errant spaces

This commit is contained in:
Henry Whitney 2016-11-04 17:12:44 -04:00
parent ccd604f273
commit 5884815c3a
600 changed files with 2911 additions and 3591 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
\v 5 Lot, who was traveling with Abram, also had flocks of sheep and goats and herds of cattle and tents.
\v 6 The two of them had so many animals that they could not all stay in the same area. There was not enough land to provide water and food for all their animals.
\v 7 Furthermore, the men who took care of Abram's livestock started quarreling with the men who took care of Lot's livestock. The descendants of Canaan and Perez were also living in that area.
\v 8 Then Abram said to Lot, "Since we are close relatives, it is not good for us to quarrel, or for the men who take care of your animals to quarrel with the men who take care of my animals.
\v 9 There is plenty of land for both of us. So we should separate. You can choose whatever part you want. If you want the area over there, I will stay here. If you want the area here, I will go over there."

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
\v 1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, Yahweh appeared to Abram again and said to him, "I am God Almighty. I want you to live your life in the way that I want. I want you to not do anything wrong.
\v 2 I will confirm my covenant between us, and I will cause you to have a very great number of descendants."
\v 3 Abram bowed down with his face on the ground. Then God said to him,
\v 4 "Listen to this! This is the covenant I am making with you: You will be the father of many groups of people.

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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
\v 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was far past the time of childbearing.
\v 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, "My body is worn out, and my husband is old. So how can I have the pleasure of having a baby?"
\v 13 Yahweh said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh? Why was she thinking, 'I am too old, so how can I bear a child'?
\v 14 Is there anything too difficult for me? I will return about this time next year in the springtime, the time I have fixed, and Sarah will have an infant son."

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
\v 4 After they finished eating, before they went to bed, the men of the city of Sodom, all of them, from the young ones to the old ones, surrounded the house.
\v 5 They called out to Lot, saying, "Where are the men who came to your house this evening? Bring them out, so that we can sleep with them!"
\v 6 Lot went outside the house and shut the door behind him, so that they could not go inside.
\v 7 He said to them, "My friends, do not do such an evil thing!

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
\v 1 Some time later there was a severe famine in the land. That was different from the famine that occurred when Abraham was alive. So Isaac went southeast to the city of Gerar to talk to Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people.
\v 2 But Yahweh appeared to him and said, "Do not go down to Egypt! Live in the land that I tell you!
\v 3 Stay in this land, and I will help you and bless you, because it is to you and your descendants that I will give all these lands, and I will do what I solemnly promised to your father.
@ -14,7 +13,6 @@
\v 4 I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as the stars in the sky. I will give to your descendants all these lands, and I will cause your descendants to be a blessing to all the people groups on the earth.
\v 5 I will do that because Abraham obeyed me. He obeyed all that I told him to do, all that I commanded him to do, all that I declared and all the laws that I gave him."
\v 6 So Isaac stayed in Gerar along with his wife and sons.

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@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ I ask that God curse those who curse you, and bless those who bless you."
\v 43 So now, my son, listen carefully to what I am telling you. Escape quickly and go and stay with my brother Laban, in Haran.
\v 44 Stay with him a while, until your older brother is no longer angry.
\v 45 When he forgets what you did to him, I will send a message to you to tell you to return from there. If Esau killed you, then others would kill him, and then both my sons would die at the same time!"
\v 46 Rebekah then said to Isaac, "These foreign women whom Esau has married, who are descendants of Heth, are making my life miserable. If Jacob also marries a woman from the descendants of Heth in this area, my life will be worthless!"

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@ -99,7 +99,6 @@
\v 43 Laban replied, "These two women are my daughters, and their children are my grandchildren, and the animals are my animals. Everything you see here is mine!
\v 44 I cannot do anything in order to keep them, so we should make a peace agreement, you and I. It will serve as a witness between you and me."
\v 45 So Jacob took a large stone and set it on its end.

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
\v 1 One day Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, went to visit some of the women in that area.
\v 2 Shechem one of the sons of Hamor who was descended from the people group of the Hivites. When he saw her, he took her and forced her to sleep with him.
\v 3 He was very much attracted to her, and he became attached to her. He loved her and he spoke very tenderly to the girl.
\v 4 So Shechem said to his father Hamor, "Please get this girl for me. I want her to become my wife!"
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
\v 13 But because Shechem had done a shameful thing to their sister Dinah, the sons of Jacob deceived Shechem and his father Hamor.
\v 14 They said to them, "No, we cannot do that. We cannot give our sister to be the wife of a man who is not circumcised, because that would be a shameful thing for us to do.
\v 15 We will do that only if you do one thing: you must become like us by circumcising all the males that are among you.

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@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
\v 29 When Reuben returned to the pit, he saw that his younger brother was not there. He was so grieved that he tore his clothes.
\v 30 He went back to his younger brothers and said, "The boy is not in the pit! What can I do now?"
\v 31 They did not dare to tell their father what they had done. So they decided to invent a story about what had happened. They got Joseph's piece of long-sleeved clothing. Then they killed a goat and dipped the clothing into the goat's blood.

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@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
\v 15 When Judah came along and saw her, he thought that she was a prostitute, because she had covered her head and sat where prostitutes often sat.
\v 16 Judah did not realize that she was his daughter-in-law. So he said to her, "Let me sleep with you." She replied, "What will you give me in exchange?"
\v 17 He replied, "I will send you a young goat from my flock of goats." She asked, "Will you give me something now for me to keep until you send the goat?"
\v 18 He replied, "What do you want me to give to you?" She replied, "Give me the ring that has your name on it that is tied by a cord around your neck, and give me the walking stick that you are holding in your hand." So he gave them to her. Then he slept with her, and she became pregnant.

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@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
\v 14 When Judah and his older and younger brothers entered Joseph's house, Joseph was still there. The servant told Joseph what had happened. Then the brothers threw themselves down on the ground in front of Joseph.
\v 15 He said to them, "Why did you do this? Do you not know that a man like me can find out things that nobody knows?"
\v 16 Judah replied, "Sir, what can we say? How can we prove that we are innocent? God has paid us back for the sins we committed many years ago. So now we will become your slaves—both we and the one in whose sack the cup was found."

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
\v 5 So Jacob left Beersheba, and his sons took their father, their wives, and their children, in the carts that the king had sent for them to travel in.
\v 6 In this way, Jacob and all his family went to Egypt. They took with them the livestock and all the other possessions that they had acquired in Canaan.
\v 7 Jacob went to Egypt with all his sons, his daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters—his whole family.
\v 8 This is a list of the names of the members of Jacob's family who went with him to Egypt:
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
\li \v 13 Issachar and his sons Tola, Puah, Jashub, and Shimron;
\li \v 14 Zebulon and his sons Sered, Elon, and Jahleel
\li \v 15 These were the sons of Jacob and Leah, who were born in Paddan Aram, in addition to Dinah his daughter. There were thirty-three sons and daughters altogether.
\li \v 16 Gad and his sons Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli;
\li \v 17 Asher and his sons Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah; and their sister Serah;

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
\v 3 Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
\v 4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
\v 5 In all, there were seventy people who went with Jacob. His son Joseph was already in Egypt.
\v 6 After some time, Joseph and his brothers and everyone else in their family who lived in that generation died.
@ -46,4 +45,3 @@
\v 22 Then the king commanded all the Egyptian people, saying, "You must throw into the Nile River every Hebrew baby boy that is born! However, you can allow the baby girls to live."

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@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
\v 10 So the slave bosses and Israelite assistants went to where the Israelite people were and said to them, "The king has said that he will no longer give you any straw.
\v 11 So you must go and get straw where you can find it. But you must keep working to make the same number of bricks."
\v 12 So the Israelite people went all over Egypt to find straw.
\v 13 The slave bosses kept telling them, "Do all the work you are assigned each day. Make the same number of bricks as you did before when we gave you straw!"

