# bronze # ## Definition: ## The term "bronze" refers to a kind of metal that is made from melting together the metals, copper and tin. It has a dark brown color, slightly red. * Bronze resists water corrosion and is a good conductor of heat. * In ancient times, bronze was used for making tools, weapons, artwork, altars, cooking pots, and soldiers' armor, among other things. * Many building materials for the tabernacle and temple were made of bronze. * Idols of false gods were also often made of bronze metal. * Bronze objects were made by first melting the bronze metal into a liquid and then pouring it into molds. This process was called "casting." (See also: [How to Translate Unknowns](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-ta-translate-vol1/src/master/content/translate_unknown.md)) (See also: [armor](../other/armor.md) **·** [tabernacle](../kt/tabernacle.md) **·** [temple](../kt/temple.md)) ## Bible References: ## * [1 Kings 07:15-17](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/1ki/07/15) * [1 Samuel 17:37-38](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/1sa/17/37) * [Daniel 02:44-45](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/dan/02/44) * [Exodus 25:3-7](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/exo/25/03) * [Revelation 01:14-16](https://door43.org/en/bible/notes/rev/01/14)