An eclectic text, namely "Open Greek New Testament [OGNT]", is first produced as the base text for the rest of the project. The text of OPNT is built upon <ahref=''>a group of high-quality scholarly materials</a>. This aims to provide all bible students or scholars <b>a free text</b>, which is <ahref=''><b>the closest equivalent to the text of NA28</b></a>, for studies or research purposes.
"<ahref=''></a>" is currently the main file for practical use. [<i>Remarks: Unzip the file before using it.</i>]
<ahref=''>This main text of OGNT </a> is currently <ahref=''><b>the closest equivalent to the text of NA28</b></a>, made available for distribution under an open-license.
- each line starts with a sort number in the whole text, followed by two different versions of mapping id, separated from one another by a [TAB] character,<br>
3) accentedWordV2 = Accented Word (version 2) - "M" variants of the latest TANTT; find updates <ahref=''>HERE</a> for the differences between "accentedWordV1" and "accentedWordV2".<br>
1) puncMpWv1 = Punctuation mark(s), which precede(s) the main word (version 1)<br>
2) puncMfWv1 = Punctuation mark(s), which follow(s) the main word (version 1)<br>
3) puncMpWv2 = Punctuation mark(s), which precede(s) the main word (version 2)<br>
4) puncMfWv2 = Punctuation mark(s), which follow(s) the main word (version 2)<br>
Find updates <ahref=''>HERE</a> for the differences between "version 1" and "version 2".<br>
-<b>Gropu IV - Mapping to Data</b>: <br>
1) <b>OpenTextWordID</b> - Base Word IDs for for mapping <ahref=''target='_blank'> Linguisitc Annotation of the Greek New Testament</a>'s data<br> (Remarks: OpenText's GNT annotations places shorter ending of Mark 16 at the end of Mark 16:8 whereas OpenGNT places it at the end of Mark 16:20)<br><br>
1) <b>LevinsohnWordID</b> - Word IDs for mapping <ahref=''target='_blank'>Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features</a><br><b>Full mapping is available in the file <ahref=''></a>.</b><br> (Remarks: Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features places shorter ending of Mark 16 at the end of Mark 16:8 whereas OpenGNT places it at the end of Mark 16:20)<br>
2) <b>noteMarker</b> - Note marker, mapped to <ahref=''>notes of Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features</a><br>
3) <b>noteMarkerNoClause</b> - Note marker, mapped to <ahref=''>notes of Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [without clauses]</a><br>
5) <b>otQuotation</b> - Old Testament Quotations, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [<ot> means "beginning of an OT quotation"; * means a word within an OT quotation; </ot> means "end of an OT quotation"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.<br>
6) <b>reportedSpeech</b> - Reported speech, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [<rs> means "beginning of a reported speech"; * means a word within a reported speech; </rs> means "end of a reported speech"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.<br>
7) <b>embeddedReportedSpeech</b> - Embedded reported speech, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [<ers> means "beginning of an embedded reported speech"; * means a word within an embedded reported speech; </ers> means "end of an embedded reported speech"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.<br>
1) <b>MounceGloss</b> - English glosses (Context-<b>insensitive</b>) -<br>
English glosses selected from <ahref=''>Mounce's Concise Greek-English dictionary</a><br>
2) <b>TyndaleHouseGloss</b> - English glosses (Context-<b>insensitive</b>) -<br>
Generated from glosses of TBESG, produced by Tyndale House, Cambridge UK<br>
3) <b>OpenGNTGloss</b> - English glosses (Context-<b>sensitive</b>) -<br>
A full set of context-sensitive glosses for OpenGNT, worked out by Eliran Wong [initial data are drawn from "TyndaleHouseGloss" mentioned above; every gloss will be checked against its context; on-going updates are gradually integrated <ahref=''>HERE</a>; please check regularly]<br>
4) <b>NET2Words</b> - Words of The NET Bible® verse text (no Notes; 2nd Edition), mapped to OGNT [1st draft uploaded; subject to on-going revision]<br><br>
<ahref=''>Enhanced features</a> are gradually integrated in <ahref=''>this file</a>.
1) <b>editionMarker1</b> - a type of marker for details of editions, used in applications, e.g. BibleBento Plus<br>
2) <b>editionMarker2</b> - a type of marker for details of editions, used in applications, e.g. e-Sword<br>
3) <b>editions</b> - GNT editions having the same spelling as the main word of OpenGNT. There may be variation in accentuation or capitalisation, though. [B=Byzantine, I=NIV Greek, N=NA27, M=NA28 where words are different from NA27, R=Textus Receptus, S=SBLGNT, T=<ahref=''target='_blank'>Tregelles's GNT</a>, W=Westcott-Hort, H=<ahref=''target='_blank'>Tydale House GNT</a>]<br>
This last column provide words of OGNT in html format, with taggings on extended Strong's numbers, morphology, ot quotation [ot.../ot], reported speech [rs.../rs], embedded reported speech [ers.../ers], textual variant marker, Levinsohn's clause division & note marker, if applicable.<br><br>
- Lines / Entries starting with the following numbers are created for mapping purpose only (mapping resouces based on NA27, e.g. Levinsohn Discource Features):<br>
All files produced by this project are released under <ahref=''target='_blank'>CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 with additional specified relaxations</a>
You are allowed to use or distribute OpenGNT materials for non-commercial purpose (formatting is allowed, without changes in mapping data).
You are required to quote the following information, when any parts of OpenGNT materials are integrated in your own work or distributed:
Developer: Eliran Wong [<ahref=''target='_blank'>Contact</a>; <ahref=''target='_blank'></a>],<br>
This annotation was completed in 2006 and was made available for viewing on the website and also implemented in Logos bible search software.<br>
The annotation data has been migrated to a new, inline XML format by Christopher Land and the base text has been corrected and updated to the NA28 by Christopher Land and Ryder Wishart.
Stephen Levinsohn's complete discourse features markup of the Greek New Testament (UBS4/NA27). This data was originally developed in BART and follow principles Levinsohn documented in his volume of Discourse Features of New Testament Greek.<br>
The NET Bible® verse text (no Notes) can be used by anyone and integrated into your non-commercial project or publication upon condition of proper Biblical Studies Press copyright and organizational acknowledgments ... (<ahref=''target='_blank'></a>)
Read in folder "<ahref=''>From_TANTT_to_OpenGNT</a>" for an introduction of TANTT and additional content, introduced by OpenGNT.
- an analytical lexicon containing all words of OpenGNT text - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- a full set of context-sensitive glosses for OpenGNT [<ahref=''>Find regular updates HERE</a>; read file description <ahref=''>HERE</a>.]
- creating a html template for visual presentation of OpenText annotations - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- tagging the text of OGNT with <ahref=''>Levinsohn GNT discourse features</a>, like <ahref=''>main clauses</a>, <ahref=''>OT quotations</a>, <ahref=''>reported speeches</a>, <ahref=''>embedded reported speeches</a>, etc. - <ahref=''>DONE!</a><br>
- mapping "<ahref=''target='_blank'>The NET Bible® verse text (no Notes) - 2nd Edition; New Testament</a>" (1st draft uploaded <ahref=''>HERE</a>; subject to on-going revision)<br>
- more ... you are welcome to make suggestions at <ahref=''target='_blank'></a>
Modules based on OpenGNT project are released gradually for use with bible applications. They are made available in folder "<ahref=''>Modules_for_Bible_Applications</a>"
If you are a software developer and interested in this project, you are welcomed to contact <ahref=''target='_blank'>Eliran Wong</a>.