diff --git a/24-JER.usfm b/24-JER.usfm
index e8944dbe..207a590d 100644
--- a/24-JER.usfm
+++ b/24-JER.usfm
@@ -4255,7 +4255,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \v 1 This message is about the people who descended from Ammon. This is what Yahweh says:
 \q1 "There are plenty of Israelite people left
 \q2 to occupy the land of the tribe of Gad.
-\q1 So, why are the people who worship the god Molech living in those towns?
+\q1 So why are the people who worship the god Molech living in those towns?
 \v 2 There will be a time when I will sound the battle cry
 \q2 for their enemies to attack their capital city, Rabbah.
@@ -4286,7 +4286,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \q2 and no one will be able to bring you together again.
 \v 6 But I will enable the Ammonite people to return to their land.
-\q2 That will surely happen, because I, Yahweh, have said it."
+\q2 That will surely happen because I, Yahweh, have said it."
@@ -4297,7 +4297,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \v 8 You people of the city of Dedan, in the south of Edom,
 \q2 turn and flee and hide in deep caves,
-\q1 because I am causing disaster to happen to all the people of Edom,
+\q1 because I am causing disaster to happen to all the people of Edom;
 \q2 I will punish you!
@@ -4309,10 +4309,10 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \v 10 But I will cause everything in Edom to be destroyed, and there will be nothing left,
 \q2 and there will be no place for people to hide.
-\q1 Many of the children, their relatives and their neighbors, will die,
+\q1 Many of the children, their relatives, and their neighbors will die,
 \q2 and Edom will not exist anymore.
-\v 11 Leave behind the orphans because I will take care of them,
+\v 11 Leave behind the orphans, because I will take care of them,
 \q2 and the widows also will be able to depend on me to help them."
@@ -4323,7 +4323,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \v 14 I heard this message from Yahweh:
-\q1 "I have sent an ambassador to many nations,
+\q1 "I have sent an ambassador to many nations
 \q2 to tell them to gather together to attack Edom.
 \q2 They must prepare for battle!"
@@ -4352,7 +4352,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
-\v 19 I will come to Edom suddenly as a lion comes out of the jungle
+\v 19 I will come to Edom suddenly, as a lion comes out of the jungle
 \q2 and leaps on sheep that are eating in good pastures.
 \q1 I will quickly chase the people of Edom from their land.
 \q2 And then I will appoint for them a leader whom I will choose;
@@ -4362,7 +4362,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \v 20 Listen to what I have planned to do to the people of Teman and the rest of Edom:
-\q1 even the little children will be dragged away,
+\q1 Even the little children will be dragged away,
 \q2 and I will completely get rid of the people who live there.
@@ -4372,14 +4372,14 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \q1 and the wailing of the people will be heard as far away as the Sea of Reeds.
 \v 22 Look! The enemy troops will swoop down over Bozrah
-\q2 like an eagle spreads its wings when it swoops down to seize an animal.
+\q2 as an eagle spreads its wings when it swoops down to seize an animal.
 \q1 On that day, even the strongest warriors of Edom will be afraid
 \q2 like a woman who is about to give birth."
 \v 23 This message is about Damascus. This is what Yahweh says:
-\q1 "The people in the nearby cities of Hamath and Arpad are will be ashamed,
+\q1 "The people in the nearby cities of Hamath and Arpad will be ashamed
 \q2 because they have heard bad news about Damascus.
 \q1 They are very anxious and restless,
 \q2 like a sea in a big storm.
@@ -4387,7 +4387,7 @@ I will enable their enemies to strike them with swords until I have destroyed th
 \v 24 The people of Damascus have become very weak,
 \q2 and they all have panicked and run away in terror.
 \q1 The people are anguished and in pain
-\q2 like a woman experiences who is about to give birth.
+\q2 like what a woman experiences who is about to give birth.
 \v 25 But even now the people of that famous city have not yet abandoned it.
 That was the city that gave me joy.
