the king's horses and chariots and horsemen tried to go through the sea, Yahweh caused the water to come back and cover them. But the Israelite people walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground.
\v 20 Then Miriam, who was Aaron's older sister and a prophetess, picked up her tambourine, and went out dancing with all the other women who had tambourines.
\v 21 Miriam sang to Yahweh this song:
\q1 "Sing to Yahweh
\q2 because he has triumphed gloriously over his enemies.
\q1 He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea."
\v 22 Then Moses led the Israelite people away from the Sea of Reeds. They went to the wilderness of Shur. They walked for three days, but they could not find any water.
\v 23 So they went on and came to a place named Marah. There was water there, but they could not drink it because it was bitter. That is why they named the place Marah, which is the Hebrew word that means 'bitter.'
\v 24 The people complained to Moses, saying, "What are we going to drink?"
\v 25 So Moses prayed to Yahweh. Then Yahweh showed him a tree. So he took one of the branches and threw it into the water, and the water became good to drink. There at Marah, Yahweh gave them a fixed rule by which to live. He also tested them there to determine if they would obey him.
\v 26 He said, "I am Yahweh, your God. If you will obey me when I speak to you and do those things that are right to me, and listen to all the things that I tell you, I will keep you from all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians. Do not forget that I am Yahweh, the one who heals you."
\v 27 After they left Marah, they came to a place named Elim. There were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees there. So they camped there.
\c 16
\v 1 They left Elim, and all the Israelite people came to the wilderness of Sin between Elim and Sinai Mountain. That was on the fifteenth day of the second month after they left Egypt.
\v 2 There in the wilderness, the Israelite people complained against Aaron and Moses.
\v 3 They said to them, "We wish that Yahweh had killed us in Egypt! There we had meat to eat and all the bread that we wanted. But you have brought us into this desert in order that we will all starve to death!"
\v 4 Yahweh said to Moses, "Listen to what I am going to do. I am going to send something from the sky that will take the place of bread for you. When I do that, the people must go out of their tents every day and gather enough to eat on that day. When I do that, I will find out whether they will obey me or not.
\v 5 On the sixth day after I start doing that, they will be able to gather twice as much as on the other days and not have to gather any on the seventh day. Then they can prepare it to eat it."
\v 6 So Aaron and Moses said to all the Israelite people, "This evening you will know that it was Yahweh, not us, who brought you out of Egypt.
\v 7 Tomorrow morning you will see how great Yahweh is because he has heard how you have complained against him. He is the one to whom you have really complained because we are just his servants."
\v 8 Then Moses also said, "Each evening Yahweh will give you meat to eat, and each morning he will give you something that will take the place of bread because he has heard what you have complained about. Yahweh is the one to whom you have really complained, not us. We are just his servants."
\v 9 Then Moses said to Aaron, "Tell all the Israelite people, 'Come and stand here in the presence of Yahweh because he has heard what you have been complaining about.'"
\v 10 So Aaron told them that. As Aaron was talking to all the Israelite people, they looked toward the desert and were surprised to see the dazzling light of Yahweh in the cloud that had been leading them.
\v 11 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 12 "I have heard what the Israelite people have been complaining about. So say to them, 'At twilight, you will have meat to eat, and tomorrow morning you will have something that will take the place of bread. You will have all you want of it to eat. Then you will know that I am Yahweh, your God.'"
\v 13 That evening quails appeared, and there were so many that they covered the campsite. The next morning there was something like small drops of water all around the campsite.
\v 14 When the water dried up, on the ground there was a thin layer of something that looked like small white flakes. It looked like ice laying on the ground.
\v 15 When the Israelite people saw it, since they had never seen it before and did not know what it was, they said to each other, "What is it?" Moses replied to them, "It is something Yahweh has given you to eat, to take the place of bread.
\v 16 This is what Yahweh has commanded: Each of you should gather as much as you need to eat. Gather two liters for each person who lives in your tents."
\v 17 So that is what the Israelite people did. Some gathered more and some gathered less.
\v 18 But when they measured what they had gathered, those who had gathered a lot did not have anything left over. Those who had gathered less still had enough to eat. Each person gathered just enough.
\v 19 Moses said to them, "Do not leave any of it to eat tomorrow morning!"
\v 20 Some of them did not pay any attention to what Moses said. They kept some of it until the next morning. However, it was full of maggots and smelled rotten. That made Moses angry.
\v 21 Each morning they gathered as much as they needed. Later, when the sun got hot, what was left on the ground melted.
\v 22 On the sixth day after they started gathering it, each person was able to gather four liters, which was twice as much as they gathered on the other days. When the leaders of the people came to Moses and told him about that,
\v 23 Moses said to them, "This is what Yahweh has told you: Tomorrow will be a day for you to rest. It will be a day for Yahweh. So today, bake or boil what you will need for today and for tomorrow. Whatever is left this evening, you should put aside and keep it to eat tomorrow."
\v 24 So they did what Moses told them. What was left over, they kept until the next day. It did not spoil and did not get maggots in it!
\v 25 On that day, Moses said, "Eat today what you have saved from yesterday because today is a day of rest to Yahweh. Today you will not find any of that food outside.
\v 26 Every week, you must gather it for six days; but on the seventh day, which will be a day of rest for you, you will not find any."
\v 27 On the seventh day, some of the people went outside their tents to gather some of that food, but there was none.
\v 28 Then Yahweh told Moses to say this to the people: "Yahweh is angry because for a long time you people have refused to do all the things that he has told you to do!
\v 29 Listen! Yahweh has given you a day of rest. So on the sixth day of each week, he will be giving you enough of this food for two days. Each of you should stay in his tent and do no work on the seventh day!"
\v 30 So the people rested on the seventh day.
\v 31 The Israelite people called this food 'manna,' which sounds like the Hebrew word that means 'what is it?' It looked white, like the color of coriander seeds, and it tasted like thin wafers made with honey.
\v 32 Moses said, "This is what Yahweh has told you: 'You must keep two liters of it for all future generations so that they can see the food that took the place of bread that I gave to your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt.'"
\v 33 And he said to Aaron, "Take a jar, and put two liters of manna in it. Then put it in a place where Yahweh can see it. It is to be kept like that for all future generations."
\v 34 As Yahweh had commanded Moses, Aaron put the jar in front of the box that contained the stone slabs on which the Ten Commandments were written.
\v 35 The Israelite people ate manna every day for forty years until they came to the border of the land of Canaan.
\v 36 Now two liters is a tenth of an ephah.
\c 17
\v 1 Obeying what Yahweh commanded, all the Israelite people moved from the wilderness of Sin. They traveled from one place to another. They camped at a place called Rephidim, but there was no water there for the people to drink.
\v 2 So the people complained to Moses again, saying, "Give us water to drink!" Moses replied to them, "Why are you speaking against me? And why are you trying to test whether Yahweh has the power to give you what you need?"
\v 3 But the people were very thirsty, and they continued to complain to Moses. They were saying, "Why did you bring us up out of Egypt? Did you bring us here to cause us and our children and animals to die from thirst?"
\v 4 So Moses prayed to Yahweh. He said, "How shall I deal with these people? They are almost ready to kill me by throwing stones at me!"
\v 5 Yahweh said to Moses, "Lead the people and walk in front of them. Take some of the elders of the Israelite people with you. Carry in your hand the staff you used to strike the Nile River.
\v 6 Listen to me! I will stand in front of you on top of a large rock at the foot of Mount Sinai. Strike the rock with your stick. When you do that, water for the people to drink will flow out of the rock." Moses did what God had said, and the elders were there with him when the water flowed out of the rock.
\v 7 Moses gave that place two names in the Hebrew language--Masseh, which means 'testing,' and Meribah, which means 'complaining.' He gave it the name Massah because the Israelite people were testing Yahweh, saying "Is Yahweh really among us and able to help us, or not?" and Moses gave it the name Meribah because they were complaining all the time to him.
\v 8 Then the people of Amalek came and fought against the Israelite people at Rephidim.
\v 9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some men to go out and fight against the people of Amalek tomorrow. I will stand on the top of the hill, holding the staff that God told me to carry."
\v 10 So Joshua obeyed Moses. He took some men to fight against the people of Amalek. While they were fighting, Aaron, Hur, and Moses went up to the top of the hill so that they could see the whole battle area.
\v 11 Whenever Moses lifted up his arms, the Israelite men started to win the battle; whenever he lowered his arms, the people of Amalek started to win.
\v 12 But Moses' arms became tired. So Aaron and Hur rolled a large stone for him to sit on. While he was sitting on it, those two held up his arms, one man on either side of him. In that way, they kept his arms lifted up until the sun went down.
\v 13 In this way Joshua and the men with him defeated the people of Amalek in battle.
\v 14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Write an account of this battle and then read it to Joshua. Also write that I will completely destroy the people of Amalek."
\v 15 Then Moses built a stone altar there and named it "Yahweh is my flag."
\v 16 He said, "A promise was made in front of the throne of Yahweh: Yahweh will fight against the people of Amalek forever!"
\c 18
\v 1 Jethro, who was the priest for the people of Midian, and who was also Moses' father-in-law, heard about all that God had done for the Israelite people. He heard about how Yahweh had brought them out of Egypt.
\v 2 Moses had sent his wife Zipporah and his two sons back home when he was returning to Egypt. But now Jethro came to him,
\v 3 bringing Zipporah and her sons. One son was named Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "foreigner" because Moses had said, "I have been a foreigner living in another land."
\v 4 Her other son was named Eliezer, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "God helps me" because Moses had said, "God, whom my father worshiped, has helped me and saved me from being killed by the king of Egypt."
\v 5 While Moses was camped with the Israelite people in the wilderness near Sinai, God's holy mountain, Jethro came to him, bringing along Moses' wife and two sons.
\v 6 Jethro had sent a message to Moses, "I, your father-in-law, Jethro, am coming to see you. I am bringing your wife and her two sons!"
\v 7 So Moses went out of the campsite to meet his father-in-law. He bowed before him and kissed him on the cheek. They both asked each other, "Have you been well?" Then they went into Moses' tent.
\v 8 Moses told Jethro everything that Yahweh had done to the king and all the other people in Egypt in order to help the Israelite people. He also told him about the troubles they had experienced on the way, and about how Yahweh had helped them.
\v 9 Jethro was happy when he heard all that Yahweh had done for the Israelite people.
\v 10 He said, "Praise Yahweh, who has rescued you from the power of the Egyptian army, and out of the power of the king of the Egyptians (who is called Pharaoh), and has set the Israelites free from the control of the Egyptian people!
\v 11 Now I know that Yahweh is greater than all other gods because he rescued you from the power of the proud Egyptians when they were causing you to suffer."
\v 12 Then Jethro brought an animal to sacrifice by burning it on the altar as an offering, and he also offered other sacrifices to God. Aaron and the Israelite elders went with them to eat a meal with Jethro to honor God.
\v 13 The next day, Moses sat down at the place where he settled disputes among the people. The people were bringing their disputes to Moses from the morning until the evening.
\v 14 When Jethro saw everything that Moses was doing for the people, he said, "Why are you doing all this for the people? Why are you doing this by yourself, and why are all the people standing around you from the morning until the evening, asking you to make decisions for them?"
\v 15 Moses replied, "I am doing this because the people keep coming to me to find out what God desires.
\v 16 When they have a dispute about something, they come to me, and they ask me to decide which of them is right. I also tell them all of God's laws and instructions."
\v 17 Jethro said to him, "What you are doing is not good for you or for the people.
\v 18 You and these people will wear yourselves out! This work is too much for you. You are not able to do it by yourself.
\v 19 Now listen to what I will tell you to do. If you do what I suggest, God will help you. You should continue to speak to God and tell him about the people's disputes.
\v 20 You should also teach them what God has commanded and instructed you. You should also explain to them how they should conduct their lives and the things that they should do.
\v 21 In addition, you should choose some other men to help you. Choose men who have respect for God and who will not accept bribes. Appoint some of them to make decisions for groups of ten people, some for groups of fifty people, some for groups of a hundred people, and some for groups of a thousand people.
\v 22 Allow them to serve to settle disputes for the people. The difficult matters they can bring to you, but the matters that are not difficult, they can decide themselves. That will make the work easier for you as they help you do that work.
\v 23 If you do that, and if God agrees, you will be able to endure the stress, and all the people will be able to go home peacefully with their disputes settled quickly."
\v 24 Moses listened to his father-in-law and did all that Jethro told him.
\v 25 Then Moses chose capable men from among the Israelite people and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
\v 26 Moses chose them to decide about the people's disputes. They brought the difficult cases to Moses, but they decided the matters that were not difficult by themselves.
\v 27 Then Moses said goodbye to his father-in-law, and Jethro returned home.
\c 19
\v 1 In the third month after leaving Egypt, they came to the wilderness of Sinai.
\v 2 After they left Rephidim, they came to the wilderness of Sinai, and they set up their tents at the base of the mountain.
\v 3 Moses climbed up the mountain to talk with God. Yahweh called to him from the top of the mountain and said, "This is what I want you to say to the Israelite people, the descendants of Jacob,
\v 4 'You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You have seen what I did for you and how I brought you as if you had been on eagles' wings here to me.
\v 5 So now, if you do what I tell you and obey all that I command you, you will be my own people. You will be my special possession from among all of the people, for all the earth is mine.
\v 6 You will be people over whom I will rule, and you will be a kingdom where everyone will worship me like priests, and you will be a nation only for me.' That is what you must tell the Israelite people."
\v 7 So Moses went down the mountain and called the elders of the people. He told them everything that Yahweh had told him to tell them.
\v 8 The people all said, "We will do everything that Yahweh has told us to do." Then Moses climbed back up the mountain and reported to Yahweh what the people had said.
\v 9 Then Yahweh said to Moses "Listen carefully. I will come to you from inside a thick cloud. When I am speaking to you, the people will hear it, and they will always believe that you are their leader." Then Moses told Yahweh what the people said.
\v 10 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go back down to the people again. Tell them to get ready for my coming. They must purify themselves today and tomorrow, and wash their clothes, too.
\v 11 They must do that to be ready on the third day. On that day I will come down to Mount Sinai to where all the people can see me.
\v 12 You must make a boundary around the base of the mountain, and tell them, 'Be sure that you do not climb the mountain or even go near it. Anyone who even touches the base of the mountain must be killed.'
\v 13 Do not let anyone touch any person or any animal that touches the mountain. You must kill any person or animal that touches the mountain by throwing stones at it or shooting it with arrows. But when you hear a long, loud trumpet sound, the people can come close to the base of the mountain."
\v 14 So Moses went down the mountain again and told the people to purify themselves and to get ready for Yahweh's coming. They did what Moses told them to do, and they also washed their clothes.
\v 15 Then Moses said to the people, "Be ready on the third day, and you men must not sleep with your wives until after then."
\v 16 On the third day, during the morning, there was thunder and lightning and a very dark cloud on the mountain. A trumpet sounded very loudly, and the people in the camp shook because they were very afraid.
\v 17 Then Moses led the people outside the camp to meet with God. They stood around the base of the mountain.
\v 18 Then Yahweh descended on Mount Sinai so that the entire mountain was covered in smoke and surrounded by fire. The smoke rose up like the smoke from the chimney of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently.
\v 19 As the sound of the trumpet continued to become louder, Moses spoke to Yahweh, and Yahweh answered him in a loud voice that sounded like thunder.
\v 20 Then Yahweh came down again onto the top of Mount Sinai, and he summoned Moses to come up to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up.
\v 21 Yahweh said to Moses, "Go down again and warn the people not to cross the boundary in order to look at me. If they do that, many of them will die.
\v 22 Also, the priests who come near me must purify themselves, because I am coming to them. If they do not do that, I will punish them."
\v 23 Then Moses said to Yahweh, "The people will not climb the mountain because you commanded them, saying, 'Set a boundary around the mountain, to set it apart.'"
\v 24 Yahweh said to Moses, "Go down the mountain and bring Aaron back up with you. But do not allow the priests or other people to cross the boundary to come up to me. If they cross it, I will punish them."
\v 25 So Moses went down the mountain again and told the people what Yahweh had said.
\c 20
\v 1 Then God spoke these words to the Israelite people.
\v 2 "I am Yahweh your God, the one you worship. I am the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt. I am the one who freed you from being slaves there.
\v 3 You must worship only me; you must not worship any other god.
\v 4 You must not carve a figure to worship that represents anything in the sky or that is on the ground or that is in the water under the ground.
\v 5 You must not bow down to any idol and worship it because I am Yahweh your God, and I will not allow you to worship any other gods. I will punish those who sin and hate me. I will punish not only them, but also I will punish their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.
\v 6 However, I will never stop loving thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my commandments.
\v 7 Do not use my name carelessly because I am Yahweh your God, the one whom you should worship, and I will certainly punish those who use my name for wrong purposes.
\v 8 Do not forget that the seventh day of every week belongs to me, so keep those days only for me.
\v 9 There are six days each week for you to do all your work,
\v 10 but the seventh day is a day of rest, a day dedicated to me, Yahweh your God, the one whom you should worship. On that day you must not do any work. You and your sons and daughters and your male and female slaves must not work. You must not even force your livestock to work, and you must not allow foreigners to work, those strangers who are living in your country.
\v 11 I, Yahweh, created the sky, the earth, the ocean, and everything that is in them in six days. Then I stopped my work of creating everything and rested on the seventh day. That is the reason that I, Yahweh, have blessed the rest day and set it apart to be a sacred day.
\v 12 Honor your father and your mother, in order that you may live a long time in the land that I, Yahweh your God, will give you.
\v 13 Do not murder anyone.
\v 14 Do not commit adultery with anyone.
\v 15 Do not steal anything.
\v 16 Do not falsely accuse anyone of committing a crime.
\v 17 Do not covet someone else's house, someone else's wife, someone else's male or female slave, someone else's livestock, someone else's donkeys, or anything else that another person owns."
\v 18 When the people heard the thunder and saw the lightning, and when they heard the sound of the trumpet and saw the smoke on the mountain, they were afraid and trembled. They stood at a distance
\v 19 and said to Moses, "If you speak to us, we will listen. But do not let God speak anymore to us. We are afraid that if he speaks anymore to us, we will die."
\v 20 Moses replied to the people, "Do not be afraid! God has come to determine how you will behave. He wants you to honor him and to not sin."
\v 21 Then, as the people watched from a distance, Moses went close to the black cloud where God was.
\v 22 Yahweh said to Moses, "Say this to the Israelite people, 'You have heard how I, Yahweh, have spoken to you from heaven.
\v 23 I told you that you must not make any idols of silver or gold that you will worship instead of me.
\v 24 Make for me an altar from earth. Sacrifice on it your burnt offerings, your offerings to promise friendship with me, and also your sheep and oxen. Worship me in any place that I choose for you to honor me; if you do that, I will come to you and bless you.
\v 25 If you make for me an altar from stones, do not make it from stones that you have cut to make them look nice because you will make the altar unsuitable for worshiping me if you use tools to cut the stones.
\v 26 Do not make an altar that has steps in front of it because if you do that, God could see your naked body as you go up the steps.'"
\c 21
\v 1 "Here are some other instructions to give to the Israelite people.
\v 2 When you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve you for only six years. In the seventh year you must free him from being your slave, and he does not have to pay you anything for setting him free.
\v 3 If he was not married before he became your slave, and if he marries someone while he is your slave, his wife is not to be set free with him. But if he was married before he became your slave, you must free both him and his wife.
\v 4 If the master of a slave gives him a wife, and she gives birth to sons or daughters while her husband is a slave, only the man is to be freed. His wife and children will continue to be slaves of their master.
\v 5 But when it is time for the slave to be set free, if the slave says, 'I love my master and my wife and my children, and I do not want to be set free,'
\v 6 then his master must take him to the place where they worship God. There he must make the slave stand against the door or the doorpost. Then the master will use an awl to make a hole in the slave's ear and fasten something to the slave's ear to show that he will own that slave for the rest of his life.
\v 7 If a man sells his daughter to become a slave, she should not be set free after six years as the male slaves are.
\v 8 If the man who bought her wanted her to be his concubine, but if later he is not pleased with her, he must sell her back to her father. He must not sell her to a foreigner because that would be breaking the contract he made with the girl's father.
\v 9 If the man who buys her wants her to be a wife for his son, he must then treat her as though she were his own daughter.
\v 10 If the master takes another slave girl to be another woman for himself, he must continue to give the first slave concubine the same amount of food and clothing that he gave to her before, and he must continue to sleep with her as before.
\v 11 If he does not do these three things for her, he must free her from being a slave, and she is not required to pay anything for being set free.
\v 12 If someone hits a man in order to kill him and the man dies, then that person should also be put to death.
\v 13 But if the one who hit the other did not mean to kill that person, the one who hit him can go to a place that I will choose for you, and he will be safe there.
\v 14 But if someone gets angry with another person and kills him on purpose, even if the murderer runs to the altar, you must kill him.
\v 15 Anyone who strikes his father or mother must be killed.
\v 16 Anyone who kidnaps another person, either in order to sell that person or to keep him as a slave, must be killed.
\v 17 Anyone who curses or insults his father or his mother must be killed.
\v 18 Suppose two people fight, and one hits the other with a stone or his fist. Suppose the person he strikes does not die but is injured and has to stay in bed for a while,
\v 19 but later he is able to walk outside using a cane. Then they must not punish the person who hit him, except that they must make him pay the injured person the money he could not earn while he was recovering as well as the costs for healing.
\v 20 If someone hits his male or female slave with a stick, and if the slave dies, then the one who struck him must be punished.
\v 21 But if the slave lives for a day or two after he is hit and then dies, you must not punish the one who hit him. Not having that slave to be able to work for him any longer is enough punishment.
\v 22 If two people are fighting and they hurt a pregnant woman so that she has a miscarriage but the woman is not harmed in any other way, the one who hurt her must pay a fine. He must pay whatever the woman's husband asks after a judge approves of the fine.
\v 23 But if the woman is hurt in another way, the one who hurt her must be caused to suffer in the same way that he caused her to suffer. If she dies, he must be killed.
\v 24 If her eye is hurt, or if he knocks out her teeth, or her hand or foot is hurt,
\v 25 or if she is burned or bruised, the one who hurt her must be hurt in the same way.
\v 26 If the owner of a slave strikes the eye of his male or female slave and that eye becomes blind, he must free that slave because of what he did to the slave's eye.
\v 27 If someone knocks out one of his slave's teeth, he must free the slave because of what he did to the slave's tooth.
\v 28 If a bull gores a man or woman with the result that the person dies, you must kill the bull by throwing stones at it, but do not eat it. The owner of the bull is not guilty.
\v 29 But if the bull had attacked people several times before and its owner had been warned, but he did not keep the bull inside a fence, and it gores a man or woman to death, then you must kill the bull by throwing stones at it, and you must also kill its owner.
\v 30 However, if the owner of the bull can pay a fine to save his own life, he must pay the full amount that the judges say that he must pay.
\v 31 If someone's bull attacks and gores another person's son or daughter, you must treat the bull's owner according to that same rule.
\v 32 If a bull attacks and gores a male or female slave, its owner must pay to the slave's owner thirty pieces of silver, and you must kill the bull by throwing stones at it.
\v 33 Suppose someone has a pit and does not keep it covered, and someone's bull or donkey falls into it and dies.
\v 34 Then the owner of the pit must pay for the animal that died. He must give the money to the animal's owner, but then he can take away the animal that died and do whatever he wants to with it.
\v 35 If someone's bull hurts another person's bull so that it dies, the owners of both bulls must sell the bull that is living, and they must divide between them the money that they get for it. They must also divide between them the meat of the animal that died.
\v 36 However, if people know that the bull often attacked other animals before, and its owner did not keep it inside a fence, then the owner of that bull must give the owner of the bull that died one of his own bulls, but he can take away the animal that died and do whatever he wants to with it."
\c 22
\v 1 "If someone steals a bull or a sheep and then kills it or sells it, he must pay five bulls for the bull that he stole, and he must pay four sheep for the sheep that he stole.
\v 2 If a thief is caught while he is breaking into someone's house at night, if the one who catches him kills the thief, he is not guilty of killing him.
\v 3 But if that happens during the daytime, the one who killed the thief is guilty of murdering him.
A thief must pay for what he stole. If he has no animal with which to pay for the one that he stole, he must be sold to become someone else's slave, and the money from his sale must be used to pay for what he stole.
\v 4 If a thief still has the animal when he is caught, whether it is a bull or a donkey or a sheep, and it is still alive, the thief must pay back the stolen animal as well as another one of the same kind.
\v 5 If someone allows his animals to eat grass in his field or in his vineyard, and if the animals stray away and eat the plants in another person's field, the owner of the animals must pay the owner of that field by giving him the best from his own field or vineyard.
\v 6 If someone starts a fire and it spreads through the grass and starts burning in someone else's field, and the fire burns grain that is growing or grain that is already cut and stacked, then the person who started the fire must pay for what has been lost.
\v 7 Suppose that someone gives another person some money or other valuable item and asks him to keep it in his house for a while. And suppose that a thief steals it from that person's house. If the thief is caught, the thief must pay back twice as much as he stole.
\v 8 But if the thief is not caught, the owner of the house from which the item was stolen must stand before the judges so that the judges can say whether the owner of the house was the one who took the other man's valuable item.
\v 9 If two people argue about which one of them owns a bull or a donkey or a sheep or some clothing, or something else that has been lost, they must stand before the judges. The one whom the judges say is lying must pay back to the real owner twice as many bulls or donkeys or sheep or items of clothing.
\v 10 Suppose someone gives his donkey or bull or sheep or some other animal to someone else and asks him to take care of it for a while, and the animal dies or is injured or is stolen while no one is watching.
\v 11 Then the person who was taking care of the animal must swear, knowing that God is listening, that he did not steal the animal. If he did not steal it, the owner of the animal must accept that the other person is telling the truth, and the other person will not have to pay anything back to the owner.
\v 12 But if the animal was stolen while he was supposed to be taking care of it, the man who promised to take care of it must pay back the owner for the animal.
\v 13 If he says that the animal was killed by wild animals, he must bring back the remains of the animal that was killed and show it to the animal's owner. If he does that, he will not have to pay anything for the animal.
\v 14 If someone borrows an animal, and if that animal is hurt or dies when its owner is not there, the one who borrowed it must pay the owner for the animal.
\v 15 But if that happens when the owner of the animal is there, the one who borrowed it will not have to pay back anything. If the man who borrowed it only rented it, the money that he paid to rent it will be enough to pay for the animal dying or being injured."
\v 16 "If a man forces a girl to sleep with him, a girl who is a virgin and who is not engaged to be married, he must pay the bride price for her and marry her.
\v 17 But if her father does not allow her to marry him, he must pay to the woman's father money that is the same as the bride price money that men pay for virgins.
\v 18 You must kill any woman who practices sorcery.
\v 19 You must kill any person who sleeps with an animal like a man sleeps with a woman.
\v 20 You must offer sacrifices only to Yahweh. You must kill anyone who offers a sacrifice to any other god.
\v 21 You must not mistreat a foreigner who comes to live among you. Do not forget that you were previously foreigners in Egypt.
\v 22 You must not mistreat any widow or any orphan.
\v 23 If you mistreat them and they ask me to help them, I will help them,
\v 24 and I will be angry with you; I will cause you to die in war. Your wives will become widows, and your children will no longer have fathers.
\v 25 If you lend money to any of my people who are poor, do not act like a moneylender and require him to pay interest on the money.
\v 26 If he gives you his cloak to guarantee that he will pay the money back, you must give the cloak back to him before the sun goes down
\v 27 because he needs it to keep him warm during the night. That is the only covering that poor people have when they sleep at night. If you do not act mercifully toward him by giving back his cloak, when he cries out to me asking for my help, I will help him because I always act mercifully.
\v 28 Do not insult God, and do not call on God to do harmful things to any ruler of your people.
\v 29 Do not withhold from me the best parts of the grain that you harvest, or of the olive oil or the wine that you produce. You will give your firstborn sons to me.
\v 30 Similarly, your firstborn male cattle and sheep belong to me. After those animals are born, allow them to stay with their mothers for seven days. On the eighth day you will give them to me.
\v 31 You are people who are set apart to me. I detest the meat of any animal that has been killed by wild animals. Therefore do not eat such meat. Instead, throw it where the dogs can eat it."
\c 23
\v 1 "Do not lie about other people. Do not help someone who is guilty by lying about what happened.
\v 2 Do not join with a group of people who are planning do something evil. Do not tell the same lies they do and so keep the judge from deciding the case justly.
\v 3 When a poor person is on trial, do not testify in his favor just because he is poor and you feel sorry for him.
\v 4 If you see someone's bull or donkey when it is wandering away loose, take it back to its owner even if the owner is your enemy.
\v 5 If you see someone's donkey that has fallen down because of its heavy load, help the owner to get the donkey up again even if he is someone who hates you. Do not just walk away without helping him.
\v 6 Decide the cases of poor people who are on trial as fairly as you judge the cases of other people.
\v 7 Do not accuse people falsely. Do not decide that innocent and righteous people should be killed because I will punish people who do such an evil thing.
\v 8 Do not accept money that is a bribe because officials who accept bribes are not able to decide what is right to do, and they do not allow innocent people to be treated fairly.
\v 9 Do not mistreat foreigners who live among you. You know how foreigners often feel because the Egyptians did not treat you well when you were foreigners there.
\v 10 For six years, plant seeds in your ground and gather the harvest.
\v 11 But on the seventh year you must not plant anything. If things grow without your planting seeds, allow the poor people to harvest and eat the crops. If there are still crops left over, allow the wild animals to eat them. Do the same thing with your grapevine and your olive trees.
\v 12 You may work for six days each week, but on the seventh day you must rest and not work. Also on the seventh day you must allow your work animals, your slaves, and the foreigners who live among you to rest and to become ready to work again.
\v 13 Make certain that you obey everything that I have commanded you to do. Do not pray to other gods. Do not even mention their names.
\v 14 Every year you must travel to three festivals to honor me.
\v 15 The first one is the Festival of Bread with no Yeast. Celebrate it in the month of Aviv, which is the month in which you left Egypt. Celebrate it in the way that I commanded you; eat the bread for seven days. Always bring an offering when you come to worship me. Do not come empty-handed.
\v 16 The second festival is the Festival of Harvest. During that festival you must offer to me the first parts of your crops that grow from the seeds that you planted. The third festival is the Festival of Finished Harvest. That will be after you finish harvesting your grain, your grapes, and your fruit.
\v 17 Every year, at each of these times, all the men must gather together to worship me, Yahweh God.
\v 18 When you sacrifice an animal and offer it to me, you must not offer bread that has been baked with yeast. When you offer sacrifices, burn the fat from the animals on that same day so that no fat remains the next morning.
\v 19 Each year, when you harvest your crops, take the best of what you harvest first, go to the place where you worship me, and give it to me, Yahweh God. When you kill a young animal, do not cook it by boiling it in its mother's milk."
\v 20 "I am going to send an angel ahead of you to guard you as you travel and to bring you safely to the place that I have prepared for you.
\v 21 Pay attention to what he says and obey him. Do not rebel against him because he will have my authority and he will punish you if you rebel against him.
\v 22 But if you pay attention to what he says and if you do all that I tell you to do, I will fight against all of your enemies.
\v 23 My angel will go ahead of you and will take you to where the Amor, Heth, Periz, Canaan, Hiv, and Jebus people groups live, and I will completely get rid of them.
\v 24 Do not bow down before their gods or worship them. Do not do the things that they think that their gods want them to do. Destroy their gods and smash to pieces their sacred stones.
\v 25 You must worship me, Yahweh your God. If you do that, I will bless your food and water, and I will protect you from becoming sick.
\v 26 No women in your land will have miscarriages, and no women will be unable to become pregnant. I will enable you to live a long time.
\v 27 I will cause the people who oppose you to become very afraid of me. I will kill all of the people that you come close to. Then I will cause them to turn around and run away from you.
\v 28 I will cause your enemies to become terrified. I will expel the Hiv, Canaan, and Heth people groups from your land.
\v 29 I will not remove all of them in less than one year. If I did that, your land would become deserted, and there would be very many wild animals that would attack you.
\v 30 I will remove those people groups slowly, a few at a time, until the number of your people increases and you are able to live everywhere in the land.
\v 31 I will cause the borders of your land to extend from the Sea of Reeds in the southeast to the Mediterranean Sea in the northwest, and from the wilderness of Sinai in the southwest to the Euphrates River in the northeast of the country. I will give you the power to remove the people who live there so that you will remove them as you occupy more of the country.
\v 32 You must not make any agreement with those people or with their gods.
\v 33 Do not allow those people to live in your land in order that they do not cause you to sin against me. If you worship their gods, you will not be able to escape from worshiping them and sinning against me just as someone caught in a trap is unable to escape."
\c 24
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses. "Come up to me on top of this mountain, you and Aaron and his sons Nadab and Abihu. Also take along seventy of the Israelite elders. While you are still some distance from the top of the mountain, there you may worship me.
\v 2 Moses, I will allow you alone to come near to me. The others must not come near, and the rest of the people must not come up the mountain."
\v 3 Moses went and told the people everything that Yahweh had said and all that he had commanded. The people all replied together, saying, "We will do everything that Yahweh has told us to do."
\v 4 Then Moses wrote down everything that Yahweh had commanded. Early the next morning Moses built a stone altar. He also set up twelve stones, one for each of the Israelite tribes.
\v 5 He also chose some young men. They burned sacrifices to Yahweh and they also sacrificed some cattle as offerings to promise friendship with him.
\v 6 Moses took half of the blood of the animals that were slaughtered and put it in bowls. The other half of the blood he threw against the altar.
\v 7 Then he took the scroll on which he had written everything that Yahweh had commanded in the covenant that he had made, and he read it aloud while all the people were listening. Then all the people said, "We will do all that Yahweh has told us to do. We will obey everything."
\v 8 Then Moses took the blood that was in the bowls and threw it on the people. He said, "This is the blood that confirms the covenant that Yahweh has made with you when he gave you all these commands."
\v 9 Then Moses along with Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy Israelite elders went up the mountain,
\v 10 and they saw God, the one whom the Israelite people worship. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of blue stones called sapphires. They were as clear as the sky is when there are no clouds.
\v 11 God did not harm those Israelite elders because of their having seen him. They saw God, and they ate and drank together!
\v 12 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Come up to me on top of this mountain. While you are here, I will give you two stone slabs on which I have written all the laws that I have given to you to teach the people."
\v 13 Then Moses went with his servant Joshua part of the way up the mountain where God was.
\v 14 Now Moses had said to the elders, "Stay here with the other people until we return! Do not forget that Aaron and Hur will be with you, so if anyone has a dispute while I am gone, he can go to those two men."
\v 15 Then Moses went the rest of the way up the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain.
\v 16 The glory of Yahweh came down on the mountain and covered it for six days. On the seventh day, Yahweh called to Moses from the middle of the cloud.
\v 17 When the Israelite people looked at the top of the mountain, the glory of Yahweh was like a big fire burning there.
\v 18 Moses went into the cloud on top of the mountain and was there for forty days and nights.
\c 25
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelites that they must give offerings to me. Receive from the people every offering that they want to give to me.
\v 3 These are the things that they may offer: gold, silver, bronze,
\v 4 blue and purple and scarlet dyed wool, fine linen, goats' hair for making cloth,
\v 5 ram skins that have been tanned, sea cow hides, hard wood from acacia trees,
\v 6 olive oil to burn in the lamps, spices to put in the olive oil for anointing the priests, and spices to put in the sweet-smelling incense,
\v 7 onyx stones and other expensive stones to be fastened to the priest's sacred apron and to be put on the chest pouch that is to be fastened to the apron.
\v 8 Tell the people to make a big sacred tent for me so that I can live in it in their midst.
\v 9 They must make the sacred tent and all the things that will be used inside it according to the plan that I will show you.
\v 10 Tell the people to make a sacred chest from acacia wood. It is to be one meter long, three-quarters of a meter wide and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 11 Cover the chest with pure gold inside and outside and put a gold border around the top of it.
\v 12 They must make four rings from gold and fasten them to the legs of the chest. Put two rings on each side of the chest.
\v 13 They must make two poles from acacia wood, and they must cover them with gold.
\v 14 They must put the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest so that the chest can be carried by the poles.
\v 15 The poles must always be left in the rings; they must not take the poles out of the rings.
\v 16 Put inside the chest the two stone slabs that I will give you on which I have written my commandments.
\v 17 Tell them to make a lid for the chest from pure gold; it will be the place where I will cover people's sins. It also is to be one meter long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 18 Tell them to hammer a large lump of gold into the form of two creatures that have wings for the two ends of the lid.
\v 19 One of these is to be put at each end of the chest, but the gold from which they are made must be joined to the gold from which the lid is made.
\v 20 Tell them to place the winged creatures so that their wings touch each other and spread out over the lid. The two winged creatures were facing each other and they both were looking toward the center of the chest.
\v 21 Put the stone slabs that I will give you inside the chest. Then fasten the lid onto the top of the chest.
\v 22 I will set times to talk with you there. From above the lid of the chest, between the two winged creatures, I will tell to you all my laws that you must transmit to the Israelite people.
\v 23 Tell them to make a table from acacia wood. It is to be one meter long, one-half of a meter wide, and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 24 Tell them to cover it with pure gold and put a gold border around it.
\v 25 Tell them to make a rim all around it, four-fifths of a meter wide, and to put a gold border around the rim.
\v 26 Tell them to make four rings from gold and fasten them to the four corners of the table, one ring close to each leg of the table.
\v 27 The rings should be fastened to the table near the rim at the legs in order to carry the table with poles.
\v 28 Make two poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold. The poles for carrying the table are to be inserted into the rings.
\v 29 Also tell them to make plates, spoons, jars, and bowls to be used when the priests pour out wine to offer to me. They must all be made from pure gold.
\v 30 On the table in front of the chest, there must always be the bread to display before me that the priests have offered to me.
\v 31 Tell them to make a lampstand from pure gold. They must hammer one large lump of gold to make its base and its shaft. The branches of the lampstand, the cups for holding the oil, the flower buds and the flower petals that decorate the branches of the lamp, the base, and the shaft are all to be hammered from one big lump of gold.
\v 32 There are to be six branches on the lampstand, three on each side of the shaft.
\v 33 Each of the branches is to have on it three gold decorations that will look like almond blossoms. These decorations must also have flower buds and flower petals.
\v 34 On the shaft of the lampstand there are to be four gold decorations that also look like almond blossoms, each one with flower buds and petals.
\v 35 On each side, there is to be one flower bud beneath each of the branches.
\v 36 All these buds and branches, along with the shaft, are to be hammered from one large lump of pure gold.
\v 37 Also tell them to make seven small cups for holding oil. One is to be put on top of the shaft and the others are to be put on top of the branches. Place these cups so that when the lamps are lit, the light will shine toward the front of the lampstand.
\v 38 Tell them to make tongs from pure gold, to remove the burned wicks and trays in which to put the burned wicks.
\v 39 Tell them to use thirty-three kilograms of pure gold to make the lampstand, the tongs, and the trays.
\v 40 Make sure that they make these things according to the instructions that I am giving you here on this mountain."
\c 26
\v 1 "Tell the people to make the sacred tent using ten long strips of fine linen. They must take blue, purple, and red thread, and a skilled craftsman must embroider these strips with designs that represent the winged creatures that are above the chest.
\v 2 Each strip is to be twelve and one-half meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 3 Tell them to sew five strips together to make one set, and to sew the other five strips together to make another set.
\v 4 For each set, they must make loops of blue cloth and fasten them along the outer edge of the strip, at the end of each set.
\v 5 They must put fifty loops on the edge of the first set, and fifty loops at the edge of the second set so that the loops are opposite to each other.
\v 6 Tell them to make fifty gold clasps to fasten both of the sets together. As a result, the inside of the sacred tent will be as though it were one piece.
\v 7 Also tell them to make a cover for the sacred tent from eleven pieces of cloth made from goats' hair.
\v 8 Each piece of cloth is to be thirteen and one-half meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 9 Tell them to sew five of these pieces of cloth together to make one set, and sew the other six pieces of cloth together to make another set. They must fold the sixth piece of cloth in half to make it double over the front of the sacred tent .
\v 10 Tell them to make one hundred loops of blue cloth, and to fasten fifty of them to the outer edge of the one set and fasten fifty to the outer edge of the other set.
\v 11 Tell them to make fifty bronze clasps and put them in the cloth loops to join the two sets together. As a result, the cover for the sacred tent will be as though it were one piece.
\v 12 Let the extra part of the cover, the part that extends beyond the linen cloth, hang over the back of the sacred tent.
\v 13 The extra half-meter of each cover, the part that extends beyond the linen cloth on each side, must hang over the two sides of the sacred tent to protect the sides.
\v 14 Tell them to make two more covers for the sacred tent. One is to be made from rams' skins that have been dyed red, and the top cover is to be made from fine leather.
\v 15 Tell them to make forty-eight frames from acacia wood, frames that will be set up to hang the sacred tent covers from them.
\v 16 Each frame is to be four and one-half meters long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 17 They must make two projections at the bottom of each frame. These will be to fasten the frames to the bases underneath them. They must make these projections at the bottom of each frame.
\v 18 Make twenty frames for the south side of the sacred tent.
\v 19 Tell them to make forty silver bases to go underneath them. Two bases will go under each frame. The projections at the bottom of each frame are to be made to fit into the bases.
\v 20 Similarly, tell them to make twenty frames for the north side of the sacred tent.
\v 21 They must make forty silver bases for them also with two bases to be put under each frame.
\v 22 For the rear of the sacred tent, on the west side, tell them to make six frames.
\v 23 Also tell them to make two extra frames, one for each corner of the rear of the sacred tent, to provide more support.
\v 24 The two corner frames must be separated at the bottom but together at the top. At the top of each of the two corner frames there must be a gold ring for holding the crossbar.
\v 25 In that way, for the rear of the sacred tent there will be eight frames, and there will be sixteen bases, two under each frame.
\v 26 Tell them to make fifteen crossbars from acacia wood. Five of them will be for the frames on the north side of the sacred tent,
\v 27 five will be for the south side, and five for the frames at the rear of the sacred tent, the west side.
\v 28 Tell them to fasten the crossbars on the north, south, and west sides of the sacred tent to the middle of the frames. The two long ones must extend from one end of the sacred tent to the other, and the crossbar on the west side must extend from one side of the sacred tent to the other.
\v 29 Tell them to cover the frames with gold, and make gold rings to fasten the crossbars to the frames. The crossbars must also be covered with gold.
\v 30 Build the sacred tent in the way that I have shown you here on this mountain."
\v 31 "Tell them to make a curtain from fine linen. A skilled craftsman must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn making designs to represent the winged creatures that are above the chest.
\v 32 Tell them to suspend the curtain from four posts made from acacia wood and covered with gold. Set each post in a silver base.
\v 33 They must hang the top of the curtain by hooks that are fastened to the roof of the sacred tent. Behind the curtain, in the room called the very holy place, they must put the chest containing the two stone slabs on which I have written my commandments. That curtain will separate the holy place from the very holy place.
\v 34 On top of the chest in the very holy place they must put the lid.
\v 35 In the room that is outside of the very holy place, they must put the table for the sacred bread on the north side, and put the lampstand on the south side.
\v 36 Tell them to make a curtain to cover the entrance of the sacred tent. They must make it from fine linen, and a skilled weaver must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn.
\v 37 To hold up this curtain, they must make five posts from acacia wood. They must cover them with gold and fasten gold clasps to them. Also they must make a bronze base for each of these posts.
\c 27
\v 1 "Tell them to make an altar from acacia wood. It is to be square, two and one-tenth meters long on each side, and make it one and one-third meters high.
\v 2 They must make a projection that looks like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood as the altar. Tell them to cover the whole altar with bronze.
\v 3 They must make pans in which to put the ashes from the animal sacrifices. Also they must make shovels for cleaning out the ashes, basins, and forks for turning the meat as it cooks, and buckets for carrying hot coals. All of these things must be made from bronze.
\v 4 Also tell them to make a bronze grating to hold the wood and burning coals. They must fasten to each of the corners of the altar a bronze ring for carrying the altar.
\v 5 They must put the grating under the rim that is around the altar. They must make it so that it is inside the altar, halfway down.
\v 6 For carrying the altar, they must make poles from acacia wood and cover them with bronze.
\v 7 They must put the poles through the rings on each side of the altar. The poles are for carrying the altar.
\v 8 The altar will be like a box, made from boards of acacia wood. They must make it according to these instructions that I am giving you here on this mountain.
\v 9 Around the sacred tent there is to be a courtyard. To form the courtyard, tell them to make curtains of fine linen. On the south side, the curtain is to be 44 meters long.
\v 10 To support the curtain, tell them to make twenty bronze posts, and one bronze base for each post. To fasten the curtains to the posts, they must make silver hooks, and metal rods covered with silver to fasten the curtains to the hooks.
\v 11 They must make the same kind of curtains for the north side of the courtyard.
\v 12 On the west side of the courtyard they must make a curtain twenty-two meters long. The curtains are to be supported by ten posts, with a base under each post.
\v 13 On the east side, where the entrance is, the courtyard must also be twenty-two meters wide.
\v 14-15 Tell them to make a curtain seven meters wide with three posts and three bases for each side of the entrance to the courtyard.
\v 16 They must make a curtain from finely twined linen nine meters long for the entrance. A skilled weaver must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn. It must be supported by four posts, each one with a base under it.
\v 17 All the posts around the courtyard must have bands of silver around them. The clasps must be made of silver, and the bases must be made of bronze.
\v 18 The whole courtyard, from the east entrance to the west end, must be forty-six meters long and twenty-three meters wide, and the curtains that enclose it must be two and one-third meters high. All the curtains must be made of fine linen, and all the bases under the posts must be made of bronze.
\v 19 All the things that are not made of gold that are to be used inside the sacred tent and in the courtyard, and all the tent pegs to support the sacred tent and the curtains, must be made of bronze.
\v 20 Command the Israelite people that they must bring to you the best kind of pure olive oil to burn in the lamp. They must bring this oil to you so that the lamp is always burning.
\v 21 Outside the curtain of the tabernacle, where the sacred chest of Yahweh is kept, Aaron and his sons must take care to keep the lamps burning every day from evening to morning. The Israelite people must obey this regulation throughout all future generations."
\c 28
\v 1 "Call your older brother Aaron and his sons—Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. Set them apart from the rest of the Israelite people in order that they can serve me as priests.
\v 2 Tell the people to make beautiful clothes for Aaron, clothes that are suitable for one who has this dignified and sacred work.
