Neither nor

This commit is contained in:
Tom Warren 2017-05-01 14:08:44 -04:00
parent 95085492ce
commit cf7574c905
12 changed files with 17 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
\v 32 Allow me to go and look at all of your flocks today and remove from them all the speckled sheep, all the spotted sheep, and every dark-colored lamb, all the goats that are speckled, and all the goats that are spotted. I want to keep them for myself. They will be my wages.
\v 33 In that way, in the future, you will be able to know whether I have been honest regarding what you have paid me. If any of my goats are neither speckled or spotted, or if any of my lambs are not dark-colored, you will know that I have stolen them from you."
\v 33 In that way, in the future, you will be able to know whether I have been honest regarding what you have paid me. If any of my goats have no speckles or spots, and if any of my lambs are not dark-colored, you will know that I have stolen them from you."
\v 34 Laban agreed and said, "Yes, we will do as you have said."

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\v 3 Send them away in order that they will not touch people in the camp area where I live among you and cause them to become unacceptable to me.'"
\v 4 So the Israelite people obeyed what Yahweh commanded Moses.
\v 5 Yahweh also told Moses,
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\v 9 All the sacred offerings that the Israelites present to me by bringing them to the priest will belong to the priest.
\v 10 The priest can keep those gifts.'"
\v 11 Yahweh also said this to Moses:
\v 12 "Tell this to the Israelite people: 'Suppose a man thinks that his wife has not always slept faithfully only with him.
\v 13 Suppose he thinks that she has slept with another man, but neither he nor anyone else knows if it is true or not, because no one saw her doing that.
\v 14 But if the woman's husband is jealous, and if he suspects that she has committed adultery, and he would want to know whether that is true or not.
\v 13 Suppose he thinks that she has slept with another man, but he does not know if this is true or not, because he did not see her do it. She was not caught in the act and the fact that she broke her vow to her husband could not be proved because no one saw her doing that.
\v 14 But if the woman's husband is jealous, and if he suspects that she has committed adultery, and he would want to know whether that is true or not, and so there is a test whether she had been impure.
\v 15 And to test whether she had committed adultery he should take his wife to the priest. He must take along as an offering two liters of barley flour. The priest must not pour olive oil or incense on it, because this is an offering that the man has brought because he is jealous. It is an offering to find out if she is guilty or not.
\v 15 To test whether she had committed adultery he should take his wife to the priest. He must take along as an offering two liters of barley flour. The priest must not pour olive oil or incense on it, because this is an offering that the man has brought because he is jealous. It is an offering to find out if she is guilty or not.

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\v 15 Then Esther sent this message to Mordecai,
\v 16 "Go and gather together all the Jews here in Susa, and tell them to fast for for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, neither in the night or day. My young girls and I will fast in the same way. Then I will go to the king, even though I know it is against the law. And if I die, I die."
\v 16 "Go and gather together all the Jews here in Susa, and tell them to fast for for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My young girls and I will fast in the same way. Then I will go to the king, even though I know it is against the law. And if I die, I die."
\v 17 Mordecai went and did what Esther told him to do.

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\q2 and put any deceptive talk far away.
\v 25 Look straight ahead because you are focused on what is good and right,
\q2 and do not turn aside neither to the right or the left.
\q2 and do not turn aside to the right or to the left.

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
\q2 and that he give them to me before I die.
\v 8 Put vain pride and lies far away from me;
\q2 and let me neither have poverty or riches,
\q2 and do not give me poverty or riches,
\q2 just give me the food I need every day.
\v 9 For if I have too much money,
\q2 it is possible that I will deny my God and say, "Who is Yahweh?"

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\v 17 So, get up and put on your clothes to get ready for action! Then go to the people of Judah and tell them everything that I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, because if you are afraid of them, I will punish you as an example right in front of them!
\v 18 But listen! I will cause you to be strong, like a city that has strong walls around it. You will be as strong as an iron pillar or a bronze wall. Neither the royal officials or priests nor the general populace will be able to defeat you.
\v 18 But listen! I will cause you to be strong, like a city that has strong walls around it. You will be as strong as an iron pillar or a bronze wall. Even the royal officials, the priests, and the general populace will not be able to defeat you.
\v 19 They will oppose you, but they will not be able to defeat you, because I will be with you and will protect you. That will surely happen because I, Yahweh, have said it!"