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
\v 17 Every year you must keep celebrating this Festival of Unleavened Bread because it will remind you that it was on this day that I brought your tribes out of the land of Egypt. So every year, in all the generations to come, you must celebrate this day as a festival. It must continue forever.
\v 18 In the first month of the year, on the fourteenth day of that month, the only bread you may eat is bread that has no yeast in it. You must keep doing that each day until the twenty-first day of that month.
\v 19 For those seven days you must not have any yeast in your house. During that time, if anyone, either an Israelite or a foreigner, eats bread made with yeast, that person will no longer be an Israelite.
\v 20 In your houses, do not eat anything that has yeast in it during those seven days."

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
\v 4 You must not carve a figure to worship that represents anything in the sky or that is on the ground or that is in the water under the ground.
\v 5 You must not bow down to any idol and worship it because I am Yahweh your God, and I will not allow you to worship any other gods. I will punish those who sin and hate me. I will punish not only them, but also I will punish their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.
\v 6 However, I will never stop loving thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my commandments.
\v 7 Do not use my name carelessly because I am Yahweh your God, the one whom you should worship, and I will certainly punish those who use my name for wrong purposes.

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@ -82,4 +82,3 @@
\v 35 Later Yahweh caused the people to become sick because they had told Aaron to make the statue of a young bull.

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@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
\v 7 As the Israelite people were traveling, whenever they stopped and set up their tents, Moses set up the sacred tent outside the camp, far from the camp. He called it "the tent of meeting." Everyone who wanted Yahweh to decide something for them would go out of the camp to the tent of meeting.
\v 8 Whenever Moses went out to the tent of meeting, all the people would stand at their own tent entrances and watch him until he had walked into the tent of meeting.
\v 9 Whenever Moses went into the tent of meeting, the tall cloud would come down and stay at the tent entrance, and then Yahweh would talk with Moses.
\v 10 When the people saw the tall cloud at the entrance of the tent of meeting, they would all worship Yahweh at their own tent entrances.
\v 11 Yahweh would speak to Moses face to face like someone speaks to his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp. But his young helper, Joshua son of Nun, would stay in the tent of meeting.

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@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
\v 10 Yahweh replied, "I am about to make a covenant with your people, the Israelite people. As they are watching, I will perform great miracles. They will see miracles that no one has ever done on the earth in any people group. Everyone among your people will see the great things that I, Yahweh, will do. I will do things for you all that will make you fear me.
\v 11 Do what I tell you to do today. I am about to make the Amor, Canaan, Heth, Periz, Hiv, and Jebus people groups leave the land.
\v 12 But be careful that you do not make a covenant to live peacefully with any of the people who live in the land into which you are going because if you do that, you will begin to do the evil things that they do. It will be like falling into a trap.
\v 13 You must tear down their altars, destroy their idols, and cut down the poles that they use to worship Asherah.

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
\c 36
\v 1 Bezalel and Oholiab will take up this work along with all the other gifted men to whom Yahweh had given skills and the understanding to do all the work needed to build up the sacred tent. These men followed all the instructions that Yahweh gave them.
\v 2 So the cra called Bezalel and Oholiab and all the other skilled men to whom Yahweh had given special ability and who wanted to do some of the work.

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@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
\v 16 Yahweh also said to Moses,
\v 17 "Say this to Aaron: 'For all future time, none of your descendants who has any defects on his body will be allowed to come near the altar to offer sacrifices to me which will be like my food.
\v 18 No one who is blind or lame or deformed, or whose face is disfigured,
\v 19 no man with a crippled foot or a crippled hand,

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@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
\v 4 There are festivals that I am establishing for you. These will be sacred days when you must gather together to worship me.
\v 5 The first festival is the Passover. That festival will begin at twilight on the appointed day each spring and end the following day.
\v 6 The next day will begin the Festival of Bread with no Yeast. That festival will continue for seven days. During that time, the bread that you eat must be made without yeast.

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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
\v 10 Set apart that year in order to honor Yahweh. You must proclaim everywhere, to all the people, that this year will be the time for giving the land back to the families that first owned it when Yahweh brought you into your land. It will also be the time for setting free any of Yahweh's people who are slaves.
\v 11 This year of Jubilee, the fiftieth year, will be a year in which you must rejoice and obey Yahweh's special instructions. During that year do not plant anything, and do not harvest in your usual manner the crops or grapes that have grown by themselves.
\v 12 It will be a year for you to rejoice in, the year of Jubilee. You will treat it as special, and eat only what has grown by itself.

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@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
\v 35 During all the time that no one is in your land, it will be able to rest. This will be unlike you, who never allowed it to rest while you were there.
\v 36 As for you people who will remain alive in the countries to which your enemies will have taken you, I will make you very afraid, so when you hear the wind blowing leaves, you will run away.
\v 37 You will run as if a man with a sword were chasing you, and you will fall down, even though no one is coming behind you. You will stumble over each other trying to flee. You will not be able to stand and fight your enemies.
\v 38 Many of you will die in your enemies' countries.

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@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
\v 16 They will belong to me. They will work for me as substitutes for the firstborn males of all the Israelites, who also belong to me.
\v 17 All the firstborn males in Israel, both the people and the animals, are mine. When I caused all the firstborn sons of the people of Egypt to die, I set them apart for myself. But I spared the firstborn of all males of the Israelites, of people and animals, because they are mine.
\v 18 But now I have chosen the descendants of Levi to take the places of the firsborn male sons of the other Israelites.
\v 19 I have appointed the descendants of Levi to help Aaron and his sons at the sacred tent, as Aaron and his sons offer the sacrifices to take away the guilt of the Israelite people's sins, and to prevent the Israelites from coming close to the tent with the result that a plague would cause many of them to become sick and die."

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@ -34,4 +34,3 @@
\v 13 Everyone who comes close to Yahweh's sacred tent dies. Are the rest of us going to die, also?"

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@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
\li the Hezronites descended from his son Hezron,
\li the Carmites descended from his son Carmi.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 43,730 men from the tribe of Reuben.
\v 8 Pallu's son was Eliab
\v 9 and his grandsons were Nemuel, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram were the leaders who joined with Korah to conspire against Aaron and Moses and rebelled against Yahweh.
@ -39,7 +38,6 @@
\li the Zerahites descended from his son Zerah,
\li the Shaulites descended from his son Shaul.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 22,200 men from the tribe of Simeon.
\v 15-18 These are the descendants of Gad:
@ -51,7 +49,6 @@
\li the Arodites descended from his son Arod,
\li the Arelites descended from his son Areli.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 40,500 men from the tribe of Gad.
\v 19-22 Judah's sons, Er and Onan, died in Canaan before they had any children. These are the descendants of Judah:
@ -62,7 +59,6 @@
\li The Hezronites descended from Hezron,
\li the Hamulites descended from Hamul.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 76,500 men from the tribe of Judah.
\v 23-25 These are the descendants of Issachar:
@ -79,7 +75,6 @@
\li the Elonites descended from his son Elon,
\li the Jahleelites descended from his son Jahleel,
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 60,500 men from the tribe of Zebulun.
\v 28-29 The sons of Joseph are Manasseh and Ephraim. These are the descendants of Manasseh:
@ -101,7 +96,6 @@
\v 33-34 Hepher's son Zelophehad did not have any sons, but he had five daughters—Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 52,700 men from the tribe of Manasseh, who was one of the sons of Joseph.
\v 35-37 These are the descendants of Ephriam:
@ -111,7 +105,6 @@
\pi These are the descendents of Shuthelah:
\li the Eranites descended from his son Eran,
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 32,500 men from the tribe of Ephraim, who was Joseph's other son.
\v 38-41 These are the descendants of Benjamin:
@ -124,13 +117,11 @@
\li The Ardites descended from his son Ard,
\li the Naamites descended from his son Naamam.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 45,600 men from the tribe of Benjamin.
\v 42-43 These are the descendants of Dan:
\li the Shuhamites descended from his son Shuhman,
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 64,400 men from the tribe of Dan.
\v 44-47 These are the descendants of Asher:
@ -142,7 +133,6 @@
\li the Malchielites descended from his son Malchiel.
\li Asher also had a daughter named Serah.
\pi The Israelite leaders counted 53,400 men from the tribe of Asher.
\v 48-50 These are the descendants of Napthali:

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
\v 2 They came to the entrance of the sacred tent and stood in front of Eleazar, Moses, the tribal leaders, and many other Israelite people.
\v 3 They said, "Our father died during the time that we were in the desert, and he did not have any sons. But he was not among those who supported Korah, who rebelled against Yahweh, and he died because of his own sin. He did not have any sons.
\v 4 Why should the name of his clan disappear because our father had no sons? So give us some land like our father's relatives will be getting!"
@ -38,7 +37,6 @@
\v 15 Then Moses said this to Yahweh,
\v 16 "Yahweh, you are the God who directs the spirits of all people. So please appoint a new leader for the Israelite people.
\v 17 Appoint someone who will lead your people when they go to fight a battle, so that they will not just wander around like sheep that do not have a shepherd."
\v 18 Yahweh replied, "Get Joshua son of Nun, who has my Spirit within him. Lay your hands on him to appoint him.

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@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
\v 26 On the day of the Harvest festival, when you bring to me the first grain that you have harvested, you must gather together to worship me. Do not do any regular work that you would normally do on that day.
\v 27 Bring to me two young bulls, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one year old. When they are completely burned on the altar, the smell will be very pleasing to me.
\v 28 Also bring a flour offering of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil. For each bull bring 5.7 liters, and with each male sheep bring 3.8 liters.
\v 29 For each of the lambs bring 1.9 liters.
\v 30 Also sacrifice one male goat to make atonement for your sins.

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
\v 5 And if her father hears about all she promised to do, but he says nothing to her, then she must keep all the promises she made.
\v 6 If her father overrules her on the day he hears all the vows she made and her solemn promises with which she has bound herself, then they will stand. Yahweh will forgive her because her father had overruled her.

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
\v 6 When you travel near their land, buy food and water from them.'
\v 7 Do not forget that Yahweh our God has blessed you in everything that you have done. He knows what has happened to you while you have wandered in this huge desert. But he has been with you during those forty years, and as a result you have had everything that you needed.
\v 8 So we continued to travel. We avoided going through the hill country where the descendants of Esau live. We turned from the road that goes along the plain of the Jordan valley, and comes up from Ezion Geber and Elath, and we traveled along the desert road of Moab.

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
\v 3 So he caused you to have difficulties. He allowed you to become hungry. Then he gave you manna, food from heaven, food that you and your ancestors had never eaten before. He did that to teach you that people need food for their bodies, but they also need food for their spirits, which comes from paying attention to everything that Yahweh says.
\v 4 During those forty years, our clothes did not wear out, and our feet did not swell from walking through the desert.
\v 5 Do not forget that Yahweh our God corrects us and punishes us, like parents correct their children.

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
\v 1 You people of Israel, listen to me! You will soon cross the Jordan River. In the land that you will enter, there are large cities that have very high walls around them that seem to extend up to the sky. There are people groups in that land that are more numerous and more powerful than you are.
\v 2 Those people are very tall and strong. Some of them are giants who are descendants of Anak. You know about them, and you have heard people say that no one can defeat the descendants of Anak.
\v 3 I want you to know that Yahweh our God will go ahead of you. He will be like a raging fire. While you advance, he will defeat and destroy them. As a result, you will quickly be able to drive out some of them and kill the others, which is what Yahweh promised that you would do.
@ -68,7 +67,6 @@
\v 25 So, as I said, I lay on the ground in Yahweh's presence for forty days and nights, because Yahweh had said that he would destroy your ancestors.
\v 26 And I prayed to Yahweh, saying, 'Lord Yahweh, these people belong to you; do not destroy them. They are people whom you rescued and brought out of Egypt by your very great power.
\v 27 Do not forget what you promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ignore how stubborn and wicked these people have been, and the sin that they have committed.
\v 28 If you do not do that, and if you destroy them, the people of Egypt will hear about it and say that you were not able to bring them into the land that you promised to give to them. They will say that you took them into the desert only to kill them there because you hated them.

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@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
\v 9 Be sure that you do not say to yourself, 'The year when debts will be canceled is near, so I do not want to lend anyone any money now, because he will not need to pay it back when that year comes.' It would be evil to even think that. If you act in an unfriendly way toward a needy fellow Israelite, and give him nothing, he will cry out to Yahweh against you, and Yahweh will say that you have sinned by not helping that person.
\v 10 Give freely to poor people and give generously. If you do that, Yahweh will bless you in everything that you do.
\v 11 There will always be some poor people in your land, so I command you to give generously to poor people, to your fellow Israelites.

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
\v 6 Because he accidentally killed someone, and because the man was not his enemy, he can try to run to one of those cities. If there were only one city, it may be a long distance to that city. Then if the relative of the man who was killed to get revenge, is very angry, he may be able to catch the other person before he arrives at that city.
\v 7 Therefore, I give you this command, that you select three cities for this purpose.
\v 8-9 If you do everything that I am today commanding you to do, and if you love Yahweh our God, and if you conduct your lives as he wants you to do, Yahweh our God will give you much more land than you will have when you first occupy it, which is what he promised to do. He will give you all the land which he promised your ancestors that he would give to you. When he gives you that land, you must select three more cities to which people may escape.

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@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
\v 18 So be sure that no man or woman or family or tribe that is here today turns away from Yahweh our God, to worship any of the gods of those people groups. If you do that, you will bring disaster on yourselves.
\v 19 Be sure that no one here today who hears the words of this covenant says to himself, 'Everything will go well with me, even if I stubbornly do what I want to.' If you do that, the result will be that Yahweh will eventually destroy all of you, both good people and evil people.
\v 20 Yahweh will not forgive anyone who is stubborn like that. Instead, he will be extremely angry with that person, and all the curses that I have told you about will happen to that person, until Yahweh destroys that person and his family forever.
\v 21 From all the tribes of Israel, Yahweh will choose that individual to suffer all the disasters that I have listed in the covenant—all the bad things that will happen to anyone whom Yahweh curses for disobeying the laws that I have written in this scroll.

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@ -10,16 +10,13 @@
\v 4 Now the woman had taken the men and hidden them in her house. So she said to the king's men, "Yes, it is true that those men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from.
\v 5 They left when it was dark, about the time that the guards close the city gates. I do not know where they were going. If you hurry, you might catch up with them."
\v 6 But in reality, the woman had taken the two men up on to the flat roof of her house and hidden them under bundles of flax that were drying on her roof.
\v 7 The king's men went out of the city to search for them on the road that leads to the fords across the Jordan River. The guards shut the city gates as the king's men went out.
\v 8 Before the Israelite men lay down to sleep that night, Rahab went up to the roof
\v 9 and said to them, "We know that Yahweh has given you this land. All our people are terrified of you—we are so afraid of you that we will not resist you at all.
\v 10 We have heard about how Yahweh dried up the water of the Sea of Reeds for you to cross when you left Egypt. We heard what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites who lived on the other side of the Jordan River, and how you totally destroyed everyone and everything in their kingdom.
\v 11 When we heard about those things, we were terrified. We no longer have courage to fight against you, for Yahweh is God, and he rules everything up in heaven and down here on earth.