\v 3 Talk to all the workmen, those to whom I have given skill to build things. Tell them to make clothes for Aaron to wear when he is set apart to become a priest to serve me.
\v 4 The clothes that they are to make are a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his breast, a sacred apron, a robe, an embroidered tunic, a turban, and a sash. These are the clothes that your older brother Aaron and his sons must wear as they serve me by doing the work that priests do.
\v 5 The skilled workmen must use fine linen and blue, purple, and red yarn to make these clothes.
\v 6 The skilled workmen must make the sacred apron from fine linen, and they must skillfully embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn, and with fine gold wire.
\v 7 It must have two shoulder straps that will join the front part to the back part.
\v 8 A carefully woven belt, which must be made from the same materials as the sacred apron, must be sewn onto the apron.
\v 9 A skilled workman must take two onyx stones and carve on them the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
\v 10 He must engrave the names in the order in which Jacob's sons were born. He must engrave six names on one stone and the other six names on the other stone.
\v 11 A gem cutter should engrave these names on the two stones. Then he should mount the stones in gold settings.
\v 12 Then he should fasten the stones onto the shoulder straps of the sacred apron to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. In that way, Aaron will carry the names of the tribes on his shoulders in order that I, Yahweh, will never forget my people.
\v 13 The settings for the stones must be made from gold.
\v 14 Tell them to make two chains of gold that are braided like cords and to fasten the chains to the settings."
\v 15 Tell the skilled workman to make a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest. He will use this to find out what I want the people to do. They must make it of the same materials as the sacred apron, and they must embroider it in the same way with gold, blue, purple, and red fine linen.
\v 16 It is to be square, and the material must be folded double so that it is 23 centimeters long and 23 centimeters wide.
\v 17 The skilled workman must fasten four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row, he must put a red ruby, a yellow topaz, and a red garnet.
\v 18 In the second row, he must put a green emerald, a blue sapphire, and a diamond.
\v 19 In the third row he must put a red jacinth, a white agate, and a purple amethyst.
\v 20 In the fourth row, he must put a yellow beryl, an onyx, and a green jasper. All of these stones must be mounted in gold settings.
\v 21 A gem cutter should engrave on each of these twelve stones the name of one of the sons of Jacob. These names will represent the twelve tribes of Israel.
\v 22 The two chains that are made from pure gold and braided like cords are for attaching the sacred pouch to the sacred apron.
\v 23 The workman must make two gold rings and attach them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
\v 24 He must make two gold cords and fasten one end of each cord to one of the rings.
\v 25 He must fasten the other end of each cord to the two settings that enclose the stones. In that way, the sacred pouch will be attached to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
\v 26 Then he must make two more gold rings and attach them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch on the inside edges next to the sacred apron.
\v 27 He must make two more gold rings and attach them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps near to where the shoulder straps are joined to the sacred apron just above the sash.
\v 28 The skilled workman must tie the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord so that the sacred pouch is above the sash and does not come loose from the sacred apron.
\v 29 In that way, Aaron will have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel in the sacred pouch close to his chest for making decisions when he enters the holy place.
\v 30 Put into the sacred pouch the two things--named Urim and Thummim--that the priest will use to determine my answers to the questions he asks. In that way, they will be close to his chest when he enters the holy place to talk to me. He will use them to determine what my will is for the Israelite people."
\v 31 "Tell the workmen to weave only purple cloth for the robe that is to be worn underneath the priest's sacred apron.
\v 32 It is to have an opening through which the priest can put his head. They must sew a border around this opening to keep the material from tearing.
\v 33 At the lower edge on the robe, they must fasten decorations that look like pomegranate fruit. They must be woven from blue, purple, and red yarn.
\v 34 Between each of these decorations, they must fasten a tiny gold bell.
\v 35 When Aaron enters the holy place in the sacred tent to do his work as a priest and when he leaves the sacred tent, the bells will ring as he walks. As a result, he will not die because of disobeying my instructions.
\v 36 Tell them to make a tiny ornament of pure gold, and tell a skilled workman to engrave on it the words, 'Dedicated to Yahweh.'
\v 37 They should fasten this ornament to the front of the turban by a blue cord.
\v 38 Aaron must always wear the turban on his forehead. Aaron himself must accept the guilt of the Israelite people because of any failure to offer their holy gifts to Yahweh as he commanded. When Aaron does this, Yahweh may accept their gifts.
\v 39 Tell them to weave the long-sleeved tunic from fine linen. Also they must make from fine linen a turban and a sash, and they must embroider designs on it.
\v 40 Tell them to make beautiful long-sleeved tunics, sashes, waistbands, and caps for Aaron's sons. Make ones that will be suitable for those who have this dignified work.
\v 41 Put these clothes on your older brother Aaron and on his sons. Then set them apart for this work by anointing them with olive oil in order that they may serve me by being priests.
\v 42 Also tell them to make linen undershorts for them. The undershorts should extend from their waists to their thighs in order that no one can see their private parts.
\v 43 Aaron and his sons must always wear those undershorts when they enter the sacred tent or when they come near to the altar to offer sacrifices in the holy place. If they do not obey this ritual, I will cause them to die. Aaron and all his male descendants must obey this rule forever."
\c 29
\v 1 "Do the following things to dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me by being priests. Select one young bull and two rams that do not have any defects.
\v 2 Bake three kinds of bread using finely ground wheat flour without yeast. Bake some buns that do not have any olive oil in them, bake some buns that have olive oil in the dough, and bake some thin wafers that will be smeared with olive oil after they are baked.
\v 3 Put them in a basket and offer them to me when you sacrifice the young bull and the two rams.
\v 4 Take Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the sacred tent, and wash them with water.
\v 5 Then put the special clothes on Aaron—the long-sleeved tunic, the robe that will be worn underneath the sacred apron, the sacred apron, the sacred pouch, and the sash.
\v 6 Put the turban on his head, and fasten to the turban the ornament that has the words 'Dedicated to Yahweh' engraved on it.
\v 7 Then take the oil and pour some on his head to dedicate him.
\v 8 Then bring his sons and put the long-sleeved tunics on them.
\v 9 Put the sashes around their waists and the caps on their heads. That is the ritual by which you are to dedicate them to be priests. Aaron and his male descendants must serve me by being priests forever.
\v 10 Then bring the young bull to the entrance of the sacred tent. Tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the head of the young bull.
\v 11 Then, while they are doing that, kill the young bull by slitting its throat and catch the blood in a bowl.
\v 12 Take some of that blood with your finger and smear it on the projections of the altar. Throw the rest of the blood against the base of the altar.
\v 13 Take all the fat that covers the inner organs of the young bull, the fatty covering of the liver and the two kidneys with the fat on them, and burn all these on the altar as an offering to me.
\v 14 But the meat of the young bull and its hide and intestines must be burned outside the camp. That will be an offering for your sins.
\v 15 Then select one of the rams, and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on its head.
\v 16 Then kill the ram by slitting its throat. Catch some of the blood and sprinkle it upon all four sides of the altar.
\v 17 Then cut the ram into pieces. Wash its inner organs and its legs, and put those with the head.
\v 18 Then burn them completely on the altar with the rest of the ram. That will be a burnt offering to me, Yahweh, and the smell will please me.
\v 19 Take the other ram that was selected for these rituals, and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on its head.
\v 20 Then kill the ram by slitting its throat, and catch some of the blood in a bowl. Smear some of the blood on the lobe of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Throw the rest of the blood against the four sides of the altar.
\v 21 Wipe up some of the blood that is on the altar, mix it with some of the oil for anointing, and sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothes, and on his sons and their clothes. By doing this, you will dedicate them and their clothes to me.
\v 22 Also, cut off the ram's fat, its fat tail, and the fat that covers the inner organs, the covering of the liver, the two kidneys with the fat on them, and the right thigh. (This ram is for setting Aaron and his sons apart for me as priests.)
\v 23 From the basket, also take one of each of the kinds of bread that was baked without yeast—one made with no oil, one with oil, and one thin wafer.
\v 24 Put all these things in the hands of Aaron and his sons. Then tell them to lift them up high to dedicate them to me.
\v 25 Then take them from their hands and burn them on the altar, on top of the other things that were placed there. That also will be an offering to me, and its smell will please me.
\v 26 Then take the breast of the second ram that was killed, and lift it up high for an offering to me. But then this part of the animal will be for you to eat.
\v 27 Set apart for me the ram's breast that you lifted high to offer to me. Also set apart for me the ram's thigh that you presented to me, both of these pieces that came from the ram that was slaughtered when you set apart for me Aaron and his sons as priests.
\v 28 In the future, whenever the Israelite people present to me, Yahweh, offerings to restore fellowship with each other, the breast and the thigh of animals that they present to me will be for Aaron and his male descendants to eat.
\v 29 After Aaron dies, the special clothes that he wore will belong to his sons. They are to wear those clothes when they are set apart to become priests.
\v 30 Aaron's son who becomes priest and enters the sacred tent and performs rituals in the holy place must stay in the sacred tent, wearing these special clothes, for seven days.
\v 31 Take the meat of the other ram that was sacrificed to set apart Aaron and his sons, and boil it in the courtyard.
\v 32 After it is cooked, Aaron and his sons must eat it, along with the bread that is left in the basket, at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 33 They must eat the meat of the ram that was sacrificed to cover your sins when they were dedicated to do this work. They are the only ones who are permitted to eat this meat. Those who are not priests are not allowed to eat it because it is reserved for the priests.
\v 34 If any of this meat or some of the bread is not eaten that night, no one is permitted to eat any of it the next day. It must be completely burned because it is sacred.
\v 35 These are the rituals that you must follow during those seven days when you dedicate Aaron and his sons for this work. You must do all that I have commanded you.
\v 36 Each of those seven days you must also sacrifice a young bull for an offering to me in order that I may forgive sins. Also you must make another offering to make the altar pure in my sight. You must also anoint the altar with olive oil to set it apart.
\v 37 Perform these rituals every day for seven days to set apart the altar and make it pure. Then the altar will be most holy, and whatever touches it must be treated as holy.
\v 38 You must also sacrifice lambs and burn them on the altar. Each of those seven days you must sacrifice two lambs.
\v 39 One lamb must be sacrificed in the morning, and one must be sacrificed in the evening.
\v 40 With the first lamb, also offer two liters of finely ground wheat flour mixed with a liter of the best kind of olive oil, and one liter of wine as an offering.
\v 41 In the evening, when you sacrifice the other lamb, offer the same amounts of flour, olive oil, and wine as you did in the morning. This will be an offering to me, Yahweh, that will be burned, and its smell will please me.
\v 42 You and your descendants must continue making these offerings to me, Yahweh, throughout all future generations. You must offer them at the entrance to the sacred tent. That is where I will meet with you and speak to you.
\v 43 That is where I will meet with the Israelite people, and the brilliant light of my presence will cause that place to be holy.
\v 44 I will dedicate the sacred tent and the altar. I will also dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me by being priests.
\v 45 I will live among the Israelite people, and I will be their God.
\v 46 They will know that I am Yahweh God, the one who brought them out of Egypt in order that I might live among them. I am Yahweh, the God whom they worship."
\c 30
\v 1 "Tell the skilled workers to make an altar from acacia wood for burning incense.
\v 2 It is to be square, one-half meter on each side. It is to be one meter high. Tell them to make a projection that looks like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood from which the altar is made.
\v 3 They must cover the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. Put a gold border around the altar near the top.
\v 4 They must make two gold rings for carrying the altar. They must attach them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. These rings are for the poles for carrying the altar.
\v 5 Tell them to make these two poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold.
\v 6 They must put this incense altar outside the curtain that hangs in front of the sacred chest and its lid. That is the place where I will talk with you.
\v 7 Aaron must burn sweet-smelling incense on this altar. He must burn some every morning when he takes care of the lamps,
\v 8 and he must burn some in the evening when he lights the lamps. The incense must always be burning throughout all future generations.
\v 9 The priests must not burn on the altar any incense that I have not told you to burn, or burn any animal on it, nor any flour offering for me, nor pour any wine on it as an offering.
\v 10 One time every year Aaron must perform the ritual for making this altar pure. He must do it by putting on its four projections some of the blood from the animal that was sacrificed to cover people's sins. Aaron and his descendants must do this ritual throughout all future generations. This altar must be dedicated to me, Yahweh."
\v 11 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 12 "When your leaders take a census of the Israelite people, each man who is counted must pay to me a price to save his life. They must do this in order that no disaster will happen to them while the people are being counted.
\v 13 Every man who is counted must pay to me six grams of silver. They must use the official standard of the tabernacle when they weigh the silver. This silver is to be an offering to Yahweh.
\v 14 All the men who are at least twenty years old must pay this amount to me when the people are counted.
\v 15 Rich men must not pay more than this amount, and poor men must not pay less than this amount when they pay this money to save their lives.
\v 16 Your leaders must collect this money from the Israelite people and give it to those who will take care of the sacred tent. You Israelites will see the leaders collect this money and remember that you need to make payment to me so you can live."
\v 17 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 18 "Tell the skilled workers to make a bronze washbasin and a bronze base for it. They must put it between the sacred tent and the altar and must fill it with water.
\v 19 Aaron and his sons must wash their hands and their feet with this water
\v 20 before they enter the sacred tent and before they come to the altar to burn offerings as sacrifices. If they wash, they will obey my instructions and will not die.
\v 21 They must wash their hands and their feet in order that they will not die. They and the males descended from them must obey this ritual throughout all generations."
\v 22 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 23 "Tell the people to collect some of the finest spices—six kilograms of liquid myrrh, three kilograms of sweet-smelling cinnamon, three kilograms of a sweet-smelling cane,
\v 24 and six kilograms of cassia. Be sure that they use the official standard when they weigh these things.
\v 25 Tell an expert perfumer to mix these with four liters of olive oil to make sacred oil for anointing.
\v 26 Use this oil for anointing the sacred tent, the sacred chest,
\v 27 the table and all the things that are used with it, the lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar for burning incense,
\v 28 and the altar for offering sacrifices that the priests will burn, along with all the things that are used with it, and the basin and its stand.
\v 29 Dedicate them by anointing them in order that they will be reserved for me. If any person or thing that is not allowed to do so touches the altar, no one will be allowed to touch that person or thing.
\v 30 Anoint Aaron and his sons. By doing that, you will dedicate them to serve me by being priests.
\v 31 Tell the Israelite people, 'This oil will be my special oil that must be used throughout all future generations.
\v 32 You must not pour it on the bodies of people who are not priests, and you must not make other oil to be like it by mixing those same things. This oil is reserved for me, and you must consider it to be such.
\v 33 Yahweh will view anyone who makes ointment like this for any other purpose, or anyone who puts any of this ointment on someone who is not a priest, as no longer belonging to his people.'"
\v 34 Yahweh also said to Moses, "Have an expert perfumer take equal parts of several sweet spices: Stacte--a resin from certain gum plants, onycha--from certain shellfish or mollusks, galbanum--another kind of gum resin, and pure frankincense—yet another sort of gum resin.
\v 35 Have him mix them together to make some perfume and add some salt to keep it pure and special for me.
\v 36 Have him beat some of it into a fine powder. Then I want you to take some of it into the sacred tent and sprinkle it in front of the sacred chest. You all must consider this incense to be completely reserved for me.
\v 37 The people must not mix the same spices to make incense for themselves. This incense must be dedicated to me, Yahweh.
\v 38 I will view anyone who makes incense like this to use it for perfume as no longer belonging to my people."
\c 31
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.
\v 3 I have filled him with my Spirit, and I have given him special ability to make things; I have enabled him to know how to do very skilled work.
\v 4 He can engrave skillful designs in gold, silver, and bronze.
\v 5 He can cut jewels and enclose them in tiny gold settings. He can carve things from wood and do other skilled work.
\v 6 I have also appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, to work with him. I have given special ability to other men also in order that they can make all the things that I have commanded you to be made.
\v 7 Those things include: The sacred tent, the sacred chest and its lid, all the other things that will be inside the sacred tent,
\v 8 the table and all the things that are used with it, the pure gold lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar for burning incense,
\v 9 the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned and all the things that will be used with it, and the washbasin and its base.
\v 10 Also included in these things were all the beautiful, special clothes for Aaron and his sons to wear when they work as priests;
\v 11 the oil for anointing, and the sweet-smelling incense for the holy place. The craftsmen must make all these things exactly as I have told you that they should do."
\v 12 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 13 "Tell the Israelite people, 'Obey my instructions regarding the Sabbath days for rest. Those days will remind me and you and your descendants, throughout all future generations, that I, Yahweh, have set you apart to be my people.
\v 14 You must obey my rules about the Sabbath days for rest because you must regard them as special for me. Those who treat these days with disrespect must be killed; this will show that I no longer consider them to belong to my people.
\v 15 You may work for six days each week, but the seventh day of each week is a solemn rest day, dedicated to me, Yahweh. Anyone who does any work on a Sabbath day of rest is to be killed.
\v 16 You Israelite people must respect the Sabbath days of rest, and you and your descendants must observe them throughout all future generations. I will always require this of you.
\v 17 The Sabbath days of rest will remind you Israelite people and me of our covenant because I, Yahweh, created the heavens and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day I stopped doing that work and rested.'"
\v 18 When Yahweh finished talking with Moses on the top of Mount Sinai, he gave him the two stone slabs on which he had engraved his commandments with his own fingers.
\c 32
\v 1 Moses stayed on top of the mountain a long time. When the people saw that he was not returning, they went to Aaron and said to him, "Make us gods who will lead us on our journey. We do not know what happened to that man Moses, who brought us here out of Egypt."
\v 2 Aaron said to them, "All right, I will do that. Tell your wives and your children to take off all their gold earrings and bring them to me."
\v 3 So the people took off all their gold earrings and brought them to Aaron.
\v 4 He melted the gold in a fire. He poured the gold into a mold and made a statue that looked like a young bull. The people saw it and said, "This is the god of the Israelite people! This is the one who rescued us from the land of Egypt!"
\v 5 When Aaron saw how the people reacted, he built an altar in front of the bull. Then he announced, "Tomorrow we will have a festival to honor Yahweh!"
\v 6 So the people got up early the next morning and brought animals to kill and burn as sacrifices on the altar. They also brought sacrifices to restore fellowship with others. Then they sat down to eat and to drink wine. After a while, they got up and had a wild party.
\v 7 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go down from the mountain because your people, the ones that you brought up here from Egypt, have become bad.
\v 8 They have already left the road that I showed them and have stopped obeying me! They have made a statue of a young bull from melted gold. They have worshiped it and offered sacrifices to it. They are saying, 'This is the god of the Israelite people! This is the one who brought us up from Egypt!'
\v 9 I know that these people are very stubborn.
\v 10 I am very angry with them, so I am going to get rid of them. Do not try to stop me! Then I will cause you and your descendants to become a great nation."
\v 11 But Moses pleaded with his God, Yahweh, and said, "Yahweh, you should not be angry with your people! These are the people whom you saved from Egypt with very great power!
\v 12 Do not do anything that would allow the people of Egypt to say, 'Their god led them out from our country, but he did that only because he wanted to kill them in the mountains and get rid of them completely! Do not do to your people this terrible thing that you have just said that you will do! Stop being so angry! Change your mind!
\v 13 Think about your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You solemnly promised them, saying, 'I will enable you to have as many descendants as the stars that are in the sky.' You said to them, 'I will give to your descendants all the land that I am promising to give them. It will be their land forever.'"
\v 14 So Yahweh changed his mind. He did not do to his people the terrible thing that he said he would do.
\v 15 Then Moses left from where God was; he went down the mountain, carrying in his hands the two stone slabs on which Yahweh had engraved his commandments. He had written on both sides of the slabs.
\v 16 God himself had made the slabs, and he was the one who had engraved the commandments on them.
\v 17 Joshua heard the people shouting very loudly. So when Moses got near the camp, Joshua met him and said, "There is a noise in the camp that sounds like the noise of a battle!"
\v 18 But Moses said,
\q "No, that does not sound as though the people have won a victory;
\q it does not sound as though they have been defeated in a battle!
\q It sounds as though they are singing!"
\v 19 As soon as Moses came close to the camp and saw the statue of the bull and the people dancing, he became very angry. He threw the stone tablets down onto the ground at the base of the mountain, and they broke.
\v 20 Then he took the statue of the bull that they had made and melted it in the fire. When it cooled, he ground it into fine powder. Then he mixed the powder with water and forced the Israelite people to drink it.
\v 21 Then Moses said to Aaron, "Did these people do something to you that led you to make them sin in this way?"
\v 22 Aaron replied, "Please do not be angry with me, my lord. You know that these people are likely to do wicked things.
\v 23 They said to me, 'Make for us an idol who will lead us on our journey! As for that man Moses, the one who brought us up here from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.'
\v 24 So I said to them, 'Everyone who is wearing gold earrings should take them off.' So they took them off and gave them to me. I threw them into the fire, and out came this statue of a young bull!"
\v 25 Moses saw that Aaron had allowed the people to get out of control and to do things that would make their enemies think the Israelite people were foolish.
\v 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted, "Everyone who is loyal to Yahweh should come close to me!" So all the men in the tribe of Levi gathered around him.
\v 27 Then he said to them, "Yahweh, the God of the Israelite people, commands that every one of you should fasten your sword to your side, and then go through the camp from this gate to the other one. Each one of you must kill the other men, whether they are your brother, your friend, or your neighbor."
\v 28 The men in the tribe of Levi did what Moses told them to do, and they killed three thousand men on that day.
\v 29 Moses said to the men in the tribe of Levi, "Today you have become special servants of Yahweh by killing even your own sons and your brothers. As a result Yahweh has blessed you."
\v 30 The next day, Moses said to the people, "You have sinned very greatly. But I will now climb up the mountain again to talk with Yahweh. Perhaps I can persuade him to forgive you for sinning like this."
\v 31 So Moses went up the mountain and said to Yahweh, "I am sorry to admit that these people sinned very greatly when they made for themselves a gold idol and worshiped it.
\v 32 But now I ask you to forgive them for their sin. If you will not forgive them, then erase my name from the book in which you have written the names of your people."
\v 33 But Yahweh said to Moses, "It is only those who have sinned against me whose names I will erase from that book.
\v 34 Now go back down and lead the Israelite people to the place about which I told you. Keep in mind that my angel will go in front of you. But, at the time that I decide, I will punish them for their sin."
\v 35 Later Yahweh caused the people to become sick because they had told Aaron to make the statue of a young bull.
\c 33
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Leave this place and go with the people whom you led out of Egypt. Go to the land that I promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that I would give to their descendants.
\v 2 I will send my angel ahead of you, and I will remove from that land the people of Canaan, Amor, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus.
\v 3 You will go to a land that will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops. But I will not go with you myself because if I did that, I might annihilate you while you are traveling because you are very stubborn people."
\v 4 When the people heard these words, they were sad, and no one wore fancy clothing anymore.
\v 5 Yahweh had said to Moses, "Tell the Israelite people, 'You are very stubborn. If I were to go with you for even a moment, I would kill you. Now take off your fine clothing to show that you are sorry for your sin. Then I will decide how I will punish you.'"
\v 6 After the Israelite people left Mount Sinai, they wore no more fancy clothing.
\v 7 As the Israelite people were traveling, whenever they stopped and set up their tents, Moses set up the sacred tent outside the camp, far from the camp. He called it "the tent of meeting." Everyone who wanted Yahweh to decide something for them would go out of the camp to the tent of meeting.
\v 8 Whenever Moses went out to the tent of meeting, all the people would stand at their own tent entrances and watch him until he had walked into the tent of meeting.
\v 9 Whenever Moses went into the tent of meeting, the tall cloud would come down and stay at the tent entrance, and then Yahweh would talk with Moses.
\v 10 When the people saw the tall cloud at the entrance of the tent of meeting, they would all worship Yahweh at their own tent entrances.
\v 11 Yahweh would speak to Moses face to face like someone speaks to his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp. But his young helper, Joshua son of Nun, would stay in the tent of meeting.
\v 12 Moses said to Yahweh, "It is true that you have told me, 'Lead the people to the land that I will show you,' but you have not told me whom you will send with me! Nevertheless, you have said that you know me well and that you are pleased with me.
\v 13 So now, if you are truly pleased with me, I ask you, please tell me the things that you are going to do in order that I may know you better and continue to please you. Please remember that the Israelite people are the people whom you chose to belong to you."
\v 14 Yahweh replied, "I will go with you, and I will give you rest."
\v 15 Moses replied, "If you do not go with me, do not make us leave this place.
\v 16 The only way that others will know that you are pleased with me and with your people is if you go with us! If you go with us, it will show that we are different from all the other people on the earth."
\v 17 Yahweh replied to Moses, "I will do what you have asked because I know you well and I am pleased with you."
\v 18 Then Moses said, "Please let me see you in all your power."
\v 19 Yahweh replied, "I will let you see how great and powerful I am, and I will tell you clearly that my name is Yahweh. I will act very kindly and be merciful to all those whom I choose.
\v 20 But I will not let you see my face because anyone who sees my face will die.
\v 21 But look! Here is a place close to me where you can stand on a large rock.
\v 22 When I come past you in all my power, I will put you in a large hole in the rock, and I will cover your face with my hand until I have passed by.
\v 23 Then I will take my hand away, and you will see my back, but you will not see my face."
\c 34
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses, "Cut two slabs of stone that will be like the first slabs, the ones that you broke. Then I will write on them the words that were on the first slabs.
\v 2 Get ready tomorrow morning, and come up to the top of Mount Sinai again to talk with me there.
\v 3 Do not allow anyone to come up with you. I do not want anyone else to be anywhere on the mountain. Do not even allow any sheep or cattle to graze at the base of the mountain."
\v 4 So Moses cut two slabs of stone that were like the first ones. He rose early the next morning, picked up the slabs, and carried them in his hands up to the top of Mount Sinai, as Yahweh had told him.
\v 5 Then Yahweh came down in the tall cloud and stood with Moses there. Then he pronounced his own name, Yahweh, in front of Moses.
\v 6 Yahweh passed in front of him and said, "I am Yahweh God. I always act mercifully and kindly toward people and I do not get angry quickly. I truly love people and I do what I promise to do for them.
\v 7 I love people for thousands of generations. I forgive people for all kinds of sins. But I will certainly punish those who are guilty. I will punish not only them, but also I will punish their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation."
\v 8 Moses bowed low down on the ground and worshiped Yahweh.
\v 9 He said, "My Lord, if you are now pleased with me, I ask that you go with us. These people are very stubborn, but forgive us for all our sins, and accept us as the people who belong to you forever."
\v 10 Yahweh replied, "I am about to make a covenant with your people, the Israelite people. As they are watching, I will perform great miracles. They will see miracles that no one has ever done on the earth in any people group. Everyone among your people will see the great things that I, Yahweh, will do. I will do things for you all that will make you fear me.
\v 11 Do what I tell you to do today. I am about to make the Amor, Canaan, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people groups leave the land.
\v 12 But be careful that you do not make a covenant to live peacefully with any of the people who live in the land into which you are going because if you do that, you will begin to do the evil things that they do. It will be like falling into a trap.
\v 13 You must tear down their altars, destroy their idols, and cut down the poles that they use to worship Asherah.
\v 14 You must worship only me, and not worship any other god because I, Yahweh, always guard my honor, and I will not allow you to worship any other gods.
\v 15 Do not make a covenant to live peacefully with any group that lives in that land. When they worship their gods and offer sacrifices to them and invite you to join them, do not join them. If you join them, you will eat the food that they sacrifice to their gods, and you will not be faithful to me. You will be like women who commit adultery, who are not faithful to their husbands.
\v 16 If you take some of their women to be wives for your sons, these women will worship their own gods, and they will also make your sons worship their gods.
\v 17 Do not pour melted metal into molds to make statues to worship.
\v 18 Each year, during the month of Aviv, celebrate the Festival of Bread with no Yeast. During that festival, for seven days you must not eat bread made with yeast, as I commanded you, because it was in that month that you left Egypt.
\v 19 Your firstborn sons and the firstborn male animals of your cattle and sheep and goats belong to me.
\v 20 The firstborn of your male donkeys also belong to me. But you may buy them back by offering to me lambs in their place. If you do not do that, you must kill these animals by breaking their necks. You must also buy back your firstborn sons. You must bring an offering to me each time you come to worship me.
\v 21 Each week you may work for six days, but on the seventh day you must rest. Even during the times when you are plowing the ground and harvesting your crops, you must rest on the seventh day.
\v 22 Each year celebrate the Festival of Harvest when you begin to harvest the first crop of wheat, and also celebrate the Festival of Finished Harvest when you finish harvesting the grain and fruit.
\v 23 Three times each year all the men must come to worship me, Yahweh, the God of the Israelite people.
\v 24 I will make the people groups leave the land, and I will make your territory larger. No one will try to conquer your country when you come to worship Yahweh your God three times each year, during your festivals.
\v 25 When you sacrifice an animal to me, do not offer bread that is made with yeast. During the Passover festival, when you sacrifice lambs, do not keep any of the meat until the next morning.
\v 26 You must bring to my tent of meeting the first part of the grain that you harvest every year. When you kill a young animal, do not cook it by boiling it in its mother's milk."
\v 27 Yahweh said to Moses, "Write down the words that I have told you. By giving you these commands, I have made a covenant with you and with the Israelite people."
\v 28 Moses was there on the top of the mountain with Yahweh for forty days and nights. During that time he did not eat or drink anything. He engraved on the stone slabs the words of the Ten Commandments which belonged to Yahweh's covenant.
\v 29 When Moses came back down the mountain carrying in his hand the two stone slabs on which were written the Ten Commandments, he did not know that his face was shining.
\v 30 When Aaron and the Israelite people saw Moses, they were amazed that his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him.
\v 31 But Moses called to them, and Aaron and the other Israelite leaders came to him, and he talked with them.
\v 32 Afterwards, all the Israelite people came near, and he told them all the commands that Yahweh had given to him on Mount Sinai.
\v 33 When Moses finished talking to the people, he covered his face with a cloth.
\v 34 Whenever Moses entered the tent of meeting to talk with Yahweh, he would remove the cloth. When he came back out, he would always tell the Israelite people everything that Yahweh had commanded him to tell them.
\v 35 The Israelite people would see that Moses' face was still shining. Then he would put the cloth back on his face again until the next time that he went to talk with Yahweh.
\c 35
\v 1 Moses gathered all the Israelite people together and said to them, "This is what Yahweh has commanded you to do.
\v 2 Each week you may work for six days, but on the seventh day, you must rest. It is a sacred day, dedicated to Yahweh. Anyone who does any work on the seventh day must be killed.
\v 3 Do not light a fire in your homes on the rest days."
\v 4 Moses also said to all the Israelite people, "This is what Yahweh has commanded.
\v 5 Make offerings to Yahweh. Everyone who wants to should bring to Yahweh an offering. The offerings can be gold, silver, or bronze,
\v 6 fine white linen, blue, purple or red woolen cloth, cloth made from goats' hair,
\v 7 rams' skins that are tanned, sea cow skins, wood from acacia trees,
\v 8 oil for the lamps, spices to put into the olive oil for anointing and to put into the sweet-smelling incense,
\v 9 onyx stones or other valuable stones to fasten onto the priest's sacred apron and to put on his sacred chest pouch.
\v 10 All the skilled workers among you should come and make all the things that Yahweh has commanded—
\v 11 the sacred tent with its covering, its fasteners, its frames, its crossbars, its posts, and its bases:
\v 12 the sacred chest with its poles and its lid; the curtain that will separate the holy place from the very holy place.
\v 13 The workers also made the table with the poles for carrying it and all the things that will be used with the table; the bread to display before God;
\v 14 the lampstand for the lamps with all the things that will be used to take care of them; the oil for the lamps;
\v 15 the altar for burning incense and the poles for carrying the altar; the oil for anointing and the sweet-smelling incense; the curtain for the entrance of the sacred tent;
\v 16 the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned and its bronze grating; the poles for carrying the altar and all the things that will be used with it; the washbasin and its base.
\v 17 They workers made the curtains to surround the courtyard and the posts and bases for the posts to support the curtains; the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard;
\v 18 the pegs and ropes for the sacred tent;
\v 19 and the beautiful clothes that Aaron and his sons are to wear when they do their work in the holy place."
\v 20 Then all the Israelite people returned to their tents.
\v 21 Everyone who wished to bring an offering to Yahweh did so. They brought some of the things that would be used to make the sacred tent, all the other items that would be used in the rituals, and everything needed to make the sacred clothes for the priests.
\v 22 All the men and women who wished to brought gold ornaments, earrings, rings, necklaces, and many other kinds of things made of gold, and they dedicated them to Yahweh.
\v 23 Many people who had blue, purple, or red woolen cloth or fine white linen or cloth made from goats' hair, or rams' skins that were tanned, or leather made from sea cow skins, brought some of these things.
\v 24 All those who had silver or bronze brought them as offerings to Yahweh. All those who had some acacia wood that could be used for any of the work for the people to worship Yahweh brought it.
\v 25 All the women who were skilled to make cloth brought fine linen thread and blue, purple, or red woolen yarn that they had made.
\v 26 All the women who wanted to made thread from goats' hair.
\v 27 All the leaders brought onyx stones and other fine stones to be fastened to Aaron's sacred apron and his sacred chest pouch.
\v 28 They also brought spices to put into the sweet-smelling incense, and they brought olive oil for the lamps and for the oil for anointing and for putting in the sweet-smelling incense.
\v 29 All the Israelite men and women who wanted to brought these things to offer them to Yahweh for doing the work that he had commanded Moses to do.
\v 30 Moses said to the Israelite people, "Listen carefully. Yahweh has chosen Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.
\v 31 Yahweh has enabled his Spirit to live in Bezalel, has given him ability and knowledge, and has enabled him to know how to do very skilled work.
\v 32 He can engrave skillful designs in gold, silver, and bronze.
\v 33 He can cut jewels and enclose them in tiny gold frames and can carve things from wood and do other skilled work.
\v 34 Yahweh has also given to him and to Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach their skills to others.
\v 35 He has given to them the ability to do all kinds of work that is done by craftsmen—those who create artistic things, those who make fine white linen, those who embroider designs using blue, purple, or red woolen yarn, and those who make linen cloth. They are able to plan many kinds of artistic work.
\c 36
\v 1 Bezalel and Oholiab will take up this work along with all the other gifted men to whom Yahweh had given skills and the understanding to do all the work needed to build up the sacred tent. These men followed all the instructions that Yahweh gave them.
\v 2 So the cra called Bezalel and Oholiab and all the other skilled men to whom Yahweh had given special ability and who wanted to do some of the work.
\v 3 Moses gave them all the things that the people had brought as offerings to Yahweh for making the sacred tent. But the people continued bringing more things every morning.
\v 4 As a result, the men who were doing various things to make the sacred tent came to Moses, each of them what Yahweh commanded them.
\v 5 So the craftsmen said to Moses, "The people are bringing more than we need to do the work that Yahweh has commanded us!"
\v 6 So Moses gave them a message that others proclaimed throughout the camp, saying "No one should bring anything more as an offering to make the sacred tent!" When the people heard that, they did not bring anything more.
\v 7 What they had already brought was enough to do all the work. In fact, it was more than was needed!
\v 8 All the most skilled men among the workmen made the sacred tent. They made it from ten strips of fine linen, and they carefully embroidered it using blue, purple, and red woolen yarn to make figures that resembled the winged creatures. Bezalel designed all this.
\v 9 Each strip was twelve and four-fifths meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 10 Bezalel and his men sewed five strips together to make one set, and they sewed the other five strips together to make the other set.
\v 11 For each set, Bezalel and his men made loops of blue cloth and fastened them on the outer edge of the strip, at the end of each set.
\v 12 They put 50 loops on the edge of the first set, and 50 loops on the edge of the second set.
\v 13 They made 50 gold fasteners to attach both of the sets together. In that way, the inside of the sacred tent was as though it were one piece.
\v 14 Bezalel and his men made a cover for the sacred tent from 11 pieces of cloth made from goats' hair.
\v 15 Each piece of cloth was eighteen and one-third meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 16 They sewed five of these pieces of cloth together to make one set, and they sewed the other six pieces of cloth together to make another set.
\v 17 They made one hundred loops of blue cloth. They fastened fifty of them to the outer edge of the one set and they fastened fifty to the outer edge of the other set.
\v 18 Bezalel and his men made 50 bronze clasps and joined the two sets together with them. In that way it formed one cover.
\v 19 They made two more covers for the sacred tent. They made one from rams' skins that had been tanned, and they made the top cover from goatskin leather.
\v 20 Bezalel and his men made forty-eight frames from acacia wood and set them up to support the covers for the sacred tent.
\v 21 Each frame was four and three-fifths meters long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 22 They made two projections at the bottom of each frame. These were for fastening the frames to the bases underneath them. Each frame had these projections.
\v 23 The skilled workmen made twenty frames for the south side of the sacred tent.
\v 24 Bezalel and his men made forty silver bases to go underneath them. Two bases went under each frame. The projections on each frame fit into these bases.
\v 25 Similarly, they made twenty frames for the north side of the sacred tent.
\v 26 They also made forty silver bases for them with two bases under each frame.
\v 27 For the rear of the sacred tent, on the west side, Bezalel and his men made six frames.
\v 28 They also made two extra frames, one for each corner of the rear of the sacred tent, to provide extra support.
\v 29 The two corner frames were separate from each other at the bottom but joined together at the top. At the top of each of the two corner frames, Bezalel and his men fastened a gold ring for holding the crossbar.
\v 30 In that way, for the rear of the sacred tent there were eight frames, and there were 16 bases, two bases under each frame.
\v 31 Bezalel and his men made 15 crossbars from acacia wood. Five of them were for the frames on the north side of the sacred tent,
\v 32 five for the south side, and five for the frames at the rear of the sacred tent, the west side.
\v 33 The workmen made crossbars on the north, south, and west sides of the sacred tent and fastened them to the middle of the frames. The two long crossbars extended from one end of the sacred tent to the other, and the crossbar on the west side extended from one side of the sacred tent to the other.
\v 34 The workmen covered the frames with gold and fastened gold rings to the poles. They then put the crossbars into the rings. They also covered the crossbars with gold.
\v 35 Bezalel and his men made a curtain from fine white linen. Skilled craftsmen embroidered it with blue, purple, and red woolen yarn, making designs to represent the winged creatures.
\v 36 They hung the curtain from four posts that were made from acacia wood and covered with gold. They set each post in a silver base.
\v 37 Bezalel and his men made a curtain to cover the entrance of the sacred tent. They made it from fine linen, and a skilled weaver embroidered it with blue, purple, and red woolen yarn.
\v 38 To support this curtain, they also made five posts from acacia wood and fastened gold clasps to them. They covered the posts and their rods with gold and made a bronze base for each of those posts.
\c 37
\v 1 Then Bezalel and his men made the sacred chest from acacia wood. It was one meter long, three-quarters of a meter wide, and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 2 They covered it with pure gold inside and outside the chest, and they made a gold border around the top of it.
\v 3 They made four rings from gold and fastened them to the legs of the chest. They put two rings on each side of the chest.
\v 4 They made two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold.
\v 5 They put the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest, in order that Levites could carry the chest using the poles.
\v 6 They made a lid for the chest. It also was one meter long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 7 Bezalel and his men made two winged creatures from hammered gold, to put them on the two ends of the chest's lid.
\v 8 They put one creature at each end of the chest, and they joined the gold of the creatures to the gold of the lid so that the creatures were one piece with the lid.
\v 9 They placed the winged creatures so that their wings touched each other and spread out over the lid. The creatures faced each other, looking toward the lid's center.
\v 10 Bezalel and his men made a table from acacia wood. It was one meter long, one-half meter wide, and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 11 They covered it with pure gold, and they put a gold border around it.
\v 12 They made a rim all around it, four-fifths of a meter wide. Then they put a gold border around the rim.
\v 13 They made four rings from gold and fastened the rings to the four corners of the table, one ring close to each leg of the table.
\v 14 Bezalel and his men fastened the rings to the table near the rim.
\v 15 They made two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold. They then inserted the poles for carrying the table into the rings.
\v 16 They also made from pure gold all the things for the table--the plates, the cups, the jars and the bowls to be used when the priests poured out wine to offer to Yahweh.
\v 17 Bezalel and his men made the lampstand from pure gold. Its base and shaft were hammered from one large lump of gold. The cups for holding the oil, the flower buds and the petals that decorated the branches of the lamp, the base, and the shaft were all hammered from one big lump of gold.
\v 18 There were six branches on the lampstand, three on each side of the shaft.
\v 19 Each of the six branches had on it three things that looked like almond blossoms. These things also had flower buds and flower petals.
\v 20 On the shaft of the lampstand there were four gold cups that also looked like almond blossoms, each one with flower buds and flower petals.
\v 21 On each side, beneath and extending from each branch, there was one flower bud.
\v 22 All these flower buds and branches, along with the shaft, were hammered from one large lump of pure gold.
\v 23 Bezalel and his men also made seven small cups for holding oil. They made from pure gold the tongs for removing the burned wicks and the trays in which to put the burned wicks.
\v 24 They used thirty-three kilograms of pure gold to make the lampstand and all the things that the priests would use to take care of it.
\v 25 Bezalel and his men made the altar for burning incense from acacia wood. It was square, one-half meter on each side and one meter high. They made a projection that looked like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections were carved from the same block of wood as the altar.
\v 26 They covered the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. They put a gold border around the altar near the top.
\v 27 Bezalel and his men made two gold rings for carrying the altar. Then they attached them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. The poles for carrying the altar fit into those rings.
\v 28 They made those two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold.
\v 29 They also made the sacred oil for anointing and the pure sweet-smelling incense. A skilled perfumer mixed the incense together.
\c 38
\v 1 Bezalel and his men made the altar for burning sacrifices out of acacia wood. It was square, two and one-third meters on each side, and it was one and two-fifths meters high.
\v 2 They made a projection that looked like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections were carved from the same block of wood from which the altar was made. They covered the whole altar with bronze.
\v 3 They made the pans in which to put the ashes from the animal sacrifices. They also made the shovels for cleaning out the ashes. They made the basins and forks for turning the meat as it cooked, and buckets for carrying hot coals. They made all of these things from bronze.
\v 4 They also made a bronze grate to hold the wood and burning coals. They put the grate under the rim that was around the altar. They made it so that it was inside the altar, halfway down.
\v 5 They made bronze rings in which to put the poles for carrying the altar, and fastened them to each of the corners of the altar.
\v 6 They made the poles from acacia wood and covered them with bronze.
\v 7 They put the poles for carrying the altar through the rings on each side of the altar. The altar was like an open box, made from boards of acacia wood.
\v 8 Bezalel and his men made the washbasin and its base from bronze. The bronze was from the mirrors that belonged to the women who worked at the entrance of the sacred tent.
\v 9 Around the sacred tent Bezalel and his helpers made a courtyard. To form the courtyard, they made curtains of fine white linen. On the south side, the curtain was forty-five and three-quarters meters long.
\v 10 To support the curtain, they made twenty bronze posts and twenty bronze bases, one for under each post. To fasten the curtains to the posts, they made silver hooks, and they made metal rods covered with silver.
\v 11 They made the same kind of curtains, posts, bases and hooks for the north side of the courtyard.
\v 12 On the west side of the courtyard, they made a curtain twenty-three meters long. They also made ten posts to support the curtains and ten bases, with silver hooks and metal rods covered with silver.
\v 13 On the east side, where the entrance is, the courtyard was twenty-three meters wide.
\v 14 On one side of the entrance, Bezalel and his men made a curtain about seven meters wide with three posts and three bases.
\v 15 On the other side of the entrance, they made a curtain about seven meters wide with three posts and three bases.
\v 16 They made all the curtains around the courtyard from fine linen.
\v 17 All the posts around the courtyard were made of bronze, but they covered the tops with silver. They connected the posts with metal rods that they covered with silver. They also made the clasps and hooks with silver.
\v 18 For the entrance of the courtyard, they made a curtain from fine white linen, and a skilled weaver embroidered it with blue, purple, and red woolen yarn. The curtain was nine meters long and two and one-third meters high, just like the other curtains around the courtyard.
\v 19 All the curtains were made of fine linen. They were supported by four posts, and under each post was a base made of bronze. All the posts around the courtyard were connected with metal rods covered with silver. The clasps were made of silver, and the tops of the posts were covered with silver.
\v 20 All the tent pegs to support the sacred tent and the curtains around the courtyard were made of bronze.
\v 21 Here is a list of the amounts of metal used to make the sacred tent. Moses told some men from the tribe of Levi to count all the materials used and write down the amounts. Ithamar son of Aaron the priest, supervised those men.
\v 22 Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur made all the things that Yahweh had commanded Moses to make.
\v 23 Bezalel's helper was Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan. Oholiab was a skilled engraver who made artistic things. He embroidered designs using blue, purple, and red woolen yarn, and linen.
\v 24 All the gold that was used to make the sacred tent weighed 965
kilograms. They used the official standard when they weighed the
\v 25 All the silver that the people contributed when the leaders took the census weighed about 3,320 kilograms. They also used the official standard when they weighed the silver.
\v 26 All the men who were at least twenty years old were counted, and they each paid the required amount. That was a total of 603,550 men.
\v 27 They used 33 kilograms of silver for making each of the one hundred bases to put under the posts to support the curtains of the sacred tent, for a total of 3,300 kilograms in all.
\v 28 Bezalel and his helpers used the twenty kilograms of silver that was not used for the bases to make the rods and the hooks for the posts and to cover the tops of the posts.
\v 29 The bronze that the people contributed weighed about 2,300 kilograms.
\v 30 With the bronze Bezalel and his helpers made the bases to support the posts at the entrance of the sacred tent. They also made the altar for burning sacrifices with its grate and the tools to be used with it,
\v 31 the bases for the posts that supported the curtains that surrounded the courtyard, the bases for the entrance to the courtyard, and the pegs for the sacred tent and for the curtains around the courtyard.
\c 39
\v 1 Bezalel, Oholiab, and the other skilled workmen made the beautiful clothes for Aaron to wear while he did his work as a priest in the holy place. They made them from blue, purple, and red woolen cloth, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 2 They made the sacred apron from fine white linen and from blue, purple, and red woolen cloth.
\v 3 They hammered some thin sheets of gold and cut them into thin strips that they embroidered into the fine linen and into the blue, purple, and red cloth.
\v 4 The sacred apron had two shoulder straps, to join the front part to the back part at its sides.
\v 5 A carefully woven belt, which was made from the same materials as the sacred apron, was sewn onto the sacred apron. This was made exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 6 Bezalel and his men cut two onyx stones and enclosed them in a tiny frame, and a skilled gem cutter engraved on the stones the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
\v 7 They fastened the stones to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron to represent the twelve tribes of Israel, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 8 They made the sacred chest pouch with the same materials as the sacred apron and embroidered it in the same way.
