It is important to not define, focus on, or be confined by applications of the root word of "bless" that suggest primarily the flourishing or abundance of material things or physical wellness. Consider the extensive teachings in Scripture on God's love, mercy and grace that is not only ancient, but current. Consider care, protection, and presence of God's Spirit. And for us to bless God, we can offer thankfulness, appreciation, and understanding as we learn of and follow (obey) him.//
* To "bless" could also be translated as, "to provide abundantly for" or "to be very kind and favorable toward."
* "God has brought great blessing to" could be translated as, "God has given many good things to" or "God has provided abundantly for" or "God has caused many good things to happen to".
* "He is blessed" could be translated as "he will greatly benefit" or "he will experience good things" or "God will cause him to flourish."
* "Blessed is the person who" could be translated as "How good it is for the person who."
* Expressions like, "blessed be the Lord" could be translated as, "May the Lord be praised" or "Praise the Lord" or "I praise the Lord."
* In the context of blessing food, this could be translated as, "thanked God for the food" or "praised God for giving them food" or "consecrated the food by praising God for it."
## Bible References: ##
* [1 Corinthians 10:14-17](en/tn/1co/help/10/14)
* [Acts 13:32-34](en/tn/act/help/13/32)
* [Ephesians 01:3-4](en/tn/eph/help/01/03)
* [Genesis 14:19-20](en/tn/gen/help/14/19)
* [Isaiah 44:3-4](en/tn/isa/help/44/03)
* [James 01:22-25](en/tn/jas/help/01/22)
* [Luke 06:20-21](en/tn/luk/help/06/20)
* [Matthew 26:26](en/tn/mat/help/26/26)
* [Nehemiah 09:5-6](en/tn/neh/help/09/05)
* [Romans 04:9-10](en/tn/rom/help/04/09)
##Examples from the Bible stories: ##
* __[01:07](en/tn/obs/help/01/07)__ God saw that it was good and he __blessed__ them.
* __[01:15](en/tn/obs/help/01/15)__ God made Adam and Eve in his own image. He __blessed__ them and told them, "Have many children and grandchildren and fill the earth."
* __[01:16](en/tn/obs/help/01/16)__ So God rested from all he had been doing. He __blessed__ the seventh day and made it holy, because on this day he rested from his work.
* __[04:04](en/tn/obs/help/04/04)__"I will make your name great. I will __bless__ those who __bless__ you and curse those who curse you. All families on earth will be __blessed__ because of you."
* __[04:07](en/tn/obs/help/04/07)__ Melchizedek __blessed__ Abram and said, "May God Most High who owns heaven and earth __bless__ Abram."
* __[07:03](en/tn/obs/help/07/03)__ Isaac wanted to give his __blessing__ to Esau.
* __[08:05](en/tn/obs/help/08/05)__ Even in prison, Joseph remained faithful to God, and God __blessed__ him.