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
\v 1 Joshua and all the other Israelites got up early the next morning. They left their camp at the Acacias and went down to the Jordan River. They camped there before they crossed over the river.
\v 2 After three days, the officers went through the middle of the camp.
\v 3 They instructed the people, "As soon as you see the priests, some of the descendants of Levi, carrying the sacred chest of Yahweh your God, then you will know it is time to leave this place and follow the sacred chest.

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@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
\v 10 The priests who carried the chest stood in the middle of the Jordan River until the people had finished crossing the river, as Yahweh had commanded Joshua to tell them to do. This also was as Moses had commanded Joshua to do. The people crossed the river quickly.
\v 11 As soon as all the people had crossed over, then the sacred chest of Yahweh and the priests who carried it, crossed over. All the people were there watching.
\v 12 The soldiers of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and of half of the soldiers of the tribe of Manasseh, crossed over ahead of the rest of the Israelite people. As Moses had ordered them to do, they marched in the formation of an army.
\v 13 About forty thousand men were marching before Yahweh. These men were armed and prepared for war, and they were heading for the plains of Jericho where they would fight a battle.

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\v 6 The people of Israel walked through the desert for forty years, until all the people, including all the men who were old enough to be soldiers, they all had died. They had not obeyed Yahweh, so Yahweh said that they would not see the land that he had promised to them—a land that was very fertile—the land was so fertile that they said it had milk and honey flowing through it, just as rivers flow with water.
\v 7 It was the children of those who had died that Yahweh raised up in their place. He circumcised them because they had not been circumcised when they were walking through the wilderness.
\v 8 After all the Israelite males had been circumcised, they remained in the camp and rested until they healed.
\v 9 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the disgrace of Egypt from you." So, the name of the place is Gilgal, even now.
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\v 12 The next day God stopped sending manna for them to eat. They ate food that had grown in the land of Canaan beginning that year.
\v 13 While Joshua was standing near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man in front of him. The man had drawn his sword and was holding it in his hand. Joshua approached him and asked him, "Are you on our side, or are you on the side of our enemies?"

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\v 3 You will march around the city, one time all the way around it. All the brave soldiers will go around it one time each day for six days.
\v 4 Tell seven priests to march around with them. They will each carry a trumpet as they march before the sacred chest of Yahweh. On the seventh day, the army must march around the city seven times, and the priests must play the trumpets with a loud blast of sound while they march.
\v 5 After they have all marched around the city seven times, the priests must make a very long blast with their ram's horn trumpets. When the people of Israel hear that, they must shout very loudly, and the city wall will collapse. Then every soldier must advance straight into the city."

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\v 4 So about three thousand Israelite men went to attack Ai. But they did not defeat them. Instead, they had to run for their lives.
\v 5 The enemy killed about thirty-six Israelites and chased the rest from the city gate to the bottom of the hill, and then to a place where people had cut stone out from a hill. When the people of Israel saw this, they were very afraid and lost all their courage.
\v 6 Joshua tore his clothes to show that he was sad. He and the leaders of Israel threw themselves on the ground because they were so sad and angry. They lay there until dark in front of Yahweh's sacred chest.
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\v 26 They piled rocks over the ashes of their corpses, and those rocks are still there. That is why that valley is called the Valley of Trouble to this day.

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\v 8 After you capture the city, burn it. Do what Yahweh has commanded us to do. Those are the orders I am giving to you."
\v 9 Then Joshua prepared to send some of them to hide and wait between Ai and Bethel, which was west of Ai. But Joshua slept that night among the main force of soldiers.
\v 10 Early the next morning, Joshua gathered his soldiers together. He led the soldiers and the other Israelite leaders; they all went to attack the people of Ai.
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\v 33 The Israelite leaders, the officials, the judges, and other Israelites were there, standing nearby. Many people who were not Israelites were also there. Half of the people stood on one side of the valley below Mount Ebal, and the other half of the people stood on the other side of the valley below Mount Gerizim. The sacred chest was in the valley between the two groups. And they blessed the people of Israel just as Moses the servant of Yahweh had told them to do, at the very first.
\v 34 Then Joshua read to the people all that Moses had written previously. That included what Yahweh had taught them and the ways that he promised to bless them if they obeyed his commands, or to curse them if they disobeyed them.
\v 35 Joshua carefully read all the commands that Moses had given; he read every word in front of the entire assembly of Israel. All the women and the little children were there as well, and also the foreigners who were living among the people of Israel.

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@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ But Joshua answered, "Who are you? Where do you actually come from?"
\v 14 The Israelite leaders accepted some of their old food and ate a meal with them in order to make a peace treaty. They did not think to ask Yahweh what they should do.
\v 15 In this way, Joshua agreed to make peace. The Israelites made a treaty with the men from Gibeon, in which they agreed not to kill these strangers. All the Israelite leaders made a solemn vow to this effect.
\v 16 However, three days later the Israelites found out that the men had only come from Gibeon and that they really lived close by.
@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ But Joshua answered, "Who are you? Where do you actually come from?"
\v 22 Then Joshua summoned the men from Gibeon and asked them, "Why did you lie to us? Your homes are near to us; you live close to us, but you told us that you were from a far land!
\v 23 Now you are going to live under a curse. You will become our slaves. You will always be our slaves, and you will be forced to cut wood and carry water for the house of our God."
\v 24 The men from Gibeon replied, "We lied to you because we were afraid that you would kill us. We heard that Yahweh, your God, had declared to his servant Moses that he would enable your people to kill all of us in Canaan, and that he would give you our lands.

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\v 26 Then Joshua killed each of the five kings with his sword and hung their bodies from five trees. He left their bodies to hang on the trees until sunset.
\v 27 At sunset, Joshua told them to take the bodies down from the trees and throw them into the cave where they were hiding. So the soldiers did that, and then they put those large rocks at the entrance of the cave again. And the bones of the kings are in that cave even to this day.
\v 28 That is how Joshua's army attacked and captured Makkedah. They killed the king and everyone else in the city. They did not leave even any living creature alive. They did to the king of Makkedah the same thing that they had done to the king of Jericho.
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\v 31 Then Joshua and his army went south from Libnah to Lachish. He surrounded the city and waged war against it.
\v 32 On the second day of the battle, Yahweh gave the city to the Israelites, and they conquered it. They killed everything that lived in it, including all the people. He did at Lachish the same thing that he had done at Libnah.
\v 33 King Horam from Gezer and his army came to help the soldiers of Lachish, but Joshua's army defeated Horam and his army, and did not allow even one of them to remain alive.

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\v 4 So the armies of all those kings gathered together. Their men were as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. They also came with horses and chariots in great numbers.
\v 5 All of those kings met at the fixed time and set up their armies in a camp at the brook of Merom, in order to wage war against Israel.
\v 6 Then Yahweh said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them, because at this time tomorrow I will give them to you. You will defeat them and kill all of them. Then you must cripple all their horses and burn all their chariots."

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\v 7 Joshua and the Israelite army also defeated kings who ruled over the land on the west side of the Jordan River. That land was between Baal Gad in the valley near Lebanon to Mount Halak, which goes up to Edom. Joshua gave land to the tribes of Israel for them to possess,
\v 8 as well as the hill country, the lowlands, the plain along the Jordan, the mountainsides, in the desert, and in the southern Judean wilderness, the land of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites.
\v 9 The kings that the Israelites conquered were those of the following cities: Jericho, Ai (which was near Bethel),
\v 10 Jerusalem, Hebron,

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\v 14 The Levites received no assignment of lands; they were the only tribe that received no land. Moses gave them no possessions. Yahweh, the God of Israel, told them that the offerings given to himself would be their possession.
\v 15 Moses had allotted land to each clan in the tribe of Reuben.