\v 9 It was square, and the material was folded double, so that it was twenty-three centimeters on each side.
\v 10 They fastened four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row, they put a red ruby, a yellow topaz, and a red garnet.
\v 11 In the second row, they put a green emerald, a blue sapphire, and a white diamond.
\v 12 In the third row they put a red jacinth, a white agate, and a purple amethyst.
\v 13 In the fourth row, they put a yellow beryl, a red carnelian, and a green jasper. They put tiny gold frames around each of the stones.
\v 14 On each of the twelve stones they engraved the name of one of the sons of Jacob, to represent one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
\v 15 They made two chains from pure gold and braided them like cords, to attach the sacred pouch to the sacred apron.
\v 16 They made two gold rings, and they attached them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
\v 17 They fastened one end of each gold chain to a ring.
\v 18 They fastened the other end of each chain to one of the two settings that enclosed the stones and then attached the sacred pouch to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
\v 19 Then they made two more gold rings and attached them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch, on the inside edges, next to the sacred apron.
\v 20 They made two more gold rings and attached them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps, near to where the shoulder straps were joined to the sacred apron, just above the carefully woven sash.
\v 21 They tied the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord, so that the sacred pouch was above the sash and would not come loose from the sacred apron. They did these things just as Yahweh had instructed Moses to do.
\v 22 They made the robe that was to be worn underneath the priest's sacred apron; they used only blue cloth.
\v 23 It had an opening through which the priest would put his head. They sewed a border around this opening to prevent the material from tearing.
\v 24 At the lower edge on the robe they fastened decorations that resembled pomegranate fruit. The decorations were woven from blue, purple, and red woolen yarn.
\v 25 Between each of these decorations, they fastened a tiny bell made from pure gold
\v 26 for Aaron to wear while he did his work as a priest. They made all these things exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 27 They wove long-sleeved tunics from fine linen for Aaron and his sons.
\v 28 They also made a turban of fine linen for Aaron to wear around his head. They made the caps and the undershorts for Aaron's sons from fine linen.
\v 29 They made the embroidered sash for Aaron from fine linen and from blue, purple, and red woolen cloth, and they embroidered designs on it using blue, purple, and red woolen yarn, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 30 They also made the tiny ornament of pure gold and had a skilled workman engrave on it the words, "Dedicated to Yahweh."
\v 31 They fastened this to the front of the turban by a blue cord, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 32 Finally, they finished all the work of making the sacred tent and brought everything to Moses. They had made them exactly as Yahweh had commanded them to.
\v 33 They brought to him the sacred tent and all the things that were used with it--the hooks, the frames, the crossbars, the posts and their bases;
\v 34 the coverings for the sacred tent that were made of tanned rams' skins and goatskins; the curtains;
\v 35 the sacred chest that contained the stone slabs on which the commandments were written and the lid for the chest.
\v 36 The workers also finished these items for the sacred tent: The table with all the things to be used with it and the bread to display before God;
\v 37 the lampstand made of pure gold with all its lamps and the things that were used to take care of it, and the oil for the lamps;
\v 38 the golden altar for burning incense, the oil for anointing, the sweet-smelling incense, and the curtain for the entrance to the sacred tent;
\v 39 the bronze altar for burning sacrifices with its bronze grating, the poles for carrying it, and all the other things that were used with it, as well as the washbasin and its base.
\v 40 They also brought the curtains that would surround the courtyard, the posts and bases that supported them, the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard and its ropes, the tent pegs, and all the other things that would be used in the sacred tent;
\v 41 the beautiful sacred clothes for Aaron and his sons to wear when they did their work in the holy place, and the clothes for his sons to wear as they did their work as priests.
\v 42 The people of Israel had done all this work exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 43 Then Moses saw all the work that they had done.
Truly, they had done everything exactly as Yahweh had commanded that it should be done. Then Moses blessed the workmen.
\c 40
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Next year, on the first day of the first month, tell the people to set up the sacred tent.
\v 3 Put inside it the sacred chest that contains the stone slabs on which are engraved the Ten Commandments, and hang its curtain in front of it.
\v 4 Bring the table into the sacred tent, and place on it all the things that they made for it. Then bring in the lampstand and set the lamps in it.
\v 5 Put the gold altar for burning incense in front of the sacred chest, and set up the curtain at the entrance of the sacred tent.
\v 6 Put the altar for burning sacrifices in front of the sacred tent.
\v 7 Put the washbasin between the sacred tent and the altar, and fill it with water.
\v 8 Hang the curtains around the courtyard, and also hang up the curtain that your workmen made for the entrance.
\v 9 Then take the oil for anointing and put it on the sacred tent and everything that is in it, to set it all apart for me. Then it will be very special, reserved only for me.
\v 10 Also put some of the oil on the altar on which the priests will burn the sacrifices that they will offer to me. Also put some of the oil on all the things that they will use at the altar, and set them apart for me. Then they will be special, reserved only for me.
\v 11 Also put some of the oil on the washbasin and its base, to set them apart for me.
\v 12 Then bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the sacred tent, and wash them with water.
\v 13 Then set Aaron apart for me by putting his special clothes on him and by pouring oil on him. Do this so he may serve me as a priest who comes before me.
\v 14 Also bring Aaron's sons and put their special tunics on them;
\v 15 then pour oil on them just as you did on their father. Do this so that they also may worship me as priests. By pouring oil on them, you will cause them and their descendants to be priests throughout all their future generations."
\v 16 Moses and the men working with him did all these things exactly as Yahweh had commanded him to do.
\v 17 On the first day of the first month of the next year, the year after the people had come out of Egypt, the people set up the sacred tent.
\v 18 They did what Moses told them to do; they set up the sacred tent and its bases; they set up the frames, attached the crossbars, and put up the posts for the curtains.
\v 19 Then they spread out the coverings over the sacred tent, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 20 Then Moses took the two stone slabs on which
the commandments were written and put them into the sacred chest. He caused the workmen to put the carrying poles into the rings on the chest and put the lid on top of it.
\v 21 Then Moses took the chest into the holy place inside the sacred tent and hung the curtain. After he did that, the people who were outside could not see the chest. He did all this exactly as Yahweh had commanded him.
\v 22 He caused the workmen to set the table inside the sacred tent, on the north side, outside the curtain.
\v 23 They placed on the table the bread in order to display it before Yahweh, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
\v 24 Moses's workmen set the lampstand inside the sacred tent, on the south side, on the other side of the table.
\v 25 Then they set the lamps on the lampstand in Yahweh's presence, exactly as Yahweh had commanded.
\v 26 Moses's workmen set the gold altar for burning incense inside the sacred tent, in front of the curtain that separated the holy place from the very holy place,
\v 27 and they burned some sweet-smelling incense on it, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
\v 28 Moses's workmen hung the curtain at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 29 At the entrance to the sacred tent, they placed the altar for offering sacrifices that the priests were to burn. Then they burned on it the meat and the flour that they offered, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
\v 30 They set the washbasin between the sacred tent and the bronze altar, and they filled the washbasin with water.
\v 31-32 Every time Moses, Aaron, or Aaron's sons went into the sacred tent or went up to the altar, they washed their hands and feet, exactly as Yahweh had commanded them through Moses to do.
\v 33 Moses's workmen hung up the curtains that surrounded the courtyard and the altar, and they hung the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. In this way Moses caused the people to complete all that work.
\v 34 Then the tall cloud covered the sacred tent, and Yahweh's power and brilliant light filled the sacred tent.
\v 35 Because the light was very bright, Moses was not able to enter the sacred tent.
\v 36 From that day, whenever the people of Israel wanted to move to another place, they went only when the cloud rose from above the sacred tent and moved on.
\v 37 If the cloud did not rise, they stayed where they were and waited for the cloud to rise and move.
\v 38 Wherever they traveled, the cloud that showed Yahweh's presence was above the sacred tent during the day, and a bright fire was over it at night. All the people of Israel could see it at any time, for as long as they were traveling to the land that God had promised to give them.
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\id EXO Unlocked Dynamic Bible
\ide UTF-8
\toc1 The Book of Exodus
\toc2 Exodus
\toc3 Exo
\mt The Escape from Egypt (Exodus)
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\c 1
\v 1 These were the sons of Jacob (they all went to the land of Egypt with Jacob, their father, and with their own households). The sons' names were:
\v 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
\v 3 Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
\v 4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
\v 5 In all, there were seventy people who went with Jacob. His son Joseph was already in Egypt.
\v 6 After some time, Joseph and his brothers and everyone else in their family who lived in that generation died.
\v 7 But Jacob's descendants gave birth to many children. The number of his descendants grew very large. As a result, there were so many of them that they were everywhere in Egypt.
\v 8 However, many years later, a new king began to rule in Egypt. He did not know about all the good things Joseph had done for the people of Egypt long ago.
\v 9 He said to his people, "Look at what has happened! The Israelite people have become so many and so powerful that they are dangerous to us!
\v 10 We must find a way to control them! If we do not do that, there will be more of them. Then, if enemies attack us, the Israelites will join with our enemies and fight against us, and they will escape from our land."
\v 11 So the king and his leaders put masters over the Israelites to cause them to suffer very much by making them work very hard. They made the Israelite people build two cities to store goods for the king. Those cities were named Pithom and Rameses.
\v 12 But the more they treated the Israelite people badly, the more the number of Israelites grew, and they became so many that they filled the land. So the Egyptian people began to fear the Israelite people.
\v 13 They made the Israelite people work very hard.
\v 14 Because the Israelites were slaves, their lives were very sad. They had to build many buildings with cement and bricks. They also had to do work in the fields. In making the Israelites do all this work, the Egyptian masters treated them very badly.
\v 15 Now there were two Hebrew midwives. Their names were Shiphrah and Puah. The king of Egypt said to those two women,
\v 16 "When you help the Hebrew women give birth to their children, if the baby is a boy, you must kill him. If the baby is a girl, you may let her live."
\v 17 But the midwives feared that God would punish them if they obeyed the king. So they did not do what the king told them to do. They allowed the baby boys to live.
\v 18 So the king called the two midwives and said to them, "Why are you doing this? Why are you letting the baby boys live?"
\v 19 One of the midwives said to the king, "The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women. The Hebrew women are very strong. They give birth to their babies before we can get to them to help them."
\v 20 So God acted kindly toward the midwives, and the Hebrew people became very numerous and strong.
\v 21 Because the midwives feared God, God gave them children of their own.
\v 22 Then the king commanded all the Egyptian people, saying, "You must throw into the Nile River every Hebrew baby boy that is born! However, you can allow the baby girls to live."
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\c 2
\v 1 Now there was a man who was a descendant of Jacob's son Levi. He married a woman who was also a descendant of Levi.
\v 2 She became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. When she saw that he was a healthy baby, she hid him for three months because she was not willing to do what the king commanded.
\v 3 When she was unable to hide him any longer, she got a basket made from tall reeds. She covered the basket with tar so it would float in water. Then she put the baby in the basket and put the basket in the water. It was at the edge of the Nile River in the middle of the tall reeds.
\v 4 His older sister was standing close by, watching to see what would happen to him.
\v 5 Soon the king's daughter went down to the river to take a bath. Her female servants walked along the riverbank. She saw the basket in the tall reeds in the river, so she sent one of her servants to get it.
\v 6 When the servant brought the basket to her, she opened it, and was surprised to see a baby inside that was crying. She felt sad for him, and said, "This must be a Hebrew baby."
\v 7 Then the baby's older sister walked up to the king's daughter and said, "Do you want me to go and find a Hebrew woman who will be able to nurse the baby for you?"
\v 8 The king's daughter said to her, "Yes, go and find one." So the girl went and found the baby's mother.
\v 9 The king's daughter said to the mother, "Please take this baby and nurse him for me. I will pay you for doing that." So the baby's mother took him and nursed him.
\v 10 Several years later, his mother brought the boy to the king's daughter. She adopted him as though he were her own son. She named him Moses, which sounds like the Hebrew words 'pull out' because she said, "I pulled him out of the water."
\v 11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out of the palace area to see his people, the Hebrews. He saw how they had to work very hard. He also saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew person.
\v 12 He looked around to see if anyone was watching. Seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian man and buried his body in the sand.
\v 13 The next day he returned to the same place. He was surprised to see two Hebrew men fighting each other. He said to the man who started the fight, "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?"
\v 14 The man replied, "Who made you our ruler and judge? Are you going to kill me just like you killed that Egyptian man yesterday?" Then Moses was afraid, because he thought, "Since this man knows what I did, other people will know, too."
\v 15-16 When the king heard that Moses killed an Egyptian, he ordered his soldiers to kill Moses. But Moses ran away from the king and left Egypt. He traveled east to the region of Midian and started to live there.
Now the man who was the priest for the Midian people, whose name was Jethro, had seven daughters. One day as Moses sat down beside a well, the seven daughters came to the well, got water, and filled the troughs in order to give water to their father's sheep.
\v 17 Some shepherds came and started to chase away the girls. But Moses helped the girls and got water for their sheep.
\v 18 When the girls returned to their father Jethro, who was also called Reuel, he asked them, "How is it that you were able to give water to the sheep and come home so quickly today?"
\v 19 They replied, "A man from Egypt kept other shepherds from chasing us away. He also got water for us from the well and gave water to the sheep."
\v 20 He said to his daughters, "Where is he? Why did you leave him out there? Invite him in so that he can have something to eat!"
\v 21 So they did, and Moses ate with them. Moses decided to live there. Later, Jethro gave Moses his daughter Zipporah to be his wife.
\v 22 Later she gave birth to a son, and Moses named him Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "foreigner" because he said, "I am a foreigner living in this land."
\v 23 Many years later the king of Egypt died. The Israelite people in Egypt were still crying out because of the hard work they had to do as slaves. They called out for someone to help them, and God heard them.
\v 24 When he heard them crying out, he thought about his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
\v 25 God saw how the Israelite people were being badly treated, and he wanted to help them.
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\c 3
\v 1 One day, Moses took the flock of Jethro his father in law, priest of Midian, to the far side of the wilderness. He came to Mount Horeb, the mountain of God.
\v 2 When he was on the mountain, Yahweh appeared as an angel to Moses from inside a burning bush. As Moses looked at the bush, it was not destroyed by the fire.
\v 3 Moses thought, "I will go closer to see this strange sight! Why is the bush not burning up?"
\v 4 When Yahweh saw Moses come close to the bush, he called out to Moses, "Moses, Moses!" Moses said to God, "Here I am."
\v 5 God said, "Do not come close to the bush! Because I am God, the ground on which you are standing belongs to me. So take off your sandals to show respect to me."
\v 6 He said, "I am God, the one your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshiped." Moses was afraid that God would kill him if he looked at him, so he turned his head away.
\v 7 Then Yahweh said, "I have seen how badly the Egyptians are treating my people in Egypt. I have heard my people shouting in despair because of what the slave drivers are making them do. I know how my people are suffering.
\v 8 So I have come down from heaven to rescue them from the Egyptians. I will lead them to a good and large land, a land where they can grow many crops and raise much livestock, where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus live.
\v 9 Truly I have now heard my Israelite people crying. I have seen how badly the Egyptians treat them.
\v 10 So I am sending you back to Egypt to the king because you will lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt."
\v 11 But Moses said to God, "I am not important enough to go to the king in order to bring your people out of Egypt."
\v 12 God said, "I will be with you. When you bring my people out of Egypt, all of you will worship me right here on this mountain. That will prove to you that I am the one who sent you to them."
\v 13 Moses said to God, "If I go to the Israelite people and say to them, 'God, the one your ancestors worshiped, has sent me to you,' they will ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what should I say to them?"
\v 14 God replied to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. Tell the Israelite people that the one named 'I AM' has sent you to them."
\v 15 God also said to Moses, "You must say to the Israelites, 'Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God whom Abraham worshiped, whom Isaac worshiped, and whom Jacob worshiped, has sent me to you. Yahweh is my name forever, and this is what all generations should call me.'
\v 16 Go to Egypt and gather together the elders. Say to them, 'Yahweh, the God whom Abraham worshiped, whom Isaac worshiped, and whom Jacob worshiped, has appeared to me and said: I have seen what the Egyptian people have done to you.
\v 17 I promise that I will rescue you from being treated badly in Egypt, and I will take you to the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus live. It is a good land where you can grow many crops and raise much livestock.'
\v 18 The elders will do what you say. Then you and the elders will go to the king of Egypt, and you will say to him, 'Yahweh, whom we Hebrews worship as God, has met with us. So now we ask you to allow us to travel for three days to a place in the wilderness in order that there we may offer sacrifices to Yahweh, our God.'
\v 19 But I know that the king of Egypt will allow you to go only if he sees that he has no other choice.
\v 20 So I will use my power by performing many miracles there. Then he will allow you to leave.
\v 21 When this happens, I will cause the people of Egypt to honor the Hebrew people so that when you leave Egypt, they will give you what you need for the journey.
\v 22 At that time, each Hebrew woman will ask for what belongs to the Egyptian women living nearby. The Egyptians will give you all they have—silver and gold jewelry and clothing. You will put these things on your children. In this way, you will take everything from the Egyptians."
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\c 4
\v 1 Moses said to God, "What should I do if they do not believe me or listen to me? What should I do if they say, 'Yahweh did not appear to you'?"
\v 2 Yahweh said to him, "What is that in your hand?" Moses answered, "A staff."
\v 3 Yahweh said, "Throw it down on the ground!" So, Moses threw the staff on the ground and it became a snake, and Moses ran away from it.
\v 4 But Yahweh said to Moses, "Pick up the snake by its tail." So Moses picked up the snake by the tail, and it became a staff in his hand again.
\v 5 Yahweh said, "Do the same thing in front of the Israelite people in order that they may believe that I, Yahweh, the God whom Abraham worshiped, whom Isaac worshiped, and whom Jacob worshiped, truly appeared to you."
\v 6 Yahweh said to Moses, "Put your hand in your robe." Moses put his hand in his robe. When he brought his hand out, it had a disease that made the skin look white as snow.
\v 7 Then Yahweh said, "Put your hand in your robe again." Moses put his hand back inside his robe. This time when he brought it out, the disease was healed, and it looked like his other hand.
\v 8 Yahweh said, "You can do that in front of the Israelite people, too. If they do not believe you or listen to you after seeing the first miracle, they will believe you when you perform the second miracle.
\v 9 But if they do not believe you or listen to what you say even after you show them these two miracles, get some water from the Nile River and pour it on the dry ground. When you do that, the water that you pour on the dry ground will become blood."
\v 10 Then Moses said to Yahweh, "Oh Lord, I have never been good at speaking to people. I am still that way even after you began talking to me. I speak slowly and never know what to say."
\v 11 Then Yahweh said to him, "Who made a man's mouth? Who is it who makes a man able to speak, hear, see, or not see? Is it not I, Yahweh?
\v 12 So now go, and I will help you speak, and I will tell you what to say."
\v 13 But Moses replied, "Oh Lord, I ask you, please send someone else in my place!"
\v 14 Then Yahweh became angry with Moses and said to him, "What about Aaron, your brother, the Levite? He is a good speaker. He is on his way here right now, and he will be very happy to see you.
\v 15 You can talk to him and tell him what to say. I will tell you both what you should do.
\v 16 He will speak for you to the Israelite people. He will be your spokesman, and he will think of you as if you were me.
\v 17 Be sure to take with you the staff that is in your hand because you will perform miracles with it."
\v 18 Moses went back to his father-in-law, Jethro, and said to him, "Let me go back to my people in Egypt to see if they are still alive." Jethro said to Moses, "Go, and may God give you peace."
\v 19 Yahweh said to Moses in Midian, "Go back to Egypt, for the men who were looking for you are now dead."
\v 20 So Moses took his wife and sons and set them on a donkey and walked back to Egypt, and he took the staff in his hand as God had told him to do.
\v 21 Yahweh said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, be sure to do all the miracles that I have given you power to do in front of the king. But I will make him reject you, and he will not let the Israelite people leave Egypt.
\v 22 Then say to him, 'This is what Yahweh says: Israel is like my first born son,
\v 23 and I say to you, "Let my son go, so that he may worship me." But you did not let my son go and because of this, I will kill your firstborn son!'"
\v 24 One night, as they were on the way to Egypt, Yahweh appeared to Moses in order to kill him.
\v 25 Then Moses' wife, Zipporah, took a knife and cut off the foreskin of their firstborn son. Then she touched the foreskin to Moses' feet and said, "You are a bridegroom of blood to me."
\v 26 Yahweh did not kill Moses. Zipporah said, "You are a bridegroom of blood to me" because of the circumcision.
\v 27 Meanwhile, Yahweh said to Aaron, "Go into the desert to meet Moses." So Aaron went and met Moses at the mountain of God and kissed him on the cheek.
\v 28 Moses told Aaron everything that Yahweh had said to him and all the miracles that he had instructed him to do.
\v 29 So Aaron and Moses went and gathered together all of the elders of the Israelites.
\v 30 Aaron told them everything that Yahweh had told Moses, and Moses performed all the miracles as the people watched.
\v 31 The Israelites believed Aaron and Moses. When they heard that Yahweh had seen how the Israelite people were being badly treated and that he was going to help them, they bowed down and worshiped him.
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\c 5
\v 1 Then Moses and Aaron went to the king. They said to him, "Yahweh God, whom we Israelite people worship, says this to you: 'Let my people go to the desert in order that they may have a festival to honor me!'"
\v 2 But the king said, "Yahweh is no one important. I do not need to pay attention to what he says, or let the Israelite people go. I do not know this Yahweh! Furthermore, I will not let the Israelite people go!"
\v 3 Moses and Aaron replied, "Yahweh God, the one we Hebrews worship, has revealed himself to us and told us what to tell you. So we ask you to let us go for three days into the wilderness. We must offer sacrifices to Yahweh God there. If we do not do that, he will cause us to die from diseases or from attacks by our enemies."
\v 4 But the king of Egypt said to them, "Moses and Aaron, why are you preventing the Israelite people from working? Tell those slaves to return to work!"
\v 5 The king also said, "Listen to me! You people who now live in this land are more numerous than we Egyptians. Why are you stopping them from working?"
\v 6 That same day the king commanded the Egyptian slave bosses and the Israelite assistants who directed the slaves,
\v 7 "Do not continue to give straw to Israelite people for making bricks. Make them go into the fields and gather straw for themselves.
\v 8 However, still force them to make the same number of bricks that they did before. Do not lower the number at all. They do not want to work. That is the reason they are asking me to let them go into the wilderness to worship their god.
\v 9 Make the men work harder so that they will not have time to listen to lies from their leaders!"
\v 10 So the slave bosses and Israelite assistants went to where the Israelite people were and said to them, "The king has said that he will no longer give you any straw.
\v 11 So you must go and get straw where you can find it. But you must keep working to make the same number of bricks."
\v 12 So the Israelite people went all over Egypt to find straw.
\v 13 The slave bosses kept telling them, "Do all the work you are assigned each day. Make the same number of bricks as you did before when we gave you straw!"
\v 14 When they were not able to make enough bricks, the slave bosses working for Pharaoh beat the Israelite assistants with sticks. They asked them, "Why have all the men you are in charge of not been able to make the same number of bricks today as they did before?"
\v 15 Then the Israelite assistants went to the king and cried out, "Your Majesty, why are you treating us this way?
\v 16 Now they are not giving us any straw for making bricks, but they keep telling us to make more bricks. And they beat us. But it is because of your own slave bosses that we cannot make as many bricks as before!"
\v 17 But the king said, "You are lazy and do not want to work! That is why you keep saying, 'Allow us to go to the desert to worship Yahweh.'
\v 18 So get back to work! We are not going to give you any straw, but you must keep making the same number of bricks!"
\v 19 The Israelite assistants knew that they were having a bad time because they had been told, "We are not going to lower the number of bricks you must make each day."
\v 20 As they left the king's palace, they met Aaron and Moses, who were waiting for them there.
\v 21 They said to Aaron and Moses, "May Yahweh see what you two have done! May he punish you because you have caused the king and his officials to hate us! You have given them a reason to kill us!"
\v 22 Moses left them and prayed to Yahweh again, saying, "O Yahweh, why have you caused all these evil things to happen to your people? And why did you send me here?
\v 23 Ever since I went to the king and told him what you told me to say, he has treated your people very badly, and you have not done anything to help them!"
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\c 6
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Now you will see what I will do to the king and his people. I will make him let my people go. In fact, by my power I will force him to chase them from his land!"
\v 2 God also said to Moses, "I am Yahweh.
\v 3 I am the one who appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and told them that I was God Almighty, but I did not tell them that my name was Yahweh.
\v 4 I also made my covenant with them, promising to give them the land of Canaan. That was the land in which they were living as foreigners.
\v 5 Furthermore, I have heard the Israelite people groan because of the hard work that the Egyptians have been making them do as their slaves. I have thought about the covenant that I made.
\v 6 So tell the Israelite people that I said this: 'I am Yahweh. I will free you from the burdens of heavy work that the Egyptians have forced upon you. I will free you from being their slaves. With my great power and by punishing them very harshly, I will save you.
\v 7 I will cause you to become my own people, and I will be your God, the one you worship. You will truly know that I am Yahweh God, the one who has freed you from the burdens of work as slaves of the Egyptians.
\v 8 I will bring you to the land that I swore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. You will live in it forever. I, Yahweh, am promising this.'"
\v 9 Moses told that to the Israelite people, but they did not believe what he said. They were very sad because of the hard work they were made to do as slaves.
\v 10 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 11 "Go and tell the king of Egypt again that he must allow the Israelite people to leave his land!"
\v 12 But Moses said to Yahweh, "Please listen to me. Even the Israelite people have not paid attention to what I told them. I am a poor speaker. So why should the king pay attention to what I tell him?"
\v 13 But Yahweh spoke to Aaron and Moses, "Tell the Israelite people and the king of Egypt that I have called you two to lead the Israelite people out of Egypt."
\v 14 Now here is a list of the ancestors of Moses and Aaron.
\p The sons of Reuben, who was Jacob's oldest son, were: Hanok, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. They were ancestors of the clans that have those same names.
\v 15 The sons of Simeon were: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jakin, Zohar, and Shaul. Shaul's mother was a woman from the land of Canaan. They also were ancestors of clans that have those same names.
\v 16 These are the names of the sons of Levi, in the order in which they were born: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. Levi was 137 years old when he died.
\v 17 The sons of Gershon were Libni and Shimei. They were ancestors of clans that have those names.
\v 18 The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. Kohath was 133 years old when he died.
\v 19 The sons of Merari were Mahli and Mushi. All these were the ancestors of the clans that descended from Levi, in the order in which his sons were born.
\v 20 Amram married his father's sister, Jochebed. She was the mother of Aaron and Moses. Amram was 137 years old when he died.
\v 21 The sons of Izhar were Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri.
\v 22 The sons of Uzziel were Mishael, Elzaphan, and Sithri.
\v 23 Aaron married Elisheba. She was the daughter of Amminadab and sister of Nahshon. Elisheba gave birth to four sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
\v 24 The sons of Korah were Assir, Elkanah, and Abiasaph. They were the ancestors of the Korahite people.
\v 25 Aaron's son Eleazar married one of the daughters of Putiel, and she gave birth to Phinehas. That ends the list of the families and clans that were descended from Levi.
\v 26 Aaron and Moses were the ones to whom Yahweh said, "Lead all the tribes of the Israelite people out of Egypt."
\v 27 They were the ones who spoke to the king of Egypt in order to bring the Israelite people out of Egypt.
\v 28 On the day that Yahweh spoke to Moses in Egypt,
\v 29 he said, "I am Yahweh. You must tell the king everything that I say to you."
\v 30 But Moses said to Yahweh, "Please listen to me. I am not a good speaker. So why should the king listen to what I tell him?"
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\c 7
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Listen to me. I will cause the king to see you as a god, and Aaron will be like a prophet because he will speak for you.
\v 2 You must tell everything I command you to your older brother Aaron, and he will tell it all to the king. He must tell the king to let the Israelite people leave his land.
\v 3 But I will make the king stubborn. Because of this, even though I will do many kinds of miracles here in Egypt,
\v 4 the king will not believe what you say. Then I will punish the people of Egypt very severely, and I will lead the tribes of my Israelite people out of Egypt.
\v 5 Then, when I show my great power to the Egyptian people and bring the Israelite people out from among them, they will know that I am Yahweh, the all-powerful God."
\v 6 Aaron and Moses did everything that Yahweh told them to do.
\v 7 At that time, Moses was 80 years old, and Aaron was 83 years old.
\v 8 Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron,
\v 9 "If the king says to you, 'Show me that God sent you by performing a miracle,' then say to Aaron, 'Throw your staff down in front of the king in order that it may become a snake.'"
\v 10 So Aaron and Moses went to the king and did what Yahweh told them to do. Aaron threw his staff down in front of the king and his officials, and it became a snake.
\v 11 Then the king called his sorcerers and men who did magic. They did the same thing, using their magic.
\v 12 They all threw down their staffs, and the staffs became snakes. But Aaron's staff, which had become a snake, swallowed up all their snakes!
\v 13 But the king continued to be stubborn, just as Yahweh had said he would, and he would not believe what Aaron and Moses said.
\v 14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "The king is very stubborn. He refuses to allow my people to go.
\v 15 So tomorrow morning, go to him as he is going down to the Nile River to bathe. Wait for him on the riverbank. When he comes out of the water, show him the staff, the one that had become a snake.
\v 16 Say to him, 'Yahweh God, the one we Hebrews worship, sent me to you to tell you to let my people go in order that they may worship him in the desert. We told you that, but you have not listened to us.
\v 17 So now Yahweh says this: "This is the way you will know that I am Yahweh, the all-powerful God. I am going to strike the water that is in the Nile River with the staff that is in my hand. When I do that, the water will become blood.
\v 18 Then the fish in the Nile River will die, and the water in the river will smell bad. The Egyptians will not be able to drink water from the river."'"
\v 19 Yahweh said to Moses, "When you are talking to the king, say to Aaron, 'Hold your staff out as though you were holding it over all the water in Egypt—over the rivers, the canals, the ponds, and over the pools of water, in order that all of it may become blood.' When Aaron does that, there will be blood throughout Egypt, even in wooden jars and in stone jars."
\v 20 So Aaron and Moses did what Yahweh told them to do. As the king and his officials were watching, Aaron lifted up his staff and then struck the water in the Nile River with it. All the water in the river turned to blood.
\v 21 Then all the fish died. The water smelled bad, with the result that the Egyptians could not drink water from the river. Everywhere in Egypt the water became red like blood.
\v 22 But the Egyptian men who did magic did the same thing using their magic. So the king remained stubborn, and he would not listen to what Aaron and Moses said, just as Yahweh said would happen.
\v 23 Then the king turned and went back to his palace, and he did not think any more about it.
\v 24 All the Egyptians dug into the ground near the Nile River to get water to drink because they could not drink the water from the river.
\v 25 Then one week passed after Yahweh turned the water in the Nile River into blood.
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\c 8
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go back to the king and tell him, 'Yahweh says that you must let my people go in order that they can worship me in the desert.
\v 2 But if you do not let them go, I will punish you by sending frogs to cover your country.
\v 3 Not only will the Nile River be full of frogs, but also the frogs will come up out of the river into your house. They will come into your bedroom and onto your bed. They will be in the houses of your leaders and all the rest of your people. They will even get into your ovens and your pans for mixing the materials for baking bread.
\v 4 The frogs will jump up on you, your officials, and on all the rest of your people.'"
\v 5 Yahweh also said to Moses, "Say this to Aaron: 'Hold your staff in your hand and stretch it out as though you were stretching it over the river, the canals, and the pools, and cause frogs to come up from all this water and to cover the land of Egypt.'"
\v 6 After Moses told that to him, Aaron stretched out his hand as though he were stretching it over all the water in Egypt. Then the frogs came up from the water and covered Egypt.
\v 7 But the men who did magic did the same thing, and they caused more frogs to come up from the water onto the land.
\v 8 Then the king called Moses and said, "Ask Yahweh to take away these frogs from me and my people. After that happens, I will allow your people to go to worship Yahweh."
\v 9 Moses said to the king, "I will be glad to pray for you, for your officials, and for the rest of your people. I will ask Yahweh to get rid of the frogs from all your houses. The only frogs left will be those in the Nile River. Just tell me when I should pray."
\v 10 The king replied, "Tomorrow." So Moses said, "I will do what you say, and then you will know that Yahweh God, the one we worship, is the only true god, and that there is no other god like him.
\v 11 The frogs will leave you, your officials, and all the rest of your people. The only ones left will be in the Nile River."
\v 12 Then Moses and Aaron left the king. Moses prayed to Yahweh, asking him to take away all the frogs he had brought to the king's land.
\v 13 Yahweh did just what Moses asked him to do. As a result, all the frogs in the houses, in their courtyards, and in their fields died.
\v 14 The people gathered together all the dead frogs into big piles, and the land smelled very bad.
\v 15 But when the king saw that the problem was ended, he became stubborn again. Just as Yahweh had said would happen, the king did not do what Aaron and Moses told him.
\v 16 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Tell Aaron to strike the ground with his staff. When he does that, all the fine particles of earth will become gnats all over the land of Egypt."
\v 17 Moses and Aaron obeyed Yahweh. Aaron struck the ground with his staff, and all over Egypt the fine particles of earth became gnats. The gnats covered the people and all their animals.
\v 18 The men who worked magic tried to cause gnats to appear, but they could not do it. So the gnats stayed on the people and on their animals.
\v 19 The men who worked magic said to the king, "It is God who has done this with his power!" But the king continued to be stubborn, and he would not pay attention to what Aaron and Moses said, just as Yahweh had said.
\v 20 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Get up early tomorrow morning. Go down to the river and wait for the king. When he comes to bathe, say to him, 'This is what Yahweh says to you: "Let my people go, in order that they may worship me in the desert.
\v 21 I warn you that if you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies to you. They will come on you, on your officials, and on the rest of your people. The houses of all you Egyptians will be full of flies. They will even cover the ground on which you will be standing.
\v 22 But when that happens, I will treat the region of Goshen differently, because my people live there. There will be no swarms of flies there. In that way, you will know that I, Yahweh, am doing these things here in this land.
\v 23 I will show you how I act toward my people and how I act toward your people. This miracle is going to happen tomorrow!"'"
\v 24 Early the next morning, Moses told that to the king, but the king would not listen. So Yahweh did what he said he would do. He sent great swarms of flies into the palace of the king and into the houses of his officials. The whole country of Egypt was ruined by the flies.
\v 25 Then the king called Aaron and Moses and said, "You Israelite people can go and worship your god, but you must do it here in this land."
\v 26 But Moses replied, "It would not be right for us to do that because we will offer sacrifices that are very offensive to the Egyptian people. If we offer sacrifices that the Egyptian people do not like, they will kill us by throwing stones at us!
\v 27 We need to travel for three days into the wilderness. There we will offer sacrifices to Yahweh, the God we worship, just as he commands us."
\v 28 So the king said, "I will let your people go to offer sacrifices to Yahweh, your god, in the desert. But you must not go very far. Now pray for me!"
\v 29 Moses said, "Listen to me! After I leave you, I will pray to Yahweh, asking that tomorrow he will cause the swarms of flies to leave you, your officials, and the rest of your people. But do not lie to us again by refusing to let our people go to offer sacrifices to Yahweh!"
\v 30 Then Moses left the king and prayed to Yahweh.
\v 31 Yahweh did what Moses asked. He got rid of the swarms of flies from around the king, his officials, and the rest of his people. No flies remained.
\v 32 But the king was stubborn this time also, and he did not allow the Israelite people to go.
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\c 9
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go to the king and say to him, 'This is what Yahweh, the one we Hebrews worship, says: "Allow my people to go, in order that they may worship me.
\v 2 If you still refuse to let them go,
\v 3 I warn you that I will punish you with my power by sending a terrible disease on all your livestock to make them sick and die—on your horses, on your donkeys, on your camels, on your cattle, and on your flocks of sheep and goats.
\v 4 But I, Yahweh, will not treat the livestock that belongs to the Israelite people the same as yours. You will see that none of the livestock that belongs to the Israelite people will die."
\v 5 Tell Pharaoh that I will do this thing in the land tomorrow."'"
\v 6 The next day Yahweh did what he said that he would do. A terrible disease came upon all of the Egyptians' livestock, and all of the livestock died. But none of the Israelite livestock died.
\v 7 The king sent men to look at what happened, and they were surprised to see that none of the Israelite animals had died. But after they told that to the king, he continued to be stubborn, and he did not let the Israelite people go.
\v 8 Then Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses, "Take a few handfuls of ashes from a furnace. Moses will throw them up into the air in front of the king.
\v 9 The ashes will spread all over the country of Egypt like fine dust. Everywhere in the land, the ashes will cause boils to be upon both the Egyptian people and their animals."
\v 10 So they got some ashes and went and stood in front of the king. Moses threw the ashes up into the air. The ashes spread all over, causing boils to be upon both the Egyptian people and their animals. All the boils became open sores.
\v 11 Even the men who worked magic had boils. Because of this, they were not able to face Moses because the men who worked magic had boils just like all the rest of the Egyptian people.
\v 12 But Yahweh caused the king to continue to be stubborn. He did not pay any attention to what Moses and Aaron said, just as Yahweh had told Moses would happen.
\v 13 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Get up early tomorrow morning. Go and stand in front of the king and tell him that Yahweh God, the one whom the Hebrew people worship, says this: 'Let my people go in order that they may worship me in the wilderness.
\v 14 If you do not let them go, this time I will punish with disasters, not only your officials and the rest of your people, but also you yourself in order that you might know there is no god like me anywhere in the world.
\v 15 By this time I could have used my power to strike you and your people with terrible diseases that would have killed you all.
\v 16 But I have let you live. The reason I have let you live is to show you my power so that people all over the earth will know how great I am.
\v 17 You are still acting proudly and refusing to let my people go.
\v 18 So listen to this: About this time tomorrow I will cause large balls of ice to fall in Egypt. From the time Egypt first became a nation, there has never been an ice storm as bad as this one will be.
\v 19 So you should send a message to all people to put under shelter their cattle and everything else that they own that is out in the fields. The ice will fall on every person and every animal that is out in the fields and that is not brought under a shelter, and they will all die.'" So Moses did what Yahweh said.
\v 20 Some of the king's officials who heard what Yahweh had said became very afraid. So they brought all their animals and their slaves under shelters.
\v 21 But those who did not listen to what Yahweh had said left their slaves and their animals in the fields.
\v 22 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Raise your hand up toward the sky, in order that balls of ice may fall all over the land of Egypt—on the people, on their animals, and on all the plants in the fields."
\v 23 So Moses lifted his staff up toward the sky. And Yahweh sent down balls of ice all over the land of Egypt. There was also thunder and lightning.
\v 24 While large balls of ice were falling, there was thunder, and lightning struck the ground. There had never been an ice storm like that since Egypt first became a country.
\v 25 The ice struck everything that was in the fields all over Egypt—every person and every animal. The ice destroyed the plants in the fields and stripped the leaves off the trees.
\v 26 Only in the region of Goshen, where the Israelite people were living, was there no ice.
\v 27 Then the king sent someone to summon Aaron and Moses. He said to them, "This time I admit that I have sinned. What Yahweh has done is right, and what I and my people have done is wrong.
\v 28 Pray to Yahweh! We cannot take any more of this thunder and ice! I will let your people go; they do not have to stay in Egypt any longer."
\v 29 Moses replied, "As soon as I go out of this city, I will lift up my hands and pray to Yahweh. Then the thunder will cease, and no more ice will fall. This will happen in order that you will know that Yahweh, not your gods, controls everything that happens on the earth.
\v 30 But as for you and your officials, I know that you do not yet fear Yahweh God."
\v 31 When the ice fell, the flax was ruined because the blossoms were forming, and the barley was ruined because its grain was ripe.
\v 32 But none of the wheat was ruined, because its shoots were still very small.
\v 33 So Moses left the king and went outside the city. He lifted up his hands toward Yahweh and prayed. Then the thunder and the ice storm stopped, and the rain also stopped falling on the land of Egypt.
\v 34 But when the king saw that the rain, the ice storm, and the thunder had stopped, he sinned again. He and his officials continued to be stubborn.
\v 35 So, just as Yahweh had predicted by what he told Moses, the king did not allow the Israelite people to leave.
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\c 10
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go to the king again. I have made him and his officials stubborn. I have done so in order that I may have a good reason to do all these miracles among them.
\v 2 I have also done so in order that you would be able to tell your children and your grandchildren how I caused the Egyptians to act very foolishly when I performed all these miracles. Then all of you will know that I am Yahweh God."
\v 3 So Aaron and Moses went to the king and said to him, "Yahweh God, the one whom we Hebrews worship, says this, 'How long will you stubbornly refuse to do what I tell you? Let my people go in order that they may worship me in the wilderness!
\v 4 If you do not let them go, I warn you that tomorrow I will bring locusts into your country.
\v 5 They will cover the ground so that you will not even be able to see it. They will eat everything that the ice storm did not destroy. They will eat everything that is left on the trees that is still growing.
\v 6 They will fill your houses and the houses of all your officials and of all the rest of the Egyptians. There will be more locusts than you or your parents or your grandparents have ever seen from the time your ancestors first came to this land until now!'" Then Moses, along with Aaron, turned and left the king.
\v 7 The king's officials said to him, "How long is this man going to bring bad things upon us? Let the Israelites go in order that they may worship Yahweh, their god. Do you not yet understand that this man has ruined Egypt?"
\v 8 So they brought Aaron and Moses back to the king. He said to them, "All right, you can go and worship Yahweh, your god. But who are the ones who will go?"
\v 9 Moses replied, "We all need to go, everyone, including those who are young and those who are old. We need to take our sons, our daughters, and our flocks of sheep, goats, and herds of livestock because we must have a festival to honor Yahweh."
\v 10 So the king replied, "I never want Yahweh to help you, and I myself will never let you take your children and your wives with you! It is clear that you are planning not to return.
\v 11 So, no, I will not let you all go. The Israelite men may go and worship Yahweh if that is what you want." Then the king drove Moses and Aaron from his palace.
\v 12 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Reach out your hand as though you were stretching it over the land to welcome the locusts. They will come to the country of Egypt and eat every plant that is left in the land, every plant that the ice storm did not destroy."
\v 13 So Moses held out his staff as though he were stretching it over the whole land of Egypt. Then Yahweh caused a strong wind to blow from the east, and it blew over the land all that day and all that night. By the next morning, it had brought the locusts.
\v 14 The locusts swarmed all over Egypt. The swarm of locusts was larger than any that had ever been seen in Egypt, and there will never be a swarm of locusts like that again in the land.
\v 15 They covered the surface of the ground and made it appear black. They ate all the plants in the land and everything on the trees that had not been destroyed by the ice storm. Nothing that was green was left on any plant or on any tree anywhere in Egypt.
\v 16 The king quickly called Aaron and Moses and said, "I have sinned against Yahweh, your god, and against you two.
\v 17 So now I ask you to forgive me this one time for having sinned. Please pray to Yahweh, your god, to take away this terrible disaster that will cause us all to die."
\v 18 So Moses and Aaron left the king, and Moses prayed to Yahweh.
\v 19 Then Yahweh changed the wind so that it blew strongly from the west, and it blew all the locusts into the Sea of Reeds. There was not one locust left anywhere in the country of Egypt.
\v 20 But Yahweh made the king stubborn again, and the king did not let the Israelite people go.
\v 21 Yahweh said to Moses, "Reach your hand up toward the sky in order that there may be darkness over all the land of Egypt, a darkness so complete that people will have to feel around to know where to walk."
\v 22 So Moses reached his hand toward the sky, and it became very dark all over Egypt for three days and nights.
\v 23 People could not see each other. No one left his house during that whole time. But there was light in the area where the Israelite people lived.
\v 24 The king called Moses and said, "All right, you may go and worship Yahweh. Your wives and your children may go with you. But your flocks of sheep and goats and your herds of cattle must remain here."
\v 25 But Moses replied, "No, you must let us take along the sheep and goats in order that we may have some of them to sacrifice and give as burnt offerings to Yahweh, our God.
\v 26 Our livestock must also go with us; we are not going to leave one animal behind. We must take them to worship Yahweh. We will not know which animals to sacrifice until we get to where we are going."
\v 27 But Yahweh made the king continue to be stubborn. The king would not let the Israelite people go.
\v 28 The king said to Moses and Aaron, "Get out of here! Make sure that you never come to see me again! The day you see me again, I will have you killed!"
\v 29 Moses replied, "You are correct! You will never see me again!"
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\c 11
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "I will bring one more disaster on the king of Egypt and on all his people. After that, he will let you leave. In fact, he will chase you out of Egypt.
\v 2 So now, speak to all the Israelite people. Tell them to ask all their Egyptian neighbors, both men and women, to give them their silver and gold jewelry."
\v 3 Yahweh made the Egyptians highly respect the Israelite people. In fact, the king's officials and all the rest of the people thought that Moses was a very great man.
\v 4 Then Moses went to the king and said, "This is what Yahweh says: 'About midnight tonight I will go through Egypt,
\v 5 and I will cause all the firstborn sons to die. From the king's oldest son to the oldest son of the slave woman who grinds grain, and the oldest son of everyone else. I will also kill the oldest males of your livestock.
\v 6 When that happens, people all over Egypt will lament loudly. They will lament more loudly than they ever have lamented before and more than they ever will again.
\v 7 But among the Israelite people it will be so quiet that not even a dog will bark! Then you will know for sure that I, Yahweh, am treating the Egyptians differently from the Israelites.'
\v 8 Then all these officials of yours will come and bow down before me and will say, 'Please get out of Egypt, you and all the Israelite people!' After that, we will leave Egypt!" When Moses had said that, he left the king very angrily.
\v 9 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "The king will not listen to what you say. So I will perform more miracles in the land of Egypt."
\v 10 Aaron and Moses did all these miracles in front of the king, but Yahweh made the king stubborn. The king did not let the Israelite people leave his land.
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\c 12
\v 1 Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses in Egypt,
\v 2 "From now on, this month will be the first month of the year for you Israelites.
\v 3 Tell all the Israelite people that in each family, the man who heads the family must take a lamb or a young goat for his household.
\v 4 If there are not enough people in his family to eat a whole cooked lamb, then his family and the family that lives next door may share one animal. Decide how many lambs you need according to the number of people in each family and according to how much each person can eat.
\v 5 The lambs or goats that you choose must be males, one year olds, and they must not have any defects.
