Ch 8-10 minor edits/corrections
This commit is contained in:
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\v 2 God's Spirit causes us to live in a new way because we are joined to Christ Jesus. In this way, I no longer have to sin when I think about sinning, and I will no more be separated from God.
\v 2 God's Spirit causes us to live in a new way because we are joined to Christ Jesus. In this way, I no longer have to sin when I think about sinning, and I will no more be separated from God.
\v 3 We tried to obey God's law in order to live with God, but it was useless to think that we could—we could not stop sinning. So God helped us instead: He sent his own Son into the world in order that his Son might atone for our sin. His Son came having a body that was like the body of us who sin. His Son came to offer himself as a sacrifice for our sin. When he did this, he also showed that our sins are truly wicked, and that anyone who sins deserves to be punished.
\v 3 We tried to obey God's law in order to live with God, but it was useless to think that we could—we could not stop sinning. So God helped us instead: He sent his own Son into the world so that his Son might atone for our sin. His Son came having a body that was like the body of us who sin. His Son came to offer himself as a sacrifice for our sin. When he did this, he also showed that our sins are truly wicked and that anyone who sins deserves to be punished.
\v 4 So we can now fulfill all that God required in his law. We do this, not by our acting the way our old evil attitude desires, but instead by living as God's Spirit desires us to live.
\v 4 So we can now fulfill all that God required in his law. We do this, not by our acting the way our old evil attitude desires, but instead by living as God's Spirit desires us to live.
\v 5 People who live by their evil attitudes think about those attitudes. But people who live by what God's Spirit wants think about the things of the Spirit instead.
\v 5 People who live by their evil attitudes think about those attitudes. But people who live by what God's Spirit wants think about the things of the Spirit instead.
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\v 16 The Spirit himself confirms what our spirits say, that we are God's children.
\v 16 The Spirit himself confirms what our spirits say, that we are God's children.
\v 17 Because we are God's children, we also will one day receive what God has promised us. And we will receive this together with Christ. But we must suffer for doing good as Christ did in order that God may honor us.
\v 17 Because we are God's children, we will also one day receive what God has promised us. And we will receive this together with Christ. But we must suffer for doing good as Christ did, so that God may honor us.
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\v 20 God caused the things that he created to be unable to achieve what he had intended. That was not because they wanted to fail. On the contrary, God made them that way because he was certain
\v 20 God caused the things that he created to be unable to achieve what he had intended. That was not because they wanted to fail. On the contrary, God made them that way because he was certain
\v 21 that the things he created will one day no longer die, decay, and fall apart. He will free these things from that in order that he can do the same wonderful things for these things that he will do for his children.
\v 21 that the things he created will one day no longer die, decay, and fall apart. He will free these things from that, so that he can do the same wonderful things for these things that he will do for his children.
\v 22 We know that until now it is as though all things that God created have been groaning together, and they want him to do those same wonderful things for them. But now it is just like a woman who is having the pains that come before she gives birth to a child.
\v 22 We know that until now it is as though all things that God created have been groaning together, and they want him to do those same wonderful things for them. But now it is just like a woman who is having the pains that come before she gives birth to a child.
\v 23 Not only does all of creation groan, but we also groan inwardly. We who have God's Spirit—and he is the first of God's many gifts to us—groan while we wait eagerly for the time when we will receive our full rights as God's adopted children, that is when he will give us the gift of our new bodies.
\v 23 Not only does all of creation groan, but we also groan inwardly. We who have God's Spirit—and he is the first of God's many gifts to us—groan while we wait eagerly for the time when we will receive our full rights as God's adopted children; that is when he will give us the gift of our new bodies.
\v 24 For God saved us because we had confidence in him. If we had now the things for which we have been waiting, we would not need to wait for them any longer. After all, if you possess something that you have been expecting to get, you certainly do not need to wait for it any longer.
\v 24 For God saved us because we had confidence in him. If we had now the things for which we have been waiting, we would not need to wait for them any longer. After all, if you possess something that you have been expecting to get, you certainly do not need to wait for it any longer.
\v 25 But because we keep waiting expectantly to receive what we do not yet have, we wait for it eagerly and patiently.
\v 25 But because we keep waiting expectantly to receive what we do not yet have, we wait for it eagerly and patiently.
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\v 28 And we know that for those who love God, he works out all things that happen to them in a way that does us good. He does this for those whom he has chosen, because that was what he planned to do.
\v 28 And we know that, for those who love God, he works out all things that happen to them in a way that does us good. He does this for those whom he has chosen, because that was what he planned to do.
\v 29 God already knew us and decided to make our character become like his Son's character. The result is that Christ is honored as God's firstborn Son among many brothers and sisters.
\v 29 God already knew us and decided to make our character become like his Son's character. The result is that Christ is honored as God's firstborn Son among many brothers and sisters.
\v 30 And the ones God decided previously who would be like his Son, he also called them to be with him. And the ones he called to be with him, he also made them to be right with himself. And to the ones whom he has put right with himself, he also will give them honor.
\v 30 And the ones God decided previously who would be like his Son, he also called them to be with him. And the ones he called to be with him, he also made them to be right with himself. And to the ones whom he has put right with himself, he also will give them honor.