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\v 6 At that time, there will be no light from the sun, but neither will it be cold or frosty.
\v 6 At that time, there will be no light from the sun, but it will not be cold or frosty.
\v 7 Only Yahweh knows when this will happen. There will be no daytime or nighttime, because it will be light all the time, even in the evening.
\v 8 At that time, water will flow from Jerusalem. One stream will flow toward the east to the Dead Sea. The other stream will flow toward the west to the Mediterranean Sea. The water will flow all the time, even during the hot season as well as in the cold season.

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\c 15
\v 1 Then some Jewish believers went down from Judea province to Antioch. They started teaching the non-Jewish believers there, saying, "You must be circumcised to show that you belong to God, as Moses commanded in the laws that he received from God. If you do not do that, you will not be saved."
\v 2 Paul and Barnabas strongly disagreed with those Jews and started arguing with them. So the believers at Antioch appointed Paul and Barnabas and some of the other believers to go to Jerusalem, in order that they might discuss this matter with the apostles and other leaders.
\v 3 After Paul, Barnabas, and the others were sent on their way by the believers in Antioch, they traveled through the provinces of Phoenicia and Samaria. When they stopped at different places along the way, they reported to the believers that many non-Jews had become believers. As a result, all the believers in those places rejoiced greatly.
\v 4 When Paul, Barnabas, and the others arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the apostles, other elders, and the other believers in the group there. Then Paul and Barnabas reported the things that God had enabled them to do among non-Jewish people.
\v 5 But some of the Jewish believers who belonged to the Pharisee sect stood up among the other believers and said to them, "The non-Jews who have believed in Jesus must be circumcised, and they must be told to obey the laws that God gave to Moses."
\v 6 Then the apostles and the elders met together in order to talk about this matter.
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\v 9 God made no distinction between us and them, because he made them clean inside simply as a result of their believing in the Lord Jesus. That is exactly how he has forgiven us.
\v 10 Why do you want to force the non-Jewish believers to obey our Jewish rituals and laws? Doing that is like putting a heavy burden on them, because it forces them to obey laws that neither our ancestors or we Jews today have ever been able to keep! So then, stop making God angry by doing that!
\v 10 Why do you want to force the non-Jewish believers to obey our Jewish rituals and laws? Doing that is like putting a heavy burden on them, because it forces them to obey laws that even our ancestors broke and that we Jews today have ever been able to keep! So then, stop making God angry by doing that!
\v 11 We know that God saves us Jews from our sins because of what the Lord Jesus did for us. God saves us Jews exactly like he saves those non-Jews who believe in the Lord Jesus."
\v 12 All the people there became silent after Peter had spoken. Then they all listened to Barnabas and Paul, as the two of them told about the many great miracles that God had enabled them to do among the non-Jewish people, miracles that showed that God had accepted the non-Jews.
\v 13 When Barnabas and Paul had finished speaking, James, the leader of the group of believers in Jerusalem, spoke to them. He said, "Fellow believers, listen to me.
\v 14 Simon Peter has told you how God previously blessed the non-Jews. God did that by choosing from among them a people who would belong to himself.
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\v 16 Later on I will return and I will choose a king from the descendants of David. It will be like someone who builds a house again after it has been torn down.
\v 17 I will do this in order that all other people might try to know me, the Lord God. This will include even the non-Israelites whom I have called to belong to me. You can be certain that this will happen because I the Lord God have spoken these words.
\v 18 I have done these things, and I have made my people know about them since long ago."
\v 19 James continued to speak. He said, "Therefore I think that we should stop bothering the non-Jewish people who are turning away from their sins and turning to God. That is, we should stop demanding that they obey all our laws and rituals.
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\v 21 In many cities, for a very long time people have been proclaiming the laws that Moses wrote, laws prohibiting those things. And every Sabbath those laws are read in the Jewish meeting places. So if the non-Jews want to know more about those laws, they can find out in our meeting houses."
\v 22 The apostles and the other elders, along with all the other believers in Jerusalem, accepted what James had said. Then they decided that they should choose men from among themselves and that they should send them, along with Paul and Barnabas, to Antioch, to let the believers there know what the leaders at Jerusalem had decided. So they chose Judas, who was also called Barsabbas, and Silas. These were both leaders among the believers at Jerusalem.
\v 23 Then they wrote the following letter that they asked Judas and Silas to take to the believers at Antioch: "We apostles and elders who are your fellow believers send our greetings to you as we write this to you non-Jewish believers who live in Antioch and other places in the provinces of Syria and Cilicia.
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\p If you avoid doing these things, you will be doing what is right. Farewell."
\v 30 The four men they selected went down from Jerusalem and came to Antioch. When all the believers there had assembled together, they gave the letter to them.
\v 31 When the believers there read the letter, they rejoiced, because its message encouraged them.
\v 32 Being prophets, Judas and Silas spoke a lot and encouraged the believers there, and helped them to trust more strongly in the Lord Jesus.
\v 33 After Judas and Silas had stayed there for some time and were ready to return to Jerusalem, the believers at Antioch wished them well, and then they left.
\v 34 \f + \ft The best ancient copies omit verse 34 (see Acts 15:40). Vs. 34, \fqa But Silas thought it would be best for him to stay there.\f*
\v 35 However, Paul and Barnabas continued to stay in Antioch. While they were there, they, along with many others, were teaching people and preaching to them the message about the Lord Jesus.
\v 36 After some time Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us go back and visit the fellow believers in every city where we previously proclaimed the message about the Lord Jesus. In that way, we will know how well they are continuing to believe in the Lord Jesus."
\v 37 Barnabas agreed with Paul, and said that he wanted to take John, whose other name was Mark, along with them again.
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\v 39 Paul and Barnabas strongly disagreed with each other about this matter, so they separated from each other. Barnabas took Mark along with him. They got on a ship and went to the Island of Cyprus.
\v 40 Paul chose Silas, who had returned to Antioch, to work with him. The believers there prayed to the Lord God, asking him to graciously help Paul and Silas. Then the two of them departed from Antioch.
\v 41 Paul continued traveling with Silas through Syria and Cilicia provinces. In those places they were helping the groups of believers to trust strongly in the Lord Jesus.

