diff --git a/59-heb/03.md b/59-heb/03.md
index 0b7e755..31c93d4 100644
--- a/59-heb/03.md
+++ b/59-heb/03.md
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ In 3:16-19, the author wrote three questions so that his readers might better kn
 So, God kept the Israelites from going into the promised land because they stopped believing in him. They committed sins and did not do what God wanted. The author wanted his readers to know God will also punish them if they do not do what he wants them to do.
-See: Israel; Holy Spirit; Psalm; Sin; Punish (Punishment); Reward; Canaan (Promised Land) 
+See: [Holy Spirit](../articles/holyspirit.md); [Holy Spirit](../articles/holyspirit.md); [Psalm](../articles/psalm.md); [Sin](../articles/sin.md); [Punish (Punishment)](../articles/punish.md); [Reward](../articles/reward.md); [Canaan (Promised Land)](../articles/canaan.md)