diff --git a/21.jhn/01.md b/21.jhn/01.md index 1db942f..2567397 100644 --- a/21.jhn/01.md +++ b/21.jhn/01.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ These verses show that Jesus is God. Jesus is God the Son, so he is fully God. J **Advice to Translators**: In English, scholars talk about Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit as being different “persons” of God. This is because there is not a good way to describe how Jesus, the Son of God, is different than God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. People cannot fully know how this is true. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not people. When scholars say they are different “persons,” they mean they are distinct even though they always want the same things, they are equal to one another, and they cannot be separated. There is only one God. God is one, he is not three different gods.The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all one. They are all the same God, but not the same “person.” Jesus is completely God. But Jesus is not the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is not the Father. Also, the Father is completely God, but the Father is not Jesus or the Holy Spirit either. Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are not three smaller parts of one larger God. Also, God does not have three separate faces, that is, three separate sides. God also does not change into the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at different times. God is always Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. -See: [Trinity](../articles/trinity.md); Jesus is God +See: [Trinity](../articles/trinity.md); [Jesus is God](../articles/jesusisgod.md) ### Why does John use the metaphor of light?