# ἐγείρω/egeirō This word is a type of action. It is a verb. * This word can mean to wake up or awaken someone from sleep. * Sometimes waking up is a metaphor for waking up from spiritual deadness. Other times waking up is a metaphor for coming back to life from the dead. * This word can mean to raise up or rise. * Often this word can talk about a person raising up or coming back to life from the dead. * This word can talk about a person getting up or rising from sitting or lying down. * Sometimes this word is a metaphor for a country rising up against another country to make war. * Sometimes this word is a metaphor for making something begin to live that was not alive before. * Sometimes this word is a metaphor for someone appearing or coming to a place so that he can speak or do something. * This word can mean to restore someone to health from sickness.