@@ -4442,7 +4442,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q2 that is how they have made their country very powerful.
 \q1 But I will get rid of them.
-\v 36 I will bring their enemies from every direction
+\v 36 I will bring their enemies from every direction,
 \q2 and they will scatter the people of Elam in all of those directions.
 \q1 The people of Elam will be exiled to every nation on the earth.
@@ -4499,7 +4499,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 My people are like sheep
 \q2 that do not know the path to return to the sheepfold.
-\v 7 All their enemies who found them attacked them.
+\v 7 All of their enemies who found them attacked them.
 \q2 They said, 'We did not sin by attacking them,
 \q1 because they sinned against Yahweh;
 \q2 he is the one who provides what they need;
@@ -4526,8 +4526,8 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 11 "You people of Babylon who plundered my chosen people,
 \q2 now you are very happy.
-\q1 You run around joyfully like a calf in a meadow,
-\q2 and are happy like stallions are happy when they are neighing.
+\q1 You run around joyfully like a calf in a meadow
+\q2 and are happy as stallions are happy when they are neighing.
 \v 12 But soon your people will be very disgraced as a result of being conquered.
 \q2 Your country will be the most insignificant nation;
@@ -4569,8 +4569,8 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q2 Then the army of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon smashed them.
 \v 18 So this is what I, Yahweh, commander of the angel armies, the God whom Israel worships, say:
-\q1 'Now I will punish the king of Babylon and the people of his land,
-\q2 like I punished the king of Assyria.
+\q1 'Now I will punish the king of Babylon and the people of his land
+\q2 as I punished the king of Assyria.
@@ -4599,7 +4599,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 24 You people of Babylon, listen,
 \q2 because I have set a trap for you without your awareness;
-\q1 you will be caught in that trap,
+\q1 you will be caught in that trap
 \q2 because you fought against me.
@@ -4607,7 +4607,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 25 It is as though I have opened the place where I store my weapons,
 \q2 and I have brought out all the weapons
 \q2 to use against the people with whom I am angry.
-\q1 I, Yahweh, commander of the angel armies, have a lot of work to do
+\q1 I, Yahweh, commander of the angel armies, have much work to do
 \q2 to punish the people of Babylonia.
 \v 26 So, you enemies of Babylonia, come from distant lands and attack it.
@@ -4620,7 +4620,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 27 Destroy all the young warriors who are as strong as bulls;
 \q2 take them to where you will slaughter them.
-\q1 It will be terrible for them,
+\q1 It will be terrible for them
 \q2 because it will be time for them to be punished.
 \v 28 Listen to the people who have fled and escaped from Babylon
@@ -4630,8 +4630,8 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 29 Summon archers to come to attack Babylon;
 \q2 surround the city
-\q2 in order that no one will escape.
-\q1 Do to the people of Babylon what they have done to others ,
+\q2 so that no one will escape.
+\q1 Do to the people of Babylon what they have done to others,
 \q2 because they have defied me, the Holy One of the Israelite people.
 \v 30 The young men of Babylon will fall in the streets;
@@ -4657,7 +4657,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q2 those who captured them guarded them carefully and would not allow them to leave Babylon.
 \v 34 But Yahweh is strong, and he will free them.
-\q2 Yahweh is the Commander of the angel armies;
+\q2 Yahweh is the commander of the angel armies;
 \q1 He will defend his people
 \q2 and enable them to return to their land where they will have peace,
 \q1 but the people of Babylonia will not have peace.
@@ -4685,12 +4685,12 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 He will do all those things because the entire land of Babylonia is filled with idols,
 \q2 and those horrible idols have caused the people who worship them to become crazy.
-\v 39 Soon only jackals and other wild creatures will live there;
+\v 39 Soon only jackals and other wild creatures will live there,
 \q2 and it will be a place where ostriches live.
 \q1 People will never live there again;
-\q2 it will be uninhabited forever .
+\q2 it will be uninhabited forever.
