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+# Avenge (Vengeance, Revenge)
+The words “avenge” and “vengeance” are used to talk about someone punishing a person because that person harmed them or harmed someone else. Sometimes the words “pay back” are also used to talk about this. A person punishes someone in order to “pay him back” for the harm he did. That is, they give him the punishment they think he deserves. A person who “avenges” or “takes vengeance” usually punishes someone so there is justice. That is, they want people to be treated in a right and fair way. 
+The word “revenge” is also used to talk about someone punishing a person in order to “pay him back” for the harm he did. But someone who “takes revenge” usually is not concerned about justice. Instead, they want to hurt the person who harmed them. 
+See: Justice (Just, Unjust)
+#### More Information About This Topic
+God takes vengeance on people who do what is evil (see: Leviticus 26:25; Deuteronomy 32:35; Psalm 94:1; Isaiah 34:8; 35:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:6; Hebrews 10:30-31). When God does this, he does what is right because he is punishing those who sin and rebel against him. 
+God gave commands in the Old Testament about how to take vengeance in certain situations (see: Exodus 1:15-21; Numbers 35:12-28). But in most situations, God said people should not take vengeance. They should wait and let God take vengeance (see: Leviticus 19:18; Romans 12:17-21; Hebrews 10:30-31; see also: Matthew 5:38-48).
+See: Righteous (Righteousness); Punish (Punishment); Sin; Rebel (Rebellion); Law of Moses