diff --git a/57-TIT/02.usfm b/57-TIT/02.usfm
index 45d7596a..77abeb1b 100644
--- a/57-TIT/02.usfm
+++ b/57-TIT/02.usfm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 \v 5 They should train them to be sensible, pure, good housekeepers, and obedient to their own husbands. They should do these things so that God's word may not be insulted.
-\v 6 In the same way, call the younger men to be sensible.
+\v 6 In the same way, encourage the younger men to be sensible.
 \v 7 In all ways present yourself as a model of good works; and when you teach, show integrity and dignity.
 \v 8 Speak a message that is healthy and blameless, so that anyone who is opposed may be put to shame, because he has nothing bad to say about us.