# Samuel # ## Facts: ## Samuel was a prophet and the last judge of Israel. He anointed both Saul and David as kings over Israel. * Samuel was born to Elkanah and Hannah in the town of Ramah. * Hannah was barren, so she prayed earnestly that God would give her a son. Samuel was the answer to that prayer. * Hannah promised that if hborn as an answer to Hannah's desperate prayer that God would give her a male child.er prayer was granted, she would dedicate her son to Yahweh. * When Samuel was a young boy, Hannah sent him to help Eli the priest in the temple to fulfill her promise to God * God raised up Samuel to be a great prophet for him. (Translation suggestions: [How to Translate Names](en/ta-vol1/translate/man/translate-names)) (See also: [[other/hannah]], [[kt/judge]], [[kt/prophet]], [[kt/yahweh]]) ## Bible References: ## * [1 Samuel 01:19-20](en/tn/1sa/help/01/19) * [1 Samuel 09:23-24](en/tn/1sa/help/09/23) * [1 Samuel 12:16-18](en/tn/1sa/help/12/16) * [Acts 03:24-26](en/tn/act/help/03/24) * [Acts 13:19-20](en/tn/act/help/13/19) * [Hebrews 11:32-34](en/tn/heb/help/11/32)