1. Vision of God in heaven, and a vision of the Lamb (4:1-5:14)
1. The seven seals (6:1-8:1)
1. The seven trumpets (8:2-13:18)
1. Worshipers of the Lamb, the martyrs, and the harvest of wrath (14:1-20)
1. The seven bowls (15:1-18:24)
1. Worship in heaven (19:1-10)
1. The Lamb's judgment, the destruction of the beast, the thousand years, the destruction of Satan, and the final judgment (20:11-15)
1. The new creation and the new Jerusalem (21:1-22:5)
1. Jesus's promise to return, the witness from the angels, John's closing words, Christ's message to his church, and the invitation and the warning (22:6-21)
John wrote the Book of Revelation to encourage believers to remain faithful even when they are suffering. John described visions he had of Satan and his followers fighting against and killing believers. In the visions God causes many terrible things to happen on the earth to punish wicked people. In the end, Jesus defeats Satan and his followers. Then Jesus comforts those who were faithful. And the believers will live forever with God in the new heavens and earth.