\v 31 So I will tell you what we must learn from all these things that God does for us. Because God is acting on our behalf, no one can win against us!
\v 31 So I will tell you what we must learn from all these things that God does for us. Because God is acting on our behalf, no one can win against us!
\v 32 God did not spare even his very own Son. Instead, he turned him over to others to cruelly kill him in order that all we who believe in him may benefit from his dying for us. Because God did that, he will also certainly give us freely everything that we need to live for him.
\v 32 God did not spare even his very own Son. Instead, he turned him over to others to cruelly kill him, so that all we who believe in him may benefit from his dying for us. Because God did that, he will also certainly give us freely everything that we need to live for him.
\v 33 No one can accuse us before God of doing wrong, for he has chosen us to belong to him. He is the one who has put us right with himself.
\v 33 No one can accuse us before God of doing wrong, for he has chosen us to belong to him. He is the one who has put us right with himself.
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\v 3 I personally would be willing to let God curse me and keep me apart from Christ forever if that would help my natural kinsmen, those who are the people of Israel.
\v 3 I personally would be willing to let God curse me and keep me apart from Christ forever if that would help my natural kinsmen, those who are the people of Israel.
\v 4 They, like me, are Israelites. God chose them to be his children. It is to them that he showed how wonderful he is. It is with them that he made the covenants. It is to them that he gave the law. They are the ones who have the worship of God. They are the ones to whom God promised many things.
\v 4 They, like me, are Israelites. God chose them to be his children. It is to them that he showed how wonderful he is. It is with them that he made the covenants. It is to them that he gave the law. They are the ones who have the worship of God. They are the ones to whom God promised many things.
\v 5 It was our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom God chose to begin our nation. And, most importantly, it was from the people of Israel that the Christ was born as a human being. He is God, the one who is worthy for us to praise him forever! This is true!
\v 5 It was our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whom God chose to begin our nation. And, most importantly, it was from the people of Israel that the Christ was born as a human being. He is God, the one who is worthy for us to praise him forever! This is true!
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\v 9 This is what God promised Abraham: "About this time next year I will come back to you, and Sarah your wife will bear a son." God promised this, and he made it happen.
\v 9 This is what God promised Abraham: "About this time next year I will come back to you, and Sarah your wife will bear a son." God promised this, and he made it happen.
\v 10 It was similar with Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, Abraham's son, when Rebecca conceived twins.
\v 10 It was similar with Rebekah, the wife of Abraham's son Isaac, when Rebekah conceived twins.
\v 11 Before the twins, Jacob and Esau, were born,
\v 11 Before the twins Jacob and Esau were born,
\v 12 and the children had not yet done anything good or bad, God said to Rebecca, "The older one will serve the younger one, contrary to normal custom." God said this in order that we might know this: That when he plans to do something, he chooses the people because he wants to choose them, not because they have done anything for him.
\v 12 and the children had not yet done anything good or bad, God said to Rebekah, "The older one will serve the younger one, contrary to normal custom." God said this so that we might know this: that when he plans to do something, he chooses the people because he wants to choose them, not because they have done anything for him.
\v 13 It is just what God said in the scriptures: "I chose Jacob, the younger son. I rejected Esau, the older son."
\v 13 It is just what God said in the scriptures: "I chose Jacob, the younger son. I rejected Esau, the older son."
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\v 19 Maybe one of you will say to me, "Because God determines ahead of time everything that people do and no one can resist what God has wished, it is not right for God to punish those who sin."
\v 19 Maybe one of you will say to me, "Because God determines ahead of time everything that people do, and no one can resist what God has wished, it is not right for God to punish those who sin."
\v 20 I would reply, "You are only a human being, so you have no right to criticize God! He is like a man who makes clay pots. A pot has no right to ask its maker, "Why did you make me like this?"
\v 20 I would reply, "You are only a human being, so you have no right to criticize God! He is like a man who makes clay pots. A pot has no right to ask its maker, 'Why did you make me like this?'
\v 21 Instead, the potter certainly has the right to take a lump of clay and use part of it to make a beautiful pot that people will value highly—and then use the rest of the clay for a pot that someone will use every day. Certainly God has the same right.
\v 21 Instead, the potter certainly has the right to take a lump of clay and use part of it to make a beautiful pot that people will value highly—and then use the rest of the clay for a pot that someone will use every day. Certainly God has the same right."
\v 22 Although God desires to show that he is angry about sin, and although he desires to make clear that he can powerfully punish people who have sinned, he tolerated very patiently the people who caused him to be angry and who deserved to be destroyed.
\v 22 Although God desires to show that he is angry about sin, and although he desires to make clear that he can powerfully punish people who have sinned, he tolerated very patiently the people who caused him to be angry and who deserved to be destroyed.
\v 23 God has been patient in order that he might make clear how very wonderfully he acts toward those upon whom he has mercy, those people he prepared ahead of time in order they might experience the glory of God—
\v 23 God has been patient so that he might make clear how very wonderfully he acts toward those upon whom he has mercy, those people he prepared ahead of time in order they might experience the glory of God—
\v 24 that includes even us whom he chose. We were chosen not only from among the Jews, but also from among the Gentiles.
