2017-06-21 20:45:09 +00:00
## So what ##
Paul is stating that it is not important why some of them are teaching about Jesus. This can be translated as "I do not care."
## Either way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed ##
"As long as people preach about Christ, it does not matter if they do it for good reasons or for bad reasons."
## and I rejoice in that ##
"I am happy because people are preaching about Jesus"
## yes indeed ##
"absolutely" or "certainly."
## I will rejoice ##
"I will celebrate" or "I will be glad"
## this will lead to my deliverance ##
"God will set me free from prison"
## because of your prayers and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ ##
"because you are praying and the Spirit of Jesus Christ is helping me."
## Spirit of Jesus Christ ##
This could also be translated as "Holy Spirit."