\v 6 You must take special care of these animals until the fourteenth day of the month. On that day, all the Israelite people must kill the lambs or goats in the evening.
\v 7 Then they must take some of the blood from the lambs or goats, and they must smear it on the two doorposts and on the tops of the doorframes of the houses in which they will eat the meat.
\v 8 They must roast the animals immediately and eat the meat that night. They must eat it with bitter herbs and with bread that is baked without yeast.
\v 9 You must not eat any of the meat raw, and you must not boil the meat. You must roast it whole without cutting off the head or the legs or without removing the internal parts.
\v 10 You must eat all the meat that evening; do not let any of the meat remain to be eaten the next morning. If any of the meat is left the next morning, you must burn it all.
\v 11 When you eat it, you must be dressed ready to travel. You must have your sandals on your feet and your walking staff in your hands. You must eat it hurriedly. It will be a festival called Passover to honor me, Yahweh.
\v 12 On that night I will go through all the land of Egypt, and I will kill all the oldest males in Egypt, both humans and animals. By doing this, I will punish all the gods in Egypt. It is I, Yahweh God, who am speaking to you!
\v 13 The blood that you smear on the doorways will be a mark to show me the houses in which you Israelites live. When I see the blood, I will pass over those houses, and I will not harm the people who live there when I come to punish the Egyptians.
\v 14 Each year, you must celebrate this festival on this day to remember what I, Yahweh, have done for you. In all the generations to come, each year you must celebrate this festival. It must continue forever.
\v 15 For seven days you must eat bread that has no yeast in it. On the first day of that week, you must get rid of all the yeast that is in your houses. During those seven days, if anyone eats bread that is baked with yeast in it, you must drive that person out from your people.
\v 16 On the first day of that week, you must have a holy meeting. You must do the same thing on the seventh day. People must not work on those two days. The only work they may do is to prepare food for you to eat.
\v 17 Every year you must keep celebrating this Festival of Unleavened Bread because it will remind you that it was on this day that I brought your tribes out of the land of Egypt. So every year, in all the generations to come, you must celebrate this day as a festival. It must continue forever.
\v 18 In the first month of the year, on the fourteenth day of that month, the only bread you may eat is bread that has no yeast in it. You must keep doing that each day until the twenty-first day of that month.
\v 19 For those seven days you must not have any yeast in your house. During that time, if anyone, either an Israelite or a foreigner, eats bread made with yeast, that person will no longer be an Israelite.
\v 20 In your houses, do not eat anything that has yeast in it during those seven days."
\v 21 Then Moses summoned all the leaders of the Israelite people. He said to them, "Each family should select a lamb and kill it, in order that you may eat it to celebrate the festival that will be called 'Passover.'
\v 22 Let the lamb's blood drain into a bowl. Get a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood. Then wipe some of the blood on the top of the doorframe and on the doorposts of your houses. The people in each house must stay inside the house until the next morning.
\v 23 When Yahweh goes through Egypt to kill the oldest male in each Egyptian family, he will see the blood on your doorframes, and he will pass over those houses. He will not allow the angel who causes people to die to enter your houses and kill your oldest sons.
\v 24 You and your descendants must celebrate this ritual forever.
\v 25 When you arrive in the land that Yahweh will give to you as he promised, you must keep celebrating this ritual every year.
\v 26 When your children ask you, 'What does this ritual mean?'
\v 27 you must tell them, 'This ritual is to remember how your ancestors sacrificed lambs on the night that Yahweh's angel passed over the houses of the Israelite people when they were in Egypt. He killed the oldest males in all the Egyptian houses, but he did not kill the sons in our houses." After Moses told them this, the people all bowed their heads and worshiped Yahweh.
\v 28 Then the Israelite people did exactly what Yahweh told Aaron and Moses to tell them to do.
\v 29 At midnight Yahweh killed all the oldest sons of the Egyptian people, all over Egypt. This included the king's oldest son, the oldest sons of the prisoners in the dungeons, and the oldest sons of everyone else. He also killed the oldest males of all the Egyptians' livestock.
\v 30 That night the king, all his officials, and all the rest of the Egyptian people awoke and discovered what had happened. They wailed loudly all over Egypt because in every house someone's son had died.
\v 31 That night the king called Aaron and Moses and said, "Get up, you and all the other Israelite people, and leave my country now! Go and worship Yahweh, as you requested!
\v 32 Take your flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle, and leave! And ask Yahweh to bless me, also!"
\v 33 The Egyptians asked the Israelite people to leave their country quickly. They said, "If you do not do that, we will all die!"
\v 34 So the Israelite people prepared to leave at once. They took the bowls in which they mixed the dough to make bread and the dough that was in the bowls without any yeast in it, and they wrapped the bowls in their cloaks. They put the bowls on their shoulders and left.
\v 35 Then the Israelite people did as Moses told them. They went to their Egyptian neighbors and asked them for silver and gold jewelry and clothing.
\v 36 Yahweh caused the Egyptian people to greatly respect the Israelite people, so they gave them what they asked for. In that way, the Israelites carried away the wealth of the Egyptian people.
\v 37 The Israelite people walked from the city of Rameses to the town of Succoth. There were about 600,000 men who went, in addition to the women and children.
\v 38 Many other people who were not Israelites went along with them. There was also livestock, including flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle.
\v 39 On their way, they baked bread with the dough that they carried with them when they had been told to leave Egypt. The dough did not have yeast in it because they were told to leave Egypt so quickly that they did not have enough time to get food ready to take with them or enough time to mix yeast in the dough.
\v 40 The Israelite people had lived in Egypt for 430 years.
\v 41 On the day that those 430 years ended, on that very day, all the tribes of Yahweh's people left Egypt.
\v 42 It was a night when the Israelites stayed awake as Yahweh brought them out of Egypt. So this same night every year is a night that is dedicated to Yahweh, a night when the Israelite people in every generation remember how Yahweh kept their ancestors safe.
\v 43 Then Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, "These are my instructions about the Passover ritual: Do not let foreigners eat the Passover meal.
\v 44 But any male slaves that you have bought may eat it after you have circumcised them.
\v 45 Do not let people who are living among you that are not Israelites, or servants whom you pay money to and who stay only for a while, eat the Passover meal.
\v 46 Each family must eat the Passover meal inside its own house. Do not take any of the food outside the house. Do not break the bones of the lamb.
\v 47 All the Israelite people must celebrate this festival.
\v 48 When someone from another country comes to live with you and wants to celebrate the Passover festival, circumcise all the males in his household. Then he can eat the Passover meal, and you should treat that man as though he had been born an Israelite. But do not allow men who have not been circumcised to eat the Passover meal.
\v 49 These rules apply to people who were born as Israelites and to foreigners who come and live among you."
\v 50 All the Israelite people obeyed Moses and Aaron and did what Yahweh had commanded.
\v 51 On that very day, Yahweh brought all the tribes of the Israelite people out of Egypt.
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\c 13
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Set apart all the firstborn males in order that they may belong to me. The firstborn males of the Israelite people and of their animals will be mine."
\v 3 Moses said to the people, "Do not forget this day! This is the day that you left Egypt. This is the day you were freed from being their slaves. Yahweh has brought you out of Egypt by his great power. Do not eat any bread that has yeast in it whenever you celebrate this day.
\v 4 You are leaving Egypt on this day which is the first day of the month of Aviv.
\v 5 Later, when Yahweh brings you into the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Hiv, and Jebus now live, the land that he promised to give to you, a land that will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops, you must celebrate this festival in this month every year.
\v 6 For seven days the bread that you eat must not have any yeast in it. On the seventh day there must be a festival to honor Yahweh.
\v 7 Do not eat bread that has yeast in it for seven days. You should not have any yeast or bread made with yeast anywhere in your land.
\v 8 On the day the festival starts, you must tell your children, 'We are doing this to remember what Yahweh did for our ancestors when they left Egypt.'
\v 9 This ritual will remind you how Yahweh brought your ancestors out of Egypt with his great power. The ritual will be like something you tie on your forehead or on your wrist. It will remind you to recite to others what Yahweh has instructed you.
\v 10 So you must celebrate this festival every year at the time Yahweh has appointed.
\v 11 Yahweh will bring you into the land where the descendants of Canaan live, as he promised to you and your ancestors that he would do. When he gives that land to you,
\v 12 you must give to Yahweh the firstborn males of all your animals. These all will belong to Yahweh.
\v 13 You may keep the firstborn male donkeys, but you must buy them back by killing a lamb in the place of the donkey. If you do not want to buy back the donkey, you must kill it by breaking its neck. You must buy back every one of your own firstborn sons.
\v 14 In the future, when one of your children asks, 'What does this mean?' you must say to him, 'Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt with his great power, and freed us from being slaves there.
\v 15 The king of Egypt did not let them leave his land, so Yahweh killed all the firstborn males in Egypt, both the boys and the firstborn of their livestock. That is why we now sacrifice to Yahweh all the firstborn of our livestock, but we buy back our own firstborn sons.'
\v 16 This will remind you about how Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt by his great power; it will be like something you tie on your wrist or on your forehead to remind you of that."
\v 17 When the king of Egypt let the Israelite people go, God did not lead them to go through the land of the Philistines. That was a shorter road, but God said, "It would be bad if my people changed their minds when they realized that they will have to fight the Philistines to take their land. Then they would decide to go back to Egypt."
\v 18 Instead, God led them to go around through the wilderness toward the Sea of Reeds. When the Israelite people left Egypt, they were carrying weapons to fight their enemies.
\v 19 Moses had them take along the bones of Joseph with them because Joseph long ago had made the Israelite people promise that they would do that. He had said to them, "God will rescue your descendants out of Egypt. When that happens, you must carry my bones with you."
\v 20 The Israelite people left Succoth and walked to Etham at the edge of the wilderness, and they set up their tents there.
\v 21 When they walked during the daytime, Yahweh went in front of them in a tall white cloud to show them the way. During the night, he went in front of them in a tall cloud that looked like a fire. By doing this, he enabled them to travel in the daytime and also at nighttime.
\v 22 The tall cloud did not leave them. It was always in front of them, as a bright white cloud in the daytime and like a tall column of fire in the night.
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\c 14
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelite people to turn around and go back and set up their tents in front of Pi Hahiroth. That town is between Migdol and the sea, near Baal Zephon. Set up your tents there close to the sea.
\v 3 When the king knows you have done that, he will think, 'The Israelite people are confused. They are wandering around, and the desert blocks their path.'
\v 4 But I will make the king stubborn again, and he will take his army and come after you. Then my people will praise me for winning a victory over the king and his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am Yahweh." So Moses told the Israelites that, and they did what he told them to do.
\v 5 When someone told the king that the Israelite people had left during the night, he and his leaders changed their minds and said, "What have we done? The Israelite people will no longer be our slaves!"
\v 6 So the king got his chariot and his army ready.
\v 7 Then he selected six hundred of the best chariots, and in each chariot he placed a driver, a soldier, and a commander, and they left.
\v 8 Yahweh made the king of Egypt stubborn, so he and his army went to pursue the Israelites. The Israelites marched out with confidence.
\v 9 The Egyptian army, with all the king's horses and chariots and horsemen, went after the Israelites. They caught up with them as they were camped near the sea close to Pi Hahiroth, in front of Baal Zephon.
\v 10 When the king's army got near, the Israelite people were surprised to see that the Egyptians were marching toward them. They were terrified, so they cried out to Yahweh to help them.
\v 11 Then they said to Moses, "Certainly you did not think that there was not enough room in Egypt for us to be buried. So why did you bring us here to die in this wilderness? Look what you have done to us by bringing us out of Egypt!
\v 12 That is what we told you when we were in Egypt. We said, 'Leave us alone, and let us work for the Egyptians.' It would have been better for us to be slaves for the Egyptians than to die here in the desert!"
\v 13 Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid! Stand strong and see how Yahweh will rescue you. He will save you today, and the result will be that the Egyptians that you are looking at today—you will never see them again.
\v 14 Yahweh will fight for you! Just stay calm. There is nothing else that you will have to do."
\v 15 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "You must not call out to me for help any longer in this situation. Instead, tell the people to go forward.
\v 16 Lift up your staff and stretch it out as though you were stretching it over the sea. The water will move away so that the Israelite people can go in the middle of the sea, walking on dry ground between the walls of water on each side.
\v 17 I will make the Egyptians stubborn so that they will try to follow the Israelites. Then because of what I will do to the king, his army, his chariots, and his horsemen, my people will praise me.
\v 18 When I have won a glorious victory over the king, his chariots, and his horsemen, the other Egyptians will know that I am Yahweh, the God who can do anything."
\v 19 Then the angel of God, who had been in front of the Israelite people, moved and went behind them. The tall, bright cloud that had been in front of them also moved behind them
\v 20 until it was between the Egyptian army and the Israelite people. The cloud caused the Egyptian army to be in the darkness, but it gave light for the Israelites. As a result, neither group could come near the other group during the whole night.
\v 21 That evening, Moses stretched out his hand as though he were stretching it over the sea. Then Yahweh sent a strong wind from the east. It blew all night and pushed the water apart, and it caused the land between the water to dry up.
\v 22 Then the Israelite people went on the dry land in the middle of the sea. The water was like a wall on each side of them, on the right side and on the left side.
\v 23 Then the Egyptian army went after them into the middle of the sea with their horses and their chariots and chariot drivers.
\v 24 Just before dawn, Yahweh looked down from the fiery cloud, and then he caused the Egyptian army to panic.
\v 25 He caused the wheels of the chariots to get stuck in the ground so that they could hardly move. So the Egyptians said, "Yahweh is fighting for the Israelites against us; let us get out of here!"
\v 26 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Stretch out your arm as though you were stretching it over the sea. Then the water will come back on the Egyptians, on their chariots, and their horsemen."
\v 27 So Moses stretched out his arm, and, as the sun was rising, the water returned to its normal level. The Egyptians tried to escape, but Yahweh hurled them back into the sea.
\v 28 The water returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and the whole Egyptian army that had tried to follow the Israelites into the sea. Every one of the Egyptians died.
\v 29 But the Israelite people had already crossed through the sea by walking on dry ground, with the water being like two walls, one on the right side and one on the left side.
\v 30 That is the way Yahweh saved the Israelite people from the Egyptian army on that day. The Israelite people saw the Egyptians lying dead. Their bodies washed up on the shore.
\v 31 The Israelites saw what Yahweh did to the Egyptians by his great power, and they were in awe of Yahweh. They trusted in Yahweh, and they also trusted in Moses.
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\c 15
\v 1 Then Moses and all the Israelite people sang a song to Yahweh. They sang,
\q1 "I will sing to Yahweh because he has won a great victory;
\q2 He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea!
\v 2 Yahweh is the one who makes me strong, and he is the one I sing about.
\q2 He is the one who has saved me.
\q1 He is my God, and I will praise him.
\q2 He is the one my father worshiped,
\q2 and I will tell others how great he is.
\v 3 Yahweh is a warrior;
\q2 Yahweh is his name.
\v 4 He has thrown the king's chariots and his army into the sea;
\q The king's best officers all drowned in the Sea of Reeds.
\v 5 The water covered them like a flood;
\q2 they sank to the bottom like a stone.
\v 6 O Yahweh, your power is immense;
\q2 with that power, O Yahweh, you have crushed the enemy into pieces.
\v 7 We honor you greatly because you have defeated your enemies.
\q1 Because you were angry with them, you have destroyed them
\q2 like a fire burns up straw.
\v 8 You blew on the sea,
\q2 and the water piled up high;
\q1 the water stood up like two walls.
\q1 In the deepest part of the sea the water became thick,
\q2 as though it were frozen.
\v 9 Our enemies said, 'We will go after them
\q2 and catch up to them.
\q1 We will draw our swords
\q2 and strike them.
\q1 After we defeat them,
\q2 we will divide up everything we take from them.'
\v 10 But you blew on them with your breath,
\q2 and then the sea covered them.
\q1 They sank like lead in the big waves.
\v 11 Yahweh, among their gods, there is no god like you!
\q2 You are glorious, completely different from all that you made.
\q1 There is no one like you!
\q2 Everyone fears and praises you for all the miracles you do!
\v 12 When you stretched out your right hand,
\q2 the earth swallowed up our enemies!
\v 13 You never stop loving us, the people that you have rescued;
\q2 with your power you are leading us to the land where you yourself live.
\v 14 The people of other nations will hear what you have done,
\q2 and they will tremble.
\q1 The people in Philistia will be terrified.
\v 15 The chiefs in Edom will be dismayed.
\q2 The leaders in Moab will be so afraid that they will shake. All those who live in Canaan will faint.
\v 16 They will be terrified and fearful because of your great strength.
\q2 But they will be as silent as stones
\q2 until we, your people, march past them,
\q2 the people you freed from being slaves in Egypt.
\v 17 You will bring us into the promised land of Canaan.
\q1 You will enable us to live on your hill,
\q2 in the place that you, Yahweh, have chosen to be your home,
\q1 in the holy place, our Lord,
\q2 that you yourself will build.
\v 18 O Yahweh, you will rule forever!"
\v 19 When the king's horses and chariots and horsemen tried to go through the sea, Yahweh caused the water to come back and cover them. But the Israelite people walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground.
\v 20 Then Miriam, who was Aaron's older sister and a prophetess, picked up her tambourine, and went out dancing with all the other women who had tambourines.
\v 21 Miriam sang to Yahweh this song:
\q1 "Sing to Yahweh
\q2 because he has triumphed gloriously over his enemies.
\q1 He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea."
\v 22 Then Moses led the Israelite people away from the Sea of Reeds. They went to the wilderness of Shur. They walked for three days, but they could not find any water.
\v 23 So they went on and came to a place named Marah. There was water there, but they could not drink it because it was bitter. That is why they named the place Marah, which is the Hebrew word that means 'bitter.'
\v 24 The people complained to Moses, saying, "What are we going to drink?"
\v 25 So Moses prayed to Yahweh. Then Yahweh showed him a tree. So he took one of the branches and threw it into the water, and the water became good to drink. There at Marah, Yahweh gave them a fixed rule by which to live. He also tested them there to determine if they would obey him.
\v 26 He said, "I am Yahweh, your God. If you will obey me when I speak to you and do those things that are right to me, and listen to all the things that I tell you, I will keep you from all the diseases that I brought on the Egyptians. Do not forget that I am Yahweh, the one who heals you."
\v 27 After they left Marah, they came to a place named Elim. There were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees there. So they camped there.
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\c 16
\v 1 They left Elim, and all the Israelite people came to the wilderness of Sin between Elim and Sinai Mountain. That was on the fifteenth day of the second month after they left Egypt.
\v 2 There in the wilderness, the Israelite people complained against Aaron and Moses.
\v 3 They said to them, "We wish that Yahweh had killed us in Egypt! There we had meat to eat and all the bread that we wanted. But you have brought us into this desert in order that we will all starve to death!"
\v 4 Yahweh said to Moses, "Listen to what I am going to do. I am going to send something from the sky that will take the place of bread for you. When I do that, the people must go out of their tents every day and gather enough to eat on that day. When I do that, I will find out whether they will obey me or not.
\v 5 On the sixth day after I start doing that, they will be able to gather twice as much as on the other days and not have to gather any on the seventh day. Then they can prepare it to eat it."
\v 6 So Aaron and Moses said to all the Israelite people, "This evening you will know that it was Yahweh, not us, who brought you out of Egypt.
\v 7 Tomorrow morning you will see how great Yahweh is because he has heard how you have complained against him. He is the one to whom you have really complained because we are just his servants."
\v 8 Then Moses also said, "Each evening Yahweh will give you meat to eat, and each morning he will give you something that will take the place of bread because he has heard what you have complained about. Yahweh is the one to whom you have really complained, not us. We are just his servants."
\v 9 Then Moses said to Aaron, "Tell all the Israelite people, 'Come and stand here in the presence of Yahweh because he has heard what you have been complaining about.'"
\v 10 So Aaron told them that. As Aaron was talking to all the Israelite people, they looked toward the desert and were surprised to see the dazzling light of Yahweh in the cloud that had been leading them.
\v 11 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 12 "I have heard what the Israelite people have been complaining about. So say to them, 'At twilight, you will have meat to eat, and tomorrow morning you will have something that will take the place of bread. You will have all you want of it to eat. Then you will know that I am Yahweh, your God.'"
\v 13 That evening quails appeared, and there were so many that they covered the campsite. The next morning there was something like small drops of water all around the campsite.
\v 14 When the water dried up, on the ground there was a thin layer of something that looked like small white flakes. It looked like ice laying on the ground.
\v 15 When the Israelite people saw it, since they had never seen it before and did not know what it was, they said to each other, "What is it?" Moses replied to them, "It is something Yahweh has given you to eat, to take the place of bread.
\v 16 This is what Yahweh has commanded: Each of you should gather as much as you need to eat. Gather two liters for each person who lives in your tents."
\v 17 So that is what the Israelite people did. Some gathered more and some gathered less.
\v 18 But when they measured what they had gathered, those who had gathered a lot did not have anything left over. Those who had gathered less still had enough to eat. Each person gathered just enough.
\v 19 Moses said to them, "Do not leave any of it to eat tomorrow morning!"
\v 20 Some of them did not pay any attention to what Moses said. They kept some of it until the next morning. However, it was full of maggots and smelled rotten. That made Moses angry.
\v 21 Each morning they gathered as much as they needed. Later, when the sun got hot, what was left on the ground melted.
\v 22 On the sixth day after they started gathering it, each person was able to gather four liters, which was twice as much as they gathered on the other days. When the leaders of the people came to Moses and told him about that,
\v 23 Moses said to them, "This is what Yahweh has told you: Tomorrow will be a day for you to rest. It will be a day for Yahweh. So today, bake or boil what you will need for today and for tomorrow. Whatever is left this evening, you should put aside and keep it to eat tomorrow."
\v 24 So they did what Moses told them. What was left over, they kept until the next day. It did not spoil and did not get maggots in it!
\v 25 On that day, Moses said, "Eat today what you have saved from yesterday because today is a day of rest to Yahweh. Today you will not find any of that food outside.
\v 26 Every week, you must gather it for six days; but on the seventh day, which will be a day of rest for you, you will not find any."
\v 27 On the seventh day, some of the people went outside their tents to gather some of that food, but there was none.
\v 28 Then Yahweh told Moses to say this to the people: "Yahweh is angry because for a long time you people have refused to do all the things that he has told you to do!
\v 29 Listen! Yahweh has given you a day of rest. So on the sixth day of each week, he will be giving you enough of this food for two days. Each of you should stay in his tent and do no work on the seventh day!"
\v 30 So the people rested on the seventh day.
\v 31 The Israelite people called this food 'manna,' which sounds like the Hebrew word that means 'what is it?' It looked white, like the color of coriander seeds, and it tasted like thin wafers made with honey.
\v 32 Moses said, "This is what Yahweh has told you: 'You must keep two liters of it for all future generations so that they can see the food that took the place of bread that I gave to your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt.'"
\v 33 And he said to Aaron, "Take a jar, and put two liters of manna in it. Then put it in a place where Yahweh can see it. It is to be kept like that for all future generations."
\v 34 As Yahweh had commanded Moses, Aaron put the jar in front of the box that contained the stone slabs on which the Ten Commandments were written.
\v 35 The Israelite people ate manna every day for forty years until they came to the border of the land of Canaan.
\v 36 Now two liters is a tenth of an ephah.
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\c 17
\v 1 Obeying what Yahweh commanded, all the Israelite people moved from the wilderness of Sin. They traveled from one place to another. They camped at a place called Rephidim, but there was no water there for the people to drink.
\v 2 So the people complained to Moses again, saying, "Give us water to drink!" Moses replied to them, "Why are you speaking against me? And why are you trying to test whether Yahweh has the power to give you what you need?"
\v 3 But the people were very thirsty, and they continued to complain to Moses. They were saying, "Why did you bring us up out of Egypt? Did you bring us here to cause us and our children and animals to die from thirst?"
\v 4 So Moses prayed to Yahweh. He said, "How shall I deal with these people? They are almost ready to kill me by throwing stones at me!"
\v 5 Yahweh said to Moses, "Lead the people and walk in front of them. Take some of the elders of the Israelite people with you. Carry in your hand the staff you used to strike the Nile River.
\v 6 Listen to me! I will stand in front of you on top of a large rock at the foot of Mount Sinai. Strike the rock with your stick. When you do that, water for the people to drink will flow out of the rock." Moses did what God had said, and the elders were there with him when the water flowed out of the rock.
\v 7 Moses gave that place two names in the Hebrew language--Masseh, which means 'testing,' and Meribah, which means 'complaining.' He gave it the name Massah because the Israelite people were testing Yahweh, saying "Is Yahweh really among us and able to help us, or not?" and Moses gave it the name Meribah because they were complaining all the time to him.
\v 8 Then the people of Amalek came and fought against the Israelite people at Rephidim.
\v 9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some men to go out and fight against the people of Amalek tomorrow. I will stand on the top of the hill, holding the staff that God told me to carry."
\v 10 So Joshua obeyed Moses. He took some men to fight against the people of Amalek. While they were fighting, Aaron, Hur, and Moses went up to the top of the hill so that they could see the whole battle area.
\v 11 Whenever Moses lifted up his arms, the Israelite men started to win the battle; whenever he lowered his arms, the people of Amalek started to win.
\v 12 But Moses' arms became tired. So Aaron and Hur rolled a large stone for him to sit on. While he was sitting on it, those two held up his arms, one man on either side of him. In that way, they kept his arms lifted up until the sun went down.
\v 13 In this way Joshua and the men with him defeated the people of Amalek in battle.
\v 14 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Write an account of this battle and then read it to Joshua. Also write that I will completely destroy the people of Amalek."
\v 15 Then Moses built a stone altar there and named it "Yahweh is my flag."
\v 16 He said, "A promise was made in front of the throne of Yahweh: Yahweh will fight against the people of Amalek forever!"
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\c 18
\v 1 Jethro, who was the priest for the people of Midian, and who was also Moses' father-in-law, heard about all that God had done for the Israelite people. He heard about how Yahweh had brought them out of Egypt.
\v 2 Moses had sent his wife Zipporah and his two sons back home when he was returning to Egypt. But now Jethro came to him,
\v 3 bringing Zipporah and her sons. One son was named Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "foreigner" because Moses had said, "I have been a foreigner living in another land."
\v 4 Her other son was named Eliezer, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means "God helps me" because Moses had said, "God, whom my father worshiped, has helped me and saved me from being killed by the king of Egypt."
\v 5 While Moses was camped with the Israelite people in the wilderness near Sinai, God's holy mountain, Jethro came to him, bringing along Moses' wife and two sons.
\v 6 Jethro had sent a message to Moses, "I, your father-in-law, Jethro, am coming to see you. I am bringing your wife and her two sons!"
\v 7 So Moses went out of the campsite to meet his father-in-law. He bowed before him and kissed him on the cheek. They both asked each other, "Have you been well?" Then they went into Moses' tent.
\v 8 Moses told Jethro everything that Yahweh had done to the king and all the other people in Egypt in order to help the Israelite people. He also told him about the troubles they had experienced on the way, and about how Yahweh had helped them.
\v 9 Jethro was happy when he heard all that Yahweh had done for the Israelite people.
\v 10 He said, "Praise Yahweh, who has rescued you from the power of the Egyptian army, and out of the power of the king of the Egyptians (who is called Pharaoh), and has set the Israelites free from the control of the Egyptian people!
\v 11 Now I know that Yahweh is greater than all other gods because he rescued you from the power of the proud Egyptians when they were causing you to suffer."
\v 12 Then Jethro brought an animal to sacrifice by burning it on the altar as an offering, and he also offered other sacrifices to God. Aaron and the Israelite elders went with them to eat a meal with Jethro to honor God.
\v 13 The next day, Moses sat down at the place where he settled disputes among the people. The people were bringing their disputes to Moses from the morning until the evening.
\v 14 When Jethro saw everything that Moses was doing for the people, he said, "Why are you doing all this for the people? Why are you doing this by yourself, and why are all the people standing around you from the morning until the evening, asking you to make decisions for them?"
\v 15 Moses replied, "I am doing this because the people keep coming to me to find out what God desires.
\v 16 When they have a dispute about something, they come to me, and they ask me to decide which of them is right. I also tell them all of God's laws and instructions."
\v 17 Jethro said to him, "What you are doing is not good for you or for the people.
\v 18 You and these people will wear yourselves out! This work is too much for you. You are not able to do it by yourself.
\v 19 Now listen to what I will tell you to do. If you do what I suggest, God will help you. You should continue to speak to God and tell him about the people's disputes.
\v 20 You should also teach them what God has commanded and instructed you. You should also explain to them how they should conduct their lives and the things that they should do.
\v 21 In addition, you should choose some other men to help you. Choose men who have respect for God and who will not accept bribes. Appoint some of them to make decisions for groups of ten people, some for groups of fifty people, some for groups of a hundred people, and some for groups of a thousand people.
\v 22 Allow them to serve to settle disputes for the people. The difficult matters they can bring to you, but the matters that are not difficult, they can decide themselves. That will make the work easier for you as they help you do that work.
\v 23 If you do that, and if God agrees, you will be able to endure the stress, and all the people will be able to go home peacefully with their disputes settled quickly."
\v 24 Moses listened to his father-in-law and did all that Jethro told him.
\v 25 Then Moses chose capable men from among the Israelite people and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.
\v 26 Moses chose them to decide about the people's disputes. They brought the difficult cases to Moses, but they decided the matters that were not difficult by themselves.
\v 27 Then Moses said goodbye to his father-in-law, and Jethro returned home.
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\c 19
\v 1 In the third month after leaving Egypt, they came to the wilderness of Sinai.
\v 2 After they left Rephidim, they came to the wilderness of Sinai, and they set up their tents at the base of the mountain.
\v 3 Moses climbed up the mountain to talk with God. Yahweh called to him from the top of the mountain and said, "This is what I want you to say to the Israelite people, the descendants of Jacob,
\v 4 'You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You have seen what I did for you and how I brought you as if you had been on eagles' wings here to me.
\v 5 So now, if you do what I tell you and obey all that I command you, you will be my own people. You will be my special possession from among all of the people, for all the earth is mine.
\v 6 You will be people over whom I will rule, and you will be a kingdom where everyone will worship me like priests, and you will be a nation only for me.' That is what you must tell the Israelite people."
\v 7 So Moses went down the mountain and called the elders of the people. He told them everything that Yahweh had told him to tell them.
\v 8 The people all said, "We will do everything that Yahweh has told us to do." Then Moses climbed back up the mountain and reported to Yahweh what the people had said.
\v 9 Then Yahweh said to Moses "Listen carefully. I will come to you from inside a thick cloud. When I am speaking to you, the people will hear it, and they will always believe that you are their leader." Then Moses told Yahweh what the people said.
\v 10 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go back down to the people again. Tell them to get ready for my coming. They must purify themselves today and tomorrow, and wash their clothes, too.
\v 11 They must do that to be ready on the third day. On that day I will come down to Mount Sinai to where all the people can see me.
\v 12 You must make a boundary around the base of the mountain, and tell them, 'Be sure that you do not climb the mountain or even go near it. Anyone who even touches the base of the mountain must be killed.'
\v 13 Do not let anyone touch any person or any animal that touches the mountain. You must kill any person or animal that touches the mountain by throwing stones at it or shooting it with arrows. But when you hear a long, loud trumpet sound, the people can come close to the base of the mountain."
\v 14 So Moses went down the mountain again and told the people to purify themselves and to get ready for Yahweh's coming. They did what Moses told them to do, and they also washed their clothes.
\v 15 Then Moses said to the people, "Be ready on the third day, and you men must not sleep with your wives until after then."
\v 16 On the third day, during the morning, there was thunder and lightning and a very dark cloud on the mountain. A trumpet sounded very loudly, and the people in the camp shook because they were very afraid.
\v 17 Then Moses led the people outside the camp to meet with God. They stood around the base of the mountain.
\v 18 Then Yahweh descended on Mount Sinai so that the entire mountain was covered in smoke and surrounded by fire. The smoke rose up like the smoke from the chimney of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently.
\v 19 As the sound of the trumpet continued to become louder, Moses spoke to Yahweh, and Yahweh answered him in a loud voice that sounded like thunder.
\v 20 Then Yahweh came down again onto the top of Mount Sinai, and he summoned Moses to come up to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up.
\v 21 Yahweh said to Moses, "Go down again and warn the people not to cross the boundary in order to look at me. If they do that, many of them will die.
\v 22 Also, the priests who come near me must purify themselves, because I am coming to them. If they do not do that, I will punish them."
\v 23 Then Moses said to Yahweh, "The people will not climb the mountain because you commanded them, saying, 'Set a boundary around the mountain, to set it apart.'"
\v 24 Yahweh said to Moses, "Go down the mountain and bring Aaron back up with you. But do not allow the priests or other people to cross the boundary to come up to me. If they cross it, I will punish them."
\v 25 So Moses went down the mountain again and told the people what Yahweh had said.
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\c 20
\v 1 Then God spoke these words to the Israelite people.
\v 2 "I am Yahweh your God, the one you worship. I am the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt. I am the one who freed you from being slaves there.
\v 3 You must worship only me; you must not worship any other god.
\v 4 You must not carve a figure to worship that represents anything in the sky or that is on the ground or that is in the water under the ground.
\v 5 You must not bow down to any idol and worship it because I am Yahweh your God, and I will not allow you to worship any other gods. I will punish those who sin and hate me. I will punish not only them, but also I will punish their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.
\v 6 However, I will never stop loving thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my commandments.
\v 7 Do not use my name carelessly because I am Yahweh your God, the one whom you should worship, and I will certainly punish those who use my name for wrong purposes.
\v 8 Do not forget that the seventh day of every week belongs to me, so keep those days only for me.
\v 9 There are six days each week for you to do all your work,
\v 10 but the seventh day is a day of rest, a day dedicated to me, Yahweh your God, the one whom you should worship. On that day you must not do any work. You and your sons and daughters and your male and female slaves must not work. You must not even force your livestock to work, and you must not allow foreigners to work, those strangers who are living in your country.
\v 11 I, Yahweh, created the sky, the earth, the ocean, and everything that is in them in six days. Then I stopped my work of creating everything and rested on the seventh day. That is the reason that I, Yahweh, have blessed the rest day and set it apart to be a sacred day.
\v 12 Honor your father and your mother, in order that you may live a long time in the land that I, Yahweh your God, will give you.
\v 13 Do not murder anyone.
\v 14 Do not commit adultery with anyone.
\v 15 Do not steal anything.
\v 16 Do not falsely accuse anyone of committing a crime.
\v 17 Do not covet someone else's house, someone else's wife, someone else's male or female slave, someone else's livestock, someone else's donkeys, or anything else that another person owns."
\v 18 When the people heard the thunder and saw the lightning, and when they heard the sound of the trumpet and saw the smoke on the mountain, they were afraid and trembled. They stood at a distance
\v 19 and said to Moses, "If you speak to us, we will listen. But do not let God speak anymore to us. We are afraid that if he speaks anymore to us, we will die."
\v 20 Moses replied to the people, "Do not be afraid! God has come to determine how you will behave. He wants you to honor him and to not sin."
\v 21 Then, as the people watched from a distance, Moses went close to the black cloud where God was.
\v 22 Yahweh said to Moses, "Say this to the Israelite people, 'You have heard how I, Yahweh, have spoken to you from heaven.
\v 23 I told you that you must not make any idols of silver or gold that you will worship instead of me.
\v 24 Make for me an altar from earth. Sacrifice on it your burnt offerings, your offerings to promise friendship with me, and also your sheep and oxen. Worship me in any place that I choose for you to honor me; if you do that, I will come to you and bless you.
\v 25 If you make for me an altar from stones, do not make it from stones that you have cut to make them look nice because you will make the altar unsuitable for worshiping me if you use tools to cut the stones.
\v 26 Do not make an altar that has steps in front of it because if you do that, God could see your naked body as you go up the steps.'"
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\c 21
\v 1 "Here are some other instructions to give to the Israelite people.
\v 2 When you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve you for only six years. In the seventh year you must free him from being your slave, and he does not have to pay you anything for setting him free.
\v 3 If he was not married before he became your slave, and if he marries someone while he is your slave, his wife is not to be set free with him. But if he was married before he became your slave, you must free both him and his wife.
\v 4 If the master of a slave gives him a wife, and she gives birth to sons or daughters while her husband is a slave, only the man is to be freed. His wife and children will continue to be slaves of their master.
\v 5 But when it is time for the slave to be set free, if the slave says, 'I love my master and my wife and my children, and I do not want to be set free,'
\v 6 then his master must take him to the place where they worship God. There he must make the slave stand against the door or the doorpost. Then the master will use an awl to make a hole in the slave's ear and fasten something to the slave's ear to show that he will own that slave for the rest of his life.
\v 7 If a man sells his daughter to become a slave, she should not be set free after six years as the male slaves are.
\v 8 If the man who bought her wanted her to be his concubine, but if later he is not pleased with her, he must sell her back to her father. He must not sell her to a foreigner because that would be breaking the contract he made with the girl's father.
\v 9 If the man who buys her wants her to be a wife for his son, he must then treat her as though she were his own daughter.
\v 10 If the master takes another slave girl to be another woman for himself, he must continue to give the first slave concubine the same amount of food and clothing that he gave to her before, and he must continue to sleep with her as before.
\v 11 If he does not do these three things for her, he must free her from being a slave, and she is not required to pay anything for being set free.
\v 12 If someone hits a man in order to kill him and the man dies, then that person should also be put to death.
\v 13 But if the one who hit the other did not mean to kill that person, the one who hit him can go to a place that I will choose for you, and he will be safe there.
\v 14 But if someone gets angry with another person and kills him on purpose, even if the murderer runs to the altar, you must kill him.
\v 15 Anyone who strikes his father or mother must be killed.
\v 16 Anyone who kidnaps another person, either in order to sell that person or to keep him as a slave, must be killed.
\v 17 Anyone who curses or insults his father or his mother must be killed.
\v 18 Suppose two people fight, and one hits the other with a stone or his fist. Suppose the person he strikes does not die but is injured and has to stay in bed for a while,
\v 19 but later he is able to walk outside using a cane. Then they must not punish the person who hit him, except that they must make him pay the injured person the money he could not earn while he was recovering as well as the costs for healing.
\v 20 If someone hits his male or female slave with a stick, and if the slave dies, then the one who struck him must be punished.
\v 21 But if the slave lives for a day or two after he is hit and then dies, you must not punish the one who hit him. Not having that slave to be able to work for him any longer is enough punishment.
\v 22 If two people are fighting and they hurt a pregnant woman so that she has a miscarriage but the woman is not harmed in any other way, the one who hurt her must pay a fine. He must pay whatever the woman's husband asks after a judge approves of the fine.
\v 23 But if the woman is hurt in another way, the one who hurt her must be caused to suffer in the same way that he caused her to suffer. If she dies, he must be killed.
\v 24 If her eye is hurt, or if he knocks out her teeth, or her hand or foot is hurt,
\v 25 or if she is burned or bruised, the one who hurt her must be hurt in the same way.
\v 26 If the owner of a slave strikes the eye of his male or female slave and that eye becomes blind, he must free that slave because of what he did to the slave's eye.
\v 27 If someone knocks out one of his slave's teeth, he must free the slave because of what he did to the slave's tooth.
\v 28 If a bull gores a man or woman with the result that the person dies, you must kill the bull by throwing stones at it, but do not eat it. The owner of the bull is not guilty.
\v 29 But if the bull had attacked people several times before and its owner had been warned, but he did not keep the bull inside a fence, and it gores a man or woman to death, then you must kill the bull by throwing stones at it, and you must also kill its owner.
\v 30 However, if the owner of the bull can pay a fine to save his own life, he must pay the full amount that the judges say that he must pay.
\v 31 If someone's bull attacks and gores another person's son or daughter, you must treat the bull's owner according to that same rule.
\v 32 If a bull attacks and gores a male or female slave, its owner must pay to the slave's owner thirty pieces of silver, and you must kill the bull by throwing stones at it.
\v 33 Suppose someone has a pit and does not keep it covered, and someone's bull or donkey falls into it and dies.
\v 34 Then the owner of the pit must pay for the animal that died. He must give the money to the animal's owner, but then he can take away the animal that died and do whatever he wants to with it.
\v 35 If someone's bull hurts another person's bull so that it dies, the owners of both bulls must sell the bull that is living, and they must divide between them the money that they get for it. They must also divide between them the meat of the animal that died.
\v 36 However, if people know that the bull often attacked other animals before, and its owner did not keep it inside a fence, then the owner of that bull must give the owner of the bull that died one of his own bulls, but he can take away the animal that died and do whatever he wants to with it."
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\c 22
\v 1 "If someone steals a bull or a sheep and then kills it or sells it, he must pay five bulls for the bull that he stole, and he must pay four sheep for the sheep that he stole.
\v 2 If a thief is caught while he is breaking into someone's house at night, if the one who catches him kills the thief, he is not guilty of killing him.
\v 3 But if that happens during the daytime, the one who killed the thief is guilty of murdering him.
A thief must pay for what he stole. If he has no animal with which to pay for the one that he stole, he must be sold to become someone else's slave, and the money from his sale must be used to pay for what he stole.
\v 4 If a thief still has the animal when he is caught, whether it is a bull or a donkey or a sheep, and it is still alive, the thief must pay back the stolen animal as well as another one of the same kind.
\v 5 If someone allows his animals to eat grass in his field or in his vineyard, and if the animals stray away and eat the plants in another person's field, the owner of the animals must pay the owner of that field by giving him the best from his own field or vineyard.
\v 6 If someone starts a fire and it spreads through the grass and starts burning in someone else's field, and the fire burns grain that is growing or grain that is already cut and stacked, then the person who started the fire must pay for what has been lost.
\v 7 Suppose that someone gives another person some money or other valuable item and asks him to keep it in his house for a while. And suppose that a thief steals it from that person's house. If the thief is caught, the thief must pay back twice as much as he stole.
\v 8 But if the thief is not caught, the owner of the house from which the item was stolen must stand before the judges so that the judges can say whether the owner of the house was the one who took the other man's valuable item.
\v 9 If two people argue about which one of them owns a bull or a donkey or a sheep or some clothing, or something else that has been lost, they must stand before the judges. The one whom the judges say is lying must pay back to the real owner twice as many bulls or donkeys or sheep or items of clothing.
\v 10 Suppose someone gives his donkey or bull or sheep or some other animal to someone else and asks him to take care of it for a while, and the animal dies or is injured or is stolen while no one is watching.
\v 11 Then the person who was taking care of the animal must swear, knowing that God is listening, that he did not steal the animal. If he did not steal it, the owner of the animal must accept that the other person is telling the truth, and the other person will not have to pay anything back to the owner.
\v 12 But if the animal was stolen while he was supposed to be taking care of it, the man who promised to take care of it must pay back the owner for the animal.
\v 13 If he says that the animal was killed by wild animals, he must bring back the remains of the animal that was killed and show it to the animal's owner. If he does that, he will not have to pay anything for the animal.
\v 14 If someone borrows an animal, and if that animal is hurt or dies when its owner is not there, the one who borrowed it must pay the owner for the animal.
\v 15 But if that happens when the owner of the animal is there, the one who borrowed it will not have to pay back anything. If the man who borrowed it only rented it, the money that he paid to rent it will be enough to pay for the animal dying or being injured."
\v 16 "If a man forces a girl to sleep with him, a girl who is a virgin and who is not engaged to be married, he must pay the bride price for her and marry her.
\v 17 But if her father does not allow her to marry him, he must pay to the woman's father money that is the same as the bride price money that men pay for virgins.
\v 18 You must kill any woman who practices sorcery.
\v 19 You must kill any person who sleeps with an animal like a man sleeps with a woman.
\v 20 You must offer sacrifices only to Yahweh. You must kill anyone who offers a sacrifice to any other god.
\v 21 You must not mistreat a foreigner who comes to live among you. Do not forget that you were previously foreigners in Egypt.
\v 22 You must not mistreat any widow or any orphan.
\v 23 If you mistreat them and they ask me to help them, I will help them,
\v 24 and I will be angry with you; I will cause you to die in war. Your wives will become widows, and your children will no longer have fathers.
\v 25 If you lend money to any of my people who are poor, do not act like a moneylender and require him to pay interest on the money.
\v 26 If he gives you his cloak to guarantee that he will pay the money back, you must give the cloak back to him before the sun goes down
\v 27 because he needs it to keep him warm during the night. That is the only covering that poor people have when they sleep at night. If you do not act mercifully toward him by giving back his cloak, when he cries out to me asking for my help, I will help him because I always act mercifully.
\v 28 Do not insult God, and do not call on God to do harmful things to any ruler of your people.
\v 29 Do not withhold from me the best parts of the grain that you harvest, or of the olive oil or the wine that you produce. You will give your firstborn sons to me.
\v 30 Similarly, your firstborn male cattle and sheep belong to me. After those animals are born, allow them to stay with their mothers for seven days. On the eighth day you will give them to me.
\v 31 You are people who are set apart to me. I detest the meat of any animal that has been killed by wild animals. Therefore do not eat such meat. Instead, throw it where the dogs can eat it."
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\c 23
\v 1 "Do not lie about other people. Do not help someone who is guilty by lying about what happened.
\v 2 Do not join with a group of people who are planning do something evil. Do not tell the same lies they do and so keep the judge from deciding the case justly.
\v 3 When a poor person is on trial, do not testify in his favor just because he is poor and you feel sorry for him.
\v 4 If you see someone's bull or donkey when it is wandering away loose, take it back to its owner even if the owner is your enemy.
\v 5 If you see someone's donkey that has fallen down because of its heavy load, help the owner to get the donkey up again even if he is someone who hates you. Do not just walk away without helping him.
\v 6 Decide the cases of poor people who are on trial as fairly as you judge the cases of other people.
\v 7 Do not accuse people falsely. Do not decide that innocent and righteous people should be killed because I will punish people who do such an evil thing.
\v 8 Do not accept money that is a bribe because officials who accept bribes are not able to decide what is right to do, and they do not allow innocent people to be treated fairly.
\v 9 Do not mistreat foreigners who live among you. You know how foreigners often feel because the Egyptians did not treat you well when you were foreigners there.
\v 10 For six years, plant seeds in your ground and gather the harvest.
\v 11 But on the seventh year you must not plant anything. If things grow without your planting seeds, allow the poor people to harvest and eat the crops. If there are still crops left over, allow the wild animals to eat them. Do the same thing with your grapevine and your olive trees.
\v 12 You may work for six days each week, but on the seventh day you must rest and not work. Also on the seventh day you must allow your work animals, your slaves, and the foreigners who live among you to rest and to become ready to work again.