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\c 9
\v 1 Because I am joined to Christ, I will tell you the truth. I am not lying! My conscience confirms what I say because the Holy Spirit controls me.
\v 2 I tell you that I grieve very greatly and deeply about my fellow Israelites.
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\v 4 They, like me, are Israelites. God chose them to be his children. It is to them that he showed how wonderful he is. It is with them that he made the covenants. It is to them that he gave the law. They are the ones who have the worship of God. They are the ones to whom God promised many things.
\v 5 It was our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom God chose to begin our nation. And, most importantly, it was from us Israelites that the Christ was born as a human being. He is God, the one who is worthy that we praise him forever! This is true!
\v 6 God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that their descendants would all inherit his blessings. But although most of my fellow Israelites have rejected Christ, that does not prove that God has failed to do the things that he promised. For it is not all people who are descended from Jacob and who call themselves the people of Israel whom God considers to be truly his people.
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\v 8 What I mean is, not all of Abraham's descendants are the people that God accepts as his own children. Instead, only the people that God had in mind when he promised to give Abraham descendants—it is these people whom he considers to be Abraham's true descendants and his own children.
\v 9 This is what God promised Abraham: "About this time next year I will come back to you, and Sarah your wife will bear a son." God promised this, and he made it happen.
\v 10 It was similar with Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, Abraham's son, when Rebecca conceived twins.
\v 11 Before the twins, Jacob and Esau, were born,
\v 12 when neither one had yet done anything good or bad, God said to Rebecca, "The older one will serve the younger one, contrary to normal custom." God said this in order that we might know this: that when he plans to do something, he chooses the people because he wants to choose them, not because they have done anything for him.
\v 12 the children had not yet done anything good or bad, God said to Rebecca, "The older one will serve the younger one, contrary to normal custom." God said this in order that we might know this: that when he plans to do something, he chooses the people because he wants to choose them, not because they have done anything for him.
\v 13 It is just what God said in the scriptures: "I chose Jacob, the younger son. I rejected Esau, the older son."
\v 14 Someone might ask me, "Is God unjust by choosing only certain people?" I would reply, "He is certainly not unjust!"
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\v 17 Moses recorded that God had told Pharaoh, "This is why I made you king of Egypt: It was so I might fight against you and everyone in the world will help others respect my reputation."
\v 18 So we know that God kindly helps the ones he wants to act kindly toward. And we also know that he makes stubborn anyone who he wants to be stubborn, such as Pharaoh.
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\v 21 Instead, the potter certainly has the right to take a lump of clay and use part of it to make a beautiful pot that people will value highly—and then use the rest of the clay for a pot that someone will use every day. Certainly God has the same right.
\v 22 Although God desires to show that he is angry about sin, and although he desires to make clear that he can powerfully punish people who have sinned, he tolerated very patiently the people who caused him to be angry and who deserved to be destroyed.
\v 23 God has been patient in order that he might make clear how very wonderfully he acts toward those upon whom he has mercy, whom he prepared ahead of time in order that they might live with him.
@ -79,9 +67,6 @@ in those same places they are told that they will become children of the true Go
\v 29 Isaiah also wrote,
"If the Lord of the heavenly armies had not mercifully allowed some of our descendants to survive, we would have become like the people of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, whom he completely destroyed."
\v 30 We must conclude this: Although the non-Jews were not trying to be holy, they discovered that God would put them right with himself if they trusted in Christ.
@ -89,7 +74,6 @@ in those same places they are told that they will become children of the true Go
\v 32 They were not able to, because they tried to do things to please God. They lost their balance when they refused to trust God to forgive them by putting their trust in Christ.
\v 33 This is what a prophet said would happen:
"Listen! I am placing in Israel one who is like a stone on which people will stumble. What he does will make people angry. Nevertheless, those who believe in him will not be ashamed."

