Open Greek New Testament project aims to provide a bundle of high-quality and open-source materials on Greek New Testament for biblical studies.
An eclectic text, namely "Open Greek New Testament [OGNT]", is first produced as the base text for the rest of the project. The text of OPNT is built upon a group of high-quality scholarly materials</a>. This aims to provide all bible students or scholars <b>a free text</b>, which is <ahref=''><b>the closest equivalent to the text of NA28</b></a>, for studies or research purposes.
- Keyed Features and Mapping IDs: <ahref=''></a>
Comparison between OGNT and NA28 is briefly described <ahref=''>HERE</a>.
Previous two versions of the base text of OpenGNT project were compiled from <ahref=''>TANTT - Tyndale Amalgamated NT Tagged texts</a>. They are now replaced by the latest version (version 3). No support will be provided for the previous versions.
The latest base text of Open Greek New Testament Project, OGNT in short, was compiled from Berean Greek Bible and its associated database, which is primarily based on the Greek New Testament, <ahref=''>ΗΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ</a>, edited by Eberhard Nestle, published in 1904 by the British and Foreign Bible Society.
The Greek New Testament (Nestle, 1904) is now a public domain document worldwide, without any limitations for use or copyright issues. <ahref=''>The Berean Bible Translation Committee</a> adopted it years ago as the base text for developing Berean Greek Bible and associated resources on New Testament.
The final text of <ahref=''>Berean Greek Bible</a> is primary based on Nestle Greek New Testament (1904), with standardisation of spellings and textual decisions reflecting the best and earliest manuscripts. In addition, Berean translation table marks some significant textual variants of popular critical Greek New Testament editions, with <ahref=''>a set of symbols</a>.
In August, 2018, Eliran Wong [<ahref=''></a>] received permission, granted by John Isett [<ahref=''></a>] to integrate Berean Greek Bible and its associated data into Open Greek New Testament Project, for compilation, mapping resources and distribution.
As the original Greek New Testament (Nestle, 1904) is akin to recent editions of NA texts (e.g. NA27, NA28), it soon became obvious that Berean Greek data is a very good source for compiling the base text of Open Greek New Testament Project, both for reading and for further mapping valuables resources based on NA27 / NA28.
Berean Greek Bible and its associated data were then taken into review and processed, for compilation of a NA-equivalent Greek New Testament. The process of compilation is briefly described below:
- Variants markers were reviewed, a few were refined.
- Three missing variants from Byzantine text were added to the database.
-<ahref=''>Bunning Heuristic Prototype Greek New Testament</a>, BHP in short, released by <ahref=''>Center for New Testament Restoration</a>, was compared in the review process. BHP was taken into weighing textual decisions, as it is one of the latest projects to reflect the best and earliest manuscripts. The result is that two textual variants, taken from the text of BHP, were added to the database.
- Berean Greek Bible uses KJV versification. Mapping data to original GNT's versification (Nestle 1904). Minor variations follows SBLGNT's versification. <i>Remarks: </i>BHP was not considered in the development of Berean Greek Bible, because it had not been published at the first launch of Berean Greek Bible.
- Punctuation marks were adapted from data provided in <ahref=''>TANTT - Tyndale Amalgamated NT Tagged texts</a>. OpenGNT project further places punctuation marks into two groups, i.e. those preceding a word and those following a word.
- To ensure transparency, the original database for compilation, including Berean Greek Data, and additional data mentioned above, is uploaded <ahref=''>HERE</a>.
- The process of the compilation is repeatable through the use of a simple Python script uploaded <ahref=''>HERE</a>. The script is provided for the sake of transparency. In addition, it may be useful for validation or checking.
The resulting text is suprisingly very close to the text of NA28. It only has 111 words different from the text of NA28. The text is now taken as the latest version (version 3) of the base text of Open Greek New Testament Project, replacing all previous versions. It is not only the closest equivalent to the text of NA28 / NA27, but also <b>the best FREE candidate</b> for mapping resources originally keyed to NA28 / NA27, e.g. OpenText Linguistic Annotations, Levinsohn Greek New Testament discourse features.
Comparison between OGNT and NA28 is briefly described <ahref=''>HERE</a>.
<arel="license"href=""><imgalt="Creative Commons Licence"style="border-width:0"src=""/></a><br/><spanxmlns:dct=""property="dct:title">Open Greek New Testament Project</span> by <axmlns:cc=""href=""property="cc:attributionName"rel="cc:attributionURL">Eliran Wong</a> is licensed under a <arel="license"href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.<br/>Based on a work at <axmlns:dct=""href=""rel="dct:source"></a>.<br/>Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <axmlns:cc=""href=""rel="cc:morePermissions"></a>.
You are allowed to use, adapt and distribute OpenGNT materials for non-commercial purpose only. Commercial use is NOT granted with the license stated above. You may <ahref=''>email</a> to ask for permission to use in commercial project.
by Eliran Wong [<ahref=''target='_blank'></a>; <ahref=''target='_blank'>Contact</a>],<br>
This annotation was completed in 2006 and was made available for viewing on the website and also implemented in Logos bible search software.<br>
The annotation data has been migrated to a new, inline XML format by Christopher Land and the base text has been corrected and updated to the NA28 by Christopher Land and Ryder Wishart.
Stephen Levinsohn's complete discourse features markup of the Greek New Testament (UBS4/NA27). This data was originally developed in BART and follow principles Levinsohn documented in his volume of Discourse Features of New Testament Greek.<br>
The NET Bible® verse text (no Notes) can be used by anyone and integrated into your non-commercial project or publication upon condition of proper Biblical Studies Press copyright and organizational acknowledgments ... (<ahref=''target='_blank'></a>)
- an analytical lexicon containing all words of OpenGNT text - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- a full set of context-sensitive glosses for OpenGNT [<ahref=''>Find regular updates HERE</a>; read file description <ahref=''>HERE</a>.]
- mapping GK numbers (mapped with <ahref=''>Mounce's Concise Greek-English dictionary</a>) - <ahref=''>First draft; CHECKING in progress</a><br>
- mapping Louw-Nida numbers (numbers only, not copyrighted materials) - <ahref=''>First draft; CHECKING in progress</a><br>
- mapping BDAG catchwords (catchwords only, not copyrighted materials) - <ahref=''>First draft; CHECKING in progress</a><br>
- mapping EDNT catchwords (catchwords only, not copyrighted materials) - <ahref=''>First draft; CHECKING in progress</a><br>
- mapping <ahref=''target='_blank'>Mounce's NT dictionary</a> - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- creating a html template for visual presentation of OpenText annotations - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- tagging the text of OGNT with <ahref=''>Levinsohn GNT discourse features</a>, like <ahref=''>main clauses</a>, <ahref=''>OT quotations</a>, <ahref=''>reported speeches</a>, <ahref=''>embedded reported speeches</a>, etc. - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- mapping "<ahref=''target='_blank'>The NET Bible® verse text (no Notes) - 2nd Edition; New Testament</a>" (1st draft uploaded <ahref=''>HERE</a>; subject to on-going revision)<br>
- more ... you are welcome to make suggestions at <ahref=''target='_blank'></a>
Modules based on OpenGNT project are released gradually for use with bible applications. They are made available in folder "<ahref=''>Modules_for_Bible_Applications</a>"
If you are a software developer and interested in this project, you are welcomed to contact <ahref=''target='_blank'>Eliran Wong</a>.