-\v 40 Yahweh God will destroy Babylon like he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns;
+\v 40 Yahweh God will destroy Babylon as he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns;
 \q2 no one will ever live there again.
@@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q2 A great nation far away with many kings is preparing to attack you people of Babylon.
 \v 42 Their army has bows and arrows and spears;
-\q2 they are very cruel, and do not act mercifully to anyone.
+\q2 they are very cruel and do not act mercifully to anyone.
 \q1 As they ride along on their horses,
 \q2 the sound of the horses' hooves is like the roaring of the ocean waves;
 \q1 they are riding in battle formation
@@ -4715,7 +4715,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
-\v 44 I, Yahweh, will come to Babylon suddenly like a lion comes out of the jungle
+\v 44 I, Yahweh, will come to Babylon suddenly, as a lion comes out of the jungle
 \q2 and leaps on the sheep that are eating the good pastureland.
 \q1 I will quickly chase the people of Babylonia from their land.
 \q2 And then I will appoint for them a leader whom I will choose;
@@ -4736,7 +4736,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \c 51
 \v 1 This is what Yahweh says:
-\q1 "I will inspire an army to destroy Babylon like a powerful wind,
+\q1 "I will inspire an army to destroy Babylon like a powerful wind
 \q2 and also to destroy the people of Babylonia in Leb Kamai.
 \v 2 I will send a foreign army to come to get rid of Babylonia
@@ -4764,7 +4764,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q2 Run to escape!
 \q1 Do not stay there and be killed when the people of Babylon are punished!
 \q1 It will be the time when Yahweh gets revenge;
-\q2 He will do to them what they deserve.
+\q2 he will do to them what they deserve.
@@ -4773,7 +4773,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 It is as though the rulers of the nations drank the wine from Babylon,
 \q2 and it caused them to become crazy.
-\v 8 But suddenly Babylon will be conquered.
+\v 8 But suddenly, Babylon will be conquered.
 \q2 Weep for its people!
 \q1 Give them medicine for their wounds;
 \q2 perhaps they can be healed."
@@ -4782,12 +4782,12 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 9 We foreigners would have tried to heal them,
 \q2 but now they cannot be healed.
-\q1 So we will not try to help them; we will abandon them,
-\q2 and return to our own lands,
-\q1 because it is as though the punishment they are receiving reaches up to the clouds in sky;
+\q1 So we will not try to help them; we will abandon them
+\q2 and return to our own lands
+\q1 because it is as though the punishment they are receiving reaches up to the clouds in the sky;
 \q2 it is very great, with the result that no one can measure it.
-\v 10 Yahweh has vindicated us;
+\v 10 Yahweh has vindicated us,
 \q2 so let us proclaim in Jerusalem everything that Yahweh our God has done for us.
@@ -4810,7 +4810,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 but it is time for Babylon to be finished;
 \q2 the time for the city to exist is ended.
-\v 14 Yahweh, commander of the angel armies has solemnly promised, using his own name,
+\v 14 Yahweh, commander of the angel armies, has solemnly promised using his own name:
 \q1 "Your cities will be filled with your enemies;
 \q2 I will cause them to be like a swarm of locusts;
 \q2 and they will shout triumphantly when they conquer your city."
@@ -4829,7 +4829,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 17 People are as senseless as a beast, and they know very little;
-\q1 those who make idols are always disappointed,
+\q1 those who make idols are always disappointed
 \q2 because their idols do nothing for them.
 \q1 The images that they make are not real gods;
 \q2 they are lifeless.
@@ -4849,7 +4849,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 with your power I shatter nations
 \q2 and destroy many kingdoms.
-\v 21 With your power I shatter armies of other nations:
+\v 21 With your power I shatter armies of other nations;
 \q2 I destroy their horses and their riders, their chariots and their chariot drivers.
@@ -4888,9 +4888,9 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 Gather all their armies to fight against Babylon!
 \q2 Prepare the nations to attack Babylon.