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\v 5 You know that we never praised you in order to get anything from you. And we never said anything to you to convince you to give us things. God knows that this is true!
\v 6 Neither did we ever try to get you or anyone else to honor us, although we could have demanded that you give us things because Christ had sent us to you.
\v 6 We never tried to get you or anyone else to honor us, although we could have demanded that you give us the things we needed to live while we were with you, because Christ had sent us to you.
\v 7 On the contrary, we were gentle when we were among you, as a mother gently takes care of her own children.

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\c 2
\v 1 Most importantly, because false teachers are dangerous, I urge all the believers to ask God and pray to him to help all people, and to thank him for them.
\v 2 Pray for kings and for everyone who has power over others, so that we may live quietly and peacefully in a way that we can honor God and other people.
\v 3 God, who saves us, listens to us when we pray like this. He sees it as good.
\v 4 He wants to save everyone. He wants everyone to learn what is true about him.
\v 4 He wants to save everyone. He wants everyone to learn what is true about him.
\v 5 The truth is this, that there is one God, and there is only one person who can make us acceptable to him. Christ Jesus, the man, is this one person.
\v 6 Of his own free will he died in order set all people free. God made this happen at the time he chose. It shows that he wants to save everyone.
\v 7 To declare this truth, God made me a messenger and an apostle. I speak the truth; I am not lying. I teach the Gentiles the things that they should truly believe.
\v 8 Therefore, I want men everywhere to pray and to lift up their hands to God in a way that he will accept. Believers should not pray to show anger or doubt about God.
\v 9 I also want the women to dress themselves carefully. They should control themselves so that they do not dress to show themselves off to others. Instead of braided hair, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing,
\v 10 women should dress themselves in what is right for women who do good works and who say that they honor God.
\v 11 When men are teaching the believers, women should listen in silence and not ask questions about what they hear.
\v 12 I do not allow women to teach or to tell men what to do. Women who honor God keep quiet when the believers come to learn.
\v 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve after him.
\v 14 And it was not Adam that the snake deceived. It was the woman whom he completely deceived, so that she sinned.

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\v 6 Everyone who wants to understand must listen carefully to the message that God's Spirit is saying to the groups of believers assembled together.'"
\v 7 "Write this message to the angel of the group of believers assembled in the city of Philadelphia: 'I am saying these things to you. I am the One who is holy, the True One. Just as King David had authority to allow people to enter the ancient city of Jerusalem, so I have the authority to allow people to enter my kingdom. I am the one who opens doors so that no one can close them and the one who closes doors so that no one can open them.
\v 8 I know everything you have done. Be aware that I have opened a door for you that no one can close. I know that although you have little power, you have obeyed what I say, and you have not denied that you believe in me.
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\v 14 "Write this message to the angel of the group of believers assembled in the city of Laodicea: 'I am saying these things to you. I am the one who guarantees all of God's promises. I am the one who testifies about God reliably and accurately. I am the ruler over all of God's creation.
\v 15 I know everything that you have done: You do not deny that you trust in me, but you do not love me much. You are like water that is neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot!
\v 16 Because you are neither hot or cold, I am about to reject you, as if I were spitting lukewarm water out of my mouth.
\v 16 Because you were not hot and also you were not cold, I am about to reject you, as if I were spitting lukewarm water out of my mouth.
\v 17 You are saying, 'I am rich and have acquired a lot of wealth. I lack nothing!' But you do not realize that you are lacking in many ways. You are like people who are very wretched and pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.