- Base Text of OGNT: <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip'>OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip</a>
- Keyed Features and Mapping IDs: <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv.zip'>OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv.zip</a>
These are important bridges for mapping key features in file <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv.zip'>OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv.zip</a>.
Sort numbers as in the first column of the file "<ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv.zip'>OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv</a>"
Clause ID assigned to each word, corresponding to main cluase features as keyed in "<ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv.zip'>OpenGNT_keyedFeatures.csv</a>"
1) <b>OGNTk</b> = Greek word of OGNT in <ahref='https://greekcntr.org/downloads/NTGRG.pdf'>Koine Greek</a>; used with <ahref='https://greekcntr.org/downloads/KoineGreek.ttf'>KoineGreek Font</a><br>
2) <b>OGNTu</b> = Greek word of OGNT in unaccented form<br>
3) <b>OGNTa</b> = Greek word of OGNT in accented form<br>
4) <b>lexeme</b> = Greek word of OGNT in lexical form<br>
5) <b>sn</b> = Extended Strong's number, according to conventions of <ahref='https://github.com/tyndale/STEPBible-Data/blob/master/TBESG%20-%20Tyndale%20Brief%20lexicon%20of%20Extended%20Strongs%20for%20Greek%20-%20TyndaleHouse.com%20STEPBible.org%20CC%20BY-NC-ND.txt'>TBESG - Tyndale Brief lexicon of Extended Strongs for Greek</a><br>
6) <b>rmac</b> = Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes, morphological analysis combining James Tauber's work in TANTT and data in Berean translation table
1) <b>BDAGentry</b> = Lexical entry for lookup in <i>A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd ed.</i><br>
2) <b>EDNTentry</b> = Lexical entry for lookup in <i>Eerdman's Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament</i><br>
3) <b>MounceEntry</b> = Lexical entry for lookup in <i>Mounce's Greek NT dictionary</i><br>
2) <b>IT</b> = Interlinear Translation (context-sensitive); <br>adapted from Berean Interlinear Bible, with changes made where OGNT is different from BGB.<br>
3) <b>LT</b> = Literal Translation (context-sensitive); <br>adapted from Berean Literal Bible, with changes made where OGNT is different from BGB.<br>
2) <b>PMfWord</b> = punctuation mark(s) following the main word<br>
<i>Remarks:</i> Punctuation marks were adapted from data available in <ahref='https://github.com/tyndale/STEPBible-Data'>TANTT - Tyndale Amalgamated NT Tagged texts</a>.
This is a set of mapping ID, used to map resources, e.g. check the 1st column in file, mapping <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/mapping_LevinsohnGNTDF/OGNT_FullMapping_Levinsohn.csv.zip'>Levinsohn GNT discourse features</a> to OGNT.<br>
1) <b>OGNTsort</b> - It is same as the "OGNTsort" in file <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip'>OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip</a>; this number is used as a mapping id in this file, to map the base text of OGNT to various GNT features.<br>
2) <b>TANTTsort</b> - It is same as the "TANTTsort" in file <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip'>OpenGNT_BASE_TEXT.zip</a>; this number is used as a mapping id in this file, to map the base text of OGNT to various GNT features.<br>
3) <b>OpenTextWordID</b> - Base Word IDs for for mapping <ahref='https://github.com/OpenText-org/GNT_annotation_v1.0'target='_blank'>OpenText.org Linguisitc Annotation of the Greek New Testament</a>'s data<br> (Remarks: OpenText's GNT annotations places shorter ending of Mark 16 at the end of Mark 16:8 whereas OpenGNT places it at the end of Mark 16:20)<br><br>
1) <b>LevinsohnWordID</b> - Word IDs for mapping <ahref='https://github.com/biblicalhumanities/levinsohn'target='_blank'>Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features</a><br><b>Full mapping is available in the file <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/mapping_LevinsohnGNTDF/OGNT_FullMapping_Levinsohn.csv.zip'>OGNT_FullMapping_Levinsohn.csv.zip</a>.</b><br> (Remarks: Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features places shorter ending of Mark 16 at the end of Mark 16:8 whereas OpenGNT places it at the end of Mark 16:20)<br>
2) <b>noteMarker</b> - Note marker, mapped to <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/mapping_LevinsohnGNTDF/Levinsohn_notes.csv'>notes of Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features</a><br>
3) <b>noteMarkerNoClause</b> - Note marker, mapped to <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/mapping_LevinsohnGNTDF/Levinsohn_notes_withoutClauses.csv'>notes of Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [without clauses]</a><br>
4) <b>clause</b> - Clause markers, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features<br>
5) <b>clauseID</b> - ClauseID, assigned for each word<br>
6) <b>otQuotation</b> - Old Testament Quotations, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [<ot> means "beginning of an OT quotation"; * means a word within an OT quotation; </ot> means "end of an OT quotation"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.<br>
7) <b>reportedSpeech</b> - Reported speech, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [<rs> means "beginning of a reported speech"; * means a word within a reported speech; </rs> means "end of a reported speech"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.<br>
8) <b>embeddedReportedSpeech</b> - Embedded reported speech, according to Levinsohn's GNT Discourse Features [<ers> means "beginning of an embedded reported speech"; * means a word within an embedded reported speech; </ers> means "end of an embedded reported speech"; the slot is empty where it is not applicable.<br>
A full set of context-sensitive glosses for OpenGNT, worked out by Eliran Wong [initial data are drawn from "TyndaleHouseGloss" mentioned above; every gloss will be checked against its context; on-going updates are gradually integrated <ahref='https://github.com/eliranwong/OpenGNT/blob/master/OpenGNT.csv.zip'>HERE</a>; please check regularly]
- Lines / Entries starting with the following numbers are created for mapping purpose only (mapping resouces based on NA27, e.g. Levinsohn Discource Features):<br>