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\v 10 Now Yahweh has done for me as he promised he would. Forty-five years have passed since Moses said that to me during the time that we were still in the wilderness. And just as Yahweh promised, he has kept me alive and well all during that time. Look at me! I am eighty-five years old.
\v 11 I am as strong today as I was on the day that Moses sent me to explore this land. My strength is now as my strength was when I was young. I can wage war or I can travel far away and still have the strength to come home.
\v 12 So please give me the hill country that Yahweh promised to give to me on that day long ago. At that time, you heard me say that the Anakim lived there. You heard me say that their cities were large and that they had walls around them to protect them. But now, perhaps Yahweh will help me to drive them away with our army, just as Yahweh promised."

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\v 13 When the people of Israel grew strong they forced those Canaanites to work for them as slaves but they were not able to take their land away from them.
\v 14 The descendants of Joseph (that is, the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh) said to Joshua, "You have assigned to us only one area of land, but we have a great number of people in our tribes. In every way Yahweh has blessed us, so why did you give us only a small portion of land to live on?"

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\v 3 Joshua said to the people of Israel, "Why are you waiting such a long time? How long are you going to delay going into the land that Yahweh, the God whom your ancestors worshiped, has promised to give to you?
\v 4 Choose three men from each of your seven tribes. I will send them out to explore the parts of the land which you have not occupied yet. When they finish, they will write a report to tell you what the land is like. They will also make a map to show you where cities and important places are located and which tribe will live in which area.
\v 5 They will divide the remaining land into seven parts. The tribe of Judah will keep its land in the south, and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh will keep their land in the north.
\v 6 But in their report, the men from the seven tribes should describe the seven parts of the remaining land that they wish to receive, and bring the report to me. While Yahweh is watching, I will cast lots to decide which land should be assigned to each tribe.

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\v 30 When Phinehas the priest and the other ten leaders of the people of Israel heard what the people of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh said, they were pleased.
\v 31 So Phinehas said to them, "Now we know that Yahweh is with all of us Israelites, and that you were not rebelling against him when you built that altar. Because what you did did not break Yahweh's laws, we are sure that he will not punish us.
\v 32 Then Phinehas and the Israelite leaders left the people of the tribes of Reuben and Gad in the region of Gilead, and returned to Canaan. There they told the other Israelites what had happened.

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\v 5 I sent Moses and his brother Aaron to Egypt, and I caused the people of Egypt to suffer many terrible plagues. After that, I brought your people out of Egypt.
\v 6 When I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, they came to the sea. The Egyptian army pursued them with chariots and on horseback, as far as the Sea of Reeds."
\v 7 Joshua continued to speak: "When you pleaded to Yahweh for help, he caused darkness to come between the nation of Israel and the Egyptian army, and he covered the Egyptian army with the waters of the sea so that your enemies were drowned. This is what Yahweh says: 'You saw what I did in Egypt. You lived in the desert for many years.
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\v 11 Then you all crossed the Jordan River and came to Jericho. The leaders of Jericho fought against you, as did the armies of the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. I made all of you more powerful than they were, and you defeated them all.
\v 12 I am the one who caused them to panic. They acted as if they were being chased by hornets. And you drove out the two kings of the Amorites as your army moved ahead and pushed them away. But it was not because of your swords or your bows and arrows, but it was because that I, Yahweh, was fighting on your side.
\v 13 So I gave you a land that you had not cleared or plowed, and I gave you cities that you did not build. Now you live in those cities, and you eat the grapes from grapevines that you did not plant, and you eat olives from trees that you did not plant.'

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\v 32 Gideon son of Joash died when he was very old. They buried his body in the grave where his father Joash was buried, at Ophrah, in the land of the Abietherites.
\v 33 But as soon as Gideon died, the Israelites left God and gave themselves to worship the images of the god Baal, like adultresses leave their husbands and go to other men. They made Baal Berith the god they worshiped.
\v 34 They forgot about Yahweh, the one who had rescued them from all their enemies that surrounded them.
\v 35 And even though Gideon had done many good things for the Israelites, they did not act kindly toward Gideon's family.

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\v 1 There was a man from the region of Gilead named Jephthah. He proved himself to be a great warrior. But his mother was a prostitute. His father was Gilead.
\v 2 Gilead's wife gave birth to several sons. When they grew up, they forced Jephthah to leave home, saying to him, "You are the son of another woman, not the son of our mother. So when our father dies, you will not receive any of his property."
\v 3 So Jephthah ran away from his brothers, and he lived in the land of Tob. While he was there, some lawless men joined together with Jepthah, and they came and went with each other.
\v 4 Some time later, the soldiers of Ammon attacked the soldiers of Israel.

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\v 1 The men of the tribe of Ephraim called together their soldiers, and they crossed the Jordan River and went to the town of Zaphon to talk with Jephthah. They said to him, "Why did you not ask us to help your army fight the Ammonites. So we will burn down your house while you are in it."
\v 2 Jephthah replied, "The Ammonites oppressed us. And I asked you to come and rescue us from them, you refused. When I called to you, you did not come to our rescue.
\v 3 When I saw that you would not come to help us, I risked my own life by leading our people to pass through the people of Ammon. And Yahweh helped us to defeat them. So why do you come to fight against me today?"

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\v 13 From there, they went to the hill country where the tribe of Ephraim lived. And they arrived at Micah's house.
\v 14 The five men who had explored the land near Laish said to their fellow Israelites, "Do you know that in one of these houses there is a sacred vest, several household idols, a carved figure and a cast metal figure? We think that you know what you should do."
\v 15 So they went to the house where the man from the tribe of Levi lived, which was the house where Micah lived, and they greeted the young man from the tribe of Levi who was Micah's priest.
\v 16 The six hundred men of the tribe of Dan stood outside the gate of the house, carrying their weapons.

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\v 36 So the soldiers of Benjamin saw they were defeated. The men of Israel had given ground to Benjamin, because they were counting on the men they had placed in hidden positions outside Gibeah to go out and shift the battle in their favor.
\v 37 Then the men who were hiding got up and hurried and they rushed into Gibeah, and with their swords they killed everyone who lived in the city.
\v 38 Now the arranged signal between the soldiers of Israel and the men hiding in secret would be that a great cloud of smoke would rise up out of the city.
\v 39 By that time, Israelite men had turned away from attacking, so the men of the tribe of Benjamin said, "We are winning the battle, as we did before!"

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\v 8 Abner became very angry about what Ishbosheth said to him. He said to Ishbosheth, "Do you think that I am a worthless dog from Judah? From the beginning I have been loyal to Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends. And I have kept David's army from defeating you. So now why are you criticizing me about what I have done with some woman?
\v 9-10 Yahweh solemnly promised that he would not allow Saul and his descendants to continue to rule. He promised that he would cause David to rule over all the tribes of Israel and Judah, from the city of Dan far in the north to the city of Beersheba far in the south. So I hope that God will kill me if I do not enable that to happen!"
\v 11 Ishbosheth was very afraid of Abner, so he did not say anything to reply to Abner.

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\v 11 One day Hiram, the king of the city of Tyre, sent ambassadors to David to talk about making an agreement between their countries. Hiram agreed to provide cedar trees to make lumber, and he also agreed that he would send carpenters and masons to build a palace for David.
\v 12 Because Hiram did these things, David realized that Yahweh had truly appointed him to be the king of Israel. He also realized that because Yahweh loved the Israelites and chosen them to belong to himself, he had increased David's own power as king.
\v 13 After David moved from Hebron to Jerusalem, he took more slave women to be his wives, and he also married other women. All of those women gave birth to more sons and daughters.

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\v 18 Benaiah son of Jehoiada was the commander of David's bodyguards, and David's sons were his advisors.

