* Only God is absolutely holy. He makes people and things holy.
* A person who is holy belongs to God and has been set apart for the purpose of serving God and bringing him glory.
* An object that God has declared to be holy is one that he has set apart for his glory and use, such as an altar that is for the purpose of offering sacrifices to him.
* In the Old Testament, God set apart the priests as holy for special service to him. They had to be ceremonially cleansed from sin in order to approach God.
* Ways to translate "holy" might include "set apart for God" or "belonging to God" or "completely pure" or "perfectly sinless" or "separated from sin."
* __[01:16](en/tn/obs/help/01/16)__ He (God) blessed the seventh day and made it __holy__, because on this day he rested from his work.
* __[09:12](en/tn/obs/help/09/12)__"You are standing on __holy__ ground."
* __[13:01](en/tn/obs/help/13/01)__"If you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my prized possession, a kingdom of priests, and a __holy__ nation."
* __[13:05](en/tn/obs/help/13/05)__"Always be sure to keep the Sabbath day __holy__."
* __[22:05](en/tn/obs/help/22/05)__"So the baby will be __holy__, the Son of God."
* __[50:02](en/tn/obs/help/50/02)__ As we wait for Jesus to return, God wants us to live in a way that is __holy__ and that honors him.