diff --git a/67-REV/13.usfm b/67-REV/13.usfm
index 5b591fb4..942c0a40 100644
--- a/67-REV/13.usfm
+++ b/67-REV/13.usfm
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Here is a call for patient endurance and faith for those who are holy.
 \v 13 It performed mighty miracles. It even made fire come down on the earth from heaven in front of people.
-\v 14 By the signs it was permitted to do, it deceived those who lived on the earth. It told them to make an image in honor of the beastthat had the sword wound but lived.
+\v 14 By the signs it was permitted to do, it deceived those who lived on the earth. It told them to make an image in honor of the beast that had the sword wound but lived.
 \v 15 It was permitted to give breath to the beast's image so that the image would even speak and cause all who refused to worship the beast to be killed.