## translationWords * [[en:tw:afflict]] * [[en:tw:afflict|afflict, affliction]] * [[en:tw:betray]] * [[en:tw:children]] * [[en:tw:children|children, child]] * [[en:tw:discipline]] * [[en:tw:discipline|discipline]] * [[en:tw:generation]] * [[en:tw:generation|generation]] * [[en:tw:hand]] * [[en:tw:hand|hand]] * [[en:tw:innocent]] * [[en:tw:innocent|innocent]] * [[en:tw:vain]] * [[en:tw:vain|vain]] ## translationNotes * Asaph complains to God about his situation. * **I have** - The word "I" refers to Asaph. * **I have guarded my heart and washed my hands in innocence** - These two phrases share similar meanings and are combined for emphasis. (See: [[:en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_parallelism]]) * **guarded my heart** - AT: "I have kept my thoughts pure." (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor]]) * **washed my hands in innocence** - See how you translated this in [[:en:bible:notes:psa:026:006]]. AT: "my actions have remained pure" or "I have washed my hands to show that I am innocent." (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor]]) * **For all the day long have I been afflicted and disciplined every morning.** - These two phrases share similar meanings and are combined for emphasis. * **All the day long ** - "Always" or "Every day" * **afflicted and disciplined ** - ** (See: [[:en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_doublet]])