# Demon Demons are spiritual beings that do not honor God. They do evil things. God created angels to serve him. However, Satan did not want to serve God. So he did not honor God. When Satan went against God, some of the angels followed Satan (see: Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:9). Because of this, God made them leave heaven. Christianity teaches that demons or evil spirits are the angels who did not honor God. See: [Spirit (Spiritual)](../articles/spiritspiritual.md); [Angel](../articles/angel.md); [Serve (Servant, Slave)](../articles/serve.md); [Satan (The Devil)](../articles/satan.md); [Heaven](../articles/heaven.md); #### More Information About This Topic Sometimes demons are called "unclean spirits." The term "unclean" means "impure," "evil," or "unholy." Sometimes demons live inside of people and control them. Jesus healed people whom demons controlled. He did this by commanding the demons to leave the people’s bodies (see: Luke 8:26-33). See: [Clean and Unclean](../articles/cleanunclean.md); [Demon Possession (Casting Out Demons)](../articles/demonpossession.md)