diff --git a/26-EZK/16.usfm b/26-EZK/16.usfm
index dd14fe06..e2ba5799 100644
--- a/26-EZK/16.usfm
+++ b/26-EZK/16.usfm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 \v 4 On the day of your birth, your mother did not cut your navel, nor did she purify you in water or rub you down with salt, or wrap cloth around you. 
-\v 5 No eye had compassion for you to do any of these things for you, to be compassionate towards you! On the day that you were born, with loathing for your life, you were thrown out into the open field.
+\v 5 No eye had compassion for you to do any of these things for you, to be compassionate toward you! On the day that you were born, with loathing for your life, you were thrown out into the open field.