# Introduction to Translation Notes Translation Notes is a set of open-licensed exegetical notes that provide historical, cultural, and linguistic information for translators. It provides translators and checkers with pertinent, just-in-time information to help them make the best possible translation decisions. ## Content Editors: - Robert W Johnson, B.S./M.S., Chemical Engineering - John Hutchins, MA in New Testament, MA in Biblical Languages - Perry Oakes, PhD in Old Testament, MA in Linguistics - James N. Pohlig, M.Div., MA in Linguistics, D. Litt. in Biblical Languages - Edward Quigley, MA in Linguistics - Susan Quigley, MA in Linguistics - Larry Sallee, D.Min. - Bram van den Heuvel, MA in Bible/Biblical Studies - Henry Whitney, BA, Education - 'Door43 World Missions Community' - 'Wycliffe Associates Staff ## Viewing To read or print Translation Notes, see ULB Translation Notes on the "Translations" page of Bible in Every Language (https://bibleineverylanguage.org/translations/). ## Appendix to Translation Notes You can learn more about Translation Notes in the Appendix, [[rc://en_tn/00-About_tN/tN-3-Appendix.md]]. It has the following sections: How to use Translation Notes, Decisions Concerning Translation Notes, and Additional Contributors to Translation Notes.