\v 24 that includes even us whom he chose. We were chosen not only from among the Jews, but also from among the Gentiles.
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ in those same places they are told that they will become children of the true Go
\v 27 Isaiah also exclaimed concerning Israel:
\v 27 Isaiah also exclaimed concerning Israel:
"Even though the sons of Israel are so many that no one can count them, like sand particles beside the ocean, only a small part of them will be saved,
"Even though the sons of Israel are so many that no one can count them, like grains of sand beside the ocean, only a small part of them will be saved,
\v 28 because the Lord will punish completely and speedily the people who live in that land, as he said that he would do."
\v 28 because the Lord will punish completely and speedily the people who live in that land, as he said that he would do."
\v 29 Isaiah also wrote,
\v 29 Isaiah also wrote,
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\v 31 But the people of Israel did indeed try to be holy by obeying God's law, but they were not able to.
\v 31 But the people of Israel did indeed try to be holy by obeying God's law, but they were not able to.
\v 32 They were not able to because they tried to do things to please God. They lost their balance when they refused to trust God to forgive them by putting their trust in Christ.
\v 32 They were not able to, because they tried to do things to please God. They lost their balance when they refused to trust God to forgive them by putting their trust in Christ.
\v 33 This is what a prophet said would happen:
\v 33 This is what a prophet said would happen:
"Listen! I am placing in Israel one who is like a stone on which people will stumble. What he does will make people angry. Nevertheless, those who believe in him will not be ashamed."
"Listen! I am placing in Israel one who is like a stone on which people will stumble. What he does will make people angry. Nevertheless, those who believe in him will not be ashamed."
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ in those same places they are told that they will become children of the true Go
\v 14 Most people have certainly not believed in Christ, and some people might try to explain why they have not done so. They might say, "People certainly cannot ask Christ to help them if they have not first believed in him! And they certainly cannot believe in him if they have not heard about him! And they certainly cannot hear about him if someone does not preach to them about him!
\v 14 Most people have certainly not believed in Christ, and some people might try to explain why they have not done so. They might say, "People certainly cannot ask Christ to help them if they have not first believed in him! And they certainly cannot believe in him if they have not heard about him! And they certainly cannot hear about him if someone does not preach to them about him!
\v 15 And those who could preach to them about Christ, certainly cannot do so if God does not send them. But if some believers preached to them, it would be just like the scriptures say: 'It is wonderful when people come and bring good news!'"
\v 15 And those who could preach to them about Christ certainly cannot do so if God does not send them. But if some believers preached to them, it would be just like the scriptures say: 'It is wonderful when people come and bring good news!'"
\v 16 I would reply in this way to those who say such things: God has indeed sent people to preach the message about Christ. But not all the people of Israel have paid attention to the good news! It is like what Isaiah said when he felt very discouraged: "Lord, it seems as if hardly anyone believed what they heard us preach!"
\v 16 I would reply in this way to those who say such things: God has indeed sent people to preach the message about Christ. But not all the people of Israel have paid attention to the good news! It is like what Isaiah said when he felt very discouraged: "Lord, it seems as if hardly anyone believed what they heard us preach!"
@ -609,17 +609,17 @@ in those same places they are told that they will become children of the true Go
\v 18 But if someone said to those people, "Of course they have heard this message," I would say, "Yes, indeed! It is like what the scriptures say:
\v 18 But if someone said to those people, "Of course they have heard this message," I would say, "Yes, indeed! It is like what the scriptures say:
"The people living all over the world have seen the creation, and what it proves about who God is—even the people living in the most remote places in the world have understood this!"
'The people living all over the world have seen the creation and what it proves about who God is—even the people living in the most remote places in the world have understood this!'"
\v 19 Furthermore, it is true that the people of Israel really did hear this message. They understood it, too, but they refused to believe it. Remember that Moses was the first one to warn the people like this. He told them that God said, "There are some people who have no nation at all. But some of their people will believe in me, and I will bless them. Then you will envy them and be angry at them, people who you do not think understand me."
\v 19 Furthermore, it is true that the people of Israel really did hear this message. They understood it, too, but they refused to believe it. Remember that Moses was the first one to warn the people like this. He told them that God said, "There are some people who have no nation at all. But some of their people will believe in me, and I will bless them. Then you will envy them and be angry with them, people who you do not think understand me."
\v 20 Remember also that God said very boldly through Isaiah, "People who did not try to know me will surely find me! I will surely reveal what I am like to those who did not ask for me!"
\v 20 Remember also that God said very boldly through Isaiah, "People who did not try to know me will surely find me! I will surely reveal what I am like to those who did not ask for me!"
\v 21 But God also speaks about Israel, when he says, "For a long time I have held out my arms to the people who disobeyed and rebelled against me in order to invite them to return to me."
\v 21 But God also speaks about Israel when he says, "For a long time I have held out my arms to the people who disobeyed and rebelled against me in order to invite them to return to me."
\c 11
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Reference in New Issue