\v 13 Make certain that you obey everything that I have commanded you to do. Do not pray to other gods. Do not even mention their names.
\v 14 Every year you must travel to three festivals to honor me.
\v 15 The first one is the Festival of Bread with no Yeast. Celebrate it in the month of Aviv, which is the month in which you left Egypt. Celebrate it in the way that I commanded you; eat the bread for seven days. Always bring an offering when you come to worship me. Do not come empty-handed.
\v 16 The second festival is the Festival of Harvest. During that festival you must offer to me the first parts of your crops that grow from the seeds that you planted. The third festival is the Festival of Finished Harvest. That will be after you finish harvesting your grain, your grapes, and your fruit.
\v 17 Every year, at each of these times, all the men must gather together to worship me, Yahweh God.
\v 18 When you sacrifice an animal and offer it to me, you must not offer bread that has been baked with yeast. When you offer sacrifices, burn the fat from the animals on that same day so that no fat remains the next morning.
\v 19 Each year, when you harvest your crops, take the best of what you harvest first, go to the place where you worship me, and give it to me, Yahweh God. When you kill a young animal, do not cook it by boiling it in its mother's milk."
\v 20 "I am going to send an angel ahead of you to guard you as you travel and to bring you safely to the place that I have prepared for you.
\v 21 Pay attention to what he says and obey him. Do not rebel against him because he will have my authority and he will punish you if you rebel against him.
\v 22 But if you pay attention to what he says and if you do all that I tell you to do, I will fight against all of your enemies.
\v 23 My angel will go ahead of you and will take you to where the Amor, Heth, Periz, Canaan, Hiv, and Jebus people groups live, and I will completely get rid of them.
\v 24 Do not bow down before their gods or worship them. Do not do the things that they think that their gods want them to do. Destroy their gods and smash to pieces their sacred stones.
\v 25 You must worship me, Yahweh your God. If you do that, I will bless your food and water, and I will protect you from becoming sick.
\v 26 No women in your land will have miscarriages, and no women will be unable to become pregnant. I will enable you to live a long time.
\v 27 I will cause the people who oppose you to become very afraid of me. I will kill all of the people that you come close to. Then I will cause them to turn around and run away from you.
\v 28 I will cause your enemies to become terrified. I will expel the Hiv, Canaan, and Heth people groups from your land.
\v 29 I will not remove all of them in less than one year. If I did that, your land would become deserted, and there would be very many wild animals that would attack you.
\v 30 I will remove those people groups slowly, a few at a time, until the number of your people increases and you are able to live everywhere in the land.
\v 31 I will cause the borders of your land to extend from the Sea of Reeds in the southeast to the Mediterranean Sea in the northwest, and from the wilderness of Sinai in the southwest to the Euphrates River in the northeast of the country. I will give you the power to remove the people who live there so that you will remove them as you occupy more of the country.
\v 32 You must not make any agreement with those people or with their gods.
\v 33 Do not allow those people to live in your land in order that they do not cause you to sin against me. If you worship their gods, you will not be able to escape from worshiping them and sinning against me just as someone caught in a trap is unable to escape."
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\c 24
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses. "Come up to me on top of this mountain, you and Aaron and his sons Nadab and Abihu. Also take along seventy of the Israelite elders. While you are still some distance from the top of the mountain, there you may worship me.
\v 2 Moses, I will allow you alone to come near to me. The others must not come near, and the rest of the people must not come up the mountain."
\v 3 Moses went and told the people everything that Yahweh had said and all that he had commanded. The people all replied together, saying, "We will do everything that Yahweh has told us to do."
\v 4 Then Moses wrote down everything that Yahweh had commanded. Early the next morning Moses built a stone altar. He also set up twelve stones, one for each of the Israelite tribes.
\v 5 He also chose some young men. They burned sacrifices to Yahweh and they also sacrificed some cattle as offerings to promise friendship with him.
\v 6 Moses took half of the blood of the animals that were slaughtered and put it in bowls. The other half of the blood he threw against the altar.
\v 7 Then he took the scroll on which he had written everything that Yahweh had commanded in the covenant that he had made, and he read it aloud while all the people were listening. Then all the people said, "We will do all that Yahweh has told us to do. We will obey everything."
\v 8 Then Moses took the blood that was in the bowls and threw it on the people. He said, "This is the blood that confirms the covenant that Yahweh has made with you when he gave you all these commands."
\v 9 Then Moses along with Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy Israelite elders went up the mountain,
\v 10 and they saw God, the one whom the Israelite people worship. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of blue stones called sapphires. They were as clear as the sky is when there are no clouds.
\v 11 God did not harm those Israelite elders because of their having seen him. They saw God, and they ate and drank together!
\v 12 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Come up to me on top of this mountain. While you are here, I will give you two stone slabs on which I have written all the laws that I have given to you to teach the people."
\v 13 Then Moses went with his servant Joshua part of the way up the mountain where God was.
\v 14 Now Moses had said to the elders, "Stay here with the other people until we return! Do not forget that Aaron and Hur will be with you, so if anyone has a dispute while I am gone, he can go to those two men."
\v 15 Then Moses went the rest of the way up the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain.
\v 16 The glory of Yahweh came down on the mountain and covered it for six days. On the seventh day, Yahweh called to Moses from the middle of the cloud.
\v 17 When the Israelite people looked at the top of the mountain, the glory of Yahweh was like a big fire burning there.
\v 18 Moses went into the cloud on top of the mountain and was there for forty days and nights.
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\c 25
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelites that they must give offerings to me. Receive from the people every offering that they want to give to me.
\v 3 These are the things that they may offer: gold, silver, bronze,
\v 4 blue and purple and scarlet dyed wool, fine linen, goats' hair for making cloth,
\v 5 ram skins that have been tanned, sea cow hides, hard wood from acacia trees,
\v 6 olive oil to burn in the lamps, spices to put in the olive oil for anointing the priests, and spices to put in the sweet-smelling incense,
\v 7 onyx stones and other expensive stones to be fastened to the priest's sacred apron and to be put on the chest pouch that is to be fastened to the apron.
\v 8 Tell the people to make a big sacred tent for me so that I can live in it in their midst.
\v 9 They must make the sacred tent and all the things that will be used inside it according to the plan that I will show you.
\v 10 Tell the people to make a sacred chest from acacia wood. It is to be one meter long, three-quarters of a meter wide and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 11 Cover the chest with pure gold inside and outside and put a gold border around the top of it.
\v 12 They must make four rings from gold and fasten them to the legs of the chest. Put two rings on each side of the chest.
\v 13 They must make two poles from acacia wood, and they must cover them with gold.
\v 14 They must put the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest so that the chest can be carried by the poles.
\v 15 The poles must always be left in the rings; they must not take the poles out of the rings.
\v 16 Put inside the chest the two stone slabs that I will give you on which I have written my commandments.
\v 17 Tell them to make a lid for the chest from pure gold; it will be the place where I will cover people's sins. It also is to be one meter long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 18 Tell them to hammer a large lump of gold into the form of two creatures that have wings for the two ends of the lid.
\v 19 One of these is to be put at each end of the chest, but the gold from which they are made must be joined to the gold from which the lid is made.
\v 20 Tell them to place the winged creatures so that their wings touch each other and spread out over the lid. The two winged creatures were facing each other and they both were looking toward the center of the chest.
\v 21 Put the stone slabs that I will give you inside the chest. Then fasten the lid onto the top of the chest.
\v 22 I will set times to talk with you there. From above the lid of the chest, between the two winged creatures, I will tell to you all my laws that you must transmit to the Israelite people.
\v 23 Tell them to make a table from acacia wood. It is to be one meter long, one-half of a meter wide, and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 24 Tell them to cover it with pure gold and put a gold border around it.
\v 25 Tell them to make a rim all around it, four-fifths of a meter wide, and to put a gold border around the rim.
\v 26 Tell them to make four rings from gold and fasten them to the four corners of the table, one ring close to each leg of the table.
\v 27 The rings should be fastened to the table near the rim at the legs in order to carry the table with poles.
\v 28 Make two poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold. The poles for carrying the table are to be inserted into the rings.
\v 29 Also tell them to make plates, spoons, jars, and bowls to be used when the priests pour out wine to offer to me. They must all be made from pure gold.
\v 30 On the table in front of the chest, there must always be the bread to display before me that the priests have offered to me.
\v 31 Tell them to make a lampstand from pure gold. They must hammer one large lump of gold to make its base and its shaft. The branches of the lampstand, the cups for holding the oil, the flower buds and the flower petals that decorate the branches of the lamp, the base, and the shaft are all to be hammered from one big lump of gold.
\v 32 There are to be six branches on the lampstand, three on each side of the shaft.
\v 33 Each of the branches is to have on it three gold decorations that will look like almond blossoms. These decorations must also have flower buds and flower petals.
\v 34 On the shaft of the lampstand there are to be four gold decorations that also look like almond blossoms, each one with flower buds and petals.
\v 35 On each side, there is to be one flower bud beneath each of the branches.
\v 36 All these buds and branches, along with the shaft, are to be hammered from one large lump of pure gold.
\v 37 Also tell them to make seven small cups for holding oil. One is to be put on top of the shaft and the others are to be put on top of the branches. Place these cups so that when the lamps are lit, the light will shine toward the front of the lampstand.
\v 38 Tell them to make tongs from pure gold, to remove the burned wicks and trays in which to put the burned wicks.
\v 39 Tell them to use thirty-three kilograms of pure gold to make the lampstand, the tongs, and the trays.
\v 40 Make sure that they make these things according to the instructions that I am giving you here on this mountain."
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\c 26
\v 1 "Tell the people to make the sacred tent using ten long strips of fine linen. They must take blue, purple, and red thread, and a skilled craftsman must embroider these strips with designs that represent the winged creatures that are above the chest.
\v 2 Each strip is to be twelve and one-half meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 3 Tell them to sew five strips together to make one set, and to sew the other five strips together to make another set.
\v 4 For each set, they must make loops of blue cloth and fasten them along the outer edge of the strip, at the end of each set.
\v 5 They must put fifty loops on the edge of the first set, and fifty loops at the edge of the second set so that the loops are opposite to each other.
\v 6 Tell them to make fifty gold clasps to fasten both of the sets together. As a result, the inside of the sacred tent will be as though it were one piece.
\v 7 Also tell them to make a cover for the sacred tent from eleven pieces of cloth made from goats' hair.
\v 8 Each piece of cloth is to be thirteen and one-half meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 9 Tell them to sew five of these pieces of cloth together to make one set, and sew the other six pieces of cloth together to make another set. They must fold the sixth piece of cloth in half to make it double over the front of the sacred tent .
\v 10 Tell them to make one hundred loops of blue cloth, and to fasten fifty of them to the outer edge of the one set and fasten fifty to the outer edge of the other set.
\v 11 Tell them to make fifty bronze clasps and put them in the cloth loops to join the two sets together. As a result, the cover for the sacred tent will be as though it were one piece.
\v 12 Let the extra part of the cover, the part that extends beyond the linen cloth, hang over the back of the sacred tent.
\v 13 The extra half-meter of each cover, the part that extends beyond the linen cloth on each side, must hang over the two sides of the sacred tent to protect the sides.
\v 14 Tell them to make two more covers for the sacred tent. One is to be made from rams' skins that have been dyed red, and the top cover is to be made from fine leather.
\v 15 Tell them to make forty-eight frames from acacia wood, frames that will be set up to hang the sacred tent covers from them.
\v 16 Each frame is to be four and one-half meters long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 17 They must make two projections at the bottom of each frame. These will be to fasten the frames to the bases underneath them. They must make these projections at the bottom of each frame.
\v 18 Make twenty frames for the south side of the sacred tent.
\v 19 Tell them to make forty silver bases to go underneath them. Two bases will go under each frame. The projections at the bottom of each frame are to be made to fit into the bases.
\v 20 Similarly, tell them to make twenty frames for the north side of the sacred tent.
\v 21 They must make forty silver bases for them also with two bases to be put under each frame.
\v 22 For the rear of the sacred tent, on the west side, tell them to make six frames.
\v 23 Also tell them to make two extra frames, one for each corner of the rear of the sacred tent, to provide more support.
\v 24 The two corner frames must be separated at the bottom but together at the top. At the top of each of the two corner frames there must be a gold ring for holding the crossbar.
\v 25 In that way, for the rear of the sacred tent there will be eight frames, and there will be sixteen bases, two under each frame.
\v 26 Tell them to make fifteen crossbars from acacia wood. Five of them will be for the frames on the north side of the sacred tent,
\v 27 five will be for the south side, and five for the frames at the rear of the sacred tent, the west side.
\v 28 Tell them to fasten the crossbars on the north, south, and west sides of the sacred tent to the middle of the frames. The two long ones must extend from one end of the sacred tent to the other, and the crossbar on the west side must extend from one side of the sacred tent to the other.
\v 29 Tell them to cover the frames with gold, and make gold rings to fasten the crossbars to the frames. The crossbars must also be covered with gold.
\v 30 Build the sacred tent in the way that I have shown you here on this mountain."
\v 31 "Tell them to make a curtain from fine linen. A skilled craftsman must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn making designs to represent the winged creatures that are above the chest.
\v 32 Tell them to suspend the curtain from four posts made from acacia wood and covered with gold. Set each post in a silver base.
\v 33 They must hang the top of the curtain by hooks that are fastened to the roof of the sacred tent. Behind the curtain, in the room called the very holy place, they must put the chest containing the two stone slabs on which I have written my commandments. That curtain will separate the holy place from the very holy place.
\v 34 On top of the chest in the very holy place they must put the lid.
\v 35 In the room that is outside of the very holy place, they must put the table for the sacred bread on the north side, and put the lampstand on the south side.
\v 36 Tell them to make a curtain to cover the entrance of the sacred tent. They must make it from fine linen, and a skilled weaver must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn.
\v 37 To hold up this curtain, they must make five posts from acacia wood. They must cover them with gold and fasten gold clasps to them. Also they must make a bronze base for each of these posts.
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\c 27
\v 1 "Tell them to make an altar from acacia wood. It is to be square, two and one-tenth meters long on each side, and make it one and one-third meters high.
\v 2 They must make a projection that looks like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood as the altar. Tell them to cover the whole altar with bronze.
\v 3 They must make pans in which to put the ashes from the animal sacrifices. Also they must make shovels for cleaning out the ashes, basins, and forks for turning the meat as it cooks, and buckets for carrying hot coals. All of these things must be made from bronze.
\v 4 Also tell them to make a bronze grating to hold the wood and burning coals. They must fasten to each of the corners of the altar a bronze ring for carrying the altar.
\v 5 They must put the grating under the rim that is around the altar. They must make it so that it is inside the altar, halfway down.
\v 6 For carrying the altar, they must make poles from acacia wood and cover them with bronze.
\v 7 They must put the poles through the rings on each side of the altar. The poles are for carrying the altar.
\v 8 The altar will be like a box, made from boards of acacia wood. They must make it according to these instructions that I am giving you here on this mountain.
\v 9 Around the sacred tent there is to be a courtyard. To form the courtyard, tell them to make curtains of fine linen. On the south side, the curtain is to be 44 meters long.
\v 10 To support the curtain, tell them to make twenty bronze posts, and one bronze base for each post. To fasten the curtains to the posts, they must make silver hooks, and metal rods covered with silver to fasten the curtains to the hooks.
\v 11 They must make the same kind of curtains for the north side of the courtyard.
\v 12 On the west side of the courtyard they must make a curtain twenty-two meters long. The curtains are to be supported by ten posts, with a base under each post.
\v 13 On the east side, where the entrance is, the courtyard must also be twenty-two meters wide.
\v 14-15 Tell them to make a curtain seven meters wide with three posts and three bases for each side of the entrance to the courtyard.
\v 16 They must make a curtain from finely twined linen nine meters long for the entrance. A skilled weaver must embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn. It must be supported by four posts, each one with a base under it.
\v 17 All the posts around the courtyard must have bands of silver around them. The clasps must be made of silver, and the bases must be made of bronze.
\v 18 The whole courtyard, from the east entrance to the west end, must be forty-six meters long and twenty-three meters wide, and the curtains that enclose it must be two and one-third meters high. All the curtains must be made of fine linen, and all the bases under the posts must be made of bronze.
\v 19 All the things that are not made of gold that are to be used inside the sacred tent and in the courtyard, and all the tent pegs to support the sacred tent and the curtains, must be made of bronze.
\v 20 Command the Israelite people that they must bring to you the best kind of pure olive oil to burn in the lamp. They must bring this oil to you so that the lamp is always burning.
\v 21 Outside the curtain of the tabernacle, where the sacred chest of Yahweh is kept, Aaron and his sons must take care to keep the lamps burning every day from evening to morning. The Israelite people must obey this regulation throughout all future generations."
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\c 28
\v 1 "Call your older brother Aaron and his sons—Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. Set them apart from the rest of the Israelite people in order that they can serve me as priests.
\v 2 Tell the people to make beautiful clothes for Aaron, clothes that are suitable for one who has this dignified and sacred work.
\v 3 Talk to all the workmen, those to whom I have given skill to build things. Tell them to make clothes for Aaron to wear when he is set apart to become a priest to serve me.
\v 4 The clothes that they are to make are a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his breast, a sacred apron, a robe, an embroidered tunic, a turban, and a sash. These are the clothes that your older brother Aaron and his sons must wear as they serve me by doing the work that priests do.
\v 5 The skilled workmen must use fine linen and blue, purple, and red yarn to make these clothes.
\v 6 The skilled workmen must make the sacred apron from fine linen, and they must skillfully embroider it with blue, purple, and red yarn, and with fine gold wire.
\v 7 It must have two shoulder straps that will join the front part to the back part.
\v 8 A carefully woven belt, which must be made from the same materials as the sacred apron, must be sewn onto the apron.
\v 9 A skilled workman must take two onyx stones and carve on them the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
\v 10 He must engrave the names in the order in which Jacob's sons were born. He must engrave six names on one stone and the other six names on the other stone.
\v 11 A gem cutter should engrave these names on the two stones. Then he should mount the stones in gold settings.
\v 12 Then he should fasten the stones onto the shoulder straps of the sacred apron to represent the twelve tribes of Israel. In that way, Aaron will carry the names of the tribes on his shoulders in order that I, Yahweh, will never forget my people.
\v 13 The settings for the stones must be made from gold.
\v 14 Tell them to make two chains of gold that are braided like cords and to fasten the chains to the settings."
\v 15 Tell the skilled workman to make a sacred pouch for Aaron to wear over his chest. He will use this to find out what I want the people to do. They must make it of the same materials as the sacred apron, and they must embroider it in the same way with gold, blue, purple, and red fine linen.
\v 16 It is to be square, and the material must be folded double so that it is 23 centimeters long and 23 centimeters wide.
\v 17 The skilled workman must fasten four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row, he must put a red ruby, a yellow topaz, and a red garnet.
\v 18 In the second row, he must put a green emerald, a blue sapphire, and a diamond.
\v 19 In the third row he must put a red jacinth, a white agate, and a purple amethyst.
\v 20 In the fourth row, he must put a yellow beryl, an onyx, and a green jasper. All of these stones must be mounted in gold settings.
\v 21 A gem cutter should engrave on each of these twelve stones the name of one of the sons of Jacob. These names will represent the twelve tribes of Israel.
\v 22 The two chains that are made from pure gold and braided like cords are for attaching the sacred pouch to the sacred apron.
\v 23 The workman must make two gold rings and attach them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
\v 24 He must make two gold cords and fasten one end of each cord to one of the rings.
\v 25 He must fasten the other end of each cord to the two settings that enclose the stones. In that way, the sacred pouch will be attached to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
\v 26 Then he must make two more gold rings and attach them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch on the inside edges next to the sacred apron.
\v 27 He must make two more gold rings and attach them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps near to where the shoulder straps are joined to the sacred apron just above the sash.
\v 28 The skilled workman must tie the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord so that the sacred pouch is above the sash and does not come loose from the sacred apron.
\v 29 In that way, Aaron will have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel in the sacred pouch close to his chest for making decisions when he enters the holy place.
\v 30 Put into the sacred pouch the two things--named Urim and Thummim--that the priest will use to determine my answers to the questions he asks. In that way, they will be close to his chest when he enters the holy place to talk to me. He will use them to determine what my will is for the Israelite people."
\v 31 "Tell the workmen to weave only purple cloth for the robe that is to be worn underneath the priest's sacred apron.
\v 32 It is to have an opening through which the priest can put his head. They must sew a border around this opening to keep the material from tearing.
\v 33 At the lower edge on the robe, they must fasten decorations that look like pomegranate fruit. They must be woven from blue, purple, and red yarn.
\v 34 Between each of these decorations, they must fasten a tiny gold bell.
\v 35 When Aaron enters the holy place in the sacred tent to do his work as a priest and when he leaves the sacred tent, the bells will ring as he walks. As a result, he will not die because of disobeying my instructions.
\v 36 Tell them to make a tiny ornament of pure gold, and tell a skilled workman to engrave on it the words, 'Dedicated to Yahweh.'
\v 37 They should fasten this ornament to the front of the turban by a blue cord.
\v 38 Aaron must always wear the turban on his forehead. Aaron himself must accept the guilt of the Israelite people because of any failure to offer their holy gifts to Yahweh as he commanded. When Aaron does this, Yahweh may accept their gifts.
\v 39 Tell them to weave the long-sleeved tunic from fine linen. Also they must make from fine linen a turban and a sash, and they must embroider designs on it.
\v 40 Tell them to make beautiful long-sleeved tunics, sashes, waistbands, and caps for Aaron's sons. Make ones that will be suitable for those who have this dignified work.
\v 41 Put these clothes on your older brother Aaron and on his sons. Then set them apart for this work by anointing them with olive oil in order that they may serve me by being priests.
\v 42 Also tell them to make linen undershorts for them. The undershorts should extend from their waists to their thighs in order that no one can see their private parts.
\v 43 Aaron and his sons must always wear those undershorts when they enter the sacred tent or when they come near to the altar to offer sacrifices in the holy place. If they do not obey this ritual, I will cause them to die. Aaron and all his male descendants must obey this rule forever."
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\c 29
\v 1 "Do the following things to dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me by being priests. Select one young bull and two rams that do not have any defects.
\v 2 Bake three kinds of bread using finely ground wheat flour without yeast. Bake some buns that do not have any olive oil in them, bake some buns that have olive oil in the dough, and bake some thin wafers that will be smeared with olive oil after they are baked.
\v 3 Put them in a basket and offer them to me when you sacrifice the young bull and the two rams.
\v 4 Take Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the sacred tent, and wash them with water.
\v 5 Then put the special clothes on Aaron—the long-sleeved tunic, the robe that will be worn underneath the sacred apron, the sacred apron, the sacred pouch, and the sash.
\v 6 Put the turban on his head, and fasten to the turban the ornament that has the words 'Dedicated to Yahweh' engraved on it.
\v 7 Then take the oil and pour some on his head to dedicate him.
\v 8 Then bring his sons and put the long-sleeved tunics on them.
\v 9 Put the sashes around their waists and the caps on their heads. That is the ritual by which you are to dedicate them to be priests. Aaron and his male descendants must serve me by being priests forever.
\v 10 Then bring the young bull to the entrance of the sacred tent. Tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on the head of the young bull.
\v 11 Then, while they are doing that, kill the young bull by slitting its throat and catch the blood in a bowl.
\v 12 Take some of that blood with your finger and smear it on the projections of the altar. Throw the rest of the blood against the base of the altar.
\v 13 Take all the fat that covers the inner organs of the young bull, the fatty covering of the liver and the two kidneys with the fat on them, and burn all these on the altar as an offering to me.
\v 14 But the meat of the young bull and its hide and intestines must be burned outside the camp. That will be an offering for your sins.
\v 15 Then select one of the rams, and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on its head.
\v 16 Then kill the ram by slitting its throat. Catch some of the blood and sprinkle it upon all four sides of the altar.
\v 17 Then cut the ram into pieces. Wash its inner organs and its legs, and put those with the head.
\v 18 Then burn them completely on the altar with the rest of the ram. That will be a burnt offering to me, Yahweh, and the smell will please me.
\v 19 Take the other ram that was selected for these rituals, and tell Aaron and his sons to put their hands on its head.
\v 20 Then kill the ram by slitting its throat, and catch some of the blood in a bowl. Smear some of the blood on the lobe of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Throw the rest of the blood against the four sides of the altar.
\v 21 Wipe up some of the blood that is on the altar, mix it with some of the oil for anointing, and sprinkle it on Aaron and his clothes, and on his sons and their clothes. By doing this, you will dedicate them and their clothes to me.
\v 22 Also, cut off the ram's fat, its fat tail, and the fat that covers the inner organs, the covering of the liver, the two kidneys with the fat on them, and the right thigh. (This ram is for setting Aaron and his sons apart for me as priests.)
\v 23 From the basket, also take one of each of the kinds of bread that was baked without yeast—one made with no oil, one with oil, and one thin wafer.
\v 24 Put all these things in the hands of Aaron and his sons. Then tell them to lift them up high to dedicate them to me.
\v 25 Then take them from their hands and burn them on the altar, on top of the other things that were placed there. That also will be an offering to me, and its smell will please me.
\v 26 Then take the breast of the second ram that was killed, and lift it up high for an offering to me. But then this part of the animal will be for you to eat.
\v 27 Set apart for me the ram's breast that you lifted high to offer to me. Also set apart for me the ram's thigh that you presented to me, both of these pieces that came from the ram that was slaughtered when you set apart for me Aaron and his sons as priests.
\v 28 In the future, whenever the Israelite people present to me, Yahweh, offerings to restore fellowship with each other, the breast and the thigh of animals that they present to me will be for Aaron and his male descendants to eat.
\v 29 After Aaron dies, the special clothes that he wore will belong to his sons. They are to wear those clothes when they are set apart to become priests.
\v 30 Aaron's son who becomes priest and enters the sacred tent and performs rituals in the holy place must stay in the sacred tent, wearing these special clothes, for seven days.
\v 31 Take the meat of the other ram that was sacrificed to set apart Aaron and his sons, and boil it in the courtyard.
\v 32 After it is cooked, Aaron and his sons must eat it, along with the bread that is left in the basket, at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 33 They must eat the meat of the ram that was sacrificed to cover your sins when they were dedicated to do this work. They are the only ones who are permitted to eat this meat. Those who are not priests are not allowed to eat it because it is reserved for the priests.
\v 34 If any of this meat or some of the bread is not eaten that night, no one is permitted to eat any of it the next day. It must be completely burned because it is sacred.
\v 35 These are the rituals that you must follow during those seven days when you dedicate Aaron and his sons for this work. You must do all that I have commanded you.
\v 36 Each of those seven days you must also sacrifice a young bull for an offering to me in order that I may forgive sins. Also you must make another offering to make the altar pure in my sight. You must also anoint the altar with olive oil to set it apart.
\v 37 Perform these rituals every day for seven days to set apart the altar and make it pure. Then the altar will be most holy, and whatever touches it must be treated as holy.
\v 38 You must also sacrifice lambs and burn them on the altar. Each of those seven days you must sacrifice two lambs.
\v 39 One lamb must be sacrificed in the morning, and one must be sacrificed in the evening.
\v 40 With the first lamb, also offer two liters of finely ground wheat flour mixed with a liter of the best kind of olive oil, and one liter of wine as an offering.
\v 41 In the evening, when you sacrifice the other lamb, offer the same amounts of flour, olive oil, and wine as you did in the morning. This will be an offering to me, Yahweh, that will be burned, and its smell will please me.
\v 42 You and your descendants must continue making these offerings to me, Yahweh, throughout all future generations. You must offer them at the entrance to the sacred tent. That is where I will meet with you and speak to you.
\v 43 That is where I will meet with the Israelite people, and the brilliant light of my presence will cause that place to be holy.
\v 44 I will dedicate the sacred tent and the altar. I will also dedicate Aaron and his sons to serve me by being priests.
\v 45 I will live among the Israelite people, and I will be their God.
\v 46 They will know that I am Yahweh God, the one who brought them out of Egypt in order that I might live among them. I am Yahweh, the God whom they worship."
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\c 30
\v 1 "Tell the skilled workers to make an altar from acacia wood for burning incense.
\v 2 It is to be square, one-half meter on each side. It is to be one meter high. Tell them to make a projection that looks like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood from which the altar is made.
\v 3 They must cover the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. Put a gold border around the altar near the top.
\v 4 They must make two gold rings for carrying the altar. They must attach them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. These rings are for the poles for carrying the altar.
\v 5 Tell them to make these two poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold.
\v 6 They must put this incense altar outside the curtain that hangs in front of the sacred chest and its lid. That is the place where I will talk with you.
\v 7 Aaron must burn sweet-smelling incense on this altar. He must burn some every morning when he takes care of the lamps,
\v 8 and he must burn some in the evening when he lights the lamps. The incense must always be burning throughout all future generations.
\v 9 The priests must not burn on the altar any incense that I have not told you to burn, or burn any animal on it, nor any flour offering for me, nor pour any wine on it as an offering.
\v 10 One time every year Aaron must perform the ritual for making this altar pure. He must do it by putting on its four projections some of the blood from the animal that was sacrificed to cover people's sins. Aaron and his descendants must do this ritual throughout all future generations. This altar must be dedicated to me, Yahweh."
\v 11 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 12 "When your leaders take a census of the Israelite people, each man who is counted must pay to me a price to save his life. They must do this in order that no disaster will happen to them while the people are being counted.
\v 13 Every man who is counted must pay to me six grams of silver. They must use the official standard of the tabernacle when they weigh the silver. This silver is to be an offering to Yahweh.
\v 14 All the men who are at least twenty years old must pay this amount to me when the people are counted.
\v 15 Rich men must not pay more than this amount, and poor men must not pay less than this amount when they pay this money to save their lives.
\v 16 Your leaders must collect this money from the Israelite people and give it to those who will take care of the sacred tent. You Israelites will see the leaders collect this money and remember that you need to make payment to me so you can live."
\v 17 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 18 "Tell the skilled workers to make a bronze washbasin and a bronze base for it. They must put it between the sacred tent and the altar and must fill it with water.
\v 19 Aaron and his sons must wash their hands and their feet with this water
\v 20 before they enter the sacred tent and before they come to the altar to burn offerings as sacrifices. If they wash, they will obey my instructions and will not die.
\v 21 They must wash their hands and their feet in order that they will not die. They and the males descended from them must obey this ritual throughout all generations."
\v 22 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 23 "Tell the people to collect some of the finest spices—six kilograms of liquid myrrh, three kilograms of sweet-smelling cinnamon, three kilograms of a sweet-smelling cane,
\v 24 and six kilograms of cassia. Be sure that they use the official standard when they weigh these things.
\v 25 Tell an expert perfumer to mix these with four liters of olive oil to make sacred oil for anointing.
\v 26 Use this oil for anointing the sacred tent, the sacred chest,
\v 27 the table and all the things that are used with it, the lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar for burning incense,
\v 28 and the altar for offering sacrifices that the priests will burn, along with all the things that are used with it, and the basin and its stand.
\v 29 Dedicate them by anointing them in order that they will be reserved for me. If any person or thing that is not allowed to do so touches the altar, no one will be allowed to touch that person or thing.
\v 30 Anoint Aaron and his sons. By doing that, you will dedicate them to serve me by being priests.
\v 31 Tell the Israelite people, 'This oil will be my special oil that must be used throughout all future generations.
\v 32 You must not pour it on the bodies of people who are not priests, and you must not make other oil to be like it by mixing those same things. This oil is reserved for me, and you must consider it to be such.
\v 33 Yahweh will view anyone who makes ointment like this for any other purpose, or anyone who puts any of this ointment on someone who is not a priest, as no longer belonging to his people.'"
\v 34 Yahweh also said to Moses, "Have an expert perfumer take equal parts of several sweet spices: Stacte--a resin from certain gum plants, onycha--from certain shellfish or mollusks, galbanum--another kind of gum resin, and pure frankincense—yet another sort of gum resin.
\v 35 Have him mix them together to make some perfume and add some salt to keep it pure and special for me.
\v 36 Have him beat some of it into a fine powder. Then I want you to take some of it into the sacred tent and sprinkle it in front of the sacred chest. You all must consider this incense to be completely reserved for me.
\v 37 The people must not mix the same spices to make incense for themselves. This incense must be dedicated to me, Yahweh.
\v 38 I will view anyone who makes incense like this to use it for perfume as no longer belonging to my people."
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\c 31
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.
\v 3 I have filled him with my Spirit, and I have given him special ability to make things; I have enabled him to know how to do very skilled work.
\v 4 He can engrave skillful designs in gold, silver, and bronze.
\v 5 He can cut jewels and enclose them in tiny gold settings. He can carve things from wood and do other skilled work.
\v 6 I have also appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, to work with him. I have given special ability to other men also in order that they can make all the things that I have commanded you to be made.
\v 7 Those things include: The sacred tent, the sacred chest and its lid, all the other things that will be inside the sacred tent,
\v 8 the table and all the things that are used with it, the pure gold lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar for burning incense,
\v 9 the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned and all the things that will be used with it, and the washbasin and its base.
\v 10 Also included in these things were all the beautiful, special clothes for Aaron and his sons to wear when they work as priests;
\v 11 the oil for anointing, and the sweet-smelling incense for the holy place. The craftsmen must make all these things exactly as I have told you that they should do."
\v 12 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 13 "Tell the Israelite people, 'Obey my instructions regarding the Sabbath days for rest. Those days will remind me and you and your descendants, throughout all future generations, that I, Yahweh, have set you apart to be my people.
\v 14 You must obey my rules about the Sabbath days for rest because you must regard them as special for me. Those who treat these days with disrespect must be killed; this will show that I no longer consider them to belong to my people.
\v 15 You may work for six days each week, but the seventh day of each week is a solemn rest day, dedicated to me, Yahweh. Anyone who does any work on a Sabbath day of rest is to be killed.
\v 16 You Israelite people must respect the Sabbath days of rest, and you and your descendants must observe them throughout all future generations. I will always require this of you.
\v 17 The Sabbath days of rest will remind you Israelite people and me of our covenant because I, Yahweh, created the heavens and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day I stopped doing that work and rested.'"
\v 18 When Yahweh finished talking with Moses on the top of Mount Sinai, he gave him the two stone slabs on which he had engraved his commandments with his own fingers.
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\c 32
\v 1 Moses stayed on top of the mountain a long time. When the people saw that he was not returning, they went to Aaron and said to him, "Make us gods who will lead us on our journey. We do not know what happened to that man Moses, who brought us here out of Egypt."
\v 2 Aaron said to them, "All right, I will do that. Tell your wives and your children to take off all their gold earrings and bring them to me."
\v 3 So the people took off all their gold earrings and brought them to Aaron.
\v 4 He melted the gold in a fire. He poured the gold into a mold and made a statue that looked like a young bull. The people saw it and said, "This is the god of the Israelite people! This is the one who rescued us from the land of Egypt!"
\v 5 When Aaron saw how the people reacted, he built an altar in front of the bull. Then he announced, "Tomorrow we will have a festival to honor Yahweh!"
\v 6 So the people got up early the next morning and brought animals to kill and burn as sacrifices on the altar. They also brought sacrifices to restore fellowship with others. Then they sat down to eat and to drink wine. After a while, they got up and had a wild party.
\v 7 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Go down from the mountain because your people, the ones that you brought up here from Egypt, have become bad.
\v 8 They have already left the road that I showed them and have stopped obeying me! They have made a statue of a young bull from melted gold. They have worshiped it and offered sacrifices to it. They are saying, 'This is the god of the Israelite people! This is the one who brought us up from Egypt!'
\v 9 I know that these people are very stubborn.
\v 10 I am very angry with them, so I am going to get rid of them. Do not try to stop me! Then I will cause you and your descendants to become a great nation."
\v 11 But Moses pleaded with his God, Yahweh, and said, "Yahweh, you should not be angry with your people! These are the people whom you saved from Egypt with very great power!
\v 12 Do not do anything that would allow the people of Egypt to say, 'Their god led them out from our country, but he did that only because he wanted to kill them in the mountains and get rid of them completely! Do not do to your people this terrible thing that you have just said that you will do! Stop being so angry! Change your mind!
\v 13 Think about your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You solemnly promised them, saying, 'I will enable you to have as many descendants as the stars that are in the sky.' You said to them, 'I will give to your descendants all the land that I am promising to give them. It will be their land forever.'"
\v 14 So Yahweh changed his mind. He did not do to his people the terrible thing that he said he would do.
\v 15 Then Moses left from where God was; he went down the mountain, carrying in his hands the two stone slabs on which Yahweh had engraved his commandments. He had written on both sides of the slabs.
\v 16 God himself had made the slabs, and he was the one who had engraved the commandments on them.
\v 17 Joshua heard the people shouting very loudly. So when Moses got near the camp, Joshua met him and said, "There is a noise in the camp that sounds like the noise of a battle!"
\v 18 But Moses said,
\q "No, that does not sound as though the people have won a victory;
\q it does not sound as though they have been defeated in a battle!
\q It sounds as though they are singing!"
\v 19 As soon as Moses came close to the camp and saw the statue of the bull and the people dancing, he became very angry. He threw the stone tablets down onto the ground at the base of the mountain, and they broke.
\v 20 Then he took the statue of the bull that they had made and melted it in the fire. When it cooled, he ground it into fine powder. Then he mixed the powder with water and forced the Israelite people to drink it.
\v 21 Then Moses said to Aaron, "Did these people do something to you that led you to make them sin in this way?"
\v 22 Aaron replied, "Please do not be angry with me, my lord. You know that these people are likely to do wicked things.
\v 23 They said to me, 'Make for us an idol who will lead us on our journey! As for that man Moses, the one who brought us up here from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.'
\v 24 So I said to them, 'Everyone who is wearing gold earrings should take them off.' So they took them off and gave them to me. I threw them into the fire, and out came this statue of a young bull!"
\v 25 Moses saw that Aaron had allowed the people to get out of control and to do things that would make their enemies think the Israelite people were foolish.
\v 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted, "Everyone who is loyal to Yahweh should come close to me!" So all the men in the tribe of Levi gathered around him.
\v 27 Then he said to them, "Yahweh, the God of the Israelite people, commands that every one of you should fasten your sword to your side, and then go through the camp from this gate to the other one. Each one of you must kill the other men, whether they are your brother, your friend, or your neighbor."
\v 28 The men in the tribe of Levi did what Moses told them to do, and they killed three thousand men on that day.
\v 29 Moses said to the men in the tribe of Levi, "Today you have become special servants of Yahweh by killing even your own sons and your brothers. As a result Yahweh has blessed you."
\v 30 The next day, Moses said to the people, "You have sinned very greatly. But I will now climb up the mountain again to talk with Yahweh. Perhaps I can persuade him to forgive you for sinning like this."
\v 31 So Moses went up the mountain and said to Yahweh, "I am sorry to admit that these people sinned very greatly when they made for themselves a gold idol and worshiped it.
\v 32 But now I ask you to forgive them for their sin. If you will not forgive them, then erase my name from the book in which you have written the names of your people."
\v 33 But Yahweh said to Moses, "It is only those who have sinned against me whose names I will erase from that book.
\v 34 Now go back down and lead the Israelite people to the place about which I told you. Keep in mind that my angel will go in front of you. But, at the time that I decide, I will punish them for their sin."
\v 35 Later Yahweh caused the people to become sick because they had told Aaron to make the statue of a young bull.
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\c 33
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Leave this place and go with the people whom you led out of Egypt. Go to the land that I promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that I would give to their descendants.
\v 2 I will send my angel ahead of you, and I will remove from that land the people of Canaan, Amor, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus.
\v 3 You will go to a land that will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops. But I will not go with you myself because if I did that, I might annihilate you while you are traveling because you are very stubborn people."
\v 4 When the people heard these words, they were sad, and no one wore fancy clothing anymore.
\v 5 Yahweh had said to Moses, "Tell the Israelite people, 'You are very stubborn. If I were to go with you for even a moment, I would kill you. Now take off your fine clothing to show that you are sorry for your sin. Then I will decide how I will punish you.'"
\v 6 After the Israelite people left Mount Sinai, they wore no more fancy clothing.
\v 7 As the Israelite people were traveling, whenever they stopped and set up their tents, Moses set up the sacred tent outside the camp, far from the camp. He called it "the tent of meeting." Everyone who wanted Yahweh to decide something for them would go out of the camp to the tent of meeting.
\v 8 Whenever Moses went out to the tent of meeting, all the people would stand at their own tent entrances and watch him until he had walked into the tent of meeting.
\v 9 Whenever Moses went into the tent of meeting, the tall cloud would come down and stay at the tent entrance, and then Yahweh would talk with Moses.
\v 10 When the people saw the tall cloud at the entrance of the tent of meeting, they would all worship Yahweh at their own tent entrances.
\v 11 Yahweh would speak to Moses face to face like someone speaks to his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp. But his young helper, Joshua son of Nun, would stay in the tent of meeting.
\v 12 Moses said to Yahweh, "It is true that you have told me, 'Lead the people to the land that I will show you,' but you have not told me whom you will send with me! Nevertheless, you have said that you know me well and that you are pleased with me.
\v 13 So now, if you are truly pleased with me, I ask you, please tell me the things that you are going to do in order that I may know you better and continue to please you. Please remember that the Israelite people are the people whom you chose to belong to you."
\v 14 Yahweh replied, "I will go with you, and I will give you rest."
\v 15 Moses replied, "If you do not go with me, do not make us leave this place.
\v 16 The only way that others will know that you are pleased with me and with your people is if you go with us! If you go with us, it will show that we are different from all the other people on the earth."
\v 17 Yahweh replied to Moses, "I will do what you have asked because I know you well and I am pleased with you."
\v 18 Then Moses said, "Please let me see you in all your power."
\v 19 Yahweh replied, "I will let you see how great and powerful I am, and I will tell you clearly that my name is Yahweh. I will act very kindly and be merciful to all those whom I choose.
\v 20 But I will not let you see my face because anyone who sees my face will die.
\v 21 But look! Here is a place close to me where you can stand on a large rock.
\v 22 When I come past you in all my power, I will put you in a large hole in the rock, and I will cover your face with my hand until I have passed by.
\v 23 Then I will take my hand away, and you will see my back, but you will not see my face."
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\c 34
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses, "Cut two slabs of stone that will be like the first slabs, the ones that you broke. Then I will write on them the words that were on the first slabs.
\v 2 Get ready tomorrow morning, and come up to the top of Mount Sinai again to talk with me there.
\v 3 Do not allow anyone to come up with you. I do not want anyone else to be anywhere on the mountain. Do not even allow any sheep or cattle to graze at the base of the mountain."
\v 4 So Moses cut two slabs of stone that were like the first ones. He rose early the next morning, picked up the slabs, and carried them in his hands up to the top of Mount Sinai, as Yahweh had told him.
\v 5 Then Yahweh came down in the tall cloud and stood with Moses there. Then he pronounced his own name, Yahweh, in front of Moses.
\v 6 Yahweh passed in front of him and said, "I am Yahweh God. I always act mercifully and kindly toward people and I do not get angry quickly. I truly love people and I do what I promise to do for them.
\v 7 I love people for thousands of generations. I forgive people for all kinds of sins. But I will certainly punish those who are guilty. I will punish not only them, but also I will punish their descendants, down to the third and fourth generation."
\v 8 Moses bowed low down on the ground and worshiped Yahweh.
\v 9 He said, "My Lord, if you are now pleased with me, I ask that you go with us. These people are very stubborn, but forgive us for all our sins, and accept us as the people who belong to you forever."
\v 10 Yahweh replied, "I am about to make a covenant with your people, the Israelite people. As they are watching, I will perform great miracles. They will see miracles that no one has ever done on the earth in any people group. Everyone among your people will see the great things that I, Yahweh, will do. I will do things for you all that will make you fear me.
\v 11 Do what I tell you to do today. I am about to make the Amor, Canaan, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people groups leave the land.
\v 12 But be careful that you do not make a covenant to live peacefully with any of the people who live in the land into which you are going because if you do that, you will begin to do the evil things that they do. It will be like falling into a trap.
\v 13 You must tear down their altars, destroy their idols, and cut down the poles that they use to worship Asherah.
\v 14 You must worship only me, and not worship any other god because I, Yahweh, always guard my honor, and I will not allow you to worship any other gods.
\v 15 Do not make a covenant to live peacefully with any group that lives in that land. When they worship their gods and offer sacrifices to them and invite you to join them, do not join them. If you join them, you will eat the food that they sacrifice to their gods, and you will not be faithful to me. You will be like women who commit adultery, who are not faithful to their husbands.
\v 16 If you take some of their women to be wives for your sons, these women will worship their own gods, and they will also make your sons worship their gods.
\v 17 Do not pour melted metal into molds to make statues to worship.
\v 18 Each year, during the month of Aviv, celebrate the Festival of Bread with no Yeast. During that festival, for seven days you must not eat bread made with yeast, as I commanded you, because it was in that month that you left Egypt.
\v 19 Your firstborn sons and the firstborn male animals of your cattle and sheep and goats belong to me.
\v 20 The firstborn of your male donkeys also belong to me. But you may buy them back by offering to me lambs in their place. If you do not do that, you must kill these animals by breaking their necks. You must also buy back your firstborn sons. You must bring an offering to me each time you come to worship me.
\v 21 Each week you may work for six days, but on the seventh day you must rest. Even during the times when you are plowing the ground and harvesting your crops, you must rest on the seventh day.
\v 22 Each year celebrate the Festival of Harvest when you begin to harvest the first crop of wheat, and also celebrate the Festival of Finished Harvest when you finish harvesting the grain and fruit.
\v 23 Three times each year all the men must come to worship me, Yahweh, the God of the Israelite people.
\v 24 I will make the people groups leave the land, and I will make your territory larger. No one will try to conquer your country when you come to worship Yahweh your God three times each year, during your festivals.
\v 25 When you sacrifice an animal to me, do not offer bread that is made with yeast. During the Passover festival, when you sacrifice lambs, do not keep any of the meat until the next morning.
\v 26 You must bring to my tent of meeting the first part of the grain that you harvest every year. When you kill a young animal, do not cook it by boiling it in its mother's milk."
\v 27 Yahweh said to Moses, "Write down the words that I have told you. By giving you these commands, I have made a covenant with you and with the Israelite people."
\v 28 Moses was there on the top of the mountain with Yahweh for forty days and nights. During that time he did not eat or drink anything. He engraved on the stone slabs the words of the Ten Commandments which belonged to Yahweh's covenant.
\v 29 When Moses came back down the mountain carrying in his hand the two stone slabs on which were written the Ten Commandments, he did not know that his face was shining.
