diff --git a/50-EPH/03.usfm b/50-EPH/03.usfm
index bb962590..d199fd14 100644
--- a/50-EPH/03.usfm
+++ b/50-EPH/03.usfm
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 \v 5 Formerly, God did not fully reveal the good news that was to come to anyone, and it was something that no one understood. But now his Spirit has revealed the good news to his apostles and prophets whom the Spirit called to serve God.
-\v 6 This hidden truth is that the non-Jews now share together with Jews the spiritual riches of God, and belong to the same group of God's people, and will share all the things God has promised them, because they are joined to Christ Jesus—this is the gospel.
+\v 6 This hidden truth is that the non-Jews now share together with Jews the spiritual riches of God, and belong to the same group of God's people, and will share all the things God has promised them because they are joined to Christ Jesus—this is the gospel.
 \v 7 I am now God's servant to spread the good news, a work I did not deserve to do, but which God gave me working in me with his power.