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\v 18 Then Joab sent a messenger to David to tell him about the fighting.
\v 19 He said to the messenger, "Tell David the news about the battle. After you finish telling that to him,
\v 20 if David is angry because so many officers were killed, he may ask you, 'Why did your soldiers go so close to the city to fight? Did you not know that they would shoot arrows at you from the top of the city wall?
\v 21 Do you not remember how Abimelech son of Gideon was killed? A woman who lived in Thebez threw a huge millstone on him from the top of a tower, and he died. So why did our troops go near to the city wall?' If the king asks this, then tell him, 'Your officer Uriah also was killed.'"

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\v 9 Then Abishai said to the king, "Your Majesty, this man is as worthless as a dead dog! Why should he be allowed to curse you? Allow me to go over there and cut off his head!"
\v 10 But the king replied, "You two sons of Zeruiah, I want nothing to do with you. If he is cursing me because Yahweh told him to do so, then no one should ask him, 'Why are you cursing the king?'"
\v 11 Then David said to Abishai and to all his officials, "You know that my own son is trying to kill me. So it is not surprising that this man from the tribe of Benjamin is also trying to kill me. Just ignore him, and allow him to curse me. Yahweh has told him to do that.

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\v 41 Then all the Israelite soldiers from the other Israelite tribes came to the king and said, "Why is it that our relatives, the men from Judah, took you away from us and wanted to be the only ones to escort you and your family across the river, along with all your men? Why did you not request us to do that?"
\v 42 The soldiers from Judah replied, "We did it because the king is from Judah. Why are you angry about this? The king has never paid for our food, and he has never given us any gifts."

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\v 6 I thought that I would die. It was as though death had wrapped ropes around me,
\q2 and it was as though I were in a trap where I would surely die.
\v 7 But when I was very distressed, I called out to you, Yahweh.

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\v 24 Solomon ruled over all the area west of the Euphrates River, from the city of Tiphsah in the northeast to the city of Gaza in the southwest. He ruled over all the kings in that area. There was peace between his government and the governments of nearby countries.
\v 25 All during the years that Solomon ruled, the people of Judah and Israel lived safely.
\v 26 Solomon had forty thousand stalls for the horses that pulled his chariots and twelve thousand men who rode on horses.

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\v 38 Huram also made ten bronze basins, one basin for each of the ten stands. Each basin was 1.8 meters across and held 880 liters of water.
\v 39 Huram placed five of the carts on the right side of the temple and five on the left side of the temple. He put the big tank on the corner that was toward the east and in the direction of the south.
\v 40 Huram also made pots, shovels for carrying ashes, and bowls for carrying the blood of the animals that would be sacrificed. He completed all the work that King Solomon requested him to do for the temple. This is a list of the bronze things he made:

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\v 29 "I have seen that Ahab is now very sorry for all the evil things that he has done. So the things that I promised to do to his family will not happen while he is still alive. I will cause them to happen after his son becomes king. Then those things will happen to his family."

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\v 17 But they continued to urge him. Finally he was tired of saying "No," and he said, "Very well, send them." So fifty men searched for three days, but they did not find Elijah.
\v 18 They returned to Jericho, and Elisha was still there. He said to them, "I told you that you should not go, because you would not find him!"
\v 19 Then the leaders of Jericho came to talk with Elisha. One of them said, "Our master, we have a problem. You can see that this is a very nice place to live in. But the water is bad, and as a result, crops will not grow on the land."

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\v 21 Joram said to his soldiers, "Get my chariot ready." So they did that. Then King Joram and King Ahaziah both rode toward Jehu, each one in his own chariot. And it happened that they met Jehu at the field that had previously belonged to Naboth!
\v 22 When Joram met Jehu, he said to him, "Are you coming to act peacefully toward me?"
\p Jehu replied, "How can there be peace while you and your people are bowing down to idols and practicing very much witchcraft like your mother Jezebel did?"
\v 23 Joram cried out, "Ahaziah, they have deceived us! They want to kill us!" So Joram turned his chariot around and tried to flee.

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\v 10 When King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet King Tiglath Pileser, he saw the altar that was there. So he sent to Uriah, the high priest in Jerusalem, a drawing of the altar and a model that represented exactly the altar in Damascus.
\v 11 So Uriah built an altar in Jerusalem following the drawing that King Ahaz had sent. Uriah finished the altar before Ahaz returned to Jerusalem from Damascus.
\v 12 When the king returned from Damascus, he saw the altar.
\v 13 He went up to it and burned animal sacrifices and a flour offering on it. He also poured a wine offering on it and threw on it the blood of the offerings to promise friendship with God.
\v 14 The old bronze altar that had been dedicated long ago to Yahweh was between the new altar and the temple, so Ahaz moved it to the north side of his new altar.

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\v 33 The gods that people of other nations worship have never rescued them from the power of the king of Assyria!
\v 34 Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah? Did any of their gods delivered Samaria out of my hand?
\v 35 None of these gods kept their people from being destroyed by the king of Assyria. Do you think your God Yahweh, can do any better?
\v 36 But the people who were listening were silent. No one said anything, because King Hezekiah had told them, "When the official from Assyria talks to you, do not answer him."

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\q on the same road on which you came here,
\q2 without conquering Jerusalem.'
\v 29 Now I say this to Hezekiah:

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\v 12 At that time, King Merodach Baladan son of Baladan, the previous king of Babylonia, heard a report that King Hezekiah had been very sick. So he wrote some letters and gave them to some messengers to take to Hezekiah, along with a gift.
\v 13 When the messengers arrived, Hezekiah welcomed them gladly. Then he showed them all the treasure that was in his palace and treasuries—the silver and gold, the spices, the nice-smelling olive oil, and all the weapons for his soldiers. There were no valuable things in his storerooms or anywhere else in his kingdom that he did not show them.
\v 14 Then the prophet Isaiah went to Hezekiah and asked him, "Where did those men come from, and what did they say to you?"

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\v 17 I will do that because they have abandoned me, and they burn incense to honor other gods. They have caused me to become very angry by all the idols that they have made, and my anger is like a fire that will not be put out.
\v 18 The king of Judah sent you to inquire what I, Yahweh, want him to do. This is what you should say to him, 'You have paid attention to what was written in the scroll.
\v 19 Also, you have repented and humbled yourself when you heard what I threatened to do to punish this city and the people who live here, I have heard what you prayed. I said that I would cause this city to be abandoned. It will be a city whose name people will use when they curse someone. But because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you.
\v 20 So I will allow you to die and be buried peacefully. I will cause a great disaster to come to this place, but you will not be alive to see it.'"
\p After the men heard that, they returned to King Josiah and gave him that message.

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@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ Iphdeiah, and Penuel.
\v 29 Another descendant of Benjamin was Jeiel. He lived in the city of Gibeon, and he was the leader of those who lived there. His wife was Maacah.
\v 30 His oldest son was Abdon. His other sons were Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab,
\v 31 Gedor, Ahio, Zeker, and Mikloth.
\v 32 Mikloth was the father of Shimeah. All these sons of Jeiel also lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.

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\v 2-5 When David had been king, he arranged for a new sacred tent to be made in Jerusalem. Then David and the Israelite leaders brought God's sacred chest from the city of Kiriath Jearim to the new sacred tent. But when Solomon became the king, the first sacred tent was still in the city of Gibeon. There was a bronze altar there that Bezalel son of Uri and grandson of Hur, had made was also still at Gibeon, in front of the first sacred tent.
\p Solomon called together the army commanders of one thousand soldiers and the commanders of one hundred soldiers, with the judges and all the other leaders in Israel. He told them to go with him to Gibeon. So they all went to the place on the hill where idols were worshiped at Gibeon. That was the same place where God had met with his people in the tent which Moses had made. There Solomon and all the others with him prayed to Yahweh.
\v 6 Then Solomon went up to the bronze altar in front of the sacred tent, and he offered one thousand animals to be killed and completely burned on the altar.

