FD issues chapters 1 and 2

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John Hutchins 2018-09-26 14:31:54 +00:00
parent c4e4564ab6
commit ce29adc0c1
1 changed files with 14 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
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\v 5 When King Herod ruled the province of Judea, there was a Jewish priest named Zechariah. He belonged to the group of priests called the Abijah group. He and his wife Elizabeth were both descended from Aaron. \v 5 When King Herod ruled the province of Judea, there was a Jewish priest named Zechariah. He belonged to the group of priests called the Abijah group. He and his wife Elizabeth were both descended from Aaron.
\v 6 God considered that both of them were righteous, because they always obeyed without fault everything that God had commanded. \v 6 God considered that both of them were righteous because they always obeyed without fault everything that God had commanded.
\v 7 But they had no children, because Elizabeth was unable to bear children. Furthermore, she and her husband were very old. \v 7 But they had no children because Elizabeth was unable to bear children. Furthermore, she and her husband were very old.
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\v 8 One day Zechariah was serving as a priest in the temple in Jerusalem during his group's regular time of service there. \v 8 One day Zechariah was serving as a priest in the temple in Jerusalem during his group's regular time of service there.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
\v 23 When Zechariah's time to work as a priest in the temple was finished, he left Jerusalem and went to his home. \v 23 When Zechariah's time to work as a priest in the temple was finished, he left Jerusalem and went to his home.
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\v 24 Some time after this, his wife Elizabeth became pregnant, but she did not go out in public for five months. \v 24 Some time after this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant, but she did not go out in public for five months.
\v 25 She said to herself, "The Lord has enabled me to become pregnant. In this way, he had compassion on me and has taken away the reason that people looked down on me!" \v 25 She said to herself, "The Lord has enabled me to become pregnant. In this way, he had compassion on me and has taken away the reason that people looked down on me!"
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@ -73,8 +73,9 @@
\v 34 Then Mary said to the angel, "How can this happen, since I am a virgin?" \v 34 Then Mary said to the angel, "How can this happen, since I am a virgin?"
\v 35 The angel replied, "The Holy Spirit will come to you and the power of God will cover you. So the baby you will bear will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God. \v 35 The angel replied, "The Holy Spirit will come to you and the power of God will cover you. So the baby you will bear will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.
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\v 36 And listen to this. Your relative Elizabeth is pregnant with a son, even though she is very old. And though people thought that she could not bear children, she has now been pregnant for almost six months. \v 36 And listen to this. Your relative Elizabeth is pregnant with a son even though she is very old. And though people thought that she could not bear children, she has now been pregnant for almost six months.
\v 37 For God can do anything!" \v 37 For God can do anything!"
\v 38 Then Mary said, "All right, I am the Lord's servant, so let what you have said about me happen!" Then the angel left her. \v 38 Then Mary said, "All right, I am the Lord's servant, so let what you have said about me happen!" Then the angel left her.
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\q \v 72 He has done this because he is merciful to our ancestors and remembers his holy covenant, \q \v 72 He has done this because he is merciful to our ancestors and remembers his holy covenant,
\q \v 73 which is the oath that he promised to our ancestor Abraham. \q \v 73 which is the oath that he promised to our ancestor Abraham.
\q \v 74 God promised to rescue us from the power of our enemies, \q \v 74 God promised to rescue us from the power of our enemies
\q and to enable us to serve him without being afraid, \q and to enable us to serve him without being afraid
\q \v 75 in holy and righteous ways all of our lives. \q \v 75 in holy and righteous ways all of our lives.
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@ -189,7 +190,7 @@
\v 6-7 When they arrived in Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay in a place where visitors usually stayed. So they had to stay in a place where animals slept overnight. While they were there the time came for Mary to give birth and she gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him in wide strips of cloth and laid him down where the food was kept for the animals inside the barn. \v 6-7 When they arrived in Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay in a place where visitors usually stayed. So they had to stay in a place where animals slept overnight. While they were there the time came for Mary to give birth and she gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him in wide strips of cloth and laid him down where the food was kept for the animals inside the barn.
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\v 8 That night, there were some shepherds who were taking care of their sheep in the fields near Bethlehem. \v 8 That night there were some shepherds who were taking care of their sheep in the fields near Bethlehem.
\v 9 Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them. A bright light shone all around them, showing the Lord's glory. So they became very afraid. \v 9 Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them. A bright light shone all around them, showing the Lord's glory. So they became very afraid.
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\v 17 After seeing him, they told everyone what had been told to them about this child. \v 17 After seeing him, they told everyone what had been told to them about this child.
\v 18 All the people who heard what the shepherds said to them were amazed. \v 18 All the people who heard what the shepherds said to them were amazed.
\v 19 But Mary kept thinking about all the things she had heard and carefully remembered them. \v 19 But Mary kept thinking about all the things she had heard and carefully remembered them.
\v 20 The shepherds returned to the fields where their sheep were. They kept talking about how great God is and praising him for all the things that they had heard and seen, because everything happened exactly like the angels had told them. \v 20 The shepherds returned to the fields where their sheep were. They kept talking about how great God is and praising him for all the things that they had heard and seen because everything happened exactly like the angels had told them.
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\v 21 Eight days later, it was the day when the baby was circumcised, and they gave him the name Jesus. This was the name the angel had told them to give him, even before he was conceived. \v 21 Eight days later, it was the day when the baby was circumcised, and they gave him the name Jesus. This was the name the angel had told them to give him even before he was conceived.
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\v 36 There was also in the temple courtyard a prophetess named Anna who was very old. Her father Phanuel was a member of the tribe of Asher. She had been married for seven years and then her husband died. \v 36 There was also in the temple courtyard a prophetess named Anna, who was very old. Her father Phanuel was a member of the tribe of Asher. She had been married for seven years and then her husband died.
\v 37 After that, she lived eighty-four more years as a widow. She was always serving in the temple area and worshiped God night and day. She often fasted and prayed. \v 37 After that, she lived eighty-four more years as a widow. She was always serving in the temple area and worshiped God night and day. She often fasted and prayed.
\v 38 At that very moment, Anna came up to them and began thanking God for the baby. Then she spoke about Jesus to many people who were expecting God to redeem Jerusalem. \v 38 At that very moment, Anna came up to them and began thanking God for the baby. Then she spoke about Jesus to many people who were expecting God to redeem Jerusalem.
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\v 41 Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. \v 41 Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover.
\v 42 So when Jesus was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem for the festival as they always did. \v 42 So when Jesus was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem for the festival as they always did.
\v 43 When all the days for the festival had ended, his parents started to return home, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know he was still there. \v 43 When all the days for the festival had ended, his parents started to return home, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know he was still there.
\v 44 They assumed that he was with the other people who were traveling with them. After walking a whole day's jouney, they started to look for him among their relatives and friends. \v 44 They assumed that he was with the other people who were traveling with them. After walking a whole day's journey, they started to look for him among their relatives and friends.
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\v 45 When they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem to search for him. \v 45 When they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem to search for him.
\v 46 After three days, they found him in the temple courtyard, sitting in the midst of the Jewish religious teachers. He was listening to them teach, and he was asking them questions. \v 46 After three days they found him in the temple courtyard, sitting in the midst of the Jewish religious teachers. He was listening to them teach, and he was asking them questions.
\v 47 All the people who heard what he said were amazed at how much he understood and how well he answered the questions that the teachers asked. \v 47 All the people who heard what he said were amazed at how much he understood and how well he answered the questions that the teachers asked.
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