# while we are in this tent Paul speaks of the physical body as if it were a "tent." # in this tent, we groan The word "tent" refers to "the earthly dwelling that we live in." # being burdened Paul refers to the difficulties that the physical body experiences as if they were heavy objects that are difficult to carry. # We do not want to be unclothed ... we want to be clothed Here "to be unclothed" refers to the death of the physical body; "to be clothed" refers to the resurrection body that God will give. # to be unclothed "to be without clothes" or "to be naked" # so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life The physical body that will die will be replaced by a resurrection body that will live forever. # so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life "so that life may swallow up what is mortal"