\v 30 When Aaron and the Israelite people saw Moses, they were amazed that his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him.
\v 31 But Moses called to them, and Aaron and the other Israelite leaders came to him, and he talked with them.
\v 32 Afterwards, all the Israelite people came near, and he told them all the commands that Yahweh had given to him on Mount Sinai.
\v 33 When Moses finished talking to the people, he covered his face with a cloth.
\v 34 Whenever Moses entered the tent of meeting to talk with Yahweh, he would remove the cloth. When he came back out, he would always tell the Israelite people everything that Yahweh had commanded him to tell them.
\v 35 The Israelite people would see that Moses' face was still shining. Then he would put the cloth back on his face again until the next time that he went to talk with Yahweh.
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\c 35
\v 1 Moses gathered all the Israelite people together and said to them, "This is what Yahweh has commanded you to do.
\v 2 Each week you may work for six days, but on the seventh day, you must rest. It is a sacred day, dedicated to Yahweh. Anyone who does any work on the seventh day must be killed.
\v 3 Do not light a fire in your homes on the rest days."
\v 4 Moses also said to all the Israelite people, "This is what Yahweh has commanded.
\v 5 Make offerings to Yahweh. Everyone who wants to should bring to Yahweh an offering. The offerings can be gold, silver, or bronze,
\v 6 fine white linen, blue, purple or red woolen cloth, cloth made from goats' hair,
\v 7 rams' skins that are tanned, sea cow skins, wood from acacia trees,
\v 8 oil for the lamps, spices to put into the olive oil for anointing and to put into the sweet-smelling incense,
\v 9 onyx stones or other valuable stones to fasten onto the priest's sacred apron and to put on his sacred chest pouch.
\v 10 All the skilled workers among you should come and make all the things that Yahweh has commanded—
\v 11 the sacred tent with its covering, its fasteners, its frames, its crossbars, its posts, and its bases:
\v 12 the sacred chest with its poles and its lid; the curtain that will separate the holy place from the very holy place.
\v 13 The workers also made the table with the poles for carrying it and all the things that will be used with the table; the bread to display before God;
\v 14 the lampstand for the lamps with all the things that will be used to take care of them; the oil for the lamps;
\v 15 the altar for burning incense and the poles for carrying the altar; the oil for anointing and the sweet-smelling incense; the curtain for the entrance of the sacred tent;
\v 16 the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned and its bronze grating; the poles for carrying the altar and all the things that will be used with it; the washbasin and its base.
\v 17 They workers made the curtains to surround the courtyard and the posts and bases for the posts to support the curtains; the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard;
\v 18 the pegs and ropes for the sacred tent;
\v 19 and the beautiful clothes that Aaron and his sons are to wear when they do their work in the holy place."
\v 20 Then all the Israelite people returned to their tents.
\v 21 Everyone who wished to bring an offering to Yahweh did so. They brought some of the things that would be used to make the sacred tent, all the other items that would be used in the rituals, and everything needed to make the sacred clothes for the priests.
\v 22 All the men and women who wished to brought gold ornaments, earrings, rings, necklaces, and many other kinds of things made of gold, and they dedicated them to Yahweh.
\v 23 Many people who had blue, purple, or red woolen cloth or fine white linen or cloth made from goats' hair, or rams' skins that were tanned, or leather made from sea cow skins, brought some of these things.
\v 24 All those who had silver or bronze brought them as offerings to Yahweh. All those who had some acacia wood that could be used for any of the work for the people to worship Yahweh brought it.
\v 25 All the women who were skilled to make cloth brought fine linen thread and blue, purple, or red woolen yarn that they had made.
\v 26 All the women who wanted to made thread from goats' hair.
\v 27 All the leaders brought onyx stones and other fine stones to be fastened to Aaron's sacred apron and his sacred chest pouch.
\v 28 They also brought spices to put into the sweet-smelling incense, and they brought olive oil for the lamps and for the oil for anointing and for putting in the sweet-smelling incense.
\v 29 All the Israelite men and women who wanted to brought these things to offer them to Yahweh for doing the work that he had commanded Moses to do.
\v 30 Moses said to the Israelite people, "Listen carefully. Yahweh has chosen Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.
\v 31 Yahweh has enabled his Spirit to live in Bezalel, has given him ability and knowledge, and has enabled him to know how to do very skilled work.
\v 32 He can engrave skillful designs in gold, silver, and bronze.
\v 33 He can cut jewels and enclose them in tiny gold frames and can carve things from wood and do other skilled work.
\v 34 Yahweh has also given to him and to Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach their skills to others.
\v 35 He has given to them the ability to do all kinds of work that is done by craftsmen—those who create artistic things, those who make fine white linen, those who embroider designs using blue, purple, or red woolen yarn, and those who make linen cloth. They are able to plan many kinds of artistic work.
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\c 36
\v 1 Bezalel and Oholiab will take up this work along with all the other gifted men to whom Yahweh had given skills and the understanding to do all the work needed to build up the sacred tent. These men followed all the instructions that Yahweh gave them.
\v 2 So the cra called Bezalel and Oholiab and all the other skilled men to whom Yahweh had given special ability and who wanted to do some of the work.
\v 3 Moses gave them all the things that the people had brought as offerings to Yahweh for making the sacred tent. But the people continued bringing more things every morning.
\v 4 As a result, the men who were doing various things to make the sacred tent came to Moses, each of them what Yahweh commanded them.
\v 5 So the craftsmen said to Moses, "The people are bringing more than we need to do the work that Yahweh has commanded us!"
\v 6 So Moses gave them a message that others proclaimed throughout the camp, saying "No one should bring anything more as an offering to make the sacred tent!" When the people heard that, they did not bring anything more.
\v 7 What they had already brought was enough to do all the work. In fact, it was more than was needed!
\v 8 All the most skilled men among the workmen made the sacred tent. They made it from ten strips of fine linen, and they carefully embroidered it using blue, purple, and red woolen yarn to make figures that resembled the winged creatures. Bezalel designed all this.
\v 9 Each strip was twelve and four-fifths meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 10 Bezalel and his men sewed five strips together to make one set, and they sewed the other five strips together to make the other set.
\v 11 For each set, Bezalel and his men made loops of blue cloth and fastened them on the outer edge of the strip, at the end of each set.
\v 12 They put 50 loops on the edge of the first set, and 50 loops on the edge of the second set.
\v 13 They made 50 gold fasteners to attach both of the sets together. In that way, the inside of the sacred tent was as though it were one piece.
\v 14 Bezalel and his men made a cover for the sacred tent from 11 pieces of cloth made from goats' hair.
\v 15 Each piece of cloth was eighteen and one-third meters long and one and four-fifths meters wide.
\v 16 They sewed five of these pieces of cloth together to make one set, and they sewed the other six pieces of cloth together to make another set.
\v 17 They made one hundred loops of blue cloth. They fastened fifty of them to the outer edge of the one set and they fastened fifty to the outer edge of the other set.
\v 18 Bezalel and his men made 50 bronze clasps and joined the two sets together with them. In that way it formed one cover.
\v 19 They made two more covers for the sacred tent. They made one from rams' skins that had been tanned, and they made the top cover from goatskin leather.
\v 20 Bezalel and his men made forty-eight frames from acacia wood and set them up to support the covers for the sacred tent.
\v 21 Each frame was four and three-fifths meters long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 22 They made two projections at the bottom of each frame. These were for fastening the frames to the bases underneath them. Each frame had these projections.
\v 23 The skilled workmen made twenty frames for the south side of the sacred tent.
\v 24 Bezalel and his men made forty silver bases to go underneath them. Two bases went under each frame. The projections on each frame fit into these bases.
\v 25 Similarly, they made twenty frames for the north side of the sacred tent.
\v 26 They also made forty silver bases for them with two bases under each frame.
\v 27 For the rear of the sacred tent, on the west side, Bezalel and his men made six frames.
\v 28 They also made two extra frames, one for each corner of the rear of the sacred tent, to provide extra support.
\v 29 The two corner frames were separate from each other at the bottom but joined together at the top. At the top of each of the two corner frames, Bezalel and his men fastened a gold ring for holding the crossbar.
\v 30 In that way, for the rear of the sacred tent there were eight frames, and there were 16 bases, two bases under each frame.
\v 31 Bezalel and his men made 15 crossbars from acacia wood. Five of them were for the frames on the north side of the sacred tent,
\v 32 five for the south side, and five for the frames at the rear of the sacred tent, the west side.
\v 33 The workmen made crossbars on the north, south, and west sides of the sacred tent and fastened them to the middle of the frames. The two long crossbars extended from one end of the sacred tent to the other, and the crossbar on the west side extended from one side of the sacred tent to the other.
\v 34 The workmen covered the frames with gold and fastened gold rings to the poles. They then put the crossbars into the rings. They also covered the crossbars with gold.
\v 35 Bezalel and his men made a curtain from fine white linen. Skilled craftsmen embroidered it with blue, purple, and red woolen yarn, making designs to represent the winged creatures.
\v 36 They hung the curtain from four posts that were made from acacia wood and covered with gold. They set each post in a silver base.
\v 37 Bezalel and his men made a curtain to cover the entrance of the sacred tent. They made it from fine linen, and a skilled weaver embroidered it with blue, purple, and red woolen yarn.
\v 38 To support this curtain, they also made five posts from acacia wood and fastened gold clasps to them. They covered the posts and their rods with gold and made a bronze base for each of those posts.
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\c 37
\v 1 Then Bezalel and his men made the sacred chest from acacia wood. It was one meter long, three-quarters of a meter wide, and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 2 They covered it with pure gold inside and outside the chest, and they made a gold border around the top of it.
\v 3 They made four rings from gold and fastened them to the legs of the chest. They put two rings on each side of the chest.
\v 4 They made two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold.
\v 5 They put the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest, in order that Levites could carry the chest using the poles.
\v 6 They made a lid for the chest. It also was one meter long and three-quarters of a meter wide.
\v 7 Bezalel and his men made two winged creatures from hammered gold, to put them on the two ends of the chest's lid.
\v 8 They put one creature at each end of the chest, and they joined the gold of the creatures to the gold of the lid so that the creatures were one piece with the lid.
\v 9 They placed the winged creatures so that their wings touched each other and spread out over the lid. The creatures faced each other, looking toward the lid's center.
\v 10 Bezalel and his men made a table from acacia wood. It was one meter long, one-half meter wide, and three-quarters of a meter high.
\v 11 They covered it with pure gold, and they put a gold border around it.
\v 12 They made a rim all around it, four-fifths of a meter wide. Then they put a gold border around the rim.
\v 13 They made four rings from gold and fastened the rings to the four corners of the table, one ring close to each leg of the table.
\v 14 Bezalel and his men fastened the rings to the table near the rim.
\v 15 They made two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold. They then inserted the poles for carrying the table into the rings.
\v 16 They also made from pure gold all the things for the table--the plates, the cups, the jars and the bowls to be used when the priests poured out wine to offer to Yahweh.
\v 17 Bezalel and his men made the lampstand from pure gold. Its base and shaft were hammered from one large lump of gold. The cups for holding the oil, the flower buds and the petals that decorated the branches of the lamp, the base, and the shaft were all hammered from one big lump of gold.
\v 18 There were six branches on the lampstand, three on each side of the shaft.
\v 19 Each of the six branches had on it three things that looked like almond blossoms. These things also had flower buds and flower petals.
\v 20 On the shaft of the lampstand there were four gold cups that also looked like almond blossoms, each one with flower buds and flower petals.
\v 21 On each side, beneath and extending from each branch, there was one flower bud.
\v 22 All these flower buds and branches, along with the shaft, were hammered from one large lump of pure gold.
\v 23 Bezalel and his men also made seven small cups for holding oil. They made from pure gold the tongs for removing the burned wicks and the trays in which to put the burned wicks.
\v 24 They used thirty-three kilograms of pure gold to make the lampstand and all the things that the priests would use to take care of it.
\v 25 Bezalel and his men made the altar for burning incense from acacia wood. It was square, one-half meter on each side and one meter high. They made a projection that looked like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections were carved from the same block of wood as the altar.
\v 26 They covered the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. They put a gold border around the altar near the top.
\v 27 Bezalel and his men made two gold rings for carrying the altar. Then they attached them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. The poles for carrying the altar fit into those rings.
\v 28 They made those two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold.
\v 29 They also made the sacred oil for anointing and the pure sweet-smelling incense. A skilled perfumer mixed the incense together.
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\c 38
\v 1 Bezalel and his men made the altar for burning sacrifices out of acacia wood. It was square, two and one-third meters on each side, and it was one and two-fifths meters high.
\v 2 They made a projection that looked like a horn on each of the top corners. The projections were carved from the same block of wood from which the altar was made. They covered the whole altar with bronze.
\v 3 They made the pans in which to put the ashes from the animal sacrifices. They also made the shovels for cleaning out the ashes. They made the basins and forks for turning the meat as it cooked, and buckets for carrying hot coals. They made all of these things from bronze.
\v 4 They also made a bronze grate to hold the wood and burning coals. They put the grate under the rim that was around the altar. They made it so that it was inside the altar, halfway down.
\v 5 They made bronze rings in which to put the poles for carrying the altar, and fastened them to each of the corners of the altar.
\v 6 They made the poles from acacia wood and covered them with bronze.
\v 7 They put the poles for carrying the altar through the rings on each side of the altar. The altar was like an open box, made from boards of acacia wood.
\v 8 Bezalel and his men made the washbasin and its base from bronze. The bronze was from the mirrors that belonged to the women who worked at the entrance of the sacred tent.
\v 9 Around the sacred tent Bezalel and his helpers made a courtyard. To form the courtyard, they made curtains of fine white linen. On the south side, the curtain was forty-five and three-quarters meters long.
\v 10 To support the curtain, they made twenty bronze posts and twenty bronze bases, one for under each post. To fasten the curtains to the posts, they made silver hooks, and they made metal rods covered with silver.
\v 11 They made the same kind of curtains, posts, bases and hooks for the north side of the courtyard.
\v 12 On the west side of the courtyard, they made a curtain twenty-three meters long. They also made ten posts to support the curtains and ten bases, with silver hooks and metal rods covered with silver.
\v 13 On the east side, where the entrance is, the courtyard was twenty-three meters wide.
\v 14 On one side of the entrance, Bezalel and his men made a curtain about seven meters wide with three posts and three bases.
\v 15 On the other side of the entrance, they made a curtain about seven meters wide with three posts and three bases.
\v 16 They made all the curtains around the courtyard from fine linen.
\v 17 All the posts around the courtyard were made of bronze, but they covered the tops with silver. They connected the posts with metal rods that they covered with silver. They also made the clasps and hooks with silver.
\v 18 For the entrance of the courtyard, they made a curtain from fine white linen, and a skilled weaver embroidered it with blue, purple, and red woolen yarn. The curtain was nine meters long and two and one-third meters high, just like the other curtains around the courtyard.
\v 19 All the curtains were made of fine linen. They were supported by four posts, and under each post was a base made of bronze. All the posts around the courtyard were connected with metal rods covered with silver. The clasps were made of silver, and the tops of the posts were covered with silver.
\v 20 All the tent pegs to support the sacred tent and the curtains around the courtyard were made of bronze.
\v 21 Here is a list of the amounts of metal used to make the sacred tent. Moses told some men from the tribe of Levi to count all the materials used and write down the amounts. Ithamar son of Aaron the priest, supervised those men.
\v 22 Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur made all the things that Yahweh had commanded Moses to make.
\v 23 Bezalel's helper was Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan. Oholiab was a skilled engraver who made artistic things. He embroidered designs using blue, purple, and red woolen yarn, and linen.
\v 24 All the gold that was used to make the sacred tent weighed 965
kilograms. They used the official standard when they weighed the
\v 25 All the silver that the people contributed when the leaders took the census weighed about 3,320 kilograms. They also used the official standard when they weighed the silver.
\v 26 All the men who were at least twenty years old were counted, and they each paid the required amount. That was a total of 603,550 men.
\v 27 They used 33 kilograms of silver for making each of the one hundred bases to put under the posts to support the curtains of the sacred tent, for a total of 3,300 kilograms in all.
\v 28 Bezalel and his helpers used the twenty kilograms of silver that was not used for the bases to make the rods and the hooks for the posts and to cover the tops of the posts.
\v 29 The bronze that the people contributed weighed about 2,300 kilograms.
\v 30 With the bronze Bezalel and his helpers made the bases to support the posts at the entrance of the sacred tent. They also made the altar for burning sacrifices with its grate and the tools to be used with it,
\v 31 the bases for the posts that supported the curtains that surrounded the courtyard, the bases for the entrance to the courtyard, and the pegs for the sacred tent and for the curtains around the courtyard.
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\c 39
\v 1 Bezalel, Oholiab, and the other skilled workmen made the beautiful clothes for Aaron to wear while he did his work as a priest in the holy place. They made them from blue, purple, and red woolen cloth, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 2 They made the sacred apron from fine white linen and from blue, purple, and red woolen cloth.
\v 3 They hammered some thin sheets of gold and cut them into thin strips that they embroidered into the fine linen and into the blue, purple, and red cloth.
\v 4 The sacred apron had two shoulder straps, to join the front part to the back part at its sides.
\v 5 A carefully woven belt, which was made from the same materials as the sacred apron, was sewn onto the sacred apron. This was made exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 6 Bezalel and his men cut two onyx stones and enclosed them in a tiny frame, and a skilled gem cutter engraved on the stones the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
\v 7 They fastened the stones to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron to represent the twelve tribes of Israel, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 8 They made the sacred chest pouch with the same materials as the sacred apron and embroidered it in the same way.
\v 9 It was square, and the material was folded double, so that it was twenty-three centimeters on each side.
\v 10 They fastened four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row, they put a red ruby, a yellow topaz, and a red garnet.
\v 11 In the second row, they put a green emerald, a blue sapphire, and a white diamond.
\v 12 In the third row they put a red jacinth, a white agate, and a purple amethyst.
\v 13 In the fourth row, they put a yellow beryl, a red carnelian, and a green jasper. They put tiny gold frames around each of the stones.
\v 14 On each of the twelve stones they engraved the name of one of the sons of Jacob, to represent one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
\v 15 They made two chains from pure gold and braided them like cords, to attach the sacred pouch to the sacred apron.
\v 16 They made two gold rings, and they attached them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
\v 17 They fastened one end of each gold chain to a ring.
\v 18 They fastened the other end of each chain to one of the two settings that enclosed the stones and then attached the sacred pouch to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
\v 19 Then they made two more gold rings and attached them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch, on the inside edges, next to the sacred apron.
\v 20 They made two more gold rings and attached them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps, near to where the shoulder straps were joined to the sacred apron, just above the carefully woven sash.
\v 21 They tied the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord, so that the sacred pouch was above the sash and would not come loose from the sacred apron. They did these things just as Yahweh had instructed Moses to do.
\v 22 They made the robe that was to be worn underneath the priest's sacred apron; they used only blue cloth.
\v 23 It had an opening through which the priest would put his head. They sewed a border around this opening to prevent the material from tearing.
\v 24 At the lower edge on the robe they fastened decorations that resembled pomegranate fruit. The decorations were woven from blue, purple, and red woolen yarn.
\v 25 Between each of these decorations, they fastened a tiny bell made from pure gold
\v 26 for Aaron to wear while he did his work as a priest. They made all these things exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 27 They wove long-sleeved tunics from fine linen for Aaron and his sons.
\v 28 They also made a turban of fine linen for Aaron to wear around his head. They made the caps and the undershorts for Aaron's sons from fine linen.
\v 29 They made the embroidered sash for Aaron from fine linen and from blue, purple, and red woolen cloth, and they embroidered designs on it using blue, purple, and red woolen yarn, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 30 They also made the tiny ornament of pure gold and had a skilled workman engrave on it the words, "Dedicated to Yahweh."
\v 31 They fastened this to the front of the turban by a blue cord, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 32 Finally, they finished all the work of making the sacred tent and brought everything to Moses. They had made them exactly as Yahweh had commanded them to.
\v 33 They brought to him the sacred tent and all the things that were used with it--the hooks, the frames, the crossbars, the posts and their bases;
\v 34 the coverings for the sacred tent that were made of tanned rams' skins and goatskins; the curtains;
\v 35 the sacred chest that contained the stone slabs on which the commandments were written and the lid for the chest.
\v 36 The workers also finished these items for the sacred tent: The table with all the things to be used with it and the bread to display before God;
\v 37 the lampstand made of pure gold with all its lamps and the things that were used to take care of it, and the oil for the lamps;
\v 38 the golden altar for burning incense, the oil for anointing, the sweet-smelling incense, and the curtain for the entrance to the sacred tent;
\v 39 the bronze altar for burning sacrifices with its bronze grating, the poles for carrying it, and all the other things that were used with it, as well as the washbasin and its base.
\v 40 They also brought the curtains that would surround the courtyard, the posts and bases that supported them, the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard and its ropes, the tent pegs, and all the other things that would be used in the sacred tent;
\v 41 the beautiful sacred clothes for Aaron and his sons to wear when they did their work in the holy place, and the clothes for his sons to wear as they did their work as priests.
\v 42 The people of Israel had done all this work exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 43 Then Moses saw all the work that they had done.
Truly, they had done everything exactly as Yahweh had commanded that it should be done. Then Moses blessed the workmen.
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\c 40
\v 1 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Next year, on the first day of the first month, tell the people to set up the sacred tent.
\v 3 Put inside it the sacred chest that contains the stone slabs on which are engraved the Ten Commandments, and hang its curtain in front of it.
\v 4 Bring the table into the sacred tent, and place on it all the things that they made for it. Then bring in the lampstand and set the lamps in it.
\v 5 Put the gold altar for burning incense in front of the sacred chest, and set up the curtain at the entrance of the sacred tent.
\v 6 Put the altar for burning sacrifices in front of the sacred tent.
\v 7 Put the washbasin between the sacred tent and the altar, and fill it with water.
\v 8 Hang the curtains around the courtyard, and also hang up the curtain that your workmen made for the entrance.
\v 9 Then take the oil for anointing and put it on the sacred tent and everything that is in it, to set it all apart for me. Then it will be very special, reserved only for me.
\v 10 Also put some of the oil on the altar on which the priests will burn the sacrifices that they will offer to me. Also put some of the oil on all the things that they will use at the altar, and set them apart for me. Then they will be special, reserved only for me.
\v 11 Also put some of the oil on the washbasin and its base, to set them apart for me.
\v 12 Then bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the sacred tent, and wash them with water.
\v 13 Then set Aaron apart for me by putting his special clothes on him and by pouring oil on him. Do this so he may serve me as a priest who comes before me.
\v 14 Also bring Aaron's sons and put their special tunics on them;
\v 15 then pour oil on them just as you did on their father. Do this so that they also may worship me as priests. By pouring oil on them, you will cause them and their descendants to be priests throughout all their future generations."
\v 16 Moses and the men working with him did all these things exactly as Yahweh had commanded him to do.
\v 17 On the first day of the first month of the next year, the year after the people had come out of Egypt, the people set up the sacred tent.
\v 18 They did what Moses told them to do; they set up the sacred tent and its bases; they set up the frames, attached the crossbars, and put up the posts for the curtains.
\v 19 Then they spread out the coverings over the sacred tent, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 20 Then Moses took the two stone slabs on which
the commandments were written and put them into the sacred chest. He caused the workmen to put the carrying poles into the rings on the chest and put the lid on top of it.
\v 21 Then Moses took the chest into the holy place inside the sacred tent and hung the curtain. After he did that, the people who were outside could not see the chest. He did all this exactly as Yahweh had commanded him.
\v 22 He caused the workmen to set the table inside the sacred tent, on the north side, outside the curtain.
\v 23 They placed on the table the bread in order to display it before Yahweh, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
\v 24 Moses's workmen set the lampstand inside the sacred tent, on the south side, on the other side of the table.
\v 25 Then they set the lamps on the lampstand in Yahweh's presence, exactly as Yahweh had commanded.
\v 26 Moses's workmen set the gold altar for burning incense inside the sacred tent, in front of the curtain that separated the holy place from the very holy place,
\v 27 and they burned some sweet-smelling incense on it, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
\v 28 Moses's workmen hung the curtain at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 29 At the entrance to the sacred tent, they placed the altar for offering sacrifices that the priests were to burn. Then they burned on it the meat and the flour that they offered, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses to do.
\v 30 They set the washbasin between the sacred tent and the bronze altar, and they filled the washbasin with water.
\v 31-32 Every time Moses, Aaron, or Aaron's sons went into the sacred tent or went up to the altar, they washed their hands and feet, exactly as Yahweh had commanded them through Moses to do.
\v 33 Moses's workmen hung up the curtains that surrounded the courtyard and the altar, and they hung the curtain at the entrance to the courtyard. In this way Moses caused the people to complete all that work.
\v 34 Then the tall cloud covered the sacred tent, and Yahweh's power and brilliant light filled the sacred tent.
\v 35 Because the light was very bright, Moses was not able to enter the sacred tent.
\v 36 From that day, whenever the people of Israel wanted to move to another place, they went only when the cloud rose from above the sacred tent and moved on.
\v 37 If the cloud did not rise, they stayed where they were and waited for the cloud to rise and move.
\v 38 Wherever they traveled, the cloud that showed Yahweh's presence was above the sacred tent during the day, and a bright fire was over it at night. All the people of Israel could see it at any time, for as long as they were traveling to the land that God had promised to give them.
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\id LEV Unlocked Dynamic Bible
\ide UTF-8
\toc1 The Book of Leviticus
\toc2 Leviticus
\toc3 Lev
\mt1 Leviticus
\c 1
\v 1 While Moses was standing near the entrance to the sacred tent, Yahweh called to him from inside the tent. He said to Moses
\v 2 to say this to the Israelite people: "When any of you brings an offering to Yahweh, bring one of your sheep or goats or cattle.
\v 3 If what you are offering is a bull to be completely burned on the altar, it must be without any defect. You must take it to the entrance to the sacred tent, in order that it may be acceptable to Yahweh.
\v 4 You must lay your hands on the head of the bull. When you do that, Yahweh will accept its death in your place to forgive you for the sins that you have committed.
\v 5 You must slaughter the young bull in front of Yahweh. Then Aaron's sons, who are priests, will bring the blood and throw it against all sides of the altar near the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 6 You must remove the skin of the animal and cut the animal into pieces. You must wash the inner parts and the legs of the bull.
\v 7 Then Aaron's sons will put wood on the altar and light a fire.
\v 8 Then they will arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood.
\v 9 Then one of the priests will completely burn all of it on the altar. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 10 If you are offering a sheep or a goat, it must be a male without any defect.
\v 11 You must slaughter it in front of Yahweh, on the north side of the altar and drain all the blood into a bowl. Then Aaron's sons will sprinkle the blood against all sides of the altar.
\v 12 You must cut the animal into pieces. You must wash the inner parts and the legs of the animal. Then the priests will arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood.
\v 13 Then one of the priests will take all of it and completely burn all of it on the altar. And the good odor as the sacrifice burns will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 14 If what you are offering to Yahweh is birds, you must offer a dove or a young pigeon.
\v 15 The priest will take it to the altar and wring off its head. Then he will burn the head on the altar. He will drain out the bird's blood onto the side of the altar.
\v 16 Then he will remove the bird's craw and what is inside it, and throw it on the east side of the altar, where they also throw the ashes.
\v 17 Then he will grasp the bird's wings and tear the bird open partially, but never all the way. Then he will burn it completely in the fire on the altar. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\c 2
\v 1 If you bring to Yahweh an offering of flour, it must consist of finely ground flour. You must pour olive oil on it, as well as some incense,
\v 2 and take it to one of the priests. The priest will take a handful of it and burn it on the altar. That part will symbolize how our prayers go up to Yahweh as we give him thanks for his goodness.
\v 3 The part of that flour offering that is not burned will belong to Aaron and his sons. It is something set apart for the priests out of the offerings that you will give to Yahweh.
\v 4 If you bring an offering that is made from flour, something that is baked in an oven, it must be made from finely ground flour. You may bring loaves made from flour mixed with olive oil but without yeast, or you may bring wafers with olive oil smeared on them, but also made without yeast.
\v 5 If your flour offering is cooked on a griddle, it must be made from finely ground flour mixed with olive oil and without yeast.
\v 6 You must crumble it and pour olive oil on it. That will be your offering made from flour.
\v 7 If your offering that is made from flour is cooked in a pan, it must be made of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil.
\v 8 Bring to Yahweh your flour offering. Give it to the priest, and he will take it to the altar.
\v 9 He will take a part of it that will symbolize that all the flour offering belongs to Yahweh. He will burn that part on the altar, and the good odor as it burns will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 10 The part of the flour offering that is not burned will belong to Aaron and his sons. It is something set apart for God from the offerings given to Yahweh by burning them in a fire.
\v 11 Every flour offering that is made from grain and that you bring to Yahweh must be made without yeast, because you must not put any yeast or honey in any offering to Yahweh that a priest burns on the altar.
\v 12 You may bring to Yahweh an offering of the first part of your harvest, but that offering is not to be burned on the altar to produce a good odor that will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 13 Put salt on all your offerings that are made from flour. The salt represents the covenant that your God made with you, so be sure that you do not forget to put salt on those flour offerings.
\v 14 If you bring to Yahweh a flour offering from the first part of your harvest of grain, offer some new grain that has been crushed and roasted in a fire.
\v 15 Put olive oil and incense on it, and that will be your offering made from flour.
\v 16 The priest will take a part of it that will symbolize that all the offering truly belongs to Yahweh. He will burn that part on the altar, to be an offering given to Yahweh by burning it in a fire.
\c 3
\v 1 When you offer to Yahweh an animal to promise friendship with him, you may bring a bull or a cow from your herd of cattle, but what you present to Yahweh must be an animal that has no defects.
\v 2 You must bring the animal to the entrance to the sacred tent. You must lay your hands on its head. Then you must slaughter it and catch some of its blood in a bowl. Then one of Aaron's sons, one of the priests, will sprinkle the blood against all sides of the altar.
\v 3 From that offering you must bring to Yahweh a sacrifice that a priest will burn in the fire. That will consist of all the fat that covers the inner parts of the animal, or which is attached to them—
\v 4 the kidneys and the fat that is attached to them near the lower back muscle, and the fat that covers the liver.
\v 5 Then one of the priests will burn those things on the altar, along with the other parts of the animal that he will completely burn as an offering to Yahweh. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 6 If that offering to promise friendship with Yahweh is a sheep or a goat, it must also be an animal that has no defects.
\v 7 If you offer a lamb, you must present it to Yahweh at the entrance to the sacred tent. You must lay your hands on the lamb's head and then slaughter it. You must catch some of its blood in a bowl.
\v 8 Then one of the priests will sprinkle that blood against all sides of the altar.
\v 9 From that offering you must separate these things to be a sacrifice to Yahweh that is burned: Its fat, the fat tail that you must cut off close to the backbone, and all the fat that covers the inner parts of the lamb or which is attached to them—
\v 10 the kidneys with the fat that is on them near the lower back muscle, and the fat that covers the liver.
\v 11 One of the priests will burn those things on the altar to be an offering to Yahweh. Those things will come from your food supplies.
\v 12 If your offering is a goat, you must take it to Yahweh.
\v 13 You must lay your hands on its head. Then you must slaughter it in front of the sacred tent. Then one of Aaron's sons will sprinkle the blood against all sides of the altar.
\v 14 From that offering you must separate these things to be a sacrifice to Yahweh that is burned: All the fat that covers the inner parts of the animal or which is attached to them.
\v 15 Also separate the kidneys with the fat that is on them near the lower back muscle, and the fat that covers the liver.
\v 16 The priest will burn those things on the altar to be an offering to Yahweh. Those things will come from your food supplies. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh. All the fat of the animals that are sacrificed belongs to Yahweh.
\v 17 This is a command that must be obeyed by you and your descendants forever, wherever you live. You must not eat the fat or the blood of any animal."
\c 4
\v 1 Then Yahweh told Moses
\v 2 to say this to the Israelite people, "This is what anyone must do if he sins without intending to sin, that is, if he does something that breaks any of Yahweh's commands.
\v 3 If the high priest sins and that causes all the people to be guilty, he must bring to Yahweh a young bull that has no defects. That will be an offering for the sin that he has committed.
\v 4 He must bring the bull to the entrance to the sacred tent. He must lay his hands on its head. Then he must slaughter it in front of Yahweh and catch some of the blood in a bowl.
\v 5 Then the priest must take some of that blood into the sacred tent.
\v 6 He must dip one of his fingers into the blood and sprinkle it seven times in the presence of Yahweh, in front of the curtain that separates the holy place from the very holy place.
\v 7 Then he must put some of the blood on the projections at the corners of the altar where fragrant incense is burned in the sacred tent in the presence of Yahweh. The remaining part of the bull's blood that is still in the bowl, he must pour out at the base of the altar, where sacrifices are burned, at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 8 From that offering the high priest must separate these things from the bull that is to be burned: The fat that covers the inner parts of the bull or which is attached to them—
\v 9 the kidneys and the fat that is attached to them near the lower back muscle, and the fat that covers the liver.
\v 10 Then the high priest must completely burn those things on the altar. That will be just like when the fat is removed from an animal that is sacrificed to promised friendship with Yahweh.
\v 11 But all the other parts of the animal—its skin and all its other meat, its head and its legs, its inner parts and the intestines,
\v 12 he must take outside the camp and throw them in a place that is made acceptable to Yahweh, where the ashes are thrown, and he must burn them in a fire on the pile of ashes.
\v 13 If all the Israelite people sin without intending to sin, doing something that is forbidden in any of Yahweh's commands, they will be guilty, even if they do not realize that they have sinned.
\v 14 When they realize that they have committed a sin, together they must bring a young bull to be an offering for their sin, to the front of the sacred tent.
\v 15 The elders must lay their hands on the bull's head in the presence of Yahweh and slaughter it and catch some of the blood in a bowl.
\v 16 Then the high priest must take some of that blood into the sacred tent.
\v 17 He must dip one of his fingers into the blood and sprinkle it seven times in the presence of Yahweh, in front of the curtain that separates the holy place from the very holy place.
\v 18 Then he must put some of the blood on the projections at the corners of the altar that is in the presence of Yahweh in the sacred tent. The remaining part of the bull's blood he must pour out at the base of the altar where sacrifices are burned, at the entrance of the sacred tent.
\v 19 He must remove all the animal's fat and burn it on the altar.
\v 20 He must do with this bull the same things that he did with the bull that was an offering for his own sins, and they will be forgiven.
\v 21 Then the priest must take the other parts of the bull outside the camp and burn them, like he does when he himself has sinned. That will be the offering for the sin that all the people have committed, and they will be forgiven.
\v 22 When one of the leaders sins without intending to sin, doing something that is forbidden in any of the commands of Yahweh his God, he will be guilty.
\v 23 When he realizes that he has committed a sin, he must bring as his offering a male goat that has no defects.
\v 24 He must lay his hands on the goat's head in the presence of Yahweh and slaughter it at the place where they slaughter the animals that will be completely burned on the altar. That will be an offering for his sin.
\v 25 Then the priest must put some of the animal's blood into a bowl and dip one of his fingers in it and put some of the blood on the corners of the projections of the altar. Then he must pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
\v 26 Then he must burn all the fat on the altar, like was done with the fat of the offering to promise friendship with Yahweh. As a result of the priest's doing that, the leader will no longer be guilty for his sin and he will be forgiven.
\v 27 If one of the Israelite people who is not a priest sins without intending to sin, and does something that is forbidden in any of the commands of Yahweh his God, he will be guilty.
\v 28 When he realizes that he has committed a sin, he must bring as his offering a female goat that has no defects.
\v 29 He must lay his hands on the goat's head and slaughter it at the place where they slaughter the animals that they will burn completely on the altar, and catch some of the blood in a bowl.
\v 30 Then the priest must dip one of his fingers in it, and put some of the blood on the projections at the corners of the altar. Then he must pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
\v 31 Then he must remove all the goat's fat, and burn all the fat on the altar, like was done with the fat of the offering to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh. As a result of the priest doing that, the person will no longer be guilty for his sin, and he will be forgiven.
\v 32 If that person brings a lamb to be his offering for sin, he must bring a female lamb that has no defects.
\v 33 He must lay his hands on the lamb's head and slaughter it at the place where they slaughter the animals that will be completely burned on the altar, and catch some of the blood in a bowl.
\v 34 Then the priest must dip one of his fingers in it and put some of the blood on the projections at the corners of the altar. Then he must pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
\v 35 Then he must remove all the lamb's fat, and burn all the fat on the altar, like was done with the fat of the offering to promise friendship with Yahweh. He must burn it on top of the other offerings to Yahweh that are being burned. As a result, the priest will request God to forgive that person for his sin, and he will be forgiven.
\c 5
\v 1 If a judge orders any of you to tell in court something that you have seen or something that you heard someone say, but if you refuse to say what you know to be true, you must pay a penalty for refusing to tell what you know.
\v 2 If you accidentally touch something which God considers impure such as the carcass of a wild animal or the carcass of your animals that has died, or of an animal that crawls along the ground, you must pay a penalty.
\v 3 If you touch anything that has made anyone else unacceptable to God, even if you did not intend to touch it, when you realize what you have done, you must pay a penalty.
\v 4 If you carelessly make a solemn promise to do something that is either good or that is bad, when you realize that you cannot do it, you must pay a penalty.
\v 5 If you are guilty of committing any of those sins, you must confess what you have done.
\v 6 And as a penalty, you must bring to Yahweh a female lamb or female goat as an offering for the sin that you have committed, and the priest will sacrifice it, and then you will no longer be guilty for your sin.
\v 7 If you are poor and cannot afford to bring a lamb, you must bring to Yahweh two doves or two pigeons. One will be an offering for your sin, and the other will be an offering that will be completely burned on the altar.
\v 8 You must bring them to the priest. First he will offer one of them to be an offering for your sin. He will wring its neck to kill it, but he must not pull off its head completely.
\v 9 Then he must sprinkle some of the blood against the side of the altar. The remaining blood must be drained out at the base of the altar. That will be an offering for your sin.
\v 10 The priest will then do what I have commanded and offer the other bird to be completely burned on the altar. Then you will no longer be guilty for the sin you have committed, and Yahweh will forgive you.
\v 11 However, if you are very poor and cannot afford two doves or two pigeons, you must bring to be an offering for your sin two liters of fine flour. You must not put olive oil or incense on it, because it is an offering for sin.
\v 12 You must take it to the priest. He will take a handful of it to symbolize that the whole offering truly belongs to Yahweh, and burn it on the altar, on top of the other offerings.
\v 13 When he does that, the priest will enable you to no longer be guilty for any of the sins that you have committed, and God will forgive you. The part of the offering that is not burned will belong to the priest, just as in the case of the offerings made from flour."
\v 14 Yahweh also said to Moses to tell the people:
\v 15 "When you sin, without intending to, by not giving to me, Yahweh, the things that you are required to give to him, you must pay a penalty by bringing to me a ram that has no defects. You must determine how much silver it is worth, by using the official standard in the sacred tent. It will be an offering to cause you to no longer be guilty.
\v 16 But you must also make restitution for failing to pay him what has been set apart as only for him. Also, you must add one-fifth of its value. You must give that to the priest. He will offer the ram as a sacrifice for the sin that you have committed and cause you to no longer be guilty, and I will forgive you.
\v 17 If you sin by doing something that is forbidden in any of my commands, even if you do not know that you have disobeyed one of my commands, you are still guilty; you must pay a penalty to me.
\v 18 When you realize what you have done, you must bring a ram to the priest as an offering in order that you will no longer be guilty. You must bring one that has no defects. The priest will offer the ram to be a sacrifice to me, and as a result you will no longer be guilty for the sin that you have committed, and I will forgive you.
\v 19 It is an offering to cause you to no longer be guilty for sinning against me."
\c 6
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "If you sin against me by deceiving someone—if you refuse to return what someone has lent you, or if you steal something of his,
\v 3 or if you find something and swear that you do not have it, you are guilty.
\v 4 You must return to its owner what you have stolen or what someone has lent to you and you have not returned, or what you found that someone else had lost, or whatever you lied about.
\v 5 You must not only return anything like that to its owner, but you must also pay to the owner an additional one-fifth of its value.
\v 6 You must also bring to the priest a ram to be an offering to me, in order that you will no longer be guilty. The ram that you bring must be one that has no defects, one that has the value that has been officially determined.
\v 7 Then the priest will offer that ram to be a sacrifice that will cause you to no longer be guilty, and I will forgive you for the wrong things that you did."
\v 8 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 9 "Tell this to Aaron and his sons: These are the regulations concerning the offerings that will be completely burned on the altar: The offering must remain on the altar all during the night, and the fire on the altar must always be kept burning.
\v 10 The next morning the priest must put on his linen underclothes and linen outer clothes. Then he must remove the ashes of the offering from the fire and put them beside the altar.
\v 11 Then he must take off those clothes and put on other clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp, to a place that has been made acceptable to me.
\v 12 The fire on the altar must always be kept burning. The priest must not allow it to go out. Each morning the priest must put more firewood on the fire. Then he must arrange more offerings on the fire, and burn on the altar the fat of the offerings to be burned to promise friendship with Yahweh.
\v 13 The fire on the altar must be kept burning continually. The priest must not allow it to go out."
\v 14 "These are the regulations concerning the offerings made from flour. Aaron's sons must bring them to Yahweh in front of the altar.
\v 15 The priest must take a handful of fine flour mixed with olive oil and incense and burn that on the altar. That handful will signify that the whole offering truly belongs to me. And the good odor, while the offering burns, will be pleasing to me.
\v 16 Aaron and his sons may eat the remaining part of the grain offering. But they must eat it in a place that is set apart for God, in the courtyard of the sacred tent.
\v 17 It must not have yeast mixed with it. Like the offerings for sin and the offerings to cause people to no longer be guilty of sin, that offering is very special, reserved for me.
\v 18 Any male descendants of Aaron are permitted to eat it, because it is their permanent regular share of the offerings given to me and burned in the fire on the altar. Whoever touches them will be considered to be set apart for the honor of Yahweh."
\v 19 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 20 "Tell Aaron and his sons that this is the offering that they must bring to me on the day that any of them is ordained: That person must bring two liters of fine flour as an offering made from grain flour. He must bring half of it in the morning and half of it in the evening.
\v 21 He must mix it well with olive oil and bake it in a shallow pan. He must then break it into small pieces to be burned on the altar. And the good odor, while it burns, will be pleasing to me.
\v 22 I have commanded that the descendants of Aaron who are appointed to become the high priests after Aaron dies are the ones who must prepare those things. They must be completely burned on the altar to be sacrifices to me.
\v 23 Every offering that a priest gives that is made from flour must be completely burned. No one is to eat any of it."
\v 24 Yahweh also told Moses to
\v 25 tell Aaron and his sons, "These are the regulations concerning the offerings for the sins of the people. The priest will kill the sacrifice at the place where the offerings are burned; it is killed before Yahweh and the offering is dedicated to Yahweh.
\v 26 The priest who makes the offering for sin, may eat the offering given to Yahweh. The priest can only eat it in the place in the courtyard that has been set apart for eating sacrifices.
\v 27 Any other person who touches any of its meat will belong to me. And if its blood is splattered on your clothes, you must wash the clothes in a holy place.
\v 28 If the meat is cooked in a clay pot, the pot must be broken afterwards. But if it is cooked in a bronze pot, the pot must be scoured afterwards and rinsed with water.
\v 29 Any male in a priest's family may eat some of the cooked meat. That meat is very special.
\v 30 But if the blood of those offerings is brought into the sacred tent to enable the people to be forgiven for having sinned, the meat of those animals must not be eaten. The priest must burn that meat completely."
\c 7
\v 1 "These are the regulations concerning the offerings for when people are guilty of not giving to Yahweh the things that are required to be given to him. Those are very sacred offerings.
\v 2 A priest must slaughter each animal that people offer for this purpose in the same place where they slaughter the animals that they will completely burn. The priest must sprinkle the animal's blood on all sides of the altar.
\v 3 All their fat, the fat tails that are cut close to the backbone, and all the fat that covers the inner parts of the animals or which is attached to them, must be burned on the altar.
\v 4 This includes the kidneys with their fat near the lower back muscle, and the fat that covers the liver. The priest must remove all these fatty pieces.
\v 5 The priest must burn these pieces on the altar to be offerings to me, Yahweh. They are an offering for the people, for me to forgive them when they have not done what I required them to do.
\v 6 All the males in the priest's family are permitted to eat its meat, but it must be eaten in a place set apart for me, because it is very special to me.
\v 7 The regulation is the same for the offerings to cause people to become acceptable to me again and the offerings for when they are guilty of not giving to me the things that I required from them. The meat of those offerings belongs to the priest who offers them.
\v 8 When a priest slaughters an animal that he will completely burn on the altar, he may keep the animal's hide for himself.
\v 9 Offerings of things made from flour that are baked in an oven or cooked in a pan or in a shallow pan belong to the priest who sacrifices those things for another person.
\v 10 And offerings of things made from flour, whether they were mixed with olive oil or not, also belong to the Aaron's descendants.
\v 11 These are the regulations concerning the offerings that people make to promise friendship with Yahweh.
\v 12 If you bring an offering to thank Yahweh, along with the animal that you slaughter you must offer loaves of bread made with olive oil mixed with the flour but without yeast, and wafers that are made without yeast but with olive oil smeared on them, and loaves made from fine flour with olive oil mixed well with the flour.
\v 13 Along with that offering to thank Yahweh, you must bring an offering of loaves made with yeast.
\v 14 You must bring one of each kind for an offering to Yahweh, but they belong to the priest who sprinkles against the altar the blood of the animal that is slaughtered as an offering to promise friendship with Yahweh.
\v 15 The meat of that offering must be eaten on the day that it is offered. None of it may be left to be eaten on the next day.
\v 16 However, if your offering is the result of a vow that you made to Yahweh, or if it is an offering that you make voluntarily, you may eat some of the meat on the day it is offered, and anything that is left may be eaten on the next day.
\v 17 But any meat that is left until the third day must be completely burned.
\v 18 If any meat from the offering to promise friendship with Yahweh is eaten on the third day, Yahweh will not accept that offering. It will be useless to offer it because Yahweh will consider that it is worthless. Anyone who eats some of it will have to pay a penalty to Yahweh.
\v 19 Meat that touches something that God considers to be impure must not be eaten. It must be completely burned. But as for other mea, anyone who has performed the rituals to become acceptable to God is allowed to eat it.
\v 20 If anyone who has not performed those rituals eats some of the meat of the offering to promise friendship with Yahweh, meat that belongs to Yahweh, he must no longer be allowed to associate with God's people.
