## translationWords * [[en:tw:prophet]] * [[en:tw:written]] ## translationNotes * Jesus continues to talk to the crowds about John the Baptist. * **But what did you go out to see ** - This continues the series of rhetorical questions about John the Baptist. (See: [[en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion]]) * **But what did you go out to see--a prophet? Yes, I say to you ** - -a prophet? Yes, I say to you ** - The plural pronoun "you" is referring to the crowd in both cases. * **much more than a prophet ** - “not an ordinary prophet” or “more important than a normal prophet” * **This is he ** - "This" refers to John the Baptist. * **he of whom it was written** - The pronoun "he" refers to "my messenger" in the next phrase. * **See, I am sending my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you. ** - Jesus is quoting here from the prophet Malachi and saying that John was that messenger in the writings of Malachi [[:en:bible:notes:mal:03:01]]. * **I am sending my messenger** - The pronouns "I" and "my" refer to God. The writer of this Old Testament prophecy is quoting what God said. * **before your face ** - “in front of you” or “to go ahead of you.” The pronoun “you” is singular, because God was speaking to the Messiah in the quotation. (See: [[en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_you]])