* __[02-11](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/02-11)__ God said to the man, "You listened to your wife and __disobeyed__ me."
* __[13-07](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/13-07)__ If the people obeyed these laws, God promised that he would bless and protect them. If they __disobeyed__ them, God would punish them.
* __[16-02](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/16-02)__ Because the Israelites kept __disobeying__ God, he punished them by allowing their enemies to defeat them.
* __[35-12](https://door43.org/en/obs/notes/frames/35-12)__"The older son said to his father, 'All these years I have worked faithfully for you! I never __disobeyed__ you, and still you did not give me one small goat so I could celebrate with my friends.'"