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\v 19 But Yahweh, my God, please listen to my prayer, while I am pleading with this day and do what I am requesting.
\v 20 Always protect this temple, this place where you said you would be present, in order that you might always hear me when I pray, for I am your servant.
\v 21 Listen to me when I pray, and listen to your Israelite people when they pray, whether we are here, or even if we just face in this direction. Listen from heaven, where you live; and when you hear us pray, forgive us.

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\p I was serving as one of the most trusted servants to the king.

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\v 5 Then I replied, "If you are willing to do it, and if I have pleased you, then you could send me to Jerusalem, where my ancestors are buried, so that I may rebuild the city."
\v 6 The king (with queen sitting beside him) asked me, "If I allow you to go, how long will you be gone? And when will you return?" He gave me permisson to go as soon as I gave him the dates of my going there and coming back again.
\v 7 I also said to the king, "As a reward for my faithful service to you, please give me letters addressed to the governors who oversee the area beyond the Euphrates River. Please give them orders to allow me to travel safely through their province on my way to and from Judah.
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\v 11 So I came to Jerusalem and stayed there three days.
\v 12 I went out of the city in the evening, and I took a few men with me. We only had one animal, the one that I was riding on. I said nothing to anyone about what God had inspired me to do in Jerusalem.
\v 13 I passed through the Valley Gate and went outside of the city wall. Then I went around the city and passed by the well called the Jackal's Well. Then I proceeded to the Dung Gate. I inspected all the walls around Jerusalem and found they were all broken open, and the wooden gates all around the wall were burned to ashes.

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\v 25 Next to him, Palal son of Uzai repaired a section, from where the wall turns and from where the watchtower is taller than the upper palace. The watchtower is near the courtyard where the guards lived. Next to Palal, Pedaiah son of Parosh repaired the wall.
\v 26 Next to him the temple servants repaired a section facing the Water Gate on the east side of the tall tower.
\v 27 Next to him, the Tekoites repaired a second section that was in front of the tall tower as far as the wall of Ophel.
\v 28 A group of priests repaired the wall north from the Horse Gate. Each one repaired the section in front of his own house.
\v 29 Next to them, Zadok son of Immer repaired the section in front of his house. Next to him, Shemaiah son of Shecaniah, who was the gatekeeper at the east gate, repaired the next section.
\v 30 Next to him, Hananiah son of Shelemiah, and Hanun the sixth son of Zalaph, repaired a section. That was the second section that they repaired. After him Meshullam son of Berechiah repaired the walls in the section that faced the rooms where he lived.
\v 31 Next to them, Malchijah, who also made things from gold, repaired a section as far as the building used by the temple servants and merchants, which was in front of the Appointment Gate and the upper apartments on the corner.
\v 32 Other men who worked with gold, making beautiful things, along with merchants, repaired the last section of the wall as far as the Sheep Gate.

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\v 5 They are guilty. Do not take away their guilt and let them answer for the sin they committed before you. With their insults, they are making those who are rebuilding the walls become very angry!"
\v 6 But after some time, the workers built the wall around the whole city to about half its total height. They were able to accomplish this because they wanted to do the best work they could do.
\v 7 But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabians, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the work on the wall was continuing and that we were filling in the gaps in the wall, they became very angry.
\v 8 They all made a plan together to come and fight against the people of Jerusalem, and to cause confusion within it.
\v 9 But we prayed to our God to protect us, and we put men around the walls to guard the city day and night because of these who were so angry with us for rebuilding the wall.
\v 10 Then the people of Judah started to say, "The men who are working on the wall have used up all their strength. There is too much heavy rubble that we must move away; we are not able to finish this work. It is too much for us.

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\v 5 Then Sanballat sent one of his servants to me, bringing a fifth message. This one was written, but it was not sealed and he held it in his hand.
\v 6 This is what was written in the message:
\pi "Some people in the nearby countries have heard a report that you and the other Jews are rebuilding the wall in order to be able start a rebellion against the king of Babylon, and that you are planning to become the king of the Israel. Geshem has told us that this is the truth.
\v 7 People are also saying that you have appointed some prophets to proclaim in Jerusalem that you, Nehemiah, are now the king in Judea. King Artaxerxes will certainly hear these reports, and then you will be in big trouble. So I suggest that we should meet together to talk about this matter."
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\v 15 We finished rebuilding the wall in the month of Elul, on the twenty-fifth day of the month. We did all the work in fifty-two days.
\v 16 When our enemies in the nearby countries heard about that, they became very afraid and they were humiliated, because they knew it was God who helped us complete this work.
\v 17 During this time, the Jewish leaders had been sending many messages to Tobiah, and Tobiah had been sending messages back to them.

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\v 1 After the wall had been finished and we had put the gates in their places, we assigned to the temple guards and to the members of the sacred choir and the other descendants of Levi the work that they were to do.
\v 2 I appointed my brother Hanani as governor of Jerusalem. He was a faithful man who respected God and honored him, more than many others. In addition, Hananiah was appointed commander of the fortress there in Jerusalem.
\v 3 I said to them, "Do not open the gates of Jerusalem until the sun is hot. And close the gates and put the bars across the doors only when gatekeepers are guarding the gates." I also told them to appoint some people who live in Jerusalem to be guards, and to assign some of them to guard stations around the city, and some would guard near their own houses."
\v 4 The city of Jerusalem covered a large area, but at that time not many people lived in the city, and they had not rebuilt any of the houses.
\v 5 God gave me the idea to summon the leaders and officials and other people, and to enroll them by their families in the books of the records of the families. I also found the records of the people who had been the first ones to return to Jerusalem. This is what I found written in those records.

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\v 1 All the people gathered together in the plaza that was close to the Water Gate. Men and women and children who were old enough to understand gathered together. They asked Ezra to bring out the scroll of the law that Moses had written down, and which Yahweh had given as the law for the people of Israel, for them to obey its rules and commands.
\v 2 Ezra, who served God through the sacrifices in the temple, brought out the law and presented it before all the people, to both men and women, and anyone else who could understand what he read. He did this on the first day of the seventh month of that year.
\v 3 So he brought it out and read it to the people. He read it from early in the morning until the middle of the day. All the people listened, men and women, anyone who was able to understand what he read. The people listened with great interest to what Ezra read from the book of the law.
\v 4 Ezra stood on top of a high wooden platform that had been built by the people for this purpose. At his right side stood Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maaseiah. At his left side stood Pedaiah, Mishael, Malkijah, Hashum, Hashbaddanah, Zechariah, and Meshullam.
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\v 18 Every day during that week Ezra read to the people from the book of the law of God. Then on the eighth day, they followed the decree and called for all the people to come together, so they could bring the festival to an end.

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\v 1 On the twenty-fourth day of the same month, the people gathered together. They did not eat food for a while, and they wore clothes they made from bags used to carry wheat and other grains, and they put the dust of the earth on their heads.
\v 2 The descendants of Israel separated themselvses away from all the foreigners. They stood there and confessed their own sins and the wicked things their ancestors had done.
\v 3 They stood and for three hours they read from the law of Yahweh, and for another three hours they spoke out loud about their sins before Yahweh, and they bowed down and worshiped him.
\v 4 There were Levites standing on the stairs. They were Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, another Bani, and Kenani.
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\v 35 Even when they had their own kings, and they enjoyed the good things that you did for them in this large and fertile land that you gave to them, they did not serve you and they would not stop doing what was evil.
\v 36 So now we are slaves here in this land that you gave to our ancestors, the land that you gave to them in order that they could enjoy all the good things that grow here. But we became slaves here!