\v 21 If anyone touches something that God considers to be impure and very displeasing to him, whether it is from a human or from an animal, and then he eats any of the meat of the offering to promise friendship with Yahweh, meat that belongs to Yahweh, he must no longer be allowed to associate with God's people."
\v 22 Yahweh also said to Moses:
\v 23 "Say this to the Israelite people: 'Do not eat any of the fat of cattle or sheep or goats.
\v 24 The fat of an animal that is found dead or that has been killed by a wild animal may be used for other purposes, but you must not eat it.
\v 25 Anyone who eats the fat of an animal from which an offering has been made to Yahweh must no longer be allowed to associate with God's people.
\v 26 And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal.
\v 27 If anyone eats blood, he must no longer be allowed to associate with God's people."
\v 28 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 29 "Tell the Israelite people this: 'Anyone who brings an offering to promise friendship with Yahweh must bring part of it to be a sacrifice to Yahweh.
\v 30 He himself must bring the offering that will be burned in the fire. He must bring the fat along with the breast of the animal and lift it high in front of Yahweh to present it as an offering to him.
\v 31 The priest must burn the fat on the altar, but the breast belongs to Aaron and all his descendants.
\v 32 You must give to the priest the right thigh of the animal that you presented to promise friendship with Yahweh.
\v 33 The son of Aaron who offers the blood and the fat of that sacrifice will receive the right thigh of the animal as his share.
\v 34 From the offerings that the Israelite people give to promise friendship with Yahweh, he has declared that he has given to Aaron and his descendants the breast that is lifted high and the right thigh that is offered. Those portions will always be their regular share from the Israelite people.
\v 35 Those are the portions of the offerings brought to Yahweh and burned in fire that are allotted to Aaron and his descendants on the day that you, Moses, will set apart to serve Yahweh as priests.
\v 36 Yahweh commands that on the day that the priests are appointed, that the Israelite people must always give those portions to the priests.'"
\v 37 So those are the regulations for the offerings that are to be completely burned on the altar, the offerings made from flour, the offerings to cause people to become acceptable to God again, the offerings for when people are guilty of not giving to Yahweh the things that are required to be given to him, the offerings given when the priests are appointed, and the offerings to promise friendship with Yahweh.
\v 38 They are regulations that Yahweh gave to Moses on Mount Sinai, on the day that he commanded the Israelite people to start bringing their offerings to him, in the wilderness around Sinai.
\c 8
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Bring Aaron and his sons, and bring their special clothes, the oil for anointing them, the bull to be offered to cause them to become acceptable to God, the two rams to be slaughtered, and the basket containing bread made without yeast.
\v 3 Then gather all the people at the entrance to the sacred tent."
\v 4 Moses did what Yahweh told him to do, and all the people gathered there.
\v 5 Then Moses said to the people, "This is what Yahweh has commanded us to do."
\v 6 Then he brought Aaron and his sons forward and washed them.
\v 7 He put the special tunic on Aaron, tied the sash around him, put on him the special robe, and put on him the sacred vest. He fastened the sacred vest around him, using the finely woven waistband.
\v 8 He put the sacred pouch on his chest and put into it the two stones for him to use to determine what God wants.
\v 9 Then he wrapped the turban around Aaron's head and fastened on the front of it the gold ornament the object that showed that he was dedicated to God, as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 10 Then Moses took the olive oil and anointed the sacred tent and everything in it, and dedicated it all to Yahweh.
\v 11 He sprinkled some of the oil on the altar seven times. He anointed the altar and all the things used with it, and its huge washbasin and its stand, to dedicate them to Yahweh.
\v 12 He poured some of the oil on Aaron's head and anointed him, to dedicate him to Yahweh.
\v 13 Then he brought forward Aaron's sons. He put tunics on them, tied sashes around them, and wrapped turbans around their heads, as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 14 Then he brought the bull for the offering to cause people to become acceptable to God. Then Aaron and his sons put their hands on the bull's head.
\v 15 Then Moses slaughtered the bull, caught some of its blood in a bowl, and with his finger put some of it on the projections at the corners of the altar, to purify the altar. He poured the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. By doing that, he caused it to be a suitable place for burning sacrifices for sin.
\v 16 Moses took all the fat that covers the inner parts of the animal, including the liver and kidneys, and burned them on the altar.
\v 17 He took the rest of the bull, including the hide and intestines, and burned them outside the camp, like Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 18 Then he brought the ram for the offering that would be completely burned on the altar, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
\v 19 Then Moses slaughtered the ram and sprinkled its blood on all sides of the altar.
\v 20-21 He cut the ram into pieces and washed the inner parts and hind legs. Then he put the head, the fat, and the other parts of the ram on the altar. As it burned, the aroma of the smoke was pleasing to Yahweh. It was an offering to Yahweh that was burned, as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
\v 22 Then he brought the other ram, the one for consecrating the priests, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
\v 23-24 Moses slaughtered that ram, caught some of its blood in a bowl, and put some of that blood on the lobes of the right ears, the thumbs of the right hands, and the big toes of the right feet of Aaron and his sons to indicate that what they listened to and what they did and where they went should be directed by Yahweh.
\v 25 He picked up all the fat of the ram, its fat tail, the fat that covered the inner parts, including the fat that covered the liver and kidneys, and the right thigh of the ram.
\v 26-27 Then from the basket containing the bread that was made without yeast, the bread which had been dedicated to Yahweh, he picked up one loaf of bread made without olive oil, and one loaf that was made by mixing the flour with olive oil, and one wafer. He put those on top of the portions of fat, and put them into the hands of Aaron and his sons. Then they lifted them up in the presence of Yahweh to show that it was an offering that belonged to him.
\v 28 Then Moses took those things from their hands and burned them on the altar. That was the offering that was burned to appoint Aaron and his sons as priests. And the aroma while it burned was pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 29 Moses also took the breast of the second ram and lifted it high before Yahweh to offer it to him, as Yahweh had commanded. The breast was Moses' share of the ram that was sacrificed to dedicate the priests.
\v 30 Then Moses took some of the olive oil for anointing Aaron and his sons, and some of the blood that was on the altar and sprinkled it on Aaron and his sons and on their clothes. By doing that, he set apart Aaron to be priest, together with his sons and their clothes.
\v 31 Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons, "Boil the meat of the second ram at the entrance of the sacred tent, and eat it there with the bread that is in the basket, as I told you to do.
\v 32 Burn up any of the meat and bread that remains.
\v 33 The time for you to be set apart as priests will be seven days, so do not leave the entrance of the sacred tent for seven days.
\v 34 What we have done today is what Yahweh commanded to cause you to be forgiven for your sins.
\v 35 You must stay at the entrance to the sacred tent for seven days and seven nights and do what Yahweh requires, in order that you will not die because of disobeying him. I am telling you that because that is what Yahweh has commanded me to tell you."
\v 36 So Aaron and his sons did everything that Yahweh told Moses to tell them.
\c 9
\v 1 Eight days later Moses summoned the elders of Israel.
\v 2 Then he said to Aaron, "Take a young bull so you can offer it for your sins, and a ram so that you can burn it whole on the altar, both of them without any defects, and offer them to Yahweh.
\v 3 Then say to the Israelite people, 'Take a male goat to offer it for your sins. Also take a calf and a lamb that have no defects, so that you can burn them whole on the altar.
\v 4 Also take an ox and a ram to offer them, so you may promise friendship with Yahweh, along with an offering of flour mixed with olive oil. Do this because today Yahweh is going to appear to you.'"
\v 5 After Moses gave these instructions to the Israelites, some of them brought these things and went to the courtyard in front of the sacred tent. Then all the people came near and stood in front of Yahweh.
\v 6 Then Moses said, "This is what Yahweh has commanded you to do, in order that his glory will appear to you."
\v 7 Then Moses said to Aaron, "Come to the altar and sacrifice the animal that is your offering to enable you to be forgiven for the sins you have committed. Also bring the animal that you will burn whole on the altar. Because of those offerings, God will forgive you and the people for the sins that you have committed. Do these things that Yahweh has commanded you to do."
\v 8 So Aaron came up to the altar and slaughtered the calf as an offering for his sins.
\v 9 His sons brought its blood to him in a bowl. He dipped his finger into the blood and put some of it on the projections at the corners of the altar. He poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
\v 10 He burned the fat, including that which covered the kidneys and the liver, as Yahweh had commanded him.
\v 11 Then Aaron went outside the camp and there burned the rest of the meat and the hide.
\v 12 Then Aaron slaughtered the animal that he was going to burn whole on the altar. His sons handed him the bowl containing its blood, and he sprinkled the blood on all sides of the altar.
\v 13 Then they handed him the head and the pieces of the animal that would be burned, and he burned them on the altar.
\v 14 He washed the inner parts and the legs of the animal, and he burned them on the altar, on top of the other pieces of the animal.
\v 15 Then Aaron brought the animals that would be sacrifices for the Israelite people. He took a goat and slaughtered it for the people's sins, as he had done with the goat for his own offering.
\v 16 Then he brought the animal for the offering in order to burn it whole. He slaughtered it and offered it in the way that Yahweh had commanded him to do.
\v 17 He also brought the offering made from flour. He took a handful of it and burned it on the altar, as he had done with the animal that he had sacrificed earlier that morning.
\v 18 Then he slaughtered the ox and the ram to be an offering for the Israelite people to promise friendship with Yahweh. His sons handed him the bowl containing the blood, and he sprinkled the blood against all sides of the altar.
\v 19 But he took the fat from the ox and the ram, including their fat tails that were cut close to the backbone, and all the fat that covered the livers and the kidneys.
\v 20 He put these parts on top of the breasts of those animals and carried them to the altar to burn them.
\v 21 Then, doing what Moses had commanded, he lifted up in front of Yahweh the breast and the right thigh of those animals to show that those two animals completely belonged to Yahweh.
\v 22 Then Aaron lifted his arms toward the people and asked Yahweh to bless them. Then having finished making all those offerings, he stepped down from the place where the altar was.
\v 23 Then Aaron and Moses entered the sacred tent. When they came out later, they asked Yahweh to bless the people. And suddenly the glory of Yahweh appeared to all the people.
\v 24 A fire from Yahweh appeared and burned up the entire offering, together with the fat that was on the altar. When all the people saw this happen, they shouted joyfully and prostrated themselves on the ground to worship Yahweh.
\c 10
\v 1 Two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, took the pans in which they burned incense. They put some burning coals in them and put incense on top of the coals, but this fire was not acceptable to Yahweh because it was not the kind that he had commanded them to burn.
\v 2 So suddenly a fire from Yahweh appeared and burned them up in his own presence.
\v 3 Then Moses said to Aaron, "This is what Yahweh was talking about when he said,
\q1 'Those priests who come near to me—
\q2 I will show them that they must honor me;
\q1 in the presence of all the people
\q2 I am the one whom they must honor.'"
\m But Aaron said nothing.
\v 4 Then Moses summoned Mishael and Elzaphan, who were the sons of Aaron's uncle Uzziel, and said to them, "Take the corpses of your cousins outside the camp, away from being in front of the sacred tent."
\v 5 So they carried the corpses, on which were still the special tunics, outside the camp, and buried them.
\v 6 Then Moses said to Aaron and his other two sons Eleazar and Ithamar, "You are sad because Nadab and Abihu died, but you must act like you always do. Do not allow the hair on your heads to remain uncombed, and do not tear your clothes. If you do, Yahweh will be angry with all the people. But you must let your relatives and all your fellow Israelites engage in mourning ceremonies for those whom Yahweh has destroyed by fire.
\v 7 But you must not leave the entrance of the sacred tent to join those who are mourning, because if you do that, you also will die. Do not forget that Yahweh has set you apart to work for him here, and he does not want you to become defiled by touching a corpse." So they obeyed Moses; they did not join the rest of the people in mourning for their cousins' death.
\v 8 Then Yahweh said to Aaron,
\v 9 "You and your two sons who are still alive must not drink wine or other fermented drinks before you enter the sacred tent. If you do that, you will die. That is a command that you and your descendants must obey forever.
\v 10 You must do that in order to learn what things are holy and what things are not holy; you must also learn what things I will accept what I will not accept.
\v 11 And you must teach the Israelite people all the laws that I gave to them by telling them to Moses."
\v 12 Moses said to Aaron and his two sons who were still alive, Eleazar and Ithamar, "Take the offering made from flour that is left after a portion of it has been offered to Yahweh to be burned, and eat it alongside the altar. It should not be eaten elsewhere because it is very holy.
\v 13 Eat it in a holy place. It is the share for you and your sons from the meat that you have burned as offerings. Yahweh has commanded me to tell you this.
\v 14 But you and your sons and daughters are permitted to eat the breast and the thigh that were lifted up in front of Yahweh. Eat them in any place that is holy. They have been given to you and your descendants as your share of the offerings when the Israelites promise friendship with Yahweh.
\v 15 The thigh and the breast that were lifted up in front of Yahweh must be brought with the portions of fat to be burned, to be lifted up and offered in his presence. They will be the regular share for you and your descendants, as Yahweh has commanded."
\v 16 When Moses inquired about the goat that the priests had sacrificed for the people's sins, he found out that the priests had burned it all. So he was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar and asked them,
\v 17 "Why did you not eat near the sacred tent the meat of the sin offering? It was very special for Yahweh; he gave it to you so he could forgive the sins of the people.
\v 18 Since its blood was not taken into the holy place inside the sacred tent, you should have eaten the meat of the goat outside the sacred tent, as I commanded."
\v 19 Aaron replied to Moses, "Today the people brought to Yahweh their offering for him to forgive their sins, and also the offering we burned completely to please Yahweh. But think about the terrible thing that happened to my other two sons! Would Yahweh have been pleased if I had eaten some of the people's sin offering today?"
\v 20 When Moses heard that, he was satisfied and said nothing more.
\c 11
\v 1 Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the people that this is what I say: 'Of all the animals that live on the land, these are the ones that you are permitted to eat.
\v 3 The ones that have hooves that are completely split and that chew their cuds—you may eat these animals.
\v 4 There are some animals that chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, and some animals that have split hooves but do not chew their cuds. You must not eat any of those animals. For example, camels chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
\v 5 Rock badgers chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
\v 6 Rabbits chew their cuds but do not have split hooves, so they are unacceptable for you to eat.
\v 7 Pigs have completely split hooves but they do not chew their cuds, so they are not acceptable for you to eat.
\v 8 All of those animals are unacceptable for you, so you must not eat their meat or even touch their carcasses.
\v 9 Of all the creatures that live in the oceans and the streams, you are permitted to eat any that have fins and scales.
\v 10 But you must detest and not eat those that do not have fins and scales. That include creatures that are very small.
\v 11 You must despise them, and you must not eat their meat, and you must detest their carcasses.
\v 12 You must detest everything that lives in the water that does not have fins and scales.
\v 13 There are some birds that you must detest and not eat. They include eagles, vultures,
\v 14 kites, any kind of falcon,
\v 15 any kind of raven,
\v 16 horned owls, screech owls, seagulls, and any kind of hawk.
\v 17 Also small owls, large owls, cormorants,
\v 18 white owls, barn owls, ospreys,
\v 19 storks, any kind of heron, hoopoes, and bats.
\v 20 You must detest and not eat flying insects that also walk on the ground.
\v 21 But you are permitted to eat creatures with wings that sometimes walk on the ground if they have jointed legs for hopping around.
\v 22 They include locusts, katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers.
\v 23 But you must detest and not eat other insects with wings that have four legs.
\v 24 There are certain creatures that will make you unacceptable to me if you touch their carcasses. Anyone who touches their carcasses must not touch other people until that evening.
\v 25 Anyone who picks up one of their carcasses must wash his clothes and not touch other people until that evening.
\v 26 The animals whose carcasses you must not touch are those that have hooves that are not completely divided or animals that do not chew their cud. Anyone who touches the carcasses of any of those animals becomes defiled.
\v 27 From all the animals that walk on the ground, you must not touch the carcasses of those that have paws to walk on. Anyone who touches one of their carcasses must not touch other people until that evening.
\v 28 Anyone who picks up one of their carcasses must wash his clothes and not touch other people until that evening, because touching their carcasses makes you unacceptable to me.
\v 29 Of all the animals that walk on the ground, these are the ones that make you unacceptable if you touch them: Weasels, rats, any kind of big lizard,
\v 30 geckos, monitor lizards and other lizards, skinks, and chameleons.
\v 31 The creatures that crawl along the ground make you unacceptable to me. Anyone who touches one of their carcasses must not touch other people until the evening.
\v 32 When one of those creatures dies and falls on something, the thing that it falls on, whatever it is used for, will become defiled, whether it is made of wood, cloth, the hide of some animal or from rough cloth. You must put the object into water. Then you must not use it until that evening.
\v 33 If one of those unclean creatures falls into a clay pot, everything in it becomes defiled, and you must break that pot.
\v 34 If you pour water from that pot onto any food, you must not eat that food. And you must not drink any water from that pot.
\v 35 Anything that one of the carcasses of those creatures falls on becomes defiled, even if the creature falls into an oven or a cooking pot. Anything that it falls on must be broken. It becomes unacceptable to me, and you must not use it again.
\v 36 If one of their carcasses falls into a spring or a pit for storing water, the water may still be drunk, but anyone who touches one of those carcasses becomes unacceptable to me.
\v 37 If one of those carcasses falls on seeds that are to be planted, those seeds are still acceptable to be planted.
\v 38 But if water has been put on the seeds and then a carcass falls on it, the seeds must be thrown away; you must regard them as unacceptable.
\v 39 If an animal whose meat you are permitted to eat dies, anyone who touches its carcass must not touch other people until that evening.
\v 40 Anyone who eats some meat from that carcass must wash his clothes, and then he must not touch anyone until that evening.
\v 41-42 All creatures that crawl along the ground, including those that move on their bellies and those that crawl along, are detestable, and they must not be eaten.
\v 43 Do not defile yourselves by eating any of those creatures. Be very careful about this.
\v 44 I am Yahweh your God, and I am holy, so you must set yourselves apart for my honor, and you must be holy. You must avoid eating things that cause you to be unacceptable to me. Do not cause yourselves to become unacceptable to me by eating creatures that crawl along on the ground.
\v 45 I am Yahweh, the one who freed you from being slaves in Egypt, in order that you might worship me. Therefore, because I am holy, you must be holy.
\v 46 Those are the regulations concerning animals and birds, all the living creatures that live in water or creep along on the ground.
\v 47 You must learn what things I say are acceptable to me and what things are not, and learn what things you are permitted to eat and what things you are not permitted to eat.'"
\c 12
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell this to the Israelite people. If a woman gives birth to a boy, she must be avoided for seven days, as she must be avoided when she is menstruating each month.
\v 3 The baby boy must be circumcised eight days after he is born.
\v 4 Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding during childbirth. She must not touch anything that is sacred, that belongs to me only, or enter the area of the sacred tent, until that time is ended.
\v 5 If a woman gives birth to a baby girl, she must be avoided for two weeks, as she must be avoided when she is menstruating each month. Then she must wait sixty-six days to be purified from her bleeding when the baby was born.
\v 6 When that time for her to be purified is ended, that woman must bring to the priest at the entrance of the sacred tent a one year old lamb. The priest will burn it whole on the altar. The woman must also bring a dove or a young pigeon for the priest to sacrifice it, so that Yahweh will accept her again.
\v 7 The priest will offer these animals to Yahweh in order that she may be made acceptable to him again. Then she will be purified from her flow of blood when the baby was born.
\p Those are the regulations for women who give birth to a baby boy or girl.
\v 8 If a woman who gives birth to a child cannot afford a lamb, she must bring two doves or two pigeons. One will be burned completely on the altar, and one will be an offering to enable her to become acceptable to God again. By doing that, the priest will cause her to be forgiven for any sins she has committed, and she no longer will need to be avoided."
\c 13
\v 1 Yahweh said this to Aaron and Moses:
\v 2 "When someone has on his skin a swelling, a scab, or a shiny spot that seems to be infected, then someone must bring him to Aaron or to one of his sons who are also priests.
\v 3 The priest must examine that part of the person's skin. If the hair in that area has become white and it appears that the sore is deeper than just on the skin, then it is a skin disease that other people are in danger of receiving from him. If that is what the priest sees, he must declare that this sick person is not fit to be with other people.
\v 4 If the spot on the person's skin is white but it does not appear that the sore is deeper than the surface of the skin, the priest must keep him away from all other people for seven days.
\v 5 After seven days, the priest must examine the person again. If the priest sees that the sore has not changed and has not spread, he must keep the person away from people for yet another seven days.
\v 6 Again, after those seven more days have passed, the priest must examine the person once more. If the sore has faded and has not spread, the priest will declare that the person is fit to be with other people again. His skin condition is only a rash; it is not contagious. After the person washes his clothes, the priest will allow him to be with other people again.
\v 7 But if the sore spreads after the priest has examined him, the person must go to the priest again.
\v 8 The priest will examine him; if the sore has spread to more of the skin, it is a contagious skin disease, and the priest will declare that the person is not fit to be with other people.
\v 9 When anyone has a contagious skin disease, someone must bring him to the priest.
\v 10 The priest must examine him. If there is a white swelling in the skin that has caused the hair there to become white, and if the flesh in that area is painful,
\v 11 then it is a permanent skin disease; the priest will declare that the person is not fit to be with other people. The priest does not need to keep that person away from others for seven days in order to examine him again, because he already knows that the person is unfit to be with others.
\v 12 If the disease spreads all over someone's body, and the priest examines that person and sees that it is covering his skin from his head to his feet,
\v 13 and it has caused all his skin to become white which will indicate that the disease has ended, the priest will declare that the person does not have to stay away from other people.
\v 14 But if the person has open sores, he has a contagious skin disease.
\v 15 When the priest sees that, he must declare that the person has a contagious skin disease and is unfit to be with other people.
\v 16 But if the person's flesh changes and becomes white, he must go to the priest again.
\v 17 The priest must examine him again, and if the sores have become white, the priest will declare that this person is now fit to be with other people again.
\v 18 When someone had a boil on his skin and it has now healed,
\v 19 but in the place where the boil was, there is now a white swelling or a bright spot, he must go to the priest.
\v 20 The priest must examine it. If it seems to be deeper than the surface of the skin, and if the hair in that spot has become white, it is a contagious skin disease that has appeared where the boil had been. And the priest must declare that the person is unfit to be with other people.
\v 21 But when the priest examines it, if he finds no white hair in that spot, and if he finds that it is only on the surface of the skin and has become less bright, then the priest must keep him away from other people for seven days.
\v 22 But if it is spreading, it is contagious, and the priest must declare that the person is unfit to be with other people.
\v 23 But if that spot is unchanged and has not spread, it is only a scar from the boil, and the priest will declare that the person is fit to be with other people again.
\v 24 When someone has a burn on his skin and a bright or white spot appears, and the flesh in that area is painful,
\v 25 the priest must examine the spot. If the hair in that spot has turned white and it seems to be deeper than just the surface of the skin, it is a contagious skin disease that has appeared where the burn was, and the priest must declare that the person is unfit to be with other people.
\v 26 But if the priest examines it and sees that there is no white hair in that spot and it is only on the surface of the skin, and that the spot has faded, the priest must keep the person away from other people for seven days.
\v 27 After seven days, the priest will examine him again. If the sore is spreading, it is a contagious skin disease, and the priest will declare that the person is unfit to be with other people.
\v 28 However, if the spot is not changed and has not spread but has faded, then it is only a scar from the burn; the priest must declare that the person is fit to be with other people.
\v 29 If a man or a woman has a sore on the head or chin,
\v 30 the priest must examine that person. If the sore seems to be deeper than just on the surface of the skin, and if the hair in that spot has thinned out and has become yellowish, then it is a contagious skin disease that causes itching. In that case, the priest must declare that the person is unfit to be with other people.
\v 31 But when the priest examines that kind of sore, if it seems to be only on the surface of the skin and there is no healthy hair in it, the priest will keep the person away from other people for seven days.
\v 32 On the seventh day, the priest must examine the sore again. If it has not spread and if there is no yellow hair in that spot, and if it appears to be only on the surface of the skin,
\v 33 the person must shave the hair near the sore but not the hair on the sore. And the priest will keep the person away from other people for seven more days.
\v 34 On the seventh day, the priest must examine that spot again. If it has not spread and it appears to be only on the surface of the skin, the priest will declare that the person is fit to be with people again. The person must wash his clothes, and then he join with other people.
\v 35 But if the sore later spreads,
\v 36 the priest must examine him again. If the itch has spread, the priest does not need to look for yellow hair, because it is clear that the person has a contagious skin disease.
\v 37 However, if the priest thinks that the spot has not changed, and if healthy hair is growing in that area, it is clear that the itch has healed, and the priest will declare that the person is fit to be with other people again.
\v 38 When a man or a woman has white spots on the skin,
\v 39 the priest should examine them. But if the spots are dull white, it is only a rash, and the priest will declare that the person is fit to be with other people.
\v 40 If a man loses all his hair and becomes bald, he does not need to stay away from other people.
\v 41 The same is true if he has lost his hair at the front of his scalp and his forehead has become bald.
\v 42 But if he gets a bright sore on his bald head or on his forehead, then he has a contagious skin disease.
\v 43 The priest must examine him. If the swollen sore is a bright spot like a spot on someone who has a contagious skin disease,
\v 44 the priest will declare that the man has a contagious skin disease and is not fit to be with other people.
\v 45 Anyone who has a contagious skin disease must wear torn clothes and not comb his hair. When he is near other people, he must cover the lower part of his face and call out, 'Do not come near me! I have a contagious skin disease!'
\v 46 He is not allowed to be with other people as long as he has the disease. He must live alone, outside the camp."
\v 47-48 "Sometimes a person's clothing gets mildew on it. It may be clothing that is woven from wool or made from linen or from leather, or it may be another item that has leather in it.
\v 49 If the contaminated part is greenish or reddish, there is spreading mildew, and the owner must show it to a priest.
\v 50 The priest must examine it and then put it in a separate place by itself for seven days.
\v 51 On the seventh day he must examine it again. If the mildew has spread, it is clear that it is mildew that destroys what it is on, and the clothing or item must not be used again.
\v 52 The owner must completely burn the item that has the mildew in it, whatever kind of item it is.
\v 53 But when the priest examines it, if the mildew has not spread,
\v 54 he must tell the person who owns it to wash it. Then he must put it in a separate place for another seven days.
\v 55 After seven days, the priest must examine it again. If the color of the mildew has not changed, even though it has not spread, that item must not be used again. It does not matter if the mildew is on the inside of the item or on the outside. It must be burned.
\v 56 But when the priest examines it after it has been washed, if the mildew has faded, he must tear out the part that had the mildew in it.
\v 57 If the mildew reappears on that item, it is clear that it is spreading, and the owner must burn the entire item.
\v 58 But after the clothing is washed and the mildew disappears, the owner must wash it again, and then he may use it again.
\v 59 These are the regulations concerning mildew on things made of wool or linen or leather, for deciding whether the owner may continue to use those things or not."
\c 14
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "These are the regulations for anyone who has been healed of a contagious skin disease.
\v 3 Other people must tell the priest about that person. The priest will go outside the camp and examine him. If the skin disease has been healed,
\v 4 the priest will say that someone must bring two live birds that are acceptable to Yahweh, along with some cedar wood, some scarlet yarn, and some hyssop.
\v 5 Then the priest will command that one of the birds be killed while it is being held over a clay pot containing water from a spring, that is, fresh water.
\v 6 Then the priest will dip the other bird, along with the cedar wood, the scarlet yarn and the hyssop, into that water, which now has blood from the bird that was killed.
\v 7 Then he must sprinkle some of the water and blood on the person who was healed. He must sprinkle it on him seven times. Then he will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again. And the priest will release the other bird and allow it to fly away.
\v 8 Then the person who was healed must wash his clothes, shave off all his hair, and bathe. After he does those things, he is allowed to return to the camp, but he must stay outside his tent for seven days.
\v 9 On the seventh day, he must again shave off all his hair, including his beard and his eyebrows. Then he must again wash his clothes and bathe. After he does those things, he will be allowed to be with other people again.
\v 10 The next day that person must bring two male lambs and one female lamb; the female lamb must be one year old, and the animals must have no defects. He must also bring about six and one-half liters of a fine flour offering, mixed with olive oil, to be an offering, and about one-third liter of olive oil.
\v 11 The priest who declared that the person's skin disease has ended must bring that person and his offerings to Yahweh at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 12 Then the priest must take one of the male lambs and lift it high, along with the olive oil, to show that he is giving this to Yahweh as a guilt offering—because the sick person was not able to give to Yahweh the things that he was required to give him.
\v 13 Then the priest must slaughter the lamb in the special place where the priests kill the other sacrifices as well. Like the offering to enable people to be forgiven, God considers this guilt offering to be very special, and so the meat from it belongs to the priest.
\v 14 The priest must take some of that animal's blood and put it on person's right earlobe, on his right thumb, and on his right big toe.
\v 15 Then the priest must take some of the olive oil and pour it into the palm of his own left hand.
\v 16 Then he must dip his right forefinger into that oil and sprinkle it in front of Yahweh seven times.
\v 17 Next, the priest must put some of that oil in his hand on the person's right earlobe, on his right thumb, and on his right big toe. He must put the oil in those three places, exactly where he has already put the blood.
\v 18 The priest must put what is left of the oil in his hand onto the person's head; this will show that Yahweh has forgiven that person's sins.
\v 19 Then the priest must slaughter the female lamb that the person brought; this will be the offering for the person's sins, so that Yahweh will forgive him. After that, the priest will slaughter the second male lamb and burn it whole on the altar.
\v 20 He will also burn on the altar the offering made from flour, along with the whole burnt offering. Then the person will be acceptable in the camp; he will be allowed to be with the other people.
\v 21 But if the person has gotten well is poor and cannot afford to bring all those animals, he must bring to the priest one male lamb for the priest to lift it up and offer it to Yahweh. This will be a sacrifice because the sick person was not able to give to Yahweh the things that he was required to give him. He must also bring about two liters of flour offering mixed with about one-third liter of olive oil; this will be an offering made from flour. He must also bring about one-third liter of olive oil.
\v 22 He must also bring doves or two pigeons, one for Yahweh to as to offer for his sins, and one for the priest to burn completely on the altar.
\v 23 On that same day, the eighth day, that person must take those things to the priest at the entrance to the sacred tent, to offer them to Yahweh.
\v 24 Then the priest will take the lamb for the guilt offering and the olive oil, and he will raise them up as an offering to Yahweh and present them to him.
\v 25 Then the priest will slaughter that lamb and catch some of the blood in a bowl. He will take some of the blood and put it onto the person's right earlobe, his right thumb, and his right big toe.
\v 26 Then the priest must take some of the olive oil and pour it into the palm of his own left hand.
\v 27 Then he must dip his right forefinger into that oil and sprinkle it in front of Yahweh seven times.
\v 28 He must put some of the oil in his palm on exactly the same places where he put the blood.
\v 29 He must put the rest of the oil that is in his hand on the head of the person whose has gotten well. This will show that Yahweh has forgiven that person's sins.
\v 30 Then the priest must sacrifice the doves or young pigeons, whichever kind that person has brought.
\v 31 One will be a sin offering and the other will be completely burned on the altar, along with the offering made from flour. By doing that, the priest will atone for that person's sins.
\v 32 These are the regulations for anyone who has a contagious skin disease and who is poor and cannot afford the usual offerings, in order that he can be with people again."
\v 33 Yahweh also said to Aaron and Moses,
\v 34 "I am about to give you the land of Canaan to belong to your people permanently. When you enter that land, there will be times when I cause mildew to appear inside one of your houses.
\v 35 If that happens, the owner of that house must go to the priest and tell him, 'There is something in my house that looks like mildew.'
\v 36 Then the priest will say to him, 'Take everything out of the house before I enter it to examine the mildew. If you do not do that, I will declare that everything in the house is contaminated.'
\v 37 After the owner takes everything outside of his house, the priest will go in and inspect the house. If the mildew has caused greenish or reddish spots on the walls that seem to be deeper than only on the surface of the walls,
\v 38 the priest will go outside of the house and lock it up for seven days.
\v 39 On the seventh day, he must go into the house and inspect it again. If the mildew on the walls has spread,
\v 40 the priest will tell someone to tear out all the stones in the walls that have mildew on them and throw in the dump outside the town.
\v 41 Then the owner must scrape all the walls inside the house, and everything that is scraped off must be thrown into a dump outside the town.
\v 42 Then the owner must get new stones to replace the ones that had mildew on them, and take new clay and plaster to cover the stones in the walls of the house.
\v 43 If the mildew appears again in the house after that is done,
\v 44 the priest must go and examine the house again. If the mildew has spread inside the house, it will be clear that the mildew is the kind that destroys houses, and no one will be allowed to live in it.
\v 45 It must be completely torn down—the stones, the timber and the plaster—and all those things must be thrown into a dump outside the town.
\v 46 Anyone who goes into that house while it is locked up will not be allowed to be with other people until sunset of that day.
\v 47 Anyone who sleeps in that house or eats in that house during that time must wash his clothes.
\v 48 But when the priest comes to examine the house after it has been plastered, if the mildew has not spread, he will declare that people may live in it, because the mildew is gone.
\v 49 But before people are allowed to live in it, the priest must take two birds, some cedar wood, some red yarn, and some hyssop.
\v 50 He must kill one of the birds while holding it over a clay pot containing water taken from a spring.
\v 51 Then he must take the cedar wood, the hyssop, the red bird, and dip them into the blood of the dead bird, and sprinkle some of that blood and water on the house seven times.
\v 52 By doing all those things he will enable the house to be fit for the owner to live in again.
\v 53 Then he must release the other bird and allow it to fly away. By doing that, he will finish the ritual for causing the house to be acceptable for people to live in it again.
\v 54 Those are the regulations for contagious diseases, for itching sores,
\v 55 for mildew on clothes or in a house,
\v 56 and for swellings, rashes, or bright spots on sores;
\v 57 these regulations will determine whether people will still be permitted to touch those things or not."
\c 15
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses and Aaron,
\v 2 "Tell this to the Israelites: When an unusual, infected fluid comes out of a man's private parts, no one should touch that man.
\v 3 Whether that fluid is blocked or continues to drip, no one should touch him.
\v 4 No one should touch any bed that such a man lies on, nor anything he sits on.
\v 5 Anyone who touches that person's bed must wash his clothes and bathe, and allow no one to touch him until that evening.
\v 6 Anyone who sits on something that man has sat on must wash his clothes and bathe, and allow no one to touch him until that evening.
\v 7 Anyone who touches such a man must wash his clothes and bathe, and allow no one to touch him until that evening.
\v 8 If such a man spits on someone else, that person must allow no one to touch him. He must wash his clothes, and he must allow no one to touch him until evening.
\v 9 Everything that a man who has such a flow of fluid sits on while he is riding a horse or a donkey should not be touched.
\v 10 Anyone who touches a seat or saddle that he was sitting on also should allow no one to touch him until that evening. And anyone who picks up those things must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one should touch him until that evening.
\v 11 If the person with the flow of fluid wishes to touch someone else, he must first rinse his hands in water; if he touches anyone without doing that first, the one he touched must wash his clothes and bathe, and allow no one to touch him until that evening.
\v 12 If such a man touches a clay pot, someone must break it. Anything made from wood that he touches—someone must rinse it in water.
\v 13 If such a man gets well from his flow of fluid, he must wait for seven days. Then he must wash his clothes and bathe in water from a spring or stream. Then he will be able to be with others.
\v 14 On the eighth day, he must take two doves or two pigeons and come in front of Yahweh at the entrance of the sacred tent, and give them to the priest.
\v 15 The priest will sacrifice them. One bird will be an offering for the man's sin, and the priest will completely burn the other one on the altar. Then the man will be pure again and acceptable to Yahweh.
\v 16 When semen accidentally flows from a man's private parts, he must bathe his whole body, and no one may touch him until that evening.
\v 17 Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed, and no one may touch it until that evening.
\v 18 When a man has slept with a woman and gives her semen, both of them must bathe, and no one may touch them until that evening.
\v 19 When a woman has her menstrual period, no one may touch her for seven days. If anyone touches her during that time, no one may touch the person who touched her until that evening.
\v 20 No one may touch anything that she lies on or sits on during that time.
\v 21 Anyone who touches her bed must wash his clothes and bathe, and no one may touch that person until that evening.
\v 22-23 Anyone who touches something that she has been sitting on, a bed or anything else, must wash his clothes, and no one may touch that person until that evening.
\v 24 If a man sleeps with a woman during that time and some of her menstrual blood touches him, no one may touch him for seven days, and no one may touch the bed that he has lain on.
\v 25 If a woman has a flow of blood for many days, a flow that is not her normal menstrual flow of blood, or if her flow of blood continues after her menstrual flow ends, no one may touch her until it stops.
\v 26 And no one may touch the bed that she lies on or anything that she sits on while that flow of blood continues, just as during her normal menstrual period.
\v 27 Anyone who touches those things must not touch anyone else. He must wash his clothes and bathe, and he may not touch anyone else until that evening.
\v 28 If the woman is healed of her flow of blood, she must wait seven days before she touches anyone.
\v 29 On the eighth day, she must take doves or young pigeons to the priest at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 30 The priest must sacrifice one of them as an offering for her sins, and he must completely burn the other one on the altar. Then she will be pure again and acceptable to Yahweh.
\v 31 You must do these things in order that the people, at the times when they are unacceptable to me, do not defile my sacred tent, where I live among them. For it they do defile it, they will die.
\v 32 Those are the regulations for a man who has a discharge from his body, or who has an emission of semen, when that happens he is unclean;
\v 33 and for any woman during her menstrual period, and for any man who sleeps with a woman during her menstrual period.'"
\c 16
\v 1 After the two sons of Aaron died because they burned incense to Yahweh in a manner that was contrary to what he had commanded, Yahweh spoke to Moses.
\v 2 He said to him, "Tell your brother Aaron not to go into the very holy place, which is inside the inmost curtain, where the sacred chest and its lid are, and where I am present in the cloud that is over it. If Aaron goes in that room when it is not the proper time, he will die!
\v 3 When Aaron enters the very holy place in the sacred tent, he must bring a bull that will be killed to become an offering for sins, and a ram to be killed to be an offering that the priests will burn whole on the altar.
\v 4 Then Aaron must bathe his whole body and put on the linen underwear and the linen tunic. He must tie the linen sash around his waist and wrap the turban around his head. These are his sacred garments.
\v 5 The Israelite people must then bring to him two male goats to be killed as an offering for sin, and a ram to be killed and burned whole on the altar.
\v 6 Aaron must offer the bull to me to be a sacrifice in order that I will forgive his sins and his family's sins.
\v 7 Then he must bring the two male goats to me at the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 8 He must cast lots to determine which goat will be sacrificed to me and which will be the goat that he will set free.
\v 9 Aaron must bring to me the goat that was chosen to be sacrificed. It will be an offering for the people's sins.
\v 10 Aaron must also bring to me the other goat. But it is not to be killed. It will be freed while it is still alive. When Aaron sends it into the wilderness, I will forgive the people's sins.
\v 11 Then Aaron must bring the young bull to me, for it to be an offering for himself and for his family. He must slaughter that bull to be an offering for their sins, and he must drain the blood into a basin.
\v 12 Then he must take some burning coals from the bronze altar and put them into the incense burner. Then he must fill his hands with fragrant, finely ground incense. Then he must take the incense and the incense burner inside the curtain into the very holy place, in the sacred tent.
\v 13 In the presence of Yahweh, he must put the incense on the burning coals. And a cloud of burning incense will rise up over the lid of the sacred chest. If he obeys these instructions, he will not die when he presents these offerings to Yahweh.
\v 14 Then Aaron must dip his finger into the basin and sprinkle some blood on the lid of the sacred chest, and also sprinkle some blood seven times against the front of the chest.
\v 15 Aaron must then go outside the sacred tent and slaughter the goat, for it to be an offering for the sins of the people. Then he must bring its blood into the very holy place behind the curtain. There he must sprinkle some of that blood on the lid of the sacred chest and against the front of the chest, as he did with the bull's blood.
\v 16 By doing that, he will purify the very holy place. And he must sprinkle more of the blood on the sacred tent, because I am present where the tent is, in the midst of the camp of the Israelite people, who have become unacceptable to me because of their sins.
\v 17 When Aaron goes into the very holy place in the sacred tent to purify it, no one else is permitted to enter the other part of the sacred tent. Only after Aaron has performed rituals to enable me to forgive him and his family, and all the Israelite people, is any priest permitted to enter the sacred tent.
\v 18 Then Aaron must go outside the tent to purify my altar. He must do this by smearing some of the blood from the bull and some of the blood from the goat on each of the projections at the corners of the altar.
\v 19 Then Aaron must dip his finger into the basin of blood and sprinkle some of the blood over the altar seven times. By doing that, he will separate the altar from the Israelites' deeds that are unacceptable to me. The altar will be set apart for me.
\v 20 When Aaron has finished purifying the very holy place inside the sacred tent and all of the sacred tent and the altar, he must bring the goat that was chosen to be set free.
\v 21 He must put both of his hands on the goat's head and confess all the sins of the Israelite people. By doing that, he will put the guilt of their sins on the goat's head. Then he must give the goat to a man who is chosen, and that man will send the goat out into the wilderness.
\v 22 I will view the goat as carrying away into the wilderness the guilt for all the sins that the people have committed.
\v 23 When Aaron leaves the very holy place and goes into the other part of the sacred tent, he must take off the linen clothes that he had put on; he must leave those special clothes there.
\v 24 Then he must bathe in a sacred place, put on his regular clothes, and sacrifice the animals that he will burn whole on the altar, for his own sins and for the sins of the Israelite people. Then Yahweh will forgive their sins.
\v 25 He must also burn on the altar all the fat of the two animals that were sacrificed.
\v 26 After the man who was to lead the goat into the wilderness has done that and set it free, then he must return, wash his clothes, and bathe himself. Then he may enter the camp again.
\v 27 The carcasses of the bull and the goat that were slaughtered as an offering for the people's sins, to make atonement for them, must be carried outside the camp and burned. The hides of these animals, their inner organs, and their dung must be burned.
\v 28 The man who burns those things must then wash his clothes and bathe before he comes back into the camp.
\v 29 On the tenth day of the seventh month, on the day that I have appointed, you all must fast and not do any work. This is a rule that you must always obey—all you native born Israelites and all the foreigners living among you.
\v 30 On that day, Aaron will perform rituals to enable me to forgive you all, and then I will free you all from the guilt of all your sins.
\v 31 That will be a day for you to rest and not do any work, like the Sabbath days, and you must fast all that day. That is a permanent command for you all to obey.
\v 32 The priest who is anointed with olive oil and set apart from others to serve Yahweh, he will offer a sacrifice, put on linen clothes that are set apart for the honor of God,
\v 33 and offer sacrifices. He will do this to purify the very holy place, all of the sacred tent, the altar, the priests, and all the Israelites, as Aaron did.
\v 34 This will be a permanent command for you to obey once every year, to enable me to forgive you Israelite people for the sins that you have committed."
\p Moses obeyed all the instructions that Yahweh had given to him.
\c 17
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the other Israelites. Tell them that I am giving them the following commands:
\v 3 If you sacrifice an ox, a lamb, or a goat, you must bring it to the priest at the entrance to the area of the sacred tent, so that he may present it to me there.
\v 4 If you slaughter it anywhere else as a sacrifice, whether in the camp or outside of it, you will be guilty of shedding its blood in an unacceptable place. If you do that, you will no longer be allowed to be with Yahweh's people.
\v 5 Yahweh is telling you to do this so that you will no longer offer sacrifices in the open fields; instead, you must offer them to him in the proper manner: By taking them to the priest at the entrance to the area of the sacred tent, to be offerings to promise friendship with him.
\v 6 After the priest slaughters the animal, he must sprinkle some of its blood against the altar at the entrance to the sacred tent, and burn its fat for an aroma that is pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 7 You people must no longer give sacrifices to the images that resemble goats. You people must obey this command for all time."
\v 8 Yahweh also said this to Moses: "Tell Aaron and his sons to tell the people that if any Israelite or any foreigner living among them brings an offering for a priest to burn whole on the altar, or if he brings any other sacrifice,
\v 9 but if he does not bring it to the entrance of the sacred tent area as be a sacrifice to me, that person will no longer be allowed to be with my people.
\v 10 I will reject any Israelite or any foreigner who is living among you who consumes the blood of any animal, and he will no longer be allowed to associate with my people.
\v 11 That is because the life of every animal is in its blood. I have declared that it is blood that is to be offered on the altar, so that I will forgive people their sins.
\v 12 That is why I say that neither you Israelites, nor any foreigner living among you, may consume any blood.
\v 13 If any of you Israelites or any foreigner who is living among you goes hunting and kills an animal or bird that I allow you to eat, you must drain out its blood onto the ground and cover it with earth.
\v 14 This is because the life of every creature is in its blood. That is why I have said to you Israelites that anyone who consumes blood from an animal must no longer be allowed to associate with my people.
\v 15 If any of you Israelites or any foreigner who is living among you eats any meat from an animal that died or that was killed by wild animals, you must wash your clothes and bathe. Then you must not touch anyone else until that evening.
\v 16 If you do not obey this rule, I will certainly punish you.'"
\c 18
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Speak to the Israelite people and tell them that I, Yahweh, say this, 'I am Yahweh, your God.
\v 3 After seeing how the Egyptians behaved, among whom you also lived, you must not do what they did. And you must not behave as the Canaanites live, into whose land I am taking you. You must avoid their practices.
\v 4 You must obey all of my laws; you must do everything that I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you.
\v 5 If you obey all my decrees and laws, you will continue to remain alive for a long time. I, Yahweh, am promising you this. Here are some of my laws.
\v 6 Do not sleep with any of your close relatives. It is I, Yahweh, who am commanding that.
\v 7 Do not disgrace your father by sleeping with your mother. Do not disgrace your mother in this manner.
\v 8 Do not sleep with any of your father's other wives, because that would disgrace your father.
\v 9 Do not sleep with either your full sister or half-sister. It does not matter whether she was born and raised in your house or somewhere else.
\v 10 Do not sleep with your granddaughter, because that would disgrace you.
\v 11 Do not sleep with your half-sister, one whose father is also your father; she is your sister.
\v 12 Do not sleep with your father's sister, because she is your father's close relative.
\v 13 Do not sleep with your mother's sister, because she is your mother's close relative.
\v 14 Do not disgrace your father's brother by sleeping with his wife, because she is your aunt.
