diff --git a/62-2PE/01.usfm b/62-2PE/01.usfm
index b6b82a62..42db027b 100644
--- a/62-2PE/01.usfm
+++ b/62-2PE/01.usfm
@@ -6,13 +6,9 @@
 \v 2 May grace be to you; may peace increase through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 \v 3 As all the things of divine power for life and godliness have been given to us  through the knowledge of God, who called us through his own glory and virtue.
 \v 4 Through these, he gave us precious and great promises. He did this so that you might be sharers in the divine nature, as you escape from the corruption that is in the world in wicked desires.
-\v 4 Through these, he gave us precious and great promises. He did this so that you might be sharers in the divine nature, as you escape from the corruption that is in the world in wicked desires. 
->>>>>>> origin/master
 \v 5 For this same reason, do your best to gain virtue through your faith, and through your virtue, gain knowledge.
 \v 6 Through your knowledge, gain self-control, and through your self-control, gain endurance, and through your endurance, gain godliness.