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\v 35 and some of the priests' sons who played their trumpets, including Zechariah the son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah,
the son of Micaiah, the son of Zaccur, a descendant of Asaph.
\v 36 Behind them marched other members of Zechariah's family, including Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah, and Hanani. They all were playing the same kinds of musical instruments that King David had played many years previously. Ezra, the man who knew the Jewish laws very well, marched in front of this group.
\v 37 When they reached the Fountain Gate, they went up the steps to the city of David, past the location of David's palace, and then to the wall at the Water Gate, on the east side of the city.

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\v 4 Previously, Eliashib the priest had been appointed to be in charge of the storerooms in the temple. He was a relative of Tobiah.
\v 5 He allowed Eliashib to use a large room. There they had stored the grain offerings and the incense. They put there the equipment that is used in the temple. They put in there the offerings the people gave for the Levites. They brought in tithes of grain and wine and olive oil that God had commanded for the Levites, for the musicians, and the gatekeepers. And they brought in the gifts to support the other priests.
\v 6 During that time I was not in Jerusalem. It was the thirty-second year that Artaxerxes was the king of Babylonia, and I had gone back to report to the king what I had been doing. After I had been there a while, I requested the king to allow me to return to Jerusalem.
\v 7 When I returned, I found out that Eliashib had done an evil thing. He let Tobiah take over a storeroom in the very house of God for his own use.
\v 8 I became very angry. I went to that room and I threw out everything that belonged to Tobiah.
\v 9 Then I commanded that they perform a ritual cleansing of that room to make it pure again. And I also ordered that all the equipment used in the temple and all the grain offerings and incense should be put back in that room, where they belonged.
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\v 10 I also found out that the temple musicians and other Levites had left Jerusalem and returned to their fields, because the people of Israel had not been bringing into the storerooms the food they needed.
\v 11 So I rebuked the officials, saying to them, "Why have you not taken care of the services to be held in the temple? So I got them together and put them back at their stations.
\v 12 Then all the people of Judah again started to bring to the temple storerooms their tithes of grain, wine, and olive oil.
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\v 21 I warned them, "It is useless for you to stay here outside the walls on Friday night! If you do this again, I will take you and remove you myself!" So after that, they did not come on Sabbath days.
\v 22 I also commanded the descendants of Levi to perform the ritual to purify themselves and to take up their stations to guard the City Gates, to make sure that the Sabbath was kept holy by not allowing merchants to enter it on that holy day.
\p My God, do not forget what I have done for you! And be kind to me, as kind as your love is for me.
\v 23 During that time, I also found out that many of the Jewish men had married women from Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab.

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\v 7 The guests drank wine from gold cups. Each cup had a different design on it. The king was generous with the wine, and they had much to drink.
\v 8 There was a lot of wine, because the king wanted the guests to drink as much as they wanted, but the rule was, "No one is forced to drink."
\v 9 Queen Vashti invited the women to a feast in another place in the palace.
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\v 16 While the other officials were present, Memucan told the king, "Your majesty, Queen Vashti has insulted you, and she has insulted all the officials and all the people in all the provinces of your Majesty.
\v 17 All the women throughout the empire will hear what she has done, and they will say, 'The king commanded Queen Vashti to come to him, and she refused.' So they will not obey their husbands, and they will show them disrespect.
\v 18 Before this day ends, the wives of all the officials in Persia and Media will hear what the queen did, and they will say to all of your Majesty's officials what the queen has said. They will have contempt and anger for all men.
\v 19 So if it pleases your Majesty, you should write a law, like all the laws of Persia and Media, to be a law that no one can change. This law should say that Queen Vashti will never be allowed to see you again, and you will choose another woman to be queen, a woman who deserves to be queen more than she does.
\v 20 When everyone in your empire hears what you have commanded, all the wives, those who are important and those who are not important, will honor their husbands."

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\v 12 Before these women were taken to the king, for twelve months they received beauty treatments, and for six months they were treated with olive oil mixed with myrrh.
\v 13 When one of these women was summoned to go to the king, she was allowed to have whatever she wished to take with her from the house of the women, when she went to the king's palace.
\v 14 In the evening, she would go to the king, and the next morning she would return to the second house of the women, and to the protection of Shaashgaz, the king's official in charge of the concubines. She would not return to the king again, except when the king wanted her and called her by name.
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\v 23 The king investigated it and confirmed. So the king ordered those two men be hanged from a gallows. When that was done, an official wrote a report about it in the book called The History of the King.

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\v 9 Haman was feeling very happy when he left the feast. But he saw Mordecai sitting at the gate of the palace, and once again, Mordecai did not stand up or shake with fear in front of him. So Haman was filled with anger toward Mordecai.
\v 10 However, he did nothing to show that he was angry. He went to his house and gathered his friends. He also called for his wife, Zeresh.
\v 11 Haman told them all about the great riches he had accumulated. He talked about his many sons, and how he had achieved more than all the other officials and the servants of the king.
\v 12 Then Haman added, "Even Queen Esther invited just two of us, me and the king, to a banquet she prepared for us today. And she is inviting just the two of us to another banquet that she is will give us tomorrow!"
\v 13 Then Haman said, "But these things mean nothing to me as long as I can see Mordecai the Jew sitting there at the king's gate!"
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\v 14 Then Zeresh his wife said to Haman and all his friends, "Why do you not quickly set up a gallows? Make it twenty-three meters high. Then in the morning speak to the king for them to hang Mordecai on it. After that, you can go to the banquet with the king and be happy." This idea pleased Haman, and he had the gallows set up.

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\v 7 So he replied to the king, "For the one you want to honor,
\v 8 you should tell your servants to bring out some robes that you yourself have worn, and to bring out one of the horses you have ridden and that bears a royal crest on his head.
\v 9 Then tell one of your very important officials to put the robe on that man, and to lead the horse through the city streets. As he goes, other servants will shout, 'This is what happens when the king wants to honor someone!'"
\v 10 The king replied to Haman, "Hurry, take the robes and horse, as you have said, and do this for Mordecai the Jew who sits at the king's gate! Do not forget anything you have said!"
\v 11 So Haman took the robe and the horse. He put the robe on Mordecai, and Haman led him on the horse through the city streets proclaiming "This is what is done for a man when the king wants to honor him!"

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\v 1 King Ahasuerus made the people living on land and along the sea pay a tax.
\v 2 And all the great things that Ahasuerus did because of his power have been written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia. Also written there is a history of the great things done by Mordecai, and of the honor that the king gave him.
\v 3 Mordecai the Jew, was second in rank to King Ahasuerus, and all the Jews also considered him to be a very great man. He was respected by his Jewish brothers and sisters, for he sought the welfare of his people, and he spoke to gain security for all of them.

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\v 12 If he wants to snatch someone away, no one could stop him;
\q2 no one dares ask him, 'Why are you doing that?'
\v 13 God will not very easily stop being angry;

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\v 3 and you also say, 'What good have I received for not sinning?
\q2 What benefit have I received that I would not have had, even if I had sinned?'
\v 4 Well, I will answer you,

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\v 2 Instead, those with whom Yahweh is pleased delight in understanding what he teaches us.
\q2 They read and think every day and every night about what Yahweh teaches.
\v 3 They constantly do things that please God,

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\q2 and all the things he does.
\q2 He is powerful, and when he opposes the helpless people,
\q2 he always takes away from them whatever he wants.
\v 11 The wicked person says, "God cannot remember what I did.

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\v 12 The pastures in the wilderness are wet with the morning dew,
\q2 it is as though the hills are singing joyful songs.
\v 13 The meadows are covered with sheep and goats,

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\v 19 Joseph was in prison until the time
\q the events he predicted came to pass.
\q This was how Yahweh tested Joseph.
\v 20 The king of Egypt sent servants, who set him free;

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