The term "resurrection" refers to the act of becoming alive again after having died.
* To resurrect someone means to bring that person back to life again. Only God has the power to do this.
* The word "resurrection" often refers to Jesus' coming back to life after he died.
* When Jesus said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" he meant that he is the source of resurrection, and the one who causes people to come back to life.
* The literal meaning of this word is "a rising up" or "the act of being raised (from the dead)." These would be other possible ways to translate this term.
* __[21:14](rc://en/tn/help/obs/21/14)__ Through the Messiah's death and __resurrection__, God would accomplish his plan to save sinners and start the New Covenant.
* __[37:05](rc://en/tn/help/obs/37/05)__ Jesus replied, "I am the __Resurrection__ and the Life. Whoever believes in me will live, even though he dies.