diff --git a/33-MIC.usfm b/33-MIC.usfm
index 6b041c6b..3f691e28 100644
--- a/33-MIC.usfm
+++ b/33-MIC.usfm
@@ -188,80 +188,84 @@
 \c 3
-\v 1 I said, "Now listen,
-\q you leaders of Jacob
-\q and rulers of the house of Israel:
+\v 1 I said,
+\q "Now listen, you leaders of Jacob
+\q2 and rulers of the house of Israel:
 \q Is it not right for you to understand justice?
-\v 2 You who hate good
-\q and love evil,
+\v 2 You who hate good and love evil,
 \q you who tear off their skin,
-\q their flesh from their bones—
+\q2 their flesh from their bones—
 \v 3 you who also eat the flesh of my people,
-\q and tear off their skin,
-\q break their bones,
+\q2 and tear off their skin,
+\q2 break their bones,
 \q and chop them in pieces,
-\q just like meat for a pot,
-\q just like meat in a cauldron.
+\q2 just like meat for a pot,
+\q2 just like meat in a cauldron.
 \v 4 Then you rulers will cry out to Yahweh,
-\q but he will not answer you.
+\q2 but he will not answer you.
 \q He will hide his face from you at that time,
-\q because you have done evil deeds."
+\q2 because you have done evil deeds."
 \v 5 Yahweh says this,
-\q "As for the prophets who lead my people astray,
+\q "As for the prophets
+\q2 who lead my people astray,
 \q if one gives them something to eat,
-\q they proclaim, 'Peace.'
+\q2 they proclaim, 'Peace.'
 \q But if he puts nothing in their mouths,
-\q they dedicate themselves to wage war on him.
+\q2 they dedicate themselves to wage war on him.
 \v 6 Therefore, it will be night for you with no vision for you;
-\q it will be dark so that you will do no divination.
+\q2 it will be dark so that you will do no divination.
 \q The sun will go down on the prophets,
-\q and the day will be dark on them.
+\q2 and the day will be dark on them.
 \v 7 The seers will be put to shame,
-\q and the diviners will be embarrassed.
+\q2 and the diviners will be embarrassed.
 \q All of them will cover their lips,
-\q for there is no answer from God."
+\q2for there is no answer from God."
-\v 8 But as for me, I am full of power by the Spirit of Yahweh,
-\q and am full of justice and might,
+\v 8 But as for me, I am full of power
+\q2 by the Spirit of Yahweh,
+\q2 and am full of justice and might,
 \q to declare to Jacob his transgression,
-\q and to Israel his sin.
+\q2 and to Israel his sin.
 \v 9 Now listen to this,
-\q you leaders of the house of Jacob,
-\q and rulers of the house of Israel,
+\q2 you leaders of the house of Jacob,
+\q2 and rulers of the house of Israel,
 \q you who detest justice,
-\q and pervert everything that is right.
+\q2 and pervert everything that is right.
 \v 10 You build Zion with blood
-\q and Jerusalem with iniquity.
+\q2 and Jerusalem with iniquity.
 \v 11 Your leaders judge for a bribe,
-\q your priests teach for a price,
-\q and your prophets do divination for money.
+\q2 your priests teach for a price,
+\q2 and your prophets do divination for money.
 \q Yet you rely on Yahweh and say,
-\q "Is not Yahweh with us?
-\q No evil will come on us."
+\q2 "Is not Yahweh with us?
+\q2 No evil will come on us."
 \v 12 Therefore, because of you,
-\q Zion will become a plowed field,
+\q2 Zion will become a plowed field,
 \q Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble,
-\q and the hill of the temple will become high places of a thicket.
+\q and the hill of the temple
+\q2 will become high places of a thicket.
 \c 4