Mon Oct 21 2024 14:45:41 GMT-0500 (hora estándar de Colombia)

This commit is contained in:
tsDesktop 2024-10-21 14:45:41 -05:00
parent ecf8b47c77
commit 66b73938a2
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
\v 15 mag Faraonau ʉr athawei, ich diu thopuyag ujim Moisés. magjiepama moisés majim Faraon aigmua maig kerajim jeb the Madián. Jagai ich jupjim dõpos igau \v 16 Magbawei, Sacerdote madian Kharan noon waisiejim jʉa abawia nʉmi. Chi ʉʉin beejieram, dõ joyaan, maij jõi arjierum tʉtup ee dõ ich aai neminag bãu sim athẽ \v 17 pastornaan beejeram warcag athẽ, magai moises majim am Jua daumai Dim. Magtar IThur
dó Jiephejim neminag ee.
\v 15 mag Faraonau ʉr athawei, ich diu thopuyag ujim Moisés. magjiepama moisés majim Faraon aigmua maig kerajim jeb the Madián. Jagai ich jupjim dõpos igau \v 16 Magbawei, Sacerdote madian Kharan noon waisiejim jʉa abawia nʉmi. Chi ʉʉin beejieram, dõ joyaan, maij jõi arjierum tʉtup ee dõ ich aai neminag bãu sim athẽ \v 17 pastornaan beejeram waraag athẽ, magai Moises majim am jua daumai ojim magtar khʉr
dõ Jiephejim neminag ee.