 \q2 Summon the armies of the kingdoms north of Babylonia—from Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz.
-\q1 Appoint a commander for them,
-\q1 and bring a great number of horses;
-\q2 there must be a huge number of horses; that huge number will resemble a swarm of locusts.
+\q1 Appoint a commander for them
+\q1 and bring a great number of horses—
+\q2 such a great number that it will resemble a swarm of locusts.
 \v 28 Prepare the armies of other nations,
 \q2 armies that will be led by the kings of Media and Persia,
@@ -4898,7 +4898,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
-\v 29 When they attack Babylon, it will be as though the earth will shake and writhe in pain,
+\v 29 When they attack Babylon, it will be as though the earth will shake and writhe in pain
 \q2 because those armies will accomplish everything that Yahweh has planned to do to Babylon.
 \q1 Then the nations will destroy it completely,
 \q2 with the result that no one will live there again.
@@ -4935,7 +4935,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 35 So the people of Jerusalem say to Yahweh,
 \q1 "Cause the people of Babylon to suffer
-\q2 like they caused us to suffer!
+\q2 as they caused us to suffer!
 \q1 Cause the people of Babylonia to be punished for killing our people!"
@@ -4993,7 +4993,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 46 Do not be discouraged or afraid
 \q2 when you hear reports about what is happening in Babylon.
 \q1 People will report rumors like that every year,
-\q2 rumors about violent things being done in the land,
+\q2 rumors about violent things being done in the land
 \q2 and rumors about leaders fighting against each other.
@@ -5002,7 +5002,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 People all over the land will be ashamed because of being defeated,
 \q2 and the corpses of their soldiers will lie in the streets.
-\v 48 Then all the angels in heaven and all the people on the earth will rejoice,
+\v 48 Then all the angels in heaven and all the people on the earth will rejoice
 \q2 because from the north will come armies that will destroy Babylon.
 \v 49 Like the soldiers of Babylon killed the people of Israel
@@ -5018,7 +5018,7 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 51 The Israelite people say,
 \q2 "We are ashamed.
-\q1 We are completely disgraced,
+\q1 We are completely disgraced
 \q2 because foreigners have entered Yahweh's temple and defiled it."
@@ -5026,8 +5026,8 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \v 52 Yahweh replies, "That is true, but there will soon be a time when I will destroy the carved idols in Babylon,
 \q2 and throughout Babylonia there will be wounded people who will groan.
-\v 53 Even if the walls around Babylon could extend up to the sky,
-\q2 and if its walls were extremely strong,
+\v 53 Even if the walls around Babylon could extend up to the sky
+\q2 and its walls were extremely strong,
 \q1 I will send armies that will destroy the city.
 \q2 That will surely happen because I, Yahweh, have said it."
@@ -5056,13 +5056,13 @@ That was the city that gave me joy.
 \q1 "The thick walls around Babylon will be flattened to the ground.
 \q2 The city gates will be burned.
 \q1 People from other countries will work hard to save the city,
-\q2 but it will be in vain,
+\q2 but it will be in vain
 \q2 because everything that they have built will be destroyed by fire."
-\v 59 Seraiah, son of Neraiah and grandson of Mahseiah, was an important servant of King Zedekiah. After Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost four years, the prophet Jeremiah gave him a message. This was when Seraiah was about to go to Babylon with the king.
-\v 60 Now Jeremiah had written on a scroll a list of all the disasters that he had written about, disasters that would soon happen to Babylon.
+\v 59 Seraiah, son of Neriah and grandson of Mahseiah, was an important servant of King Zedekiah. After Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost four years, the prophet Jeremiah gave him a message. This was when Seraiah was about to go to Babylon with the king.
+\v 60 Now Jeremiah had written on a scroll a list of all the disasters that he had written about—disasters that would soon happen to Babylon.
 \v 61 Jeremiah said to Seraiah, "When you arrive in Babylon, read aloud everything that I have written on this scroll.