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2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\c 3
\v 1 The prayer of Habakkuk the prophet:
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\f + \ft The Hebrew text adds the expression \fqa on shigionoth \fqa* , which may refer to musical directions for singers. \f*
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\v 2 Yahweh, I have heard your report, and I am afraid.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\q Yahweh, revive your work in the midst of these times; in the midst of these times make it known;
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\q remember to have compassion in your wrath.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2016-11-16 16:46:11 +00:00
\v 3 God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran. \qs Selah. \qs*
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\q His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.
2017-04-03 16:05:09 +00:00
\v 4 With brightness like the light, two-pronged rays flash from his hand;
\q and there he hid his power.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2017-04-03 16:05:09 +00:00
\v 5 Deadly disease went before him,
\q and the plague followed him.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\v 6 He stood and measured the earth; he looked and shook the nations.
\q Even the eternal mountains were shattered, and the everlasting hills bowed down.
\q His path is everlasting.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\v 7 I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction, and the fabric of the tents in the land of Midian trembling.
2016-11-04 21:12:37 +00:00
\v 8 Was Yahweh angry at the rivers? Was your wrath against the rivers,
2016-10-03 16:04:36 +00:00
\q or your fury against the sea,
\q when you rode upon your horses and your victorious chariots?
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\v 9 You have brought out your bow without a cover; you put arrows to your bow! \qs Selah. \qs*
\q You divided the earth with rivers.
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\v 10 The mountains saw you and twisted in pain.
\q Downpours of water passed over them; the deep sea raised a shout.
\q It lifted up its waves.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2017-04-03 16:05:09 +00:00
\v 11 The sun and moon stood still in their high places
\q at the flash of your arrows as they fly,
\q at the lightning of your flashing spear.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\v 12 You have marched over the earth with indignation. In wrath you have threshed the nations.
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\v 13 You went out for the salvation of your people, for the salvation of your anointed one.
2017-03-31 14:51:38 +00:00
\q You shatter the head of the house of the wicked to lay bare from the base up to the neck. \qs Selah. \qs*
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2016-11-04 21:12:37 +00:00
\v 14 You have pierced the head of his warriors with his own arrows since they came like a storm to scatter us,
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\q their gloating was like one who devours the poor in a hiding place.
\v 15 You have traveled over the sea with your horses, and heaped up the great waters.
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\v 16 I heard, and my inner parts trembled! My lips quivered at the sound.
\q Decay comes into my bones, and under myself I tremble
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\q as I wait quietly for the day of distress to come upon the people who invade us.
2017-04-03 17:51:23 +00:00
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
\v 17 Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no produce from the vines;
2016-10-13 17:50:20 +00:00
\q2 and though the produce of the olive tree disappoints and the fields yield no food;
2017-04-03 17:03:44 +00:00
\q2 and though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls, this is what I will do.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\v 18 Still, I will rejoice in Yahweh. I will be joyful because of the God of my salvation.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00
2016-11-04 21:12:37 +00:00
\v 19 The Lord Yahweh is my strength
\q and he makes my feet like the deer's.
2016-11-16 01:20:03 +00:00
\q He makes me go forward on my high places.
\q3 —To the music director, on my stringed instruments.
2016-04-29 02:24:22 +00:00