\v 15 Do not sleep with your daughter-in-law, because she is your son's wife.
\v 16 Do not sleep with your brother's wife, because that would disgrace your brother.
\v 17 Do not sleep with the daughter or granddaughter of any woman with whom you have previously slept. They are her close relatives. Sleeping with any of them would be an evil thing to do.
\v 18 While your wife is still living, do not marry your wife's sister and sleep with her.
\v 19 Do not sleep with any woman while she is having her menstrual period.
\v 20 Do not defile yourself by sleeping with someone else's wife.
\v 21 Do not give any of your children to be burned to be as a sacrifice to the god Molech, because that would dishonor me, Yahweh, your God.
\v 22 No man should sleep with another man. That is detestable.
\v 23 No one, man or woman, should defile himself by sleeping with an animal. That is a perverse action.
\v 24 Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because doing these things is how the people of the nations became unacceptable to me, the people groups that I will drive out as you advance into the land that I am giving you.
\v 25 They even caused the land to become defiled, so I punished them for their sins, and it was as though the land had vomited out the people who lived there.
\v 26 But you must all obey my laws and decrees. This includes both you people who were born here and the foreigners who live among you.
\v 27 As for all those detestable things, before you came, the people who lived in this land did them, and they defiled the land.
\v 28 So if you also defile the land, I will get rid of you as I got rid of the people of those nations that were here before you came.
\v 29 You must not allow people who do any of those detestable things to associate with you, who are my people.
\v 30 Obey all that I command you to do, and do not defile yourselves by following any of the disgusting habits of the people who were there before you came. I, Yahweh your God, am the one who is commanding these things.'"
\c 19
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Speak to all the people of Israel and tell them this: 'You must be holy, because Yahweh your God is holy, and he wants you to be like him.
\v 3 Each of you must respect your father and your mother. And you must honor the Sabbath days. It is Yahweh, your God, who is commanding you to do these things.
\v 4 Do not worship idols, which are worth nothing, or make metal statues of gods for yourselves. Yahweh is your God; it is he who is telling you this. He is the only one you must worship.
\v 5 Yahweh also says this: 'When you bring an offering to promise friendship with me, offer it in a way that I will accept.
\v 6 The meat should be eaten on the day that you sacrifice it, but you may eat some of it on the next day. However, you must burn anything that remains until the third day.
\v 7 For any of it to be eaten on the third day is very displeasing to me, and I will not accept that offering.
\v 8 I will punish anyone who eats it after the second day, because he will have not respected what I say is holy. And that person must no longer be allowed to associate with my people.
\v 9 When you harvest your grain, leave the grain standing at the edges of the field and in the corners. Do not pick up the sheaves that have fallen to the ground.
\v 10 And when you harvest your grapes, do not go back a second time to try to harvest some more, and do not pick up the grapes that have fallen on the ground. Leave those things for the poor people and for foreigners who are living among you. I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you those things.
\v 11 Do not steal anything.
\p Do not tell lies.
\p Do not deceive each other.
\v 12 Do not call upon me to punish you if you say something that you know is false. If you do this, you will dishonor me. Do not forget that I am Yahweh, your God.
\v 13 Do not cheat anyone or steal from anyone.
\p If you have agreed to pay your workers at the end of the day, do what you have promised. Do not keep those wages until the next day.
\v 14 Do not curse deaf people, and do not put things in the path of blind people to cause them to stumble. I, Yahweh, am commanding this.
\v 15 Always judge people fairly. Do not do special favors for either poor people or rich people.
\v 16 Do not spread false rumors about other people.
\p Do not remain silent in court if your testimony would keep an innocent person being executed. I, Yahweh, am commanding this.
\v 17 Do not hate anyone. Instead, honestly rebuke others who ought to be rebuked, in order that you also will not be guilty.
\v 18 Do not try to get revenge against someone or be angry with someone for a long time. Instead, love other people like you love yourself. I, Yahweh your God, am commanding this.
\v 19 Obey my laws.
\p Do not allow two different kinds of animals to mate with each other.
\p Do not plant two different kinds of seed in the same field.
\p Do not wear clothing made from two different kinds of material.
\v 20 If a man sleeps with a slave woman who has been promised to marry some other man, but if she has not been bought by that man and is still a slave, these two people must be punished. But because she was still a slave, she and the man who slept with her must not be executed.
\v 21 However, that man must bring a ram to be slaughtered at the entrance of the sacred tent area, to be an offering in order that he no longer be guilty for his sin.
\v 22 The priest will offer that ram to me. Then I will forgive that man for the sin which he committed.
\v 23 When you enter the land that I have promised to give to you, and when you plant various kinds of fruit trees, you must not eat any of their fruit for three years.
\v 24 In the fourth year you must set aside all of their fruit to belong to me; you must set it apart as holy, an offering to give me praise.
\v 25 But in the fifth year, you will be permitted to eat their fruit. If you do that, your trees will produce much fruit. I, Yahweh your God, am promising that.
\v 26 Do not eat any meat that still has the animal's blood in it.
\p Do not consult spirits to find out what will happen in the future, and do not practice sorcery.
\v 27 Do not shave the hair at the sides of your heads as pagan people do.
\v 28 Do not cut your bodies when you are mourning for people who have died, and do not put tattoos on your bodies. I, Yahweh your God, am commanding this.
\v 29 Do not disgrace your daughters by forcing them to become prostitutes. If you cause them to become prostitutes, soon the land will be filled with prostitutes and all other kinds of people's wicked behavior.
\v 30 Honor my Sabbath days and revere my sacred tent, because I am Yahweh.
\v 31 Do not seek advice from those who try to get the spirits of dead people give them advice. If you do that, I will no longer accept you. I am Yahweh your God.
\v 32 Stand up when old people enter the room, and show that you respect them. You must also honor me, your God; that is who I am.
\v 33 When foreigners live among you in your land, do not mistreat them.
\v 34 You must treat them like you treat your fellow citizens. Love them as you love yourselves, and do not forget that once when you were foreigners in Egypt you were badly mistreated by the people of Egypt. I, Yahweh your God, am commanding you to do this.
\v 35 When you are measuring things, to see how long they are or how much they weigh or how many there are,
\v 36 use correct measuring sticks and scales and weights on the scales and measuring baskets and other measuring containers. I am Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of Egypt.
\v 37 Obey carefully all my laws and decrees. It is I, Yahweh, who am commanding you these things.'"
\c 20
\v 1 Yahweh also said this to Moses:
\v 2 "Tell the Israelite people, 'Any Israelite or any foreigner who is living in Israel who sacrifices any of his children as an offering to the idol Molech must die. The people of the town must kill him by throwing stones at him.
\v 3 I will reject such people and cause them to no longer be with my people.
\v 4 If the people of that man's town ignore it when he kills any of his children to offer him to Molech, and if they do not execute that person,
\v 5 I myself will punish that person and his clan. I will command that he must no longer be with my people. And I will do the same thing to any others who are unfaithful to me and who worship Molech.
\v 6 I will reject those who go to those who consult the spirits of dead people, or who go to fortune tellers who ask spirits to advise them. I will reject such people; they will no longer be with my own people.
\v 7 Set yourselves apart for my honor, so that you may belong to me, because I am Yahweh your God.
\v 8 Carefully obey everything that I have commanded you. I am Yahweh, the one who sets you apart from the other peoples so that I am honored.
\v 9 If anyone curses his father or his mother, you must execute him. He himself will be responsible for his own death.
\v 10 If a man commits adultery with some other man's wife, then you must execute both of them, the man and the woman.
\v 11 If a man sleeps with one of his father's wives, he has dishonored his father. So you must execute both that man and woman; they will be responsible for their own deaths.
\v 12 If a man sleeps with his daughter-in-law, you must execute them both. They have exchanged good for evil; they both deserve to die.
\v 13 If two men have slept together, they have done something detestable. You must execute them both; they will be responsible for their own deaths.
\v 14 If a man marries both a woman and her mother, that is a wicked thing. You must burn all three of them to death, in order that no one among you continues to commit such an evil deed.
\v 15 If a man sleeps with an animal, you must execute both him and that animal.
\v 16 Similarly, if a woman sleeps with an animal, you must execute both her and that animal. They will be responsible for their own deaths.
\v 17 If a man sleeps with his sister, the daughter of either his mother or his father—if they have slept together, that is disgraceful. They will no longer be with my people. Because he has slept with his sister, he is guilty.
\v 18 If a man sleeps with a woman during her menstrual period, they have both revealed her flowing blood, so neither of them must be with my people anymore.
\v 19 No man must sleep with the sister of either his father or his mother, because he would be disgracing someone who is a close relative. You must punish such a man, as well as the woman.
\v 20 If a man sleeps with his uncle's wife, he has dishonored his uncle. What for they have done, they must be responsible for their actions. And when they die, their children would be stripped of the rights to any inheritance they would have received from their parents.
\v 21 If a man marries his brother's wife, it is a sin because he has dishonored his brother's marriage. The rights of inheritance would be stripped away from any children they would have received from from their parents.
\v 22 Obey all my decrees and laws carefully, in order that you will not have to leave the land to which I am bringing you.
\v 23 Do not imitate the customs of the people of the land from which I am going to drive them out, as you advance into it. I hate them because they have done all those things.
\v 24 But I said to you, "You will take their land from them. I will give it to you to be yours, a land that is very fertile. I am Yahweh your God, who has set you apart from the people of other nations."
\v 25 So you must distinguish between birds and animals that are unacceptable to me and those that are acceptable to me. Do not defile yourselves by eating birds or animals, or anything that crawls along on the ground, things that I have said are unacceptable for you.
\v 26 You must live as a people who are set apart for my honor, because I, Yahweh, am also set apart and I do everything for my honor. I have taken you out of the other nations, because you are mine.
\v 27 You must execute any man or woman among you who consults the spirits of dead people or other spirits. Kill them by throwing stones at them; they will be responsible for their own deaths.'"
\c 21
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses, "Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them,
\v 2 'You priests must not cause yourselves to become unfit to do my work by touching any dead body. You are permitted to touch only the corpses of close relatives, such as your mother, father, son, daughter or your brother.
\v 3 You may also touch the corpse of a sister if she is not married and has been living in your house, because she has no husband to bury her.
\v 4 You priests must not cause yourselves to become unfit to do my work by touching the dead bodies of other relatives of yours.
\v 5 You priests must not shave your heads or the edges of your beards; you must not cut your bodies to show that you are mourning for someone who has died.
\v 6 You must act in ways that I, your God, consider to be suitable for you, my priests; you must not disgrace me. You are the ones who will present to me the offerings that you will burn. These offerings will be made to me from your food supplies. So you must act in ways that are suitable, because you honor me.
\v 7 You priests must not marry women who have been prostitutes or who have been divorced from their husbands, because you priests are set apart for God.
\v 8 You must remember that I have set you apart to worship me. It is as though you were offering food to me, your God. Regard yourselves as belonging to me, because I, Yahweh, am the one who made you to be priests, and I have nothing to do with any evil—I am holy.
\v 9 If a priest's daughter becomes a prostitute, she disgraces her father, and you must burn her in a fire.
\v 10 The high priest is the one among his relatives who has been appointed for that work by having his head anointed with olive oil. He is also the one who has been appointed to wear the garments that are made and set apart for the honor of Yahweh. He must not allow the hair on his head to remain uncombed, and he must not tear his clothes when he is mourning for someone.
\v 11 He must not enter any place where there is a corpse. He must not do that and cause himself to become unfit for his work, even if it is his father or his mother who has died.
\v 12 He must not leave the sacred tent to join those who are mourning, because he would cause himself to become unfit for his work and would also defile the sacred tent. He must not leave the sacred tent at that time, because by being anointed with olive oil he has been appointed to serve his God in the sacred tent. I, Yahweh, am the one who am commanding this.
\v 13 Women whom you priests marry must be virgins.
\v 14-15 You priests must not marry widows or prostitutes or divorced women, because if you do that, and if you later have sons, they will not be acceptable to be priests among your people. You must marry only virgins from among your own people. I am Yahweh, who sets priests apart for my honor and for those who worship me.'"
\v 16 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 17 "Say this to Aaron: 'For all future time, none of your descendants who has any defects on his body will be allowed to come near the altar to offer sacrifices to me which will be like my food.
\v 18 No one who is blind or lame or deformed, or whose face is disfigured,
\v 19 no man with a crippled foot or a crippled hand,
\v 20 no man who has a hunchback or an abnormally short person, no man whose eyes are defective, no man who has a skin disease or whose private parts have been damaged.
\v 21 No descendant of Aaron, the first high priest, who has any defect is allowed to come to the altar to offer to me, his God, sacrifices that will be burned.
\v 22 Priests who have defects are permitted to eat the various kinds of holy food offered to me.
\v 23 But because of their defects, they must not go near the curtain in the sacred tent or near the altar, because if they did that, they would desecrate my sacred tent. I am Yahweh, the one who sets those places apart for myself and for my honor.'"
\v 24 So Moses told this to Aaron and to his sons and to all the Israelite people.
\c 22
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Explain to Aaron and his sons about when they should not touch or eat any food that the people have dedicated to me by giving it as a sacrifice. They must not dishonor me or my name. I am Yahweh.
\v 3 Tell them that for all future time, if they or any of their descendants become unfit for any reason to do the work that priests must do, they must not go near anything the people of Israel have dedicated to me as an offering. Anyone who violates this rule will no longer be part of my people. I am Yahweh.
\v 4 If any descendant of Aaron has a contagious skin disease or a discharge from his private parts, he is not allowed to eat any of the sacred offerings until he is cured. He will also be unfit for his work if he touches anything that has touched a corpse, or if he touches anyone who as an emission of semen,
\v 5 or if he touches anything that crawls on the ground, or if he touches any person who causes him to be unfit for his work.
\v 6 Any priest who touches anything unclean will be unclean until evening. He must not eat any of the holy things, unless he first washes his body with water.
\v 7 After the sun sets, he may eat food from the sacred offerings, because they are now his food that is to be eaten.
\v 8 But he must not eat anything that has died a natural death or that has been killed by wild animals, because if he did that, he would be unfit to work for me. I, Yahweh, am commanding those things.
\v 9 The priests must obey my commandments; they must not despise them, or they will become guilty and die. I am Yahweh, the one who sets them apart for my honor.
\v 10 No one who does not belong to a priest's family is permitted to eat from the sacred offering. No one who is visiting the priest, or one that has been hired by the priest, none of them is permitted to eat it.
\v 11 But if a priest buys a slave, or if a slave is born in his house, that slave is permitted to eat such food.
\v 12 If a priest's daughter marries a man who is not a priest, she is no longer permitted to eat the sacred foods that were given to Yahweh as gifts or offerings.
\v 13 But suppose that a priest's daughter who has no children becomes a widow or becomes divorced, and suppose also that she returns to her father's house to live there as she did when she was young. In that case, she may eat the same food that her father eats. But no other person is permitted to eat any of it.
\v 14 If anyone who is not permitted to eat a sacred offering eats it without realizing that it is sacred, he must pay the priest for the food and add an extra one-fifth to it.
\v 15 When the priests bring offerings to me, the sacred offerings that the Israelite people bring to them, they must not treat those offerings as though they were not special to me;
\v 16 the people must not allow anyone who is not a priest to eat any of those offerings. If they did that, they would become guilty. I am Yahweh, the one who sets the Israelite people apart from other people and makes them holy for my honor."
\v 17 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 18 "Speak to Aaron and his sons and to all the Israelite people and tell them that I say this to them, 'If any of you Israelites or foreigners who live in Israel brings to me an animal that will be completely burned on the altar, either as a result of a solemn promise that you made to me or to be an offering that is given voluntarily,
\v 19 you must bring from your cattle or sheep or goats an animal that has no defects, in order that I may accept it.
\v 20 Do not bring any animals that have defects, because I will not accept them for you.
\v 21 Similarly, when someone brings from his cattle or sheep or goats an offering to promise friendship with me, either to fulfill a promise that he made to me or to be a voluntary offering—for me to accept it, it must have no defects or blemishes.
\v 22 Do not offer to me animals that are blind or injured or maimed, or any animal that has warts or a festering sore.
\v 23 You may present to me to be a voluntary offering an ox or a sheep that is injured or stunted, but it will not be accepted to fulfill a promise made to me.
\v 24 You must not offer to me animals whose testicles are bruised, crushed, torn or cut. You must not present these kind of damaged animals as offerings to Yahweh anywhere in the land where you live,
\v 25 and you must not accept such animals that are sold to you by a foreigner. You must not offer them to me as food for me. Such animals will not be accepted by me, because they are deformed or have defects.'"
\v 26 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 27 "When a calf or lamb or goat is born, it must remain with its mother for seven days. After that, it can be accepted to be an offering to me that will be burned.
\v 28 Do not slaughter a cow or a sheep and its newborn young on the same day.
\v 29 When you sacrifice an animal to thank me for what I have done, sacrifice it in a way that I will accept.
\v 30 The meat must be eaten on that day. Do not leave any of it until the next morning. I, Yahweh, am the one who is commanding this.
\v 31 Obey all my commands. I, Yahweh, am commanding them.
\v 32 Do not dishonor me by disobeying them. You Israelite people must acknowledge that I, Yahweh, am holy, and I am the one who causes you to be holy.
\v 33 And I am the one who brought you out of Egypt in order that I, Yahweh, will be your God."
\c 23
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelites about the festivals for Yahweh, the days when you all must gather together in holy assemblies on set times each year, as festivals in which you worship me.
\v 3 You may work for six days each week, but on the seventh day you must not do any work. You must rest. It is a sacred day when you must gather together to worship me. Wherever you live, you must rest on that day.
\v 4 There are festivals that I am establishing for you. These will be sacred days when you must gather together to worship me.
\v 5 The first festival is the Passover. That festival will begin at twilight on the appointed day each spring and end the following day.
\v 6 The next day will begin the Festival of Bread with no Yeast. That festival will continue for seven days. During that time, the bread that you eat must be made without yeast.
\v 7 On the first day of that festival, all of you must stop your regular work and gather together to worship me.
\v 8 On each of the seven days, you must present to me several animals as an offering to be completely burned on the altar. On the seventh day, all of you must again stop your regular work and gather to worship me."
\v 9 Yahweh also told Moses
\v 10 to tell the Israelite people about other festivals. He said, "After you arrive in the land which I am giving to you, and when you harvest your crops for the first time there, bring to the priest some of the first grain that you harvest.
\v 11 On the day after the next Sabbath day, the priest will lift it up high to dedicate it to me, in order that I may accept it as your gift.
\v 12 On that same day you must sacrifice to me a one year old male lamb that has no defects. You must burn it on the altar.
\v 13 You must also burn a flour offering. That offering must consist of four and one-half liters of good flour, ground grain, mixed with olive oil. The smell of those things burning will be very pleasing to me. Along with that, you must also offer one liter of wine, which will be a liquid offering.
\v 14 Do not eat any bread or any roasted or unroasted grain on that day until after you have brought those offerings to me, your God. You and all your descendants must always obey these commands, wherever you live.
\v 15 Count seven weeks and one day after the priest offers that bundle of grain to me.
\v 16 Then on the day after the seventh Sabbath, each family must bring to me an offering from the new crop of grain.
\v 17 From your homes, bring two loaves of bread to the priest. He will lift them up high to dedicate them as an offering to me. Those loaves must be baked from four and one-half liters of good flour that has yeast mixed with it. That bread will be an offering to me from the first wheat that you harvest each year.
\v 18 Along with this bread, you must present to me seven one year old lambs with no defects, one young bull, and two rams. They must all be completely burned on the altar. All those offerings, with the flour offering and the wine offering, will be burned, and the smell of all those things burning will be very pleasing to me.
\v 19 Then you must also kill one male goat as an offering for your sins, and two one year old male lambs to be an offering for you to promise friendship with me.
\v 20 The priest will lift up these offerings high to dedicate them to me. He will also offer the loaves of bread that were baked from the first wheat that you harvest. Those offerings are special to me; but they are for the priest.
\v 21 On that day, you must stop your regular work and gather to worship me. You and all your descendants must always obey these commands, wherever you live.
\v 22 When you harvest the grain in your fields, do not harvest what is along the edges of the fields, and do not pick up the grain that the harvesters drop. Leave it for the poor people and for the foreigners who are living among you. Do not forget that it is I, Yahweh your God, who am commanding those things!"
\v 23 Yahweh also told Moses
\v 24 to give these instructions to the Israelite people: "Each year in the seventh month, on the first day of that month, all of you must celebrate that day, on which you will completely rest. You must not do any work on that day. When the priests blow their trumpets loudly, you all must gather together as a holy assembly, to worship me.
\v 25 All of you must not do any regular work on that day. Instead, you must present offerings to me that will be burned on the altar."
\v 26 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 27 "You must celebrate a day on which you request that I forgive you for the sins that you have committed. That day will be nine days after the festival when the priests blow the trumpets. On that day you must not eat. You must gather together to worship me and present offerings to me that will be burned on the altar.
\v 28 You must not do any work on that day, because it is the Day of Atonement, when the priests will offer sacrifices to me to atone for your sins.
\v 29 You must drive out from the people anyone who does not go without eating on that day.
\v 30 I will get rid of anyone who does any kind of work on that day.
\v 31 You must not work at all! You and all your descendants must always obey these commands, wherever you live.
\v 32 That day will be a day of complete rest for all of you, and on that day you must fast to show that you are sorry for having sinned. That day of rest and going without food will begin on the evening before the day in which you ask me to forgive you for your sins, and it will end on the evening of the following day."
\v 33 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 34 "Tell the Israelite people that each year they must also celebrate the Festival of Shelters. That festival will begin five days after the Day of Atonement. This festival will last for seven days.
\v 35 On the first day of that festival, the people must gather together to worship me, and they must not do any regular work.
\v 36 On each of the seven days of this festival, they must present to me an offering of animals that will be burned on the altar. On the eighth day, they must gather again as a holy assembly to worship me and present to me another animal that will be burned on the altar. That also will be a sacred gathering, and they must not work on that day, either.
\v 37 To summarize, those are the festivals that I have appointed. Celebrate these festivals by gathering together to present to me all the various offerings that will be burned on the altar—animals that will be burned completely, and offerings of flour, offerings to promise friendship with me, and offerings of wine. Each offering must be brought on the day that I have indicated.
\v 38 You must celebrate these festivals in addition to worshiping me on the Sabbath days. And you must give me all those offerings in addition to the offerings that people personally decide to give, and in addition to the offerings that people make to accompany the solemn promises that they have made.
\v 39 Returning to my instructions about the Festival of Shelters, you must celebrate this festival after you have harvested all the crops. On the first day and on the last day of that festival, you must rest completely.
\v 40 But on the first day, you are permitted to pick the best fruit from trees. You will also take branches from the palm trees, leafy branches from other trees, and willow trees near the stream, and make shelters to live in for that week. Then rejoice in my presence for those seven days.
\v 41 You must celebrate this festival for seven days every year. You and all your descendants must always obey these commands, wherever you live. You must celebrate this festival in the seventh month.
\v 42 During the seven days of that festival, all of you people who have been Israelites all of your lives must live in shelters.
\v 43 This festival will always remind your descendants that their ancestors lived in shelters for many years after I rescued them from Egypt. Do not forget that I, Yahweh your God, am the one who is commanding this."
\v 44 So Moses gave to the Israelite people all these instructions concerning the festivals that Yahweh wanted them to celebrate each year.
\c 24
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Command the Israelite people to constantly bring you clear oil made from pressed olives to burn in the lamps in the sacred tent, in order that those lamps will burn all the time.
\v 3 Outside the curtain of the very holy place, Aaron must take care of the lamps in my presence continually, in order that they will burn all during the night. That regulation must be obeyed forever.
\v 4 The priests must constantly take care of the lamps that burn in my presence.
\v 5 Also, each week you must take some fine flour and bake twelve very big loaves of bread, using four and one-half liters of flour for each loaf.
\v 6 Put the loaves in two rows, with six loaves in each row, on the table covered with pure gold, in my presence.
\v 7 Along each row, place on the gold table some pure incense to be burned as an offering to me instead of the bread.
\v 8 The priests must put new loaves of bread on the table each Sabbath day, to signify the covenant that will never end, which I have made with you Israelites.
\v 9 When the loaves are removed from the table, they will belong to Aaron and his sons. They must eat them in a place set aside for this purpose, because they are part of the offerings—the offerings that belong only to me—that are given to me by being burned."
\v 10-11 There was a man whose mother's name was Shelomith. She was an Israelite whose father was Dibri from the tribe of Dan. Her son's father was from Egypt. One day this man and another Israelite man started to fight inside the camp. And while they were fighting, that man cursed Yahweh.
\v 12 So the Israelite people seized him and guarded him until they could find out what Yahweh would reveal to them what they should do to that man.
\v 13 Then Yahweh said to Moses,
\v 14 "Tie up and take outside the camp the man who has cursed me. There all those who heard what he said must put their hands on his head to indicate that he is guilty, and then all the people must kill him by throwing stones at him.
\v 15 Tell the Israelites, 'If anyone curses me, he must endure the consequences.
\v 16 So anyone who curses me must be executed. All the people must throw stones at him. It does not matter if he is a foreigner or an Israelite from birth. Anyone who curses me must be executed.
\v 17 Also, if anyone murders another person, the people must execute him.
\v 18 And anyone who kills another person's animal must give that person a live animal to replace the one that he killed.
\v 19 And if one person injures another person, the injured person is allowed to injure the person who injured him in the same way.
\v 20 If someone breaks one of another person's bones, that person is allowed to break one of the bones of the person who injured him. If someone gouges out an eye of another person, that person is allowed to gouge out the eye of the person who injured him. If someone knocks out the tooth of another person, that person is allowed to knock out one of his teeth. What is done to the offender must be the same as what he did to the other person.
\v 21 Whoever kills another person's animal must give that person a live animal to replace the one that he killed, but the people must execute anyone who murders another person.
\v 22 You Israelites and foreigners who live among must all have that same law. I, Yahweh your God, am the one who has commanded it."
\v 23 Then Moses told the Israelites what they must do to the man who cursed Yahweh, so they took the man outside the camp and killed him by throwing stones at him. They did what Yahweh commanded Moses to tell them to do.
\c 25
\v 1 Yahweh said to Moses on Mount Sinai,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelites that Yahweh is giving these commands to them: When you enter the land that he is about to give you, every seventh year you must honor him by not planting any crops. You must allow the ground to rest.
\v 3 During six years, you are to plant crops in your fields, prune your grapevines, and harvest your crops.
\v 4 But during the seventh year you must allow your fields to rest, in order to honor Yahweh. Do not plant seeds in your fields or prune your grapevines during the seventh year.
\v 5 In the seventh year, you must not bring workers together to harvest whatever grain has grown in your fields; you must not bring workers together to harvest whatever grapes have grown on the vines that you did not cut back. You must allow the land to rest for that one year.
\v 6 But you are permitted to eat whatever crops have grown by themselves during that year. You and your male and female servants, and workers whom you have hired, and any foreigners who are living among you—you may all eat those things.
\v 7 And your livestock and the wild animals in your land are permitted to eat them during that year as well.
\v 8-9 After every forty-nine years has ended, you must do this for the celebration of Jubilee. On the tenth day of the seventh month of the next year, blow trumpets throughout the country, to announce the Day of Atonement.
\v 10 Set apart that year in order to honor Yahweh. You must proclaim everywhere, to all the people, that this year will be the time for giving the land back to the families that first owned it when Yahweh brought you into your land. It will also be the time for setting free any of Yahweh's people who are slaves.
\v 11 This year of Jubilee, the fiftieth year, will be a year in which you must rejoice and obey Yahweh's special instructions. During that year do not plant anything, and do not harvest in your usual manner the crops or grapes that have grown by themselves.
\v 12 It will be a year for you to rejoice in, the year of Jubilee. You will treat it as special, and eat only what has grown by itself.
\v 13 In that year of celebration, the year of Jubilee, and everyone must return to their property to the original owner of it.
\v 14 If you sell some of your land to a fellow Israelite or if you buy some land from one of them, you must treat that person fairly.
\v 15 If you buy land, the price that you will pay will depend on the number of years until the next celebration of Jubilee. If someone sells land to you, he will charge a price that reflects the number of years remaining until the next year of celebration of Jubilee, when all property will be returned to their original owners.
\v 16 If there will be many years before the next time for the celebration of Jubilee, the price will be higher. If there will be only a few years until the next year of celebration, the price will be lower. You could say that what he is really selling you is the number of crops you could harvest before the next year of the celebration of Jubilee.
\v 17 Do not cheat each other. Instead, honor Yahweh. It is Yahweh, whom we Israelites worship, who is commanding us to do these things.
\v 18 Obey all my laws carefully. If you do that, you will continue to live safely in your country.
\v 19 The crops will grow well on the land, and you will have plenty to eat.
\v 20 But you may ask, "If we do not plant or harvest our crops during the seventh year, what will we have to eat?"
\v 21 Yahweh answers you that he will bless you very much during the sixth year, with the result that during that year there will be enough crops to provide food for you for three years.
\v 22 Then, after you plant seed during the eighth year and wait for the crops to grow, you will eat the food grown in the sixth year; you will continue to eat it until you harvest your crops in the ninth year.
\v 23 You must not sell any of your land to belong to someone else permanently, because the land is not yours. It is really mine, and you are only living on it temporarily and farming it for me.
\v 24 Throughout the country that you will possess, you must remember that if someone sells some of his land to you, he is permitted to buy it back from you at any time.
\v 25 So if one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells some of his property to you for money, the person who is most closely related to him is permitted to come and buy back that land for him.
\v 26 However, if a man has no one to buy the land for him, but if he himself prospers again and has saved enough money to buy that land back,
\v 27 he must calculate how many years there will be until the next year of celebration. Then he must pay to the man who bought the land the money that the other man would have earned by growing crops on that land for those years.
\v 28 But if the original owner does not have enough money to buy back the land that he sold, it will continue to belong to the man who bought it until the next year of the celebration of Jubilee. In that year he will take possession of it again, and he will be able to farm it again.
\v 29 If someone sells a house in a city that has a wall around it, during the next year he will be permitted to buy it back from the man who bought it.
\v 30 If he does not buy it during that year, it will belong permanently to the man who bought it, and to that man's descendants. He does not need to return it to the original owner in the year of celebration of Jubilee.
\v 31 But houses that are in villages without walls are considered to be as though they were in a field. So if someone sells one of those houses, he is permitted to buy it back at any time. And even if he does not buy it, he will take possession of it again at the year of the celebration of Jubilee.
\v 32 The descendants of Levi are a special case, however. If they sell their houses in the cities that belong to them, they are permitted to buy them back at any time.
\v 33 But even if they do not buy back those houses, they will become theirs again in the year of the celebration of Jubilee, because those houses are in their cities, on land that the other Israelites had given to them.
\v 34 But the pastureland near their towns must not be sold. It must belong to the original owners permanently.
\v 35 If one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and is unable to buy what he needs, others of you must help him as you would help a foreigner who is living among you temporarily.
\v 36 If you lend money to him, do not charge any kind of interest. Instead, show by what you do that you honor your God; you must help that man, in order that he will be able to continue to live among you.
\v 37 If you lend him money, do not charge interest; and if you sell food to him, charge him only what you paid for it. Do not try to make a profit from it.
\v 38 Do not forget that it is Yahweh your God who is giving you these commands; it is, after all, Yahweh who brought you out of Egypt to be your God and to give you the land of Canaan.
\v 39 If one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells himself to you, do not force him to work like a slave.
\v 40 Treat him as you treat workers whom you hire or like someone who is living on your land temporarily. He must work for you only until the year of the celebration of Jubilee.
\v 41 During that year, you must free him, and he may go back to his family and to the property that his ancestors owned.
\v 42 It is as though we Israelites are all Yahweh's slaves, whom he freed from being slaves in Egypt. So none of you should buy each other and make each other into slaves.
\v 43 And do not treat the Israelites whom you buy cruelly. Instead, honor Yahweh, our God.
\v 44 If you want to have slaves, you are permitted to buy them from nearby people groups.
\v 45 You are also permitted to buy some of the foreigners who are living among you, and members of their clans that were born in your country. You may own them.
\v 46 They will be your slaves for the remaining years of your life, and after you die, it is permitted for your children to own them. But you must not act in brutal ways toward your fellow Israelites.
\v 47 Suppose a foreigner who is living among you becomes rich, and if a fellow Israelite becomes poor and sells himself to that foreigner or to a member of his clan,
\v 48 it is permitted for someone to pay for him to be freed. It is permitted for one of his relatives to pay for him to be released.
\v 49 An uncle or a cousin or another relative in his clan may pay for him to be released. Or, if he prospers and gets enough money, he is permitted to pay for his own release.
\v 50 The man who wants to pay for his own release must count the number of years until the next year of the celebration of Jubilee. The price he pays to the man who bought him will depend on the pay that would be given to a hired worker for that number of remaining years.
\v 51 If there are a lot of years that remain until the year of celebration, he must pay for his release a larger amount of the money.
\v 52 If there are only a few years that remain until the year of the celebration of Jubilee, he must pay a smaller amount to be released.
\v 53 During those years that he is working for the man who bought him, the man who bought him must treat him like he would treat a hired worker, and all of you must make sure that his owner does not treat him cruelly.
\v 54 And even if a fellow Israelite who has sold himself to a rich man is not able to pay for himself to be freed by any of these ways, he and his children must be freed in the year of the celebration of Jubilee,
\v 55 because it is as though you Israelites are my slaves, whom I, Yahweh your God, freed from being slaves in Egypt.'"
\c 26
\v 1 Yahweh also said this to Moses on Mount Sinai, "Do not make idols or set up carved figures or sacred stones to worship as if they were God. And do not put on your property a stone that you have carved so you can bow down to it. You must worship only me, Yahweh, your God.
\v 2 Honor the Sabbath days and revere my sacred tent, because I, Yahweh, live there.
\v 3 If you carefully obey all my commands,
\v 4 I will send rain for you at the proper times in order that crops will grow on your land and there will be plenty of fruit on your trees.
\v 5 You will continue harvesting and threshing grain until it is time to harvest grapes, and you will continue to harvest grapes until it is time to start planting things in the following year. You will have all the food that you want to eat, and you will live safely in your land.
\v 6 If you obey all my laws, there will be peace in your country, and when you lie down to sleep. Nothing will cause you to be afraid. I will get rid of the dangerous animals in your country, and there will be no wars in your country.
\v 7 You will pursue your enemies and kill them with your swords.
\v 8 Five of you will pursue a hundred of them, and a hundred of you will pursue ten thousand of them and kill them.
\v 9 If you obey all my laws, I will bless you and cause you to have many children. And I will do what I said that I would do in the covenant that I made with you.
\v 10 When you are still eating food from the harvest from the previous year, it will be necessary for you to throw away some of it to make space to store the new harvest.
\v 11 I will live among you in my sacred tent, and I will never reject you.
\v 12 I will live among you and continue to be your God, and you will continue to be my people.
\v 13 I am Yahweh your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt in order that you would no longer be slaves of the people of Egypt. When you were there, it was as though you were animals that were pulling plows for the people of Egypt, but I broke the bars of the yokes that they had put around your necks; I made you able to walk with your heads up.
\v 14 But suppose you pay no attention to me; suppose you refuse to obey what I have told you to do.
\v 15 Suppose that you reject my decrees and laws, and do not obey me, but that instead you reject the covenant that I made with you.
\v 16 In that case, these are the things that I will do to you. I will suddenly send disasters that will ruin you. You will have diseases that cannot be cured, and fevers that will cause you to become blind and will slowly kill you. It will be useless for you to plant your fields, because your enemies will eat the crops that grow.
\v 17 I will reject you, so your enemies will conquer you. Then they will rule over you, and you will be so terrified that you will run away even if they do not pursue you.
\v 18 But after all these things happen to you, if you still refuse to obey me, I will continue to punish you again and again for the sins that you have committed.
\v 19 I will punish you so much that you will no longer be stubborn or proud. I will not let any rain fall in your land. It will be as though the sky were made of iron, and the ground were as hard as bronze.
\v 20 You will uselessly work very hard to plant seeds, because crops will not grow in the hard soil in your fields, and fruit will not grow on your trees.
\v 21 If you continue to act against me and refuse to obey me, I will cause you to experience disasters again and again, as you deserve to experience because of your sins.
\v 22 I will send wild animals to attack you, and they will kill your little children and destroy your cattle. There will be very few of you who will remain alive, with the result that there will be very few people traveling about on the roads in your country.
\v 23 When you experience those things that I do to punish you, if you still do not pay attention to me, and if you continue to act against me,
\v 24 I myself will act against you, and I will punish you for your sins again and again.
\v 25 I will send armies to you to punish you for not doing the things that I commanded you to do in the covenant that I made with you. If you try to escape from your enemies by hiding behind your city walls, I will send plagues to you, and I will allow your enemies to capture you.
\v 26 When I destroy your supplies of food, there will be very little flour with which to make bread. As a result, ten women will be able to bake all their bread in only one oven. When the bread is baked, each woman will divide it among the members of her family, but there will be very little for each one, and when they have eaten all of it, they will still be hungry.
\v 27 After all those things happen, if you still do not obey me, if you still act against me,
\v 28 I will be very angry with you, and I will act against you; I myself will punish you for your sins again and again.
\v 29 You will be so hungry that you will kill your sons and daughters and eat their flesh.
\v 30 I will make sure that other people destroy the hills where you have worshiped idols. I will smash the altars where you burn incense to worship your gods, and I will cause your corpses to be piled on the lifeless figures of your idols. And I will hate you.
\v 31 I will cause your cities to become heaps of ruins, and I will cause the buildings that you built for your idols to collapse. And I will not be pleased at all with the aroma of your offerings that are burned on the altar.
\v 32 I will completely ruin your country, with the result that even your enemies who capture it will be shocked when they see this happen.
\v 33 I will enable your enemies to kill you with their swords, and I will cause them to scatter the rest of you among other people groups. I will make sure that they ruin your country and destroy your cities.
\v 34 After that happens, as long as you are living in your enemies' countries, I will allow your land to rest, as you should have done every seven years.
\v 35 During all the time that no one is in your land, it will be able to rest. This will be unlike you, who never allowed it to rest while you were there.
\v 36 As for you people who will remain alive in the countries to which your enemies will have taken you, I will make you very afraid, so when you hear the wind blowing leaves, you will run away.
\v 37 You will run as if a man with a sword were chasing you, and you will fall down, even though no one is coming behind you. You will stumble over each other trying to flee. You will not be able to stand and fight your enemies.
\v 38 Many of you will die in your enemies' countries.
\v 39 And those of you who remain alive will slowly die and rot there because of your sins and the sins of your ancestors.
\v 40-41 But your descendants must confess their sins and the sins that their ancestors committed. Their ancestors acted unfaithfully toward me and were hostile to me, so I forced them to go to their enemies' countries. But when your descendants humble themselves and stop being very stubborn and accept being punished for their sins,
\v 42 I will keep in mind the covenant that I made with your ancestors Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and what I promised to them about the land of Canaan.
\v 43 But before that happens, my people will be forced to leave their land, with the result that the land will be able to rest while no one is in it, and while I am punishing the people for rejecting my laws and hating my decrees.
\v 44 But I will still not reject them or hate them and destroy them completely. I will not cancel the covenant that I made with them. I will still be Yahweh, the God whom they should worship.
\v 45 I will keep in mind the covenant that I made with your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, something that the people of all nations heard about. I did this so that I, Yahweh, would be your God."
\v 46 Those are the commandments, the decrees, and the laws that Yahweh established on Mount Sinai between himself and the Israelite people by giving them to Moses to tell to them.
\c 27
\v 1 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 2 "Tell the Israelite people these things for me: 'If a man solemnly promises to set apart another person to belong only to Yahweh, Yahweh will be willing to set that person free from having to do that if the responsible man pays the priest an amount of money. The priest must calculate the amount of money in terms of the silver pieces that they use in Yahweh's sacred tent.
\v 3 These are the amounts that Yahweh has set for this kind of transaction:
\li2 fifty pieces of silver for men who are between twenty and sixty years old;
\v 4 thirty pieces of silver for adult women who are between twenty and sixty years old.
\v 5 Twenty pieces of silver would be paid for young men who are between five and twenty years old;
\li2 ten pieces of silver for young women who are between five and twenty years old;
\v 6 five pieces of silver for boys who are between one month and five years old;
\li2 three pieces of silver for girls who are between one month and five years old.
\v 7 Fifteen pieces of silver would be paid for men who are more than sixty years old;
\li2 ten pieces of silver for women who are more than sixty years old.
\v 8 If anyone who has made such a solemn promise is very poor and unable to pay to set free the person whom he has given to Yahweh, he must take that person to the priest. The priest will set the price for freeing him to an amount that the person can pay.
\v 9 If someone solemnly promises Yahweh to give him an animal that is acceptable to him, that animal becomes very special to Yahweh; it belongs to him alone.
\v 10 The person who promised to give it must not give another animal instead of the one that he promised. He must not substitute a bad one for a good one or even a better one than the one offered. If he tries to do that, both animals will become dedicated to Yahweh.
\v 11 If the animal that he wishes to give to Yahweh is a kind that is unacceptable to be an offering, he must take the animal to the priest.
\v 12 The priest then will decide what its value is, according to the animal's quality. Whatever value the priests sets will be the value, and that is the price of the animal.
\v 13 If the man who gave the animal later decides that he wants to buy it back, he must pay to the priest that price plus an added one-fifth.
\v 14 Similarly, if someone dedicates his house, and to set it apart for the honor of Yahweh, the priest will decide how much it is worth, which will depend on the house's condition. Whatever the priest says that it is worth, that will be its value.
\v 15 If a man set apart his house for the honor of Yahweh, but later he wants to buy it back, he must pay that price plus an added one-fifth, and then the house will belong to him again.
\v 16 If someone sets apart for the honor of Yahweh some of the property that belongs to him and his family, its value will be determined by the quantity of seed that would be needed to sow that entire tract of land. It will be ten pieces of silver for each 220 liters of seed.
\v 17 If the man sets apart for the honor of Yahweh the land during the year of the celebration of Jubilee, its value will be the full amount.
\v 18 But if he sets apart his field to Yahweh after the year of the celebration of Jubilee, the priest will count the number of years until the next year of the celebration of Jubilee, and if there are not many years that remain, the price will be much lower than the full price.
\v 19 If the person who set apart the field for Yahweh later wants to buy it back, he must pay to the priest the price that the priest says it is worth, plus an added one-fifth, and then the field will belong to that man again.
\v 20 However, if he does not buy it back, or if it has been sold to someone else, he will never be permitted to buy it back again.
\v 21 In the year of the celebration of Jubilee, it will be permanently set apart as a holy gift for Yahweh, and it will be given to the priest.
\v 22 If someone sets apart for the honor of Yahweh some land that he has bought, land which is not part of the land that his family has always owned,
\v 23 the priest must count the number of years until the next year of the celebration of Jubilee to determine how much it is worth, and the man must pay that amount to the priest on that day, and then that land will belong to him again, and his payment becomes a holy gift to Yahweh.
\v 24 However, in the year of the celebration of Jubilee, the land will again come into the possession of the person from whom he bought it, the person whose family had always owned that land.
\v 25 All the silver that is paid must be calculated in terms of the official pieces of silver in the sacred tent.
\v 26 No one is permitted to dedicate the firstborn of any cow or sheep for any purpose, because the firstborn already belongs to Yahweh.
\v 27 If someone gives to him an animal that is not acceptable to him, that person may later buy it back by paying what it is worth plus an added one-fifth of its value. If he does not buy it back, it must be sold for its standard price.
\v 28 However, no slave or animal or family land that someone owns can be sold or bought back after it has been dedicated to Yahweh. It becomes holy to Yahweh.
\v 29 No person who has done something that Yahweh considers to be very wicked is permitted to go free. The people must certainly execute such a person.
\v 30 One tenth of all the crops and grain or fruit that is produced on anyone's land is sacred and belongs to Yahweh.
\v 31 If anyone wants to buy back any of that tenth, he must pay to the priest what it is worth plus an added one-fifth.
\v 32 And every ten domestic animals belongs to Yahweh. When a shepherd counts them as they pass under his walking stick, to decide which ones he will give to me, he must mark every tenth one as belonging to Yahweh.
\v 33 When he does that, he must not pick out the good ones or leave the bad ones, or substitute bad ones for good ones. If he substitutes one animal for another, both animals will belong to Yahweh, and the shepherd will not be permitted to buy them back."
\v 34 Those are the commands that Yahweh gave to Moses on Mount Sinai to tell to the people.
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\toc1 The Book of Leviticus
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\c 1
\v 1 While Moses was standing near the entrance to the sacred tent, Yahweh called to him from inside the tent. He said to Moses
\v 2 to say this to the Israelite people: "When any of you brings an offering to Yahweh, bring one of your sheep or goats or cattle.
\v 3 If what you are offering is a bull to be completely burned on the altar, it must be without any defect. You must take it to the entrance to the sacred tent, in order that it may be acceptable to Yahweh.
\v 4 You must lay your hands on the head of the bull. When you do that, Yahweh will accept its death in your place to forgive you for the sins that you have committed.
\v 5 You must slaughter the young bull in front of Yahweh. Then Aaron's sons, who are priests, will bring the blood and throw it against all sides of the altar near the entrance to the sacred tent.
\v 6 You must remove the skin of the animal and cut the animal into pieces. You must wash the inner parts and the legs of the bull.
\v 7 Then Aaron's sons will put wood on the altar and light a fire.
\v 8 Then they will arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood.
\v 9 Then one of the priests will completely burn all of it on the altar. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 10 If you are offering a sheep or a goat, it must be a male without any defect.
\v 11 You must slaughter it in front of Yahweh, on the north side of the altar and drain all the blood into a bowl. Then Aaron's sons will sprinkle the blood against all sides of the altar.
\v 12 You must cut the animal into pieces. You must wash the inner parts and the legs of the animal. Then the priests will arrange the pieces, including the head and the fat, on the burning wood.
\v 13 Then one of the priests will take all of it and completely burn all of it on the altar. And the good odor as the sacrifice burns will be pleasing to Yahweh.
\v 14 If what you are offering to Yahweh is birds, you must offer a dove or a young pigeon.
\v 15 The priest will take it to the altar and wring off its head. Then he will burn the head on the altar. He will drain out the bird's blood onto the side of the altar.
\v 16 Then he will remove the bird's craw and what is inside it, and throw it on the east side of the altar, where they also throw the ashes.
\v 17 Then he will grasp the bird's wings and tear the bird open partially, but never all the way. Then he will burn it completely in the fire on the altar. And the good odor will be pleasing to Yahweh.
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